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How to check the laptop cooling system tubes. How heat pipes work

Working behind a laptop, not every consumer thinks about whether he operates it correctly. Of course, the laptop makes usability, mobility. However, if you want it to serve you for many years, you should know that laptops are sensitive to purity, mechanical impact and humidity, temperature and foreign objects. Incorrectly equipped workplace or lack of preventive inspections can significantly reduce your life cycle of your device. In this case, the cooling system suffers, the attention of which is not to be given not less than to such important elements of the computer as the motherboard or hard drive. It is no secret that their long-term work depends largely on a good cooling system.

Cooling system structure

During the work, the processor, the coprocessor and the graphics chip laptop are heated. To preserve their performance, timely cooling is needed. The laptop cooling system is a group of components in which the heat tube is included, the radiator soldered to it and the fan.

How it works, you ask? Very simple. Secret in the structure of heat pipes. They consist of copper fibers filled with liquid (coolant) and air is dumped. And then clean physics. In the process of heating the end of the tube, which is attached to the processor or graphic chip, the liquid evaporates, and the gas moves to another end of the tube on which the radiator is fixed. The walls of the radiator and the tube cools the fan, which is formed condensate. In the opposite end of the tube, as a result, a cooled coolant is returned.

This process is constantly repeated. However, he can break. If the temperature of the heat tube exceeds the calculated, most of the coolant can evaporate, and the thermal conductivity of the tube will decrease (up to 1/80).

Good to know!

Perhaps you wondered why not put the laptop on the bed? This is due to the design of the laptop cooling system. In addition, dust falls into the laptop, dense tissue prevents air penetration. After all, in addition to radiator holes in the laptop housing, ventilation inlets are provided (as a rule, below). They provide a constant stream of fresh air, which is necessary for the proper operation of the cooling system. If you have the need to keep a laptop on a soft surface, take care of buying a special table or coolant.

Why does a laptop cooling system fail?

  1. System clogging

Each new generation of laptops is becoming thinner, smaller in size and weight. In such cramped conditions, it is extremely difficult to place a full-fledged cooling system. The way out of the situation was found in increasing the amount of radiator loyer. Consequently, the distance between them has become even smaller, so the ribs are quickly clogged with dust. Dust also accumulates on the fan blades (cooler).

Solve this problem can only clean the cooling system. We recommend cleaning at least once a year. When working in a dusty room, on soft fabric surfaces, the availability of domestic pets clean the laptop should be made twice as often.

  1. Saving manufacturers on quality

To reduce the cost of the laptop, manufacturers often save on the quality of the details. For example, relatively expensive cooling radiators from over purified copper are replaced with cheap analogs from alloys. As a result, the cooling system is forced to work on wear, the slightest pollution helps to increase the temperature. If it grows by 10-15 degrees above the norm, the laptop begins to overheat.

What happens when overheating laptop:

  1. Reduced performance

Most laptops are arranged so that when the temperature is exceeded +/- 90s, processor frequency begins to decline. Thus, the system is trying to prevent overheating of the processor or video card.

  1. Works heat shutdown, which causes a laptop turning off

In many laptops have critical shutdown function. When the reduction in the frequency of the processor does not help cope with the increase in temperature, works heat shield. Some manufacturers have shown its inclusion in the BIOS settings. In the case of overheating of the critical temperature, the system will signal, or the laptop will simply turn off.

Good to know!

Most users make a global error, trying to start the system after emergency shutdown again and again. Multiple overheating of the processor, the microcircuits of the southern, northern bridges and the video adapter threatens with non-refundable changes in the chip crystals (degradation). Often the compounds are bundled on chips (glue on which a crystal for a substrate) is bursting. As a result, moisture falls on microscopic contact pads ("patch"), and they are oxidized. In rare cases, the device can still be preserved. Most, you have to replace the item, the price tag of which is one of the cost of the laptop itself.

  1. Thermal tubes fail

With severe heating occurs Depressurization. There is no reduced pressure in the tube, and the water (coolant) simply turns away.

This system is simultaneously very compact and effective. All its work depends on heat pipes, where such a phenomenon is used as the thermal conductivity and the ability of water to change the state. All this allows you to absorb the heat inside the computer and exhibit it out.

Laptop cooling system

The leptop cooling system is a fan, several cooling plates and thermal tubes attached to them. They are copper passages at the same time hollow and hermetic, nothing can get inside and get out of them.

