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When the final version of iOS 11.1 is released. And comparisons confirm this

Tip! The most frequent problems of IOS 11 problems and the solutions will be described in.


The official announcement of the iOS 11 update was a lot of assumptions that Apple will seriously update the appearance of its mobile operating system. A truly large-scale update, alas, did not happen. However, some IOS 11 interface elements have changed.

In iOS 11, Apple designers switched to the use of firing fonts, in particular, in headlines. In almost all standard applications, applications fonts have become darker and fat, in the style of the "Music" application from iOS 10.

Some applications, such as the "phone" and "calculator", have received much more noticeable improvements that can even be called a complete redesign.

It is noteworthy that many applications, such as "calendar" and "reminders" remain unchanged at all.

Control point

In iOS 11, the control point was completely rethought. The updated control point in iOS 11 is a single screen, instead of three separate offered in iOS 10. However, the return to the times of iOS 9 did not happen - the control station received a completely new view with rounded icons. In the default menu, the default menu contains two partitions for adjusting network options, music controls, sliders for changing the volume and brightness, as well as several small buttons for blocking rotation, control the function "Do not disturb" and other parameters.

In iOS 11 management item can be configured! Apple finally cleared over users and provided them with such an opportunity. In the control point, you can now install the necessary functions and applications, which will certainly make the use of iPhone and iPad much more convenient.

Previously, the control point when the call began to occupy only a small part of the screen, now it is located along its entire area. Thanks to this, the updated menu provides access to a markedly greater spectrum of functions, and users have the right to choose to what.

In the iOS 11 update settings, a special partition appeared in which users can add different items to the control point. You can add the following options:

  • Flashlight
  • Timer
  • Calculator
  • Camera
  • Universal access
  • Alarm clock
  • Apple TV Management
  • "Do not disturb the driver"
  • Guide-access
  • Appendix "House"
  • Low power mode
  • Notes
  • Screen entry
  • Stopwatch
  • Text size
  • Sound notes
  • Wallet

Along with new personalization settings, advanced 3D Touch gestures appeared in the new control station. With enhanced clamping on most icons in the management item, the user will receive additional options. For example, pulling up the "Music" application at the icon, not only the playback controls, but also information about the playback, as well as auxiliary parameters will appear on the screen.

When clamped on the flashlight icon - the ability to increase or decrease the power of light.

When clamping the brightness control icon, a convenient adjustment scale and the NIGHT SHIFT switching button.

When clamping the "Notes" application on the icon, the options for creating a new note, list, photos or sketches. Etc.

On the iPad, the new control point looks different. It appears on the right side of the screen, both in the landscape and portrait orientation. The left part is occupied by miniatures running applications. The control point itself on the iPad is exactly the same as on the iPhone. The menu items can be changed under your own needs, and with long retention, additional options appear.

The control point on the iPad is adjacent on one screen with an updated switching menu between applications. The latter is placed on the left of the control point in the form of a miniature of all open applications. Calling the combined menu is performed by smoking from the bottom of the screen itself, or by double pressing the "Home" button.

Note that in the first Beta versions of iOS 11 in the updated menu of multitasking on the iPad, the applications were offered to press the small cross in the corner of miniatures. It was completely uncomfortable, which, fortunately, noticed in Apple, offering the most pleasant and intuitive way to closing applications.

Lock screen

In iOS update 11, the lock screen is actually combined with the center of notifications. In its base state, the lock screen demonstrates only time and date, but a list of missed notifications opens to Laptop up. The identical list is presented in the center of notifications, which, as before, opens from any place of the operating system on swaypa down from the top of the screen itself.

In iOS 11, the lock screen has two additional pages. Swile to the right on the main screen opens a page with widgets, brushing to the left - camera. In this regard, the IOS 11 lock screen is not different from the iOS 10 version.

iMessage and Apple Pay

In iOS 10, Apple introduced applications for "messages" and even a separate App Store for iMessage. In iOS 11, the company decided to provide users with more convenient access to these functions. In "Messages" in iOS 11, it is possible to quickly access stickers, emoticons, applications and games that iMessage can be used. All you need to do to gain access to them is to carry out your fingers over the application pop-up and the necessary additions of iMessage will be in front of you.

