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"I can't see with one eye now." Dentist fights in MMA despite serious injury

Cub Swanson realized something was wrong. He already knew this the moment Melvin Gillard kicked him in the jump during a regular sparring workout in the gym. He tried to ignore the pain, but it became unbearable and he took the mouthguard out of his mouth.

What is the most dangerous injury for a fighter, both physically and mentally? Most fighters think it's a broken jaw.

Cab Swanson realized that something went wrong. He already knew this at the moment when Melvin Gillard hit him with a knee in a jump during a regular sparring workout in the gym. He tried to ignore the pain, but it became unbearable and he took the mouthguard out of his mouth.

“I remained conscious, but when I pulled out the mouth guard, I felt that my teeth were loose. My teeth fell out and a headache started. I was shocked".

Jumping knee strikes in training are prohibited in many MMA gyms. Melvin Gillard often used this punch in training at the Jackson-Winkeljohn Gym. Many fighters reacted negatively to Melvin because of this. And Greg Jackson and Michael Winkeljon refused to take Gillard back to the gym after he left the Blackzilians.

Swanson knew his jaw might be broken, but part of him refused to believe it.

“When I came for the examination, I thought everything would be all right. The doctor said that my jaw was broken in 7 places and I will have to live for several months with a tightly closed mouth. "

For the average person, a broken jaw is an unfortunate coincidence. It can happen from a car accident or fall, but for the fighters, it's very different.

Taking and hitting is the fighter's job. They receive punches, punches, knees and elbows. They can have ribs, a leg or an arm, but a broken jaw is one of the worst mental trauma for a fighter. We have collected for you the stories of fighters who survived such a trauma.

Sam Alvey, UFC middleweight:

“It was a typical day of sparring. I worked with Sean Strickland. I was number one, Sean was leaving. He was cycling, and I overestimated my strength, dropped my arms and tried to reach him with a blow. At some point, I felt that he hit me with a high kick. The blow was not strong, but it hit the jaw. I sat down after this blow, they asked me if I was okay, I replied that everything was fine. When I went into the shower, I started to bleed from my mouth, a lot of blood. I looked in the mirror and saw that two of my teeth were split and immediately went to the doctor. "

Aaron Riley, former UFC fighter:

“I fought Spencer Fischer in one of the first UFC Fight Nights in 2006. In the middle of the first round, he hit me with a blow, I did not feel anything at first, but then some strange sensation came. It felt like a tooth had exploded in my mouth. I didn't want to believe it, but after a couple of minutes this thought stuck in my head. My jaw is broken, I thought. I tried to open my mouth, but felt my bones split apart. Then I realized that I had problems. "

Eddie Wineland, UFC Bantamweight:

“It was my 4th or 5th professional fight. It was 2004, at that time the athletic commissions did not work as they do now. There were no rules, each organization came up with its own rules. The tournament was organized in one of the stinking hotels of the time. The fight was supposed to be held in weight up to 63 kg, I did weight, but did not see my opponent. I saw him before the fight and I think he weighed 15 kilograms more. I defeated him, shook him with a strong blow and began to finish off. I forgot about the defense, and he hit me with a counterattack. I clinched and beat my opponent with my knees, but I realized that I could not open my mouth. "

Denial is a common response to fractures. Swanson refused to believe in a broken jaw, but Sam Alvey knew everything from the beginning.

"I knew the bone was broken, but when I was at the doctor's office, I prayed and hoped that the jaw would not be broken."

Wineland tried to find some explanation.

“I thought my jaw had moved, but then I realized that it was in place. I hoped the teeth were broken, not the jaw, but all the teeth were intact. "

In some cases, doctors need to insert plates in order to anchor the fracture site. After a missed knee blow, Kab broke not only his jaw, but also his orbital bone. When the surgeon placed the plate between the nose and cheek, one of the screws grazed a nerve. Swanson claims that he still feels the consequences of that operation.

“Sometimes it seems to me that my tooth hurts terribly, but everything is in order with my teeth. I lost sensitivity on the side of my face where the nerve was hit, but this is even an advantage in my work. "

The body rarely rejects the plates, but Wineland was not lucky in that either. After the operation, he began to feel an unpleasant taste in his mouth, a taste of putrefaction. "

Once the jaw is secured, it remains tightly compressed for 6 weeks. This means that a person will feed through a tube for 2 whole months.