When the laptop is turned on, its components are heated greatly, in some temperature reaches a hundred degrees Celsius. Despite all its tightness, thermal tubes are capable of absorbing heat from one end and transmit it all over the entire length.

Essentially, they are getting rid of heat, transmitting it to cooling plates. The fan chases the air that absorbs heat and blows it out. Thermal tubes are in contact with all the components of the laptop that produce heat, they are just under them. And although the tubes are hollow, they are not empty. Along the cavity of the tubes to stretch copper fibers, and between them is water in a liquid state. When objects are physically touching each other, the temperature drops, this is due to thermal conductivity.

When the components of the laptop are heated, the surface of the thermal tubes absorbs it with thermal conductivity. Inside the tubes, the temperature rises, and water begins to absorb it heat, it evaporates and changes its condition. Hot couples floods the space between the fibers. This is the beginning of a whirlpool, which allows thermal tubes to throw out heat outward.

At the same time, the side of the tube is cold all the time, because they are constantly in contact with the plates that are cooled with circulating air. The sides absorb the heat of the steam, as the heat returns, water changes its condition again and returns to a liquid shape, accumulating between the fibers again. Next, it fills the space between the fibers, reaching the hot end of the tube, where it starts evaporated again.

In these tubes, evaporating water is constantly replaced with a cold, circle closes. The heat generated by the microprocessor enters the heat pipes from one end and is transmitted to the cooling plates, and all this is due to such a phenomenon as thermal conductivity. The movement of heat between the two ends of the tubes is possible only because water is capable of changing its condition inside of these tubes. That is how warmly absorbed, moves and displaces.

The cooling system of the laptop is not large in size, but effective. Thanks to thermal tubes, their ability to control the thermal conductivity of water, to change its condition, laptops can be overloaded with work, while they definitely do not overheat.

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Can a heat tube from overheating be broken? To make sure that the overheating can affect the deformation of the heat tube in the cooling radiator, but I happened once to see that the heat tube had a crack, the cause of which as the laptop owner assured was just overheating. Is it worth believing this or not to solve you. I believe that the laptop can be broken or deformed the heat pipe only with a laptop build-assembly.

How to repair a thermal tube of a laptop?

Repair Thermal tube laptop is not subject to repair, as the heat carrier, located inside the tube, is easily destroyed at the slightest microcrack, and even the absence will not save it from overheating.

On the Fig.1 A thermal tube is shown, which was installed on the Toshiba laptop. This laptop was sold on spare parts due to overheating and not maintainability. The thermal tube of this laptop was repaired and was glued to a metal based on glue, which is not known to be a good heat conductor.

On the Fig. 2. You can see the difference between the two thermal tubes. As can be seen from the figure, the new heat tube of the correct form is tightly inserted into the metal base and does not require additional glue processing, thereby maximizes the heat exchange between the main parts of the laptop.

How do heat pipes work so popular in various? Everyone knows how they look outside. These are copper tubes, sometimes with a spraying, with the radiator plates rented on them, emerging from the bottom of many expensive coolers. In some coolers there are two, in others there can be six, eight and even more, but they all represent curved copper tubes.

At the heart of heat pipes, oddly enough, really tube, hollow inside, with closed ends. Inside it, as a rule, there is a small volume of distilled water or other liquid, therefore, each heat tube must be tightly closed. Water inside is low pressure so that its boiling point is possible below. The lower the boiling point of water inside the heat pipe, the more efficient it cools the chip.

In the hot place of the heat pipe, water boils, steam moves through the tube and condensed in a cool place, giving it heat there. Thus, heat from or transmitted to the radiator plates, which, in turn, dispel it into the surrounding space. Steam condenses on the walls that are covered with "phytyt" from a fine-poured material. It is known that the liquid is capable of a fine-sized material that is capable of moving quite quickly in any direction. For example, if you take a paper napkin and put into the water in one angle, then it will quickly become wet. The candle burns because the hot stearin or paraffin on the phytil constantly comes upwards, where he burns. Thermal tubes work on the same principle. They inside the phytilly coated, along which the water condensed the water arrives quickly into hot areas where again evaporates.

Fitil himself can be made differently. The easiest way is to pour copper powder into the tube and pump the tube so that the crumbs are added to the walls. Then on the walls it turns out a "fluffy" copper layer. Instead of sintered copper powder, other materials can be used, for example, a piece of metal tissue. The grid of small wires is also capable of quickly deliver water to the right place. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Powder is easier to apply, but it is difficult to distribute evenly, and when flexing the tube it can be detached. The grid is easier to lock on the spot, it will not be squeezed from the wall when flexing, and give the tube with greater strength. However, its effectiveness is less than that of powder phytile.

