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the main  /  BY / Eagle Printed circuit board development program. Eagle Cad.

Eagle Printed circuit board development program. Eagle Cad.

Or search for her broken version on file sharing. The scheme that we will create is presented below. So, proceed.

Run Eagle. The control panel will open.
Click on Projects item to reveal the directory tree.

We have two Eagle and Projects folders. Eagle - Located in the "My Documents" folder. Projects - in the folder where the Eagle program itself is installed. Right-click on the Eagle folder and select New Project in the menu that opens.

We give the project a more meaningful name - right mouse button on the project folder and select Rename in the menu that opens. I called the AVR-Board project.

Right mouse click on the project folder and select New\u003e Schematic in the opened menu

The scheme editor opens. Save our scheme immediately - Menu File\u003e Save As ...

Like most other programs, EAGLE allows you to perform the same effect in several ways - using the top menu, the otters panel (it is located on the left side), the command line and hotkeys. I get used to use the toolbar.

How to add components

To begin with, add to our future scheme format.
The left mouse button on the Add button

A window will open with the list of libraries used. The list is quite large, and when you do not know where it is located, find the desired component is a whole thing. Components can be searched in two ways - sequentially reviewing all libraries or using the search function.

Formats are located in the Frames library. We are looking for it in the list, reveal and select A4L-Loc. Click OK.

Click the left mouse button will add a format on the scheme. Right-click right-click, turns 90 degrees. Rotating the mouse wheel, we can change the scale of the scheme.

Add the format on the diagram and press the ESC twice. Save the scheme again. The bottom right corner of the format will display the date of the last save.

Add the ATMEGA8 microcontroller on the scheme.
The left mouse button on the Add button.
AVR microcontrollers are located in the Atmel library. Let's try to use the search feature. Components are searched by title and description. We write in the MEGA8 * search string and press ENTER. In the window, all components suitable for this request will be displayed.

We choose the ATMEGA8 microcontroller in the DIP case, click OK. By clicking the left mouse button, add a component to the scheme and press ESC. A list of libraries will open, but only the results of the previous search will be displayed. We delete in the Mega8 * string, press ENTER - the library list is full.

Copying, deleting, moving and selecting components

Add ceramic capacitors to the scheme. Capacitors, resistors and inductors are located in the library - RCL. Components in two graphic versions - European and American. Select C_EU\u003e C-EU050-025x075 (C-EU), add to the circuit, and then press the ESC twice.
Our scheme should have 6 ceramic capacitors. We use the copy function to add missing. Click on the Copy button, we carry the cursor to the condenser and click the left mouse button by copying the item. You can remove unnecessary elements using the Delete button, and move the MOVE button using the MOVE button.

Sometimes it is required to perform any operation on the component group, well, for example, remove several capacitors at once. That's how it is done. Click on the Delete button, and then on the GROUP button. By pressing and holding the left mouse button, select the desired components.

We bring the cursor to the dedicated components, click right-click and in the menu that opens, select Delete: GROUP

Components will be deleted.
You can allocate components in another way. Click on the GROUP button, set the cursor to the desired location of the circuit and click on the left mouse button. Now for the cursor from this point stretches the straight line. We draw a closed loop with these lines and press the right mouse button. Components that have fallen into this circuit will be highlighted.

You can replace one component to another using the REPLACE button. Click on it, we are looking for the required component in the list that opens, click OK. We carry the cursor to the corresponding component and click the left mouse button.

The rest of the circuit components add yourself. To facilitate the task, I list the names of the libraries in which they are all.

Resistors - RCL\u003e R_EU_
Electrolytic Capacitors - RCL\u003e CPOL_EU
Diodes - Diode.
LEDs - LED\u003e LED
Pls type, PLD - CON-LSTB
Quartz resonators Crystal\u003e Crystal
Voltage Stabilizers - Linear\u003e 78 *
Power connectors - CON-JACK
Power Chains + 5V, GND - Supply1

As a result, something like this should turn out.

How to tie the components among themselves

Components have added, now they need to be associated with each other.
Click on the Wire button on the toolbar
Under Menubar`om will appear a new panel - it allows you to select the desired layer of the circuit, the "behavior of the line" during drawing, the radius of the rounding, the width of the line and its type.

Now we will not need these settings.

Click the left mouse button on the output of some item. Now from this point behind the mouse will reach the green line - the electrical chain. We connect it with the component you need and make a double click - the elements are connected. If in the process of laying / drawing the chain click on the right mouse button, the chain behavior will change. In the first case, the chain will be drawn only at an angles of 90 degrees, in the second and under 90 and under 45, and so on. Try and all will immediately become clear.

When connecting two chains, Eagle does not automatically draw a point, it is necessary to put it manually. Click the junction button and click the left mouse button in the right place point.

Each chain is assigned a unique name - N $ x, where X is the sequence number. If you try to connect two chains with different names, Eagle will issue a message.

In the Resulting Name field, you need to select a name for a new chain if it plays some value.

Connect the remote (arranged far) chains by assigning the same names to them. In our scheme, for example, the reset output must be connected to the programming connector, but it is located near the port of B. In order not to pull the wiring through the entire circuit. From the output of the RESET by shifting a small chain. We rename it - click on the Name button, the left mouse button on our chain and in the window that opens the new chain name - Reset.

To display the chain name in the diagram, click the Label button and the left mouse button on the clique on our chain.

Add a chain to the programming connector and let's do the same steps. When we rename the chain, Eagle will ask if we want to connect this chain with a RESET chain.

We click Yes, now the reset is connected to our connector. To make sure that the chain can be "highlighting". Click on the Show button and click the left mouse button on the desired chain - it will become bright green.
Chains can also be moved, delete and copy.

Tire drawing

Connect one of the ports of the ATMEGA8 microcontroller to the tire connector. Clicking in the toolbar on the BUS button and just like the electrical circuit, draw in the desired location of the bus circuit.

All conductors suitable to the bus must have addresses. They are specified in the properties of the tire. Click on the Info button panel, please contact the tire and click the left mouse button. The Properties window opens.

