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Review of the free version of Delphi. Delphi free version review Installing Delphi 7 on Windows 10

It is one of the most successful products in Borland's line of IDEs (which began with Borland Delphi and currently 10.1 Berlin). The program is intended primarily for developing applications in the client-server architecture. The main modules Delphi 7 produces are .exe and .dll. The visual design environment of the program takes on many routine functions for preparing the application. By doing this, it speeds up the creation time of the application and improves its quality. In many ways, the Borland C ++ Builder product has similar parameters, but instead of Pascal, it uses the C ++ language.

Delphi advantages and disadvantages

Application development time is significantly lower than when working in similar programs;
+ high performance in a compact volume;
+ the created application has minimum requirements for PC resources;
+ the ability to build the potential of the program through plug-in modules;
+ as well as the ability to create such modules in the Delphi environment itself;
+ harmonious hierarchy of objects;
- the large size of some final applications and programs;
- impossibility of using other standard UI;
- lack of flexibility and originality: for any program executed in Delphi, one can understand that it is executed in Delphi.

Key features

  • creation of applications and application programs in the Delphi language;
  • launching and debugging programs in the Delphi language;
  • creation of cross-platform reports Rave Reports;
  • work in the modeling environment ModelMaker;
  • development of WEB-applications;
  • editing, debugging and launching WEB applications;
  • visualization, integration and reengineering;
  • built-in manuals for basic functions;
  • the ability to use ready-made design patterns;
  • using the modules.exe and.dll.

Today I decided to add one more heading to the blog, called "Programming". It's just that sometimes you have to delve into this area, understand, learn and program at least a little. And sometimes information appears that must be saved in order to quickly find it when needed. I will write in this section about different programming languages, but basically, I think, it will be the Delphi language. Why? Yes, I just like him!

The first article will analyze the question of how to install a component on Delphi 7. Read!

Sometimes a situation arises when the standard components of the environment are not enough, despite the fact that there are a huge number of them, to implement certain functions of the program that you are writing, and therefore, you have to install add-ons (components) or write them yourself. But why reinvent the wheel, because there are ready-made solutions already. However, I did not find any manuals for installing components on Delphi 7 (Delphi 7) right away. Only scraps of proposals and assumptions came across. Therefore, I decided to write everything down point by point, for myself and for you.

Installing a component on Delphi 7 step by step:

1. Launch Delphi 7.

2. In the menu, select "Component", then "Install Component ...". The window shown in the figure below will open.

3. In the window that opens, opposite the "Unit file name:" field, click on the "Browse ..." button and specify the path to the * .pas file of the component, click "Open", and "OK" in the initial window.

A window with the following content should open (figure below).

Click the "Yes" button to compile. After compilation, the window can be closed.

Congratulations, the component is installed!

It remains to register it and indicate the location, and this is done as follows:

4. Go to the menu, select the "Tools" item and select "Environment Options ...". In the window that opens, go to the "Library" tab, the view of the window is shown in the picture below.

5. Click on the "..." button opposite the first line, where it says: "Library path:", a window will open, the view of which is presented below.

6. In the window that opens, click on the button "..." it is there alone, it cannot be confused with anything :). In the window that appears, select the folder where the component is located and click "OK". Then we press the "Add" button, which has become active. We close the open windows with the "OK" button.

Ready! The process of installing the component on Delphi 7 is over! You can use it to the fullest!

Good luck with the installation! If you have any questions - write, I will try to answer them!

Delphi 7 is an integrated environment in the Delphi language, intended for software development for Microsoft Windows. But before you become a developer, you need to properly install and configure Delphi 7 to avoid any compatibility issues.

This is especially true for users who have installed Windows 7 - errors appear here so often that you cannot figure it out without instructions. So let's see how to install Delphi 7 on Windows 7.


If you don't want to deal with compatibility issues, we strongly recommend that you consider installing a more modern version of Delphi.

Insert disc or mount image. If the installer does not start automatically, open it manually.

A message appears on the screen stating that a compatibility issue has been found. You can click Search for solutions, but this function is unlikely to help you. So just click "Run Program" to proceed with the installation.

From the main menu select "Delphi 7" to launch the installation wizard.
There will be no surprises during the installation: serial number, license agreement, installation type (full, compact, manual). The only moment is to select a folder where all program files will be saved. There are two options here:

After installation

When you try to enable the program, a message will appear stating that a compatibility error has been encountered. Searching for a solution on the Internet will not give anything, so you need to rely only on your own strength.

If you chose the default installation option and copied all application files into the Program Files directory, you need to change the permissions.

For this:

The first launch of the program must be performed on behalf of the administrator. The second and subsequent start of Delphi 7 can be done as usual.

The fact is that during the first launch, files in the directory with the program are overwritten. Modern Windows systems, by default, prohibit any manipulation of these files, which ultimately leads to errors.

Adding a help system

After changing the permissions, Delphi 7 can be used to write programs.
However, if you press F1 to bring up Help, you will receive a message stating that the old Help system is no longer part of Windows.

After that, Delphi 7 will work as usual, without generating any more compatibility errors.

So now you have a problem if you are writing a library that will be used by both old school code written with wchar_t defined as an alias for unsigned short and new school code written with wchar_t as a separate internal type. What data type do you need to use for string parameters?

This is a translation of The sad history of Unicode printf-style format specifiers in Visual C ++.

Windows implemented Unicode earlier than most other operating systems. As a result, Windows' solutions to many problems differ from those made by those who waited for the dust to settle¹. The most prominent example of this is the use of Windows UCS-2 as its Unicode encoding. It was then the encoding recommended by the Unicode consortium because Unicode 1.0 only supported 65 "536 characters². The Unicode consortium changed its mind five years later, but by then it was too late for Windows, which had already released Win32s, Windows NT 3.1, Windows NT 3.5. , Windows NT 3.51 and Windows 95 - all of which used UCS-2³.

But today we're going to talk about printf-style format strings.

This is a translation of If FlushInstructionCache doesn’t do anything, why do you have to call it, revisited.

It is assumed that you will call the FlushInstructionCache function when you generate or modify executable code at run-time - so that the processor, when executing your generated / modified code, would read the instructions you wrote, and not old instructions that may remain in the processor's instruction cache.

We previously learned that. This is because a simple function call was enough to clear the instruction cache.

But on Windows NT, the FlushInstructionCache function does the real work because it needs to notify all other processors to flush their caches.

However, if you look at Windows 10, you will find that the FlushInstructionCache function looks like the Windows 95 version: she does nothing.

What's the matter here?