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CCD or CMOS? What's better? Sony DSC-W120 Camera Review. Rich opportunities and excellent appearance cameras with SUPER HAD CCD matrix

All that you wanted to know about DSP Effio and 960H format, but so afraid to ask.

Even despite the fact that all the processors from the ruler can work in combination with CCD matrices of 510H or 760H formats, still the greatest interest are more progressive types of matrices, which work in 960H format. And this interest is not at all amazing, because earlier, for analog systems it was impossible to achieve permission in the 700TVER horizontal side, as possible with new types of matrices complete with DSP Effio.

The first in the history of the Matrix with technology 960H was Super HAD II, which was developed, on already improved and well-developed technology. The exview HAD II CCD Matrix appeared, which, unlike the precursor, received a new progressive light filter and an optical element. The photosensitivity of the second model in the line of new matrices, despite the reduced pixel dimensions, was neither slightly worse than the sensitivity of the SUPER HAD II CCD matrices (in particular with ICX639BKA).

To compare the characteristics of CCD matrices from the company Sony , We presented a comparative table for with the resolution of 700TVL, carrying out the video according to the PAL standard.

Technology Sony ExView Had CCD II Super Had CCD II Super Had CCD II
CCD Matrix Format 1/3 "(diagonal 6 mm) 1/3 "(diagonal 6 mm) 1/4 "(diagonal 4.5 mm)
Number of pixels:
- General
- Effective
Horizontal (H) and vertical (V) Resolution:
- General
- Effective
1020 (H) x 596 (V)
976 (h) x (582)
1020 (H) x 596 (V)
976 (h) x (582)
1020 (H) x 596 (V)
976 (h) x (582)
Pixel dimensions, microns 5.0 (H) x 6.25 (V) 5.0 (H) x 6.25 (V) 3.75 (h) x 5.56 (V)
Unified photosensitivity according to the method of Sony, MV (F5.6) 2400 1600 1350
Saturation level, mV 1400 800 540
Dark noise level, dB (F5.6) -110 -105 -105
Supply voltage, in +15 / -7.0 +15 / -7.5 +15 / -7.5
Charging transfer control signal, in 3,3 3,3 3,3
Compatibility with processors "Effio-P"
"Effio-P" "Effio-P"

Sony technologies used in the production of matrices

Super Had CCD II

SUPER HAD CCD II technology is a high-class sensory element from Sony - CCD HAD (Hole-Accumulation Diode) with base sensitivity of 1000 mV and more than one unit of pixel area - 1 μm2 (Color with F5.6 / Black and White: F8 - In the mode equivalent to accumulation of charge duration of 1 sec).


"EXVIEW HAD CCD II" - an improved high-performance sensor element from Sony - CCD HAD (Hole-Accumulation DIODE) with base sensitivity of 1000 mV and more than one unit of pixel area - 1 μm2 (color with F5.6 / black and white: F8 - In the mode equivalent to accumulation of charge duration of 1 sec). The new sensor model has improved photosensitivity in infrared and approximate to the range, as well as the previous technology "ExView Had CCD".

About Sony Effio today ...

Modern realities are such that consumers need to be thoroughly acquired with technologies on which video surveillance cameras are built, in particular, if there is a need to purchase. Sellers of video surveillance cameras (especially online stores) indicate far from complete information about the products sold. The fact that the range of DSP EFFIO is sold in the range, does not yet speak of all its capabilities. This is the same as selling a car, indicating only its brand and model, without the additional characteristics of the engine and other things. For example, a camcorder based on the EFFIO-E processor has a minimal set of functions, and does not have access to such as: ATR-EX, SENS-UP, WDR and others.

But the worst thing is not yet, because in the camcorder device, the most different CCD matrix can be installed, which determines all the advantages of modern processors from Sony. For example, if the CCD does not have 960H format support, the image at the output will not have a resolution of 700 TVL, and much lower.

Unfortunately, the consumer visually will not be able to determine the video surveillance chamber device, namely, to know which type of processor and the matrix is \u200b\u200binstalled. It is difficult to identify even on the output video image, since modern video surveillance systems use additional video digitization methods.

Therefore, in order to avoid changing the devices and the purchase of the equipment that is not suitable for technical specifications, require full information on the video surveillance chamber. Only for a detailed technical characteristic you can understand the actual equipment of the device: the format and technology of the CCD matrix, as well as a series of an applied EFFIO processor.