We are interested in the Name field - we must enter the address of the conductors. The address of the conductors can be set in two ways: listing - ADC0, ADC1, ADC2, ADC3, ADC4, ADC5, or an array - ADC (the lower index should be less than the older, ADC is incorrect). In our case, it is more convenient to set the address by an array. We ask them.
We connect the conclusions of the microcontroller to the bus - press the NET button, click the left mouse button on the desired output and pull the circuit to the bus. Click on the tire left-click and in the menu that opens, select the desired address - the conductor will be assigned this name.

The use of special printing software programs will help save time and strength, and will also provide an opportunity at any time to edit the created project. In this article, we will analyze the Eagle program developed by the famous AUTODESK company. This software is designed to create electrical circuits and other similar projects. Let's start a review.

Each project is best to assign its new library in which all data and objects used will be stored. By default, the program offers to take advantage of several billets of different types of schemes, but they will be suitable for newcomers during exploring Eagle, rather than users who need to create their own drawing.

Creating a new library does not take a lot of time. Name the folder to be easier to find it, and select the path where all used files will be stored. The directory consists of graphic designations, seats, both ordinary, 3D and components. Each section saves their objects.

Creating a graphic notation

In the same window, click on "Symbol"To create a new graphic designation. Specify the name and click "OK"To go to the editor for further configuration. You can also import patterns from the catalog. They are completely modified and ready to use, a small description is attached to each.

Work in the editor

Next, you will be redirected to the editor, where you can already start creating a diagram or graphic designation. On the left is the main tool panel - text, line, circle and additional controls. After selecting one of the tools from above, it will be displayed.

The workspace is located on the grid, the step of which is not always convenient during operation. This is not a problem, because it can be changed at any time. Click on the corresponding icon to go to the Mesh Settings menu. Install the required parameters and click "OK", after which the changes immediately take effect.

Creating a printed circuit board

After you have created a schematic circuit, you have added all the necessary components, you can proceed to work with a printed circuit board. All items of schemes and created objects will be transferred to it. Built-in tools in the editor will help move the components inside the board and install them in the reserved places. Available to use multiple layers for complex boards. Through a pop-up menu "File" You can switch back to the scheme.

More detailed information on the board management is in the board editor. However, the information provided and prompts are displayed in English, so some users may have difficulty translating.

Script support

Eagle has a tool that allows you to perform complex actions in just one press. By default, a small set of scripts is already installed, for example, recovery of standard colors, removal of signals and changing the board to the euro format. In addition, the user can add commands to the list and perform them through this window.

Setting up printing

After creating the scheme, it can immediately go to print. Click on the appropriate icon to move to the settings window. There is a number of parameters to change, select the active printer, calibration over the axes, adding boundaries and other options. The preview mode is on the right. See all the elements to accommodate the sheet, if it is not so, you should change some print parameters.

In the nest eagle
By 90%, my needs by wiring of printed circuit boards satisfied Sprint Layout. I am usually tying manually, without the source scheme, and everything is fully felt in the head. But progress does not stand still and I have long been called Retrograd :) And I decided to overwhel the other system. The main reason is support for the schematic diagrams and illumination of links in the circuitry editor, which I did not have enough sometimes at Sprint Layout. Before that, I tried several different and stopped at the Egle Cad.

Why is the eagle?
In the choice, I was guided by the following parameters in order of importance:

  • Editor with support for the concept and illumination of connections.
  • Ease of work in the tracer. Eagle has a number of specific moments due to which the developers want to kill the shovel (especially after Sprint Layout), but in general everything is very good.
  • An interactive connection of the scheme and fee (Forward Annotate, it seems so called). Those. You added an element on the scheme, and he immediately appeared on the printed circuit board and it remains only to dilute. This allows you to breed a circuit in pieces in manual mode. By one, adding components on a schematic diagram and prescribing compounds. For this reason, Dip Trace was dropped - there it is done only through the re-opening of the file with the wiring. Uncomfortable.
  • Convenient creation and work with libraries. Here, too, I liked Eagle. Especially how there is a component and the fact that you can selectively connect libraries, updating them on the fly.
  • Cross-platform. I do a lot not only for myself, but for you. Many people sits on linuhas / Macs and lose them as a target audience I do not want. The needle is on these platforms in the native form. Without shamanism. There is also kikad ... It looks good, but (like many opensor products, Gygyg) is not used. There, for example, in the PCB editor, I did not find Undo, and catch the connections in schematics? He is still hemorrh. After five years, it can be finished up to the imputed state, if you do not scratch :)
  • Relative free. It breaks terribly poking with patterns, and the eagle has a completely functional demorement. Allows you to breed in two layers, on the square 100x80mm. For the house is quite normal. To someone can always be spissing to find a medicine from greed. Needle is popular and finding a crack is not a problem. That's just I want to warn - the needle has a tricky protection and she loves to fill the office and encrypt projects made in a blurred program. At least I heard about such an ambody. So there were no backup projects in order not to be inaccessible. Well, reconcted to use in this case the fourth version of the eagle. There was a normal crack for her. I also have a demoderamp almost always. Maybe then and buy it \u003d))))
  • Availability of authorouter and the ability to overturn a netist to another trace system. Won, for example, Shura Lyubertsy, traced by an ax. It turned out very Torchkovo. Especially inserted those who were not used to warm lamp diagrams with a smooth curvature tracks :)
  • Lightness. Unlike any monsters like Mentor Pads or Altuium Designer, the eagle does not tupit even on my ancient laptop, not to mention the atomic netbook on which I am writing this text.
  • Easy use. Read one hundred times of manuals on how to do something or it was not in my plans. The needle was very simple.

Plus, Eagle has a powerful scripting language, allowing you to create a lot of voodoo :) I have not yet climbed there, but judging by the fact that all sorts of ULP scripts are creating, maybe he is a lot.

We want! We want! WHERE? here!

Immediately make a reservation that I would not know Eagle for a long time and I don't know all the chips, so supplement in the comments, and I will bring it all in the FAQ. But a number of chips will tell in the course of the process. As a process, we divor into some simple device. Yes, at least a programmer on the basis of FTDI, I have long wanted to correct it under new realities (RedCat pounded avrDude And now it goes by RESET itself and disclaims the buffer).

Immediately I will write what will not be - a detailed description of the buttons. It is tedious and not creatively, and you yourself find them out in five minutes by tyk and RTFM. Tune on Helpe, read the tips pop-ups, everything is clear there. So what will I cut in vain? ;) Especially non-obvious moments I will try to describe.

