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What is the identification of the Skype subscriber. Setting the identification of the caller in Skype

If the entrance has already been implemented

It is much easier to learn your login in Skype if the entrance to the system is already perfect. But in this case you should not be confused login and name. You can change the name at any time, while the login will remain the same, how it was selected during registration. How to find out your login in Skypein this case:

  • first you need to press in the upper left corner in the name next to the profile avatar;
  • on the right side of the working window, the field will open for viewing the personal information of the user and edit it;
  • next to the words " Accounts"And Login is located;
  • at the very top of the window, the larger letters are not listed, and the name under which the subscriber see other call participants. Sometimes the name coincides with the login, sometimes not. You can at any time edit the name. To do this, just click on it and enter a new one. But the login itself will remain the same.

If the entrance is not implemented

Most often, the login is required in order to enter the system. But how to be if he is forgotten?

  1. It is enough to go to the login recovery page at and enter there in the special email address specified during registration;
  2. get a service letter with a special service reference and security code. You will need to follow the link and enter the received code. Important! The code is valid only for three hours;
  3. all scholars associated with this email address will appear on the screen. It remains only to choose the desired one.

You can also ask another user to view login in personal data. To do this, it will be necessary to right-click the contact name and select "View Personal Information". Next will open the window in which you can see the login.

Similar actions for restoring login are performed in both the version for PC and mobile platforms.

From the operating system

There is a way to find login in the operating system itself. This may be useful, for example, if there is no Internet access. Need to go to the address C: \\ Users \\ user_name \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Skype. Here is the service folder that carries the login name.

The same effect can be achieved through the "Run" command. In the text box, you will need to enter the following: % APPDATA% \\ Skype. Finally, if absolutely nothing helps, you can always contact the support service and describe the situation.

Skype - a popular worldwide free program for video calls and instant messaging. In addition to communicating with other users of the program, it can also be used for calls to stationary and mobile phones. This service is paid and implies the use of Skype ID. This is a fixed set of numbers, which defines the subscriber number in this program, is used to identify the caller or is used to make a call to a specific subscriber to the phone.

Skype ID or identification of the caller - the service is completely free, sets it the user itself on the settings page of its own account. The skype ID can be exactly the same as the subscriber's phone number or consist of any set of numbers that was specified by the owner of this account or appointed by the service itself.

In the case of using such an option, it may be necessary to know your ID in Skype. Consider a way it can be done.

How to find out your ID?

To find out your ID in the program, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter your own account on
  2. In the "Function Management" section, select the Subscriber Identification item.
  3. On the page that opens, make all the necessary settings by specifying the data you need.

Speaking about the user ID, often implies Skype number. It can also be installed and configured in the "Function Management" section in your Personal Account.

It is worth noting that, in contrast to the ID, this function is paid. But with its help you can get a number, thanks to which the user can be called from any phone.

ID for network calls

A significant part of Skype users uses the program only for free calls within the network. How to find out your ID, and why is it generally needed in this case?

In the case of using the messenger only for communication within the service with another subscriber as an ID uses the user login specified during registration. His loss is not uncommon.

When installing Skype on a PC and add a program to the startup Skype will independently enter the user account. In this case, see your ID when entering the system will not work.

But you can see it right in the running program window: in the upper left corner of the Skype window, near the program logo, the user login will be specified, which when calls on the network and performs the role of the user ID.

Define id / login on a computer

In the event that, after installing the program, the system is not reinstalled, you can find the login on the program files on the computer. To do this, open the folder with the program that is in C: \\ Users \\ Administrator \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Skype. The name of one of the folders located in the program directory and will be ID / user login. Usually, the name of such a folder starts with "Live", after which the username itself is in the system.

If the operating system is recently reinstalled, to find out the login in this way will not work. It will be necessary to take advantage of the recovery feature of the account to the account, which is on the official website of the program. When specifying all the necessary information for recovery, data for logging into the system will be sent to the user mail, including ID.

Other ways to recover data

When registering in Skype, the user necessarily indicates the address of its email, where various messages come from service support service. If such letters are preserved on the server, you can view them - usually the user login is indicated there. It is clear that this method will not lead to a positive result in the event that you have a habit of regularly clean your email box from a variety of mailings.

If you are actively using Skype to communicate with your friends, you can ask them about help - when sending messages and calls is displayed both as the username and its login. Therefore, everyone can help you with whom you communicated through this program.

Thus, in the popular Messenger Skype, two user IDs are used at once: one of them to make calls to telephones - stationary or mobile, second - to communicate inside the network. If the user has lost or forgot one of these identifiers, it is not a problem, they can be easily found. Which way it is possible to find out your Skype ID. We looked at the above, so there will be no problems anyone.

How to find out the id Skype, for which this unique number is used, as well as other details of this option we will look at in this article, because when you constantly use the messenger, you need to carefully examine all available features to make work optimal and convenient.

