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Methods for deleting the old page on VKontakte. All available ways to delete an account from classmates How to log out of VK from all devices at once

Social networks have entered our lives relatively recently. Having learned about the new features, you could "thoughtlessly" create a profile in several of them at once, and having finally stopped the choice - now you are trying to delete your pages from the sites you did not like.

The administration has prudently introduced a special functionality that allows users to delete a page permanently.

It is important to understand that along with your page, all data will be deleted, including correspondence, saved photos and video materials. You will no longer be able to restore them in full. Removal occurs permanently - temporarily deleting the account will not work.

How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki from a computer

Have you finally decided to sever all ties with Odnoklassniki? Ok, let's get started, but remember - there will be no way back.

The deletion of old pages, as well as communication with the site support service, is carried out through the "Regulations" functionality available to authorized users.

1. Go to the website and log in using your username and password.

If you have lost access to your account, use our instructions for password recovery -.

2. Under the menu located on the left side of the page, find links to the mobile version, help, etc. Among them there is an inscription - "More". Move the mouse cursor, select "Regulations" in the drop-down list.

3. You will see the user agreement with which you agreed upon registration. Scroll down the page, find the item "Refuse services".

4. In a new window, you will be asked to name the reason for the deletion (indicated at will) and re-enter your password from the account.

Before deleting, carefully review your profile, save the necessary photos and videos, and also do not forget to inform your friends about your intention.

After pressing the "fatal" button, your profile will no longer be available for viewing by other members of the social network and will be completely deleted within 90 days.

Studying the instructions posted on third-party sites, I often noticed a method associated with substituting the profile url with an additional code - "? Amp; st.layer.cmd = PopLayerDeleteUserProfile". I hasten to assure you that if this method was working, then several years ago, at this time it is not relevant.

Removal process on mobile phones

Deleting an account from a mobile phone is complicated by the fact that many users access the site through the official application from the social network. If you open the "Regulations" in this application, you will not find the item "Refuse services".

How to be? In addition to the application, there is a mobile version of the site with a reduced number of graphics and scripts - this reduces the amount of traffic consumed and the download speed. You can access the mobile version through any installed browser on your phone. As paradoxical as it may sound - in the mobile version, there is also no way to erase the profile, but from it you can get to the "Full version" and finally, implement your plan.

1. Go to Odnoklassniki from your smartphone and log in. I immediately opened a version for phones -

3. Once on the full version of the site, you can delete Odnoklassniki by repeating the steps described for personal computers.

Account blocked or lost access to it

In difficult situations, when your account has been blocked by the administration for violations or simply hacked and access cannot be restored in any way, there is the same opportunity to delete it. This process will take more time and will require proof of your involvement in the account - from your old username and password to photos.

1. Open the main, in the upper right corner find the "Help" section.

2. Go to the "Regulations" available at the end of the page.

4. Select the subject of the message "Delete profile" and click "I have another question." Enter the required information one by one, describe the situation in detail in the "Message text" section.

It is important to indicate a valid e-mail, a solution will be sent to it or, possibly, additional questions and instructions.

It takes about two weeks to process messages - please be patient and wait for a response.

How to recover a deleted page

In Odnoklassniki, although it is possible to delete an account immediately, in order to avoid mistakes, all data is completely erased only after 90 days - this time is necessary for the user to "change his mind." Accordingly, page recovery is possible subject to the following conditions:

  • No more than 90 days have passed since the deletion;
  • Do you remember the username and password for the profile.

Is everything observed? We begin recovery.

2. After the transition, you will be taken to the standard registration page, where you will specify the data for authorization.

If everything goes well, you will be taken to your old page, if not, do not hesitate, write a letter to support to solve the problem.

In the article, I gave comprehensive information on how to delete pages in Odnoklassniki. Before you start - do not forget to thank me by putting "Thumbs up". 🙂


For some people, social networks are becoming a real "web" that does not let go to solve real cases, work or communicate live with friends. At some point, life "in full view" of other users may get bored and then you should know how to delete a page on Vkontakte. There are several ways to do this.

How to leave VK

At the moment, the service offers several options to quickly delete the VK page. You can conditionally divide them into degrees of "no return", for example, it is allowed that other network members cannot access it, but you can enter your profile if you wish. If you need to get rid of it completely, then you need to know the rules of the service, how to delete a page in VK.