And this little strip absolutely changes everything. If earlier to send a banal sticker you needed to initially go to the App Store menu, now their choice and transfer takes the fraction of a second. You can transfer more useful content, for example, the location from the "cards", tracks from Apple Music, etc. Essage extension support has thousands of App Store applications.

In addition, in iMessage, the use of payments between users of the messenger appeared in iOS 11 update. Using the Special Apple Pay application, the iPhone and iPad owners can transfer money to each other using Apple's branded payment system. The money received is stored on the new Apple Pay Cash payment card, which is not displayed in the Wallet application. However, it is a complete - it can be used for purchases through Apple Pay, or transfer money from it to a bank account.

It is important to note that the function of sending money through the iMessage at the time of IOS 11 will not be available for use in any country in the world. It will be possible to use the new IMESSAGE option in iOS 11 after the release of one of the following iOS 11 updates is probably iOS 11.1. This was stated by Apple itself literally one day before the release of the final version of iOS 11. We also emphasize that the function will initially earn only in the United States.

Nevertheless, in Russia, Apple Pay Cash card support will appear. It is expected that this will happen during 2018. Apple Pay Cash support will be all apple-compatible devices: iPhone SE, iPhone 6 or newer models, all iPad Pro, fifth generation iPad, iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 or more new models and Apple Watch. The transfer of money between users IMESSAGE will not be addressed by the Commission, but when making money, users will have to pay a commission of 3% of the transfer amount.

Important! This feature was presented at WWDC 2017 and appeared in the first beta versions of iOS 11, but after it was removed from the system. In the final version of iOS 11 will not be. It is assumed that Apple will return it in subsequent updates. The next new feature is "messages in iCloud", which provides for the storage of all your iMessage messages in the icloud cloud storage. Messages will be synchronized on all your devices united by the ICLOUD account. An excellent bonus of this storage method will be the release of the place in the iPhone and iPad memory, since correspondence and investments will be stored in the cloud.

The latest innovation of iOS 11 is two new full-screen effects - "Echo" and "Spotlight".



Live Photos.

Apple does not lose hope to make "live" photos popular among all its users. The iOS 11 presents three new effects for Live Photos:

  • Schazzled videos - "Live" snapshot will turn into a funny stolen roller.

  • The effect "pendulum" - a snapshot will play back and forth.

  • Long exposure - will make it possible to achieve the effect of long exposure, as on mirror cameras.

In addition, the "live" photo in iOS 11 can be trimmed, select another key snapshot for them, or turn off the sound when playing Live Photo.


In the "Camera" application for iPhone in iOS 11, new filters appeared, according to Apple, "professional level". Thanks to them, the tone of the skin in the pictures will become more realistic, and portraits as expressive as possible. Total recycled filters optimized for natural skin tones, nine pieces.

In iOS 11, the portrait shooting mode was noticeably improved. In particular, the image quality was increased, low light output was improved, and the mode itself received support for optical image stabilization. In addition, in portrait mode earned a flash and supported HDR for even better lighting.

Also, the application "Camera" was able to scan QR codes. To perform scanning, it is enough to bring the camera to the QR code and it will immediately be recognized. After successful iOS recognition, it will offer a way to further use the content encrypted in QR code. For example, if the phone number is found in the code, the system will propose to call it, and if the link to the website, then open it in Safari.

New HEIF and HEVC formats

In the iOS 11 update, Apple moved to new photo and video formats - Heif and Heic, respectively. The main feature of these formats is improved compression. Media files are compressed up to two times without loss of quality. This means that photos and videos taken on the iPhone or iPad camera will occupy in memory and cloudy ICloud storage is two times less.

