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SEO For Beginners - Search Engine Optimization Basics. SEO training - is it worth the time? Beginner seo

From the author: There has been a lot of controversy lately regarding SEO optimization. Some people believe that this direction is no longer relevant, others - that it continues to be one of the most effective methods of promoting sites on the Internet. Let's take a closer look at the issue and find out if SEO training is worth it, and where you can get it.

Search engine optimization is an interesting niche in which even a person who does not understand advertising or online promotion at all can start working. Of course, it will take more time to learn the basic SEO lessons, however, if you delve into the material for 2-3 months, you will be surprised at the level of knowledge gained.

The main tasks of an SEO optimizer

SEO for beginners will seem like a huge world of incomprehensible terms and in-depth analytics, however, this direction can be described in simple Russian. A specialist in the field of search engine promotion is obliged to improve the position of the site in the Internet search results by improving the content and adjusting the usability of the site.

In other words, SEO makes the resource more convenient for visitors. In turn, the search engine notices that users get what they want when they visit the site and spend more time on it, and, as a result, promotes the site in the SERP so that other people on the Internet get here.

What skills and knowledge are required to work as a SEO?

To start a full-fledged work in this topic, it will be enough to understand:

the basics of SEO promotion;

the principle of operation of the main search engines (Google, Yandex, Rambler, etc.);

structure of writing SEO articles.

An additional leap in your development in this topic will be given by the following skills:

knowledge of English;

fundamentals of marketing;

the ability to analyze the market;

additional knowledge on site development (for example);

understanding the basics of information technology.

Top 4 Global SEO Trends of 2016

To achieve more significant results in website promotion, you must understand the mechanics of search engines. It should be noted that it is updated every year, so you need to constantly monitor new trends. Check out the most recent search engine features from a series of studies:

There is no point in looking for cheat codes.

Plugins and other web developments that affect the efficiency of the site core are no longer as relevant as they used to be. This is due to a large number of innovations. The creators of all kinds of technical modules simply do not have time to edit and adapt them to the new format, so it is much more logical to do the main work on their own.

Content is the basis of search engine promotion.

You are in the era of a real information war. Websites are fighting for visitors, attracting them with more and more interesting content. It is no longer possible to do without it, since the search results are also influenced by the fact how much time visitors spend on the site.

A catchy title, informativeness, a solution to a specific problem - all this should be present in the text. Moreover, people began to reveal lies and various "enticements" even at the embryonic stage, so work on honest and useful content.

Mobile optimization is a basic need.

If a user enters a browser and enters any query in a search engine via a smartphone, for example, "taxi Moscow", then he is more likely to come across a site tailored for a mobile format.

Local search has become a priority in the delivery of commercial sites.

From now on, when entering commercial search queries, people will first of all be displayed sites with a territorial location in the same city where the client is located.

An exception will be the use of gadgets for which the GPS tracking system is disabled, or performing a search with a specific city in the request.

Where can you get the basic knowledge?

You can learn the basics of SEO by going through the following paths:

studying books in this direction;

comprehending information through tutorial articles and videos on Youtube;

After completing specialized SEO courses (first free, then you can try and paid);

by meeting more experienced professionals who will agree to help you dive into this topic.

All of the above options work and have vivid followers who, following one of the above roads, later became successful specialists. However, there is a key point that should never be overlooked. It is about the practical component of training.

You should not stick to a strategy - first education, then work. No - you can't do that. It is much more effective to grasp the basic principles of SEO optimization, and then immediately apply the accumulated knowledge in practice, gradually replenishing the baggage of information.

How can you make money on your SEO knowledge?

There are several options for making money in this area with the proper level of knowledge:

Teach others online.

Try and monetize it by teaching the basics of SEO optimization to other people. This can be done through video or text materials - whatever is more convenient for you.

Get a job as an employee.

Good SEOs are a valuable treasure in the job market. Now, if you have the proper experience in the field of search engine promotion and can guarantee a specific result of the company, then you can safely count on a monthly salary of 50,000 rubles.

