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How to build a table in Excel. Creating an Excel program label on the desktop

Table processing is the main task of Microsoft Excel. The ability to create tables is a fundamental basis for work in this application. Therefore, without mastering this skill, it is impossible to further promote in training in the program. Let's find out how to create a table in Microsoft Excel.

First of all, we can fill the cells of the sheet data, which will later be in the table. We do it.

Then, we can draw the boundaries of the range of cells, which then turn into a full-fledged table. Select the range with data. In the Home tab, click on the "border" button, which is located in the Font Settings block. From the opening list, select the item "All borders".

We were able to draw a table, but it is perceived only to the table visually. The Microsoft Excel program perceives it only as a range of data, and, accordingly, it will not handle it as a table, but as a data range.

Converting Data Range to Table

Now, we must convert a data range into a full-fledged table. To do this, go to the "Insert" tab. Select the range of cells with data, and click on the "Table" button.

After that, a window appears, which indicates the coordinates of the previously selected range. If the selection was correct, then it is not necessary to edit anything. In addition, as we see, in the same window opposite the inscription "Table with headlines" there is a tick. Since we have, indeed, a table with headlines, then we leave this checkbox, but in cases where there are no headers, you need to remove the checkbox. Click on the "OK" button.

As you can see, although it is not difficult to create a table, but the creation procedure is not limited only to the release of boundaries. In order for the program to perceive the data range as a table, they must be formatted accordingly as described above.

Excel is a tabular editor from the MS Office package. The first version with which the majority of residents of the Russian Federation became acquainted with the program of 2003. Since that moment has passed 15 years. Many computer users are no longer used by the old application, since Excel 2013 and 2016 came to his replacement. The main differences in the listed editors are interface design. So in a person who has worked for a long time with the 2003 program, problems may arise when editing the table in Excel 2013. In order for this kind of difficulties, the user can familiarize himself with this article.

Creating an Excel program label on the desktop

Note! The user who is often operating in the table editor can be somewhat easier to search MS Excel. To do this, you will need to create a shortcut program on the desktop.

The algorithm of action should be like this:

  1. Click on the Start button.

  2. Select the "All Programs" string. Click on it.

  3. Find the phrase "Microsoft Office". Left-click on it.

  4. Choose from the programs you need. Click on the application by right-clicking the coordinate device.

  5. Find the word "send". Mouse over the mouse over this string.
  6. In the window that appears, click on the phrase "Desktop (Create Label)".

Place the table

  1. On the program toolbar, find the View tab. Press the left button of the coordinate device to it.

  2. In the upper left corner there is a "Book View Modes" button. Click on it, and select the Page Markup in the proposed menu.

    Note! A virtual ruler should appear above the sheet with cells. The document itself will be presented as a sheet of text editor Microsoft Word.

  3. Before creating a document, if necessary, change the orientation of the sheet. To do this, find the tab "Page Markup" in the Table Editor menu. Click on it.

  4. In the "Page Parameters" group, find the "Orientation" button. Click on it.

  5. In the winding window, select "Book" or "landscape" orientation.

  6. On the toolbar, click on the Home tab.

  7. In the Font group, find the "border" icon on which the dotted square is depicted. Left-click on this button.

  8. In the graphical interface that opens, find the phrase "draw the border". Click on it.

  9. On a ruler, located on the document, adjust the size of the columns as you consider it necessary. Such a measuring tool will help the user to make cells the same.

Note! If the size of the user rows does not suit, it can easily edit its table. To do this, you will need to apply the following methods.

Editing Excel Tables

If you want to know with step-by-step actions, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Changing the sizes of table cells in the Excel editor

Method number 2. Creating a table using the "Figures" button

  1. Open the tabular processor.

  2. Find the "Insert" tab on the toolbar. Click on it.

  3. In the "Illustration" group, select the "Figures" button. Click on it.

  4. In the proposed options, right-click on the rectangle.

  5. Right-click the coordinate device to the inserted figure.

  6. In the window that opens, select the "Size and Properties" string. Click on it.

  7. Specify the desired figure size.

  8. Select the option "Do not move and not change the dimensions".

  9. Use this drawing to edit the width and height of the columns of your document.

Video - How to quickly resize cells in Excel

The skills of working with office programs are hidden in childhood. Many schools began to include this section in their educational programs. When entering an educational institution of the highest profile, students already need to have a simple skill work with tables and texts in order for the educational process to meet the realities of the working environment. Many specialized programs in enterprises have the ability to unload reports in Excel, which you need to be able to quickly process and analyze. The overwhelming part of enterprises uses this program in its daily work, creating reporting, storing and analyzing data.

What kind of beast - MS Excel?

For primitive tasks, MS Excel comes down to building tables and analyzing them with simple formulas. A guru of the program can create entire templates for calculations, building forecasts, creating your product using VBA programming. With a strong desire and sufficient level of ownership, the entire analytical part can be done with its help without buying expensive software. If your knowledge in this program is limited, then starting with the foundations of Excel. How to create a table in it?

Where to get started

If for you this is the first acquaintance with office programs, you need to start with the creation of a new document. To do this, select the folder where the document will be located, or use the desktop for these purposes.