I will not describe the contents of regular libraries in detail. For the most part, for an amateur, their organization is fear and horror. Especially if it concerns any button-variable resistors. Well, how do we know who produces a variable resistor, what did you buy on a radio bar for 15 rubles? And there is a prosperity to look around. So the own lips are solved here and should not be lazy to fill them and set.

Intelligence fight
So, we have a scheme. It is necessary to embody it in the gland. Run Eagle. If I did not understand where it starts, then look in the installation directory BIN. There is the chief exhesive. Here it is and soothe. Let's start with the main window of the project window.

There is a tree structure.

Libraries. - Libraries of components. If you open it, you will see there a breakdown of different libested bundles. 90% of them will never need you, so the nefig is litto the workspace. Here, of course, let them be just in case, but in the working environment they will be turned on selectively. Green dot near the library name means that it is enabled on Wednesday and is available in search / select items. It is not necessary to manually turn off all points, it is enough to select Use None from the context menu, and then turn on the desired selectively.

Immediately turn on the following libraries, they will need:

74xx-eu.lbr Library of standard logic. ATMEL.lbr AVR CON-BERG.LBR controllers Here we take a good USB connector. Crystal.lbr All sorts of quartz diode.lbr Document diodes docu-dummu.lbr primitives of the main elements. You will need to create your Ftdichip.lbr components. From here, we take our FTDI microcircuit holes.lbr Standard holes under fasteners. Conveniently sometimes. Ic-package.lbr is just some microcircuits in the housings. If it is very lazy to create a component. Jumpers.lbr Different jumpers Microchip.lbr If you use Pic PinHead.lbr Pinteners RCL.lbr tops are all resistors, capacitors and inductances. The most necessary library. Ref-Packages.lbr Samples of seats for different microhi. To create your libraries. Supply1.lbr Signs of the supply voltage, earth and soot.

Design Rules. - Here are the settings of the future printed circuit board. Different tolerances and sizes. It is important to configure everything here immediately. Otherwise, then torture to correct. Pumps on default.dru and the setup dialog opens.

We will immediately go through the tabs and all we will exhibit how we need.
IN File and Layers. We do not pick anything.

Distances between tracks and holes all sorts. Potting for each field and you will understand what where means.

All sizes go to MIL - MIL is a thousandth inches. So 8mil is 0.008 inches or 0.02cm, that translated into our relatives millimeters - 0.2mm. It is thin for home use, I would less than 0.3 tracks did not do, there is a risk of getting marriage. In order not to harry the brain with different number systems, remember that 4mil is 0.1mm and from it already dances.

I usually set 12mil everywhere between different signals (Different Signal) and 8 between the same.

Distance between tracks and edges of the board, as well as the distance between the holes. I have 40mil everywhere. 1mm.

Minimum width of the track, minimal hole. The track for my minimum will be 0.5mm, i.e. 20mil, and the minimum hole will be 0.8mm. 32mil. It will be necessary less - I will put manually on

Micro Via is needed only for multi-layer boards. It does not threaten us.

Dimensions of transition holes and pyatchekov. There are all a few cunning. Eagle calculates the size of the Piglet with a machine gun, as a percentage of the hole. This percentage is indicated in the middle column. But also there are limit values \u200b\u200bof the width of the kaimki (not diameter!) Min and max for which it will not get out.
I have 12mil - 25% - 30mil. Moreover, these settings are global and suppressed library settings. Those. If the library inclination does not fit into this standard, it will be fitted under the limits. And do not forget to set the size for Top and Bottom layers. In the sense for the upper and lower. The internal do not worry us, we have a two-way fee at best will be.

Thus, when the hole diameter at 0.8mm, the edge would have to be 0.2mm, but it rests on the limit of 20mil and the minimum edge will be 0.5mm, and in the amount of the diameter of Piglet will be 1.8mm

The same for transient holes Via. They can be done and fond, but this is if there are such thin drills. I am in stock The finest drill is 0.5mm.

YES! A very important moment because of which rakes often occur. The fact is that many components (especially from those in the default needle supply) the parameters of the dads are set to AUTO, which means their size depends directly from the DRC settings section. So if you set in DRC patch more than they can geometrically settled on the component (for example, USB times, which in the example, see how it is tightly conclusions grouped), then the patch will spread and stick together. This is a cant! So if you have something somewhere slit and got it to each other, then either right the library, or change the DRC.

Form of conclusions and curvature of angles. You can put minimal curvature and get cute rounded areas under SMD components :)))) There is also a size of the patch, but you can leave it in accordance with the libraries, because They will mainly be taken from there.

Power chains. Usually they lead the layers on the solumpace and therefore are made by cunning. Not solid, but as it were, a separate inclination and is connected to the fill with thin string of the conductor. This is the so-called thermobarrier. Its essence is that when soldier, a powerful landfill did not pull himself warm and solder on it, it was not smeared with the root snot, and focused only on thermal pad.

The distance of the solder mask from the component. For you, the thing is almost unnecessary. Because Mask at home to make normal difficult. And no one will not bother on it.

User Language Programs - These are scripts. The needle has a powerful scripting language, where something like si is used. Used for export / import, alignment of hole centers, and a lot for what.

Scripts. - Eagle command interface scripts. For example, to configure any tolerances, display layers and much more for what. Comrades clearly take an example from the car :)

Cam Jobs. - Settings for drawing to the production format. Gerber, for example. You hardly need home.

Projects. - Our projects. Here we will start now and.

Select the Eagle daddy and create a new project there - the context menu NEW PROJECT. A new folder will appear, rename it to something more adequate than NewProject. I called her usbprog. It will immediately be active, i.e. It will appear green.

In the same place, through the context menu, add a new NEW-\u003e SHEMATICS scheme. This opens the window with a future scheme.

And we take painting
The main idea is to draw the scheme not all right away, but in parts. So it will be much easier to breed. At least with manual wiring.

Slightly configure the environment - turn on the grid, work comfortable with it. Click the Grid button and put the grid in ON, and I recommend DOT style - it strolls so smaller. And do not change in any case the grid step, and then all the components are sharpened for a specific step and if you change it, you will not fall into the conclusions.