Become a freelancer.

Register on the relevant exchanges on the Internet and choose the orders that are suitable for your profile. This option can be called optimal for beginners to get their hands on.

Collaborate with web studio.

You can enter into a contractual agreement with any web studio engaged in the development of sites. The essence of the agreement is that the partner company will recommend you as a promotion specialist to its clients. In principle, this format can be considered freelance, however, to some extent stabilized, since there will be permanent orders.

Open your own company.

This path is considered the most difficult. It is suitable for those who want to open their own business in this area, providing the service of search engine promotion by the hands of other people. Of course, in this case, one cannot do without developed management skills.

You now generally understand the mechanics of search engine optimization and know where to learn this interesting craft. You can try signing up for an SEO course, or you can jump right into the hands-on experience and get your hands on real-life experience. Either way, SEO training is not a waste of time.

This direction is very popular and useful, so we wish you good luck and fast SEO development. Our blog will help you with this, where interesting articles regularly appear covering all areas of website development and promotion. So subscribe not to miss anything! Until next time!

New to SEO and not sure where to start? Here's a quick start guide for SEOs.

After reading this article, you will have a clear idea of ​​what to do and where to go next.

Let me start with the most important Golden Rule that always works the first time you get to know something.

When reading an article like this, don't distract yourself by thinking about some of the topics below. Just try to follow the author's thoughts. Leave questions like WHY and HOW for later.

Hope you are ready! Let's move on ...

How to get started with an SEO guide

As described above, the purpose of this guide is to give beginners an understanding of search engine optimization. I have done some research and have tried to answer some important questions.

I'll start with the first and most important question.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO is a combination of strategies that aim to increase the visibility of a website and improve its positioning in search engines. It can be said that it is a way to tell search engines about the quality of a website in order to attract more organic (unpaid) traffic by improving the site's search engine rankings.

For the most part, it depends on the content, structure, and also the links to the website. It is in this direction that it needs to be developed.

But remember! SEO optimization is aimed at improving the interaction with the search engine, but you should never forget about your audience. User experience comes first.

Already have any questions?

Hope to answer all of your SEO questions in this article.

Why does my website need SEO?

To answer this question, let's remember what I already wrote about - SEO is necessary to improve the visibility of the site!

And that's why:

Search engines are the largest and best source of internet traffic. You probably already know the main ones:

  • Yandex;
  • Google;
  • Bing;
  • Yahoo.

Some of my friends still use the Google search bar to go to Facebook.

SEO newbies always use Google to find information. The same applies to ordinary Internet users. When they want to find something (an article, some services, products, or any other information), they turn to Google.

Another reason why search engines are unique is that they provide targeted traffic. People are looking for exactly what we offer.

User searches are the words that are entered into the search bar. These words are critical. If SEO isn't all that good, our website will be ignored by search engines.

Targeted traffic is about improving your income level. So do not hesitate to invest in if you really want to generate income. And if you do not have time to do SEO on your own, then the O`Es team can help you with your website.

What if I don't do SEO on my site?

Here you might think something like this:

"Dude! Is this the exact same question as the previous one? You just explained that lack of SEO is lack of traffic from search engines! "

Yes! You are right ... But I want to dwell on this in more detail. I'm sure you won't mind after reading the following interesting information.

After launching your site, search engines crawl it to figure out what kind of site it is. Now, when a user searches for something related to your site, search engines will display your site in search results. Search engines are a brilliant engine and are constantly being improved to crawl sites more efficiently. However, search engines also have certain limitations.

This is why SEO is essential. SEO optimization helps search engines learn more about a website.

Proper SEO will attract thousands of users, and incorrect SEO will result in almost zero traffic.

SEO not only makes your site's content available to search engines, but also improves your site's ranking by positioning it higher in search results. Therefore, it will be easier to find you.

The competition is constantly growing and SEO practitioners undoubtedly have a clear advantage in questions and audience engagement.

Hopefully the concept of SEO is clearer now.

