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What is YouTube ed. Analyzing ad formats on YouTube video channel

Youtube never ceases to amaze (honestly) with its ideas and innovations. Another feature is. At its core, this is a paid subscription that allows you to watch videos without ads, in the background or offline. YouTube Red is priced at $ 9.99 per month. The option works on all types of devices.

Does YouTube Red Affect Channel Revenue?

Are there channels connected to the affiliate program (you need 100 subscribers and 3,000 views in total)? Then it will be interesting to know that the new way to monetize Youtube will not affect video creators (so they say on Google). Owners of channels connected to the affiliate program will receive deductions from the paid subscription. We conclude: youtube red income will be distributed (I believe it is fair).

Attention! Presently youtube red subscription not available in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia. The functionality was launched only in the United States (if you are watched by residents of this country who have the YouTube Red option enabled, then you will receive some income from this).

How to subscribe to YouTube Red

When you are in the US and decide to try this miracle option, know that it is easy to subscribe to YouTube Red:

1) Open youtube. com / red.

2) Click Try it.

3) Choosing a payment method. We pay.

And voila - youtube red pleases the eye with the absence of ads in the videos and the ability to use other useful options.

My opinion on Youtube red

I can predict that this function will remain in demand only in some (not poor countries). I doubt that residents who have a monthly income of $ 90 -150 will fork out for a youtube red subscription.

I do not think that the income from youtube red on channels that have an affiliate program connected will be too large. Let me give you an example: my Ponyatnoe TV channel earned as much as $ 0.01 in 19 days of the existence of this option, the channel gains about 1800-1900 views per day. There would be more from advertising.

Report Income(and in the case of CMS users, the report Partner income) reports the amount of your earnings on YouTube and shows where the cash flows are "flowing" from.

  • By setting the date in the income statement to "from start", you can check when you managed to earn the most.
  • Once you've set up your channel, link it to your Adsense account. Thanks to this, after reaching the payment threshold, you will receive money.

What makes up my YouTube earnings

Once you know the total amount of earnings, you can check what are the main streams of your income. With this information, you better prepare yourself for your next movie download.

Check out these reports:

  • Report Revenue Provides an overview of the various revenue streams: advertising, YouTube Red, and (if applicable) deals that may involve paid content or fan funding (if available in your country).
  • Report Advertising data, provides detailed data on channel earnings, divided into individual ad types. From it, you can also find out how many times each type of advertisement is displayed in your films.

Where do my incomes come from and what days are they high

Certain regions can generate large advertising revenues. Advertisers want to reach different types of recipients by placing ads in different types of content. Reports Income and Advertising data will show you how much money you make from different sources.

With this information, he can customize, for example, the hour of the video posting so that it is convenient for your most loyal viewers. This way, you can get higher traffic, as well as multiple impressions and long total watch times, which usually means a channel.

If income levels change over time

While working on the development of the channel, it is necessary to analyze the changes in income taking place over time. Earnings on YouTube depends on many factors: video views and total viewing time, included ad formats, demographic profile of the audience, devices used to view and whether your video content is attractive to advertisers.

You may have noticed that during certain months and times of the year, incomes rise, despite the fact that other factors remain unchanged. From the observations of such changes, conclusions can be drawn that will allow you to make the necessary changes in the process of creating and loading materials.

You've probably noticed that new features and services are constantly appearing on YouTube. Why are we creating them? It's very simple: we listen to the wishes of viewers and want to make it more convenient for them to watch videos on our platform.

Our next novelty is YouTube Premium. This is a paid subscription, by registering which viewers can watch videos without ads, in the background and offline. Its capabilities are available on all types of devices. Read about how to subscribe.

So, now users have a choice - to continue watching videos in the free version of YouTube, or to subscribe to a paid service and get all of its benefits. For authors, this is an additional opportunity to make money on their content. It will take some time to attract subscribers, but we have no doubt that as their number grows, so will your income.

General subscription questions

What are the benefits of YouTube Premium?

YouTube Premium is a paid subscription that allows you to use additional features of YouTube, YouTube Music, and YouTube Kids.

Where is YouTube Premium available? Do the statistics include background playback information?

Yes. The system records the time during which the content is played in the background or when the device screen is off, and then sums it up with the total viewing time.

Recently, a lot of information has appeared on the Internet about a new service - YouTube Red. What it is, and what benefits or additional features await subscribers - let's take a closer look in this article.

The developers claim that many YouTube fans have been asking for changes to some of the rules and capabilities of video hosting over the years. And so, on October 28, 2015, the United States officially launched the new YouTube Red service. Now any user can subscribe to a special subscription, which costs $ 9.99 per month, and get additional features for it. This service believes that it has something to offer subscribers for this amount.

YouTube Red Subscription: How It Works

So, having issued a paid YouTube Red subscription, the viewer expects:

Also, subscribers will be able to save their favorite Red YouTube videos, and later watch them without an Internet connection. Which is certainly convenient, because you can download the video and then watch it offline, for example, outdoors or on the subway. In addition, this function is available for all mobile devices, which is also pleasing. According to some reports, thanks to the more flexible functionality, it will be possible to allocate disk space for storing videos ourselves.

Starting in 2016, YouTube Red users will have access to exclusive movie and entertainment content. And also the new YouTube Music feature, which again is only available to US users, at least for now.

Public opinion

Either many authors are not happy that this service was done without first agreeing with them, so they are not happy now. Either these are just assumptions, and such figures are purely due to the opinion about the video itself, but the number of dislikes, to put it mildly, is alarming, judge for yourself:

But the most important question that worries many is this: How will the calculation with the authors be made now, that is, the distribution of earned income? Most likely, as before - 55% of the $ 9.99 will be given to creators, and, accordingly, will be distributed based on the channel viewing time. That is, the calculations will now be carried out purely according to the new rules of Analytics.

Since only US residents can subscribe to YouTube Red so far, and official sources promise to introduce it in our country only in a couple of years, I decided not to burden you with step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe. Therefore, we will return to this issue in one of my future articles, so don't miss it!