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Errors when installing programs from the Windows Installer package ".msi. Microsoft Installer error solution when installing Skype Microsoft downloaded a installer and running the program

Windows Installer Error is one of the most common pop-up problems with the Windows operating system users.

An error may appear independently of your OS version.

Causes of error

You can perform the OS scan using the SFC / SCANNOW command. You need to enter it in the command line window.

You can also run the command line in two ways:

  • Start -\u003e All Programs -\u003e Standard -\u003e Command Line.
  • Start -\u003e Run and enter the name of the program cmd.exe

A few minutes later you will be provided with detailed information about the disks of the OS, spoiled files, problems in the work of services and other system programs.

The command line will not only find a damaged and damaged file, but also replace them with workable.

After scanning, close the command prompt and restart your personal computer or laptop. Try running the installation process of any executable file.

Microsoft also offers users an automatic utility that is capable of solving the problem of the installation of the installer.

Go to the website of the official website of the company

In the window that opens, click on the "Run Now" key. The utility will restore the correct configuration of the installer.

It is worth noting that the utility does not work with the eighth version of the operating system.

Configuring Installer Access to MSI files

The malfunction may be caused by the fact that the Installer does not have access to MSI files. The user can solve this problem independently.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Find your installation file and click on it right mouse button;
  • Select the properties window;
  • Click the Security Settings tab;
  • In the text field of groups or users, check if there is a user named "System". If it is not, you need to add user manually;

  • To add a new user, click the Edit button and then on the Add button;
  • In the text field of the names of the selected object, write the word "system" (without quotes). If you use the English version of the operating system, enter the SYSTEM word;
  • The entered word should instantly become emphasized as shown in the figure below;

  • Check the box opposite the full access field and now click on the OK button;

Now the installer will be able to access the executable file. Installation must be completed without problems.

Note that in some cases, anti-virus software can block access to the installation file.

To solve this problem, you need to go to the operating system under the administrator account, turn off the antivirus and include in the settings of the antivirus properties compatibility with other versions of the OS, as shown in the figure below.

Windows Installer Error - Methods Solutions

It is no secret that the lion's share of the world's population uses the operating system from Microsoft on its PC. It can be Windows 7, the same Windows 8.1 or ultra-modern Windows 10. Naturally. It is for these OS that there is a huge number of programs. From the most simple, not requiring installation, and to the giants like Photoshop.

But there are such unpleasant moments when any of these applications simply refuses to install on a computer. How to be in this case? The solution exists - all you need to do is download the desired application on Windows 7 and install it for your computer. Below we will talk about how to do this correctly and describe all possible deviations from the course and ways to bypass them.

What is the application?

Windows Installer (Over the Windows Installer) is part of the operating system, due to which we can become or delete an application with extension.msi. Thanks to this component, you can not only install or delete any application, but also to make changes to it (we hope you understand the importance of the installer). Download and install Windows Installer you can download free.

Causes of non-working program

If you start the installation of any program on a PC, but instead of the cestrary window they saw the inscription: "Unable to access Windows Installer", then reading this article, you move in the right direction. The component is supplied as part of Microsoft OS, but there are situations when it is required to start or reinstalling. Violation of the performance of the program is possible for the following reasons:

Access restriction when entering the second account

To solve this problem, you just need to enter from the main account (administrator). If you do not have such an opportunity, you need to contact a person who installed this OS or set it up.

Disabled service "Windows Installer"

In order to start the stopped service, open the Search menu and enter the word "service".

You can also clamp Win + R. In a small window, we write Services.msc and click "OK":

We are looking for a Windows Installer list, then double-click on it and click "Run".

Lack of component

If the service is not found on your computer or simply outdated, you can download it by reference and install all components.

Errors When installing applications from files with extension. MSI is one of the manifestations of the Windows Installer service (in the Russian-language version - Windows Installer). Such a phenomenon face users of all versions of this OS, with the exception of the earliest. Until now, the problem with the installer is one of the frequent reasons for which users are solved on reinstalling the system. Let's try to figure out how to avoid it. The reason for Windows Installer does not work, maybe the following:

  • viral infection, and the removal of the virus does not always solve the problem;
  • incorrect installation of Windows updates;
  • the protection software fails when, instead of blocking one suspicious MSI file, the installation service is blocked entirely;
  • changes in security policies on a computer;
  • damage to system files or registry for reasons not related to viruses (removal of installer components, unqualified registry editing, "Curve" software, hard disk malfunction, etc.).

Check the integrity of the Windows Installer structure

Windows installer is represented by the following components:
  • c: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Msiexec.exe file - directly by the installer appointment;
  • c: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ MSI.DLL file - Windows Installer library;
  • the MSISERVER service, the parameters of which are stored in the Registry section.
Before diagnostics, it is important to make sure that there are both of these files in the system, which in the registry has the above section and its parameters have normal values \u200b\u200b(values \u200b\u200bcan be viewed in the registry of a similar, working system). Also open the list of services (click Windows + R and enter the "Open" line to "Run" the Services.msc command). Find the Windows Installer and make sure it starts. In the absence of files, copy them from another system of the same version or from the installation disk. If there is no registry key or damaged - also transfer it from the working system. To do this, on a good computer, run the registry editor (C: \\ Windows \\ regedt.exe) and find the above section. Expand the MSISERVER folder context menu and click Export. Save the file in format.Reg and transfer it to a problem machine. Click twice this file and confirm your consent to add data to the registry. Restart the computer. If the MSISERVER service is still not started, check if the RPC service works (remote procedure call) from which it depends. You can re-establish the installer files and restart the service using a set of special commands, on the command prompt. For convenience, you can create a command file: Insert a set of actions in a notebook and save both with the extension.Bat. To start the file, just double click on it. To make changes to act, click on the desktop and press F5.