Let's move on to the next question in our guide.

Can I do SEO?

Yes, SEO is difficult, but not too difficult if you track all the changes! The basics of SEO are pretty simple, so the key is how you implement your chosen strategies. The internet is full of free resources () to learn how to do it right.

Practice and you will become an expert in your niche! ..

If your site is complex and you are not ready to learn and implement strategies, seek professional help.

But remember: you need to be very well versed in basic SEO concepts! ..

I think that now you can easily answer the question: ""

The next section of my guide contains more practical information and a lot of advice regarding SEO strategy.

How Yandex and Google work? Black SEO / White SEO

Before discussing SEO in more detail, I would like to tell you about black SEO and white SEO. Here's how they can be summarized:

Fig. 1. Black SEO, White SEO

Remember, we are working with white hat SEO. I will not go into details of the comparison. That's all for the basics. At least I have on this topic.

Before we move on to the next point, check out the list of the main SEO sections:

  • keyword research;
  • optimization of site pages ();
  • external SEO (external factors).

Keyword Research

Almost all SEO beginner guides ignore this point. In my opinion, it is one of the most important.

SEO is a keyword game.

Therefore, I decided to dwell on this issue in detail. What is keyword research, and why is it important?

In the previous part of this tutorial, I talked about custom search queries. The user's precise wording is called keywords.

You need to know keywords related to your topic or niche if you want to be successful in SEO. Different keywords have different meanings depending on search volume and some other factors. We do not need to go into these aspects in this guide.

Keyword research aims to find out what users intend to do. What exactly are users looking for? These are the keywords.

Using the right keywords is critical to your site's SEO. They enable you to better understand your target audience. And this increases the relevance of your site in relation to your topic - this is very important for SEO and search engines.

You need to do proper research to find valuable keywords related to your topic before launching a website. Even if you already have a website, it can be optimized with the right keywords.

If you want to know more about keyword research, check out the following articles ...

Let's move on to the next step!

SEO-optimization of site pages

SEO for a website page means everything that is displayed on it and relates to its programming. You need to optimize your website pages, posts, etc. for search engines.

In short, it's content optimization for search engines!

Internal page SEO covers many aspects, so let's break it down.

1. Content

Content is the largest part of a page's SEO. You may have heard a famous quote regarding content:

"Content is king." There is no doubt about that.

Fig. 2. Content is king

Do you know that Google Is the biggest search engine !? The main priority of the company Google Is providing its users with the best quality content, relevant information available on the Internet.

Company Google also appreciates content of the correct length. Write long and informative texts.

Content on your site isn't just text. These are videos, photos, animated slides, infographics, etc.

Content not a king! How you present it is what matters.

Ensure the best user experience while optimizing your site for search engines. Then your content is more likely to be shared by your readers.

Pay more attention to good content:

  1. Headings - Create captivating headlines that increase the reader's interest in the article. You only get one chance to make a good first impression.
  2. Keywords - Choose keywords that would bring people to your site.
  3. Links - Link to quality sites that complement your site. This encourages sites in your niche to connect with you.
  4. Quality - Try to publish unique and quality content. This forces users to come back to your site because they won't be able to find the same content elsewhere.
  5. Freshness - Posting content that is not outdated is a good strategy, but it's worth adding new content regularly as well. If you don't have time to add content to your website, consider creating a Q&A section or blog on your site.

Fig. 3. Dependence of the positioning of content in Google on the number of words

When creating your content, don't forget about keyword research.

2. Site menu

The site menu is in second place in terms of site optimization - it also needs to be taken care of.

An example of a bad menu is when categories are completely out of place in relation to the topic.

I personally saw several sites that dealt with health issues, but the categories on the site were related to fashion. Don't harm your own SEO.

This greatly interferes and distracts the user ...

If the menu is unsuccessful, what is the likelihood that the visitor will never return to the site? - 80% ...

Take care of the convenience of your site! Google it will be appreciated.

3. Website speed

Yes! Website loading speed matters a lot! Have you ever heard of waiting times? Let me tell you what it is.

