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How to download Maincraft maps. Adding cards to Andrezik

If you do not know how to open a bank card, then read this article, since it contains detailed instructions for a plastic card.

The bank card is a plastic card with a magnetic stripe or with a chip on which bank data is located on the presence of money on it and the capabilities of the card for calculations. Such a card has the possibility of payment for perfect purchases, through trading terminals or online service when shopping on the Internet.

Open a bank card, maybe every adult citizen. Consider how the procedure for opening a plastic debit or credit card in a bank is happening.

1. Choosing a bank

When opening a bank card, you should choose a reliable bank where you would like to have a personal account, to which the card opens will be attached. Choose an institution for their money, follows from the following:

  • reliability;
  • large capital structure;
  • the obligatory participation of the bank in the Deposit Insurance Fund;
  • the presence of a minimum of one branch in the city where they live;
  • convenience of online banking;
  • positive customer feedback.

Deciding with the bank, you should choose the branch of the banking institution, where you plan to open your card and will be serviced in the future.

Choosing the banking department, you should pay attention to the service personnel, the responsiveness and professionalization of employees and other factors that attract you when visiting this particular branch of the bank, not the other. These factors are very important, as they are always more pleasant in the friendly and polite banking department than to visit the department where non-professional personnel are constantly rude and work.

2. Selection of the card product and its conditions

Deciding with the bank and its separation, you should choose a card product, as there are different. In most banks, card products have identical tariff plans, but in each bank there are nuances that can be found on the official website of the bank or from bank employees.

If you do not need the opportunity to take bank loans and go into minus on the map, when opening a plastic card, tell the bank employee on the installation of zero overdraft.

Choosing bank card products, it should be carefully examined what expenses on the map will be debited for the service, which commission when removing money from ATMs and settlements in stores, which monetary limits are on the issued bank card and other. The more ask questions and get information about the open card, the less possible problems will arise in the future.

3. Card design in the bank branch

After the choice of the bank and its card product, you should come to the banking department with your passport and identification code for registration of a bank card. One minimum of several hundred rubles should be taken with you, since to open the current accounts, the minimum replenishment of them in the amount of 1-1000 rubles is required.

Also, it can be removed when the bank card is opened, the fee for its maintenance. The amount of such payment must be previously found on the website or in the bank branch.

The procedure for making a map consists:

  1. Scanning passport and code.
  2. Approval of copies of the client's signature.
  3. Registration of the contract for opening an account and attaching a map to it.
  4. Getting a bank card
  5. Issue a PIN code.
  6. Activation - card replenishment.
  7. Connecting SMS transaction notifications on the map.
  8. Internet banking connection (if required by the client).

4. Receiving a bank card

Getting a bank card is to instantly obtain it or obtaining it through several banking days, depending on the type of map manufactured and the "presence of plastic in the bank".

At instant receipt, the instant bank express card with a magnetic strip and a PIN code is produced. The procedure does not take much time and in the presence of express cards in the bank are issued to customers immediately after signing the contract. They have minimal features and protection. Therefore, it is not desirable to keep large amounts of money on them.

If you receive a card in a few days, chip bank cards are drawn up with a high level of protection and functions than the Express map. They can be nomigible (indicated by the name on the map) at the request of the client.

It is desirable initially make up the maximum protected banking card. Since on such a map, the owner's money is more security than an ordinary express map.

5. Bank card service

After designing and receiving a bank card, you need to follow the deadline for its validity. Some banks themselves call and offer to come and change the card on which its validity period ends. But most banks do not notify their customers about it. Therefore, it is best to write down in reminders of a smartphone, computer or other organizer date when you should re-refline your card in the bank.

Conditions and tariffs on the map are changed by the bank without notifying the client. Follow the official resource for such changes.

Using plastic bank cards and settlement accounts, it is necessary to connect SMS notifications for performing operations on them. Additionally, you can install the application on the smartphone to track the transactions.

