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How to pass the PDF file from viewing. PDF Password Remover Free - Password Removing Program to PDF Documents

PDF password protect is quite simple, the password can be easily added using the Adobe tool itself or with a third-party tool. The ability to add a password using multiple tools also means it is quite difficult to remove the password manually if you need to make a PDF file free and affordable for others. Fortunately, there are third-story applications, such as free PDF Password Remover.that will allow you to remove the owner and user password (first is used to limit the PDF editing, while the latter is needed to open the PDF file).

It is worth distinguishing these two important definitions:

Password of the owner: Also known as a "password to change the rights" is a password that the owner of the PDF document uses to limit edit functions in the document (such as copying, printing, comments and other text edits).

User password: This name and password that the user uses to access a password-protected PDF file.

However, the tools will require you to provide a user password if PDF is encrypted with AES 128 or AES 256. If the PDF file is password protected using a third-party tool or you have a user password, you can delete all password types for several clicks .

Below are some tools that will remove the owner password and even the user password if the conditions allow.

Note: You must only delete a password protection from the PDF file that you own or have full right to change as you like.

Official way to remove PDF password - using your own Adobe Adobe Acrobat Pro tool. This is a paid tool with a 30-day free trial version, so you can easily remove protection inside the PDF viewer without the need for third-party tools.

Download Adobe Acrobat Pro from the official site 30-day full-featured trial version or buy it if necessary. Open the secure PDF using the user password in Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Once inside, you can easily remove the owner and password of the PDF user. Press Secure (lock icon) in the main interface and on the menu click on the button Remove Security.

You will be prompted to enter the password, enter it and click OKTo remove the password. After the password is deleted, save the document, otherwise, the changes will not be applied, including the removal of the password.

Removing the password with PDF using a third-party program

The official path from Adobe is good, but not very functional. It requires you to enter a user password, even if the file in PDF format is not encrypted. To simplify the process and take advantage of additional functions, it is better to make a choice in favor of third-party utilities.

Most third-party tools are free and allow you to remove password protection in solitary and batch mode. The FREE PDF Password Remover tool is described below, developed by 4DOTS Software, which is completely free and is very easy to use.

Download the program and when installing, make sure you choose the option INTEGRATE WITH Windows ExplorerIf you want to add the option Add file. In the context menu of the window (this is convenient).

To add files, you can click on Add file. or Add Folder.Depending on whether you want to add a file or folder containing secure PDF files.

After the file (s) is added, you need to specify the output folder. Or click on the button Browse. under Output Folder.To select the folder manually, or use the drop-down menu to select the desired location.

Now that the folder is selected to save the finished result, everything you need to do is click on Remove Passwords - Delete Passwords. If the file is not encrypted, the password will be deleted (both the password of the owner and the user password).

If the file has been encrypted, you will be prompted to enter a user password. Just enter the password and click on the "OK" button to create an unprotected file.

The new file will not have any password, and will be available to anyone. You can also add files by simply dragging them into the instrument interface. In addition, the option of adding a file will also be added to the context menu (if you allowed it when installing). Simply right-click the PDF file and select from the context menu. Remove PDF Password..

Remove password with PDF using online tools

There are also many free online services that will load a secure PDF file and then remove the password. Perhaps it may not be so comfortable as using a desktop tool, but there are advantages. It is also less safe, since these services will have a copy of your files. Therefore, it is better not to use online instruments if a file in PDF format contains confidential information.

One of these sites is unlock PDF. It is very easy to use and does not require registration for work. The tool deletes passwords of the owner and user passwords in an unencrypted PDF file, or asks a user password if the file is encrypted.

On the official website, click on the button. Choose File - Like FileTo select a PDF file from a computer. You can simply drag the file in the field. Drop PDF Here. Or download files from or Google Drive. Before unloading, confirm that you have full rights to file in PDF format - just check the box and click on the button. Unlock PDF - Unlock PDF for download.

If the file in PDF format was not encrypted, the password will be removed, you will see a button to download to download a new unparalleled file. Otherwise, you will be prompted to provide a user password to remove the password, and only then the download button will become active.

So, you can use the above methods to delete the password from any PDF file, select the method that most suits you.

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Today we will look at how to pass the PDF file to protect it. We will analyze the question why it is necessary and how to do it technically quickly and for free. The protection of its PDF files is extremely important if you are engaged in the creation of info products, earnings over the Internet. For practical work in this article, we use the SmallPDF service.

Why do you need to protect the files from copying

Hello, friends! It is no secret that on the Internet is stealing various content from sites and blogs, steal and author's products in the form of books, various courses and so on. Naturally, it needs to be defended, you need to protect your copyright. And if it is impossible to completely exclude this phenomenon, then you need, at least, to minimize the damage that pirates are applied.

