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Self removal of viruses and advertising from a computer. How to clean your computer from viruses yourself how to clean the computer viruses without antivirus

  • 1. First thing
  • 2. Use of antivirus
  • 3. CureIt from Dr.Web
  • 4. Kaspersky Anti-Virus
  • 5. AVZ.
  • 6. Memory cleaning
  • 7. Finally

Of course, antiviruses have long been invented to combat the infection for a long time, but their use implies an investment of funds that are not always available, and therefore we will try to answer the question today how to clean your computer from viruses with infiruses.

First thing

If you notice changes for the worse in your PC, it is quite possible, it was attacked by malicious programs. Symptoms that can sound about infection as follows:

  • The appearance of foreign inscriptions on the screen;
  • The speed of the system has decreased markedly;
  • When opening a browser, you immediately reckon on unfamiliar pages and so on.

In such a situation, you need to translate the computer into a safe mode as quickly as possible, the input to which can be implemented by clicking on the F8 key during system boot. In the window that appears, select one of the safe mode options, then press the ENTER key. If the operating system refuses to boot, then a virus has already been quite likely to damage the Windows registry - then we will need a file to restore the secure mode to be running from the command line. Now you can run antivirus.

Use of antivirus

Turning on the safe mode should be proceed with the cleaning of the computer from viruses, we should help special utilities - antiviruses. As a rule, to use them, you need to pay a subscription, but some programs are available in a free or temporarily free option. Take a look at them in more detail.

Cureit from Dr.Web.

The most popular of free applications. After the program is downloaded and installed, one of the proposed test types should be selected. Quick check does not take much time, medium sizes The hard disk can be tested for viruses in a few minutes. If you are practically confident that viruses on your computer still have - prefer complete check. It can take several hours, but in parallel with it you can use other programs.

After the test is completed, a window will appear on the monitor with a suggestion to cure or delete infected files. It is worth starting from the first option, but if the treatment does not give results, it is still worth sacrificing a damaged file or program - it is better to establish them again than to leave on the hard chatener of digital diseases.

Kaspersky Anti-Virus

The legendary software developer has recently offers a free version of its software than a sin not to take advantage. After installation, you can immediately make a complete system scanning, but for further work it will be necessary to create an account and request access to PC protection for a period of one year. For one-time removal of malicious programs of such a version from Kaspersky, there will be more than enough, but for constant protection it is worth thinking about the acquisition of a paid version.

It is worth noting the unique simplicity of using this tool - even a person who first encountered with computer equipment, in a matter of seconds will deal with the program interface, and therefore it makes sense to establish such an assistant to the technique of its not very savings in the technical issues of the parents, so that the virus appeared to be Each time it is personally to fight him.


A little less easy to use, but also an effective option. The length of the cleaning of the computer from viruses must be done the following steps after the program is downloaded and installed:

  • Actually, run it;
  • In the "File" menu, select the "Restore System" item;
  • In the selection of all items and run the process of their execution;
  • In the "Service / Process Manager" menu, remove the processes that are not highlighted in green;
  • Having passed along the "File"\u003e "Search Master" to proceed with the cleaning of our Operations.

There are a number of other applications that are suitable for self-cleaning PCs, but you have to be described.

Memory Cleaning

We press the "Windows" + "R" keys and in the command prompt that you type "MSCONFIG". In the flying menu, go to the "Auto-loading" point and remove the checkboxes from the programs strangers. Usually there are antiviruses, some drivers and a number of messengers, but if you do not use something from this list - feel free to remove, it will be easier to put a tick, rather than guessing that it is preventing PC to work in full force.


After our tools have discovered and removed unreasonable guests, you should make several final strokes:

  • Clear the basket so that the infected file cannot rebel from the dead and cause damage to the operating system;
  • To get acquainted with the registry in which in a few clicks to get rid of all programs that you do not use, for this you need in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software section to click on the DELETE button for excess software.

