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Android - root - app not installed package with this name already exists xiaomi. "The application is not installed Android" error - what to do The application is not installed package with such

The Android operating system has its own Play Market app store. Therefore, users are advised not to scour third-party resources in search of software, but to download it from an official, verified and moderated source. All this is very good, but sometimes the installation is interrupted by an error. The inscription "The application is not installed" appeared on Android - what to do in this case? There is nothing critical in this error, let's try to get rid of it together.

If the error “Application not installed” occurred during the installation of the software, then it’s time to clean the operating system from debris. It is really full here - it is formed as a result of the operation of the OS and applications, and in fairly large quantities. The presence of garbage leads to errors and failures, so you need to get rid of it. To do this, we will use the popular Clean Master application - it must be installed in advance, among the first applications.

How is cleaning done?

  • We start the application;
  • We start the garbage analysis;
  • We remove the found garbage.

Finally, you can unload unused applications - this is done with the click of a button.

If you want to achieve more expressive results, your smartphone or tablet should be restarted. After you clean the operating system of garbage, try to install the software again - go to the Play Market and run the re-installation. If everything went well, and critical junk was removed, the application installation will proceed without errors. Activate cleaning every time you notice some errors in the Android operating system.

Instead of the Clean Master application, you can use any other applications for cleaning and speeding up Android devices, including those combined with antivirus utilities. Also, many handsets have basic tools for clearing memory.

More and more often, built-in cleaners began to come across in smartphones. An example of this are devices from Huawei and Xiaomi - they use standard tools to clean up RAM and user memory. There are many advantages from them:

  • No need to use third-party software, sorting through dozens of options;
  • They do not clutter up memory, as they are built into the operating system;
  • They know exactly what is worth deleting and what is worth keeping in mind.

In addition, they do not need to be downloaded - everything is already on board.

Remove unnecessary applications and files

I got an "Application not installed" error on Android - what to do? Most likely, it's time to deal with unused software. It clutters the internal memory and interferes with the normal installation. As practice shows, errors occur even when there is less than 500-700 MB of free memory left. At the same time, many applications installed in the system are practically not used. Why keep them then? Feel free to demolish unnecessary applications and free up space.

You should also deal with the storage of music, photos and videos. If all this is stored in the built-in memory, you need to revise and transfer the files to a memory card or copy to your computer's hard drive. After removing the software and files, we launch Clean Master, clean up the garbage and proceed to re-install applications.

Photos and videos are best stored in the cloud. For example, in "Google Disk" or "Cloud". Initially, 8-10 GB are available to users, but this volume is easily expanded using paid plans. As an example, consider cloud storage plans from

  • 64 GB - 799 rubles / year or 99 rubles / month;
  • 128 GB - 1550 rubles / year or 169 rubles / month;
  • 256 GB - 2350 rubles / year or 249 rubles / month.

Promotional codes and promotions from cloud storage organizers will help you reduce the cost or get free additional disk space. As for music, use numerous music services to listen to it - these are Yandex.Music, Vkontakte Music, Google Music, Apple Music and many others. Moreover, cellular operators provide free traffic for them.

Moving software to a memory card

If your Android device showed the error "The application is not installed" and started to swear at the lack of memory, you need to remove some of the applications. Didn't find anything you didn't need? Then move some of the applications to the memory card - this is done in standard ways and with the help of additional software. The performance of applications may decrease slightly, but there will be a place to install the necessary software.

Please note that some phones do not support installing and moving programs to memory cards or do not have card slots at all.

Get rid of errors with a reboot

We still forgot about the easiest way to get rid of errors - this is the most banal reboot. It will help get rid of simple errors in the functioning of the operating system and bring it back to normal. Every user can reboot Android devices - to do this, hold the on / off button until the corresponding menu appears. Next, select the "Restart" item, wait for the reboot and proceed to reinstall the applications.

Virus cleaning

Virus infections can disrupt the functionality of the Android operating system. As a result of this, various errors may appear in it that interfere with the normal installation of applications. Therefore, it is very important to have at least the simplest antivirus on board - install it in advance, immediately after you have purchased a smartphone. After performing a thorough check for virus infections, you should proceed to reinstall the necessary applications.

If your device is damaged and clogged so much that cleaning and checking no longer helps, try performing a factory reset (Hard Reset). Be sure to back up your important data to a secure medium or cloud storage first.

Alternative Applications

In some cases, there is an incompatibility of applications with a particular smartphone or version of the operating system. You will have to look for alternative software with similar functionality. Another thing is that it is impossible to find a replacement for the same Sberbank Online. But for the social network VKontakte, there are many alternative clients. In addition, if you encounter an “App not installed” error, you can contact the developer of this application on Google Play - he will help solve this problem.

