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Chronicle of the Russian manor Live magazine. Chronicle of the Russian manor

Deceptber 24th, 2013, 07:39 PM

Emperor Paul I presented the Lopukhina introduced his favorite, at which it began to be built. Here he visited her incognito, appearing accompanied by the equestrian suite in the semimas. The introduced was designed by the famous architect N. A. Lviv in winter, 1798-99, this is his only preserved work in the suburbs. After the leafs, the estate owned yakunchikov, visiting them were I. Levitan, V. Borisov-Musatov, A. Chekhov, P. Tchaikovsky. The estate was very loved and for a long time in it lived the daughter of the owner of the manor Maria Vasilyevna, a picture "From the window of the old house" was preserved, written in Intraved in 1897. After the Yakunchikov, the introduction was owned by Count S. D. Sheremetev, the father of which was the son of the famous fortress actress Praskovi pearls. Director Sergey Bondarchuk, it was she who chose her as the estate of the old prince Bolkonsky for the film "War and Peace" ...

December 22, 2013


Part 1.
Main House and Intraved Church, History of Manor.

Fairy, Miloslavsk, heads, Lopukhins,
Yakunchikov, Sheremetev, Gudovichi

Moscow region...
... r and y about n about d and n c o in c k and y

Manor introduced. Part 1. The main house and the introduced church, the history of the manor.
Manor introduced. Part 2. Architect Nikolay Lviv and the estate is injected.
Manor introduced. Part 3. Old photos, maps and pictures of Maria Yakunchikova and Viktor Borisov-Musatova.

The last 20 years, the descendant of the owners of the estate of Artemyevo, located in the Myshkinsky district of the Yaroslavl region, was engaged in its recovery. But in early December partially burned down, and now the owners of the manor are asking everyone not indifferent about satisfying assistance. Wadim's estate managed to visit Artemyev this summer.

The author removed the factory complex, as well as the main views of the village, including the hospital complex of 1900-1910, the factory building, residential buildings of managing and administrative staff, hostel, bath, boiler room.

No book about tent architecture bypassing the architecture of the temple in city that in the Stupinsky district of the Moscow region. The first mention of the stone resurrection church belongs to 1578. Usadbovych scientist Vadim Mesumov tells how the monument is distorted from the XVI to the XXI century.

"On the sensational game Pokemon GO, for the month of the unprecedented number of fans, I did not hear, perhaps, only the lazy. You ask why this topic is so much interested in me? The answer is very simple: by the plan of developers, the limit "concentration" of Pokemon, which should be caught, is found in historical centers of large cities, famous museums and around the most significant attractions. "

deadokey. Kalyazinskaya bell tower from quadcopter // Blog "Chronicle of the Russian manor", 07.06.2016

From the Nikolaev Cathedral, erected on the site of the once existed in the XII-XIII centuries. The Nikola's Monastery, built by Novgorod, remained only the bell tower. When creating a Uglich reservoir, the old part of Kalyazin was in the flood zone and the cathedral was disassembled by 1939, and the bell tower was left as a lighthouse.

deadokey. Manor Znamensky-Rajak. The interiors of the main house // Blog "Chronicle of the Russian Manor", 02/20/2016

Manor Vadim Razumov publishes photos of the interior of the Znamenskoye-Rajak - the choping monument of the architecture of the federal significance. Restoration work here stopped two years ago, and not so long ago, the manor lost his tenant.

deadokey. Factory complex Shorygin // Blog "Chronicle of the Russian Manor", 12/06/2015

In the village of Oktyabrsky Lyuberetsky district, a large factory complex "Partnership Starogorkinskaya Manufactory of Shoreigin", created by the industrialist and manufacturer Shuragin in 1896-1915, was preserved. Two days ago, the developers began to demolish the two-story brick residential buildings on the street new. The author has prepared photos of all the preserved buildings: hospital complex, factory buildings, residential buildings, hostels, baths, boiler room. In total - about 20 buildings, now one less.

deadokey. Guriyev Chambers, Golden-Cocon-Apricot House in Potapovsky Lane D.6 // Blog "Chronicle of the Russian Manor", 11/26/2015

The report is dedicated to the tragic fate of Guryyev's chambers. The house, which is based on the chambers of the late XVII century, in 2009 after the fire was excluded from the list of monuments of identified cultural heritage sites for the complete demolition. Citizens forces in 2012, the chambers restored the security status. However, restoration work has not yet begun and the building is in disrepair.