1. Connecting SMS transaction notifications

This service of notifications are connected automatically. Nevertheless, there are banks where SMS banking must be independently activated in the terminal or an ATM. After receiving a credit card, it is necessary to clarify from bank employees about the service of SMS notifications and how to activate it.

2. Bank statements

To track cash flow, you can connect the service for receiving bank extracts to email. This service is not possible in all institutions, but it is necessary to clarify the possibility of its activation.

3. Internet banking

The function of holding financial transactions without visiting the Bank allows the service - Internet banking. With it, you can pay any accounts, including international, block and limit your credit cards, issue extracts and references.

Bank plastic cards

The main functions of Internet banking:

  • translate funds to any details (if such a function is available);
  • make payment on the Internet;
  • disable and connect SMS notifications;
  • receive online statements in their accounts;
  • change limits and block your cards;
  • exchange currency;
  • proceed a deposit;
  • make a loan;
  • make a certificate from the bank;
  • and perform other actions without visiting the Bank's Office.

Using online banking, enjoys increasingly popular, due to its convenience and lack of need to visit the bank. There are two versions of Internet banking: computer and mobile. In the computer version, all possible functions are available, and in mobile - only the most basic functions.

Checkout online without coming to the bank

With the development of computer technologies, customers are not necessary to visit the branch of the banking institution for making a map. Now you can simply leave a request for a bank card and the courier will deliver it for several days. Place a map online without coming to the bank!


Bank cards are a fairly convenient banking tool for calculations and payments, but it is precisely the most deception of their owners, especially on the Internet. Therefore, possessing a plastic bank card should be selected from the PIN code and CVC code. Also, when making payment on the Internet, not to inform anyone confirming SMS when conducting any financial transactions.
Working and possessing financial instruments, in this case by bank cards, should be studied and understand this financial product to avoid misunderstandings and problems with.



Sometimes problems arise with the unpacking archive - about the fact that File IS Corrupted (the file is damaged). Usually, users delete such archives, without suspecting that they can be tried.

Open WinRAR and open the folder in the program in which the damaged archive is lying. Select the archive, and then click on the Icon depicting the first-aid kit.

The archive recovery window opens. Specify which folder to save the corrected archive, and check the type on the RAR archive type. Click OK - the archive recovery will start.

After the recovery is completed, the archive will be saved marked with Fixed (Fixed). You can delete the original damaged archive, but you can leave it as it is using a new fixed file.

To avoid confusion, replace the old archive to the new one in the original folder, and then try to extract files to the current folder.

Video on the topic

Painted files files not only occupy less space, but also allow you to easily send any number of files to one click. Having by mail such an archive with files, it is not always clear what to do with it next.


So, you have a file in the format unknown to you, which, but they assure you that this is an archive, and it needs to be unpacked to get to the content. To unpack such a file you need to download to your computer and install a special program that can files. Such programs are called "archivers". They are different, but perform the same tasks, so you can choose any of them: WinZip, WinRAR, 7Zip.

First of all, download one of the archivers yourself. You can do it on any of the official developers sites:,, After the program is loaded, install it, following the tips of the installation wizard.

To unpack the file, right-click on it and select one of the items in the menu that appears:
1. If you installed the WinZip archiver - click on the line "WinZip" and then "Extract in ...".

2. If you installed the WinRar archiver - click on the line "Extract files ...".

3. If you installed the 7Zip archiver - click on the "7-ZIP" line and then "Extract Files ...".
You have a window with the contents of your computer. In this window, select the folder to which you want to save unpacked files, and click OK. Ready!

Video on the topic

Archives with extension .Zip are used quite often. They are convenient to store files in a compressed form - so they take less space. Often, archiving program are used to prepare files to transmit via email. In order to open or unpack .Zip archive, it is important that the program is installed on the computer to archive and unpack files with extension .Zip, and then only a few mouse clicks will be required.


