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How to read the schemes of radio electronic devices, signs of radio components. Conditional graphic designations Radio designation


1. Antenna:

a) Asymmetric

b) symmetric

Notes: 1. If you need to specify the appointment of the antenna, the nature of the movement of the main petal of the orientation chart, the type of polarization, etc., then use the following signs:

a) reception and transfer



transmission and reception alternately

transfer and reception at the same time

b) the nature of the movement of the main petal of the radiation diagram: rotation in one direction

rotation in both directions


c) polarization type:

linear horizontal

linear vertical


circular Right

circular left


elliptical right

elliptical left

d) field distribution sketch

e) focus:

constant in Azimuta

permanent height (elevation angle)

azimuth and height

azimuth variable

variable in height

radiogoniometric (Radiomayak)

2. It is allowed next to the antenna designation to place the image of the main petal of the radiation chart:

the main petal of the focus chart in the horizontal plane

the main petal of the focus pattern in the vertical plane

If necessary, next to the designation of the main petal of the orientation diagram indicate the width data at a certain level of measurement, for example:

the width of the main petal is measured by par

the width of the main petal is measured at two levels

lA. Radio station

1b. Transfer radio station

1B. Reception radio station

2. Examples of constructing general designations of antennas with explanatory data:

a) antenna transmitting with vertical polarization

b) antenna receiving-transmitting with horizontal linear polarization.

Note. With vertical polarization, the arrow must be parallel to the middle line of the antenna, and when the horizontal polarization is perpendicular to it

c) receiving antenna with circular polarization

d) antenna with a constant focus on azimuth and height

e) antenna transmitting with a constant focus on azimuth and horizontal linear polarization

e) variable oriental antenna

in height

according to Azimuta

g) Radiogoniometric Antenna (Radiomayak)

h) antenna rotating

and) antenna with a constant focus on azimuth and vertical polarization; The main petal of the radiation chart is horizontally

k) antenna receiving-transmitting with rotation in horizontal and swing in vertical planes (with rotation of azimuth and swing in height), for example, with a rotation speed of 4 s -1 and a swing at an angle from 0 to 57 ° per second

3. Counterweight

(Modified edition, change No. 2, 3, 4).

2. The designations of specific varieties of antennas and antenna devices are given in.

table 2


1. Vibrator asymmetrical

2. Vibrator asymmetric shunt food

3. T-shaped antenna

4. Antenna Mr.

5. Inclined antenna

Note. It is allowed to indicate the number of rays, for example, antenna oblique six

6. Antenna umbrella

7. Antenna Passive Radio Relay Station

8. Turnbook antenna

9. Antenna with a ferromagnetic core (for example, ferrite):

a) with one winding

b) with two adjustable windings.

Note. The overall designation of the antenna does not specify, if it does not cause misunderstandings

10. Framework antenna

11. Antenna Framework Balance

12. Antenna Frame intersecting

13. Antenna Edkoka

14. Rhombic antenna, for example, with a resistor

15. Rhombic binary antenna

16. Hanging antenna

17. Emission antenna

18. Symmetric vibrator

19. Squarenaya antenna

20. Antenna Corner dipole

21. Antenna Corner shunt

22. Antenna Corner inclined

23. Vibrator loop

24. Shunt power vibrator:

a) symmetric

b) loop

25. Symmetrical device

For example, a loop vibrator with power through a coaxial line and with a symmetrical device

26. Loop vibrator with three director and one reflector

27. Antenna Syphase from symmetric vibrators

Note. For the image of a syphase antenna with a logarithmic periodic structure, the following designation is used

28. Non-phase Ranzon Antenna

29. Running Wave Antenna

30. Antenna Rupor, powered by a rectangular waveguide

31. The antenna is slit:

a) with longitudinal slots, powered by a coaxial line from one end

b) with transverse slits, powered by a waveguide in the center

32. The antenna is slit:

a) Pazova

b) ring

c) disc

33. Biconic antenna, powered by a coaxial line

34. Disc-conical antenna, powered by a coaxial line

35. Dielectric antenna (for example, conical).

Note. The designation should simpluously reproduce the external form of the dielectric rod

36. Spiral antenna with a screen powered by a coaxial line

Note. For the image of a spiral antenna with a decreasing diameter of turns (conical, logarithmic) use the following designation

37. Antenna, powered by a coaxial line:

a) Unipolar

b) unipolar with a conical counterweight

c) unipolar with radial counterweight

38. Antenna Spiral-ripped, powered by a coaxial line

39. Polarization filter

40. Polarization converter

41. Reflector:

a) rod or flat

b) curvilinear (paraboloid, sphere, parabolic and circular cylinders, complex curvilinear reflector, etc.)

c) corner

d) flat-writer ("cheese")


1. When building antenna device schemes, the reflector designation is allowed to rotate any angle.

2. When you see reflectors with frequency-selective properties, it is allowed to specify the frequency range in which its reflective properties are preserved.