deadokey. Growthland estate // Blog "Chronicle of the Russian manor", 15.10.2015

The author publishes photos of the house on Big Lubyanka, 14, who four hundred years ago, belonged to Dmitry Mikhailovichi Pozharski, during the time of war with Napoleon, they owned the Count Menschin. Here Karamzin lived, they brought here from the Borodino field of the wounded general of Bagration. And for 20 years, stone chambers have been standing without use and without restoration.

deadokey. Fire at the former factory of Count Yaguzhinsky in Pavlovskaya Sloboda. Part 1 // Blog "Chronicle of the Russian Manor", 08/17/2015

The author talks about the fate of the factory since its appearance to this day. Recently, fires are regularly happening here: buildings are lit for about once a month. The last fire was recorded on August 10, 2015.

Yet Manor Kiyasovo, Moscow Oblast, Stupinsky district
Chronicle of the Russian manor

The manor was founded at the beginning of the XVIII century with Stolnik V.S. Naumov After him, the estate belonged to his son F.V. Naumov, after which he passed to her daughter, in marriage A.F. Belozel-Belozerskaya. In 1774, Kiyasovo was sold to the granddaughter of the first owner Catherine II. According to the legend, the empress, driving past the village, suffered from pain in his legs from a long road, she washed his legs in the waters of holy sources near Kiasovo, and her legs were held. On this topic: Economists by the grace of God: Andrey Bolotov | | /

The manager after buying the estate by Empress was appointed Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov, who left rich descriptions not only about kiyasovo, but also about the many estates in his book "Life and Adventures of Andrei Bolotov". In the estate of Bolotov from 1774 to 1776, he conducted the first experiments on the device of an intricate manor park, described the regular park and the decoration of the main house. In Kiyasovo A.T. Bolotov wrote labor "On the division of fields", which became the first leadership for the introduction of crop rotations. In the middle of the XIX century, Kiyasovo switched to the provincial leader of the nobility by Prince L.N. Gagarin. Owners of manor: NC. XVIII century - Ser. XVIII century - Naumov, Ser. XVIII century - 1774 - A.F. Beloselskaya-Belozerskaya (in Dev. Naumova), 1774 - Ser. XIX century - Palace Department, Ser. XIX century - 1917 - Gagarins. The estate visited: Catherine II. Preservation of manor: On the territory of the former estate, the Kazan Church of 1710, the church fence and two womb of the XIX century are preserved. The main house of the first half of the XVIII century is lost. Estate address: with. Kiyasovo Stupinsky district, Art. Mikhnevo Paveletskaya ZH.D., then the bus on the stop 10 km. Photo Date: 2015, June 13.


Two emergence of the XIX century on the territory of the temple

The first mention of this area belongs to 1461, and in the chronicles are referred to as the village of Korerovo. In 1701 (according to some data in 1710), the church of the icon of the Mother of God was erected on the territory of the village. In 1709, the village is mentioned already as a "worldly nickname", named one of the owners - Prince Vasily Kiya Dmitrievich Meshchersky.


Kazan Church with Bell Tower


Photo until 1975. Kazan Church with Bell Tower

The foundation of the Kiasovo estate refers to the beginning of the XVIII century, and is associated with Clause V.S. Naumov From him, the estate was transferred to his son Krigs-Commissioner F.V. Naumov, and then his daughter Knight Anna Fedorovna Beloselskaya-Belozerskaya.

Anna Fedorovna's husband was Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Beloselsky-Belozersky (mind in 1779), who was a chamber and a messenger in Dresden. Marry Anna Fedorovna was issued in his youth, but marriage did not work out. While his father was alive, she lived with her husband with whom, however, and then was already in disagreement. And after the death of the father, the spouses broke up completely and both lived separately. The husband was in Europe, and she was the princess on her will in Moscow and owned everyone the great, who had given her after his father. In the middle of the XVIII century, Anna Fedorovna decided to sell the village.


The bell tower of the temple is typical for the XVII century. Two top octs with angular columns on brackets


Plan of the Kazan Church in Kiyasovo


Old houses in Kiyasovo

Kiyasovo served as a center of the parish, in which the village of Malino, Spassky, Pokrovskoe with villages, and all the par were bought by Empress Ekaterina II. So the estate became a palace department. History of the village person That one day, when the Empress followed from St. Petersburg to Moscow, she could not continue the journey due to unbearable pains in the legs. I had to stay in Kyasov. Local residents advised the porphyron guest to wash their legs in the waters of holy sources, which have long been famous for their healing properties. Praying, Catherine immersed the feet in Kasov water and soon felt relief. Surprise her was so strong that this case was remembered for her for a long time. After a while, the highest instruction was followed to decorate the temple and add it to the annexes.