Unpack in several ways. If you need to extract from the archive all files contained in it, you need to click on the archive icon with the right mouse button. From the list of commands of the drop-down menu, select the desired command.

The "Extract Files" command will open the "path and removal parameters" window. In this window, you must specify the path to the folder to which files will be unpacking. The catalog has a tree structure. Moving on the branches, you should select the already existing folder or create a new one by clicking on the "New Folder" button. Deciding with the place to save the files, you should click on the "OK" button.

The "Extract to the current folder" command means that the files will be extracted in the same folder where. For example, archive is on the desktop, the files will be cured on the desktop. They will be saved without creating a new folder.

The team "Extract in<название.zip-архива>"Allows you to unpack the files to the same folder in which the archive is located, but they will be placed in the folder with the same name as the name of the archive.

If you click on thiszip archive with the left mouse button, the archive content window opens. From it you can unpack all the files at the same time or extract only the necessary files. To do this, select the files contained in the archive and click the Extract button. The window will open, as in step No. 2 ("path and removal parameters"). Also, you can call a window to save files by selecting the "Command" item in the top row, select "Extract to the specified folder" in the drop-down menu.

Also, files archive can be removed by another way. To do this, open the archive to the method specified in step No. 5, select the desired files and, holding the left mouse button, simply drag the files to the desired folder. It does not matter, the folder is open to which files from the archive are copied, or closed.


  • how to extract a file from the RAR archive

Hardly anyone will shake all the contents of the cabinet to the floor, if you need to get one T-shirt. This idea is also valid when working with archives. There is no need to unpack all the contents if the archiver program makes it possible to selectively extract the necessary files.

You will need

  • - Program WinRAR;
  • - Archive.


Download the archive from which you are going to extract part of the files into the WinRAR program. To do this, use the Ctrl + O key combination. With the same success, you can use the Open Archive command from the File menu. There is another option to do the same: select in the drop-down list, which is under the main menu of the program window, the disk on which is the desired archive. In this case, the contents of the disk appear in the program window. Select the folder in which the archive is located, and double-click on it with the left mouse button. You can make it even easier: Open the folder in the conductor in which the archive is located, and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Browse the contents of the archive, good, the WinRAR program gives such an opportunity. To do this, right-click on the file with the archive in the program window. In the context menu that opens, select the "View file" option. You can use the Alt + V key combination, having previously highlight the file with the archive. To obtain the same result, the "View" button is not bad, which is right under the main menu or the "View file" command from the "Commands" menu.

Highlight the files that are going to learn from the archive. In order to highlight several files at once, click on them with the left mouse button when the Ctrl key is pressed. If you need to highlight a large number of files at once, click the left mouse button on top of them, press the SHIFT key and click on the latest file.

Remove selected files from the archive. To do this, click on the Extract button, located under the main program menu. The same it turns out if you press the ALT + E key combination, or use the "Extract to the specified folder" command from the "Commands" menu. In the window that opens, specify the folder in which the selected files from the archive are unpacking and click on the OK button. .


  • Removing files from the archive with WinRar

Almost any owner of a mobile phone, even at all inexpensive, has several fun games that serve as entertainment anywhere and at any time. In addition, many love to read your favorite books or the necessary textbooks on the phone while they go to the subway or bus. All this is done using the JAR format files on the phone. To use such a format, you need to know how to download and open it on the phone.


So, to launch a file of this type on your own, do the following. First, make sure that of the two application files on your computer, Jad and Jar, you chose exactly the last and downloaded it. Place this file in the phone folder with the name "Other" or "Others". The JAR file for, namely, place in the Special Folder "Installation Files".

Next, turn off the phone from the computer and go on the device itself to the folder where the desired file contains. Select it, enter the menu and click Open. After that, the phone will start the application installation program. You may be offered the ability to install in the "Applications" or "Games" folder, or select the location of the application itself - in the phone's memory or on a removable memory card. In this situation, it is better to stop the memory, since the memory of the phone itself is better to save as free as possible. In addition, you can use installed applications and after changing the phone.