42. Polarization converter with reflector:

a) flat

6) curvilinear

43. Lens (for example, biconvecake):

a) Metal plastic

b) dielectric

Note. The designation should simpluously reproduce the external form of the lens

44. Surface Wave Line

45. The coating absorbing

46. \u200b\u200bAntenna with a curvilinear reflector and a horn

46a. Antenna with a curvilinear reflector powered by a rectangular waveguide

47. Antenna with a curvilinear reflector and a symmetric vibrator powered by a coaxial line

48. Antenna with corner reflector and symmetric vibrator

49. Antenna Rule-Linzing (for example, with a metal-plastic lens), powered by a rectangular waveguide

50. Antenna with a flat-headed reflector and a horn emitter powered by rectangularwaveguide

1. It is allowed to portray complex antenna systems in aksonometric projection, for example:

a) system antenna syphase

6) reflector flat

c) parabolic cylinder

2. If you need to specify the type of antenna, the designation of which is not established by this standard, the name of the antenna type is allowed to lead next to the overall designation.

9. Ground Space Radio

10. Ground radio station only for tracking space radio stations (for example, with a parabolic antenna)

11. Portable radio station with alternated reception and transmission on the same antenna

12. Mobile radio stations on rails with simultaneous reception and transmission on two antennas

13. Mobile non-non-simultaneous radio station with simultaneous reception and transmission on two antennas

14. Radio station on floating facilities with simultaneous reception and transmission on the same antenna

15. Radio station on flying facilities with simultaneous reception and transmission on the same antenna

16. Radio rail station with reception and transmission at different frequencies

(in the modular grid) conditional graphic designations

Table 4.

3, 4, app. (Additionally introduced, change No. 3).

Information details

1. Developed and submitted by the Committee of Standards, Measures and Measuring Devices at the Council of Ministers of the USSR


V. R. Verchenko, Yu. I. Stepanov, E. G. Starzhilets, V. S. Murashov, G. G. G. G. G. N. Granatovich, V. A. Smirnova, E. V. Purinsky, Yu. B. Karpinsky, V. G. Chertkova, G. S. Plis, Yu. P. Leichik


3. Standard fully corresponds to ST SEV 6307-88

4. In return for GOST 7624-62 in part of the section. fifteen

5. Reference regulatory and technical documents

6. Reprint (May 1992) with amendments No. 1, 2, approved in June 1984, April 1987, March 1989 (IUS No. 11-84, 7-87, 6-89)

A person has little familiar with the rules of civil radio exchange (and in general, little that knows about the existence of any rules in this area) is often not conceived at what frequencies, to him as an ordinary citizen of the Russian Federation can be communicated.

These questions come later when the unpacked radio is in our hands and we are trying to figure it out. And well, if trying to figure out we do not set up our wagons on any waves, starting them to test them (here we are talking about races that have a technical opportunity to work at special frequencies, if you have a "soapny" working only on PMR frequencies, it is not worried about On setup, nor about the observance of legislation)! The article is dedicated to the beginners of Radio exchange, the same as the author himself and tells about some of the Aza!

What frequencies can be communicated in Russia to the civilian population?

First of all, it is necessary to understand that at the moment there are only 3 frequency range (PMR / CV / LPD) for civil communication in Russia, while there are nuances for each frequency range. Which, however, describe in detail we will not be limited to a brief information.

