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How to change the ringtone lumiya. Custom ringtone for Windows Phone

Windows Phones ( Windows Phone) give users the ability to create their own ringtones from audio tracks. This article will show you how to use a music track as a ringtone for your Windows 7, 8 or 10 mobile phone.

Windows 10 Mobile

To change the ringtone on your OS phone Windows 10(Windows 10 Mobile), go to the menu Start(Start)> Search(Search)> This computer(This Computer). In chapter Devices and disks(Devices and Drives) double click Telephone(Phone) and then press Melodies(Ringtones). Drag the audio file to the Sound folder.

Then, on your phone, open Settings(Settings)> Install(Customize)> Sounds(Sounds). Select the newly imported file to set it as your ringtone.

Windows Phone 8

To use a music track as a ringtone using Windows Phone 8, you first need to download and install the Windows Phone app on your computer. Then connect your phone to your computer via USB, click Melodies(Ringtones), select the song you want to use as your ringtone and press Add(Add).

Disconnect your phone after syncing is complete and go to Settings(Settings)> Ringtones + Sounds(Ringtones + Sounds). Now just select the ringtone you want to use.

Windows Phone 7

If you want to use a music track as a ringtone from Windows Phone 7, make sure that the track is in WMA or MP3 format, has a maximum length of 40 seconds, is less than 1 MB, and is not DRM protected.

To use the music track stored on your computer, use the software Zune... After downloading and installing, connect your phone to your computer via USB and the Zune will open automatically.

Then select the song you want to use as your ringtone and sync it to your phone. Disconnect your phone from your computer and open Applications(Applications)> Settings(Settings)> Ringtones + Sounds(Ringtones + Sounds). Now choose a new ringtone.

WITH Zune You can also create a ringtone. To convert a song to a ringtone, select the song you want to convert, right-click it and select Editing(Edit)> Melody(Ringtone)> OK.

Image: © Pixabay.

Often, when purchasing a new Nokia Lumia phone, people ask questions, how to put your own ringtone, because usually all phones have this function, and you can always use it as you wish, which cannot be said about Windows Phone OS. Having opened the list with melodies that you can put on a call, you can see there only standard songs that may not please everyone.

Having bought a Lumia phone for that kind of money, you always count on a lot more, since the phone has an attractive design, an excellent interface, and everything is done in them so that We would pay attention to them.

But as a rule, in Windows Phone, there are a number of restrictions that not everyone will like, and besides, not everyone knows about them. You can read about this in the article "?". Also, some may be aware that operating systems can be hacked, as for hacking, this factor can be looked at as editing the system that can unlock restrictions in Windows Phone, of course, this can be done, but alas, there are also problems with this. , but still, if you want to make yourself a hack, then read "", this method will help to deliver an unlocked operating system, which will be very handy. But not everyone wants to hack a phone, because, not only do you need to sit over this, but you will also have to take risks, which not everyone can do.

This method, Microsoft itself made for users so that everyone can change the melody, by the way, this method is suitable for other phones on Windows Phone, and this list includes all possible devices.

But there is a small list of rules that the melodies must answer, and which you will load on the call:
File resolution must be MP3 or WMA;
The song must be DRM-free;
Song length should be no more than 40 seconds;
The melody size should not exceed 1 MB.
If the melody that you will download does not match at least one of the items, then it will not work.

Melody creation:
It seems to me that not everyone will like editing music files, but if you want to put a melody on your Windows Phone ringtone, you need to find a suitable melody for yourself, and cut it so that it matches all the points described above.

The site is perfect for this business, which, without any editors and other garbage, will allow you to cut the ringtone. The main thing is not to forget that the melody should have only 40 seconds and occupy no more than 1 MB.

Synchronizing ringtones with Windows Phone:
Well, suppose we have already prepared a melody, and are ready install ringtone on Windows Phone... To do this, launch the program, then just connect your phone via USB to your computer. Drag the melody into the program, it will appear there, and in my case, it will be "Ringtone":

Right-click on the file and select "Change" there

After pressing the "Change" button, as you can see, a window appeared where you can edit the data about the melody, namely, put any desired name, write the artist who performs this melody, and other information, but the most important will be the "Genre" field, in it needs to enter "Ringtone", without quotes, of course, in general, as in the screenshot, then press Enter, or just click on "OK".

Then just synchronize the melody with your device, to do this, right-click on the file, and select “Synchronize with (Phone model)”, where (Phone model) is the model of your phone on which you want to put the melody. After synchronizing the melody, you can find it in the list of melodies on the smart background, namely, if you go to "Settings -> melodies + sounds -> Ringtone"

As you can see, your melody should be under the "Custom" tree. But it's worth noting that this method is only for Windows Phone Mango and everything above.

How to set a ringtone in Windows Phone 8

Everything is much simpler here than in the earlier version of this OS, because this time you will not need to cut the music, because it can be thrown entirely.

To set a Windows Phone 8 ringtone, you need to connect your phone via USB to your computer, go to the folder Ringtones, and copy the melody you need into it. Then you can disconnect the phone from the computer and set the melody you need through the settings.

If you have any more questions about " how to install ringtone on Windows phone", ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them for you.
Everything is very simple

In this small, instructional article "" I will tell you and clearly show how you set your own ringtone for incoming calls in the smartphones of the Finnish manufacturer Nokia Lumia.

I would like to say right away that this instruction allows put music on a call in Nokia Lumia that run Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 in the future.

Unfortunately, if your device runs on an older version of the mobile operating system from Microsoft, we are talking about WP 7.x - then you will have to look again for the manual for your particular model.

Let's get started.