"I can't see with one eye now." Dentist fights in MMA despite serious injury

Ilya Scheglov is 31 years old - and he can correct a smile for any person: he works as a dentist and fights in MMA. In amateurs, Ilya became the European champion, in professionals he has 4 victories and 1 defeat (from Jeff Monson). On March 26, Kemerovo resident Shcheglov won the fight in Moscow at the tournament organized by the ACB - and in an interview with the website correspondents Alexander Lyutikov and Vadim Tikhomirov, he told why he needed all this.

“Mom always wanted me to become a dentist,” says Ilya Shcheglov. - I studied in the chemistry and biological class, from the 8th to the 11th grade I was engaged in boxing, and after school I applied to five educational institutions: the Polytechnic Institute, the Institute of Commerce, the Medical College, the Medical Academy and the Food College. I went to a food technologist for milk, a college for a dental technician and a medical academy for a dental one. Here the choice was obvious. In the first years at the medical academy, I was an excellent student, before all the sessions I closed and there was no time for training at all. Plus I was still working.

- Where?

- In the security of the nightclub. That's when boxing helped me. Not in the sense that hitting someone: it's just that if you are confident in your abilities, then you conduct the conversation in a different way. And people feel it.

- The phrase "Kemerovo night club" is strongly associated with wild youtube video"The security of the Barracuda club is out of bounds."

- This is our club, our guys.

- Come on. Was that where you worked?

- Yes, I worked there. Our city is small - and the guards from all the clubs know each other, one person can work in several establishments. Then it was my social circle, we worked in one shift.

- Are you on that video?

The photographs are. The video is not. I have always been against such cruelty. But in defense of these people, I can say that none of this video was hurt just like that. All begged for a very long time. I repeat: I do not approve of such videos. But, apparently, the guys had a desire to boast, to flatter.

- In the comments to the video, you can find the following information: one guard was imprisoned, another was stabbed to death, the third was chipped.

- Yes, I saw. Everything is not true. These people settled down, gave birth to children - and everything in their life is good.

- Is it possible to come to terms with the idea that at some tournament, which most people simply did not notice, such a severe injury was received and vision was lost in one eye?

- When I was in the ward, there was time to think about life. There was despair and depression - not without it. It would be very difficult to deal with this alone.

- What did your wife say when you arrived with the injury?

- She said: "We'll break through." Katya did not lose faith in me for a second. And it helped me a lot. I was in the hospital for two months. When I came out, I had a weight of 112 kg. I started to run slowly, to get in shape. I told my coach that I was ready to return. He agreed. I came to the gym - and could not do the warm-up due to shortness of breath. The coach looked at me pitifully, and then began to refer to being busy, so as not to coach me. And I realized that he was avoiding, ignoring me. Such anger woke up! I told him: "You do as you want, and I will continue to train." After that we don't communicate.

And all summer I just ran, struggling with shortness of breath. And now the beginning of September. We were at our military shooting range, I argued with the officer about chicken tobacco - who is the best shooter from the PM. You need to shoot with a cool head, focused. And then an sms came, after which my hands began to shake, and I could no longer shoot normally. The Barnaul promoters wrote: “Ilya, what shape are you in? We want to offer you a fight with Monson for November. "

- What did you answer them?

- I honestly wrote that the form is not very good. But he immediately jumped at this chance. Two months before the fight - you can get ready. And I went to look for a new coach.

- By that time, it turns out that you were out of martial arts for eight months. How did you get used to fighting with one eye? The focus is very different there.

- A question to the point. When I left the hospital, I could not even get the key into the keyhole. Then he learned: with one hand you grope the hole, insert the second key. In general, the "close / far" focus has changed a lot. When the fight with Monson was appointed, I came to the boxing hall, introduced myself, said that the European MMA champion is an amateur and I was preparing for a professional fight with Monson himself. The coach agreed, then holds my paws and says: “E-mine, what kind of European champion are you there? You can't hit the paws! " I had to explain about the eye. Now I'm used to it, I hit my paws, I hit my rivals too. Probably, my on-board computer tuned in - I drive the car and insert the key into the keyhole without difficulty, ha-ha.