PMR / PI EM-ER: 446.00000 MHz - 446.10000 MHz / pitch 12.5 kHz. The maximum allowable output power of the transmitting devices is 0.5 W. PMR is used in many European countries to meet the most distinguished needs of the civilian population. In Russia, the PMR range is officially permitted for free radio exchange since 2005. To communicate on the PMR range, a special license is not required. Sale of cheap racies operating exclusively on the PMR range are widespread. PMR Range has only 8 channels:

Range Start: 446.00000 MHz
1 Channel: 446.00625 MHz
2 channel: 446.01875 MHz (generally accepted car channel, used as an analogue of 15 channel CB range truckers.)
3 Channel: 446.03125 MHz
4 Channel: 446.04375 MHz
5 Channel: 446.05625 MHz
6 Channel: 446.06875 MHz
7 Channel: 446.08125 MHz
8 Channel: 446.09375 MHz (used only for calling or transmitting a disaster signal.)
End of range: 446.10000 MHz

The PMR message can be transmitted a few kilometers, depending on the transmission conditions (city, forest, field, etc.). However, a rare signal transmission case is known at 535.8 km (from the UK to the Netherlands), but it became possible because of the rare for this range of the abnormal waves anomaly for long distances. To ensure good communication over long distances, the conditions of direct visibility are needed, theoretically from the balloon or the ISS station you may well be heard, but the larger the area is crossed.

LPD:433.075 MHz - 434.775 MHz (step 25 kHz) The maximum allowable output power of transmitting devices is not more than 10 MW. Radio frequency range for low-power devices permitted to free use in many countries with some limitations.

LPD frequency for 69 channel radio.
Channel number - frequency in MHz:

01 — 433.0750
02 — 433.1000
03 — 433.1250
04 — 433.1500
05 — 433.1750
06 — 433.2000
07 — 433.2250
08 — 433.2500
09 — 433.2750
10 — 433.3000
11 — 433.3250
12 — 433.3500
13 — 433.3750
14 — 433.4000
15 — 433.4250
16 — 433.4500
17 — 433.4750
18 — 433.5000
19 — 433.5250
20 — 433.5500
21 — 433.5750
22 — 433.6000
23 — 433.6250
24 — 433.6500
25 — 433.6750
26 — 433.7000
27 — 433.7250
28 — 433.7500
29 — 433.7750
30 — 433.8000
31 — 433.8250
32 — 433.8500
33 — 433.8750
34 — 433.9000
35 - 433.9250 (the frequency on which the tracks of automotive alarms work, if you press the tangent you can drown the signal with all the resulting. We are extremely recommended to engage in such things).
36 — 433.9500
37 — 433.9750
38 — 434.0000
39 — 434.0250
40 — 434.0500
41 — 434.0750
42 — 434.1000
43 — 434.1250
44 — 434.1500
45 — 434.1750
46 — 434.2000
47 — 434.2250
48 — 434.2500
49 — 434.2750
50 — 434.3000
51 — 434.3250
52 — 434.3500
53 — 434.3750
54 — 434.4000
55 — 434.4250
56 — 434.4500
57 — 434.4750
58 — 434.5000
59 — 434.5250
60 — 434.5500
61 — 434.5750
62 — 434.6000
63 — 434.6250
64 — 434.6500
65 — 434.6750
66 — 434.7000
67 — 434.7250
68 — 434.7500
69 — 434.7750

LPD frequency for 8 channel radio.
Channel number - Frequency in MHz / Matching channels on a radio with 69 channels:

01 — 433.0750 / 1
02 — 433.1000 /2
03 — 433.2000 /6
04 — 433.3000 /10
05 — 433.3500 /12
06 — 433.4750 /17
07 — 433.6250 /23
08 — 433.8000 /30

CB: C - bi (the output power of radio stations up to 10 W does not require registration in the Russian Federation) - used for civilian radio communications. The applications are quite a lot, for example, to establish the connection between buildings, cars, surface transport.
It has an advantage over PMR and LPD bands, if we are talking about use in the forest and crossed terrain, but PMR and LPD are more suitable for the city, it is associated with wavelengths.

In terms of actually the frequencies themselves in the Siberian range, a grid consisting of an alphanumeric code is used. Here are some useful Radio Frequids CB (SI BB) Range: Frequency 27.135 MHz C15EA can be called the main automotive frequency of Russia. This verification frequency on which not only truckers communicate, but also everything, who has a radio station in the car throughout Russia.

Frequency 27,225 MHz (22th Channel C) - Channel 4x4 Club Channel.

Not a big conclusion according to the civil frequencies.