Choose the second option. We carry the mouse cursor on the free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop and press the right button. In the appeared dialog box, select the "Create" item. Next, we get an accessible next tab on which we choose "Microsoft Excel sheet". An icon appeared on the desktop, the name of which is prescribed by default. It can be changed, for example, on "Book 1" or any other option. For this while the text in the icon is highlighted in blue, we wash the old inscription and we write what we need.

It remains only to bring the mouse cursor on the "Book 1" icon, the left button is quickly pressing twice, and we have an open blank sheet with which we will work. For the convenience of perceiving information on how to create a table in Excel "- step by step instructions to help.

How to create your first table

For the first experiments with tables, it is recommended to armared with paper and handle to manually draw the necessary appearance and estimate how it is more convenient and more informative to place data. It will save you from the reworking of the ready-made array of information due to the fact that it is inconvenient to use it. Now create a table in MS Excel

To start filling out empty cells, you need to highlight the right mouse button. It will change the color of the frame on green, and the contour will become greater. You can go to another cage at any time using a computer mouse or an arrow on the keyboard.

First we recommend starting from filling out the names of lines and columns for easy navigation. For example, we are faced with the task of making a calculation of the cost of organizing a children's holiday to choose the most economical option.

How to fill the table cap

We start filling from the header. We retreat one cell and in the next line write options from which we will choose. In our case, 4 children's entertainment center are estimated - option 1, option 2, and so on. As criteria was chosen: passage, quest, additional entertainment, decoration, menu, cake and photographer. Measurement measure - Russian rubles. With the help of the slider, I had to push the columns to fit the name of the hatching caps.

On the basis of the collected information on four points, set the corresponding values \u200b\u200bin front of each pair option - the indicator. The filled cells will be arranged as shown below.

We start working with formulas

In order to create a table in Excel, it is necessary to add calculations. The very first formula that each user must own perfectly - summation of values. To do this, in the "Option 1" column, we ride the first empty cell after the data entered.

In the "Home" tab in the menu on the top of the space to fill on the right side, we are looking for a big letter E. in the figure it is highlighted with a red rectangle. Click it with the left mouse button. The result of our actions should be a dotted boundary of the column values. For the right upper angle, pull out the selection area so that it covers the empty cell "pass" in the "Option 1" column.

To finish faster with mathematics, you need to "stretch the formula" to calculate the final sums in the columns "Option 2" - "Option 4". To do this, activate the cell by pressing the mouse button. We put the cursor into the right lower corner of the selected green area. Instead of the cursor, a fat "cross" should appear. I pull it to the right through all columns, where you need to make a calculation. At this moment, four cells are already highlighted in green contour. Click the Enter key and get the final values \u200b\u200bof the cost of the children's holiday in four options.

Give the gloss sheet with computing

For a simple home calculation of the manipulations of this kind, it is quite enough. But to fulfill the instructions from the manual, you will have to learn to submit data in a beautiful form. Based on the same example, consider step-by-step instructions, how to create a table with the selected boundaries in Excel.

It is necessary to highlight the entire area that needs to be formatted. To do this, the left mouse button is pressed on the first top cell and, holding it in this position, move the computer mouse so that all the necessary cells in it are highlighted. In the top menu, we are looking for the designation of the "squares" where the size and font inscription change. Click on the arrow below. We have a list of possible manipulations with the borders of the table. To create a table in Excel, as required in most cases, select the item "all borders".

How to make beautiful meanings in the table

To create a table in Excel, as required by business etiquette, it is necessary to work a little with its contents. First, align the horizontal cap of the table in the center and make the text in it bold. To do this, we allocate all four cells, as they did before, and click on the "F" icon in the top menu of the table in the area of \u200b\u200bwork with fonts. In the next field, choose a central hatching and observe how our table is converted to the eyes. In the same way, you can highlight the final line with the calculations.

Now we will work on the values. We highlight all cells where data is. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe "number", press the icon with three zeros ("000"). We have hundredths, which are easy to remove if you press the icon from the same field twice.

With the help of simple manipulations, you can create a table in Excel, as required by the manual.

Tricks MS Excel

In addition to standard tables, the office program has advanced opportunities for analyzing the necessary information. Let's start with the fact that you need to create a data table in Excel. The specified tool allows you to produce a factor analysis in two variables and has a wide scope of application. It is often used to calculate a monthly loan payment, overpayment percentage and other financial indicators. Its use is justified when it comes to a large data array, where the blind copying of the formula will not bring due results. The formula information is contained in the "Data" - "Data Analysis" - "Data Table".

Another feature of the program allows you to create a new table on a separate sheet, which briefly sums up the results of analyzing data on the original source.

To create a consolidated table in Excel as a separate analytical tool, you must select the corresponding "Summary Table" icon in the "Insert" tab. It makes sense to apply this function when a multiple repetition of one name of the argument has different operators.

Many employees or beginner secretaries still do not know how to create tables in the Microsoft Excel 2010 applying application today. There is nothing shameful in this, as the doctrine says, it does not say, and not the doctrine of Darkness. Therefore, today I suggest to get acquainted with my small lesson to create such a table.