- When you and Monson fought, did your vision problems interfere a lot?

- No, not at all. In no case will I attribute my loss to this. Then I no longer paid attention to the injury, but now I am generally used to it. There was another problem: I prepared incorrectly. When the old coach refused me, I started training with boxers - after a month of training, it became very difficult for boxers to hit me on the head, I was taught to defend myself well. But why I needed it before the fight with Monson, now I myself cannot understand. He practically did not beat me. I had to defend myself from the fight, beat him often myself, feed him with blows, not let him think so that he did not have time to prepare a passage to his legs. And plus to everything: it was necessary to work harder for strength before this fight. I was still carried away with weight: I dropped from 112 kg to 92 - and only barely caught up to 99 for the fight (Monson's weight is 107 kg - website comment).

First round you beat him. And he passed the passage to his feet only once from the third.

- Monson behaved outside the box. All my opponents always tried to give their best in the first round, so that, while they had the strength, to exhaust me. It seemed to me that Jeff would behave this way. I thought: the main thing is not to miss him in the first round, and then he will get tired. And he outwitted me like a child. In the first round, Monson worked with me 70 percent, no more. Coming to the second round, I thought: "Everything is working out, now I will run, I will rest, and he will get even more tired." But when we went to the second round, there was a feeling that this is a different Monson. His eyes even changed, his movements became different. He turned on all his strength - and transferred me to the stalls.

- Monson won 15 times with the “north-south” reception - including Alexander Emelianenko and Sergey Kharitonov. Did you immediately understand that he was visiting him?

- At first I endured, resisted. I decided: if he succeeds in strangling me, I will not give up, I will bear it. But then he pressed - and my vertebrae began to crackle. When they choke you and you just start falling asleep, you can endure it, it's okay. But here the vertebrae crunched so that even in the stands you could probably hear it. I gave up. Then for another month the head did not turn either to the left or to the right. Honestly - I was not knocked out by this defeat. Even if I lost, but I was overwhelmed with emotions from the fact that I returned to what I loved.

- How do you combine work and hobby now?

- I train five days a week - on weekdays. At the service they met me halfway and allowed me to train in the morning, and at lunchtime to work, compensating for the morning hours. It is also convenient for the guys: someone cannot come up during the service, but it turns out at lunchtime. I wake up at 6:45 to take my eldest daughter to kindergarten and go to training. Morning training at 8:30, after which I go to the unit and work until 18:00, and from 19:00 the second training.

- Are you tired?

- My wife helps me a lot. He cooks me food for the whole day - for 4-5 meals. Gathers the bag, reminds me of what I forgot. Katya's maternity leave is over, but I don't want to send her to work, because without the help of my wife it will be very difficult for me. We have been together for 14 years, we have two daughters: 5 years and 3 years. They watch my every fight - and they tell me something and are very offended that I do not answer them from the TV. Now my wife and I go to CrossFit together. I can't help but brag: she has already won two competitions. We are waiting for the children to grow up, and we will also take them with us.

- Which of the knowledge gained at the medical academy was useful in sports?

- Physiological processes are perceived at a different level. It's easier to understand sports nutrition: when you read about a product, you quickly understand whether you need it or not. The problem for novice athletes is that they use sports food uncontrollably simply because it is fashionable or because it helped someone. Also, my medical education allows me to inject myself with vitamins, put on a drip. Or there was a case: I was preparing for the Russian championship. In our unit, we practiced techniques from free-style wrestling and when throwing, I cut my lower lip. It was two weeks before the competition. I went to the infirmary, gave myself an injection, sewed it up - and continued training. Everything healed by the time of the competition. In general, I do not assess my injuries as an athlete or a patient, but as a doctor.

- Do you make your own mouthpiece?

- Well, this is what orthopedic dentists do. And I am a therapist and surgeon. They made me an individual mouthguard, but, to be honest, I didn't really like it: it seemed cumbersome and not very convenient. A regular mouth guard from a store is enough.

