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How to configure the Comodo Firewall - only antiviruses were stood. Comodo Firewall: Free Function Firewall Should I put a cheap Firewall

optimally, with a minimum pop-ups alerts, quickly andconfigure yourself . The author's option of advanced settings of the program largely coincides with the International Comodo Forums recommended in the Russian part of the "CIS / CFP for beginners in firewalls"). Forum data can be visited by clicking on the "Miscellaneous" tab to "visit the Support Forum" tab. The only thing you will get to the main English-language page, so not to look for, here is straightlink On the Forum "In Russian / Russian". Useful information on the topic a lot - those who want, of course, can "eat". And I, for convenience, in points, I will start what promised.

Customize Comodo Firewall

1. At the beginning I propose to change the default gray-sad "face" Comodo Firewall on something more interesting. To do this, in the entire tab "Miscellaneous" click "Settings"\u003e "Appearance"\u003e "Topic" by changing the sulfur theme Comodo Default Normal on, say,. Comodo Blue Normal and, "Smoking", moving on.

Good day dear readers.

It is not a secret for a long time that any modern person can not do without a computer and the Internet. The worldwide network has become an integral part of the life of the majority of us. This is a storehouse of information, a method (or tool) of communication and much more. The computer is the tool, with which we get access to the World Wide Web. Therefore, everyone has a natural desire to protect their iron friend from the dangers that she tait.

One of these means is Comodo Firewall - a program that helps us protect your computer from a different computer infection, which is quite a few online.

Questions in the style of "What is a firewall and why it is needed" was already considered earlier on the site in articles: We protect against hackers, worms and other shusters, how to protect ports and a computer from hacking. Part 1., "Outpost Firewall, - Installation, Setup, Description" or "Online Protection and Network Safety" and Other Other.

The same article is entirely devoted to a separate product - Comodo Firewall. This program is free, and many people are helpful consider her number one among such products. At the same time, the product under consideration copes with its tasks no worse than most paid analogues of other software manufacturers. At the same time, it is important that there is an excellent Russian version of this firewall.

Installation and initial setup.

Installing Comodo Firewall does not pay any special difficulties, but still there are some nuances in it.

After downloading, we start the previously downloaded file (if you swap it from the above link, it should be called CFW_INSTaller.exe). Next, you will be offered to choose the installation language, naturally leave "Russian - by Comodo" and click "OK", after which we will see the following:

Item "Enter your email address" We skip. Further referring a check mark from "Change DNS Server Settings on Comodo SecureDns" (about why you can read here). Next also remove a tick from the item "I want to use the" Cloud Analysis of Applications "by transferring unidentified programs in Comodo with compliance with Privacy Policy." Now we look at the bottom of the dialog box and click on the "Installation options" (cm. Screenshot above)

First of all, we are interested in the installation options tab. As you can see, we are offered by the default to install two products, the Comodo Firewall itself, as well as the Comodo GeekBuddy service. The latter is a conditional free service, which for 60 days offers the implementation of technical support for users. . The idea is that you can ask for help or just advice to Comodo employees directly from the program itself. But this is relevant only for those who know English well, since Russian-speaking support is not provided. And why do we , After all, we want to understand everything yourself, using this article (), and if any questions and difficulties arise, you can always contact an interesting such forum FS [Free Computer Help] (who would have thought). Therefore, boldly remove the tick Opposite the "Installing Comodo GeekBuddy," - unlikely you will unbend to use it in practice, besides, at all It is for him that the service of this service lay, what is called, a dead cargo in our operating system.

The remaining settings are left unchanged and click the "Back" button, which will return us to the already familiar window, in which I press "agree, install". We wait until the installer completes all the necessary operations, and click "Yes" on the offer to reboot our operating system.

After rebooting, we will see the welcome window in which you want to put a tick on the point "no longer show this window."

And calmly close it so that it is not disturbed in the future.

Almost simultaneously with the welcome window, we will see another window. The smart program will detect your network and prompt you to give her some name and pre-configure.