Deputy Director for the Development of Andrei Kuzma.

what type of matrix is \u200b\u200bbetter: Super HAD CCP? Or CMOS? (and what?) - on the foty ... and got the best answer

Answer from awesome smart rocket bag [guru]
The advantages of CCD matrices include:
- Low noise level.
-High filling factor of pixels (about 100%).
- High efficiency (the ratio of the number of registered photons to their total number that has occurred to the photosensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe matrix, for CCD - 95%).
-High dynamic range (sensitivity).
The disadvantages of CCD matrices include:
-The referring to the principle of reading the signal, and therefore technology.
- high level of power consumption (up to 2-5W).
-From in production.
Advantages of CMOS matrices:
- High speed (up to 500 frames / s).
-For power consumption (almost 100 times compared to CCD).
-Heshevle and easier in production.
The disadvantages of CMOS matrices include:
- Low filling coefficient of pixels, which reduces sensitivity (effective pixel surface ~ 75%, the rest occupies transistors).
- High noise level (it is due to the so-called tempo currents - even in the absence of lighting through the photodiode flows rather significant current) the fight against which complicates and increases the cost of technology.
- Dynamic range.
Therefore, it is difficult to say which better - there are disadvantages.
awesome smart rocketchitsa
therefore, I can't say anyone - for I was copied by me from the Internet - I don't think that stupid units wrote.

Answer from Mashka (cr)[guru]
Better a good lens ...

Answer from Just Human.[guru]
CMOS, as there are cameras up to 25 meters

Answer from 2 response[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: What type of matrix is \u200b\u200bbetter: Super HAD CCP? Or CMOS? (And what?) - On the foty ...

The matrix is \u200b\u200bthe basis of any photo or video device. It defines the quality and size of the resulting image. To date, two different technological principles are used in the manufacture of matrices - CCD and CMOS. Very often you can hear the question: "What matrix choose: CCD or CMOS?" Among the lovers of photo and video equipment on this occasion are hot spores. In this article, we will review these two types and try to figure out which matrix is \u200b\u200bbetter - CCD or CMOS.

general information

Matrices are designed to digitize the parameters of light rays on their surface. It is not possible to talk about the obvious advantage of one of the technologies. You can compare on specific parameters and detect a leader in a particular aspect. As for users preferences, it is often the main criterion for them is the cost of the product, even if it is to give up in terms of quality or technical characteristics to its competitor.

So let's figure it out that they are both types of devices. The CCD matrix is \u200b\u200ba microcircuit that consists of photosensitive photodiodes; It is created on a silicon basis. The peculiarity of its work is the principle of the device with the charging relationship. The CMOS matrix is \u200b\u200ba device created on the basis of semiconductor having an isolated shutter with channels of various conductivity.

Principle of operation

Let us proceed to identify the differences that will help to determine the choice: What is better - CMOS or CCD matrix? The main difference of these two technologies is the principle of their work. CCD devices charge from pixels are transformed into electrical potential, which is enhanced outside of photosensitive sensors. The result is an image in analog form. After that, digitization of the whole picture in the ADC is performed. That is, the device consists of two parts - directly matrix and converter. CMOS technology is characterized by digitizing each pixel separately. At the exit, the ready digital picture is obtained. That is, the electrical charge in the pixel matrix accumulates in the condenser from which the electric potential is removed. It is transmitted to an analog amplifier (built directly in pixel), after which digitized in the converter.

What to choose: CCD or CMOS?

One of the important parameters that determine the choice between these technologies is the number of amplifiers of the matrix. CMOS devices have a greater number of these devices (at each point), so when the signal is passed, the quality of the picture is slightly reduced. Therefore, CCD matrices are used to create images with a high degree of detail, for example, in medical, research, industrial purposes. But CMOS technology is used mainly in household appliances: webcams, smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.

The next parameter that determines which type is better - CCD or CMOS is the density of photodiodes. What she is higher, the smaller the photons "disappear", respectively, the image will be better. In this parameter, the CCD matrix bypass their competitors, as they offer a layout that does not have such gaps, while CMOS is present (they are transistors).

However, when a choice arises to the user: what - CMOS or CCD - to purchase, the main parameter pops up - the price of the device. CCD technology is much more expensive than its competitor and energy price. Therefore, to establish them where enough images of average quality is impractical.

