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home  /  Education/ YouTube channel design - from a simple picture to a masterpiece. Hat template for YouTube: sizes, PSD-template, where to download pictures and a ready-made hat for free, examples of YouTube stars hats Image size 2560 x 1440 for YouTube

YouTube channel design - from a simple picture to a masterpiece. Hat template for YouTube: sizes, PSD-template, where to download pictures and a ready-made hat for free, examples of YouTube stars hats Image size 2560 x 1440 for YouTube

When creating your channel on YouTube for boys or girls for playing minecraft / ks or on any other topic, it does not matter, when you design you will be faced with setting up the template for the main page of the channel on YouTube. The main visual element in the design of the channel is the header with the size of 2560 x 1440 px. On this page you can download ready-made hats for YouTube 2560 x 1440 in PSD for editing in Photoshop(if necessary). In the archive you will find several ready-made PSD headers for YouTube 2560 x 1440, including empty (white background) and already drawn (layout).

What should be a YouTube hat?

Hat for youtube is the main element of the channel design, try to create or download thematic headers (background, banner) and make it the optimal size 2560 x 1440 pixels - you can download a ready-made YouTube header template in PSD and use it with light editing in photoshop. Read about if a feature is missing in the new design.

A well-designed hat affects people, behavioral factors improve - people entering a well-groomed channel subscribe more and are active, knowing that youtuber is engaged in his channel and conducts professional activities. Without a cap, the chances of favoring channel visitors are 0, so to speak, come in and out. Unless your content is really high quality, of course. In any case, a good (catchy and colorful, stylistically suitable for the content) YouTube header will make your channel attractive and increase the trust from potential subscribers.

Create a YouTube header in Photoshop

  1. Do not leave the channel cap white, or with one lettering
  2. Create a header for the thematic channel and the content posted on it (video)

Do not forget about the optimal characteristics of the header that YouTube video hosting requires from the creator:

  1. Recommended picture size 2560 by 1440 pixels (px)
  2. The file size of the picture is 4 MB. You can do more, YouTube quietly skips.
  3. Think over the idea of ​​the channel in advance and only then create and download ready-made headers
  4. If you feel that your strength and knowledge are not enough, it is better to entrust the creation to professionals

Ready-made header template for YouTube 2560 x 1440 in PSD

Where can I download pictures for hats?

If you can't draw well, look for the necessary pictures in photo stocks (a la image search engines). Remember that YouTube is strict about copyright for everything that is uploaded there. Use Pictures licensed under Creative Commons- a license means that the author of the picture has given up the copyright for the picture and you can use it for commercial purposes.
Several photo hosting sites, allowing you to choose a license for the distribution of images
  6. And of course - the functionality of which allows using filters to find what you need, with the right license and size

All pictures are free, download and upload headers for youtube to your template. When searching for images, use filters, setting the header size - large. It is good if you provide an indication of the exact size and extension (type) of the file. Specify PNG size 2560 by 1440 px and search for the desired keyword, save and open Photoshop, overlaying it on the finished template.

Discover new possibilities with YouTube. In a matter of years, the service has turned from an ordinary video hosting into a real giant.

This is where the career of young performers and future stars of the offline and online environment now begins.

It is very easy to declare your creativity or unique talent to a wide range of people - for this it is simple need to create a personal channel.

But not all bloggers carry success and luck on their wings.

For most newbies, the path of developing their own channel is very thorny, so it is not surprising that some people abandon their project halfway through .......

But, as experience shows, even, to put it mildly, a low-quality project can be brought to the top and believe me - such a masterpiece will also find its admirers.

This is a comprehensive channel promotion. In other words, actions aimed at popularizing an account among visitors, improving its reputation and ranking.

For these purposes, the following can be used:

  1. special software
  2. Services
  3. and much more
  1. a cap
  2. playlists and stuff

So, when a user logs into your account, then, first of all, he pays attention to the background image.

Everything here works according to the principle: greeted by clothes.

Recall that the header is the upper section of the channel where the avatar is located.

With built-in YouTube tools, you can style it to your liking.

Most novice bloggers are interested in why a hat is needed and what is its role in account development?

Background functions:

  1. Brand. Please note that popular bloggers have an interesting catchy login, slogan, image associated with the channel. In the future, users will recognize your page by design.
  2. Subject. If it matches the topic of the channel, then usability is significantly improved.
  3. Style . With the help of an original picture, you can stand out from the competition.

5 things to know about your channel cap

Even though it sounds simple, you need to be responsible when creating the background.

  1. acrid colors
  2. low quality pictures
  3. heavy graphics

5 important conditions:

  1. Permission . In accordance with YouTube recommendations, the header size should not exceed 2560x1440 px and no more than 2 MB.
  2. Colour . Use soft tones to complement the style of the channel.
  3. Subject. Use thematic images that tell the user where they are.
  4. Quality . Try to use detailed graphics.
  5. Format. PNG images work best.

