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Cool and cool questions for Ask ru. What is most often asked by a blogger? Questions that can be set to blogger

Interview is one of the most grateful types of content.

Pick up questions, send the hero, you get answers, format and - in print! Of course, this is an interview scheme. In fact, it is an independent and bright content format. And on the blog it looks very profitable against the background of the usual articles, guidelines and news.

We have already prepared several materials on the subject of interview. Now it will be about the most important stage of preparing for interviews - about issues.

Studying the hero, I want to ask him important and acute questions at the same time. I want the interview to be boring, banal and typical. I want the reader to swallow him, savor every letter, every replica.

And at such moments at hand, there is a very difficult selection of questions for interviews that can be adapted under a separate character.

Questions for interviews: 60 templates

  1. Tell us about yourself, your business.
  2. How can you characterize yourself in a nutshell?
  3. When you decide to become _____ and why?
  4. What led to you exactly to __________?
  5. What was the impetus to _________?
  6. What were the first steps?
  7. What are the pros and cons of work _______?
  8. Describe your biggest achievement and the most impressive failure?
  9. Describe three of your achievements?
  10. Are there moments when you leave inspiration (lose faith in yourself, in your business)?
  11. Describe your work environment?
  12. Do you plan to change _______?
  13. What are your plans in _______?
  14. What is the secret of success in _____?
  15. How did you manage to succeed in _______?
  16. Are your favorite books (movies, dishes)?
  17. What would you never do in life?
  18. Is it possible to say that ______?
  19. What kind of principle do you ______?
  20. Did you come to this position or ______?
  21. How did you change after _______?
  22. Do you like your job (business, product, service, business)?
  23. What do you like to do in your free time?
  24. How to do to ________?
  25. What advice can you give newcomers (employees, readers)?
  26. When was the last time you _________?
  27. What interests you in addition to ______ and ________?
  28. How do you relax from ____?
  29. How did the idea come to you to organize ________?
  30. Did you do _____ independently or with support?
  31. How often you ________?
  32. What do you think, what is ________?
  33. In your opinion, what qualities should _____?
  34. Do you remain yourself doing your job, or is it PR stroke?
  35. What is the proportion of good luck and luck in your project?
  36. Do you have your own motto, mission?
  37. Have you already achieved a lot in your profession, has you changed popularity?
  38. How much time do you dedicate ______?
  39. Why do you think this point of view has been formed in society (on the market, in the company, on forums, on the Internet)?
  40. What was the most difficult for you?
  41. Tell step by step, what do you need to do to _________?
  42. How to start a newcomer if he wants to go on your footsteps?
  43. What professional recommendations can you give those who are just starting to develop in _______?
  44. What can be pitched stones in your field?
  45. Is it difficult to do what brings you money? What do you cost?
  46. How did the first success come to you?
  47. How do surrounding perceive your development (work, change)?
  48. Where are you looking for your customers (customers, buyers, investors, partners)?
  49. There is no desire to quit everything to the "damn grandmother" and start something completely new?
  50. Tell the top 5 most efficient tactics (tips, chips, techniques, secrets, ways) in _______?
  51. What is your opinion on such a question: ___________?
  52. Form your attitude to life (business, family, colleagues, employees) in five words?
  53. What is your home expertise your level?
  54. It was difficult to refuse _______ (free time, stability, career growth)?
  55. Are you always open (closed, aggressive, optimistic, fast)?
  56. What evaluation do you put yourself as _______?
  57. Have you ever been able to overstate through your principles?
  58. In any case there are turning points. What were you?
  59. What prevents you from living, and what helps?
  60. What are you dreaming about?

Of course, these questions more relate to personal, and not a professional interview. But in any case, each of them can entail a chain of new ideas that will eventually turn into a full-fledged conversation scenario.

Darren Raus once again shared statistics. The other day he made a small essay that he most often asked him since 2002, when he actually became a blogger. That's what he writes:

"I became a blogger in 2002.

Since that time, the question that I most often ask strangers on the streets who know what I do was changed three times:

What is a blog? (2002-2004);

How do you earn money on blogs? (2005-2008);

Are you still keeping a blog - wasn't it all about twitter? (2009-2010).