It is important to note that media files in new formats are compatible with the devices on which there are no support for their support. When sending or transmitted photos and video in HEIF and Heic formats, they will automatically be recoded into response to viewing on any devices. Because of this, the situation with Live Photos, which cannot be viewed anywhere in addition to the latest iPhone and Mac models, will not happen.

What Apple devices support HEIF and HEVC formats

HEIF encoding support

  • , iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, 10.5-inch iPad Pro, 12.9-inch iPad Pro second generation.

HEIF shooting support

  • iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 plus, 10.5-inch iPad Pro, 12.9-inch iPad Pro second generation.

HEIF decoding support

  • Hardware Decoding: iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, Fifth Generation iPad, iPad (2017), 12,9-inch iPad Pro (first and second Generations), 9.7-inch iPad Pro, 10.5-inch iPad Pro.
  • Software decoding: All IOS devices with iOS 11 support.

HEVC coding support

HEVC shooting support

  • 8-bit hardware coding: iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, 10.5-inch iPad Pro, 12.9-inch iPad Pro second generation.

HEVC decoding support

  • 8- and 10-bit hardware coding: iPhone 6S, iPhone 6S Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPad Fifth Generation, iPad (2017), 12,9-inch iPad Pro (first and second generation), 9.7-inch iPad Pro, 10.5-inch iPad Pro.
  • 8- and 10-bit software coding: all IOS devices.

If briefly, the ability to shoot and store Medifiles in HEIF and HEVC formats is available on iPhone X, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, 10.5-inch iPad Pro, 12.9-inch iPad Pro Second Generations and newer devices.


Recognition of persons in the photo in iOS 11, like many other data, is now synchronized with other devices. This means that you will have only once once to inform the "Photo" application about a person in the picture, then the updated system synchronizes this information with all your devices. In addition, a selection of photos for the album "People" has become more accurate.

The "Photo" application appeared support for GIF animations. They are reproduced when pressed and automatically collected in the new album "Animated".

The number of types of "memories" (automatically created themed selence photos and video) in iOS 11 was significantly increased. The system creates memories on the basis of weddings, sports events, pets of domestic animals, etc.

In the technical plan of "memories" were also improved. In iOS 11 they adapt Content for book and landscape orientation.

App Store.

App Store app store has been completely recycled. It is completely fully that even the application icon has been changed - for the first time since the start of the App Store nine years ago.

However, the main changes in the App Store in iOS 11 are contained inside. After upgrading the App Store meets users of five tabs:

  • Today,
  • Games,
  • Applications
  • Updates
  • Search.

The "Today" tab contains the most relevant content today according to the App Store editors. Here in everyday life updated the headings "Game of the Day" and "Appendix of the Day", which, again, are carefully selected by Apple employees.

In addition to these columns, various applications with detailed descriptions, collections and even articles in which developers most often describe the process of creating their applications most often describe the process of creating their applications and games.

The "Games" and "Applications" tabs, as clearly from the names, are dedicated to games and applications from the App Store. Separating games and applications on separate tabs in Apple decided to make users the opportunity to most conveniently find exactly what they are looking for. So, if you are not at all interested in the App Store, in the updated App Store they will fill before your eyes only on the "Today" tab, in very limited quantities.

Directly on the pages of applications and games in the new App Store there is more preliminary video surveys, the "Editorial Choice" stickers are displayed, there is a convenient access to users' estimates and information about integrated purchases.

The App Store in iOS 11 has improved not only externally. The main technical upgrade of Apple application store has become an improved search. Searching in the App Store has become much easier - "smart" mechanism suggests very accurately, and also gives links to suitable articles, tips and recommendations and selection.


Siri is improving with each new version of iOS, and IOS 11 in this regard did not exception. Apple's branded voice assistant has been updated by more realistic female and male voices, which are much stronger than human. According to Apple leaders, the new Siri votes were created with the help of deep learning, which made it possible to achieve a better pronunciation and more expressive vote.

