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0x80070057 The parameter is specified incorrect when copying. Fixing the simplest method

This error usually appears when backup, Windows installation fails, or when Windows Update refuses to install updates. The main types of solutions of this error include: Rename the SoftwaredistRibution folder, editing multiple registry files and manually fix files.

After updating Anniversary Update, some Windows 10 users encounter such an error message 0x80070057. This problem can be solved in several ways.

Method 1: Rename the SoftWarDistRibution folder

Hold the Windows + R keys, in the window that appears, enter% Systemroot%, then press ENTER. Scroll down the page down to find the SoftwaredistRibution folder. Rename it on softwaredistributon.old. After that restart the computer.

Method 2: Changing Windows Registry

If the previous method did not work, then you can try to make changes to the Windows registry. For this:

Make sure that the entries appear match your own:

"Isconvergedupdatestackenabled" \u003d DWORD: 00000000

"UXOPTION" \u003d DWORD: 00000000

In case you found differences, correct them, save and restart the PC.

Method 3: If the error is associated with the wrong parameter

This method is suitable only if an error message appears on the screen: The parameter is incorrect (0x80070057). To correct this error you need:

  • Hold the Windows + R keys
  • In the window that appears, enter Regedit and click OK
  • Next, find the following inscription:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ SystemCertificates

  • Click on it, then right mouse button Click SystemCertificates and set the following option\u003e DWORD (32-bit)
  • Then click OK and restart the PC

Video: Search and eliminate all Windows errors. How to fix the error?

In the previous article, we described how to manually create a CD to restore Windows 7. However, it turns out that sometimes there is a problem that prevents the execution of the described actions.

When you first create a system recovery disk when you press the "Create Disk" button, a message may appear " Error 0x80070057 The parameter is defined incorrectly" In this guide, we present a solution to this problem.

To correct the error 0x80070057, you must go to the control panel on the next path: Start \u003d\u003e Control Panel \u003d\u003e Clock, Language and Region.

In the next window, select "Language and Regional Settings".

In the "Formats" tab, click the "Advanced Parameters ..." button

In the "Format Setup" window, we modify the value in the column "Separator of a whole and fractional part". We replace the comma to the point.

Next, we save the changes by clicking "Apply". After completion, reboot the computer. Thanks to this change, we delete the error 0x80070057 and get the ability to create a Windows operating system recovery disk.

If you have arisen, then you should not despair, as everything is simply solved enough, but it is worth understanding that this version of the error is quite cunning, because it can issue "one, for another" ...

Most often, the error 0x80070057 occurs during:

Installation of the Windows 7 operating system;

When you try to start the backup procedure;

Failed to format;

The specified parameters are incorrect;

Unable to copy the file due to an unforeseen error.

In any of these error options, you must use one of the following ways to eliminate them.

Method number 1.

First you need to go to the control panel -\u003e find the menu that is responsible for: language, clock and time -\u003e Now go to the "Languages \u200b\u200band Regional Standards" submenu -\u003e "Formats" -\u003e "Advanced Parameters". As soon as the new window opens, look for a string in which there is a decimal separator, check carefully if there are records or other signs next to it ... As a result, you must put the point at the end and reboot the Windows 7 operating system.

Method number 2.

This method is longer, but in our opinion, it is more efficient.

Run the "Run" window to register the command "regedit.exe" -\u003e in the newly opened window, go through the next way "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" -\u003e "Software" -\u003e "Policies" -\u003e "System Certificates" -\u003e Open the "Edit" menu and click on it to "create" -\u003e Here your choice should fall on DWORD. Please note that there will be two options here, and therefore you must choose exactly the option that has exactly the same bit, as is your operating system. As soon as the newly created parameter appears, set it the name "CopyFileBuffesedSynchronouslo" -\u003e I use PCM, call the context menu and select "Change" in it -\u003e in the newly opened window we register "1" -\u003e reboot the operating system.

Thus, one of the above methods will probably allow you to cope with error 0x80070057 in Windows 7 No longer appeared, as these options are all 100% workers.

Users are faced with errors in the operating system quite often. The Windows 7 system encounters an error 0x80070057. In some, it has occurred when installing OS, others - with backup copying in the already installed system. In Windows 8 such an error is not observed.

Now consider two ways to eliminate the problem

First method

This error in the system may occur in the case when the decimal separator differs from the standard one. That is not the point ".".

To independently change the settings of the decimal separator, you should do the following:

We go to the "Control Panel" and go to "Clock, Language, Region". After that, open the element "Language and regional standards".

In the open element settings window, you need to go to the "Formats" tab and click on the "Advanced Parameters" button.

We find the string "decimal separator". We introduce a change - set "." Press and press the "OK" button.

After saving changes, it is necessary that they come into effect.

Second way

If the first method has not brought the desired result, you must add the value of the registry key:

We go to the "Start".

In the search we prescribe "regedit.exe" and press "ENTER".

In the dropping list, select "DWORD".

The right part of the program, a new parameter appears in the window. Enter its name "CopyFileBufferedSynchronousio". Press "ENTER".

Now you need to set the value to the parameter. To do this, click on the right button by parameter and select "Change".

The Windows Archiving Service can help you save particularly important data in the operating system, but the error 0x80070057 can get in your way of using such a convenient function. When you try to create a backup copy of your system files, you may appear before you:

Internal error occurred: Incorrect parameter: (0x80070057)

The cause of the error 0x80070057 is often the regional difference in the separator of the whole and fractional part in numbers. In English, it is customary to divide the numbers using a point (.), Then, for example, in German or Russian, the comma is applied instead of a point, which sometimes causes some problems when trying to back up Windows system files.

The error with the code 0x80070057 is solved quite simply with two simple methods that we are with you now and consider.

Error Solution 0x80070057 when archiving Windows data

Method number 1 Change of decimal separator

As we said, the error 0x80070057 arises only because of one small regional difference - a decimal separator. You only need to change it and the problem during the archiving of the operating system will be solved by the IMG. To change the decimal separator, do the following:

  • open the control panel;
  • open the "Clock, Language and Region" control;
  • next, click on the "Formats" tab;
  • click on the "Advanced Parameters" button;
  • find the "Decimal Separator" parameter and set the value in it as a point (.);
  • save the changes in the formats of values, and reboot your system.

Try again to use the Windows archiving service and make sure that the 0x80070057 error has been fixed. Usually, it is the difference in the decimal separator and are the reason why this time you had to resolve the problem. However, if the error is still present, you can try to perform something with the Windows registry.

Method # 2 Adding a section in the Windows registry

Error 0x80070057 can also be eliminated by creating a specific partition in the Windows registry. Let's look at what you need to do. Perform the following steps:

  • click Windows + R. To call the utility "Run";
  • enter an empty line utility regedit.exe and press ENTER;
  • opening Windows Registry Editor, go to the section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ POLICIES \\ Microsoft \\ System;
  • right-click on an empty place on the right side of the window and select "Create → DWORD Parameter".
  • give this name to this parameter;
  • right click on the created parameter and go to "Edit";
  • set the parameter CopyFileBuffesedSynchronousio. value 1 ;
  • save changes to the Windows registry.

Restart your system, after which try using Windows files. This time, the error 0x80070057 must be permitted. If you did not work out this methods due to some reasons - you can use the means