All this applies not only to thermal tubes, but also to steam cameras. The principle is the same. The heat tube resembles a cocktail tube; If it is shorted and made with a flat plate with a thickness of about 5 mm, then the steam chamber will turn out. The choice in favor of the tubes or the steam chamber is made on the basis of the resources and user needs: steam chambers are more expensive than thermal tubes, but in some cases are more convenient and effective.

The final price of cooling systems with heat pipes determines not only their number and availability / absence of a fan, but also the coating material, shape and size of the plates, the quality of the wick, etc.

Today on the site of our computer service material about how the laptop cooling system is arranged. We try to tell about this simple and understandable language. The cooling system of the laptop is an important element of its design. It solves the problem of heat dissipation and dispersion. If the cooling system works badly, they are poorly cooled and the important components that it is designed to cool. And the excess heating leads to the emergence of chips of their system and the need to perform expensive repairs.

Laptop cooling components

Everything is simple. From the laptop consists of three main elements - heat translator, heat pipes, cooling radiator, cooling fan and thermocondition interface.

Heat Saw - Installed on the heating elements of the laptop. In typical conditions, it is installed on a processor chip, a video card chip, a southern / northern bridge chip (hub), strongly warm elements of the supply voltage stabilization subsystem.

The heat generator is a metal plate made most often from copper, with the transition to the heat pipe.

His appointment is a quick meal from the heat of heating elements and transfer it to the thermal tube). The heat generator can be one and large size in order to overlap several heat chip (processor + video card). Heat translaimers may be several, each of which is connected to the heat pipe, and removes heat from one particular chip.

We consider the sample of the cooling system - the image is marked with heat supply.

1 - Hair Dininger Video Card

2 - Heat Saw Additional Board Elements

3 - central processor heat

Heat tubes - combine the heat generator and the cooling radiator and transmit heat from the first to the second. TT hollow inside and this cavity is filled with hladogen. It is heated at the heat lifter and transfers the resulting heat to the radiator, passing it.

The heat tube in the design can be one may be several. When their somewhat is good, because they work independently and more effectively. In normal cooling systems, a minimum of 2-thermal tubes are used - one between the "heat transmission processor- radiator", and the second between the "Heat Label of the Video Card - Radiator".

There are sang tubes of different diameters. The larger the amount of heat you need to get out than the larger diameter, thermal tubes should be used.

We consider a sample of the cooling system - thermal tubes are marked in the image.

Cooling radiator - It takes on heat transferred heat pipes, cools heat pipes. The cooling radiator is made from the interconnected copper plates, "strung" to heat pipes. Copper in the design of the radiator is used for the reason that it has a great thermal conductivity and tolerates well.

The larger in size and on the total total area of \u200b\u200bthe cooling plates of the radiator, the more effective. For the purpose of saving, there are radiators made from copper, but from other - cheaper metals. Such radiators are less effective, because The materials used in them have less thermal conductivity.

He himself can cope with the dispensing of the incoming heat. But in order. To increase its efficiency, it is used by blowing the radiator fan. The injected cold air entering the laptop through the ventilation holes, blows the radiator and takes out the heat accumulated on it heat.

We consider the sample of the cooling system - the radiator is marked in the image

Fan he is cooler - hesitates an airflow on the radiator, which leads to more efficient cooling of the radiator.

The more the fan, the greater the air flow it can be tightened. But for accommodation in a large fan laptop there is no place. Therefore, the air flow is increasing due to the size, and due to the speed of rotation of the fan.

The fan in a laptop with a purified cooling system rotates at such a speed that it is not heard. But when the radiator from scored dust automation increases the speed of rotation to such that it becomes heard. Sometimes even very. And if so, then.

The fan can be buzzing for the reason that he broke from a large load is one of the blades. But in modern systems, the blades in the fan are connected to an external perimeter.

We consider the sample of the cooling system - the image shows the fan

The cooling system needs prophylaxis in the form of periodic cleaning from accumulated dust. If you do not sleep and do not perform cleaning the laptop can overheat, and its separate components - overdo it.

For those laptops that already overcome from overheating, repair is needed to replace the affected nodes. If there is no desire to repair a laptop, then such an approach will allow to return at least part of the funds spent on the purchase of a laptop, and release the place occupied by them.