From 1774 to 1776, the governing lot was Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov, an officer, a member of the seven-year war, a writer and a scientist, one of the founders of Russian agronomic science. In the Kiyasovo Manor, for three years they held the first experiments on the device of an intricate manor park.


Church fence

From the book "Life and Adventures of Andrei Bolotova", a letter 171, we can learn how Andrei Timofeevich became the governing lot.

- Ba! - I exclaimed, amazed at surprise. - This is, of course, from Prince Sergius Vasilyevich Gagarin? "
"Exactly from him," said Mr. Shebashev, "and I have the honor to be his secretary." His fortification ordered you to bow and convincing you about Tom asks what he to write to you in this letter.

This naturally increased my surprise. I aggravated my request that he sat down, and, Sevorsa himself beside him, was in a hurry to read this paper. But some kind of nice unexpected was amazed suddenly, when, reading, I saw that the prince notified me that he trades and wants to buy for a sovereign not far from me lying and thousands of four souls consisting of a cigarette parish, and asked me causing me to take me on myself work and with a presenter of this letter, his secretary, Kotoro, he sent for this to me for this, went, went, inspected and, describing this parish, I would come to Moscow, and that if I like it, I would like it and he would buy it, then wished He would, so that I agreed to accept the management of it, in which the case offered me 400 rubles a salary, government horses for driving and a decent amount of bread for my content.

And, by retaking this, she ran out that as Sia's volost lies from my residence of my near, and I will depend on it only from him, and not from anyone else, then he stands for hope that I will not reject a desire and request to execute it. "

The exterior decoration of the temple is combined in the architecture of the monument with decorative techniques of Moscow Baroque

From the book "The Life and Adventures of Andrei Bolotova", a letter 172nd, we can learn how Andrei Timofeevich took a volost in management.

In my learning, we went back to Malino and drove out already in the sickness. The prince is located in the same rooms in the lower floor of the house, where we were quartered before the town of Schebashev. And as the prince did not doubt the nimalo, that the parish of this is sold, and he read almost already bothering, then, using the free time before the arrival of Mechevoshshchikov, and we went immediately to inspect everything and everyone, and speak and advise himself about where What to do what to do and whatever changes with what is changed. We first began to examine Samago at home and proceeded all the rooms, not leaving a single corner and a cat without inspection. By the prince, he, despite his whole greatness, did not love, but especially did not like the most stupid and bad location of the chapels both in the lower stone and in the upper wooden floor, which seemed to be at any best and cheerful. He could not quite put the old man Mr. Naumov, the father of Prinjean Belozel, who, who, the parish previously belonged and the village of Sie, was his real housing, as he could burn such a nepory and stupid home and how could live and be located in he. We were only the fact that in the whole top and best floor there were not a single furnace, and everywhere we saw one fireplaces, and the ovens were only in the lower rooms.

From there, we went to the ancient regular garden beside the house, behind him was, and found it in perfect neglection. He filed to us as both fans of gardens, crumbling reverses. And as this case was the most good for the expansion of the prince of all my gardeners acquired during the village life of my garden practical knowledge and a special hunt for my gardens, then this was a prince in particular pleasant and brought him to the fact that he told me:

ABOUT! When you, my friend, to the gardens such a hunter, and so much all concerning them you know, I will stay depleted from this side, betraying all the local gardens in full of your disposal and will. Do what you want with them: Get straightened and place everything as you please yourself and use not only how much you want fruits, but also the most fruitful trees. I see, here the great set is made on the chains, also the darkness of all kinds of prolific shrubs and trees; So if you need your own on your gardens in the gardens, you can take how much you want from here. Sick, perhaps take! This is why you pre-call you. "And for what," I said, thanking him and for this, the permitting, "I will give it from my gardens here what is not here.


The temple consists of a five-page overlapped with a closer arch of four, the meadow, the north and a four-tier bell tower


From the book "Life and Adventures of Andrei Bolotova", a letter 175th, we can learn how Andrei Timofeevich brought his family to Kiyasovo:

Before the rest of the evening, it was already like us with a lot of our carts that made up a fair member, drove into the village of sickling, and then on the extensive and spacious yard of the Delician house. My companions, sitting with me in one carriage, were baptized, according to their piousness, entering the courtyard, and seeing the house, exclaimed from surprise: "E, E, E! What a domina, yes in this and God knows how many people can be placed. " - "Well, not so happy too rejoice," I said to him, - the magnitude of him, and look at his inside, and then you will definitely talk otherwise; Not this, he is fucked and placed inside, what is great and it seems good outside.