Put at first our FTDI
Click the Add button and from the FTDichip library add to the FT232RL chipboard it should be in the SSOP case.

Use the Copy cloning button to rub the Earth and power in the desired quantity. We need to connect them to our chip, to work out as in the figure below:

Connections are made by the NET tool, and points are automatically set on the intersections.

You can do the Wire tool. At the same time on the intersection with the connection it is necessary to put a point. And if the intersection without a connection, it must be dragged through the intersection and finish the line there, otherwise there will be a crossress that is immediately visible. And this is an error that will come out already in the finished device, after laying the board.

To carry out objects using the MOVE operation, and you can rotate with the right click. To drag several objects there is a group tool them can be highlighted either by the frame, or the figure in the figure outline contour. To drag several objects, after selecting the group, you need to press Ctrl and hold it by holding the right mouse button, drag. Not very convenient and I am all a worry about this, but as it is. Also, group operations are made in the PCB editor.

Now we put our USB usb on the fee and get acquainted with the principle of connection via NET names.
USB connector can be found in the CON-BERG.LBR library and recommend putting PN61729-S this is a standard USB-B connector.
He has such a pinout:

  • 1 VCC.
  • 4 GND.

We clone the Earth and Power, but D + and D- we simply stretch the line into several cells and throw it. And then, allocation of the Label tool picked up in each of these wiring. Text labels will appear with names like N $ 2 - this is the name of this conductor. But this name does not say anything, so you need to rename them. Take the NAME tool and rename the wiring from the output 2 in DM, and the output from the output 3 in DP.

Now do the same with the FT232RL microcircuit. Remove the line from USBDP and USBDM outputs and call them DP and DM, respectively. Eagle At the same time, it will ask whether it is possible to combine nodes. Speak that you can, but in my head to note this fact. Because This is a good mechanism for controlling what you connected nodes without errors, not sealing.

What happened now - the connector seems to be not connected visually, there are no communication lines. But really, on a non-fisty compounds, there is a connection! It is very convenient when you draw a big scheme, it is enough to register common points and do not cause a web from the lines in which the hell is broken.

Instead of marks, you can sculpt tags as in this picture. The same, allocate the name and end the tag with the connection name:

So, we painted enough enough, it's time to start to breed. Go to the printed circuit board. To do this, press the Board button. Eagle asked if it is possible to make a fee from the current scheme, say yes. The Board window opens.

And now it's time to configure the editor of the printed circuit boards. First, we'll turn on the grid again. It's already very much depends on the grid setting.

My grid settings:

  • Size \u003d 0.0025 In This is the total grid size by which movement goes. Made small.
  • Multipler \u003d 5 in display multiplier. So that the grid does not flame in the eyes. In real life, the grid will be smaller than it looks like.
  • Alt \u003d 0.00125 IN Alternative grid size, turns on when you press and hold the ALT button on the keyboard. Made it in bed to be able to correct something very accurately. You can make more accurate by pressing the Finest button.

I also went to the options - user interface and made the color of the colored background. He became such a beige yellowish. Much more pleasant than black.

Now it is necessary to place the components so that the links of connections as small as possible intersected. After all, they should then become tracks. Here move and think how you all will bypass. Also note that from other legs, too, then the lines will go, so dive so that the reserve remains. Drag and drop items to the outlined work field. This is the restriction of our demo, outside of this rectangle, do not put a detail - will swear by mat. Move objects with the MOVE command, while the right click rotates them, and pressing the wheel moves to the opposite side of the printed circuit board.
Immediately throw off our chip on the lower side, while its contacts become blue - the color of the lower layer. The top color is red, but it can be customized.

And now we start to breed;) Give the Route tool and Pokkay in the first one who came from which is a green line. You need to bring it to the end of the route, nothing is ass. Fascinating game :) Right-click the type of lines of the line, pressing the wheel moves the line on another layer, putting the transition hole. Click with a chifft simply puts a transition hole, but it does not transition to another layer. We are now a task to dissolve everything one layer, so we spit out as we can ... To remove unsuccessfully divorced tracks there is a Ripup command. She squeezes both the entire route and its parts. Ripupit, so to speak;)

One fine moment may have a situation that the track on the fact is already connected, but the communication line has not disappeared. Such for example now:

Here we have the line of the Earth move through the metal case of the connector, but the needle does not know about it! And he thinks that the fastening pads must be connected and requires contact there. Yes, even threw the line of communication in a completely inconvenient place. Nothing wrong! Take the Wire tool and on the upper layer (it will not be different in fact, so why not?) Rinse the wiring between the fastening of the casing of the USB connector. Navigating them. The line of communication is no longer needed, but it remains. Not a problem! Click the RatsNest and Eagle button understands that it was not right, removing this connection.
Sometimes it does not help and the connection does not disappear, the eye of the eye. Then make another way. Draw it immediately from where it goes there where we want her to give it. Do not care how, at least directly.

Then Rypoupiim her, she disappears, but the connection line remains in the place we need! Here and we will drag it as we need. A little across the ass, but the benefit is rarely required.

Divorced wiring can be moved as a MOVE as a MOVE tool, and through Split, bend it as a soul. By adding new joints and correcting the angles. Immediately build the lines so that they are away from each other, bent without forming deadlocks. And then, with LTU, it is hung from there to poke the remnants of the glossy layer.

Part of the divorced, let's go further. We will add Conder and the rest of the strapping - all sorts of LEDs and divorce. LED, by the way, in my form SMD 0805. I did not find it in the kit, I had to draw my component. Later show how it is done. That's what happened.

The concept of the scheme and the divorced sample:

It remains to add a connector and a buffer. Buffer I will take in the SOIC case from the 74xx library (Chord, just like the traffic code of Chelyabinsk).

I add a buffer and connect the permissions inputs. It should be noted that the buffer is made up of several elements. And we add them one by one, and they are prescribed as a, B.

We combine control conclusions from them 1 and 19. And then put the connector and sock the line to it. The 74HC244 chip has four end-to-end buffers in one direction and four back. The conclusions of the entrance are practically opposite each other. So the layout is very simple. But if thoughtlessly connect the conclusions on the scheme,

I will result in a web lines as a result:

Distribute to breed. Here I usually do as follows. I take a piece of paper and draw a housing on it, and on top of it draws elements inside, as well as they are divorced by conclusions. Helps to navigate. And choose the necessary valves.