Conclusion In general, from the same novice that has received information from the Internet. As I understand it (if you don't correct the rights in the comments), if your wounds are suitable in all parameters (outgoing signal strength, antenna design, etc.) for so much that they are not needed to register and you comply with all the rules of radio exchange trying to anyone Do not interfere, you can safely use these waves! If there are problems with the parameters of the radio, it should be registered. At the same time, again, as I understood it, we will die artificially, limiting the exceedances. Of course, you can use the radio and risk. At the same time, the use of other frequencies for transmission is strictly prohibited! That is, even just clamping the tangent on them is impossible, because It may interfere with the work of various services! An exception can be a disaster signal, that is, if your life threatens danger and you are trying to contact at least someone else to save you. This action will be within the law.

In conclusion, a little touch the theme of radio amateurs. As officially becoming a radio amateur, get the classification, license and register your call sign on the Internet. We note that we are also forbidden to use the frequencies of official radio amateurs to communicate. If you officially join the ranks of radio amateurs, you will pass all the necessary procedures, you will be able to use 144.000 MHz - 146.000 MHz - civilian radio communication for licensed radio amateurs, and not ababa as, but according to the rules.

I hope that the information set out here was useful to you! And if you have something to say on this topic, write comments and share your experience!


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Beginner radio amateurs often face such a problem as the designation in the diagrams of radio components and the correct reading of their marking. The main difficulty lies in a large number of items of items, which are represented by transistors, resistors, condensers, diodes and other details. From how correctly the scheme is read, it largely depends on its practical embodiment and the normal operation of the finished product.


Resistors include radio components with strictly determined resistance to electric current flowing through them. This feature is designed to reduce the current in the chain. For example, the lamp shine is less bright, it is supplied to it through a resistor. The higher the resistance of the resistor, the less the lighting of the lamp will be. In permanent resistors, resistance remains unchanged, and variable resistors can change their resistance from zero values \u200b\u200bto the maximum possible value.

Each permanent resistor has two main parameters - power and resistance. The power value is indicated in the diagram not with confusing or digital symbols, but using special lines. The power itself is determined by the formula: p \u003d u x i, that is, equal to the product and current force. This parameter is important because one or another resistor can withstand only a certain value of the power. If this value is exceeded, the element will simply burn, since heat release occurs during the resistance current. Therefore, in the figure, each lines applied to the resistor correspond to a certain power.

There are other ways to design resistors in diagrams:

  1. On the conceptual circuits, the sequence number is indicated in accordance with the location (R1) and the resistance value of 12k. The letter "K" is a multiple console and denotes 1000. That is, 12k corresponds to 12,000 Ohm or 12 kiloma. If the label is present in the marking, it indicates an 1200,000,000 Ohm or 12 mega.
  2. In labeling with the help of letters and numbers, alphabetic symbols E, K and M correspond to certain multiple prefixes. So the letter E \u003d 1, K \u003d 1000, M \u003d 1000000. The decoding of the designation will look like this: 15e - 15 ohms; K15 - 0.15 Ohm - 150 ohms; 1k5 - 1.5 com; 15K - 15 com; M15 - 0.15m - 150 com; 1m2 - 1.5 MΩ; 15m - 15m.
  3. In this case, only digital designations are used. Each includes three digits. The first two of them correspond to the value, and the third - the multiplier. Thus, the multipliers include: 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. They mean the number of zeros added to the main value. For example, 150 - 15 ohms; 151 - 150 ohms; 152 - 1500 ohms; 153 - 15000 ohms; 154 - 120000 ohms.

Permanent resistors

The name of the permanent resistors is associated with their nominal resistance, which remains unchanged during the entire period of operation. They differ in each other depending on the design and materials.

Wire elements consist of metal wires. In some cases, alloys with high resistivity can be used. The basis for winding the wire is a ceramic framework. These resistors have the highest accuracy of the nominal, and the presence of great own inductance is considered to be a serious disadvantage. In the manufacture of film metal resistors, a metal with a high resistivity is sprayed on the ceramic base. Due to its qualities, such elements were widely distributed.

The design of coal permanent resistors can be film or volumetric. In this case, graphite quality is used as a high resistivity material. There are other resistors, for example, integral. They are used in specific integrated circuits where the use of other elements is not possible.

Variable resistors

Beginner radio amateurs are often confused by a variable resistor with a capacitor of a variable capacity, since they look very similar to each other. Nevertheless, they have completely different functions, as well as there are significant differences in the display on the schematic diagrams.