The first who applied and developed digital video processing technology was Sony. The subsequent achievement in the processing of video information was the use of a digital processor - DSP (Digital Signal Processor - digital signal processor). It happened in 1997 with the release of the first DSP SS series. Due to the high reliability and quality of the production of this technology, the camera based on it has gained popularity around the world and became the main element of the modern analog camcorder, and the new principle of color image processing over many years has become a standard for building video surveillance cameras.

After a large "step forward", the development of this direction did not stand in place. Newly began to appear new video processing technologies. The resolution of the camcorder has become much more than 380TV. The average statistical video camera has a resolution to 600TVL, the following CCD matrix is \u200b\u200bused:

  • Super HAD;
  • Super HAD II.

Colored CCD Matrix Sony


image size
inch - mm.

Number of effective pixels
(W x B)




Technology manufacturing

caucasian Dip.

caucasian Dip.

Small ceramic cylinder

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Plastic Dip.

Small ceramic cylinder

ki Son (LCC)

The new turning point in the history of technology development in video surveillance systems was the development of SONY Corporation in 2009 new modern processors and CCD matrices, combined under the trademark "Effio".

New components "Effio" include all the best; Rich experience, innovation, as well as a large number of technological improvements, which made it possible to increase the resolution of analog video surveillance cameras, increase the signal-to-noise ratio, make a deeper and rich color rendition.

The "Corporation" solutions allowed to increase the horizontal resolution up to 700 TVLs due to the application of the new CCD format of the 960H matrix. Sony in the future plans to expand the "Effio" lineup, creating a new world of analog high-resolution video surveillance cameras - the world "Effio" 960H.

The history of the development of the EFFIO brand

  • August 10, 2009 The beginning of the production of "EFFIO" - the first processor "Effio-E" and the new CCD matrices for PAL and NTSC systems in the highly sensitive technology "Super Had CCD II" line - 960H matrix is \u200b\u200breleased.
  • July 1, 2010 Sony Corporation begins an active advertising company in Japan and Asia "Effio-E" - the first representative of "Effio", as well as the CCD matrix 960H.
  • On August 31, 2010, updated and improved versions of the EFFIO-E processor were released, and the production of 960H sensitivity matrices of increased sensitivity in infrared (IR) range - "ExView Had CCD II", which allows you to build a video surveillance cameras up to 700 TVs that effectively operate With IR illumination.
  • January 1, 2011 Sony Corporation begins an active advertising company in Japan and Asia of new products "Effio-P" and "Effio-S" expanding the features of the "Effio" series.
  • March 8, 2011.

At the Tokyo Big Sight exhibition, Sony presented new video processors of the Effio-P and Effio-S video processing, which became further improvement of the processor of the first generation "Effio-E", and also demonstrated the operation of the video surveillance camera to 700 TV values \u200b\u200bbased on them.

What is EFFIO.

Abbreviation "Effio" Processor refers - "processor with advanced features and a wonderful image."

CCD Matrix Resolution 960H

The "960H" designation determines the amount of effective pixels horizontally horizontally matrix, and consequently the quality of the image generated by the video surveillance chamber horizontally. In the vertical direction, the number of pixels remains unchanged, and is predetermined by the standard of expanding analog video signal, it is 582 visible lines.

Compared with the previous 760H format matrices, the new format of 960H matrices is characterized by an increase in a 30% pixel number. As a result, an increase in the clarity of the image of the camcorder.

Below is a correspondence table between the matrix format and the number of effective pixels, for the PAL video surveillance cameras:

Horizontal resolution up to 700 TVL

The horizontal resolution represents the level of detail in the horizontal direction of the image, the greater number indicates the higher clarity of the frame, and as a rule, it is measured in television lines - TV lines, TVL (English TV Line, TVL).

The used method of measuring TVL is called jeita (TTK-4602B).

DSP EFFIO Image Processing Processor

New achievements in the field of video processing technology increased the horizontal resolution of 600 tv even on traditional 760H format matrices, which was first obtained on video processing processors ISP 4- and 7-generations. However, the new CCD format of the 960H matrix, which is the "eye" of the video surveillance camera, allows you to achieve an even more natural image of high-definition, which, in combination with new video signal processing technologies, DSP Effio processors and good "megapixel" optics ensures a horizontal resolution up to 700 TV.

DSP SONY EFFIO processors

Under the trademark "Effio" SONY corporation promotes video processing processors - DSP Effio

We hope that the information below will allow consumers more consciously approach the purchase of video surveillance cameras from the Effio line, as well as avoid unscrupulous sellers.

DSP EFFIO model range for video surveillance cameras

Comparison of the functionality of the DSP EFFIO series processors

Consider each processor separately. What do they give?!