The main innovation of Siri in iOS 11 is invisible. The voice assistant became self-learning, and he learns right on the device, without sending user data. Thanks to Siri's machine learning, it will be able to learn more about the interests of the user, which will give the opportunity to offer the best recommendations.

Another important improvement in Siri is that the user-stored assistant information about the user is automatically synchronized with all devices that are authorized under the same Apple ID account. This means that Siri will be perfectly "to know" you both when working with iPhone and with iPad or Mac.

In iOS 11 users can ask Siri to translate text from English to Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Support for other languages \u200b\u200bwill be implemented in the coming months. Will Siri support the translation into Russian or from the Russian language, Apple representatives did not specify.

In addition, Siri has learned to form an understanding of music tastes. Based on this information, the voice helper can offer suitable music from Apple Music. When listening to songs from the Siri music service can also be responsible for various small questions related to music, for example, "Tell me, who is the drummer of this group?"

The Siri settings appeared an option that allows you to access voice assander to text commands. You can enable the option in the Settings menu → "Main" → "Universal Access" → Siri → "Text Enter for Siri".

Siri in iOS 11 has supported the "Notes" application (creating notes, task lists and reminders), application of remote banking service of bank transfer and accounts, as well as applications displaying QR codes.

And finally, Apple has provided third-party developers access to the Sirikit API, thanks to which they will be able to fully integrate the voice assistant into their applications.


The iOS 11 gave an ICloud Drive application - its place has taken a completely new file application, which is an analogue of Finder on Mac. "Files" offer access to all files that are locally stored on iPhone or iPad, data from ICloud cloud storage, content from applications, as well as all files and folders from third-party cloud services, such as Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, Google Drive and others .

Custom data is very well organized in the "Files" applications, providing quick access to the entire content stored on the iOS device. Like Finder on the Mac, the file application allows you to search for files, it has a section to view all recently received files, invested folders and the ability to add files to favorites.

Third-party developers can support "files" in their applications. Applications with file support are displayed in the side menu of the standard file utility, which greatly simplifies the transfer of documents, photographs, video and other content between them.

Functions for iPad.

As Apple itself says, iOS 11 is a "giant jump for iPad." And it is impossible to challenge this statement even if you try hard. iOS 11 significantly increases Apple tablet functionality.

IPAD tablets running iOS 11 will be even more similar to Mac computers. In many ways, this merit of the new Dock panel, which can be placed significantly more applications (up to 15). The updated DOCK panel is available on any iOS 11 screen. The panel is "smart" - as it is used in its right part, the most frequently used applications will appear, as well as those that have recently launched on iPhone or Mac.

Dock panel will help reveal and multitasking. Any additional application on the iPad running iOS 11 can be opened directly from the "Doc" in the SPLIT View and Slide Over modes. The recycled menu of switching between applications, again "smart", will remember your preferences and will quickly return to the usual combinations, for example, to text editor and browser.

Complements the picture the drag function. IPad users with iOS 11 installed will be able to transfer text, files and photos from one to the app to another most intuitive gesture.

A bright example of the basic use of the drag functions is the feature that appears from the already running application, call the Dock panel with which to drag the new application directly to the screen. In such a simple action, you can open two applications on one screen in Split View mode, or place a new application on the right side of the screen thanks to the SLIDE OVER mode. Advanced ways to use the drag function is very much. For example, you can drag text, images, link and other content from a web page in Safari to any other application.

Apple Pencil.

On the above, the numerous iOS 11 improvements for iPad in Apple decided not to stop. Apple Pencil Stylus with the arrival of iOS 11 has become a more versatile tool. The pencil has learned to make quick marks in PDF files and screenshots, create notes directly on the lock screen and draw in such applications as "notes" and "Mail".


In the Application "Notes" in iOS 11, the document scanning function appeared. It will automatically determine and scans the document, cuts everything over the edges, eliminates glare and corrects irregularities.