- After training, after all, hands are clogged, they can tremble. How do you deal with this when doing dental treatment?

- After hard training, my hands really shake. But there are a number of techniques that allow you to remove the tremor - and then you can do fine work. Everything is working out well, the patients are happy. In dentistry, the main thing is to be able to work with your hands and communicate with the patient. I know people who graduated from the medical academy with honors, but in real work they cannot cope with either their anxiety or the anxiety of the patient. Knowing the theory is great and helps a lot, but it's quite another matter to take and prick a person.

- Which is worse: a toothache or pain from a blow or a take?

- Undoubtedly a toothache. I have the opportunity to compare: I see the same people in the ring and in my chair. These are different people. Think back to your own feelings when you sit in the dentist's chair. But this concept is very subjective. The guys from the squadron will sometimes say to me: “You are brave - you are not afraid to go to the ring. It's so tough. " This is surprising. For me, the guys from our squadron are an example of real courage: they go to the mountains and know that danger is near, that they can start shooting at every second, that there can be an explosion. And this requires a lot more courage than just going out and using clear rules to fight an opponent with fists.

Text: Alexander Lyutikov, Vadim Tikhomirov

Photo: press service of the ACB organization,

In MMA, as in any other sport, injuries happen, but sometimes they are really dangerous and quite scary. I present to your attention the top 5 injuries in mixed martial arts.

On the 5th place is the fight between and Dave Hart... In which Hill suffered an open leg fracture.

The turning point occurred in the second round when Hill hit a low kick on the opponent's exposed leg, hitting below the knee.

Hill's ankle snapped like a match from the blow he'd inflicted.

The audience was simply shocked, however, as was the fighter himself.

I will not say that in this battle Silva suffered very terrible injuries, here the very sight of the battle evokes more emotions, when the whole ring is covered with blood and the fighters are fighting as if to death.

Silva's most likely damaged one of the branches of the orbital artery. It is worth noting that if medical care is not provided, the consequences can be dire, up to and including death.

So Silva, in principle, risked continuing the fight.

In the lucky third place is the battle in which Wanderlei Silva broke Kanggu Lee nose and knocked him out.

All the hype happens in the second round, when Wanderlei found his ideal distance and began to fight aggressively.

He showed his signature style by getting close and kicking from a clinch several times. Silva finishes the staggering Lee with his elbows in a standing position.

A knee to the body, a left blow to the head, another knee to the head, and the referee stops the finishing blow of Kang Li, who collapsed on the floor.

The second line of the top is occupied by the fight between Jose Aldo and Mark Hominik... In this battle, Khominik managed to show not only the strength of character and spirit, but also continued the battle with a huge hematoma on his forehead, which looked truly epic.

The impressive duel with Jose Aldo will be remembered for a long time by fans of MMA and those who just love to enjoy the spectacle.

For five rounds, Mark fought like a real warrior, trying to put up maximum resistance to the Brazilian champion, who is among the top three MMA fighters!

The judges assigned the victory to Aldo, but the performance Khominika could not leave anyone indifferent.

The first place is taken by a leg fracture, which was won Anderson Silva in battle with Chris Weidman at UFC 168.

One of the most anticipated fights of the year came to an end when, at the very beginning of the second round, Silva, nicknamed Spider, tried to make a low kick on the inner side of the thigh, but ran into his opponent's knee and broke his tibia.

The terrible denouement was a surprise for everyone and shocked everyone.

Silva fell, screaming in terrible pain, and the judge Herb Dean had no choice but to announce the end of the fight.

Here is how Silva himself comments on this fight “I don't think Chris should credit this victory to himself. It was pure coincidence. I'm sure I would have won this fight. "

Friends, our top has come to an end, if you liked the fortitude of the fighters who, despite the injuries, continue their careers, put the likes, you can also subscribe. I wish you good luck and absence of injuries.

Mmain presents 10 of the worst mixed martial arts (MMA) leg injuries. The selection contains videos not for the most impressionable, so please refrain from watching the videos in this article.

No. 10. John Jones vs. Chale Sonnen

UFC 159: Jones vs. Sonnen
April 27, 2013 | Newark, NJ

Few could have imagined Jones' injury in this fight, but it did happen. Jones destroyed Chale Sonnen in the first round and retained his UFC light heavyweight title.

However, Jones' big toe sustained an injury that only came to light at the end of the fight when the fighter was interviewing Joe Rogan. Jones during the fight at a strong angle pressed on his finger, which is why he broke. Apart from the beatings from Alexander Gustafsson, this injury remains the most significant in the career of the best fighter, regardless of weight.

No. 9. Megumi Fujii vs. Sherine Murray

Smackgirl: Legend of Extreme Women
November 29, 2006 | Tokyo

If the main event of the tournament is called "Smackgirl: Legend of Extreme Women", then you can expect something extraordinary.

The fight between Fujii and Murray lasted less than a minute, but immediately ended his career as the latter. Murray never fought again. The result of the fight was the athlete's knee fracture. Injuries in MMA, like in other sports (except for chess), are not uncommon, but this fight once again confirms that fighting is not a woman's business.

No. 8. Ken Shamrock vs. Leon Dyke

Pancrase: Eyes of Beast 1
January 26, 1995 | Nagoya, Japan

Shamrock won by submission, literally twisting Dyke's leg. The technique that Ken used is one of the most dangerous painful techniques in MMA.

Nevertheless, the Dutch fighter after this injury has been fighting for another 4 years.

No. 7. Jose Landy-Jones vs. Brian Gasaway

TKO 32: Ultimatum
February 28, 2008 | Montreal

Another unsuccessful kick.

Landy-Jones, better known as "Pele" for his kicks, kicked his opponent early in the second round. A fracture followed immediately. After 8 months, the fighter returned to the sport. By the way, very successful. Since returning to MMA, the 40-year-old "Pele" has lost only once.

No. 6. Rosie Sexton vs Tomomi Sunaba

Bodog Fight: Costa Rica Combat
February 17, 2007 | Costa Rica

In this fight, Sexton defeated Sunaba after holding her on the ground for over a minute. The fight was stopped. But why?

Sexton leaned on her opponent with all her weight, creating pressure on her ankle, causing the bone to come out of the joint. First, it seemed like it was a turning point. But then it turned out that it was a dislocation - so terrible that Sunaba was hospitalized for 4 months and underwent several operations as a result of complications due to the infection. However, the girl fought again after 11 months.

No. 5. Jared Hess vs. Alexander Shlemenko

Bellator 20
May 27, 2010 | San Antonio

This injury may not be noticed right away, but it is very unpleasant.

Everything was going well for Hess in his semifinal fight against Alexander Shlemenko in the Bellator tournament. But then Hess rested with all his weight on his leg after Shlemenko attacked him on the ground. His knee eventually dislocated. He could hardly stand and the referee stopped the fight. Surprisingly, the fighter resented the stoppage of the battle. But when he sat down on a chair with an inverted knee, he should have thanked that the fight finally stopped.

No. 4. Brian Jones vs. Justin Fowler

CageQuest 1
March 3, 2012 | Lakewood, Washington

The first events of the Cagequest tournament will be remembered by many as a terrible trauma.

Fowler lifted Jones and carried him to the center of the ring. Seconds later, Fowler threw Jones, but he fell on his straightened leg, causing it to break in half.

Number 3. Mike Thomas Brown vs. Masakazu Imanari

Deep 22 Impact
December 2, 2005 | Tokyo

During his 14-year professional career as an MMA fighter, Imanari won 18 fights by submission out of 28 fights won. Imanari in his fight against Brown in 2005 showed how dangerous his moves are.

In this battle, Imanari carried out a quick attack to the legs, made a capture and began to carry out a painful hold. If former World Extreme Cagefighting champion Mike Brown had given up faster, his knee wouldn't have jumped out. But, as the fighter has demonstrated throughout his career, it is very difficult to get him to surrender; he has only lost 3 of his 35 appearances by submission. This time, his endurance cost him dearly.

No. 2. Corey Hill vs. Dale Hart

UFC: Fight for the Troops
December 10, 2008 | Fayetville

At the tournament, which was led by Josh Koschek's fight against Yoshiyuki Yoshida, Corey Hill faced Dale Hart in preliminary fights. Hill made a low kick, but the blow was blocked. As a result, Hill suffered a fracture of both tibia and fibula, but was able to return to the octagon again after almost 2 years. After injury, he spent 10 more fights.

# 1. Anderson Silva vs. Chris Weidman

UFC 168: Weidman vs. Silva 2
December 28, 2013 | Las Vegas

This injury could have ended the career of one of the best MMA fighters in history once and for all. Silva suffered a horrific leg fracture in a rematch with Chris Weidman at UFC 168.

At the 1:16 mark of the second round, the Spider struck a left low kick, which was successfully parried by Weidman, but unsuccessful for Silva. After over a year of recovery, Silva made an incredible comeback and fought again on January 31 at UFC 183 against Nick Diaz.

Tired of endless discussions of injuries in MMA, usually adorned with the word "tin", we selected some of the most memorable injuries suffered by the fighters and met with forensic expert Sergei Moskovsky to understand the seriousness or frivolity of cuts, fractures and blows to the groin.

SEVERE FRACTURE: Anderson Silva - Chris Wideman

“Here, of course, weight loss affects, people expel water from the body, and with it mineral substances, bones lose strength. Plus - many athletes use some kind of drugs, no one knows how they affect the strength of the bone composition, but, I think, negatively. Some supplements can affect calcium metabolism. ".

DISCOVERY: Antonio Silva - Kane Velazquez, Monson - Malikov, Fedor Emelianenko - Antonio Nogueira

“Here, most likely, one of the branches of the orbital artery is damaged. See, the blood is bright red, coming out in jerks. If medical care is not provided, the consequences can be dire, up to and including death.

How will the physical condition of the fighter be affected by the continuation of the battle with the dissection? Will depend on the vessel that was damaged, on its caliber. It makes no difference - arterial bleeding will open or venous. Even damage to a large diameter vein can be accompanied by rather massive bleeding. In this case, you can also lose consciousness within two rounds from a sharp drop in blood pressure.

If the caliber of the blood vessel is small, then of course the compensatory mechanisms of the body are connected. In this case, it will not be difficult for a trained athlete to stand for 20 minutes ”.

“On the face there is a huge number of facial muscles, which have separate blood vessels of various sizes. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is a small amount of subcutaneous fat, which would absorb shocks. Injured tissue between bone and fist, hammer and anvil principle. In this case, any damage to the skin of the face leads to severe bleeding. In this video, the fighter has a bruised wound. If the fight had not been stopped, then further blows would have led to its increase, firstly, the section itself could have gone further, there would have been damage to the artery, and secondly, the soft tissues were already damaged, the next blow there would have caused damage to the bone.

There is an unpleasant moment in the appearance of scars and scars, they are less elastic, respectively, more prone to incisions during subsequent blows to this area. "

FRACTURED NOSE: Kang Lee - Wanderlei Silva

“Is it possible to kill a person by driving bones into his brain with an uppercut or a blow from the bottom of the palm to the nose? No, I think this is unlikely. It is not difficult to break the bones of the facial section of the skull, but in order to die in this case, it is necessary to break the bones of the brain section of the skull. And this is practically impossible to carry out with such a blow.

The mechanism of death in such a blow, as a rule, occurs as a result of the displacement of the brain in the skull. The brain is, as it were, in a suspended state, with an uppercut it moves to the occipital region and collides with the occipital bone. This is where the first foci of brain contusion appear (stunnedness is possible). Subsequently, the brain can shift, and in conjunction with traumatic edema, displace the brainstem regions, where the vital centers of the body are located, damage to which can lead to death.

What's here? There was a blow from right to left: the bones of the nose and the upper jaw were broken. "

HEMATOMA: Fedor Emelianenko - Antonio Silva, Aldo - Hominik

“Here (at Fedor's) fatty tissue soaked in blood. We call this "infiltrators". The mechanism of hematoma formation, as in the second PHOTO, simple: the vessel is damaged, the blood has nowhere to go and it fills the cavity. It is best to puncture and drain the fluid here. The fundamental difference between a hematoma and a bruise is that a bruise is a blood-soaked soft tissue, it is just soaking, a hematoma is a cavity filled with blood from a blow. "

BROKEN ARM: Daniel Cormier - Josh Barnett

“I somehow passed for three days with a broken arm, I cannot say that the pain was felt unbearably strong. In general, a lot depends on the pain threshold, if a person is used to receiving blows, he gets used to pain, he does not feel it so sharply. Especially in cases where the fracture is without displacement and the formation of a comminuted fracture.

Can the fight continue? I don't think it's worth it. With additional trauma, fragments will form, and this is fraught with consequences in the form of damage to nerves and blood vessels. And this, on the one hand, is a danger only in the acute period of injury. On the other hand, there are consequences in the late period, when, after multiple injuries, the correct fusion of a bone fracture without surgery may be impossible. Operations with the placement of pins, plates, and subsequent methods of restorative medicine naturally increase the recovery period, sometimes up to 6 months. "

BLOW INTO THE GRIN: Alistair Overeem - Mirko Filipovich

“A blow to the groin is, of course, very dangerous. These are reflexogenic zones, the trauma of which can lead to reflex cardiac arrest. By the blow itself: there are many nerve endings, sensitive skin, everything is clear here in principle. Often they say "there will be no children" is absolutely true. If a hemorrhage occurs, then the reproductive function may be impaired.

Squat - will it feel better? I don't really understand how squats can reduce pain or help get rid of the consequences, what is the physiological basis for this. I think this is a distraction therapy. "

LIVER STRIKE: Brock Lesnar - Alistair Overeem

“The blows to the liver area are accompanied by breathing disorders. The liver is an organ involved in blood circulation, and strokes can lead to its violation, stagnation of blood in the liver, and subsequently a change in blood circulation throughout the body. Insufficient blood flow in the small circle (lungs) and leads to disruption of the rhythm of breathing. In such cases, damage to the diaphragm is also possible, a strong muscular organ, hemorrhages into which also do not pass without a trace. In this case, rib fractures with hemorrhages in the pectoral muscles involved in the act of breathing are not excluded. Therefore, we can safely speak of a complex chest injury. I think this is where the breath will definitely go astray. "

Strangulation: Kim Couture - Sheila Bird

“Here (in the upper part of the neck) not only blood vessels, here and nerves, respectively, there may be damage to the upper laryngeal, vagus nerve. As I said above - the reflexogenic zone, here up to death, even after resuscitation. A person can even be pulled out of the loop alive, and he dies in 30 minutes: the damaged nerve, the work of the heart is disrupted and that's it.

During strangulation, a person turns off not due to the cessation of blood flow. It is difficult to stop blood flow to the brain, blood continues to flow through the vertebral veins, and they are enclosed in the bone base of the spinal column. But the outflow of blood here is sharply disturbed due to the clamping of the jugular veins, so the blood, already without oxygen, saturated with carbon dioxide, does not flow from the head. On the face (in every sense) cyanosis, the appearance of hemorrhages. Outflow is disturbed, but as a result, there is nowhere to inflow in the end, everything is already overcrowded, the person turns off. "

HEAVY KNOCKOUT: Vitor Belfort - Matt Lindland

“The last blows in this video were in the temporal region, and there is the thinnest bone of the cranial vault. In addition, in the temporal region there are spaces filled with blood, damage to which can lead to hemorrhage into the cranial cavity. We get a subdural hematoma, the brain in the skull has nowhere to go.

In general, knockouts are often accompanied by hemorrhages in the cerebellar region, where the brain centers responsible for the regulation of human movements are located. Here, as you can see, in addition, there is numbness of the limbs and paresis, and possibly then temporary paralysis, most likely, he has a hemorrhage on the left side. A person will have to get out of this state for a long time.

Knockout Pose: PHOTO(lifting the head, chin looking at the legs). With brain bruises, there is an increased tone of the neck muscles. The flexor in the body is stronger than the extensor, the neck takes on such a position, the person seems to be trying to bring it to the chest.

Exercises for the development of the vestibular apparatus will save you from a knockout? Thus, the inner ear is tuned, but the cerebellum and its properties do not change from this. Shake your neck? I agree that if the neck stands steadily, the gravitational movements of the brain will be less. "