I hope that you were able to run the application itself, usually labels are located either on the desktop or in start menu Select Microsoft Office folder, and then select Microsoft Excel 2010.

Now choose the "Insert" tab, then click the "Table" icon.

In the center, the program will pop up the window, just click the OK button.

We have a table with one column

Now we need to stretch the created table, for this we grab the mouse over the edge, as indicated in the figure above, and pull until we arrive the number of rows and columns.

You can pull not only to the left, but also down. I stretched the table on the 4 column and 8 lines. At the same time, note that in my case the columns are slightly wider than you, to make the same simply stretch them left (drawing above). Table is ready.

The next step is the usual filling of cells with text. Click two times the left mouse button on the text "Column 1", and enter a new text on the keyboard, for example "name" on the keyboard. By analogy, we enter the text to other cells of the table, and at the output we will receive a table with data.

How to add a new string or column to the table?

Just stretch the table as I pointed in the figure above. Unlike Microsoft Word, Excel turned out to be a little smarter, because in the Word to insert a new line or speaker, you need to perform a specific action.

Microsoft Excel is convenient for tableware and the work of calculations. The workspace is a variety of cells that can be filled with data. Subsequently - format, use to build graphs, diagrams, summary reports.

Working in Excel with tables for novice users may at first glance seem challenging. It differs significantly from the principles of building tables in Word. But let's start with small: with the creation and formatting of the table. And at the end of the article you will understand that the best tool for creating tables than Excel will not come up with.

How to create a table in Excel for dummies

Working with tables in Excel for dummies does not tolerate hurry. You can create a table in different ways and for specific purposes each method has its advantages. Therefore, first visually assess the situation.

Look carefully on the working sheet of the tabular processor:

This is a variety of cells in columns and lines. In fact, the table. Columns are indicated by Latin letters. Rows are numbers. If you bring this sheet to print, we get a clean page. Without any borders.

First, let's learn how to work with cells, rows and columns.

How to highlight columns and string

To highlight the entire column, click on its name (Latin letter) with the left mouse button.

To highlight the string - by the name of the line (according to the figure).

To highlight a few columns or rows, click the left mouse button by name, keep and drag.

To highlight the column using hot keys, we put the cursor to any cell of the desired column - press Ctrl + space. To highlight the string - Shift + space.

How to change the boundaries of the cells

If the information when filling out the table does not fit, you need to change the boundaries of the cells:

To change the width of the columns and the height of the rows, in a certain range, we highlight the area, increase the 1 column / string (manually moving) - the size of all selected columns and rows will automatically change.

Note. To return the previous size, you can press the "Cancel" button or a combination of Ctrl + Z hotkeys. But it works when you do right away. Later - will not help.

To return the strings to the source boundaries, open the tool menu: "Home" - "Format" and choose "Row height"

For columns, this method is not relevant. Click "Format" - "Default Width". I remember this figure. We highlight any cell in the column, the boundaries of which you need to "return". Again the "format" - the "column width" - enter the specified program (as a rule it is 8.43 - the number of Calibri font characters with a size of 11 points). OK.

How to insert a column or string

We highlight the column / string to the right / below the place where you need to insert a new range. That is, the column will appear to the left of the selected cell. And the string is higher.

Press the right mouse button - select in the drop-down menu "Paste" (or press the combination of hot keys Ctrl + Shift + "\u003d").

We celebrate the "column" and click OK.

Council. To quickly insert the column, you need to highlight the column in the desired place and press Ctrl + Shift + "\u003d".

All these skills will be useful when drawing up a table in Excel. We will have to expand borders, add strings / columns during operation.

Step-by-step creating table with formulas

Now when printing the boundaries of columns and lines will be visible.

Using the "Font" menu, you can format Excel Table data as in Word.

Change, for example, the font size, make the cap "Fat". You can set the text in the center, assign transfer, etc.

How to create a table in Excel: Step-by-step instructions

The simplest way to create tables is already known. But Excel has a more convenient option (in terms of subsequent formatting, data working).

Let's make a "smart" (dynamic) table:

Note. You can go on another path - first allocate the range of cells, and then click the "Table" button.

Now make the necessary data to the finished framework. If an additional column is required, we put the cursor to the cell intended for the name. Enter the name and press the input. The range will automatically expand.

If you need to increase the number of rows, engage in the lower right corner for the autocill marker and stretch down.

How to work with a table in Excel

With the release of new versions of the program, work in Excel with the tables became more interesting and dynamic. When a smart table is formed on a sheet, the "Work with Tables" tool becomes available - "Designer".

Here we can give a name table, resize.

Different styles are available, the ability to convert a table to a regular range or a summary report.

Opportunities for dynamic spreadsheet MS Excel huge. Let's start with the elementary data entry skills and autofills:

If you click on the arrow to the right of each subtitle of the cap, then we will receive access to additional tools to work with the data of the table.

Sometimes the user has to work with huge tables. To see the results, you need to scroll not one thousand lines. Delete lines - not an option (data will be subsequently needed). But you can hide. For this purpose, use numeric filters (picture above). Clean the ticks opposite those values \u200b\u200bthat should be hidden.