It's all about size: simple about complex

Most of the difficulties arise with what size is needed for the YouTube header. ???

These are standard characteristics, and we will use them further.

Attention! Users will see different visuals on different devices. !!!

What is the size of the YouTube header (on different devices):

  • 2560x1440 px - for devices with Retina-resolutions (TV);
  • 2560x423 px - picture for widescreen monitors;
  • 1855x423 px - relevant for monitors and tablets;
  • 1546x423 px - for mobile phones.

This does not mean that you need to create a separate picture for each user.

In fact, everything is simpler - you create a header adapted for various devices.

For these purposes, a special template is used (it has markup), which is superimposed as a semi-transparent background when you create a header in the editor.

Making a high-quality "cap": popular methods

So, it's time to make your channel shine in a new guise.

We already know what size a YouTube header should be, as well as its main characteristics.

Popular ways to make a header: ↓

1 . Search engines... You can enter the required query into the Google address bar, go to the images section and filter images by size (for example, 2560x1440 pixels).

2 ... To order . There are special companies involved in the development of unique copyright caps.

3 . Do it yourself... You need to download any graphics editor (Paint, Photoshop, etc.). Here you have to create a new picture with the size 2560 × 1440 px. Using various effects, pictures and more.

It should be noted that your header should not be completely copied from another channel, as YouTube takes copyright protection very seriously.

It will be very unfortunate if a user writes a complaint and they block you for a while. This, naturally, will shake your reputation.

After you have created the background of the desired size, color and design, you need to add it to the channel: ↓

  • go to the channel and click on "Change the design";
  • upload the image and see how it will look on different devices;
  • using the "Crop" mode, adjust the position of the image;
  • save the changes.

Thus, you can easily organize a high-quality channel design that emphasizes your style.

Greetings, my dear readers. Galiulin Ruslan is in touch. Today, video blogs are actively developing, and video content is also incredibly successful. Many bloggers have started their YouTube channels and are actively recording their videos, and I am no exception. Who has not yet subscribed to my channel, please come and visit, I will be grateful.

If you have already created a channel, then for its promotion you need to work on its design and, in addition to adding an avatar, you need to create a high-quality header for the YouTube channel in your corporate style. Look at the link above how I set up my account and recommend subscribing.

So, if you decide to work on a design, then how and where to start in general? I started looking for freelancers on the Internet who could help me, but I decided to figure it out myself and it turned out just cool. At the cost of creating such a beautiful hat will come out from 1000 rubles... But if you can do it yourself, then why pay more?

Yes, all freelancers will forgive me for draining a detailed manual after reading which every newbie will be able to make his own brand banner completely IS FREE... Also at the end of the article I will attach a ready-made channel header template with markup, where you just need to scale your picture and fit it to size. I think even your grandmother will cope with this task in between series -))).

If you compare, of course, with blogging on YouTube or having your own website like mine, then you need to have the knowledge and ability to do something. If, then the equipment, if you shoot reviews, then a good camera or camera and be able to process video content. If you run a traditional blog, then be able to optimize it and not do it errors in its administration.

So, where do you get the pictures for the channels at all? Of course, they are collected from several files and processed in Photoshop CS6 or any other version of the program. It all depends on which version you are working in, but the essence remains the same. You will receive a ready-made template as I did for the manual.

According to the requirements of the YouTube video hosting, we need to upload the header image for the YouTube channel 2560 x 1440 pixels through the personal account of our channel. There is one important note about which you need to know and the bottom line is that for different devices your channel will be displayed in different ways, from a smartphone, tablet to a stationary PC.

Here is a diagram of the frame sizes that are used to create a logo for various devices.

How to make a Youtube channel header in Photoshop

There are several ways to create our banner, among which:

  • Go to YouTube and enter a request for header templates for the channel and in the SERP you will receive a bunch of previews and demos where links are always attached under the video to download templates of different types for Photoshop;
  • Order freelancers to draw a design on a paid basis for no small cost;
  • It's easy to download ready-made backgrounds with Yandex and Google images.

After you download the attached files by clicking on one of the buttons below, you can download the background as a stencil, as well as ready-made header templates for the channel. Now I'll show you how to work with templates.

Here we just need to open the downloaded template in the program and hide the layers that you do not need. For example, I remove the text and insert my own. I will also attach some cool fonts that you can install in your Windows fonts and they will automatically be picked up in Photoshop.

The main thing is to fit the main image with the text to the central part of the template according to the ready-made template with markup.

After you have worked with the template, we just need to save the received through the Save for Web tab. The next step we need to go to our channel and on the main page select editing and insert our header and that's it.

Good background for YouTube 2560 x 1440 can tell a lot about the channel owner. With the help of the background, you can stylishly design your profile, tell users what interesting things they can see on your channel. You can also write a call to action in the header, or put a short description about you. If you are just starting out , for starters, you can not create the background yourself, but download ready-made and interesting templates.