Keyboard QuickType.

The QuickType regular keyboard in iOS 11 acquired the support of one hand mode. To activate the mode, you only need to hold the globe or emoji button, after which the keys will move a little right, which allows you to conveniently type text with one hand. Note that the mode works only on iPhone models with large displays (from 4.7 inches).

The version of the standard keyboard for iPad in iOS 11 got a small, but very pleasant improvement. Symbols, numbers, letters and punctuation signs are now located on one keyboard. Thanks to this, users will be able to forget about the need to constantly switch between layouts. In iOS 11, to select the desired symbol, it is enough to brush down the key.

The latest innovation of the QuickType keyboard will definitely delight the inhabitants of some CIS countries. The iOS 11 added new layouts for Armenian, Azerbaijani, Belarusian, Georgian, Irish, Kannada, Malayalam, Maori, Ouri, Swahili and Vali language.

"Do not disturb the driver"

The iOS 11 presents a new feature - "Do not disturb the driver." It flies all incoming iphone notifications while the user manages the vehicle. With an active mode, the iPhone screen always remains dark, which eliminates all the chances to distract it while driving. To activate the function, it is originally necessary to add to the control. The "Do not disturb the driver" mode can be turned on and automatically, provided that the iPhone has the ability to connect to the Bluetooth automotive system.

Apple released iOS 11.1. Since the release of iOS 11 Apple is only occupied by completing the next beta updates to eliminate numerous firmware bugs. Part of the problems can be eliminated, but it is not possible to call the work of the new operating system well.

November 1 came out final version of iOS 11.1 for iPhone and iPad

In iOS 11.1, the problem of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is finally eliminated. The Vulnerability of the WPA2 protocol, which allowed to intercept user traffic and use it to obtain confidential data closed.

Also, according to Apple, on the iPhone 6S, 3D Touch gestures should work normally, "live photos" will be played without braking, and photographs will not be duplicated in the device's memory.

It is funny that there are also 70 new Emodi among substantive improvements to Apple.

This, of course, is fine, but not so, considering that the problems with the discharge of the battery of all devices below the iPhone did not solve the company.

Install iOS 11.1 can Owners iPhone 5S / SE / 6/6 Plus and more new versions of smartphones, as well as users 12.9-, 9.7- and 10.5-inch iPad Pro, iPad Air 1 and 2, iPad mini 2/3 /four.

Why does Apple flagships work normally on iOS 11?

This question has not been reached by all Apple users for several months. If earlier the company "removed" from the normal update the so-called "old" devices that have already been officially removed from sale, then the company's current policy looks very strange.

The new operating system cannot normally work iPhone 6, 6s, which are quite sold in the Apple Store. Moreover, the Sixth Model Iphon is most popular in many markets, including in Russia.

However, users, updated to iOS 11, including improved beta versions, real torments are experiencing a gadget instead of pleasure. The devices begin to hang, and the batteries barely grabs half a day. At the same time, Apple does not comment on Apple. The answer is one: "We are working on improvements!".

Or maybe iOS 11 - is this plot?

What makes you think in favor of this version?

The fact that for the month of Apple has released iOS 11.0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and now iOS 11.1, and the key user problem is not solved.

Some complain that it is even aggravated by the release to release - the iPhone battery holds the charge is worse.

The second argument in favor of the deliberate ship of Apple against iPhone 6 and 6S users - after installing the new version of the OS, it is not possible to roll back to iOS 10.3.3. Apple stopped signing on this version of iOS. Thus, the official return path to iOS 10 is closed. Therefore, if you have not yet been updated to the 11 version, do not hurry.

Why Apple is leading such a policy, you can only guess. One of the options, why the company needed such Cheaterism - an attempt to raise sales of flagship models. You fully satisfied iPhone 6s, but before iOS 11? Now you may have nowhere to go: the device slows down, discharged and becomes a problem. And then you pay your gaze to the iPhone 8.