Indeed, it was interesting to change the frequently asked question. Until 2005, the bourgeois did not know what a blog. Then they acquired, apparently, they began to think about how else to earn. Well, the question set in recent years is legally completely. Twitter has become an integral part of the network, for many it is already comparable to the browser! Darren knows a huge number of people, I imagine how many times he had to hear every question.

It became interesting to me, and what they ask most often from our bloggers. Surveyed on this occasion several of his friends - bloggers. That's what they said:

1. How to promote blog?

2. How to make money on the blog?

3. How to make your blog?

4. What topic should I choose?

5. I need to do something, what plugin to put?

6. How much do you earn a blog?

7. Do you like the design on my blog?

1. How did you become a blogger?

2. How did you advance your last name?

3. Why do you have a lot of comments on

4. Teach to write interesting articles?

5. How to raise the number of subscribers?
6. How do you feel about our blogosphere?
7. How do you have time to do so much, because you only 14!?

I most often for some reason ask questions about the technical part.

1. Where do you take the topics of posts?

2. Go with LJ on WP?

Z. How often do you need to write?

4. Is it worth ordering a blog design or use the template?

5. How best to make money on a blog?

7. What plugins put on WordPress?

1. Could you tell me how you can earn VKontakte?

2. Would you like to start a joint project?

3. You do not have a working invitera vkontakte?

4. And how to get around the restriction on invitations to the group?

5. Where to take accounts in VKontakte?

6. Could you give me an invite on maulnet?

7. Pamagi earn! BUT?!

Questions in RuNet often sounds with the use of slang network. The most uncertain, in my opinion, the question is asked by Bogdan: "Go with LJ on WP"? It seems that WordPress is a blog organization system or LJ is CMS.

In essence, all questions are the same, but they still sound again and again. Sections FAQ do not help and hardly help. Nobody will answer all the questions and nothing.

When the process of becoming blogging in RuNet began, the tops of the top for today's blogs have not had to look for help and support, they all had to do themselves, to achieve well-deserved success by samples and errors, and sometimes the "tyk" method. Beginner bloggers are somewhat simpler today, since the initial material has already accumulated on the network, and there is an opportunity to always seek help to the already authorized bloggers. Much more interesting, in my opinion, to go in essentially, to find something your own, and not to follow the footsteps of the bloggers already taken, although it is definitely much easier and easier. What can this ease and simplicity lead to? You will simply look like someone and are not interested in readers, because it was already. Do you need to duplicate someone? I think no!

Gentlemen, read someone else's, but look for your own and then they will notice and appreciate.

Do you also ask the same questions often? Write what in the comments, I think many will be interested in reading them.

P.S. This article can help each blogger to make your FAQ section. Waiting for your comments and your questions.

Information: Holidays in Haiti - unforgettable travels for those who have tourism in the blood.

After receiving a two-computer science, Vovochka deleted the page and reformatted the diary.

Walking on the archives of your magazine, I found a tag flashmob "40 questions to the beauty blogger" and having fun with these questions :) Questions - a little naive, but at the same time rather funny. Since this is my first tag, I give it to everyone who wishes.

Go! :)

Facial skin care:

1. How many times a day do you wash?
Usually - 2 times, in the morning (as a rule, with mycelleary water), and in the evening - with a foaming agent.

2. What is your skin type (dry, bold, combined)?
I have combined skin.

3. What is your current facing facility?

4. Do you exude a face skin?
Yes. Often - with the help of a brush for washing, or a sponge con feature, and courses - peels with fruit acids (home, or at a cosmetologist).

5. How many facial tools are now on the shelf in your bathroom?
In sight - 28 :)

6. What kind of moisturizer do you use?
Now - Cream with Vitamins A and E, Librederm

7. Do you have freckles?
This year appeared, for the first time in 30 years! I do not know whether to rejoice whether this or to scare pigmentation.