For example, if you have a laptop that you use and at work and at home, then you can call the networks, respectively, "work" and "home network", or somehow at your discretion. If you need to have the ability to share folders and (or) print on a network printer, then put a mark on "Make a computer fully available for other computers in this network." If there is no such need, it is better to leave this option off, so As it significantly increases the level of security for your computer. Next, simply confirm your choice by clicking the "Yes" button, and you end the installation.

Advanced Comodo Firewall Setup. We bring protection to mind.

So, the program is already installed on your computer and, in principle, it can work with default settings that the manufacturer set. But to enhance your comfort, it is necessary to bring the firewall to the mind a little more. To do this, you will get acquainted with the main possibilities of the program. What kind of beast is this, this Comodo Firewall? It can be said that it consists of two main modules: the firewall itself ("Farwal" tab) and a proactive protection module ("Protection +" tab). The basic information on these modules can be viewed in the "Summary tab".

In fact, from here you can get quick access to some basic settings and statistics: see how many incoming and outgoing compounds and invity statistics; evaluate which applications show the highest network activity; Change the modes of the firewall and the "Protect +" module and even stop all connections. You do not need to be afraid if the number of connections is very large: for example, if any torrent client has included with a large number of distributions, the total number of connections can reach several hundred and even thousand.

Separately, it is worth staying on the modes of operation of the firewall modules and the module of proactive protection. By default, the operation mode of both modules is set to "Safe Mode", which implies strict control over all network activity and executable files. I suggest to start to leave these modes as it is, but in fact such control can be quite tedious. It will be necessary every Once manually determine, allow or prohibit the activity of applications that are not included in the list of trusted, as well as monitor each trusted file. Especially this question may touch the "Protection +" module, which will be considered suspicious all unfamiliar files that you run from your computer. In such a situation, you will often see such a window.

If you are completely confident that the application you run is safe, then when this window appears, select "Allow this request" and "Remember My Choice", and then click "Yes". You can make a little fate and translate the module "Protection + "In the" Clean PC mode "(in the" Summary tab "in the" Protection + "section, click on the" Safe Mode "and select the desired mode).

I would like to note that it can be done only if the Comodo Firewall works in your bundle with some antivirus and you are completely confident that your system is healthy. Otherwise, you risk automatically give permission to start some virus from your computer, because the "Pure PC mode" means complete confidence "Protection +" module to files that were on your hard disk at the time of its installation.

We now turn to the "Firewall" tab. As we see, there are many different opportunities here, and if you stop at each, then one article will be clearly not enough. Each item is provided with a sufficient number of comments in order to understand what we can talk about. We are also At the moment, I'm interested in the "Master of Hidden Ports".

First of all, it is useful for us to protect our computer from intrusion from the outside. Therefore, here click on "Block all incoming connections and hide my ports for all incoming connections" and confirm our selection by pressing "OK".

Now click on the "Firewall Settings", and in the "General Settings" dialog box in the "Create Rules for Secure Applications" tab. Next confirm your choice by pressing the "OK" button.

Now for all applications that will be in the Firewall safe list, authorized rules will automatically be created, which will relieve us from unnecessary confirmations and permits manually.

On this end with the "Firewall" tab and proceed to the next - "Protection +". Points in it are largely similar to the previous. And we are interested only in the item "Proactive Protection Settings".

By analogy with the settings of the firewall in the "General Settings" dialog box in the "Create rules for secure applications" item.

The "Miscellaneous" tab is not directly related to the work and configuration of the firewall. There are settings related to the program interface, updates, conservation of configurations, as well as its technical support. You will not change anything here.

On this we will finish bringing to mind. With such a configuration of Comodo Firewall is quite capable of securely protect your computer from external threats.

What you need to know for further work.

So, the main work is completed, your firewall is installed and configured. Now let's try to consider a number of key issues that you may arise in the process of using it. In the previous section, we just went through the main tabs of the Programs, affecting only those moments that were interested in the preparation of Comodo Firewall to the full work. Now we will try to consider the main features that you may later come in handy, because you should also be able to manage the program, and not limited to its installation.

I think the first question that may arise when working with a firewall - how to solve (prohibit) network activity of individual applications (applications groups). To do this, go to the "Firewall" tab and pay attention to the "Add Trusted" and "Add Blocked Application" items.