CPUDSP.Sony " Effio.- P."

"EFFIO-P" (CXD4129GG) is a video signal processing processor (LSI) to construct color surveillance cameras based on a complementary CCD matrix. It supports CCD 960H and 760H matrices, with usual and with an extended dynamic range (WDR). The WDR matrix allows you to monitor high contrasting scenes, as well as observation in the oncoming light.

The difference between the DSP processor "Effio-P" is the packaging in one case of the actual processor and memory for video processing, which makes it possible to implement functions such as a digital increase (E-zoom), slow shutter - increasing sensitivity by increasing the time (SENSE- mode Up), the function of the 3D noise reduction filter, and many others.


  • support for CCD 960H and 760H format matrices
  • video surveillance cameras provide horizontal resolution up to 700 TVs with a matrix 960H, and up to 600 TVs with a matrix 760H
  • advanced Dynamic Range - WDR (WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE)
  • 2D and 3D noise reduction (2D & 3D-NR / Noise REDUCTION)
  • digital image stabilization
  • motion Detector
  • private zones
  • digital Increase - E-Zoom
  • oSD MENU - OSD
  • built-in system controller for controlling video surveillance chamber

CPUDSP.Sony " Effio.- S."

"EFFIO-S" (CXD4130GG) is a video signal processor (LSI) to construct a color camcorder based on a complementary CCD matrix. Allows you to process the image from CCD matrix 960H and 760H.

In the case of a single chip "Effio-S", the DSP Effio processor and video processing is packed, which allows you to implement functions such as a digital increase (E-zoom), slow shutter (Sense-Up mode), 3D noise cancellation filter, and several other. Compared to the "Effio-P", the set of functions is somewhat shortened, in particular the WDR mode is not supported.

DSP EFFIO-S processor capabilities

  • working with CCD matrices 960H and 760H format
  • video surveillance cameras provide horizontal resolution up to 700 TVs for 960H matrices, and up to 600 TVs - for 760H
  • improved Adaptive Color Playback - ATR-EX (Adaptive Tone Reproduction)
  • 2D and 3D noise reduction (2D & 3D-NR)
  • motion Detector
  • private zones
  • high Brightness Zones Compensation - HLC (High Light Compensation)
  • slow shutter - improving sensitivity (Sense-Up)
  • digital Increase - E-Zoom
  • oSD MENU - OSD

DSP processor "Effio-E"

"Effio-E" (CXD4127GG), the first of the line and the simplest processor of the "Effio" series, which is designed to work with the PZD format 960h, 760h and 510h matrices. The processor does not contain the built-in video memory memory, due to which it is packed in a miniature LFBGA body of 8x8 mm in size, but it is characterized by the smallest energy consumption.

DSP Effio-E processor features

  • support for CCD matrices of all formats 960h, 760h, 510h
  • horizontal resolution of video surveillance camera, respectively, 700 TVL, 600 TVL, 420 TV
  • adaptive color reproduction - ATR (Adaptive Tone RepRoduction)
  • 2D noise reduction (2D-NR)
  • motion Detector
  • private zones
  • high Brightness Zones Compensation - HLC (High Light Compensation)
  • oSD MENU - OSD

Comparison of DSP Effio processor functions

Below is a table that gives a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe capabilities of DSP Effio processors. Symbol "<<" в таблице указывает на то, что процессор реализует функцию старшей модели.


Type of processor

Supported CCD matrix

Normal CCD and WDR CCD

Normal CCD.

960h, 760h, 510h

Normal CCD.


WDR function

Noise suppression

Day Night

Private zones

Slow shutter (SENS-UP mode)

Digital image stabilization

HLC - High Brightness Suppression

AF detector

Motion Detector

The table shows that "EFFIO-E" is the simplest processor without built-in video memory, therefore only 2D-NR noise cancellation mode is implemented, and does not support the slow shutter mode (SENSE-UP) - increase sensitivity in night mode due to an increase in exposure time .

In addition to the "Effio-E" features, the DSP "Effio-S" processor is equipped with a built-in memory, which allows you to implement SENS-UP modes, and 3D noise reduction. In addition, the processor provides digital zoom modes (E-Zoom) and improved adaptive color playback (ATR-EX).

The most progressive processor is the DSP "EFFIO-P", which, in addition to the "Effio-S" modes, provides operation with the CCD matrix of an extended dynamic range (WDR), the digital image stabilization mode, and is also equipped with a built-in microcontroller to implement additional functions of complex CCTV High-end camcorder class.