Quite often, users complain that when installing an application, an Android smartphone displays an error message “ Application not installed. A package with the same name already exists". This happens because the new package conflicts with an already existing package with the same name. Every app on Google Play has a unique package name, but that doesn't mean that two developers can't develop two different apps and give the file packages the same name. And then the error occurs when you try to install or download the APK file of the same name, and the Android device displays a corresponding message.

In most cases, the situation occurs when your phone has the same application already installed for multiple user profiles on the same device and it has not been properly removed from each profile. If you try to install a new APK of the same application in such a situation, then you will encounter exactly this error. So the most obvious solution would be to carefully uninstall the app and then try to install the new APK. So what do you need to do?

Basic solution

Open Settings -> Apps, then find and open the app information. After that, open the additional menu (3 vertical dots) and select "Delete" for all users.

This fix works in most cases, but there are occasional misfires where even after deleting the application, all users still have to deal with a package conflict with an already existing package with the same name.

Additional solutions

1st option - Allow installation of apps from unknown sources
To fix the error "The application is not installed. A package with this name already exists", you need to try to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources. The corresponding item is available in the security settings of the phone.

2nd Option - Install App with ADB
  1. First of all, you need to install the Android Debug Bridge for PC and in the "For Developers" options on your smartphone, activate the "USB Debugging" mode. (We wrote in detail about how to enable the "For Developers" mode in).
  2. Next, while holding down the power and volume + buttons, you need to reboot your smartphone into the "Recovery" mode, and then connect your Android device to your computer using a USB cable.
  3. Then you need to open a command prompt and enter the following command there:
    adb install -l -r name-of-file.apk
    * Instead of name-of-file.apk, specify the name of the application to be installed.
3rd option - modification of the application (requires Root-rights)
To use this method, you must have Root rights on your device and install the app. Next, you need to do next sequence of action:

Now you know how to deal with the situation if your Android smartphone gives the error “The application is not installed. A package with that name already exists." If you want to share your methods or tell if the methods suggested above worked, write in the comments. Let's discuss together.

Android app not installed. Already installed an existing package with the same name with a conflicting signature (8)

The app may not be successfully uninstalled. If your device is in this case, you can try this method.

First get the app's package name like "", you can use Root Explorer and find it in the manifest file (RE can decode the file). then you can use this script to remove it:

adb shell pm uninstall // replace to package name that you want to remove

In my emulator when i try to do update apk programmatically. I got:

Android App Not Install.

An existing package by the same name with a conflicting signature is already installed

I'm still in the testing phase of this update so the file I'm downloading is a signed apk from a previous version which I think should work without any issues.

There may be another reason where your app won't update when you change/add/remove shareId in AndroidManifiest.


Also check it out.

There is a difference between signed and unsigned APK files. Chances are you've had no sign before. You just need to remove the unsigned file before installing the signed version. How this can be done depends on the specific version, but in general, go to the emulator to settings->app, long press on your app and uninstall/remove/remove it.

Same package error:

  1. Create a new package in your application with a different name.
  2. Copy and paste the entire file in the old package into the new package.
  3. Save code.
  4. Remove the old package and clean and rebuild the project.

I had the same error message but these answers didn't help. On 4.3 nexus 7 I was using a user who was NOT the owner. I uninstalled the old version but I kept getting the same message.

Solution. I had to log in as the owner and go to Settings -> Apps and then go to the All tab. Scroll down to the very bottom of the list for older versions marked "not installed". Select it and click the "Settings" button in the top right corner and finally "delete for all users"

from android studio go to:

Gradle -> install -> uninstallAll

which will solve the problem.

Android smartphones have long gained popularity, because for this OS there are many different applications with wide functionality. The user can simply go to Google Play and select the appropriate program or game, and then install it with just a few taps. One of the popular applications that is pre-installed on many smartphones is Navitel Navigator. What is it for and how to remove it from Lenovo phone.

What is Navitel?

Navitel Navigator is a program that is a good navigation system for drivers. The software has services that show the weather on different sections of the roadway, traffic jams, etc. There are maps for almost all countries.

The only disadvantage of the utility is that it will be possible to use its capabilities only for 30 days. After that, you will have to purchase a license and a package of the necessary cards. For example, Navitel with a map of Russia will cost 2.1 thousand rubles.

How to uninstall Navitel from Lenovo?

If you installed the software yourself, you can uninstall it using the "Application Manager". If the program is preinstalled, then the algorithm of actions will become somewhat more complicated.

Method 1:

  • Activate the Root function in a file manager (for example, Total Commander or ES Explorer).
  • Delete preload/vendor/com.navitel.apk file.
  • Restart smartphone.

Method 2:

  • Get Root rights on the device.
  • Install Root Explorer, run, search for "navitel" and remove com.navitel.apk.

Navitel not installed

If you previously uninstalled the program, and now you want to reinstall it, but during the installation process the error “The program is not installed, an existing package with the same name ...” appears, then you need to repeat the steps from the second paragraph and search through the Root Explorer, perhaps not all files utilities have been removed.