I am also used to that with my blog regularly take articles and published on other blogs. This phenomenon sometimes brings harm to my blog, but what to do, everything is arranged. Another thing is that people who take my content do not understand that sooner or later their sites (blogs) will fall under the sanctions of search engines. After that, the owners of such resources will be difficult to bring them to top positions. In general, this is their business.

For this reason, it is necessary to protect your products from copying. Since the most common product format is PDF (PDF) files, so we, today and consider the question how to pass the PDF file (PDF). Of course, there are many different programs for this. We will use the simple, accessible and free SmallPDF program, more precisely by the service with this name.

The SmallPDF service is designed primarily to convert various files, such as Word in PDF, PPT in PDF and so on. This service was written in the article, as well as in the article. If you read these articles, you know that the service is multifunctional. So, on the SMALLPDF service there is a function "Protect PDF". In this article, we use this feature in order to put a password for PDF. So, we turn to practice.

How to pass PDF file(pDF.) for its protection

Before considering how to pass the PDF file, I will say a few words about protecting PDF files from copying and printing. It is done easily and simply using the VinSoft LockPDF program. To keep your books, you can quickly protect the file. About how to do this is shown in my free book "", you can download this book.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that copy protection will work if you convert the file to PDF through Word program. Of course, such a measure will be sufficient for absolute beginners, but people with little experience will be able to break such protection. After all, there are several programs that allow you to remove copy protection from PDF (PDF) files. To seriously protect the book, you need to put a password on the PDF file.

For a start, go to SmallPDF, then click on the "All Tools" button, select "Protect PDF" in the drop-down list. The new window opens a pink tab. Next, select on the PDF computer the file to close the password, select it and drag it with the mouse to the SmallPDF service page.

Two fields appear, where we come up with and insert the password (confirm). After that, press the "Enciphe PDF" button.

A few seconds is the process of downloading and encryption. After that, we are invited to download an encrypted PDF file to the computer that we do. Password needs to write somewhere, otherwise you will not be able to open the file later.

Now to open the PDF file, the computer will ask our password. Enter the password, and the file is successfully opened. All details are shown in the video attached below. Remove the password with PDF various programs will be difficult if you install it complex. For example, at least 7 characters, besides, use letters, numbers and signs.

Remove password with PDF, is there an opportunity?

To remove the password with PDF (PDF) file, there are various programs. There is such an opportunity and on the SmallPDF service, for this you need to click "Remove PDF Protection". But you should not deprive, not so simple. For example, the password in 9 characters, the service replied that he could crack the password, but would be able to do it in 1,200,000 years. I wonder, someone will wait so much? Of course, nothing is impossible, but is it worth doing this.

If you make a password, let's say, for three characters, the service will quickly be able to help you. In most cases, it is enough to put simple protection from copying and printing, but it should decide for yourself.


So, in this article, we briefly reviewed how to protect PDF from editing copying and printing. If you want to limit the protection to this way, download the book and work on it. If you want to make more serious protection, then this article shows how to pass the PDF file to protect it. Also, you can see and video.

I hope you use this article, I am sure you get the result! If you have questions, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer your questions. Good luck to you and all the best!

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PDF24 Creator is a free PDF designer and PDF printer to create PDF files. Password protection is one of the features of the software. You can protect the PDF file to prevent its opening, as well as set the security settings to prevent print or copy text and images.

That's how it works:

  • Download, install and open PDF24 Creator
  • Load the PDF file by dragging to the right side of the window. Now you can see the file in preview mode. You can put any file there, not only PDF files.
  • Click on the "Save As" icon on the toolbar to open the "Save As" dialog box.
  • Select the output PDF filter and open the Security Page.
  • Check on "Use security settings" and enter your passwords.
  • Click "Continue" and then select the file where you want to save a new password-protected PDF file.

Differences between the owner and user PDF passwords

You can set two passwords on the security page. It can be a file owner password that is required to protect the file, as well as a user password that is needed to open the password.

Keep in mind that the owner has full access to the file, so it is better to choose various passwords. If both passwords match, and someone opens the PDF file with this password, it automatically receives full access to the file, because it opened the file as the owner. If you want to protect the file from printing and install a password to open a file, then you must select another password.

Set Password on PDF online

PDF24 also provides you with free online utilities with which you can protect your PDF password. All you need to choose your PDF and password and online PDF utility will make everything else. You do not need to install any software and this alternative is also free. Just take a look at this utility.

Remove password with PDF online

PDF24 also offers you a free online utility, from which you can remove the password with PDF. All you need for this, choose your PDF file and password, and then the utility will make everything else. Once again, you will not need to install any software.

SENDPULSE is a marketing tool for creating a subscription base and transferring random visitors to your site in the category of permanent. SENDPULSE combines the most important functions on the same platform to attract and hold customers:
● E-mail mailing,
● Web-Push,
● SMS mailing,
● Mailing in Viber,
● Sending messages to Facebook Messenger.