The user is looking for something and your site appears in the search engine results (SERP) bar.

The user then opens your page. The waiting time is the time during which the user remains on the site after clicking on the link.

This is a very important factor in search engine ranking.

Fig. 4. Waiting time on the site

Let's see what happens with an example ...

Imagine that you are looking for something and then you open a site that appears in the search results.

What if the website takes too long to load? What would you do? Will you wait? Unlikely. Most likely, you will close the tab and follow another link ...

This is how latency affects your site.

Fig. 5. Average website load time

In short, the user needs speed, just like Google... By improving the speed of your site, you will reduce waiting times and therefore improve your ranking in search results.

4. Website design

Website design is another important factor for a good user experience ... The theme should be interesting and memorable.

I prefer websites with attractive designs and informative content. I can of course read content on a badly designed site, but only when it's the only search result ...

There are many sites with great content but poor design.

Ask yourself a question - will you stay on a site that cannot be properly viewed from a smartphone?

Most likely, you will stop visiting this site altogether ...

I say this from personal experience!

Design is not only about what a website looks like. It's also how the site works.

The site must be responsive and attractive.

Well, stop talking about SEO page optimization.

External SEO

Front-end SEO is as important as page SEO - it helps to make your domain more authoritative in the eyes of search engines.

In other words, it is a way to make your site trustworthy in the eyes of search engines.

This will happen when other well-known sites give the search engine a signal that your site has the best content on a particular topic.

How does this happen?..

We need other well-known resources on the Internet related to your niche to link to our site. Technically speaking, this is called link building.

Naturally, this does not happen automatically. Post high quality content on your website and share it with interested people on various internet marketing platforms.

Eventually, someone will start linking to your resource.

The best link building strategy is creating good content. Then you need to inform everyone else about it.

But remember, in today's competitive environment, you need to be good at link building. Use techniques and advice from well-known quality sites.

Your hard work in this activity will surely be rewarded with a good rating.

Just know what to do:

  • use social media to promote your content;
  • do blogging and guest blogging;
  • suggest solutions in discussion forums;
  • share photos and videos;
  • build meaningful business lists.

The following heading may annoy you a little, but trust me, this is important information ...

What do links look like and how do I get them?

Link tags

This is a signal for the search engine. Something like, “Hey! The following information is a link. This is called anchor text. "

  1. Link location. This is information for the search engine about the site to which the link leads. Such a site could be a web page, image, download, video, etc. You can save the location of the link.
  2. Link Visible / Anchor Text: You may have seen this text - blue, bold, or underlined - that is interactive. Clicking on it takes you to another web page. These links are called anchor text.
  3. Closing the link tag: As you might guess from the tag, this is a signal that directs the search engine to the end of the link.

You will need the above information when you start creating links.

On average, the higher the score, the more domains will be associated with the web page.

Okay! We now have an idea of ​​some of the communication parameters. Moving on. You need to figure out how you can get links.

I think I was able to influence your thinking about link building. Now you have a better understanding of external SEO ...

Where to go next?

Now that you've gone through the SEO guide, you might feel like I'm missing out on a lot of important information, especially if you're not a beginner.

Yes, I did it deliberately.

I could write 50 thousand words on this topic, create a long and detailed manual. But trust me, it would irritate beginners.

There are many such tutorials on the internet. Why did I decide to add my own?

My goal is to give you some basic understanding of the concepts. You can read more about them in other guides.

As you continue on your way, try the following:

Once you've done all these things, keep learning and improving. Explore the sub-points of my guide - you will find more and more information thanks to experts in the field of SEO.

Parameters like domain authority, page authority, trust level, citations, backlinks, and spam are very important. They can significantly affect your rating. Use Google to study the issue in more detail.

Summing up

I'm sure you've improved your SEO knowledge with this guide.

Feel free to ask questions and learn further. I wish you success!