Main house. Figure 1809. From the book A. Bolotova "The Life and Adventures of Andrei Bolotova, described by them for his descendants"

Labor A.T. Bolotova "On the division of fields" became the first leadership for the introduction of crop rotations. In kiasovo, the peasants were released on the lifts, and in the state-of-the same lands of bolotov introduced the seven-pin crop rotation. He did not wait for the results of experience, since in two years he was translated by the manager in the Bogorodsky volost of the Tula province.

With the participation of N.I. Novikova, A.T. Bolotov published magazines "Rural resident" and "Economic Store", but the greatest fame received his autobiographical notes "Life and adventures of Andrei Bolotov, described by him for their descendants." In this work, the author talks about what a witness has witnessed from 1738 to 1793.


In the architecture of the old monument, the composition and nature of external decoration with decorative techniques of Moscow Baroque are combined in the architecture of the old monument.

In the middle of the XIX century, Kiyasovo switched to the provincial leader of the nobility by Prince L.N. Gagarin.


Kiyasovskaya rural library

In the chronicles, information was preserved that on December 9, 1909, the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was covered after the repair, which was carried out by the efforts of the then abbot of the temple - a priest about. Sergius Sakharov on the funds of the benefactor P.G. Savina; The walls of the temple were again painted by A. Titov.


It is not known whether Gagarins remained by the owners until 1917, or there were some other owners. It is also not known when the Barsky house came to the launch. Only the Kazan Church has been preserved to this day.

In Soviet times, the temple was closed, this happened in 1962, the bell was reset, the iconostasis, wall painting, icons and books were burned. Again the temple was opened in 1990.


Monument to the victims during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 from the inhabitants of Kyasina Murzin and Berezni

Old pictures


Andrei Agafonov


Photo 1989 Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Author photo: Andrei Agafonov


Photo 1982 Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Author photo: Andrei Agafonov

In persons


Princess Anna Fedorovna Beloselskaya-Belozerskaya (in Naumov's Maiden)

On February 6, an exhibition from the collection of the Tver Regional Art Gallery "Picturesque Chronicles of the Russian Manor" was opened in the House of Mice Filippov. And the first visitors were the leaders of cultural institutions, librarians, club workers, teachers of additional education of the Startytsky district.

Your attention is presented an exhibition dedicated to various aspects and the peculiarities of the culture of the Russian estate of the late XVIII - early XX centuries. The basis of the exhibition was the objects of fine art from the collection of the Tver Regionalpicture gallery

The collection of gallery was formed from the picturesque and graphic works that have gone mainly in the estates of the Tver Territory and reflected the features of the manor art and the life of the "Golden Age" and "Silver Century".The location of the Tver region along the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg, as well as the beauty of His nature, contributed to the fact that the most famous nobility names settled here. Representatives of the oldest gods erected their estates with a special palace scope and representativeness, filled them with colossal artistic values, many of which are under study. The project is one of the important stages in the further development and study of artifacts from the manor assembly.

The purpose of the exhibition is to show the Russian manor on the example of a memorial material from the Position of Tver region as a special cultural and artistic environment, in which the ideas of the continuity of generations and communication times were clearly carried out.

The exhibition presents a print copy of the picturesque and graphic works of the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the 20th century from the Tverskoy region of the Tver region: Sakharovo, Domadnovo, Anynikovo and others from the collection of the Tver Regional Art Gallery.

As part of the exhibition, portraits from the magnificent meeting belonging to the hero of the Russian-Turkish war General-Fieldmarshal I.V. Gurko. This is, first of all, portraits of representatives of several generations of the Gurko family, who left a marked mark in the history of Russia. As well as the landscape types of the old manor of the Tver region of the dominant, which was done in the XIX century the favorite location of the artists of the Silver Century.

Another, no less interesting section of the exhibition is Russian landscape and genre painting of the XIX-XX centuries, is also largely associated with the Tver estates (moreover, some works were created directly in their surroundings). An important part in it was the landscapes of artists M.V. Derviz-Favorskaya, L.V. Turzhansky, N.Y. Simonovich-Efimova et al.

The exhibition sufficiently reflects all the nuances of the target life and entertainment of the XIX -XX centuries. The works presented to your attention took part in a large-scale project of the Museum-Reserve "Lublin" - "The picturesque chronicle of the Russian manor" and exhibited in the Palace of N.A. Durasov.