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How to wind up VKontakte subscribers: a complete guide. VKontakte subscribers How to increase the number of subscribers - proven methods

Buying subscribers in VK is a very popular service that is used by both well-known groups that already have a permanent active audience, and communities that are just starting to promote. You can wind up subscribers yourself - there are several ways to do this.

Today we will analyze not only the simplest options for cheating community members, but also talk about the pitfalls that they usually prefer to keep silent about.

Cheating methods are paid and free.

  • 1 Why do you need to cheat Vkontakte subscribers
  • 2 How to invite people to a group on VK?
  • 3 Inviting users to VKontakte groups
  • 4 How to attract people to the community
    • 4.1 Inviting users to VKontakte
  • 5 How to wind up subscribers to a VK group through services
  • 6 Programs for boosting subscribers
  • 7 Paid ways to wind up subscribers to the VKontakte group
  • 8 What threatens the promotion of VKontakte users

Why do you need to boost Vkontakte subscribers?

The more subscribers - the more income from the group. The connection is direct - advertisements are ordered more often in the group, the community notices new brands and companies planning to launch advertising campaigns on social networks. An important point: subscribers must be active.

If the group has fifty thousand members, but the number of likes on the posts does not exceed one hundred, the advertiser will think about whether the subscribers are overwhelmed. There is not much sense from such people in the group - if you really cheat, then real people, and it is very desirable that they be active in your community.

How to invite people to a group on VK?

The most proven option for raising activity is inviting real users to groups and publics. It's also the most dreary - you have to manually send invitations, choosing people from a huge variety of accounts. It is also the most dangerous - an account or community can be banned for spam.

Promote your group or page in VK Get free followers and likes 💙

Communities in VK are of two types - groups and public pages. The group differs from the public in the degree of closeness. It can be open, closed, or private (secret). The public allows any user to view the content posted on the page. In addition, you can remove users from the group, while absolutely any people follow the public.

Inviting users to VKontakte groups

For administrators of the VKontakte group, the ability to invite friends to the community is open. To do this, you need to find the corresponding function on the control panel in the group itself and mark those friends whom you would like to invite.

The method has a significant drawback. You can invite no more than forty friends per day - either to a group or to your friends. How do you find people who will be interested in your group? First you send the proposal to your mom, your best friend, then your friend's friend and everyone else on your friends list, but what next?

How to attract people to the community

There are several ways to attract people to your community:

1. Users can be searched for by certain filters - age, gender, place of residence. This way, you definitely won't miss out on inviting only your target audience. If you sell women's handbags in Moscow, then the men from Vladivostok in your group will obviously be superfluous. Try to determine as accurately as possible who your target audience is, set the necessary search parameters for people on VKontakte and send out invitations.

  1. Where else will you find your target audience? Of course, in the communities of competitors! You can invite subscribers of this or that community, because if a person is already subscribed to a public or a group of your topic, it means that he is interested in this topic.
  2. There is another not entirely honest way of getting subscribers - you can post offers to join your community in other groups: for example, in the comments to a post. But keep in mind that the exhaust will be small, but you can easily get a ban from the group admins.
  3. In addition, there are “Add to Friends” groups on VKontakte. You can find them through search. You join a group, add to your friends, and people add the answer to you (to you personally or to a group - whichever you specify)
  4. An effective way to lure live active people into a group is to conduct a competition for subscription and repost, of course everyone shouts that they are already tired of these things, but every now and then a couple of posts of this kind appear in the feed.
  5. If you have already got off the ground and there are a couple of thousand living people in the group, you can try to negotiate with a competitor (or a public with a related topic) of a similar level for mutual PR (he advertises your group at home, and you are his group at home). Don't forget to make sure your competitor's followers are real people too.

Inviting users to VKontakte

This is a little more complicated than inviting to groups. There is no "invite friends" function in public; you can only tell your friends about the page through a regular repost on the wall. To some extent, this method is better than intrusive invitations from communities, but the influx of new subscribers will be smooth, they will not appear in a leap.

Too slow audience recruitment is clearly not suitable for those who want to get "exhaust" (offers from advertisers) in a short time.

Develop your Vkontakte community wisely: Increase the popularity of your page and attract new subscribers to your groups

How to wind up subscribers to a VK group through services

Subscribers to the VK group can come for free. For this, there are various services for cheating users. Most of them have the function of buying subscribers, but within such networks, barter is popular.