Magomed Cherbizhev

Dear friends, from time to time I receive letters with the same question - how to learn SEO and become a website promotion specialist? I came to the conclusion that it was time to write a detailed article about this and state in it all my thoughts on this matter, and then just give a link. Convenient, isn't it 🙂.

The photo is not Globator, don't you think 🙂. I just practiced a little Photoshop 😉.

Website promotion is not yet taught in universities. I think soon something like this will definitely appear.

Indeed, the question of how to become an SEO specialist is very relevant. The ability to attract targeted visitors to sites to increase profits will always be in demand.

I will tell you based on my experience. Plus, I will try to add jokes and jokes to make it more fun for you to read 😉.

As a child, I wanted to become a clown, but life turned out so that I became a blogger and SEO 🙂. I've always liked to make people laugh. At school, university and at all jobs, I always tried to make someone laugh. Even, I learned to translate all my jokes and jokes into English in such a way that it would amuse the Americans (at first it did not work - they have a different mentality).

I’m not upset that I don’t work in a circus - I’m slowly breaking away on my blog to add some humor to the dull articles on website promotion 😉.

That's it, you need to concentrate, otherwise I get distracted again 🙂.

Best Practices for Learning SEO

In my opinion, the best way to learn something new is to practice it.

I am convinced that in order to successfully become an SEO specialist, he must have his own website. You can create a resource of any type - website, blog, forum, community, portfolio, etc. Only on your website can you learn the basics of increasing traffic, experiment with internal optimization and try different promotion methods to find out what works and what doesn't.

I started my career as a webmaster in 2005, creating a site for maps for the game Counter-Strike, the development of which I was fond of at the time Then I made a website for Photoshop lessons. Then it was on the domain, then I moved it to due to a long ddos ​​attack. Then 8 out of 10 popular Photoshop sites from the Yandex directory were subjected to this attack, this is a different story.

I actively worked on the development of the site, wrote Photoshop tutorials and in a year achieved a natural attendance of 3,600 people per day with practically no financial investment (I paid only for registration in catalogs and then bought the Allsubmitter program). You can read about this in this series of articles:

After that, I realized that I really like to increase traffic to sites, and I started a blog site to share my thoughts and best practices. So gradually I came to SEO.

Experiment constantly

SEO is a field in which it is impossible to say unequivocally what works and what does not. Google and Yandex algorithms are constantly changing, and the effectiveness of one or another method of internal optimization and promotion always depends on many factors. Plus, it can be a trivial thing - all other things being equal, the same method may work well for one optimizer and not work for another.

That is why on almost any issue in website promotion one can find directly opposite opinions even from experienced specialists.

My advice is - if you are in doubt, then do not read someone else's opinion and do not blindly accept it as the truth, no matter how authority the person is in SEO. If you are not sure, you better set up an experiment and test it on your own experience.

For example, many SEOs claim that articles, when added to free article directories, must be duplicated (that is, rewritten to make them different). I think that you don't need to reproduce them at all, because one version of the article works great. I have carried out several experiments and am convinced of this while working. This applies to both promotion on the Russian Internet and on the English-speaking Internet.

🔥 By the way! I run a paid course on SEO Shaolin English Website Promotion. If you are interested, you can apply on his website

I opened a separate Twitter account, in which I publish the most interesting and useful materials of the Russian Internet on website promotion. I select all materials manually and publish only those that I save for the future. Many valuable articles accumulate in my bookmarks, and I decided to share them with you. You can subscribe to this account - @ruSEO.

So, let's throw away unnecessary modesty and quickly provide a link to the content section of the site where I publish the best materials of my blog on SEO 🙂:

If you know English, then reading foreign promotion materials will allow you to learn a lot of useful things first-hand. You can read my article:

Naturally, the SEO forums should be mentioned. It is useful to read them, but it is important to learn how to skip unnecessary information (flooding and messages without any information value). Plus on the forums you can ask questions and communicate.

At the beginning of my journey, I was quite actively communicating on the forums of optimizers, but for several years I have not done this - I have no time, I prefer to do work. Of course, from time to time I go to the forums from Twitter to read interesting articles, but in general I read blogs more often, as there is more useful information and less flood.