What it is

The identifier of the user is a unique number for its initiation. Two different idi are distinguished, which are assigned to one subscriber:

  • For calls over the network;
  • For challenges to stationary and mobile phones.

Both of them perform the same function and are needed in order to distinguish subscribers from each other. Now we'll figure it out where to watch the skype ID in both cases.

Where to find a call number inside the network

This designation is highlighted from your contacts when you call them using an Internet connection to call.

To find out your Iyi in Skype, you do not need to make any special actions:

  1. Open the program;
  2. Look at the top panel of the window;
  3. Next to the Skype icon specified login - this is the identifier in this case.

The second way:

  1. Enter the messenger;
  2. Click on the name specified next to your avatar;
  3. A new window will open. Login is specified in the "Account" field.

The third way is suitable for those who need without opening the program.

  • Open the command line (the combination of simultaneously pressing the Windows + R keys);
  • In the window that appears, enter: "% APPDATA% \\ Skype";

  • The system will open for you a profile directory in the messenger, where you can see the folder with your login.

There is another option, you can ask your name in a program from one of your friends, if you have in a sheet of contacts.

Please note that you cannot change your login, there are no workarounds. If for some reason you are not satisfied with your name in the application, then the only output is a change of account.

Now we will analyze how to find out your ID in Skype for phone calls.

How to find out the number for calls to mobile

Many people use a paid feature that allows calls to all devices using a telephone connection. To find out the Skype messenger ID, you need to perform a number of simple actions:

  • Run the program;
  • Enter the "Function Management" tab;
  • Click on the first button "Subscriber Identification";

  • You will open the window where you will see your unique code.

Most often, the number is your mobile phone, but this can be a generated number generated by or invented by you. You can set a new code by simply entering it into the appropriate window and clicking on the "Check" button.

There is another trick that allows you to see your ID in Skype - just call your own mobile and save the number. Look, and is it possible to do this?

Applications Applications can connect the number identification option, thanks to which your friends and friends will know that the incoming call comes from you. After tuning, calls to mobile and stationary phones will display your username from the application or mobile number.

It is noteworthy that the caller identification setting in Skype is absolutely free. In this material we will tell you how to properly configure this service. If you are not a particularly experienced user, it will be better than the English-speaking version.

The use of this service is possible in most countries, however, the parameter shares the principle of determination: so you can call from the "open" mobile number worldwide, with the exception of Japan, China, Hong Kong, Mexico and South Korea; The demonstration of the application login is possible in the United States, the United Kingdom, Chile, Denmark, Estonia, Sweden and Poland. If the function does not work, then most likely it is not available for your country or is not supported by the subscriber's mobile operator to whom you call. As it is based on the official website of the developer, the company plans to expand the list of supported countries.

How to configure the function definition function in Skype

If you want the number of your mobile during the call, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the account.
  2. Select the Subscriber Identification command in the Function Management section.
  3. In the drop-down list, find your country.
  4. Enter a mobile number and click Check Number.
  5. Expect SMS with confirmation code, enter it in the field that appears.
  6. Click confirm.
  7. If the entered code is correct, a message appears on the screen that the function will be activated within 24 hours.

To create a username, make the following: Enter the account and locate the Functions Management, in the Subscriber Identification item, click the Select Saved Number. You will display a marked list with contact data contact data, define a number that is required to display. Confirm the Save Settings button.

It is worth noting that activation for login occurs instantly, and for other numbers it is necessary to wait 24 hours.

Skype is a popular utility that uses about 500 million subscribers. The program allows you to make calls, send text messages, send images, snapshots, videos, contacts, documents, and a variety of files. However, it will be necessary to add a user to contacts to contact, with His Iidi. But first you need to figure out how to find outID in Skype And what he represents.

Features ID Skype

The identifier is a special combination of letters and numbers intended to define and search for a subscriber. Aidi is used to authorize in the application and helps to find a specific person. Each user receives a unique identifier. It is worth noting that the ID is selected by the user itself, and not issued the utility.

At the stage of creating an account, the user need to come up with a password and login. Actually login and is an identifier. Therefore, the choice of nickname should approach responsibly. The combination should be simple so that other users can easily find a person.

Definition ID via Skype

You can find out your login directly in the application. For this you need:

There is another way to find out your identifier. Subscriber follows:

All personal human information opens in the window: email, mobile phone, photography, mood, as well as id.

For the new version of the program, it is still easier:

And in the case of the mobile application instructions such:

  1. Tap the miniature of the profile located on top.
  2. Here again need a graph "Login in Skype".

Iyidi search in system folders

Find out what is the user ID in the old Skype and how to find it easy. However, some users arise problems. For example, a subscriber who left the account and a long-not running utility, may forget its username and password. But you should not despair, Iyi can be found in the system section.