Under the terms of most sites for boosting subscribers and likes, the user must register from his account. Then he performs simple actions - joins the proposed groups, reposts records, likes photos. For this, the account receives points, which can then be exchanged for cheating the same followers, likes or reposts. What services for boosting subscribers can you trust?

  1. AlfaLiker

The service works according to the principle already voiced. After registration, you can start completing tasks, for each of which a certain number of points is given, or immediately buy subscribers. AlfaLiker winds up live subscribers not only on VKontakte, but on Twitter with Instagram, which can help develop the franchise of your groups in the future.

  1. YooLike

The site is completely free. Tasks - like, repost and join the group - are estimated at a certain number of virtual coins, which can be transformed into new subscribers for your group at any time. It is also convenient to use it when boosting likes, for example, in polls.

  1. Bosslick

The portal is intended mainly for "singles" - those who need likes on their page or a couple of photos. However, it will also be useful for community administrators. One of the advantages of Bosslike is the absence of paid services. After completing a series of "cards" (like or share), the user can create his own page with his task. You set the price yourself - the higher it is, the faster subscribers will wind up in your group. Subscribers to the VK group will wind up for free.

Simple and convenient service for managing communities Fill your group with great content for the week ahead, in just 10 minutes ➡
  1. Olike

One of the most popular services with about 800,000 registered users. All accounts are real, so there is practically no risk of getting into your community only bots or long "abandoned" inactive accounts. Mostly the site is used by administrators of groups and publics on VKontakte, but there are also "loners" who collect a crop of likes on their photos.

Promote your Vkontakte community! Promote your groups and pages with the fast online tool Olike

Do not forget that to quickly achieve the desired result, you may need several services working in parallel.

It does not require long registration, instantly credits points for completed tasks and just as quickly winds up any number of subscribers to the group you specified. The site is free, for which community administrators especially love it. The controls are simple and straightforward - you can achieve what you want in a few minutes.

Programs for boosting subscribers

In addition to services for cheating subscribers, there are programs that need to be installed on a PC. They work on the same principle - you can both exchange likes, shares and subscriptions with other users of the social network, and acquire subscribers for a certain amount. The main way of earning such programs is based precisely on the purchase of community members or likes.

  1. VkDuty

The program positioning itself as a professional service. Cheats automatically, adding your page to various groups and publics. To register in the system, we recommend creating a fake account - this way your main page will remain "clean" and subscriptions to groups that are not interesting to you will not appear over and over again.

VkDuty is most often used to wind up subscribers to the VK group, since the service is popular among administrators of various communities. It is installed in a few minutes, the same amount of time will be required to study the cheating methods presented within the program. There is the possibility of acquiring subscribers, which is very different in price from conventional cheat services - here the cost of a subscriber is lower.

  1. In the top

Another program that automatically subscribes registered pages to various groups. The service allows you to do your usual things and winds up subscribers without distracting you from your work. It does not require the constant presence of the user, which is a big plus. Stas Bykov, a specialist in boosting likes and subscribers in the VKontakte community, confirms that Wtope is safe. “When using it, it is impossible to ban a group or a personal VKontakte page, which sometimes happens when subscribers are added incorrectly or too quickly,” Stas assures.

Paid ways to wind up subscribers to the VKontakte group

You can get subscribers to the VKontakte group for money.

  • Almost each of the listed cheat apps have paid services. The price, as a rule, starts at 100 rubles per 1000 subscribers. Paying a small amount and getting a few thousand members to a newly created community is a tempting proposition.
  • You can also “order” subscribers on your own - for example, on the Advego exchange you can regularly find offers to join a group for little money. Usually, they order likes, reposts, and so on there.
  • Finally, you can use VKontakte advertising.

But the decision, whether to join a group or not, always remains with the person.

And remember that boosting subscribers is only half the battle. First of all, your group should be interesting. If your community regularly posts interesting and original content, likes, reposts and new subscribers will not be long in coming. Conduct polls and contests, give away prizes - this will ensure audience loyalty and attract new people.

Fill your group with great content for the week ahead, in just 10 minutes Start filling the group ➡

What threatens the promotion of VK users

Cheating on VKontakte users is a service that must be used with caution. A sudden excessive community activity can attract the attention of VKontakte administrators, who have the right to block your online brainchild when a cheat is detected. VKontakte administrators analyze data and check communities that are growing too quickly, so you shouldn't rush to gain 10,000 subscribers a day.

And do not forget that there are many offers from scammers on the Internet who can offer you subscribers for a penny. You should not use the services of unverified people or services - in the best case, they will wind up bots for you, in the worst case, they will simply disappear after receiving your money.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that the neat cheating of subscribers (not 10,000 group members at once, but at least 1,000) is not punished in any way by the social network VKontakte. Officially, such actions are prohibited, but in reality almost every second popular community is sinning with cheating. The main thing is not to rush and proceed with caution.

Watch a video about the best ways to make money on VKontakte:

If you want to know more about making money on VKontakte groups and other ways to make money on the Internet, go here: 50 ways to make money online

If you need help in promoting a group or other services, please contact the online service store

It will be difficult to promote the group in 2019. There are many competitors and it is not enough to simply post high-quality content. No matter how cool you lead a group, it will never make it to the top, because there are few subscribers in the group. People are now satiated with information and very lazy to join new groups. You need a boost of subscribers to a group in order to climb into the coveted top VK in your category.

There are many ways to cheat like cockroaches in a communal apartment. But not all yogurt methods are created equal.

I regularly check new methods, and old ones too, for effectiveness and safety. I create groups for this purpose and order a cheat.

Not all services pass this check.

My quality criteria:

  • After cheating, there should be no more than 10% of dogs. Dogs are blocked VK users. They have a dog on their profile picture;
  • Subscribers should not be bots. Bots are accounts that are managed by bot bot programs;

It consists in the fact that you create several fake accounts, and from each you send invitations to friends. And then invite everyone who added you to the group.

The good thing about this method is that people who really like it are added to the group. This means that they will be active, read the news, and buy if you are selling products. The downside is that if you don't like the invitation, you will be sent to spam and banned.

Officially, no more than 50 invitations can be sent from one account per day - the VK page. I wrote in detail about how many friends you can actually add in the article.

You cannot add everyone in a row as friends, you need to select the target audience. The keyword is "target", i.e. suitable for group goals by gender, age, city, interests. If you haven’t thought about what your group's goal really is, then read the article ““. The entire first half of the article is devoted to the goals of the group.

The method has been tested more than once on personal experience, and in the end I naturally thought about automating this process when there were more than 4 accounts. And that's why:

  • It really takes a lot of time to add friends. Imagine that every morning and evening, you add at least 360 people as friends. In this case, you still need to solve the captcha. Here captcha really tired me. I remember these traffic lights, hydrants and shop windows in great detail. If you have ever solved a captcha, you will understand me.
  • When you invite a lot of friends from different accounts, you inevitably start to confuse who from what account you invited. There was a case when I became a friend of one girl with 3 accounts. When she knocked fourth, she could not stand it any longer and wrote: "Zadolbali have already been added, remove me from your list."

I realized that this could no longer continue and began to look for how to automate all this. And I found it.

Programs for automating cheat

There are bots programs that automatically manage your accounts. You set them up, specify what exactly your accounts should do and how often: add to friends, invite to a group, put likes, etc. Then you turn on the bot and go about your business, it does everything without you, as long as it is turned on computer and internet.

Automation programs do not work now. Vkontakte immediately bans you, so don't even think about using this method. Better to order on VKtarget 1 ruble per subscriber. Living people will not be banned. I tried it myself. Read about VKTarget below.

There are many such programs, but I settled on Brobot. Because this program is allowed to manage one account completely free of charge, and you can try all the functions without restrictions in order to understand whether it suits you or not.

They can also give the full version for free if you write them a story about how BroBot helped you in promoting the group.

Why BroBot is good:

  • He remembers who you invited and he decides from which account to send invitations to whom. You just give a list of VK users or specify their criteria and BroBot will search for them itself;
  • He can add to friends, invite, like, repost, correspond!
  • Solves the captcha himself;
  • Allows you to correspond with users in one window, no matter what account they wrote to. Can answer itself! If you customize it.
  • Antiban system - shows the probability of being banned for each profile. If it is high, then you can temporarily exclude the account from work so that it lies down;
  • Great usable forum. Lots of useful setup information and work tips on promotion strategies.

Guys, if you have more than 3 accounts for an invitation, then get yourself a BroBot, save a lot of time on invitations, stop losing customers because you didn't see the message on time. Better to fill the group with good articles, and let BroBot invite you.

Try the free version for 1 account first. On it you can check how all the functions work. And yes, be sure to read the tips for setting up a bot, although it has an anti-ban system, VK can ban your profile for aggressive invitations.

Download BroBot for free.

TOP-3 services for cheating live subscribers

Let's move on to a faster way. I must say right away that, unlike the previous method, it will be more difficult to collect the target audience. In all services, settings are limited by age, gender and city.

But there is no need to set up anything, create fake accounts, and so on. I ordered 1000 subscribers and after a couple of days they are all in the group.

How many garbage methods I have tried, such as mutual entry and free drug addiction in services.

And I warn you brotherly, never cheat people in a group with such methods. The probability of being banned is approaching 100%. Vkontakte calculates a free markup at a time. Here's how to wind up the likes on your page - that's please.

Therefore, here I will only talk about proven and safe ways to cheat in services, because I am responsible for the information that I tell.

Boost subscribers in VKtarget

VKtarget is a service for cheating subscribers, likes, friends, reposts.

How does he work.

You register in the VKtarget service and create an order to join the community. You pay for the order: 1 subscriber - 1 ruble.

Service performers carry out your task - they join the group. The service pays them for their work.

Yes, these people enter for money, but they are not bots. If your group is interesting, they will not be active. But even if your group is UG, the subscribers will not run away, since VKTarget strictly prohibits the performers from unsubscribing and punishes them for this, and returns the money to you.

What can be ordered in VK Target to boost subscribers:

  • Directly subscribers to the group: indicate how many you need and criteria: age, city. You can set a limit per day. For new groups, I recommend setting a limit of 100 subscribers per day. If you do more, then VK can be banned for a sharp increase in participants;
  • Post repost. Make a cool post and repost it. The performers will repost it on their pages, and if the post is interesting, then their friends will join the group;
  • Placing a post in other groups. Specify the category of groups where you want to post and the service will post your post. The post must be interesting, otherwise you will just throw money away.

What are the advantages of VK Target:

  • Subscriber quality. The service checks the performers, if they are bots, then it bans. This ensures that live people enter;
  • Money back guarantee. If the performer left the group - VK Target will return the money to you, and the performer will be punished;
  • Quick addition of subscribers - order at least 1000 per day if you already have a promoted group. I repeat that if your group is young and has less than 1000 subscribers, then do not add more than 100 people a day, otherwise they will be banned. In VK target there is a setting to limit the daily number of entries;
  • Full automation. Once set up and forgotten. You can periodically check how things are going, but in general, your intervention is not required. The service does everything by itself.
  • Transparent reporting. You can see how many people have joined, who they are, how progress is going.

Order subscribers in VKTarget.

In VKtarget, you can earn money yourself by completing tasks, and then spend money on ordering subscribers for your group. But that's a completely different story.

Socelin cheat service

This service uses different methods of attracting subscribers to cheat users: not only offers. Offers are people who join groups for money.

Therefore, their cost is more expensive, but subscribers are of higher quality. According to Soceline, they attract people who have a real interest in your group.

Attraction methods used by Socelin:

  • Pay remuneration;
  • Use bonuses;
  • Exchange likes;
  • Add offers;
  • Invite friends;

You can order from them:

  • Like;
  • Repost;

Subscribers become one of the most important resources when promoting within the global network. On the VKontakte social network, this is one of the most accessible tools for promotion and promotion. About who the VK subscribers are, where they come from and what their purpose is, will be discussed later in this article.

VK subscriptions and subscribers - what is it and why

These are people who applied to be friends, but it was rejected or this person was removed from the friends list. Subscribers get some access to view the page of the one to whom they are subscribed, but the functionality available to them is a little more modest than that of users who are on the friends list.

Some page owners adjust their privacy settings in such a way that every other member can only subscribe to the page, by default bypassing the friend process.

This is how, having cleared the list of friends from unnecessary personalities, and by going into the privacy settings, you can turn the "Add to friends" button under the avatar into "Subscribe".

Subscribers do not have any functions, but you can get some benefit from their presence.

Why do you need VK subscribers?

VK subscribers can bring significant benefit to the owner of a page or group that has a large number of subscriptions. There are a number of main positive aspects that can be achieved by having a large number of subscriber:

  • Trust and loyalty. Pages with several hundred or thousands of subscribers generate a higher level of trust among other users. It is much easier for the owners of such communities or personal profiles to promote their products, services, or simply earn a name in the global network.
  • An alternative way to promote. Subscribers are useful because they see in their news feed any updates that the person or group to which they are subscribed to publishes. By competently publishing various materials, you can expand the circle of potentially interested audience.
  • Increasing the position of the page in the search. The more subscribers a page has, the higher it is in the search results. This applies to both communities and personal profiles.
  • "Interesting page". After passing the milestone of one thousand subscribers, the automatic VK service begins to place the page in the "interesting page" section.
  • Popular personalities. Well-promoted pages with a large number of signatures have a chance to get into the TOP of popular personalities, who are actively promoted by the algorithms built into the social network.
  • Analysis. The more the number of people subscribing to the page becomes, the more detailed the statistics of the searched page becomes.

How many subscribers do you need to get a checkmark in VK?

The VKontakte checkmark is issued only in two cases: to well-known individuals and communities representing well-known brands.

A check mark is always displayed as a blue icon opposite the person's page name on the social network. When you hover the cursor over this icon, an inscription appears - "page is confirmed". If the icon is in status, then it is fake. Only a really famous person can get such a mark, about whom they broadcast in the media, created a page on Wikipedia, a person is known for his artistic, musical, political or other activities, etc. Below is an example of what a VK checkbox looks like.

Famous brand communities can also receive checkmarks when requested. This often happens when there are many fake groups that are conducting fraudulent transactions on behalf of well-known companies.

In order to get a check mark, you need to submit an application to the VKontakte administration and meet a number of requirements and criteria. The pages of regular users, according to the rules of the site, will not be able to get a check mark, even if they have thousands of subscribers, friends, etc.

How do subscribers appear on VK and what to do to make them appear?

Potential subscribers are new visitors to the page who for the first time (in some cases, and again) visited the page of a particular user in order to add to their friends. As mentioned above, in a number of certain cases, their applications can be transformed into the status of subscribers.

In order to attract more potential subscriber to the page, you will need to use various methods and mechanisms of promotion. These can be "white" tools provided by the social network itself, or less conscientious options. , but, as a rule, these are just bots for which you can still get a page lock.

The most active subscribers: what kind of people are they and how to use their activity for promotion purposes?

Subscribers can see, in their news feed, updates carried out on the wall and the page in general to which they are subscribed. Particularly active subscribers often react to posts: they interact with them by making reposts and putting likes, and they also leave feedback in the form of comments. Additionally, activity can be raised by conducting polls, various mini-games and quizzes. All this provides an opportunity to increase the page weight in the eyes of search robots and other mechanisms that automatically use all kinds of algorithms to promote active users with a good subscriber base.

The most popular people on VK: who has the most subscribers?

The popularity of VKontakte is a special phenomenon, since people who are not always well-known in real life find proportional popularity within the framework of this social network. The specificity of VK is that, along with well-known cultural figures, politicians and other personalities known in life and on TV, people whose activities do not leave the social network find considerable recognition.

You can imagine a small list of people with the largest number of VKontakte subscribers:

  1. Pavel Durov (creator of the social network VKontakte) - 6.1 million;
  2. Ivan Rudskoy (youth video blogger) - 2.4 million;
  3. Dmitry Medvedev (famous politician) - 2.1 million;
  4. Katya Klep (women's video blogger) - 1.6 million;
  5. Nyusha Shurochkina (singer) - 1.2 million

Since young people (people under 25) significantly prevail among VKontakte users, the number of subscribers, as a rule, is higher among those people whose activities may be of interest to such an audience.

TOP-5 groups by the number of subscribers

The top most popular groups include the following names:

  1. New music 2018 | New items - 15.3 million subscribers;
  2. Cinema Mania | New items 2018 - 11.6 million;
  3. Cinema Mania - 10.7 million
  4. Laugh to tears 😀 - 10.7 million;
  5. MDK - 10.2 million


The article considered the question of who the VKontakte subscribers are and what benefit can be gained by increasing their number. In addition, the ratings of the most popular groups and pages were given, as well as recommendations for speeding up the process of recruiting subscribers.

Who are Vkontakte subscribers, how to invite them, remove them and how to leave them. Initially, the owners of the pages who could see the news on the account of a certain person and were not included in the list of friends were called fans.

Quick navigation:

The best services for cheating VK subscribers

Service Link Speed ​​/ Quality Subscriber price
1 10/10 0.5 rubles
2 Likeinsta 9/10 0,45 rub
3 Vkmix 6/7 0.95 rub
4 Yoolike 6/5 0.95 rub
5 Like4u 4/4 0.95 rub

Rating of services for buying VK subscribers

1. - deservedly takes first place, which has proven itself only on the positive side. There is a completely free and paid promotion that works in all popular social networks: Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Odnoklassniki.

On this site, you can quickly on a paid basis or completely free of charge to do:

  • Cheat subscribers.
  • Wrap up groups.
  • Cheat comments.
  • Repost cheat.
  • Cheat polls.
  • Cheat friends.
  • And buy VKontakte subscribers.

5. another similar service that will allow you to wind up likes and VK subscribers. But, it is worth noting that the service has a low cheat rate at an inflated price.

On you can: order a boost of followers, likes and perform other functions. Among the reviews, you can find comments where people speak out about the low rate of promotion.

Here you found information about five advanced services to date, the first place of which we give to the Bosslike site, which will always answer your question about how to buy Vkontakte subscribers safely and quickly.

How to buy Vkontakte subscribers

Buying subscribers is the most convenient way for them to start adding on your page in the next few minutes.

He will always come to your aid and using the services of this project, you are not making any efforts to buy live subscribers and fill your account with real people.

And these are not all the points that can be attributed to the plus to this site.

In order to start working with the site, you need to go through an easy registration process, top up your balance and form a task. This whole process will take you no more than 5 minutes, and after another couple of minutes, subscribers will already begin to appear on your page.

It is important to know that the accounts that subscribe to you are real people. Since the site administration carefully monitors fraudsters and checks each account, you do not have to worry that your subscription base will turn into a bunch of "dogs" the very next day.

Who are Vkontakte subscribers

So, let's consider who are VK subscribers? For example, you decide to add a user to your friends list. But, for some reason, it is currently not online. Immediately after a friend request, you are automatically sent to subscribers. What is it for? There is no exact answer here. Subscribers are recruited and become subscribers for various reasons. You can also easily buy VKontakte subscribers or wind them up yourself and for free. One of the probabilities is so that the connection with this or that person is not lost after the end of the Internet session. A similar situation occurs if the user to whom you made a request to be added to the contact list canceled your offer. That is, in this way, you will again find yourself in the number of subscribers. So, without being friends, you will be able to track the news added by this user.

What are VK subscribers for?

Now we will consider almost the very question of this review and find out why these same subscribers are needed.

Surely, each of you in the open spaces of VK met accounts on which the number of subscribers is simply off scale. For many people, seeing this, a completely normal question arises: why so much?

There is no single answer to this question, as well as to everything else regarding Vkontakte.

1. The first thing that pushes people to gain a large number of subscribers is the thirst for fame and celebrity. It is in order to put their persona on display that the owners of some accounts are gaining a huge number of subscribers. But not everything is as simple as it would seem. In addition to the fact that famous people are actually doing this, who in this way advertise their new hits, books and other fruits of creativity, they have so-called bots (left pages that do not belong to real people). Just afterwards, such Vkontakte subscribers become dogs that need to be removed so as not to incur suspicions about cheating.

2. Subscribers for bots is another option for promoting celebrities, but only potential, not real. So "wise" people impersonate absolutely other people and thus are promoting themselves. Some people do it because they have nothing to do, while others, due to this, may even make money on advertising. Many large manufacturing companies constantly advertise their products on the pages of popular personalities, attracting buyers in this way, and not every one of them is trying to find out about the page owner - whether this is a real person or not.

3. Subscribers for promoting a business is perhaps the most common way to attract customers today, but you can buy VK subscribers and not be mistaken only in trusted places. By inviting a large number of people as subscribers and friends, people have the opportunity to present their product or service for a wide display.

Each of these options, of course, implies the presence of not a few subscribers on the page, but several thousand subscribers. If you manually invite subscribers, it will take a lot of time. But fortunately, in our time there are other, easier, ways to cheat subscribers, which we will talk about further.

Vkontakte subscribers for free

We will devote this section to free cooperation with Bosslike and consider how using the capabilities of this service, you can wind up subscribers to your group or page at no cost.

So, in order to start cheating, you need to register, which has already been discussed below. It is important that the account is real. Think for yourself, because you are not pleased if only those who will absolutely do not care what happens in your news will be present on your page. The point is to advertise a product or service for blank pages.

After you have passed the registration, you can immediately start completing the tasks, due to which you will receive points, which you will later spend on cheating subscribers. Despite the fact that you came to the site in order to wind up subscribers, you can earn points by completing absolutely any tasks.

Going to the tasks section, you will see a list of all the tasks currently present, and there will be prices against them.

Many users, seeing the scanty prices, are surprised! But in vain! Firstly, tasks are completed very quickly, because these are ordinary likes and reposts, and secondly, by assigning a cost to your tasks, you will already know what to focus on and also set low prices.

After completing several tasks and typing a certain amount of points, you can set your task in the appropriate section, and in a few minutes, you will already behold subscribers on your page.

Are there any unsubscriptions from subscribers

If you are the admin of a VK group and are engaged in its promotion, you probably had to notice that after an active invitation and recruitment of participants, after a while, their number is noticeably reduced. What does it mean?

Everything is simple here! Surely you ordered the service from the so-called group promoters, where the cost of recruiting subscribers is quite low, as a rule, they charge 100 rubles for 1000 subscribers. After that, it is not surprising that most of the community members turned out to be ordinary bots.

Thus, it is worth concluding that it is better to buy VKontakte subscribers on a verified site than to seek help from such scammers.

Many Vkontakte users dream of gaining popularity. However, this can be very, very difficult to achieve. Among them there are those who just want to make their page a little more presentable.

Whatever reason brings you to this page - it will help you boost Vkontakte subscribers... It is thanks to her that you can quickly and effortlessly add solidity to the page, and perhaps even make money on it. You can read about all the nuances of the promotion process below.

Actors, musicians and other well-known Vkontakte users have thousands of subscribers. First of all, this can be associated with their activities, however, how then can one explain the presence of hundreds and sometimes even thousands of subscribers from ordinary Vkontakte users?

Such popularity is brought by the latter by boosting likes and Vkontakte subscribers. Despite the fact that you can easily guess why a person has so many followers, some of his friends are still beginning to wonder how many subscribers benefit.

Even before the worldwide network gained its frenzied popularity, the word subscriber was primarily associated with a reading, inquisitive person. Today, subscribers are a kind of followers who are not only interested in something, but also show considerable activity.

Thoughtful and timely promotion of Vkontakte subscribers online will help you not only become popular, but also attract the attention of many users to you and your activities. Thanks to the promotion of subscribers, you will have new friends, partners and clients who will make your Vkontakte page more presentable, and soon, from hundreds of subscribers, their number will increase to thousands who have found you on their own.

So, you learned how the promotion of VK subscribers works and why it is needed. It's time to get down to practice! The wonderful Bonuslike service will help you to wind up VK subscribers, registration in which will take you just a minute.


1. Registration

Registration in the service is simple and will not take much of your time. Upon completion, you will be able to enter the site and start cheating.

2. Earning points

To successfully wind up subscribers in VK, you need points - the internal currency of the service. Earning points is very simple - you just need to help other users in cheating. You will need a simple adding to friends, subscribing to pages or putting likes. It is worth noting that you can always skip the page if you do not like it for any reason. This is how it works cheat subscribers in VK- and your subscribers will only have those people who are interested in you.

3. Adding a task

When you have enough points, you can boost Vkontakte subscribers already for myself. To do this, you do not have to make unnecessary efforts - everything is simple and convenient on our website. You need to create a task for cheating subscribers and configure the necessary parameters. As soon as you do this, the promotion of Vkontakte subscribers will begin to bring you the first fruits.

Is cheating Vkontakte subscribers safe?

Before winding up Vkontakte subscribers, many users ask themselves about the safety of this process. Nobody wants to take risks, and the tempting prospect of becoming more popular is haunted. We dare to assure you that with the site service you will be able to wind up VK subscribers without dogs and harm to yourself! As you might have guessed, users will be added to you who are fully and completely interested in staying on the site as long as possible and becoming more popular. It is also important to understand that Vkontakte will not be able to distinguish a subscriber who was added for a reward from one who accidentally found your page on the network and decided to subscribe.

Do not hesitate for a second - you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers for free and Vkontakte will not apply any sanctions! And:

  • You do not share personal data with us;
  • You don't spend a dime;
  • Points are credited to users only when they subscribe to you;
  • Instant effect.