Suppose you have the need to prohibit the network activity of any application. To do this, go to the "Add Blocked Application" item and then click "Select":

As can be seen from the drawing, there are several options for selection. First, it is possible to block a group of files (applications) at once. Comodo Firewall developers combined the most necessary applications in groups so that we do not have to do everything manually. For example, you can turn off the network activity of all applications that have been in autoloading or to prohibit access to the network completely all executable files. Secondly, you can prohibit any of the processes running on your computer. When you select the "Launched Processes" item, you will see a similar picture.

In order to block the desired process, select it by pressing the left mouse button (in the example in the picture it is the vboxservice.exe process) and click "Select". Next click "Apply". After that, the firewall will add a rule into its lists, according to which all network activity of the vboxservice.exe process will be blocked.

Also in the Add Blocked Application application window using the Overview button you can select any application (file) and add it to the list of blocked.

If you need to add the desired application to the list of allowed, use the "Add Trustee" tab of the "Firewall" tab. The principles of work here are the same as in the "Add a Blocked Application" item, so you will not stop in detail.

I think, many will now have a question: how to then delete the desired process (application) from the list of blocked? So, it was previously mentioned that when added to the list of blocked (trusted) applications, Comodo Firewall creates rules that determine the behavior of the firewall relative to applications. Some rules we create themselves (as they did a little earlier for the vboxservice.exe process), and some have already been added by default when installed. The list of such rules is part of the firewall network security policy. Access to these politicians is carried out through the "Network Security" clause "Firewall" tab.

As you can see, in the "Rules for Application" tab, a "Lock and registration of all requests" is created for the vboxservice.exe process, which we blocked earlier. If you wish, you can always delete or correct the desired rule using the buttons located on the right. Immediately, you can add the rules for any application by clicking the "Add" button. All rules in this tab are created either based on predefined policies for various groups of applications (that is, you just choose which group your application belongs, and then there will be Specify the rules defined for the whole group), or on the basis of user settings (here you can create new rules and simply duplicate the rules created for another application, if such were).

The Predefined Policies tab contains several standard policies (sets of rules) that you can use to create rules for applications.

Also here you can add your own policies. It happens conveniently when immediately the same rules should be applied to multiple applications. Then it is enough to add a set of rules here, and then use it every time when adding a new ruler for the application.

Another interesting and necessary element of network security policy is the "Port Set" tab. What is a port, as well as other computer network terminology, you can read in the article: "Computer network terminology or what is what".

Here you specify the sets of ports that are currently open on your computer. You can always add a single port or their group using the buttons located on the right side of the window. Many applications use their ports to work on the network, it is here that you can add them to the open list by clicking the "Add" button.

So, we looked at the basic possibilities of Faervol. We now turn to the "Protection +" program. In fact, this module is engaged in the control of all files that run on your computer. Now we will return to the "Protection +" tab and consider the main points relating to this module.

In the "Trusted Files" item, you can access the local database of file database executable on your computer. A number of system files were made here immediately, as well as those files that you yourself are safe.

All files that will be detected, but the program will not be able to determine whether they are secure, added to the list of unidentified files. Access to this list can be obtained in "Unidentified Files". Management of this list is carried out in the same way as the list of "trusted files". All files that fell into unidentified will be run in the Sandbox virtual sandbox. It can be said that this is a security mechanism that creates a virtual file system and registry, to start suspicious files and applications. Thus, any application running through Sandbox will influence Only on its virtual environment, and will not touch your operating system. By default, the virtual sandbox is disabled. In order to enable it to go to "Proactive Protection Settings".

Personally, I am directly say, not a big lover of this thing, so I usually turn it off, but here you are: if you are very sharply worried about safety and constantly tormented with viruses, then it can Sandbox and has a meaning for you. If so, here you need to put the Sandbox mode switch to the "active" position, as well as put the ticks opposite "activate the file system virtualization" and "activate the registry virtualization" and click "OK". Now all the files that have fallen into the List "Unidentified Files" will be run in the virtual environment. Also, if you want to run any application or file in a virtual environment, you can use item "Run the program in Sandbox". If you, like me, a supporter of optimization and adequacy, then, on the contrary, all the checkboxes are worth removing, and the slider move to the "inactive" position.