Check the security settings and access rights

Windows Installer may not work and due to the fact that it blocks the protective software or the operating system does not have the necessary rights. To begin with, we will deal with the software. If you have installed antivirus - temporarily disconnect it. Methods for disconnecting each product, but most often this is done through the antivirus icon context menu in the system tray. Now we will deal with rights. Open the msiexec.exe context menu and expand its properties. Check the list of groups and users on the Safety tab. Among them, there must be a "system" and the "TrustedInstaller" service, and the last one must have full access to the file and be its owner. The system must have the rights to read and read and execute. The TrustedInstaller service first appeared in Windows Vista, so in Windows XP full access must be provided with the system. Everything that is written below relate to versions released later than XP. To check who owner Msiexec.exe, click the "Advanced" button on the same tab. In the next window, discover the "Owner" tab. Make the owner of the TrustedInstaller service if something else is specified as it. If you do not have it in the "Change Owner to" list, click the "Change" button, and next - "Other users and groups". Enter TrustedInstaller in the field "Enter the names ...", click "Check Names" and OK. Return to the previous window. On the "Existing Permissions" tab, assign TrustedInstaller and the system necessary rights. Exactly the same security settings must be at the MSI.dll library. Now check if there are no restrictions for the user "System" to access the following:
  • system disk (usually drive C);
  • temporary folders (this is C: \\ Windows \\ TEMP and C: \\ Users \\ Current user \\ APPDATA \\ TEMP);
  • c: \\ Config.msi folder;
  • the folder where the MSI file is located from which you are trying to install the program.
All these objects system must provide full access. It is also done as we disassembled above. After these operations, in most cases, the problem with the installer is successfully solved. If our tips did not help you, the reason for the failure lies in something else and experts should already be dealing with her.

The operating system consists of a huge number of programs and services, each of which performs its functions. For example, to install on your computer, Windows Installer is used on your computer - Installer's service for Windows 7. It is responsible for unpacking files and data enclosure to the system registry. Some users when trying to install applications encounter an error "failed to gain access to the service", as a result of which the program installation becomes impossible. This article presents ways to solve the problem.

Such an error may occur if the relevant service is disabled, system files or records in the registry are damaged. The following are the ways to solve such problems.


If, as a result of the action of viruses or system failures, any important system files that are responsible for Installer have been corrupted, you can use a special command to console and eliminate errors. Need to do the following:

After that, try calling the installer again by running the installation of some application. If the problem is not resolved - go to the next point of management.

Services Manager

Perhaps the Installer does not work because of the disconnected service, which is responsible for it. Try to open the manager and turn it on. If you do not know how to do it - follow the instructions:

If there is no option in the list of the desired item, call the command line. How to do this is described above, in the previous section of the manual. In the console you need to enter the "Net Start Msisserver" command and press Enter. If no problems arise, you will see the inscription "Windows installer successfully running".

Export registry

You can also find a copy of a foreign registry section and import it to your computer. The directory you need is called "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ SERVICES \\ MSISERVER".

This is a small specialized utility from Microsoft, which is needed to install applications from packages. MSI, which in our days can very often meet. Why are they so widespread? It's simple, when installing Windows Installer, will remember all the changes made to the system changes, so after you decide to delete the program installed through this package, your application will completely roll back all the changes in the system, that is, it will be completely correct uninstallation. It likes how to developers and us, users, because no one wants to clog the system with excess garbage. If you have problems with this package, then I recommend downloading free Windows Installer from our site, I think all the problems will be solved.

Please note that when installing Windows, this package you will already be in the system, however there are different reasons for which you need to reinstall it or just you want to update the version, but you didn't offer Windows to do this, here and help Microsoft Windows Installer. I myself had trouble with this package and I could not establish a large number of programs into the system due to the fact that they were packed by V.MSi. To work, you need to just run the package downloaded from our site for your OS, then follow the instructions, everything is simple and does not require any settings, as a result, you will receive an updated version of the program.

Windows Installer very much like developers, as it gives them additional features, for example, you can insert a new dialog to your installer, which will be responsible for choosing the installation path, you can add additional installation parameters, you can add a license agreement, information about yourself is loved and so on.

So, dear friends, if you need to download Microsoft Windows Installer for Windows XP or Vista, you can do it from our site just below in the news, thank you all for your attention and good luck!

Many ask this question, trying to download Windows Installer for the Windows 7 operating system, but it is not simple, because the latest version that can be downloaded separately is 4.5 and it is presented on our website. Meanwhile, the installer installer Windows 5.0 is part of Windows 7/8 / 8.1 and it is not a distributed component. Therefore, do not engage in nonsense and if you have an XP / Vista OS and you have problems when installing.msi programs, then this package will help you, everyone else can simply forget about it and relax.

Developer: Microsoft.
License: Freeware.
Language: English
The size: 1.69 & 2.94 & 3.17 & 4.47 MB
OS.: Windows.