Step one... To install a ringtone, we need a special application called "Melody Creator", it is unnecessary to download it, as, "out of the box", it is available on all smartphones. However, if it was removed, then you will have to visit the application store, where you can download it absolutely free.

Step two... Open the application and click on the inscription at the bottom of the screen - "select a song".

After that, a list of all music files available on your phone (including on a USB flash drive) will open.

Step three... Found it? - Great, just a little bit left. Click on your favorite song, then you will need to select the segment of the song that you want to hear as a call. Move the slider and listen.

Now your favorite song is used as a melody for an incoming call. As you can see, everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. In addition, I personally really liked the fact that from now on you will not have to cut music on your computer in advance, all this can be done in the program.

Now you know, how to put, set your melody, music, song to call in Nokia Lumia 520, 525, 620, 625, 720, 820, 920, 925, 1020, 1320, 1520... If after that you still have or have any questions - ask them in the comments below.

Jan 2, 2014 mRelby

How to put music to SMS in Nokia Lumia? Actually, this is the question that many users ask me. Therefore, I decided to write a complete instruction, which in turn will allow you and your friends to do it yourself.

First of all, I would like to emphasize that this instruction for installing a melody on SMS is compatible only with devices running the latest version of the operating system, that is Windows Phone 8.1... Therefore, if your smartphone works on the previous version - on 8-ke, in this case, this article will not suit you, since there is a slightly different way to install the melody.

So let's get over it. The principle of setting a ringtone is quite simple, and it is similar to setting your own music to ringtone in WP-smartphones.

1) Initially, you will need to find an application called "Melody Creator" in the phone menu. In the event that this application is not there (although this is unlikely), then you will need to download it from the application store and only then proceed to the second point.

2) Go to the application and click "select a song".

3) Find the song that we want to use as a melody on incoming messages.

4) Next, you will need to select the segment of the track that you want to hear as a melody on SMS messages, and click save. Thanks to the developers from NOKIA for saving us from unnecessary hemorrhoids - cutting the music on the computer.

5) The melody is created. The main thing is not to click set as a ringtone, since you are going to install it on SMS.

6) Now go back to the settings and find the item "notifications + actions".

7) Scroll to the very bottom and find "Messages".

8) Here we will see several items, including the "Notification Sound" drop-down menu. Click on "default".

In the old Windows XP, it was quite easy to change the sound of the start of the operating system. All system sounds, including the startup melody, in the WAV audio format were stored in the directory under the path C: \ Windows \ Media. It was necessary to open this path in the explorer and replace the original file "Windows XP - launch" with a .wav file with its own sound, but renamed as the source. Starting with Windows 7, the default system startup ringtone is no longer a separate .wav file, but is included in the imageres.dll DLL file located in the System32 folder. And, according to the official position of Microsoft, you cannot change the system startup sound to your liking. We must either listen to what is, or not listen to anything at all, as, in fact, is offered by default in the latest versions of Windows 8.1 and 10. In this article, we will look at how to get around the rigid Microsoft framework. And listen to your favorite ringtones when loading system versions 7, 8.1 and 10.

How to change the Windows 7 login ringtone

In the "Seven" it is not allowed to customize your system startup melody in a standard way, but this version at least provides for the ability to set your own sounds to enter the system, exit it and shutdown. In versions 8.1 and 10, this is not the case. If the work on the "Seven" is carried out through a password-protected account, in principle, there is no difference between the sound of the system launch and the sound of entering it. In the latter case, the greeting sound will play after the step of entering the "account" password.

To change the sound of the login, in the task area, open the context menu on the volume icon and select "Sounds".

In the properties window that opens:

We click the program event "Windows Login";

Select your WAV sound file using the browse button;

Uncheck the box to play the launch melody;

Click "Apply".

That's all.

However, if the work on the "Seven" is carried out with a non-password-protected account, we will hear the sound configured in this way only when we intentionally log out and log in again.

When the computer boots normally, the login sound will not play. Without a password, the system will simply start silently. To work on a computer from non-password-protected "accounts", you only need to configure the Windows startup melody.

And you can replace it from the standard one with something from your collection of ringtones in any version of the operating system using third-party software tools.

How to change startup ringtone in Windows 7, 8.1, 10

In order for the system start to be accompanied by a sound greeting, you must first configure it, because, let me remind you, in versions 8.1 and 10 it is disabled by default. To turn on the greeting, go to the system sound settings.

We activate the checkbox for the activity of the melody.

Thus, we have activated the standard Windows startup sound. Now we need to change it to our ringtone. This can be done in two ways:

Difficult - with granting access with TrustInstaller rights to the System32 system folder and with the participation of a program for repacking file resources. The latter will replace the original WAV sound included in imageres.dll with a third-party one and repackage the library file. But this will need to be done every time we get tired of the ringtone, and we want to change it to another;

Simple - using the StartupSoundChanger tweaker program.

A simple way and I propose to consider in detail.

You can download the StartupSoundChanger program from my "cloud" at this link:

In the archive with the program, I also packed a WAV file of the famous "Hello" melody. This is one of the most popular alternatives to the standard audio greeting. Those who have not yet decided on the ringtone they want to play can temporarily diversify the system load with this spectacular sound.

StartupSoundChanger is a portable freeware program with a very narrow spectrum of action. She can:

Change the default Windows download melody to any other WAV sound;

Return original, i.e. the standard melody of loading the operating system into place.

We launch the program. When you press Play, it will play the current Windows startup ringtone. And when you click "Replace"

will open a browse window for specifying any .wav file.

After selecting the latter, the program will play it, and it will now continue to be played at the start of the "Seven", "Eight" or "Tens". And if suddenly, you never know, you want to return the standard system boot sound, reopen StartupSoundChanger and click "Restore".

Where to get Windows startup ringtones