Remember that careless work with the registry can damage the operating system, and therefore it is better to carry out this phase of cleaning under the leadership of the Comrade fully competent in this matter. Remember that often the presence of viruses in your computer cannot be noticed on external signs, and therefore it is necessary to carry out such checks on a regular basis and the more often the better. And again we remind you that the presence of a paid antivirus is not a luxury, but necessity, especially for people who store important data on their device. It is better to pay a few dollars and feel protected, rather than constantly endanger the performance of the PC and the safety of information on it.

Protect your computer from viruses

Signs of computer infection

There are signs for which you can understand that a PC or laptop has become a victim of viruses. However, they may differ. Depending on the purpose of malicious software. But general signs do not change.

If some of the above features showed out on your computer, then you should check the PC to viruses as soon as possible. Otherwise, infection will continue and turn into a pandemic. Therefore, urgently need to establish some antivirus. Consider the best.

If you do not accept timely measures to destroy viruses, the number of infected files will reach the critical point. And in this case, even damage to the hard disk is possible. With such swores, only the complete reinstalling OS and the formatting of the entire drive will help. And this is fraught with the loss of a huge amount of time and many important files (all).

Windows Defender

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Whatever they spoke about the staff anti-virus of Windows, but it is necessary to admit that in the "top ten" it works well. An important advantage is that it is a system component. So, no question of deleting OS files can go and speech.

Window Built-in Utility Windows

Windows Defender is able to find and neutralize the most common viruses. Of course, against Petya or Wannacry, he will not particularly help, but they are quite rare. Especially now.

The charming of the Windows standard antivirus is that it is not necessary to download and install it. Also, no need to acquire a license (if there is already a license on the OS). Therefore, it is better to use this particular product.

Windows defender is constantly on and running in the background. It includes the anti-virus product itself, Windows Firewall and Special Software to protect against hacker attacks. Like all antiviruses, this prefers to be in the system tray.

Method number 1.

See also: Our top 15: Choose the best free antivirus

Since Windows Defender is a component of the operating system, the installation is not needed. He is already on the user's computer. You just need to open it window. Make it can be very simple.

Open the system of tray and click right-click on the antivirus icon. In the drop-down menu click on the point "View security monitoring panel."

In the next window we click "Run a new extended scanning." That is how in this product is a deep check of the OS for viruses.

File analysis will begin immediately. He can take a long time. All malicious objects that antivirus will find will be destroyed immediately or placed in quarantine.

After some time, Windows Defender will finish work. What will notice the user using the corresponding message. It is often no need to check. Antivirus always works and stops any attempts to malware on the computer.

If you want to install a third-party antivirus product, then it is better to pre-disable Windows Defender. Otherwise, conflicts between antiviruses are possible. And very serious. However, if there is Windows Defender with relevant bases, then no third-party product is required.

Dr.Web Cureit!

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This is almost the only free antivirus in the list. Despite its free status, it is able to find a huge amount of viruses and destroy them correctly. Many users use it as the main antivirus product.

In essence, Dr.Web Cureit is a lightweight version of the "full-fledged" antivirus from the same developer. This product does not even require installation. He is immediately ready for work. And it is even good, because with this use the program loads the computer less.

The design of the utility is withstanding in the classic DR.Web style. The interface is intuitively understood, but there is no Russian language in the kit. We will have to strain the knowledge of the English language. Well, that the school course is enough.

You can download this utility for free from the official website of the developer. The program is free only for home use. If you apply it in offices, you will have to purchase a license. But no one, of course, does not.


Method No. 2.

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Since Dr.Web Cureit does not require installation, it is enough just to download the executable file. Then you can run the program itself and start checking your PC or laptop for malicious software.

In the window on the left, select the objects that you want to scan (better noted everything) and click on the button "Start Scanning".

Scanning process will begin immediately. All the threats found antivirus will eliminate by issuing an appropriate warning.