Download background for caps on YouTube

For those who vlog, or have not yet decided on the topic, pictures from Yandex or Google are quite suitable. Type in a search engine a request to find a background for YouTube. Choose a suitable picture size and upload to yourself. If you want to add originality and style to your channel, then you need to have basic Photoshop skills, as well as download an interesting template of the corresponding format. If both are available, open the program to work. Then drag the uploaded template with all the layers it contains.

  1. Open the layer area. Here you can change the shade if the initial one does not bother you.
  2. To change the text in the image, tap the layer where the entry is.
  3. When the background is edited, it is important to upload it to your PC in jpg format. png. Only then can you upload it to YouTube. To save, expand the "File" function, tap the "Save As" category. Select the format you want.

After the main work is done, go to YouTube to download the header. At the top of the channel, you will see a dedicated button for loading the background. Click on it. Drag the picture with the mouse. Save changes and update your feed. The new header will appear on the main page. The right background will help speed up to your channel and ... Also, thanks to the background, you will have your own author's style, which will be remembered by new people.

Beautiful background for caps on YouTube

Beautiful background for caps on YouTube you can create it yourself. The first step is to find a good and high quality picture or background photo. Such images can be found on free stocks, as well as on the website the main thing is to decide on the topic of the future hat. And also with the size. The larger the picture, the easier it will be for you to work with it. After cropping the image does not affect its quality. When the picture is selected, go to photoshop. In the File function located at the top left, select the category for creating a new document. Enter the appropriate parameters.

Drag the picture from the PC into the program. You can crop it, give it volume or add animation. The latter is not particularly worth getting carried away. An animated image can distract users from the essence. Your channel. Make a short description, save the file in an appropriate format. If you don’t have time to design, it will be easier to order a background from professionals. On specialized sites such as or workzilla for a moderate fee in the region of 100-300 rubles, you can find an artist who will make a beautiful and juicy hat for you. You can also download interesting examples and templates from the site Remember that no matter how covered the background is, the most important thing in YouTube is

Are you creating interesting video content? Don't forget to design your channel beautifully!

The most important role in channel design is played by the so-called header (banner, background, template). This is a big picture that conveys the essence of your hobby or business.

This graphic should reflect what you are doing. If these are games, then place game elements, if this is a business, then place cool cars and yachts. If you are a blogger, then it makes sense to post your photo - this will increase the credibility of your subscribers.

I'll show you how to make a YouTube header. I will also give 50 ready-made templates that you can download for free.

How to make a header for a YouTube channel

In order for a picture to be displayed correctly on all devices (phone, TV, computer), you need to know its size. Recommended template size is 2560 x 1440 pixels. The weight of the header should not exceed 6 MB.

Pay attention to how the image will look on PC and phone. The most important information needs to be placed in this narrow area. These devices account for the most views.

I am sharing a ready-made template for a YouTube header, which you can use to navigate when creating a design and its markup. The template is designed to work in the Photoshop program.

We decided on the size, now we need to find a suitable picture of the correct size.

Where can I find beautiful pictures for a hat?

All pictures are taken from Yandex and Google. Open Yandex and enter the word by which you need to find a photo.

Then click on filters and on size. An additional window will open in which you need to enter the size of interest. Put 2560 x 1440 and press ok.

The SERP will show all the images on your topic of the desired size. You just have to download them to your computer.

And also do not forget about free photo hosting sites, where thousands of high quality and resolution images are posted. Here is a list of the popular ones:

  1. Public Domain Archive

Use an online translator to search for images by keywords. You will find more options for interesting photos in English.

Where to order a hat for the YouTube channel

If you don't have the time and skills in design, then you should contact the professionals and order a banner from them.

Most major channels and bloggers order a header for their channel from.

It is inexpensive, but fast and tasteful. See an example of design from your Western colleagues, they know a lot about this. You can order a hat for YouTube on the freelance exchange:

Here you will find hundreds of ready-made templates in psd format (for photoshop). Download the template, edit it for yourself and use it for free. Do not be lazy and find a few more of the same groups or sites!

You can make a hat online through the free service

After registration, select "use custom size" and click create.

Use the Elements tab to create your design picture. In the "Text" section you will find tons of fonts, but not all of them will look as beautiful as in English. And in the "Mine" tab you can upload your images.

This service is mainly intended for creating advertising materials for social networks, but if you figure it out, you can use it for any other needs.

Or use free online Photoshop and edit templates in it.

Important! Each template uses its own fonts. They are downloaded separately! You can find them by name in any search engine.

How to install a header on YouTube

After the header is done, you need to upload it to the channel. To do this, go to "my channel" and move the mouse over the header. An icon in the form of a camera will appear in the upper right corner, click on it, upload a picture and click "Select" again.

The header is installed, now you can attract new subscribers to your channel!