So this heroic epic came up to an end to the brave struggle of the valiant firewall against the superior number of the army of computer pests. With your skill control, this struggle will always end the victory of good forces

That is forgive with you. Let the viruses and other malware bypass you by the side!

As always, if there are any questions, additions, thanks and TP, I will be glad to hear in the comments to this record.

This lesson is a continuation of the article: Network screen.

So, we found and downloaded the latest version of Comodo Firewall. Only one firewall can be installed on the computer. Therefore, in order to avoid inter-program conflicts, the embedded Windows firewall must be disconnected. How to turn off Windows XP and Wiindows 7 firewall, you can see in previous lessons: and. But when we install Comodo Firewall, this is not necessary. The firewall installation wizard will turn off the built-in Windows Firewall.

The firewall controls application attempts to exchange data on the network. The illustration shows how the firewall intercepted the Nokia phone software attempt to enter the Internet. This is the desired application, so click the "Allow" button:

One of the first to be allowed to allow the connection with the system components "Windows ALG.EXE" and "svchost.exe". They are needed for fostering to the network. After installation, Comodo Firewall will again and re-set alerts for various programs. If we know the application, allow the connection request. If there is doubt and the program seems suspicious, press the "Block" button. Noting the check box Check box "Remember My Choice", we fix our choice for this application. And the next time you connect the alert window for this program will not appear. It is necessary to act neat. Allow connections and consolidate the selection can only be magnificent programs. If you click on the name of the application, the Program Properties window will open.

Also, the firewall notifies the incoming connections:

The following illustration shows how Comodo Firewall intercepted the incoming package for the popular client of the peerge networks:

First, the alerts of the firewall are somewhat bored. But we make our choice and over time they are becoming less and less.

Malignant programs can be masked for harmless software to deceive the firewall and get permission to connect. Therefore, you need to regularly scan the machine with an antivirus program. You can read more about the choice and work of antivirus.

We turn, now, to the Faervol settings.

Open Comodo Firewall, like any other application, double click on the icon on the desktop or on the icon in the notification area. The main window of the program with the open tab "Summia" appears:

Here reflects traffic information and system status. By clicking on the numbers of the connections, you can see detailed data of active network connections. Pressing the "Stop all connections" button will stop any network activity. You can apply this function in the case of inadequate behavior of the system - suspicion of interference with the work of programs. For example, the system is long freezing and does not respond. This may be a consequence of the network activity of any malicious application. By blocking traffic, you can find out the reason and determine the program representing a threat. All connections are turned on by pressing the same button "Restore all connections".

Firewall mode You can change by opening the drop-down list with the "Safe Mode" button.

"Block all" - a mode that does not allow any network activity - the "Stop all connections" buttons.

"Custom Policy" is a hard mode in which the network screen will display an alert for each program connecting with the Internet. Here, it is necessary to create program policies yourself - clearly understand what applications can be resolved.

"Safe Mode" is set by default and is universal. The firewall applies user policies - performs the user settings for individual programs, and also itself allows the network exchange of applications that it considers secure. Alerts will be a little and the firewall will not distract much.

"Training Mode" appoint when you need to watch various applications without interfering with their work. Here, Comodo Firewall independently defines the policy policies without outputing any alerts.

In the "inactive" mode, the network screen is turned off. It is necessary to turn off the firewall in the case of an explicit inter-program conflict, for example, with an anti-virus program or other network screen.

On the next tab, the firewall settings are located. "Log of Firevola Events" - "Log" reflects all events - firewall reactions on network activity of various programs.

"Add Trustee" allows you to select the desired application and add it to the permitted.

"Add a blocked application", on the contrary, makes it possible to add the selected application to the forbidden to connect.

The "Network Security Policies" section opens a window where you can choose one of the pre-installed policies for applications or create your own.

In the Active Network Connections window, programs show currently network activity.

"Master of Hidden Ports" - you can hide certain ports with these settings and make the computer invisible in the selected networks.

"Faervola Settings" is a window for selecting a working mode that duplicates the drop-down list on the Summary tab. Also, install the slider "Safe Mode" and set the checkbox in the check box "Create rules for secure applications":

The following "Protection +" tab is located proactive protection control functions. When installing a firewall, proactive protection is activated by default. Protective protection is another layer of protection that controls the behavior of programs and preventing the system to infection. Settings for proactive protection, mostly similar to the installation of the firewall.