It turned out confusing in the scheme:

But very transparent on the board:

Further launches connections and prohiby them on FTDI. And here too, you need to think your head. We make Bitbang programmer, and Bitbang FTDI modes have a number of features. In particular, he has conclusions suitable for Banga (designated as IO0..7) Completely interchangeable and on the Manual from the FTDI, the following conclusions are suitable for this:

  • IO0 - 1.
  • IO1 - 5.
  • IO2 - 3.
  • IO3 - 11.
  • IO4 - 2.
  • IO5 - 9.
  • IO6 - 10.
  • IO7 - 6.

That is, we are not necessarily, for example, that Mosi was on IO6 as I painted it. We can make it on any of the legs listed above. Equally, others. Therefore, I throw them as much as me. Configuring then everything is programmatically, in the AvrDeDe settings.

Gate output turned out to be with the edge of the chip, so I throw it on the longiest leg, this is 11.

We prescribe an Enable point on the FTDI and immediately tracing it by making a small belly down to accommodate the remaining conclusions.

And then again we start thinking and look at your feet. We take the most extreme protruding point and drive it on the FTDI it will be output 3 from the buffer. We will drive it into 10 FTDI conclusion. Also all the rest.

Add a three-picker for usart - since it is, what would it not be applied then? And the two-pipe connector on CBUS4 is that the FTDI can generate a clock signal, so why not apply it to revitalize crooked fuses?

Let's bring it out. But it is not enough - one line from the three-room connector does not arouse directly.

You can put a jumper, you can pofigistor (zero resistance resistor). And here it gets out what I don't like Eagle - the impossibility of inserting the picketor with impunity. It is necessary to return to the schematics and insert another resistor there. And then it is to post it as we need. Do the same and with the power buffer.

Now look and understand what it lacks something. Power Supply Buffer Chip. There are no them in the scheme! So they are not connected.
And where to take them? After all, they were not put when we put a buffer. That's right, they go separately. Take the Invoke tool and the chicks in the 74HC244 chip will appear the dialogue from which you want to select the power contacts and stick them to the scheme by connecting the appropriate.

Moreover, looking at the wiring, you realize that it is better to connect the power after the picketor, then routing will come there where it is necessary. And you do not have to see.

Now let's think out the fee and hill all unused land. Delayed directly by PCB tool Wire by selecting the Dimension layer.

Then take the Polygon tool, choose the layer to which this polygon must be put (we have a botTom) and draw it somewhere next to the board. Draw on the board - to highlight it will be difficult - there will be all sorts of details into the focus. If anyone knows how you can select the item named let you know.

So, you draw somewhere polygon. So that it becomes the dotted line indicated. Then grab the Info tool and go to the freshly directed polygon. Configure Pouring Parameters:

  • Polygon Pour - You can make a meshe, below the specified grid step
  • Isolate is the distance from the landfill to the tracks. Puts on the basis of the technical process.
  • Spaction is the distance between the fill lines. If we pour a mesh, and not a solid polygon.
  • Orphans - Pouring including insulated pieces of copper. Those. There may simply be pieces of the polygon that are not connected.
  • THERMALS - Making thermover between the polygon and contacts. It is unequivocal to turn on, otherwise to solder.

The rest of the xs, who knows tell me :)

Then they grab the name tool and call the polygon name GND (or how are you called zero points). Everything, now he is part of this network. It remains to put it on the fee. You take the Move tool and pull it over the corners on our fee. It remains to press the Ratnest button and the polygon will fill, ending with the desired conclusions. Beauty!

It remains a little marafet. Turn off the copper layers so as not to be disturbed. It is done through the Display button

The cutting of the layer is made to the Green field near his name. Disconnect Bottom and Top, also turn off the TVALUE and BVALUE layers. Must get such a picture:

If you do not have the habit of flashing the designation on the fee from the front side (and the mud, they are also wonderful, and if you have a snap-to-pour, the beauty is indescribable - smooth black beaks!) That this stage you can score. I loved the last time :) So, we now have porridge - all the inscriptions climb on each other and do not understand that. It should be fixed. Choose the SMASH tool and soak into all elements in a row. At the same time, they fall apart on the components - the element itself and its inscription. It remains to grab the MOVE tool and remove all the inscriptions for the crosses as you please. Yes, they can be rotated, like the remaining elements. The main thing is not to move anything from the details, only inscriptions!

If you are going to make a fee at work, with inscriptions and masks, I strongly recommend turning on the TSTOP / BSTOP mask layers and tighten the inscriptions so that they do not fall into the mask sites (shadrophovano). And then the production officers do not care, they will do how you send, and then you will tear your hair on the ass - because The inscriptions on the mask climb and you will have to be chopping them.

Something like this should turn out:

I have not mentioned above and not two mentioned some layers. Now it's time in the head of this info dirty. The fact is that he is like photoshop :) In it, all the elements go through the layers. And they are also imported (printed). Each layer has its own purpose and confuse them is urgently not recommended. Now I will give a brief libez on the layers, why are they needed and as used. I can be wrong, but in general, right. If something is not so straightening :))))

Layers are hiding under the Display button

They are simply a buzz, there may be left, but there are a number of major and I will describe them.