Using Dr.Web Cureit is an excellent solution for checking a computer for viruses. The product is completely free, which makes it possible to use it to everyone and everyone. And despite the lack of Russian, manage the program is very easy.

Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

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Lightweight version of Kaspersky Anti-Virus. The functionality of the program is quite meager, but it is completely free. By the way, it is strange. Previously, Kaspersky Lab did not differ in humanity.

Be that as it may, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool - Excellent product to identify and destroy viruses and other malicious software. The tool received from the "older brother" an advanced and aggressive algorithm for finding and eliminating threats.

However, this utility has one weighty advantage over full-fledged antivirus: work with system resources. The full package is so voracious that it is able to make even a rather powerful computer hang. There is no such thing here.

You can download this program from the developer's official website. The utility absolutely does not require installation. This means that it can be used as a standby program for checking other devices, simply by writing a file on a flash drive.


Method number 3.

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Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, like all utilities of this plan, are very easy to use. The minimum number of functions makes itself felt. And in the appendix there is Russian. So with the control of exactly the problems will not arise.

Now choose check objects and click "OK".

But now you can click the button "Start checking". She will start immediately. And it will be carried out in fully automatic mode.

All threats found in the verification process will be mercilessly exterminated. This Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool is no different from the full antivirus of the same company. But it works well. With a big percentage of success.


See also: Top 12 computer diagnostic programs: description of proven software tools

This is an unpretentious antivirus product from ESET. It is able to find and destroy almost all famous viruses. However, against such powerful as Petya or Wannacry is useless. Although its built-in firewall will not allow these things to start on the PC.

ESET SMART Security package includes antivirus, firewall (firewall), protection from phishing sites and hacker attacks. It is actively used both at home computers and on servers. The product has proven itself perfectly.

You can download the installation file from the developer's official website. But it is worth considering that the program is not free. There is a certain "trial" period. After you need to pay a license. But for a single check for viruses, there is enough unpaid version.

Be sure to everyone who worked for a network for some time will definitely collide with the question: how to clean your computer from viruses? First of all, you download a good antivirus (i.e. any free, such as Avast) with a new anti-virus base, for deeply checking all hard drives on the presence of this rubbish and various programs that can harm the computer.

Before checking, it is advisable to go into a safe mode, often the computer fails because of infecting any dirtyness, but because of the program failure or system. To enter the safe mode when rebooting, hold down the F8 key, then your black screen appears in front of which there will be a selection menu, there you will find the above-mentioned computer loading mode. Security mode will start your computer without downloading many drivers, it will provide high-quality anti-virus check. Why is that? The fact is that antivirus in the usual boot mode of the operating system will not check many programs and drivers, as they are currently involved by the operating system.

If antiviruses were checked with such files with simple booting of the operating system, then the operating system would be briefly out of order (hang, reboot, operating system errors, etc.), thereby not allowing anti-virus test. For this reason, antivirus manufacturers have banned antivirus access to these files when they are used by the system.

Often one antivirus may not replace the virus present, try using the Dr.Web Cureit utility, you can download it from the Internet, i.e. Clear the computer from viruses for free and spend a second-time check, usually infection is if it is. So, you download to your computer utility t. The page opens.

Click a hefty green button "Next". And I am surprised (arranged red), that if you enjoy free, then this utility will gather a bunch of information from your computer and departs the owner of Dr. Web. If we refuse to send statistics, then we press the button "I refuse to send statistics" and you are deprived of downloading free utility. And if you agree to send data about your computer - press another button, download the utility and check your computer. We agreed. A license opens.