How to delete a VK page from a phone

Many modern users have long been using smartphones (for Android or iPhone) to access the network. The gadget is convenient for surfing the Internet, in addition, the developers create special mobile applications that simplify the work with the site on the Internet. It is possible to delete a Vkontakte page from your phone forever at any convenient moment, be it an iPhone or an Android. You will not be able to do this through a mobile utility, removal can only be done through the site. To permanently get rid of your profile permanently, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the address "Vkontakte". You will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the resource.
  2. Please sign in.
  3. Find in the left menu an item called "Settings".
  4. At the very bottom of the new window, you should see the inscription "You can delete your page." Click on the active link.
  5. Next, you will see a list of options for why you want to part with the social network. This does not affect the deactivation process, this step is needed only to collect information by the developers. You can write your comment on why you decided to destroy the page. Specify any and click on the "Delete page" button.
  6. After that, your profile will be unavailable, but for another year, data about you will be stored in the site's database. If you want, you can restore it.
  7. Remember that your phone number will still be linked to this account; registration of a new account on the same mobile will not take place until the old one is completely deleted.

How to completely remove from Contact

The above method of how to delete a page in VK is completely the same as the option for desktop PCs and laptops. The path for destroying the profile forever is exactly the same; perform the actions in the same order. It should be borne in mind that all the data you entered earlier in the questionnaire will be stored for many months. If for some reason you re-enter your login, password from your VK, then the date of complete erasure of the data will be postponed to a later time. For this reason, if you want to completely leave VK, then after closing, do not go to your place.

To hide any data from other users, it is recommended to prevent anyone from viewing your personal information in the privacy settings. Instructions for closing access to a profile:

  1. Click again on the "Settings" button.
  2. Select "Privacy".
  3. Set the value "Only me" in front of all items.

How to block your Vkontakte page

The service developers have provided only one functionality if you want to temporarily close or completely delete the page in VK. Above was described a way to block your profile, but the profile is not deleted instantly. A notification will appear at the top of the screen stating that you can restore information if you take the necessary actions before the specified time. As a rule, a person is allocated about six months to make a decision (trial period). Next to the place for the avatar, the word "Restore" will appear, by clicking on which the work of the questionnaire will be resumed.

Social networks are a great opportunity to communicate even with those who live thousands of kilometers away. One of the most popular social networks in the post-Soviet space is Vkontakte. It has united millions of users, which makes it attractive for communication. However, the need for it does not always exist, and therefore users are faced with a dilemma of how to delete a page on facebook and vkontakte. Let's consider the main methods that are known: both official and unofficial, which were discovered by its users during the existence of this social network.


How to delete a VKontakte page: the possibilities provided by the administration of the service

Regardless of what caused the deletion, the developers are obliged to provide such a right. The user agreement stipulates the possibility of deleting an account from this social network. It is quite logical, because we all have the right to dispose of our private life. Therefore, we will immediately consider the options that the developers offer.

The sequence of suicidal actions in VK is as follows:

other methods

How can I delete a page in contact in other ways? The method described above is the one provided by the developers of the social network. However, the imagination of users is limitless, so there are several more original possibilities of suicide online. True, they no longer provide for the possibility of data recovery, so before using these tips, you need to think carefully.

Method number 1.

Method number 2.

This way to delete a VKontakte page is for the most advanced. This requires:

This method is the most radical. After some time, the account will be deleted automatically. Some argue that this happens in a month, but it is impossible to say for sure - the user message "VKontakte" modestly hushes up such situations.


All your comments and "likes" remain under your name on the pages of your friends forever. Therefore, if your decision is final, you can change your first and last name to fictitious. This option is used by those who do not want their data to remain on the network. Whether it is important for you or not - decide for yourself.


Now we have considered all the ways how to delete a page in contact, as well as a page in classmates. Regardless of which one you decide to use, remember: no one and nothing will prevent you from starting the next one after a while. Some users clean up their pages in an official way, even when they go on vacation. When they return, they restore. Thus, there is a guarantee that no one will hack it and will not start sending spam on your behalf.

Farewell - some statistics:

  • today the number of VK users is more than 43 million,
  • this CC is popular with users under 50,
  • every year, a fifth of users try to leave, half of them will then recover back.

Welcome to the pages of my blog. "While you are not on the Internet, you do not exist" - this phrase was once applied only to business, now it is relevant for ordinary people. Almost all of us have an account on Instagram, Vkontakte, FaceBook and Odnoklassniki. But what if you are tired of everything?

Let's find out today how to delete a page in VK? It will operate from two devices, we will find out if it can be done forever without the possibility of recovery and we will analyze the most common problems that they face on the way to the cherished goal - to say goodbye to Vkontakte.

Removing Vkontakte via PC

It is very easy to delete your VK page from your computer. In fact, in the new version of the site there are already three ways to go to editing the page, but to get closer to the delete function, you need to go to the settings through the upper right corner.