  • Top - copper from above.
  • Bottom - Copper from below.
  • Vias - transition holes.
  • Pads - Pigs.
  • Unrouted - the line has not yet been divorced connections.
  • Dimension - overall fees.
  • tPLACE / BPLACE - seats of details that do not cover contacts. You can apply to silk screen. t For Top layer B for a bottom layer.
  • torigin / Borigin - cross centers of parts.
  • tNAME / BNAME - layer with details. Silkography that can be applied on the fee. Even at home, the same mud.
  • tvalue / BVALUE - layer with details. For example, the ratings of the resistors. Sometimes it is useful, you print it and get the finished mounting layout.
  • tStop / BSTOP - an important layer. The border of the solder mask. Soldering mask is the same greencraft that covers the boards at the factory and which hides everything except fiveacks and playgrounds. If you do not trace the mask to be where you need and not where you are not needed, you can get a powerful hemorrhoid ordering a fee in production. Ring the task mask that still. Especially under it, you will be waiting for an unlucky copper and solder her chorely. It is better to trace so that the mask is correctly exhibited. Especially when the components draw yourself. At home almost no need. Although some individuals make a soldering mask from Photoresist. IMHO remre.
  • tCREAM / BCREAM - Mask for soldering paste. According to this layer, the special mask is made on which the soldering paste is applied with an automated installation. You can try to cut on it and apply a paste with rocket, and then bake fees in the oven. In some, it turns out at home.
  • tFINISH / BFINISH - xs
  • tGLUE / BGLUE - glue mask. Those. According to this layer, the special mask is made on which glue for the glue of SMD parts before mounting. For you most likely it is useless. Need, perhaps, only for automated mounting.
  • tTest / BTest - xs
  • tKEEPOUT / BKEEPOUT - the overall area of \u200b\u200bthe details. Those. The technological distance is closer than the details cannot be put. Those. Keep Out zones should not intersect. For example, if there is too close to the resistors, then the machine will not be able to deliver them. Either the transistor radiator that will not give anything else. In general, it helps to determine the boundaries of parts on the board.
  • tRESTRICT / BRESTRICT - wiring limit zone. If you cut the Polygna Board Plot on the RESTRICT, then the auto turner does not turn there.
  • Drill - Drilling points.
  • Holes - Holes in the board
  • Milling is not accurate, but it looks like a scraping.
  • Document - xs.
  • Reference - xs.
  • tDOCU / BDOCU - Contacts and Location of conclusions. Pure for clarity.

Sections: Technology

One of the most important tasks of modern education is the development of the skills of creative activity of students and the formation of their creative thinking.

Great opportunities for the development of creative activities and creative abilities of schoolchildren are laid in the program of the educational field "Technology". The development of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren contributes to the technology of projects, which implies the independent creative work of students, carried out under the guidance of the teacher, to the development of an independent creative work performed under the guidance of a teacher. The teacher needs to develop such types of creative activities, the result of which can be the work, competitive in the All-Russian Schoolchildren Olympiad on technology, exhibitions and Competitions of scientific and technical focus.

Such a direction of project activities are works based on the components of modern electronic technology. One of the stages of work is the development and manufacture of printed circuit boards.

The purpose of this work is to show students the capabilities of modern printing systems for the design of printed circuit boards, try their strength and show intellectual potential in creating new objects of creative activity.

Implementation method: Personally oriented training in preparation for the implementation of technological training profile.

Cadsoft Eagle is a complex means for developing printed circuit boards, starting with the creation of a circuit circuit diagram and ending with the creation of a printed circuit board and its trace. The program implements three modules: the program includes a schematic editor, a print editor (Layout Editor) editor, a very flexible and convenient library editor (Autorouter). In addition, the program has a fairly large library containing many standard and sufficiently common electronic components, such as microcontrollers, so it will not be necessary to draw the image of the component in the diagram itself and create a sociprint for the printed circuit board.

The development of the printed circuit board consists of several stages:

  1. Creating an electrical compound scheme
  2. Image of the output fee (its shape and sizes)
  3. Location of parts on the board
  4. Conducting connections between detail conclusions (tracks)

Consider these actions.

Run Eagle. Let's start with the main project of projects.

There is a tree structure.

Libraries - component libraries. There are many things, but in the working environment they will be included selectively. Green dot near the library name means that it is enabled on Wednesday and is available in search / select items. It is not necessary to manually turn off all points, it is enough to select Use None from the context menu, and then turn on the desired selectively.

The most common libraries:

74xx-eu.lbr. library of standard logic.
atmel.lbr. aVR controllers
con-berg.lbr. USB connector.
crystal.lbr. all sorts of quartz
diode.lbr. diodes
docu-dummu.lbr. primitives of the main elements. Will be needed to create your components
holes.lbr. standard fastening holes.
ic-package.lbr. Just some microcircuits in the housings.
jumpers.lbr. Different jumpers.
microchip.lbr. PIC controllers
pinHead.lbr. Pin spots.
rcl.lbr. There are all resistors, capacitors and inductance.

Enter the scheme

Schematic Editor is used to enter the circuit. Before starting to work with the project, it is necessary to clearly decide which components and in which cases it is necessary for this.

Open Control Panel. Click File \\ New \\ Schematic. This opens the window with a future scheme.

Select the components for our scheme using the Add button. Selecting the component by pressing the left mouse button to install it on the working field (sheet). If desired, the component can be rotated clockwise 90 degrees with the right mouse button.
We set the components according to our desires using the MOVE button (right button and here is used for rotation).

Connect the component outputs using the Wire button. The right mouse button is used in this case to select the bending angle of the connection line.
In order to give the scheme a finished look, each element is assigned the name (eg, R1, DD3, etc.). Use the NAME button for this. In most cases, the program plays the names automatically, as components are installed on the working field. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the inadmissibility of entering Russian characters and gaps. In addition to the components, the names can be assigned and connections: it will be useful later when tracing the board.

Set the nominal - mainly it concerns passive elements: resistors, capacitors, coils. To do this, the Value button is intended.
That's all, the scheme is ready!

Now consider creating a schematic diagram and a printed circuit board on a specific example. As an example, we use the LED lamp scheme, which was represented at the final stage of the first Moscow festival of scientific and technological creativity and youth initiatives.

The scheme consists of several LEDs and quenching resistors.

1) We are determined with the necessary details and libraries in which they are located. For this project, we will need the following details:

  • 4 permanent resistors;
  • 10 LEDs;
  • 1 diode;
  • 1 pair of conclusions for subfitting wires;

We are looking for the libraries selected components. MBR0520LT diode - in the Diode.lbr library. LED5mm LEDs are located in LED.LBR, permanent resistors - in rcl.lbr, a pair of conclusions for sub-water supply is called 22-23-2021 and is located in Con-Molex.lbr.

When selecting components, you should immediately select it and Package, because When creating a printed circuit board from the scheme, its "packaging" is transferred automatically (this is especially related to the chip).

2) We carry out the first stage of the project configuration - select the grid with the Grid button (by default, its value is set to 0.1 inches, step in inches, image - lines, and its visibility is turned off).