CCD (CCD) 960H format matrix

Despite the fact that the "EFFIO" processors can work with the CCD matrices of previous 760H and 510H formats, the novels of the increased 960H format are the greatest interest, which make it possible to build a horizontal resolution video surveillance cameras up to 700 TV.

Historically, the first appeared matrix of 960h, made according to well-worked (at that time) technology Super HAD II, after which, as a result of the improvement of the light filter and the optical part of the matrix, a new version, made using ExView HAD II, whose photosensitivity, despite the reduced Pixel size, comparable to SUPER HAD SUPER II 960H matrices (in particular with ICX639BKA).

Below is the comparative characteristic of the CCD 960H matrices for the video surveillance cameras of 700 TVL permissions operating in the PAL system (such a system is used in Ukraine).


Sony technology

ExView Had CCD II

Super Had CCD II

Super Had CCD II

Size of the CCD Matrix

1/3 "(diagonal 6 mm)

1/3 "(diagonal 6 mm)

1/4 "(diagonal 4.5 mm)

Number of pixels:


Horizontal (H) and vertical (V) Resolution:


1020 (H) x 596 (V)

1020 (H) x 596 (V)

1020 (H) x 596 (V)

Pixel dimensions, microns

5.0 (H) x 6.25 (V)

5.0 (H) x 6.25 (V)

3.75 (h) x 5.56 (V)

Unified photosensitivity according to the method of Sony, MV (F5.6)

Saturation level, mV

Dark noise level, dB (F5.6)

Supply voltage, in

Charging transfer control signal, in

Compatibility with processors

Sony Tenology for Production of PRs Matrix 960H

Super Had CCD II Technology

SUPER HAD CCD II is the property of the trademark of Sony Corporation.

"Super Had CCD II" - a high-performance sensor from Sony - CCD HAD (Hole-Accumulation DIODE) with a typical 1000 mV sensitivity and more than a pixel area - 1 μm2 (color at f5.6 / black and white: F8 - in the equivalent mode Accumulation charge for 1 sec).


"EXVIEW HAD CCD II" is the property of the trademark of Sony Corporation.

"ExView Had CCD II" - a high-performance sensor from Sony - CCD HAD (Hole-Accumulation DIODE) with a typical sensitivity of 1000 mV and more than a pixel area - 1 μm2 (color at F5.6 / black and white: F8 - in the equivalent mode Accumulation of charge for 1 s) with incomplete photosensitivity in infrared and close to it, as well as the previous structure "ExView Had CCD".

What we have today

It is followed here to note one thing that when a trade organization indicates that it sells "Effio" camcorder, then at least this is not complete information. Video surveillance camera in this case can be built on any of the DSP Effio, incl. and possessing a minimum set of functions - "Effio-E", without SENS-UP, WDR, ATR-EX and other support.

But even more scary - a CCD matrix can be used in the video surveillance chamber, which determines all the advantages of the new generation of video surveillance cameras 700 TV.

To date, such a "substitution" cannot be discovered visually on the quality of the image of the video surveillance camera. The reason for this is to use in modern video surveillance video surveillance video surveillance with a resolution of 720H.

Be careful and demand from sellers to provide full information about the video surveillance chamber: the type of the installed CCD matrix and the series of the applied processor "EFFIO".

Video processing technology in DSP EFFIO

Being a leader in the production of the CCD matrices, Sony Corporation before the release of the processor "Effio" lasted in the production of video surveillance video processing systems. Therefore, all functions implemented in the Effio-E processor and in its subsequent models "Effio-S" and "Effio-P" are not new and were previously implemented in ISP 4 and 7 generations of other manufacturers. Such processors and matrices of 760H our enterprises are used to produce 600 TL video surveillance cameras.

Let's look at what we were given new technologies applied in DSP EFFO.

High resolution of 700 TVL provides the processors "Effio-P", "Effio-S" and "Effio-E" only with a CCD matrix 960h.

The main innovation in "Effio" is the CCD matrix 960h with an increased resolution of up to 700 TV.

The presented image was obtained by Sony on a real video surveillance chamber in accordance with the Jeita measurement method (TTR-4602B).

Noise suppression

Provide Processors "Effio-P", "Effio-S" and "Effio-E" regardless of the format of the CCD matrix. The 2D-NR function was first implemented in the ISP 4 generation processors, and 3D-NR in IPS 7 generation processors.