The design of the variable resistor includes a slider rotating along the resistive surface. Its main function is to adjust the parameters consisting in changing the internal resistance to the desired value. In this principle, the operation of the sound regulator in audio engineering and other similar devices is based. All adjustments are carried out due to a smooth voltage change and current in electronic devices.

The main parameter of the variable resistor is the resistance capable of changing within certain limits. In addition, it has the installed capacity that must withstand. All types of resistors have these qualities.

On domestic concept schemes, the elements of an alternating type are indicated as a rectangle, which marks two main and one additional output, located vertically or passing through the diagonal icon.

In foreign circuits, the rectangle is replaced with a curved line with the designation of an additional output. Next to the designation is the English letter R with a sequence number of a particular element. Nearby is the value of the nominal resistance.

Compound resistors

Connections of resistors in various combinations and configurations are often used in electronics and electrical engineering. For greater clarity, it is necessary to consider a separate section of the chain with consistent, parallel and.

With a serial connection, the end of one resistor is connected to the beginning of the next item. Thus, all resistors are connected to each other, and the total current flows the same value. Between the initial and endpoint, there is only one way to flow. As an increase in the number of resistors connected into a common chain, an appropriate increase in overall resistance occurs.

A parallel is considered to be such a connection when the initial ends of all resistors are combined at one point, and the final outputs are at another point. Current flows for each, separately taken resistor. As a result of a parallel connection with an increase in the number of connected resistors, the number of ways for the current flow increases. The overall resistance at such a plot decreases in proportion to the number of connected resistors. It will always be less than the resistance of any resistor connected in parallel.

Most often, a mixed connection is used in the radio electronics, which is a combination of parallel and consistent options.

On the presented scheme, the resistors R2 and R3 are connected in parallel. The serial compound includes a resistor R1, combination R2 and R3 and R4 resistor. In order to calculate the resistance of such a compound, the entire chain is divided into several simplest sites. After that, the resistance values \u200b\u200bare summed up and the overall result is obtained.


The standard semiconductor diode consists of two conclusions and one straightening electrical transition. All elements of the system are combined in a general body of ceramics, glass, metal or plastics. One part of the crystal is called the emitter due to the high concentration of impurities, and the other part, with a low concentration, is called the base. The marking of semiconductors in the schemes reflects their design features and specifications.

For the manufacture of semiconductors, germanium or silicon is used. In the first case, it is possible to achieve a higher transmission coefficient. Elements from Germany are distinguished by increased conductivity for which even low voltage is sufficient.

Depending on the design, semiconductors can be point or plane, and according to technological features they are rectifier, impulse or universal.


The capacitor is a system that includes two or more electrodes, made in the form of plates - plates. They are divided by a dielectric, which is much thinner than the condenser plated. All device has a mutual capacity and has the ability to maintain an electric charge. On the simplest scheme, the condenser is replicated in the form of two parallel metal plates separated by any dielectric material.

On a schematic diagram next to the image of the capacitor, its nominal container in micropraids (ICF) or picofarades (PF) is indicated. With the designation of electrolytic and high-voltage capacitors, after the nominal capacity, the value of the maximum operating voltage, measured in volts (B) or kilovolt (kV), is indicated.

Variables condensers

To designate capacitors with a variable capacity, two parallel segments are used, which crosses the inclined arrow. The movable plates connected at a certain point of the circuit are depicted as a short arc. Near it is affixed with the minimum and maximum capacity. A block of condensers consisting of several sections is combined with a bar code crossing adjustment signs (arrows).

The designation of the trim capacitor includes an inclined line with a touch at the end instead of arrows. The rotor is displayed as a short arc. Other elements - thermoconduators are denoted by the SC letters. In its graphic image, the temperature symbol is affixed near the sign of nonlinear adjustment.

Permanent capacitors

Graphic designations of capacitors with constant capacity are widely used. They are depicted in the form of two parallel segments and conclusions from the middle of each of them. Near the icon is affixed by the letter C, after it is the sequence number of the element and with a small interval - the numerical designation of the nominal container.

When used in the condenser C scheme, an asterisk is applied instead of its sequence number. The value of the rated voltage is indicated only for high voltage chains. This applies to all capacitors other than electrolytic. The digital voltage symbol is affixed after the tank designation.