In the window that appears at the very bottom, you will find the coveted link, by clicking on which you can completely delete your page. No one else will be able to enter it.

Within 6 months you will have the opportunity to do it if you enter your old username and password.


It was not entirely easy to leave Vkontakte via a phone before, but with the new design and after the update, it became impossible to do this. To get rid of your account, you will have to go to the computer version from a smartphone (via a browser) or to the official website from a stationary PC or laptop.

I tested several applications, but, unfortunately, none of them have the function of deleting a page.


Let's take a look at some common questions related to VK and deleting your page from it.

What to do if you forgot your username and password, but you need to delete the VK page?

Well, for starters, I would advise you to try to remember if you have any devices on which you quickly entered VK and saved data. For example, it could be an old phone, a parent's laptop, or a friend's tablet. This way, deleting the page will be several times easier and faster. You just need to turn on the device.

If this does not help, use the "Forgot password" link. The simplest thing is to enter the phone number to which the page is linked. A little more complicated is e-mail. In any case, after a few seconds, you will receive the address you specified, thanks to which you can log into your old account.

How to quickly leave VK, immediately and permanently?

It is very difficult to delete a page quickly and permanently. I don't think technical support will help you. This is against the rules and logic. Why would a restaurant stop cooking its signature dish and a shoemaker purposely spoil it to get rid of customers?

You can go for a trick: start sending out spam. In this case, your page will be blocked. It can be restored by contacting technical support two more times, and on the third it will be deleted permanently.

Frankly speaking, I see no reason to do this. Why would you quickly and permanently get rid of your account? Do you want to link a new profile to your old number? Just untie this phone number from the old profile in the same settings and you're done.

Let the page hang on Vkontakte for some time, suddenly you still want to return. If you created a group, you will deprive it of some positive bonuses that no leader may be able to give it (see). For example, a quick re-registration to public and back.

Get rid of all the posts on the wall, photos and albums, you can even change the name, and otherwise leave the profile until better times. By the way, if you have a lot of friends, you can sell your account or on it.

Well, in order not to fool your head with wrapping and invitations, you can invest a little money in the service ... 1000 living friends will cost you only 800 rubles. The more popular your Vkontakte account is, the more expensive you can sell ads. Think about it.

Until next time and good luck.

When deleting your profile from, you should remember that all data on the page will be lost forever. The procedure itself does not take much time and does not require special skills, it will disappear forever, and with it communication with friends, contacts, photos, and correspondence will be lost. It will be impossible to restore all this, so before you start your page in Odnoklassniki, you should ask yourself again, is it really necessary?

How to delete your page in Odnoklassniki through the menu

To delete a page in Odnoklassniki, you need to go to it by entering your username and password, respectively. Once on "My Page" scroll down to the end. In the lower right corner, find the "regulations" link and click on it. Of all the information that appears after clicking on the link, you need one single line "Refuse services", by clicking on which, you will see a formidable warning from the site administration that it will be impossible to restore the page after deletion.

Also, the site will offer several reasons why you decided to remove your page from Odnoklassniki. Check one or more and enter your password. Click on the "Delete forever" button and forget that you had a page on She's gone. But the phone number associated with the profile will be deleted only after 3 months. This protects the site from being able to use the phone number again.

Another way to delete a page from Odnoklassniki

There is another, unofficial way to remove your page from Odnoklassniki. You can try to use it if the above actions for some reason did not bring results. It consists in the fact that you are trying to provoke the administration of the site to remove you from Odnoklassniki.

Before using this method to delete your page from Odnoklassniki, it is better to erase all photos, correspondence, other data or replace them with nonexistent ones.

Further study the rules of the regulations under item "4.7. The licensee is prohibited". This section describes the actions for which the site user can be deleted or banned. Accordingly, follow a number of those points that moral principles allow you to do, and wait for the reaction of the site administration.

In order for your page in Odnoklassniki to be removed as quickly as possible, it is better if the technical support of Odnoklassniki is notified of your illegal actions by one of your friends, for example, by complaining about you to the support service. After checking your page, it will be deleted, and no one can go to it.

How to delete your page in Odnoklassniki if you forgot your username and password

If there is no access to the profile, deleting the page in Odnoklassniki is impossible. It doesn't matter if you forgot your username or the page was hacked by scammers and the input data changed. If there is no way to get to the page, there is only one thing to do - contact the technical support of the site with a request to restore your username and password. It should be noted, however, that this procedure is not at all quick, the Odnoklassniki administration may respond in a few days.