I celebrate the checkbox "I accept the terms of the license agreement" and click the "Continue" button. The executive file is downloaded cureit.exe.Run it . We see a window. Jump "Run"

We put a tick - agree. Click "Continue".
Click a hefty "Start Check" button. Here is the check and started (already viruses are found).
And we see the result:
Well, then everything is clear: Press the button to "neutralize". Often viruses are sitting in the autoload of programs. Therefore, let's see and clean the autoload of programs. To do this, click Start - Run, and run a word in the form where it is written "Find programs and files". Next will open the window in which and click on

You will see the system setup, you need a startup section. The programs are marked by a check mark, can be infected, or right among those programs you can find the Trojan program or the virus itself, which without your knowledge is loaded into the system. Most often such files are infected (C: WindowsINF * .exe /% windir% System328353.exe and C: WindowsSecuritySmss.exe /% windir% system32smphost.exe), on this path we can see where there is a malicious downloadable object

Remember, you installed these programs, if not installed, then tick the checkboxes from them. One of the most dangerous viruses is svchost.exe, he knows how to issue himself for the necessary programs and services that uses a computer. The task manager has about six such services, if this file is available in the autoload mode, delete it immediately, since this file should not be present in the autoload. Very often, programs that can harm the operating system are in the folder to restore the system (Windows), you will have to delete the entire folder. You also need to clear folders with temporary files (Temp, in each operating system the folder name can be different), and Internet bookmarks pages, etc.

To clean up temporary files and Internet tails, use special programs (for example, CCleaner) that are cleaning the Windows registry, correct errors in the registry and the operating system itself, etc. Often, experts are joking, just reinstalling the system and the virus will not. It usually helps, but if you have little time, and not hunting re-install all programs, it is better to use in another way. First, download several antiviruses.

First, install and update one, and spend them scanning system, after which you remove the first antivirus, and in the same way install the second, etc. Since one antivirus may not see the infection, and the other can find it. It is advisable not to put two antivirus at the same time, it may cause conflicting, as each of the antiviruses will consider itself the main thing. This can lead to large spending of computer resources (RAM, strong load on the processor, etc.), which will depend on the hang or strong braking of the computer.

If you have a lot of information on the computer and you do not hunt a half day to spend on anti-virus check, put a computer for checking at night, and in the morning you already look at the antivirus report. Usually social network viruses are in the Hosts file, in which there are many different lines. Special attention should be paid to Localhost if the infection falls in it, then it will be unusual inscriptions that you have not met before.

This leads to the blocking of the site for example, social networks. If you have such problems pay attention to the hosts file that is located C: WindowsSystem32DRIVERSETCHOSTS, where the virus could add its data in the strings to be deleted, and access to the site will return. In most cases, the problem of cleaning a computer from viruses proposed methods is successfully solved. Good luck!

Short video for cleaning the computer from viral contagion


Increasingly, the trolaries are attacked, malicious files that change the browser or system settings are constantly issuing advertising sites or viral ads. Windows protection works far from always, and there is a need to clean the computer from viruses for free. This can be done in several ways.

How to check the computer for viruses

Penetrate the threats to the operating system can via the Internet, along with someone else's flash drive or when installing dubious software. The development of antivirus products provoked the appearance of more cunning, complex spyware or malicious codes. Now they can be recorded in autoload, automatically recover after removal. Cerencing the computer becomes more difficult. Here are ways to make your own laptop from viruses yourself:

  1. The most radical, hard way, how to clean the computer from viruses - reinstall the operating system. Together with malicious files, files from the system sections or from a logical disk will be completely removed. This means that programs and documents that were on it will be lost. You can save data on other disks, but there is a risk that the infected file lives on them.
  2. Disc formatting. A good way if you know that the virus sat down not in the S.
  3. Return to the recovery point without malicious files. The operating system is able to roll back to its previous state, for example, yesterday, when worms or trojans have not penetrated into it. When using a backup, all new files, folders will be deleted and replaced with old. Suitable if only system data and directories were affected.
  4. Take advantage of any good antivirus, for example: Dr. Web (Dr.Web), Kaspersky or NOD32. The scanner will detect threats, will offer them to delete, treat or send to quarantine.