The item "Run the program in Sandbox" makes it possible to launch a dubious application in a kind of sandbox. Working isolated in this protected area, a malicious program will not be able to harm the system:

The "Proactive Protection Settings" item opens up the operation mode of proactive protection. And, in short, let's go through these settings.

The "paranoid" mode implies paranoid suspicion of protection against any network activity. Protective protection will give an alert for each attempt to establish a connection.

In safe mode, protection applies policies installed by the user, and also permits the performance of applications that consider secure.

In the "Pure PC" mode, protection certainly trusts all the programs installed on the computer and requests permissions on connections only for newly installed applications.

"Training Mode". In this mode, protection does not give any alerts and monitors independently.

"Protection is disabled." In this mode, proactive protection is disabled. Disable protection is not worth it. The optimal solution will be setting protection to safe mode.

The "Miscellaneous" tab contains additional firewall settings. They can be viewed alone. Review, and so it turned out volumetric. The main thing is that Comodo Firewall, it is very reliable, flexible in management, Russian-speaking and free network screen. Comodo Firewall in conjunction with a good antivirus program will provide a comfortable and safe operation on the network.

Details, about work and the choice of antivirus program read.

Baby Son came to his father, and asked Kroch:

- Whose protection is good, but whose is not very?

I have no secrets, listen guys.

Opinion on this score is public below.

In fact, the best firewall does not exist, just as there is no better antivirus or browser - each computer user chooses its best software product for yourself.

Perhaps now many disappointed, but it is. Here is a huge number of users believe that Comodo Firewall - Best Free Firewall For Windows and I do not argue, but I have worked fine for several years ESET NOD32 with his defender, and after him worked Avast! Internet Security, also with a firewall ...

Excellent and powerful free firewall for Windows

I never had any complaints about their protection until I experienced the last complex firewall reliability program.

He failed the test and decided to change the firewall. The choice fell on the Comodo Firewall - it is tested for reliability and is naturally completely free.

Some nuances of installing it and settings I want to describe today.

Our whole life is to find anything. Search for money, fame, love ... better firewall or browser (folk wisdom).

The first question you may have about the size of the installer of this firewall, which is downloaded after launching the web installer - 202 MB! Why is such a wild size?

Because there is a whole bunch of unnecessary additions, even the browser shoved there.

I'll show you how to install one Comodo Firewall and then you can safely remove this gigantic installer. But you need to download anyway the entire file, by reference from the official site of manufacturers, which is above ...

I met on the network, somehow a long time ago, the facilitated installation file of this protective screen, without additions, but firstly - it was not official, and secondly - I lost the link 🙂.

Installing Comodo Firewall

Over time, program manufacturers change the interface of their creations, in every possible way improve them, add new features and remove unclaimed ... they have the right to it. In any case, the logic, purpose and spirit they always remain the same - repulscing from this review can be understood in any Ipostasis of software.

Here they are extra add-ons. Remove the checkboxes with them and go on ...

I already described you how to find the fastest DNS serversSo here - Comodo DNS servers are not only slow, but also frightened to the entire head.

Leaving the top jack. You will acquire yourself a headache - half of the sites will be blocked. I recommend left second dawk.

Be sure to go to "Set up installation" ...

Here it is, our relatives - how without Yandex !!!

Of course remove all the daws ...

Looking around and find out where we are. If you do not have your home LAN - I recommend clicking "I am in a public ... place."

Congratulations! You installed Comodo Firewall - the best free firewall for Windows.

Let's now throw it a little ...

Customizing Comodo Firewall

In fact, there are many configurations of the settings of this firerolla - they are littered with the Internet (here is one of them). You can configure the defender so much that sigh will not be able between its notifications, warnings and questions.

And you can convince him to work quietly and unobtrusively - you will decide, I will give only a few tips below ...

Go to the program settings ...

... And put all the daws in the extended settings (so many are advised on the network), but if you have problems with Internet access - remove the two bottoms.

Here you can disable the display of the widget on the desktop, if you do not need it ...