Possible options:

  • The grid can be turned on / off;
  • The grid may have a type of lines / points;
  • Project units: miles, millimeters, microns, inches;

Mesh values \u200b\u200bcan be any, however, I recommend to draw a circuit of 0.05 inches. It should be especially allocated that only meshs should participate in the whole project, more 0.1 inches (0.05, 0.025, 0.0125, 0.00625) - otherwise it may be difficult at any stage of work. At first, I also recommend to enable all layers on the Display button, and at the same time install a mesh 0.05 inches and make it visible.

3) By pressing the Add button, we get and post on the work field the above components from the above libraries. Approximately in this order:

4) It remains only to connect all the scheme elements correctly. Pressing the Wire, connect the components conclusions.

After the circuit connections are completed, we obtain a picture similar to those shown in the figure. The scheme is ready, you can now start creating a drawing of a printed circuit board.

Create a fee from the scheme

Layout Editor is used to create boards

We have a scheme of the "lamp".

To start working with the board, click the switch button from Schematic in Layout:

After pressing it, Eagle informs us that the fees corresponding to our scheme are not. And at the same time it proposes to create it from the scheme. We answer "YES" and get this window:

Using the drawing commands, you will show the outline of the board.

Now we break the components so that the connections between the outputs of parts as little as possible intersected with each other.

And at the end of work, connect the conclusions of parts with each other with the help of connecting lines - the so-called tracks.

To do this, use the button:

This is what happens in the end: ready-made fee.


  1. Technology: textbook for students of grade 9 of general education institutions / edited by V.D. Simonenko.-M.: Ventana-Count, 2005.-288 p.
  2. Technology: textbook for students of grade 10 of general education institutions / edited by V.D. Simonenko.-M.: Ventana Graph, 2006.-288 p.
  3. Bogatyrev A.N. Electradiother engineering: studies. For 8-9 cl. general educational institutions. - M.: Programmer, 1996. - 224 p.
  4. Golubtsov M.S. AVR microcontrollers - from simple to complex. M.: Solon, 2004

- Powerful tool for creating printed circuit boards, easy to learn and use. It was created in 1988, and now they enjoy tens of thousands of enthusiasts worldwide. One of his key features is that it has a free mode, which is more than enough for a variety of home and not very projects. Apparently, precisely because of this regime, it is so popular in the West, where piracy is not so popular, and software companies are how it is easier to submit to the court to the unlucky pirate. Well, the popularity, in turn, helped to form a large community of enthusiasts around Eagle CAD, mostly with the joy of helping each other and dividing materials - what, as for me, is another argument in favor of using it.

What are the basic principles of work in Eagle CAD?

1) Each project consists of two parts - a scheme (Schematics) and a board layout (Board). Any project looks like this - the scheme is first created, and then the board is based on it. The circuit with a board is rigidly related - the removal of elements from the scheme will lead to removal of the element from the board.

2) every radiothe part consists of two parts - symbol (SYMBOL) and packaging (Package). By analogy with the circuit and wiring of the board, the symbol is a conditional designation of the part (used in the diagram), and the packaging is its appearance (used on the board).

3) Wiring of the board in Eagle CAD consists of a layer. It is so very convenient to work - and even more convenient to print, since you can simply turn off the showing of one layer and thereby remove it from the printout, just like, for example, in Photoshop.
What are the layers?

1. Layers of tracks - that is, it is those places where it will be necessary to leave copper on the board. In the free version of Eagle CAD, you can make a maximum of double-sided fees, respectively, only two layers are available - upper and lower.

Top layer board

Bottom layer

Layer of contact pads

All layers together + layer displaying printed circuit board

2. Stencil for drilling.

3. Layers of text designs - for example, the denominations and names of parts, as well as their form and location.

4. Soldering paste and glue layers for surface installation SMD components

As you can see, part of the layers are designed for ease of editing, the part designate the tracks that need to be raised on the board, the part is designed to create a soldering mask and drilling in production, and part facilitate the assembly in the factory. The fee created in Eagle Cad can be considered ready for reference to the plant for production - because most of these layers are created automatically.

4) Any components for creating boards are grouped into libraries. The separation is rather logical, and the components are quite simple to find, remembering the main libraries with the most popular components and using both Eagle CAD search in components and Google.

Actually, these are all the basic principles of work. As an example, I will show how it is easy to make a printed circuit board in Eagle CAD on an example of a simple multivibrator based on LM555. Multivibrator diagram with two LEDs:

It is her we will implement it. First of all, we run Eagle Cad.

This is the so-called control panel. Here are the libraries, scripts and existing projects - in the standard delivery there is a pair of projects for example. I am very advised to inspect them, just to see what Eagle Cad allows, but now we will not lose time on them and proceed to the creation of our fee. Let's start a new project and give him a name:

Creating a fee in Eagle CAD consists of three stages:

  1. Search for components for our scheme in libraries
  2. Creating a scheme
  3. Creating a circuit based board

We start with the search for components. Let's look at the scheme and make a list:

  • NE555D - located in the library linear.lbr
  • 5mm LED (2x) - are located in the library LED.LBR
  • Two contacts for the power supply - are located in the PinHead.lbr library
  • Four resistors (4X) - are located in the library rcl.lbr
  • One electrolytic capacitor - is located in the RCL.lbr library
  • Also need a Supply1.lbr library - in it the symbols of land and power, just for clarity in the scheme.

The above libraries are all that we may need, but by default Eagle CAD activates all libraries - and there are a lot of them. Excess libraries will only interfere with the search for components, and one to deactivate them - for too long, so I do it - first I say to disable all the libraries, and then simply activate the necessary.

1) Turn off all libraries (right-click on Libraries -\u003e Use None):

2) We activate the necessary. List of desired libraries:

  • linear.lbr.
  • led.lbr.
  • pinHead.lbr.
  • rcl.lbr.
  • supply1.lbr.

Scroll through Libraries and activate the libraries on one (right-click + Use):

We return to the top of the list, we sort over the second column (where the green marks denoting the status) are verifying:

Now we can proceed to the scheme of our project. Scroll into the bottom of the control panel, we find our project there, we click on the right mouse button and select New-\u003e Schematic:

We appear the workfield in its minimalistness.

Left - our work tools. First, add components from the libraries selected by us. To add a "Add" tool to add:

A menu opens in which you need to find the desired part. First choose the chip 555 - we go along the path linear.lbr → * 555 → NE555D.