After that, go to the folder specified during the installation process, and check the performance of the installed application. Run the game or other service application and make sure it works properly: it does not hang, does not slow down and does not require additional installation components. After successful check, proceed to the next step.

If you use a regular phone, then you will most likely not have to delete the original JAR file on the phone. Just go to the folder where it was previously, and make sure it is empty. Smartphones typically save installation files, so if you are sure that you will not need it anymore, go to the required folder and manually delete the JAR file.

As you can see, open the JAR format in the phone is simple enough: just follow the phone's instructions and do not forget that you can upload files of this type only with proven and qualitative resources.

Files with the JAR extension are executable files that are written in Java and operate in the Windows operating system using Java Runtime. This abbreviation is decrypted as Java Archive File - archive file of Java. Usually, such files are mini-programs for various mobile devices.

This article will talk about how to open on your phone running under android, topographic card made under Ozi Explorer.. First you need to determine the introductory data.

At your hand there is a smartphone or tablet running android.

You have downloaded from anyway in Ozi Explorer format with reference (a separate file with the .map extension). At the moment, the Androsik supports OZF2 card format. If you have other cards (ozfx3, ozf4) - the Androsik will not open them. Maps in open formats (BMP, TIFF, JPG, GIF, PNG, etc.) must be converted in advance in OZF2 using a free converter (!) versions. All vintage and modern cards, purchased on our website open in the Andrezik.

You downloaded and installed Andrezik from playmarket or our site.

Further simple:

1. Copy card files on your device's memory card. Where exactly - not particularly important, create the MAPS folder on the memory card as an example. Note that you have copied not zip archiva cards, but the cards themselves (Foshi Ozfx2 and Map). We go from the phone to this folder, make sure the cards are in place:

2. Run an Andrezik. By default, it will load the OSM card from the Internet. She looks like this:

3. Click on the "Menu" button in the upper left corner:

4. Select the item: Settings - Files - Card folder:

5. Press the point, see above, and specify the path to the folder in which you copied the cards in the first paragraph. Click OK.

Everything. Now your cards are available from the Andrezik. You can open them as follows. Click on the name of the map in the lower left corner:

A list appears. Sometimes you need to click on the folder icon in the upper right corner of the pop-up window to seem the entire list:

Now in the list, choose the map you are interested in.

All, card on the screen.


If you need to slowly consider a card that does not cover your current position, then I recommend turning off the reception of satellites. You can do this both through the program and through the android interface. Otherwise, after some time of inaction, you will "throw out" on the screen with the current position.

On a number of devices, the new version of the Andrezika from the playmarket appears and slows down. Bad luck? You can download and install old versions from our site, they are noticeably faster. Before installing, you must delete other versions of the Androsik, otherwise the error of the type "Provider is already authorized on this device" will jump out. The principle of downloading cards in old versions is the same.

We can prepare for download in Andrezik any of your cards - both tied and not attached. The cost of services is negotiable (depends on volume and complexity), small. Write.

You can import tags or third-party applications if they allow you to export Tags in KML format:

1 . Email a file with labels (in KML or KMZ format). You can also use messaging applications or download a cloud storage file, such as ICLOUD or Google Disk.

Click on the Label File → Select Open to Maps.ME (the file will immediately be opened in Maps.Me if there are no other applications on the device with KML files).

You can also copy KML files to (KMZ - Potted in the KML file file, it must be pre-unpacking before copying). After that, you must open the application, go to the bookmarks menu and click the "Convert" button in the window that appears.

If you have an Android device, you can use any file manager, for example, Total Commander to open the KML / KMZ file (click on the file and select Open using Maps.ME).

2 . The file will be opened in and you will see a message "Tags successfully downloaded! You can see them on the map or in your saved labels."