8. Do you use eye cream?
Yes, already 7 years old. I have a very live mimic.

9. Did you have or there are problematic skin in the present?
In general, I have good skin! But there are cooperoz, pores and atopic dermatitis at certain sites. However, I believe that these are medical problems, and not a cosmetology.

10. Have you ever used special medicinal creams for problem skin?
Yes, but it would be better if I didn't do that :) I use Avene for cooperous sections.


11. What is the tone cream do you use?
Now - Mac Face and Body Foundation, and SS-Cream Lumene, in the summer I wake up without a tonal one.

12. How about Consilers / Corrector?
Where without him! In active use of them about 7, different density, texture, methods of application and shades.

13. What do you think about the overhead eyelashes?
In my opinion, this is extremely carnival fun.

14. Do you know what you need to change mascara every 3 months?
I know, but I do not change, because I have more than 10 cars in arsenal and use them in turn.

15. What brand of carcasses for eyelashes do you use now?
Rimmel. ORIFLAME, LANCOME - Depends on mood and tasks

16. What makeup tools do you use?
Brushes: DOFIBRU, for the base, corrector, powder, shadows, eyeliner, lips Rumba. Comb for eyebrows and eyelashes, tweezers, sponge. Look like that's it))

17. Do you use the shadow base?
More often yes, than not.

18. And for the face?
Rarely, I'm afraid to score pores.

19. What are your favorite shadows?
I do not have pets, because I do not know how to paint your eyes. If you wish to "draw" often, I often walked around the Chinese palette on 80 colors.

20. Do you use a pencil or eyeliner?
I use in mood, but I do not really like, because due to the different sizes of the eye, it is extremely rare to draw the same arrows.

21. How often do you happen to fall by eyeliner or pencil in the eyes?
Fortunately, extremely rarely))

22. What is your favorite lipstick?
The one, which was in the bag and I could not be lazy to make her lips to her :) The bag usually turn out to be those specimens that do not float, and pretty resistant in the sock :)

23. How about gloss for lips?
To 90% of lip gloss sticks the hair that I wear out., The remaining 10% I use in everyday make.

24. What are your favorite blush?
Rarely I use blush, I can not allocate pets.

25. Do you like cosmetics mass market?
Highly! Unlimited space for creativity

26. Have you ever thought to go to the exchange courses?
I plan to go this year.

27. Are you awkward when you make makeup?
No, I'm clever and fast)))

28. "Make-up crimes" that you hate?
Eyebrows - Lines, Sponges-Clari, GolubyethenioskovaPoomad, Shadow to Brows

29. Do you like Krasnoe shades in make-up or neutral?
By mood

30. Which celebrity is always a great makeup?
Do not follow celebrities at all

31. If you could get out of the house, using only one product, what would it be?
Mascara. Or eyebrow gel. I do not know))

32. Could you ever get out of the house without cosmetics?
Yes, and go periodically. In the store, outside the city, somewhere on business on the car. I need cosmetics only in habit, without her I feel naked, but quickly adapting, like on a nudist beach)))

33. Do you think that look good even without cosmetics?
Yes, I'm sure this :) I can show pictures)))

34. What do you think is the best decorative cosmetics brand?
I do not know a single beauty blogger, who could be frozenly declare "The best brand of decorative cosmetics is ..". Some brands are completely remarkably remarkable, and others are not successful.

35. What do you think about makeup in general?
Excellent remedy for improving self-awareness and mood!

And some more questions :)

36. Are your favorite cosmetics categories?
Prof. and organic care for hair, pharmacy stamps and means - for face, cosmetics for rituals and mass market / network cosmetics - for body, prof., Suite and mass market - for makeup.

37. For what cosmetics do you managate?
Hair care, Tonic, Acidants

38. How often do you buy cosmetics?
About once every 5 days. But I can sit on a "cosmetic diet" :)

39. Do you like to have an unlimited reserve of cosmetics?
No, I don't like to get enough for wealth, a lot of crushing

40. If you collect all your cosmetics together, how much will it go?
Well .. about 3-4 chest and a couple of suitcases :)

I remember when only became interested in blogging, then I have long and thoroughly hid from friends of a vile hobby. Permanent readers remember that I was not called almost 2 years old as "Dmitry Lemur" \u003d)

One of the reasons for such paranas is inappropriate questions of others. Those who recognized that I indulge in the sin of blogging invariably asked about such questions:

1. Is it really interesting to someone?

Only natural modesty and politeness did not allow me to answer that I deeply care about the opinion of the question of what it could be boring.

For example, I was bored football. Here seriously - there is something strange to observe as 22 muscular men run through the field. (I look exclusively the world championships in educational purposes, if you can say so \u003d)

But I will not even have thoughts to ask a person: "Someone is interesting to someone?!". Well, people like a man football - and thank God. With an ax, the street does not run - already well.

And even more so it does not come to mind the idea that you need to laugh at his passion.

2. And how much does this strange hobby bring money?

My advice to you - answer straight and honestly: "I want to make the world better. The question of money does not interest me at all. " Then you will not ask stupid questions anymore.

Forestly will be recorded in the discharge of blissful and will be bypass.

3. You better write about this topic ....

One of the most dangerous traps, by the way. For example, the reader came to you and Capriciously writes that he wants to read on the topic "X", and you, all about the topic "Y" broadcast. You can't want to please him.

My advice to you - never go on the readers. Never need to adapt to anyone. Yes, you can / need, draw conclusions when creating content or courses, but never go to those who do not like something.

The answer can be only one: "Do not like - do not read."

Yes, it sounds sharply, but should be exactly the case, and not so that the blogger wants to all please. If a person is initially configured negatively in relation to you, then at least Lezginka dances in front of him - nothing will change, only we lose respect for yourself.

Feel free to rudely reply? Just ignore such questions.

4. But you used to speak differently! Here, look! Your article from 1917, where you write the opposite!

Well, it is generally without comment. If someone thinks that by expressing this or that point of view, the blogger must observe it to the grave itself ...

Yes, there are such meticulous people who remember what you have long forgotten \u003d)

Suppose I like Mongoose bikes, which are famous for their unhappiness and comfort. And I wrote about this on the blog. So what?

Am I now doomed to ride for life Mongoose? And if I buy "Ashhanbik", then I will be punched by the blog readers?

We are all people and can freely change their point of view on this or that question. If your reader wants to read authors who have reinforced concrete principles, then let it read the classics that have long been lightened to the graves.

5. Why does the blogger "xyz" more traffic and in general?

Here it is already serious. I know that one way or another, novice bloggers compare themselves with other, more successful colleagues. Someone is measured by traffic, someone sales of courses, and retro bloggers still measured TIC \u003d)

And begin to comprehensively on this matter. My advice to you - throw these destructive thoughts on the garbage.

It should be understood that the constant comparing itself with others is extremely destructive practices. Therefore, score on such comparisons and deal with the case. By the way \u003d)

6. Give better things. Large on the plant, there is a constant salary!

I know that some bloggers overcome relatives who literally ridicule this innocent passion. And then fat hints that it is time to go for the mind and throw out stupid fantasies from the head. Honestly, I do not even know what to recommend in this case.

Of course, if you are a man, then the family needs to be fed by non-foggy promises, but a completely real sausage. At least provide minimal drip \u003d)

By the way, I had a period when everything was bad, and I was forced to again go to mercenaries to the marketer into a cellular connection. This is a separate story,

But nevertheless, you should clearly give to understand your loved ones that you do not depart from your hobbies. Even coming out the guard to the plant.

You can consider an extreme option that will be used for hot beloved relatives.

For example, you can begin to arrange family scandals on the weekend or to be drunk in the insole. Sooner or later, even to the most obsolete relative, it comes to that Botanical blogging is better than the kitchen box. And they will begin to begging to return to the autonomous blogging \u003d) kidding, of course.

Well, what questions do you confuse, dear bloggers?

P.S. For curious. This is the picture of Jerome Bosch "Extraction of Stunity Stone" (1475-1480).

It still decrypt art historians of the whole world. For example: "The closed book on the nun's head and the surgeon funnel, respectively, symbolize that knowledge is useless when you are dealing with stupidity."