The connection of many electrolytic capacitors requires compliance with polarity. The "+" icon or a narrow rectangle is used in the schemes to designate a positive fold. In the absence of polarity, both plates are marked with narrow rectangles.

Diodes and Stabilians

Diodes relate to the simplest semiconductor devices operating on the basis of the electron-hole transition, known as the P-N-transition. The property of one-sided conduction is clearly transmitted in graphic notation. The standard diode is depicted as a triangle, symbolizing anode. The vertex of the triangle indicates the direction of conductivity and rests on the transverse line indicating the cathode. All image intersects in the center of the electrical circuit line.

Vd letter is used for used. It displays not only individual elements, but also whole groups, for example,. The type of one or another diode is indicated near its positional designation.

The basic symbol is used to designate stabilodins, which are semiconductor diodes with special properties. A short barcode is present in the cathode, directed towards the triangle, symbolizing the anode. This bar is accounted for unchanged, regardless of the position of the Stabilon icon on the schematic diagram.


Most radio-electronic components have only two outputs. However, such elements as transistors are equipped with three conclusions. Their designs are distinguished by a variety of types, forms and sizes. The general principles of their work are the same, and small differences are associated with the technical characteristics of a particular element.

Transistors are used primarily as electronic switches to turn on and off various devices. The main convenience of such devices is to switch a lot of voltage using a low voltage source.

In essence, each transistor is a semiconductor device, with which electrical oscillations are generated and transformed. Bipolar transistors with the same electrical conductivity of the emitter and manifold received the greatest distribution.

In the diagrams, they are denoted by the letter code VT. The graphic image is a short dash, from the middle of which the line leaves. This symbol denotes the database. Two inclined lines at an angle of 60 0, displaying the emitter and collector, are carried out to its edges.

The electrical conductivity of the base depends on the direction of the emitter arrow. If it is directed towards the base, the electrical conductivity of the emitter is p, and the base is n. When the arrow direction in the opposite direction, the emitter and the base change electrical conductivity to the opposite value. Knowledge of electrical conductivity is necessary to properly connect the transistor to the power source.

In order for the designation in the transistor radio components schemes, it is placed in a circle that means the housing. In some cases, the compound is performed with a metal case with one of the element conclusions. Such a place on the diagram is displayed as a point that is affixed there, where the output intersects with the symbol of the case. If there is a separate output on the housing, the line indicating the output can be connected to the mug without a point. Near the positional designation of the transistor, its type is indicated, which makes it possible to significantly increase the information content of the scheme.

Letter notation in diagrams of radio components

Basic designation

Name of element

Additional designation

Type of device


Tok regulator

Block relay




Sensor thermal





Battery capacitors of power

Charging condenser block

Integrated circuits, micro

IC analog

Is a digital, logical element

Elements are different

Heat and electron heater

Light lighting

Dischargers, Fuses, Protective Devices


The same, inertial action

Fuse fusible


Generators, power supplies

Battery batteries

Synchronous compensator

Generator pathogen

Indication and signaling devices

Sound alarm device


Light alarm device

Signal scoreboard

Signal lamp with green lens

Signal lamp with red lens

Signal lamp with white lens

Indicators ion and semiconductor

Relay, contactors, starters

Relay current

Relay index

Electroceplovoe relay

Contactor, magnetic starter

Time relay

Voltage relay

Relay team inclusion

Switch command relay

Intermediate relay

Inductance coils, chokes

Throttle of luminescent lighting

Time Meter Action, Clock



Switches and disconnectors

Automatic switch




Shunt measuring


Switching device in control circuits, alarms and measuring circuits

Switch or switch

Switch button

Automatic switch


Current transformer

Voltage transformers




Power Supply

Frequency converter

Electrovacuum and semiconductor devices

Diode, Stabilirton

Electrovale device



Contact connectors

Current collector

High frequency connector

Mechanical devices with electromagnetic drive


Electromagnetic castle

In the article you will learn about which there are radio components. Designations in the Scheme according to GOST will be considered. You need to start with the most common - resistors and capacitors.

To collect any design, you need to know what they look in the reality of radio components, as well as how they are indicated on electrical circuits. There are many radio components - transistors, condensers, resistors, diodes, etc.