Some viruses are not so simple: they open windows in the browser with advertising pages, hidden actions are carried out. One of them is blocking the operation of antivirus utilities. In such cases, assistance can provide online services for the primary launch of scanning. Here are some popular and efficient options:

  • BitDefender QuickScan - directly on the site turns on online checking through the cloud service;
  • Panda ActiveScan - there will be a special module loading, which through the cloud service will check the computer at the security threat;
  • Housecall - Search spyware and online viruses;
  • Microsoft Safety Scanner is a single check from the company;
  • Kaspersky Security Scan - the treatment of a computer from viruses is carried out by a special utility. It needs to download, but works through the cloud service.

Top Computer Cleaning Utilities from Viruses

To clear the computer, full-fledged antiviruses are better suitable, but you can use special utilities. The best of them are shown below:

  1. Dr Web Cureit - Simple Free Portable Utility. You just need to start the program and click "Start Check". It may take from 1 to 6 hours (by the number of objects checked).
  2. Norton Security SCAN is another additional protection tool that will help clean your computer from viruses. Apply for free. It works and is available to the user online, controls the PC in real time.
  3. Kaspersky Anti-Virus is a full-fledged program that applies for a fee. There is a special utility that you can download free - Kaspersky Security Scan.
  4. AVZ is a powerful, popular utility that allows you to solve even the most difficult pest problems. It is very useful in cases where you cannot go to Windows. Run it in safe mode when loading the system. The current version is updated automatically for free.
  5. ESET Online Scanner is another option how to clean the free computer from viruses. Installation is not required, you just need to download and run the executing file.
  6. Avira Removal Tool is not the most successful option for cleaning the computer from viruses, but use it, because the utility is distributed for free.
  7. Avast! Virus Cleaner Tool - Additional protection against avast antivirus. Works autonomously in the cloud service. Looking for and removes spyware, malicious files.
  8. MalwareBytes is a very effective program for removing advertising viruses that are successfully hidden from Kaspersky or Dr.Web. The first month can be used absolutely free, but then you will have to give a license.

How to clean your computer from viruses yourself

If you wish and the availability of free time, you can clean the computer yourself. It is recommended to remove all of the basket at the very beginning, use the CCleaner program, which will destroy unnecessary and unnecessary information from the registry, of different types of garbage. The easiest way how to clear the computer from viruses is to format the hard drive. If it is important to save data on it, you should choose a more complex path using antivirus and special programs.

Cleaning and formatting hard disk

It should be understood that cleaning the disc and formatting are different things. The first is more often carried out in order to release space on the desired section by deleting garbage, temporary and battles (non-working) files. Directly on cleaning from malicious files this action does not affect. It is possible to perform it as follows:

  1. Go to My Computer.
  2. On the need for cleaning disk, click right-click.
  3. Select "Properties".
  4. In the window that opens at the bottom, locate the "Disk Cleaning" button and click on it.

Formatting completely removes all the contents of the partition along with a malicious code. Make sure you have copied all the important data on the temporary medium. For execution you need:

  • Confirm all items, click "Run".
  • After completion, go to the "Service" section and click on the Process Manager. Remove everything that is not highlighted green.
  • Go to the "File" menu section and click "Saying and Solving Problems". Speak system cleaning.
  • These first actions of how to properly clean the computer from viruses will allow you to identify problems in the system, the location of infected files and neutralize them, but not delete. Need a full-fledged antivirus program. AVZ prepares the soil for its efficient work. Select a complete check and wait for the results. All threats found must be deleted. If the advertisement continues to be loaded, pages spontaneously open - use MalwareBytes.

    At some point you understand that you need to expose the computer to complete cleaning. How to completely clean your computer from viruses? To begin with, check if there are those viruses, clean the registries, clean the device's prompt memory, basket ...

    Cleaning a computer from viruses should be made from time to time, so that it is good and quickly coped with his tasks, and also remained as long as possible in a working condition. Otherwise, you will need to repair a computer, and very urgently.