Email newsletters

You can use the various tariffs for making an e-mail distribution, including free. A free tariff has limitations: a subscription base is not more than 2500.
The first thing to start, when working with the E-mail service, sent OK, is to create your own address book. Specify the title and download the list of e-mail addresses.

SENDPULSE is convenient to create form subscription In the form of a pop-up window, built-in forms, floating and fixed in a specific part of the screen. With the help of subscription forms, you will collect subscribers from scratch or add new addresses your base.
In the forms constructor, you can create exactly the form of a subscription that most fully meets your needs, and the service prompts will help you cope with this task. It is also possible to use one of the available finished forms.

When creating subscription forms, it is necessary to use an e-mail with a corporate domain. Read how.
Message templates Help beautifully make up your letters to subscribers. You can create your own letters template in a special designer.

AutoLinks. Content managers actively use automatic newsletter. It helps to automate the process of working with clients. You can create a crash in several ways:
Consistent series of letters. This is the easiest option when, regardless of conditions, several letters are written, which will be sent to recipients in a certain order. There may be your own options. series message (Simple chain of messages), special date (letters are confined to certain dates), trigger letter - The letter is sent depending on the actions of the subscriber (opening of the message, etc.).
Automation360. - mailing with defined filters and conditions, as well as taking into account conversions.
Ready chains By template. You can create a series of letters on a given template or modify the template and adjust it to your needs.
A / B Testing It will help to conduct an experiment on various options for sending a series of letters and determine the best option to open or transitions.

Sending push notifications

Push-mailing is a subscription in the browser window, this is a kind of replacement of RSS subscriptions. Web-push technologies rapidly entered our lives, and it is already difficult to find a website that does not use to attract and hold clients of Push-mailing. A request script on, you can send letters, both manually and create authors, creating a series of letters or collecting data from RSS. The second option implies that after the appearance of a new article on your site, a notification will automatically be sent to your subscribers with a brief announcement.

New From Send.Pulse - Now you can monetize the site using push notifications, embedding advertisements in them. Upon reaching $ 10 every Monday, payments are made to one of the payment systems - Visa / Mastercard, Paypal or WebMoney.
Push is absolutely free. Payment is taken only for White Label - mailing without mentioning the SENDPULSE service, but if you do not interfere with the service logo, then you can use the fasteners for free without restrictions.


The SMTP feature protects your newsletter from hitting a blacklist through the use of white IP addresses. Cryptographic signature technology DKIM and SPF, which are used in sendpulse making facilities, increase confidence in sending letters, thanks to which your letters will be less likely to fall into spam or blacklist.

Bots facebook messenger

Facebook Chat Bot is on the beta test. You can connect it to your page and send messages to subscribers.

Sending SMS.

Through the SENDPULSE service, it is easy to send-calls based on phone numbers. First you need to create a targeted book with a list of phone numbers. To do this, select the Address Book section, create a new address book, download phone numbers. Now you can create an SMS newsletter for this database. The price of SMS sending varies depending on the recipient communication operators and constitute an average of 1.26 rubles to 2.55 rubles per 1 sent SMS.

affiliate program

Sendpulse implements an affiliate program, within which a registered user according to your link, which paid the tariff will bring you 4000 rubles. The invited user receives a discount of 4000 rubles for the first 5 months of use of the service. This small and free utility allows users to remove the password with PDF documents. The program allows you to remove all restrictions from the protected PDF file, even if there are no applications to work with files of this format on the user's computer. Password protection PDF file is used to restrict access to its contents, while the user password prevents unauthorized opening of the PDF document to unauthorized persons, and the owner's password blocks access to specific manipulations with a document, for example, to copying, editing or printing.

Removing all restrictions with PDF file

This program allows you to enter the owner password, unlock the protected file and remove all restrictions on working with PDF file, including on its opening and reading. Thus, this convenient tool for removing protection with PDF files allows you to open a document, even if the user password is unknown. At the same time, a copy of the PDF of the document is created with which it is possible to work freely, while the original PDF file remains in a nonien form.

An intuitive interface

The program interface is very simple and accessible even for novice PC users. In order to decipher a pellet PDF file, you just need to specify the path to it and enter the password of the owner. Then, after pressing the "Remove Protection" button, you need to specify the place where the decrypted copy of the PDF document will be saved, and the file name with a raspged copy of the file will be saved. You can download this simple program by reference, which is under the screenshot of this utility.


The program can remove a password with PDF files encrypted by any of the common encryption methods: 40-bit RC4, 128-bit RC4, 128-Bit AES and 256-bit AES. This best software can work on a computer or laptop with Windows operating system, including Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. Additional program features are the Password Password Function on the PDF document and the password search function to the PDF file.