What do you think, how much is this alignment? Or iOS 11 bugs - only flaws that Apple still finish soon or later?

With the fool, iOS 11 does not support iPhone 5, however, the iPhone 5S and iPhone 6 will receive an update. With a complete list of supported devices, you can familiarize yourself.

When the official update of iOS 11 will be released in Russia

The official release of the final version will take place on September 19 at about 20 pm Moscow time, 10 days before the start of the iPhone 8 sales (iPhone X will appear in ordinary users not earlier than November 3). Together with new operating systems for Apple Watch (Watchos 4) and Apple TV (TVOS 11) will also be presented.

However, anyone can now establish iOS 11 Golden Masterwhich will hardly differ significantly from the full assembly. The list of supported devices includes all iPhone with 64-bit processor architecture (iPhone 5S, SE, 6 / 6S / 7 / Plus, 8, X), iPad 5, iPad mini 2 and 3, both iPad Air and all iPad Pro models, as well as iPod Touch 6. To install on your gadget, you should use the detailed instructions.

It is possible without exaggeration to say that the good half of humanity is looking forward to the release of a new one, the eleventh, version. At the very least, this statement can be attributed to that part of the human race, which sympathizes this product, as well as to their opposite camp. And those and others will be interested to see the full IOS 11 review, collected from the facts and rumors on this interesting topic. We provide such an opportunity.

After reviewing the full review of the IOS 11 operating system, you will learn not only rumors, but also facts as well as expectations

The only thing you can say with greater confidence than the rest of the rest is when the new iOS 11 update will be released.

The fact is that the last few years (since 2009) has always happened (Worldwide Developers Conference - World Developer Conference on Apple Platform). Since this has already become a tradition, then in 2017 in June we expect the opportunity to present the IOS 11 presentation.

Accordingly, a beta version will occur shortly after that (the day after the presentation), testing, and in September (again, if you follow the tradition), it will be possible to compare expectations from eleven, with a real version. So while the release date of iOS 11 on devices is September 2017, but in June 2017 Apple will present it at the WWDC Developer Conference.

Expected changes from analysts

  • Interface. Since at one time the top ten made changes only in the design of notifications and widgets, then the radical design changes in the interface are not expected.
  • Optimization and power consumption. In this regard, the company is constantly improving its product - with each new version, the speed increases, and the need for energy resources falls. In all likelihood, this trend will continue.
  • Expectations from iOS 11 - which devices will support Cuppertinov. Surely supports will be cut off such gadgets as iPad 4, iPad Mini 2 and iPhone 5. And since Apple officially supports its devices for three years, then iPhone 6, 6S and 7 will be able to maintain the revolutionary version.
  • Expected, but under some doubt, the appearance of a dark topic in the interface.
  • Advanced Siri with an derived voice.

Experts presented their expectations about iOS 11 - this is an interface, power consumption, theme and advanced Siri

What should I get rid of and what to bring a new IOS Revolution?

Since the elective platform's revolution is expected from the eleventh version, it is logical to assume not only the emergence of new advantages in the functionality and design, but also the refusal of the "remnants" of the past. What would you like to get rid of iOS 10 users and what they would like to see in the new iOS 11:

  1. The constant "outdated" "home screen", which needs to "refresh".
  2. Static icons. I want to see their lively (permanent). For example, the message icon could report the author of the extreme message, the map is the current location, and the weather icon is its condition corresponding to the current position on the map.
  3. Inaccessibility to work with fonts.
  4. Lack of black theme. For some reason, it is needed in design very much - well, just there is no life. And so much that they want to see at least applications.
  5. Remove from the center of the volume indicator screen that appears if you wish to make quieter.
  6. No capacity to block access to programs.
  7. Lack of multi-screenness (multi-cycle).
  8. Supplement for the convenience of the "control point" with new features, equipping it with a more flexible setting.
  9. Of the three tabs of the "Department of Management" design one.
  10. Increase functional for 3D touch.
  11. The ability to rename for cluetooth devices.
  12. Add digits to an alphabetic keyboard.
  13. Adding the option to select devices "by default".
  14. Adding cache cleaning.
  15. The possibility of adding "from the side" of living wallpaper.
  16. Support for GIF images in the "Photo" application.
  17. Ability to change the camera setting from the application.
  18. Returning the method of unlocking swipe.
  19. Accelerate the output process.
  20. The ability to install the icon in the desired screen location.
  21. The ability to sort applications by the number of traffic consumed.
  22. Implementing the clipboard.
  23. Installation in a more convenient place button "Step back" to use the device with one hand.
  24. Setting the ability to implement group calls for video conferencing.
  25. Adding RAW format support to Camera.
  26. Adding the ability to listen to music from the place of the previous stop.
  27. Full support for Bluetooth function.
  28. Opening an API interface for developers.
  29. Equipment of the ability to record the screen.
  30. Creating a separate one.

One hand control mode

Separately, I want to say about the control mode of one hand.

Apple strictly follows one unshakable rule - the ability to control the device with only one hand. It is connected with the possibility of a double tap on the Home button to enter the device in the REACHABILITY mode (omit the screen to the base).

According to the famous Hacker Thornton-Smith, on the basis of the analysis of IOS codes, Apple was going to achieve keyboard control using one finger (swipe left and then the "More" button). Moreover, he managed to work this option on the iOS simulator.

According to him, this, and on iOS 10.

Thus, there is an assumption that the specified function is tested and may appear with the new version of iOS.

The function of managing one hand is one of the most desired iOS 11 new products.

Implementation of augmented reality into the chamber

Many companies have taken a course on the development of augmented reality technologies (English AUGMENTED REALITY, AR - "Extended Reality"). Extended reality is created by introducing additional sensor sensors in the perception field.

In this regard, the Business Insider resource has recently reported that Cuppertinov has been able to integrate such an innovation to the "camera" mode on the iPhone. The company acquired several startups for this purpose.

At an early stage of development, it is planned to teach the camera to identify the subject when you guide and recognize people's faces.

After that, the emergence of new "chips" is expected.

Yesterday evening, Apple has released the IOS 11.1 Beta 1 operating system, which can already be installed on its iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch not only developers, but all those who want to download the new assembly file independently. As always with the beta verses of new firmware, the "apple" corporation does not disclose the list of changes, so all the innovations have to search for themselves.

As it turned out, in the IOS 11.1 operating system, Beta 1 still have some changes that relate not only to the visual component, but also functionality. Earlier it was assumed that Apple released a new OS solely to correct numerous bugs and glitches, among which were from the conversational speaker on the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus, and of course the battery speed of all "apple" devices, ranging from iPhone 5S And ending last year's iPhone 7 flagship.

In the first beta version of the new OS, Apple accelerated the unlock speed, which can experience all the owners of the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Switching between different applications in the multitasking menu is now accompanied by a new animation, and must be recognized that it looks rather strange. The American corporation decided to change it only after the release of the final version of iOS 11, although she tested a new OS for three months.

If in Safari in iPhone and iPad on iOS 11.1 BETA 1 double click on the address bar, then there will be automatic return to the top of the page. This function was before, but now it works a little differently. When you go to applications from notifications in the new OS, another animation is applied and it again brings to the question - why now, not before?

Perhaps the main innovation in the iOS 11.1 Beta 1 operating system, along with the correction of numerous bugs, has become an updated keyboard, which can now show a row with prompts from emoticons. So, for example, if you type the word "hello", then there are several thematic emoticons on it, which can be used instead of the phrase entered. By analogy, it works with in other words, so it will be much more convenient to communicate with emoticons emoticons. Based on all this, with a new assembly OS for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, everything is not as bad as it may seem at first glance. It is designed not only to correct errors, but also to implement a new functionality.

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