    We are treated for free

    Talk today on how to clean your computer from viruses for free. To cure a computer from viruses for free, you need to find the AVZ program on the Internet and the Curelt Drweb utility. To begin treatment, we need to run the system in safe mode. To do this when the computer is turned on, press the F8 key.

    In the context menu that appears, select the "Safe Mode" option. If this led to a reboot of the system, then the virus threw the Windows registry, then you need to find a file on the Internet that helps to restore the safe mode, turn it on and repeat it again.

    • Then after downloading in secure mode, enable the AVZ program;
    • Immediately go to the File menu - Restore System;
    • Choose all items and click Run.

    After that, you need to go to the Tools Manager - Process Manager and remove all processes that are not highlighted in green.

    This is not over the cleaning of a computer from viruses, the service continues and we are continuing to understand how to clean the PC from viruses. Go to the File menu - the search and troubleshoot wizard and clean the system. This will make it possible to neutralize viruses, but will not delete them.

    Help Cureelt.

    Computer treatment from viruses continues. As you remember, we downloaded the Curelt utility, which makes it possible to clean your computer from viruses for free. The program must be launched and put on a complete check. When viruses are detected, you will be asked to cure them or delete them. A few hours of check will allow you to remove viruses from the system.

    Many people do not know how to clean your computer from viruses, one computer is used. But how: you will need a non-infected computer with an installed antivirus. Be careful not to damage the data. To implement this method, you need to remove a hard disk from an infected computer and connect it to the serviceable (computers are turned off). Thereafter:

    • download the operating system;
    • turn on viruses check;
    • after a few hours, the check will end.

    Having lost the viruses, you can return the hard disk into place.

    What to do if the cleaning of a computer from viruses has not led to their complete removal? In this case, you can advise to take advantage of another free (or paid) utility or, as a last resort,.

    Clean the RAM

    Let's talk about how to clean the RAM on the computer. If your operating memory is busy all the time, look at exactly. To do this, open the task manager (simultaneously pressing the CTR + ALT + DEL keys).

    After that, in the Processes tab, you will see programs that are currently open by the system. To unload unnecessary programs from the operating memory, click on the "Finish Process" button. Just try accidentally not finish the process that is needed to function the system.

    How to clean RAM on the computer? To cancel automatic downloads to memory, remove programs from the automatic download list. To do this, you can download a special msconfig utility to the network.

    We looked at the two most common ways to clean the RAM of the computer. If after that you find that your memory is again constantly clogged, contact a specialist for which computers repair is the usual or computer service to find the reason and maintain a professional level.

    Clean registry

    In order to remember how to clear the registry on a computer, you need to do uncomplicated manipulations only once. So, proceed.

    To go to the registry editor, you need to start starting, select Run item. Then click open and in the Writing field we write Regedit. Then click OK.

    Before you registry editor. Among the submitted items, we are interested in my computer to deploy and from the selected list you need to deploy the HKEY_CURRENT_USER partition, then select Software and the list of computers will be displayed in the list that appears.

    Carefully view the entire list and select Remote programs from it. Selecting an entry about the program that is no longer, delete it. To do this, use the Delete button or by right-click and select Delete. After removing unnecessary records, close the editor and restart the system.

    Remove garbage from the basket

    Before cleaning the basket on the computer, we recommend that you see if there is something useful there. If not, we boldly start cleaning.

    To clear the basket, conclude on the appropriate shortcut on the desktop right-click and in the context menu that appears, press the left button to "Clean the basket".

    If you want to view files before removing, then double fast pressing the left mouse button on the label, open it. View files and at the top, after the address bar, we click the left mouse button on the "Clear Basket" phrase. The computer will ask your confirmation of action. Press the left button to "Yes."

    Now you know how to clean the computer completely. Do not forget to make such a cleaning of the system at least once every six months, and repair computers do others!