I left him, although I categorically do not like all sorts of widgets on the desktop. Slightly edited by clicking the right mouse button on the firewall icon in the tray ...

But the worst configuration of the firewall, which will turn it into a real reinforced concrete wall ...

Instead of a secure mode, you can install ...

In this mode, get ready for a million questions from the defender for any reason. But check for reliability Now your Comodo Firewall will pass - 100%.

Questions from Firevol look like ...

You can put the box at the bottom of this window (remember ...) and simply allow execution. This is if you know a program that is trying to enter the network. You can still "process as" ...

Thus, we will get rid of repeated questions, for example, about the appeal of the Nexus program to Clover.

Review We in detail and "pictures" reviewed the installation process of freeComodo Firewallon computer. Now, as promised, I will tell you howfirewall optimally, with a minimum pop-up alerts, quickly and independently configure. The author's version of the advanced settings of the program largely coincides withrecommended in the Russian part INTERNATIONAL.Comodo Forums.(branch " CIS / CFP for newcomers in the windows"). Forum data can be visited by clicking on the tab"miscellanea "Item" Visit the Support Forum ". The only thing you will get to the main English page, so not to look for, here is a direct link to the forum" In Russian / Russian "(clickable!). Useful information on the topic a lot - those who wish, of course, can" dig ". And I, as usual, for conveniencethe points i start the promised.

Advanced Comodo Firewall Settings

1. At the beginning I propose to change the default (default) Serious-unemployed "face" Comodo Firewall On something more interesting. To do this, in the same tab "Miscellaneous" Zhmm " Settings" → "Appearance "→ In the" topic "change the" sulfur "topic" Comodo Default Normal "on, for example," Comodo Blue Norma "L (first screenshot) and," smoking ", moving on.

2. The first of the advanced program settings will include the "Invisibility" mode of your computer on the network. To do this in the tab " Farwall"Click applet" Master of hidden ports "→ choose" Block all incoming connections and hide my ports for all incoming connections "(Screenshot above) and confirm your choice through" OK ".

3. Next, in the same tab " Farwall"Go to" Firewall settings "And on the" General settings "tab" activate " "Now now for all applications from the list of trusted will automatically be created by the allowing rules that will save you from unnecessary permissions manually. In addition, check the presence of a tick opposite the item "Automatically detect new private networks "(which after the detection of your network can be removed) and, most importantly," Firewall mode "Leave invariably" Safe ".

All changes in the settings confirm with button " OK".

4. We will deal with the settings of the mode " Proactive defense". For this in the tab" Protection +. "Click" Configuring proactive protection "And, by analogy with the previous item of settings, activate" Create rules for secure applications ". In the event that you are confident in the purity of the system from viruses and have an effective antivirus scanner (about the need for which I wrote in a note" ") Type free, feel free to put" Mode "Pure PC "- Again, to get rid of" annoying "alerts. Also check the absence of a tank opposite" Enable Enhanced Protection Mode "And the presence is opposite item" BUT dap the mode of operation at low system resources " (No comments).

5. In the same settings for the proactive protection of the firewall in the tab " Application Performance Control Settings "Check that the unknown files are processed as" Partially limited "(default) or" Suspicious "- Under other settings, some applications refuse to start.

6. Users of old versions Comodo Firewall< 5.3 рекомендуется отключить в программе режим "Sandbox " ("Песочница"), по отзывам, работающий некорректно. Лучший вариант – просто перейти на последнюю стабильную версию брандмауэра (на данный момент – v. 5.10), которую можно скачать, например, из Каталога избранного софта. В этом случае отключение режима "Песочницы" не требуется.

And do not forget to confirm the changes in the settings of the button " OK ".

Note:With a completely deactivated proactive protection, this option ("Sandbox") is automatically shut off.

7. The final tweak from the category "at will": in the tab " miscellanea " → "Settings "→ on the tab" General "Remove the check mark in front of the item" Automatically check for program updates"(penultimate screenshot), especially since the option" Check for updates "Always" at hand "(last screenshot).

Another click on the button " OK "And you can close the submissive Comodo Firewall - After Windows restart, with this configuration, "Comfortable" for the user, the program reliably protects the computer from network threats.