Capacitors are details that are found in any design without exception. Usually the simplest capacitors are two metal plates. And the air acts as a dielectric component. Immediately remember physics lessons at school, when they passed the topic about capacitors. The model performed two huge flat iron rounds. They brought them close to each other, then removed. And in each position were measured. It is worth noting that instead of air can be used mica, as well as any material that does not conduct an electric current. The designations of radio components on imported concept schemes differs from the guests adopted in our country.

Pay attention to the fact that through ordinary capacitors does not pass a permanent current. On the other hand, through it passes without any difficulty. Given this property, the condenser is installed only where it is necessary to separate the variable component in constant current. Therefore, it is possible to make a substitution scheme (on the Kirchhoff Theorem):

  1. When using an alternating current, the capacitor is replaced by the segment of the conductor with zero resistance.
  2. When working in a DC circuit, the capacitor is replaced (no, not capacity!) Resistance.

The main characteristic of the capacitor is the electric container. Capacity unit is Farad. She is very big. In practice, as a rule, used which is measured in micropraids, nanoforades, micropharaids. In the schemes, the condenser is indicated in the form of two parallel dashes, from which the taps are coming.

Variables condensers

There is also such a type of appliances in which the container changes (in this case due to the fact that there are movable plates). The capacity depends on the dimensions of the plate (in the formula S is its area), as well as from the distance between the electrodes. In an alternating condenser with an air dielectric, for example, due to the presence of a movable part, it is possible to quickly change the area. Therefore, the container will also change. But the designation of radio components on foreign circuits is somewhat different. The resistor, for example, is depicted in the form of a broken curve.

Permanent capacitors

These elements have differences in the design, as well as in the materials from which they are made. You can allocate the most popular types of dielectrics:

  1. Air.
  2. Mica.
  3. Ceramics.

But this concerns exclusively non-polar elements. There are still electrolytic capacitors (polar). It is in such elements that very large containers - ranging from the tenths of the microfrades and ending with several thousands of thousands. In addition to the container in such elements, there is another parameter - the maximum voltage value at which its use is allowed. These parameters are written in diagrams and on capacitors' enclosures.

on schemes

It is worth noting that in the case of using trimmed or variables of capacitors, two values \u200b\u200bare indicated - the minimum and maximum container. In fact, on the case, you can always find some range in which the container will change if you turn the instrument axis from one extreme position to another.

Suppose there is an alternating capacitor with a capacity of 9-240 (default measurement in picofarades). This means that with the minimum overlap of the plates, the container will be 9 PF. And at the maximum - 240 PF. It is worth considering the designation of radio components in the diagram and their name to be able to correctly read technical documentation.

Compound condenser

You can immediately distinguish three types (there are only as many) connections of the elements:

  1. Consistent - The total capacity of the entire chain is sufficient simply enough. It will be in this case equal to the product of all the containers of the elements divided by their sum.
  2. Parallel - In this case, calculate the total container even easier. It is necessary to fold the tanks of all the capacitors included in the chain.
  3. Mixed - In this case, the scheme is divided into several parts. It can be said that it simplifies - one part contains only parallel to the connected elements, the second - only sequentially.

And these are only general information about the capacitors, in fact, a lot about them can be told, to bring an example entertaining experiments.

Resistors: General Information

These elements can also be found in any design - at least in the radio, at least in the control circuit on the microcontroller. This is a porcelain tube, on the outside, a thin film of metal (carbon - in particular, soot) has been sprayed. However, it can be applied even graphite - the effect will be similar. If the resistors have very low resistance and high power, then used as a conductive layer

The main characteristic of the resistor is resistance. Used in electrical circuits to install the required current value in certain circuits. The physics lessons were compared with a barrel filled with water: if you change the diameter of the pipe, then you can adjust the speed of the jet. It is worth noting that resistance depends on the thickness of the conductive layer. The thinner this layer, the higher the resistance. In this case, the conventions of radio components in the diagrams do not depend on the size of the element.

Permanent resistors

As for such elements, the most common types can be distinguished:

  1. Metallized lacquered heat resistant - abbreviated MLT.
  2. Moisture resistances - Sun.
  3. Carbon lacquered small-sized - ulm.

Resistors have two main parameters - power and resistance. The last parameter is measured in Omah. But this unit of measurement is extremely small, so in practice it is more likely to meet elements in which resistance is measured in megaoms and kilomas. Power is measured exclusively in watts. Moreover, the dimensions of the element depend on the power. What it is more, the larger the element. And now about what is the designation of radio components. In the schemes of imported and domestic devices, all elements can be designated in different ways.