We choose, click on "OK" below and get a silhouette of a microcircuit in your disposal:

We carry it with the mouse in the center and click. The silhouette is imprinted in the diagram, and the first element has been added. Now it is necessary to repeat it for all other elements. Search paths:

  • linear.lbr → * 555 → NE555D
  • lED.LBR → LED → LED5mm (2 times)
  • pinHead.lbr → PINHD-1X2 → PINHD-1X2
  • rcl.lbr → R-EU_ → R-EU_0207 / 10 (4 times)
  • rcl.lbr → CPOL-EU → CPOL-EUE2.5-6
  • supply1.lbr → VCC.
  • supply1.lbr → GND.

During movement, the silhouette can be rotated around its axis with a right-click mouse. So all the elements are added:

You can approximate the field of the mouse in the field, during this it matters the position of the cursor inside the field with the elements. You can also use the ZOOM keys on the top panel.

Now you need to position them so that it is convenient to carry out connections between them. We again look at our fundamental scheme:

We take the movement tool (), and move the items so that their location is logical:

After that you need to hold connections. Take the NET tool (Draw An Electrical Connection) in the toolbar on the left below:

We carry out a connection between two points. Connect the upper output of the R2 resistor to the power supply. Close the mouse at one end of the VCC symbol, and the cursor begins to reach an angular green line. We carry out this line to the withdrawal of the resistor and tickle at its end. Voila! The line was pulled out of the cursor and connects the characters VCC and R2.

Line Rules:

We carry out the following connection - to the power supply connector:

Then we carry out all the rest, as shown in the gifle below.

Finished scheme:

The scheme is ready, you can now make a fee. In the top (horizontal) menu, select the GENERATE / SWITCH TO Board button:

We agree with the jumped window:

And the black field appears before us.

The rectangle on the field is the restriction of the free version of Eagle Cad, and at the same time is the boundaries of our board. While it does not touch it, but simply drag all the elements inside it, somewhere in the upper left corner. The MOVE () tool is in its place in the toolbar on the left. When dragging, it is desirable to stick to the original scheme - it is quite clearly drawn:

Elements in their places:

It is sad that I so confused the resistors in some places - the names on the original scheme do not correspond to the names on our scheme and board. Well, nothing, it is no longer so important - the connections are placed correctly, this is the main thing.

As can be understood, yellow lines are connections according to the scheme. When editing the board, we cannot change the connections, it can be done only by returning to the scheme. While editing the board, you can only spend the tracks on the board, but do not change the scheme itself. If it is necessary to return to the diagram and change the connections there, you need to remember that all changes in the scheme are immediately reflected in the board - if we delete the element in the diagram, then it will immediately disappear from the board.

Now proceed to wiring the board. For simple boards, it is easier to use automatic wiring (Autorouter). This is an embedded function in Eagle CAD that automatically carries out tracks. We climb on the Tools menu and select Autorouter:

This tool has many settings in which you can try to delve into, but we will need only two. Since we have a one-sided fee and the second side, because of the simple fee, it makes no sense because of the "Preferred Directions" column solve all directions of tracks on the bottom layer and forbid track through the top layer:

Click "OK" and see the divorced fee:

All tracks were held, you can relax. However, it is worth noting that the automatic wiring does not always work as it should - sometimes it holds a pair of tracks is not the most optimal way, burning the path for all other tracks, and then cannot find a way to spend the tracks that the path has blocked the path itself, it gives an error and stops. Then you have to interfere yourself - delete what has gone to the automatic wiring and to somehow take away the problem tracks.

For practice - take care of the tools and try to spend all the tracks themselves.

We use two tools - ROUTE and RIPUP (Ripup is activated in the picture). The first draws a track, the second - removes incorrectly drawn. Take the Route tool and drag the tracks one. Principles and rules are mainly the same as for layout of compounds in the scheme, but there is a pair of additional:

  1. Eagle will not give a track between two contacts, if it is not spent in the diagram. If the contacts are not connected in the diagram, then, even if they spend the track through them, it will not be able to finish it. By the way, if the track even after clicking on the last contact stretches further, it means that something is not done.
  2. If two segments are almost connected, but the yellow line for their connection is somewhere in the other end of the circuit - I advise you to roll back to several steps and conduct lines in a different order
  3. Do not be afraid to carry out lines between the outputs of the components. You can safely hold a path between two leads of the LED or resistor, well, or the legs of the chip.

We divor the line just like connections in the diagram. And ... Suddenly a hopeless situation - there is no way to wiring one line:

What to do? You can return to the diagram and add a pair of jumpers. But the situation does not seem to be unscrewed, it means that you can do without jumpers - just erase a pair of tracks to the RIPUP tool, we have previously existence and think how to carry out those that are stolen. By the way, I propose to return to the result of the automotive industry and see how this track is held there - often helps \u003d)

Place layout process (step by step, gif):

So, the fee is completed. Now the MOVE tool change the size of the frame around the board so that it is that the frame, and not a rectangle, inside which somewhere in the corner there is a fee:

Now you need to withdraw a guarantee. How? Just disable all the extra layers for the board and send to print.

Layer Menu Button:

Click on the menu deactivate all layers (click None below), and then select the Bottom layers, Pads and Dimension and activate them (double click, select Displayed and click OK):

Ready. We are displayed on print (File -\u003e Print). In the Options column you need to select items:

  • Mirror - Calling the board, it is necessary for the correct translation of the toner on the fee - otherwise you have to pour chips upside down \u003d)
  • Black - Black and White Mode
  • Solid - Forced filling of all sections with one color, removes all sorts of hatching and the like

Not for be choose the desired printer! By the way, Eagle supports printing in PDF and it is already built into the editor - you can select Print to PDF in the list of printers.

As a result, the fee is ready and you can translate it on textolit.

(Scale is not followed, the fee is just for example)

I hope that this article is understandable and will help start work in Eagle Cad without any difficulty. Do not forget that a large number of materials on this system are available on the network, so it will be easy to look enough for all the necessary materials and knowledge. The source files for training can be found in the archive for an article with a PDF file with a printout. Successful work in Eagle Cad!

The next part of the cycle lessons at work with Eagle CAD: