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Who goes to Prague in August. Vladimir: “Prague: different sides of the same Czech Republic

Prague in August is ideal for educational tourism - excursions, fairs and festivals will make it possible to create a rich program for every day, and in the evening to taste national dishes and beer in any cafe or pub. The temperature is comfortable: +25 - +27 degrees Celsius, there is little rain.

You can plunge into the Middle Ages by visiting the Summer Celebrations of Early Music, the Shakespeare Festival and the Italian Opera Festival, which usually begin from the very first days of the month. You get an adrenaline rush at the coolest sporting event "Barum Czech Rally Zl? N" - a motorcycle rally, to which hundreds of organized tours depart from Prague, just ask at the hotel.

If there is a short-term heat, then residents of the city and tourists fill numerous parks, some of them have long become the hallmark of the city - the parks Vitkov, Voyanovy Sady, Petrshin, Stromovka. Even in the last month of summer, Prague is plunged into a whirlwind of sales and becomes a paradise for shopaholics. The symbolic word "Sleva" gives a start to the holiday of new things and a wallet. Sales are carried out by all boutiques, malls and outlets of Wenceslas Square, without exception, you can buy clothes and shoes for adults and children, interior items and even souvenirs at a discount.

A vacation in Prague in August is unthinkable without evening walks in this open-air museum, when the lanterns are lit and everything is plunged into twilight. Prague is revealed in all its glory on river excursions along the Vltava, floating restaurants with string orchestras are especially popular.

The European direction of tourist traffic in the summer is overloaded as never before, despite the fact that Europeans themselves tend to leave their homes and go on a long-awaited vacation trip. Why Prague is becoming a tasty morsel of the traveler's tourist pie this month, read on our Tour-Calendar page!

Weather in Prague in August

Summer begins to decline, and the tourist flow remains inexhaustible, because the conditions for traveling to Prague are the most favorable. Moderate continental summer does not allow the air temperature to cross the border of +24 .. + 26 ° C. In early August, daytime air temperature values ​​remain at the July level of +21 .. + 25 ° C, and starting from the middle of the month, the weather will move in small steps towards autumn. In the last ten-day period of August, the average values ​​remain +18 .. + 20 ° C during the day, and in the evening it is steadily cool +12 .. + 15 ° C. The difference between day and night values ​​is 10-12 ° C, therefore, when forming your luggage, pay attention to the quality and quantity of the appropriate clothing: summer cotton clothes should be adjacent to light sweaters and fabric windbreakers. Among the hilly terrain of the Prague capital, the wind constantly confuses its direction and in every way tries to get out of the city. The bright August sun emits strong ultraviolet light, so at noon it is worth leaving the open space so that heatstroke does not make negative adjustments to your trip, and take hats and sunglasses on excursions and walks. By the end of summer, the length of daylight hours will noticeably decrease, reducing the duration of evening walks along the ancient streets of Prague. On the Prague slice of the Eurasian continent, the concept of "sweltering heat" is generally absent, but on rainy days, the effect of a sauna is felt. Summer in the Czech capital is usually replete with precipitation, August is no exception, only a greater percentage of them fall in the first half of the month, and the second half of August pleases with a pleasant number of dry and sunny days. Rainfall in itself does not cause much trouble for travelers and does not overshadow the joy of meeting the Czech capital, if you prudently arm yourself with umbrellas and raincoats. In addition, you can always wait out a short summer shower in numerous cafes with a refreshing portion of the amazing Prague beer. Morning predawn fogs in the last ten days of August will add mystery to Prague awakening in the first rays of the sun.

What to do in Prague in August?

Prague in August generously gives you everything your heart desires: excursions, walks in the old town, trips to the surrounding medieval castles, visits to famous Czech breweries, family picnics in Prague parks - it makes no sense to list them. It is better to pack your suitcase and rush after your desires.

Entertainment and excursions

August weather is convenient for walking through the endlessly quaint streets of the old town, because the fact that Prague is an open-air museum is an indisputable fact. And in the twilight, in the light of night lamps, the ancient architectural monuments of the Czech capital seem to emerge from the folds of time, mysteriously keeping silent about what has flashed past them over the past centuries. At the same time, comfortable shoes have a great advantage over graceful stilettos, since the paving stones of the old city are not smooth asphalt, and the evening coolness will inevitably force you to put on a warm jacket.

If you are not in the framework of the excursion program, then an independent survey of interesting places in Prague can be made on the bus "Hop on - Hop off". At midday in August, many residents of the capital and numerous guests of the city strive to get into the cool greenery of ancient parks: Park Jeleni Příkop, Petrín, Letenské sady, Stromovka, Havlíčkovy sady or Grébovka ), Vojanovy Sady, Park na Vítkově. Each park is unique in its own way and has its own history. It will be interesting for both children and adults to look into the eyes of the world of smaller brothers existing next to us, who have found their home in the Prague Zoo, or to look for numerous ghosts in the surrounding Prague medieval castles Karlštejn and Konopiště (what if you manage to photograph them ?!). Riding on the smooth waves of the Vltava and evening gatherings over a glass of freshly brewed beer in cozy home-style cafes and taverns will add a special flair of romance to the trip.

Holidays and festivals

The Verdi Festival or, in a modern way, the Italian Opera Festival in Prague starts in August and continues its musical marathon in September. Opera champions enjoy some of the world's finest voices in famous operatic productions. During the Summer Shakespeare Festival from August 6 to September 26, many talented actors will present the "imperishable" English author. Even the most sophisticated spectator will be able to enjoy performances in different parts of the Czech capital and even under the stars of the Prague sky. "Summer Celebrations of Early Music" is a festival that takes us back to the musical Middle Ages, the main concert of which will take place in the Church of St. Simon and Judas.

Probably, it would be more correct to write about shopping in the section "Entertainment and excursions", but still this is a special state of a keen shopping fan, when you see the coveted word "Sleva" in the windows of numerous democratic shops on Wenceslas Square or the luxury boutiques of Parisian street holiday of the soul and the wallet. " August is the hottest time for sales, when European brands lower their prices, and compared to all the significant mainstays of the old woman's fashion in Europe, it is still much cheaper to buy fashionable outfits in Prague.

August 2017. We arrived in Prague late at night, so there was no interest in seeing any sights right away, but the next morning a very interesting view of the sleeping area opened from the hotel window with clean streets and pleasant appearance.

View from the hotel window.

After walking about 10-15 minutes to the nearest metro station, we went to the center, where we were already waiting for an acquaintance with the Czech capital.

The central street of the city pleased with its rich decoration. Everything looks very pompous. She was somewhat reminiscent of the Champs Elysees in Paris, only noticeably shorter. It is along this road that you can walk to the historical part of the city. It won't hurt to find it along the way. This is very important, since many people write that "no commission", but they have a postscript that this is valid only when exchanging an amount of 1000 euros or more.

The beginning of Wenceslas Street.

central part

From the main street we went to one of the most famous Prague sights - the astronomical clock, which is located on.

An astronomical clock, almost restored.

If before that it seemed that there were a lot of tourists in the center, then there were even more of them. A lot of tourist groups, barkers on excursions, just tourists, as well as various wedding photo sessions, all this is present both near the clock itself and on the square. The astronomical clock is undergoing partial reconstruction, so that the entire area around it is covered with various building materials. However, they work and at 13:00 you can watch the performance they will show.

Next to the clock there is an institution that houses a temporary, but completely free exhibition of paintings by Bob Dylan, designed to show a different side of the work of the famous musician. The exposition occupies two floors, with the music of the performer playing in the background. At the entrance they sell literature and books with reproductions of paintings. Everything creates a pleasant impression.

Entrance to the Bob Dylan Exhibition.

There is another temporary exhibition in the square, which features big names such as Dali, Warhol and Mucha. But despite the high cost of the exposition, about 300 kroons, it contained reproductions, not originals, which is written on the poster in small print.

Old Town Square and Czech Death with a scythe in the middle of it.

In the very historical center of Prague, everything is located very compactly, and it contrasts strongly with the rest of the city. Even if the distance lies in a couple of kilometers, it turns out to be very interesting to walk along the streets, especially if you are here for the first time. This impression is created due to the unique architecture. Sometimes the streets are very confusing and can lead to a dead end, which we once entered, moving at random to the Cathedral of St. Vitus.

The Charles Bridge

On the way to the Charles Bridge, we noticed two branded pubs from Staropramen and Velkopopovice goat. We returned to them in the evening, when we finished exploring the city. The prices in them are practically the same, 55 kroons for 0.5 liters of beer, but in the old Prague restaurant everything is not as tasty as in the Kozelov restaurant. In Prague, a special type of beer is served, which is called "sliced". In its classic version, it should be dark and light in one glass, but not stirred. Despite the fact that almost all pubs have it on the menu, it often turns out to be just mixed, without a clear dividing line.

Charles Bridge turned out to be the most popular tourist destination.

Entrance to the Charles Bridge.

It is here that there are most of them, since there are excursions along the Vltava River, this is the oldest bridge in Prague, it is most convenient to get from the center on foot to another part of the city, and it is also here that the largest amount of entertainment for tourists offered by local entrepreneurs and Street musicians. Barkers for excursions along the river look very colorful, so you can immediately feel the spirit of medieval Bohemia.

Picturesque Czech sailors.

On the bridge, tourists have many beautiful views on both sides, most importantly, just push your way to the edge, through the crowds of tourists. The elevations of the bridge are decorated with sculptures with historical themes, as well as with dedications to various saints.

View from the Charles Bridge.

The path to St. Vitus Cathedral

After going all the way through Charles Bridge and turning left, you can find the Lennon Wall in just 3-5 minutes walk. it a cult place here, especially since a lot of souvenirs are dedicated to the work of the Beatles leader. This place is designed more for fans, as everything is painted with graffiti on the theme of everything related to John, local musicians sing songs of the most famous band in the world, and next to it there is a bar named after him.

Detail of the wall by John Lennon.

Further, we have nevertheless reached the Cathedral of St. Vitus, which is located in a kind of complex. The entrance is free, but you have to go through a search and a metal detector. Inside there are galleries and museums with a paid entrance, but the cathedral itself is free to enter.

Part of the temple.

The cathedral itself is very vast and richly decorated. It is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most famous architectural landmarks of the city. Everything looks very big, both inside and outside. The intricate gothic patterns spread across the entire surface truly create a majestic impression. Despite the remoteness from the center, it is worth walking here even on foot.

I am in the background of one of the parts of the cathedral and tired tourists photographing the back of the horse.

The complex itself is under the protection of a guard of honor, which we just got replaced.

Changing of the guard in the complex.

Vladimir Yurievich 32 years old, teacher of philosophy, Kharkov,
date of travel: August 2017

Date: 19 - 27 August 2017
Venue: Czech Republic, Prague, Hotel Cechie Praha
Teachers: Pogarskaya Natalya and Khulapov Alexander (psychologist, gestalt therapist)

If you are reading these lines now, you are interested in this tour ...
You are interested in Prague as an ancient city - to visit it, wander the ancient streets, feel its antiquity and mysticism ... You are tired of your city - work and the cycle of constantly repeating everyday life, you are exhausted ... You are eager to learn a lot about the world, yourself, the people around you ... Do you want to devote your vacation to yourself, accumulation of energy, knowledge and impressions ... Have you read these lines to the end and saw your request in them? Did you respond?
Take a vacation and come with us.

The tour is dedicated to the discovery of a new experience in oneself, the development of the energies of the ancient era and the mystical places of Prague, the discovery of the space of the ancient castles of Prague, the study of the history of the Czech Republic.

Daily morning yoga practice at 7.30.
Hatha yoga (1.5 hours) - asanas, pranayama, meditation.
Kundalini Yoga (1 hour) - Kriya + meditation.


19 August 2017:
Arrival at the hotel, check-in. In the evening - gathering of the whole group, acquaintance, discussion of the tour program.
Introductory lecture on the place where we arrived.

20 August 2017:
7.30 - yoga practice.
9.00 - breakfast
11.00 - sightseeing tour of the city with a professional guide.
You will see Wenceslas Square, the Dancing House, the embankment of the r. Vltava, Prague Castle, Royal Palace, St. George Church, St. Vitus Cathedral, Malu Stranu, Old Town Square, Town Hall with Astronomical Clock and Old Town Tower, Tyn Church, Charles Bridge.
The duration of the excursion is 4 hours. The cost is 15 euros.
17.00 - Gathering of the group. An introduction to the practice of gestalt therapy.
Group practice "Acquaintance. Precontact. Working with feelings."
This practice is difficult to describe in words, as well as everything that we give to people. It needs to be done. Undoubtedly, immediately you will feel yourself in the world and the world around you is a little different.
(presenter - Alexander Khulapov)
20.00 - dinner.

21 Aug 2017
07.30 - yoga practice
09.00 - breakfast
12.00 - we go on a walking tour of the Old Town.
The tour lasts 2 hours. Accompanied by a professional guide.
The cost is 5 euros.
An excursion to the Old Town is an excellent opportunity to see many historical sights of Prague at once during one walking walk. Here you can see the Old Town Square, which is one of the most beautiful in Europe, the Church of the Virgin Mary in front of Tyn and the Church of St. Nicholas. By the way, to get to all these buildings, you will walk across the Charles Bridge and see the Church of St. Martin, which is now considered a kind of border between the Old Town and modern Prague.
15.00 - lunch. Free time.
17.00 - Gathering of the group. Lecture part "Trans. Transpersonal therapy - what it is and why."
The practice of "Breathing Chakras" is very powerful.
20.00 - dinner.

22 august 2017
07.30 - yoga practice.
09.00 - breakfast.
16.00 - Gathering of the group. Practical training in gestalt therapy. Working with feelings, sensations, emotions.
19.00 - Start of the excursion "Legends and ghosts of Old Prague".
Duration - 2 hours. Accompanied by a professional guide. Cost - 16 euros
The mystical excursion begins at dusk in Prague.
Prague keeps in itself numerous mysteries and mysteries associated with the Holy Inquisition and the alchemists, sorcerers, Templars and ordinary citizens who once lived here.
In the light of yellow lanterns, walking along cobbled streets and looking into the corners of old houses, gardens and squares, where spirits and ghosts still meet, are an indescribable sensation. And there really is something to see.
The ghost of the ringing nun appears on the Tyn Tower every night and rocks the church bell with his own hands. And the headless nun wanders the streets near the former monastery of the Knights Templar.
The chariot of fire, pulled by goats and leaving after midnight from the Jewish ghetto quarter in the direction of the Goat's Piglet, is a rather harmless ghost that does not harm either the inhabitants of Prague or curious tourists.
This unique excursion program in the amazing places of the Czech capital will allow you to gain a deeper understanding of the history and cultural characteristics of this country, full of mysteries and secrets.

23 august 2017
07.30 - yoga practice.
09.00 - breakfast
10.00 - departure for an excursion to Cesky Krumlov (Rozmberk nad Vltavou castle).
Duration - 10 hours. The cost is 30 euros.
This trip will take you to the magical atmosphere of the Middle Ages.
Krumlov is a city, each building in which seems fabulous due to the mixture of several architectural styles - Baroque, Renaissance and Gothic.
The streets of the city seem to have descended from the pages of some magic book. They are very narrow and meandering, like the Vltava river bed. It seems that modern civilization did not reach these quarters, and they remained in their original form.
Krumlov is the former residence of the old aristocratic Rosenberg family. Rosenberg Castle, which we will visit, is filled with memories of the life of its inhabitants. The Rosenberg Castle is surrounded by a mystical mystery - according to legend, the ghost of the White Lady, the daughter of Baron Rosenberg Perkhta, lives in the castle and still wanders (an interesting legend is connected with her, which the guide will tell you).

24 august 2017
07.30 - yoga practice.
09.00 - breakfast
Until 16.00 - free time. Shopping.
17.00 - Gathering of the group. Practice "Rebirthing. Trance breathing techniques. Working with voice and sounds."
Disclosure of mystical abilities.
August 25, 2017 07.30 - yoga practice.
09.00 - breakfast.
Departure for an excursion to Dresden (Germany).
Duration - 11 hours. The cost is 30 euros.
In Germany, Dresden is actually synonymous with culture and art. And if it seems strange to you, then you have never been to this city.
Exit excursion from Prague to Dresden will let you experience the unique tandem of natural and man-made beauty. Which is better here: the colorful landscapes of the Elbe Valley, or the abundance of world-famous sights that keep people lining up? And, despite the fact that the phrase "world famous" someone may consider too commonplace, describing Dresden, you cannot do without such words! Just what is the magnificent Saxon masterpiece - the Zwinger palace ensemble!
Here are statues of heroes of ancient Greek myths, and the largest collection of porcelain, and a collection of weapons, and canvases of great artists ...
And the territory of the surrounding park is 147 hectares! In both senses of the word. Equally charming is the Hofkirche Church with its 78 stone three-meter high statues adorning the niches and balustrades of the cathedral. Interestingly, the building was built with some deviations from church canons, for example, the altar is oriented not to the east, as it should be, but to the south-west. Why is that? The guide will tell you about it.
Also, this bus sightseeing tour from Prague to Dresden will introduce you to the splendor of such sights as the Gothic Kreitzkirche, the Albertinum and the Torgau chapel.

26 august 2017
07.30 - yoga practice
09.00 - breakfast
Until 16.00 - free time.
16.00 - Gathering of the group. Group therapy (analysis of feelings and sensations).
The practice of gaining energy experience (development of perception of subtle plans)
21.00 - joint final dinner
27 august 2017
07.30 - yoga practice
09.00 breakfast and getting home.
And there are many more different interesting practices of magical experience that are not described in the program and will be a surprise for you. Prague and practice in the places of power of this city will give you an incredible, new mystical experience.

Cechie Praha hotel 4 *
Hotel Cechie Praha occupies 2 adjoining buildings in a quiet area of ​​Prague.
The hotel's facilities include an excellent restaurant, fully equipped meeting facilities and several sports bars.
The hotel offers a well-equipped spa, comfortable rooms, a fitness club and halls for playing tennis, squash, and a golf course. The room rate includes access to the sauna and stylish indoor pool. The free pool and sauna are open daily until 19:00.
Great hotel for our tour!

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