On domestic schemes, the resistor is a small rectangle with the aspect ratio of 1: 3, its parameters are prescribed either from the side (if the element is located vertically) or from above (in the case of a horizontal location). First indicates the Latin letter R, then the sequence number of the resistor in the scheme.

Variable resistor (potentiometer)

Permanent resistance have only two outputs. But the variables are three. On electrical circuits and on the body of the element, the resistance is indicated between two extreme contacts. But between average and any of the extreme resistance will vary depending on what position is the axis of the resistor. At the same time, if you connect two ohmmeters, you can see how the reading of one in a smaller side will change, and the second one is in large. You need to understand how to read the schemes of radio-electronic devices. The designations of radio components are also not superfront.

The total resistance (between extreme leads) will remain unchanged. Variable resistors are used to regulate the gain (with their help you change the volume in the radio receivers, TVs). In addition, variable resistors are actively used in vehicles. These are fuel level sensors, electric motor rotation speed controls, lighting brightness.

Compound resistors

In this case, the picture is completely inverse the one that has been in capacitors:

  1. Serial connection - The resistance of all elements in the chain is folded.
  2. Parallel connection - The product of resistance is divided into the amount.
  3. Mixed - the whole scheme is divided into smaller chains and is calculated in stages.

On this, you can close the review of the resistors and begin to describe the most interesting elements - semiconductor (designations of radio components in the schemes, GOST for the hug, are considered below).


This is the largest part of all radio elements, since the semiconductors include not only stabilods, transistors, diodes, but also varicates, varipides, thyristors, simistors, microcircuits, etc. Yes, chips are one crystal on which it may be Great many radio elements - and capacitors, and resistances, and r-p-transitions.

As you know, there are conductors (metals, for example), dielectrics (wood, plastic, fabric). There may be different designations of radio components in the diagram (triangle is most likely a diode or stabilion). But it is worth noting that a triangle without additional elements is denoted by logical land in microprocessor technique.

These materials are either conducting current or not, no matter what aggregate state they are. But there are also semiconductors whose properties vary depending on the specific conditions. These are materials such as silicon, Germany. By the way, the glass can also be partly attributed to semiconductors - in normal condition it does not conduct a current, but when heated the picture is completely reverse.

Diodes and Stabilians

The semiconductor diode has only two electrodes: cathode (negative) and anode (positive). But what are the features of this radio? Designations on the scheme can see above. So, you connect the power supply plus to the anode and a minus to the cathode. In this case, the electric current will flow from one electrode to another. It is worth noting that the element in this case is extremely small resistance. Now you can conduct an experiment and connect the battery on the contrary, then the current resistance increases several times, and it ceases to go. And if through a diode to send alternating current, then it will be permanent (though with small ripples). When using the inclusion bridge circuit, two half-waves (positive) are obtained.

Stabilians, like diodes, have two electrodes - cathode and anode. In direct inclusion, this element works in the same way as the diode discussed above. But if you put a current in the opposite direction, you can see a very interesting picture. Initially, Stabilon does not pass through itself a current. But when the voltage reaches some value, there is a breakdown, and the element spends the current. This stabilization voltage. Very good property, thanks to which it turns out to achieve a stable voltage in chains, completely get rid of oscillations, even the smallest. The designation of radio components in the schemes is in the form of a triangle, and its peak is a feature perpendicular to height.


If diodes and stabilids can sometimes not even meet in designs, then transistors can be found in any (except for transistors three electrodes:

  1. The base (abbreviated letter "B" is denoted).
  2. Collector (K).
  3. Emitter (E).

Transistors can operate in several modes, but most often they are used in an amplifying and key (as a switch). You can make a comparison with the mouthpiece - shouting into the database, an enhanced voice flew out of the collector. And for the Emitter, hold on hand - this is the case. The main characteristic of the transistors is the gain coefficient (collector and base current ratio). It is this parameter along with a multitude of other is the main for this radio. Designations on the diagram of the transistor - a vertical line and two lines suitable for it at an angle. Several most common types of transistors can be distinguished:

  1. Polar.
  2. Bipolar.
  3. Field.

There are also transistor assemblies consisting of several amplifying elements. These are the most common existing radio components. Designations in the scheme were considered in the article.