Noise reduction is a function that reduces noise in the image to improve its quality. In particular, the noise manifests itself when the video surveillance camera works at low light and at night, as well as in other conditions accompanied by a high gain.

"Effio-E" (CXD4127GG) does not contain video memory, so it only performs the spatial noise cancel function (2D-NR), the processors of the DSP "Effio-P" (CXD4129GG) and DSP "Effio-S" (CXD4130GG) are equipped with video memory, Therefore, in addition to 2D-Nr, time filtering (3D-NR) is also combined with the accumulation mode (increasing SENSE-UP shutter speed).

Sample operation of the 2D-NR function

3D-NR function running example

A feature of the video processing is the independent adjustment of noise cancellation filters for the brightness and chroma signal, which makes it possible to receive a color image even in the night operation.

Excellent color reproduction

Provide Processors "Effio-P", "Effio-S" and "Effio-E" regardless of the format of the CCD matrix. The function was first implemented in ISP 4 and 7 generation processors.

Excellent color reproduction in conditions of various light sources. In this case, the possible temperature range of white ranges from 1800 to 10500 K.

OSD menu

The on-screen menu has been used in third-party processors for more than 5 years, for the most accurate setting of video surveillance chamber for specific conditions for its operation (installation location).

OSD on-screen menu allows you to configure video surveillance camera operations using a monitor connected to it without the need to connect an external controller or programmer. The DSP Effio menu supports 8 languages, incl. and Russian.

ATR / ATR-EX mode

Provide Processors "Effio-P", "Effio-S" and "Effio-E" regardless of the PZD format.

ATR (Adaptive Tone Playback) - the function provides selective compensation to improve the contrast of objects, as well as playback of colors, in the case when there are areas in the image in both the presence of very bright and highly darkened areas.

The ATR function improves the quality of the video surveillance camera, performing an optimization of the color component of the image taking into account the brightness of the signal in this area.

WDR - Wide Dynamic Range

Provides only the "EFFIO-P" processor with a CCD matrix 960H technology ExView Had CCD II. However, this function is implemented in ISP 4 and 7 generation processors, incl. And when using the usual CCD of the 760H matrix with Super Had CCD II technology (for example, ICX639BKA).

A wide dynamic range (WDR) is a function that allows you to make an image of the video surveillance camera more natural, by reducing the brightness of highly illuminated areas, and increase the brightness of the areas in the shade. This function is provided by different exposure time when forming images for light and dark areas, with their subsequent combination of these two images in general by means of digital processing.

Area of \u200b\u200buse DSP Effio and 960H matrices

System solutions for video surveillance 960H.

Provides higher image quality when monitoring in real time, maintaining a high degree of reliability of the video surveillance system.

High image quality (700 TV resolution), High performance processor DSP EFFIO and the presence of digital output allows you to use the "Effio-P" series to build IP video surveillance systems.

Technical advantages "Effio" 960h

The increased number of pixels in the CCD matrix 960H provides a greater amount of information in the input cascade of video surveillance chamber, which, in combination with signal processing technologies in DSP Effio, guarantees a high resolution of 700 TV output, and therefore allows you to get a new quality in analog video surveillance chambers from the world of 960h.


The most important output of this article is that new technologies allow you to improve the quality of the video. But do not forget that many registrars do not support high-resolution recording. If the registrar writes with a resolution of 368x288, then why does he need a camera with a resolution of 1020x 596?! The camcorder with such a processor is best used in systems where the recording resolution is at least 704x576. The processor allows you to display the color depth of 16-24 bits. This scatter depends on the manufacturer of video cameras.

The image sensor is an essential element of any camcorder. Today, almost all cameras use CCD or CMOS sensors. Both sensor types perform the image conversion task built on the sensor lens into an electrical signal. However, the question of which sensor is better, still remains open

N.I. Chura
Technical consultant
LLC "Microvideo Group"

CCD is an analog sensor, despite the discreteness of the photosensitive structure. When the light enters the matrix, the charge or package of electrons is accumulated in each pixel, transformed when reading on the load in the video signal voltage, proportional to the illumination of pixels. The minimum number of intermediate transitions of this charge and the absence of active devices provide the high identity of the sensitive CCD elements.

The CMOS matrix is \u200b\u200ba digital device with active sensitive elements (Active Pixel Sensor). With each pixel, it works its amplifier that converts the charge of the sensitive element into the voltage. This makes it possible to practically individually manage each pixel.

Evolution CCD.

Since the invention of the CCD Laboratory of Bella (Bell Laboratories, or Bell Labs) in 1969, the dimensions of the image sensor continuously decreased. At the same time, the number of sensitive elements has increased. This naturally led to a decrease in the size of a single sensitive element (pixel), and accordingly its sensitivity. For example, since 1987, these sizes decreased 100 times. But thanks to new technologies, the sensitivity of one element (and, consequently, the entire matrix) even increased.

What made it possible to dominate
From the very beginning, the CCD has become dominant sensors, since they provided the best image quality, less noise, higher sensitivity and greater uniformity of pixel parameters. The main efforts to improve the technology were aimed at improving CCD characteristics.

How sensitivity grows
Compared to the popular Sony HAD matrix of standard resolution (500x582) of the late 1990s. (ICX055) The sensitivity of models of more advanced Super HAD technology has grown almost 3 times (ICX405) and EX-View HAD - 4 times (ICX255). Moreover, for black and white and color option.

For high-resolution matrices (752x582), success is somewhat less impressive, but if you compare the SUPER HAD color image models with the most modern EX-VIEW II and Super HAD II technologies, then the sensitivity growth will be 2.5 and 2.4 times, respectively. And this despite the decrease in pixel size by almost 30%, since it is about matrices of the most modern 960H format with an increased amount of pixels up to 976x582 for the PAL standard. To process such a signal, Sony offers a number of EFFIO signal processors.

IK-constituent added
One of the effective methods of increasing integral sensitivity is to expand the spectral characteristics of sensitivity in the infrared range. This is especially characteristic of the EX-View matrix. Adding an IR component somewhat distorts the transmission of relative brightness of colors, but for a black and white version it is not critical. The only problem arises with the color reproduction in the chambers "Day / Night" with a constant IR sensitivity, that is, without a mechanical IR filter.

The development of this technology in EX-View HAD II models (ICX658AKA) in comparison with the previous version (ICX258AK) provides an increase in the integral sensitivity by only 0.8 dB (from 1100 to 1200 mV) with a simultaneous increase in sensitivity at a wavelength of 950 nm to 4, 5 dB. In fig. 1 shows the characteristics of the spectral sensitivity of these matrices, and in Fig. 2 - the ratio of their integral sensitivity.

Optical innovation
Another method of rising sensitivity CCD is an increase in the effectiveness of pixel microlens, photosensitive area and optimization of color filters. In fig. 3 shows the device of Super Had and Super HAD II matrices, showing an increase in the lens area and the light-sensitive region of the last modification.

Additionally, the SUPER HAD II matrices have significantly increased transmission of light filters and their resistance to fading. In addition, transmitted transmission in the shortwave region of the spectrum (blue), which improved the color reproduction and white balance.

In fig. 4 shows the spectral characteristics of the sensitivity of Sony 1/3 "Super HAD (ICX229AK) and Super HAD II (ICX649AKA).

CCD: Unique Sensitivity

In the set of listed measures, it was possible to achieve significant results to improve the characteristics of CCD.

Compare the characteristics of modern models with earlier options is not possible, since then there were not colored matrices of widespread use even a typical high resolution. In turn, black and white standard solutions are not produced on the latest EX-VIEW II and Super HAD II technologies.

In any case, the sensitivity of CCD is still an unattainable guide for CMOS, so they are still widely used with the exception of megapixel options, which are very expensive and are used mainly for special tasks.

CMOS: Advantages and Disadvantages

CMOS sensors were invented at the end of the 1970s, but their production managed to start only in the 1990s due to technological problems. And immediately outlined their main advantages and disadvantages, which now remain relevant.

The advantages include greater integration and cost-effectiveness of the sensor, a wider dynamic range, ease of production and less cost, especially megapixel options.

On the other hand, CMOS sensors have less sensitivity due, with other things being equal, large losses in the RGB structure filters less than the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe photosensitive element. As a result of a plurality of transition elements, including amplifiers in the path of each pixel, ensure the uniformity of the parameters of all sensitive elements is much more complicated in comparison with CCD. But the improvement of technologies made it possible to bring the CMOS sensitivity to the best CCD samples, especially in megapixel versions.

Early supporters of CMOS argued that these structures will be much cheaper, because they can be produced on the same equipment and on the same technologies as memory chips and logic. In many ways, this assumption was confirmed, but not completely, since the improvement of technology led to a practically identical to the complexity of the production process, as well as for CCD.

With the expansion of the circle of consumers beyond the standard television, the resolution of the matrices has become continuously growing. These are household camcorders, electronic cameras and cameras built into communications. By the way, for mobile devices, the issue of economy is rather important, and here the CMOS sensor has no competitors. For example, from the mid-1990s. The resolution of the matrices produced annually by 1-2 million elements and now reaches 10-12 MPKS. Moreover, the demand for CMOS sensors has become dominant and today exceeds 100 million units.

CMOS: Sensitivity Improvement

The first samples of surveillance cameras of the late 1990s - early 2000s with CMOS matrices had a resolution of 352x288 PKS and sensitivity even for a black and white version of about 1 LC. Colored options for standard resolution were characterized by a sensitivity of about 7-10 LCs.

What suggests suppliers
Currently, the sensitivity of CMOS matrices, of course, has grown, but does not exceed the value of the order of several suites with reasonable values \u200b\u200bof the number of the lens number (1.2-1.4) for typical variants of the color image. This is confirmed by the technical characteristics of the brands of IP video surveillance, in which the CMOS matrices are used with progressive sweep. Those manufacturers that declare sensitivity about tenths of suites usually specify that these are data for a lower frame rate, accumulation mode, or at least enabled and fairly deep ARC (AGC). Moreover, for some manufacturers of IP cameras, the maximum ARU reaches the breathtaking -120 dB (1 million times). It is hoped that the sensitivity for this case in the manufacturers represents the sensitive "signal / noise" attitude, which allows you to observe not only the "snow" on the screen.

Innovation improve video quality
In the desire to improve the characteristics of CMOS matrices, Sony proposed a number of new technologies that provide a practical comparison of CMOS matrices with sensitivity CCD, signal / noise ratio in megapixel versions.

The new production technology of ExMOR matrices is based on changing the direction of falling the light flux on the matrix. In a typical architecture, light falls on the front surface of the silicon plate through and past the conductors of the matrix scheme. Light dissipates and overlaps with these elements. In the new modification, the light comes on the back side of the silicon plate. This led to a significant increase in sensitivity and a decrease in the noise of the CMOS matrix. In fig. 5 shows the difference in the structures of the typical matrix and the EXMOR matrix shown in the context.

In photo 1 shows the images of the test object obtained by the illumination of 100 LCs (F4.0 and 1/30 C) with CCD camera (front lighting) and CMOS Exmor, having the same format and resolution of 10 MPKS. Obviously, the camera image with CMOS is at least not worse than the image with CCD.

Another way to improve the sensitivity of CMOS sensors is the rejection of the rectangular position of pixels with the last shift of the red and blue elements. At the same time, in the construction of one permission element, two green pixels are used - blue and red from different lines. Instead, a diagonal arrangement of elements using six adjacent green elements to build one permission element is proposed. This technology was named Clearvid CMOS. For processing, a more powerful image processor is assumed. The difference in the arrangement of color elements is illustrated in Fig. 6.

The reading of information is carried out by a high-speed parallel analog-to-digital converter. In this case, the frequency of the progressive sweep frames can reach 180 and even 240 frames / s. With parallel removal of the information, the diagonal shift of the frame is eliminated, familiar to CMOS cameras with consistent exposure and signal reading, the so-called ROLLING SHUTTER effect - when the characteristic ligation of fast moving objects is completely absent.

In photo 2 shows images of a rotating fan obtained by a CMOS camera with a frame rate of 45 and 180 frame / s.

Full Competition

As example, we led Sony technology. Naturally, the CMOS matrices, like CCD, produce other companies, although not on such scales and are not so well-known. In any case, everyone follows one way or another and use similar technical solutions.

In particular, the well-known technology of Panasonic Live-MOS matrices also significantly improves the characteristics of CMOS matrices and, naturally, similar methods. Panasonic matrices reduced the distance from photodiode to microlynes. The transmission of signals from the surface of the photodiode is simplified. Reduced the number of control signals from 3 (standard CMOS) to 2 (as in CCD), which increased the photosensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe pixel. A low-noise amplifier of the photodiode is applied. A thinner structure of the sensor layer is used. Reduced supply voltage reduces the noise and heating of the matrix.

It can be stated that the CMOS megapixel matrices can already be successfully competing with CCD not only at a price, but also on such a problem for this technology characteristics, as sensitivity and noise level. However, in the traditional CCTV television formats, the CCD matrix remains outside the competition.