Here are the most popular SEO forums on the Russian Internet:

You can also view useful videos on website promotion and related topics at and

Study the sites of leading competitors

In almost any topic, the first positions in the search results are occupied by sites that, in the opinion of search engines, best meet user queries.

Such sites must be studied both in terms of internal optimization and filling with materials, and in terms of the organization of the structure and navigation, as well as in what ways they are promoted.

To find out by what methods a particular site is being promoted, you need to download its external links. This can be done using the paid program Yazzle (I have been using it since 2007) or using online services (I made a detailed video for one such service -). By clicking on the links, you can find out in what ways a particular resource is being promoted. This knowledge can save you time and money.

If you are interested, you can order from me, in which I will tell you everything in detail and then answer all your questions.

If you notice any interesting points and solutions on other sites, check them out with experiments to find out whether they have an effect or not.

To become an SEO specialist, it is advisable to work for a company

Another such moment. Developing and promoting your sites is one thing. Dealing with client sites is different. So to speak, the next step on the path to the level 80 elf 😉.

I personally lacked certain skills and abilities to switch to professional website promotion to order. In particular, I didn’t know how to promote commercial sites in competitive topics and buy links correctly, as well as deal with promotion budgets. I had a lot of my own work, but I really lacked this knowledge.

As a result, in 2007 I got a job in a website promotion company. I am grateful to fate for the opportunity to work as a website promotion specialist (this is exactly the record I have in my work record).

There I ran several sites, constantly studied, communicated with other promotion specialists (Artem, Stas and Dina, I would like to say hello!

I remember then I still found the time when links from sapa gave a cool and quick effect. It was enough to buy links for several tens of thousands of rubles, and a week later the site was in the top 3 for a very competitive one-word query. But it soon stopped, and it took a lot of thinking, analyzing and experimenting to successfully advance. What I actually do to this day 😉.

I worked in the office from 9 to 6, spent three hours a day on transport, but it was worth it. Having received the missing knowledge and skills in an SEO company, after 9 months I quit my job and embarked on a solo voyage. By the way, you can read my opus, there is just a gorgeous picture in the beginning, I love it 😉.

In the last months of work, communicating on the forums, I found a couple of clients with whom I began to cooperate to promote their sites. I dealt with their resources in my spare time, often working at night. This allowed me to start earning a small additional income.

At first it was difficult, but I worked hard from morning to night, gradually more clients appeared for promotion and they began to recommend me to their friends and acquaintances.

I was also very much supported by my wife - I am grateful to her for that. Instead of getting angry and offended at me for sitting all day at the computer with red eyes, she actively helped me and is now well versed in SEO, although she works in a maternity hospital 🙂. For example, she collects keywords much better and faster than me, she has a talent for this. When there is family support, you can reach your goal much faster.


My conclusion is that absolutely anyone can learn how to promote websites, if they wish. The internet has all the information you need. There is nothing very complicated and clever about SEO. Naturally, you need to work very hard, constantly learn and truly love what you do. Then everything will definitely work out!

I wish you to learn everything you want!

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Dessert for Today - Ape Man Video:

Hello dear readers! Today I am publishing the article that you all asked for a long time. An article on how to promote a site and how to promote a site. I wrote it for a long time and after reading you will understand why. After all, website promotion (or as everyone is used to calling it SEO) is a very many constituent process, which is difficult to fit in one article, and in articles as a whole. But I tried to collect everything from my experience and from the experience of those people who helped me and continue to help me. As a result, we got a kind of step-by-step instructions or an algorithm of actions that will help you in promoting your site. So, let's begin!

I'm not an SEO Guru, but ...

I'm not an SEO expert, but 90% of the sites I have have successfully ranked in the top positions in search engines. I did not take courses, did not participate in cool conferences, but I just tried many ways to promote sites and chose for myself what really works and what has never let me down. I didn’t work with hundreds of client sites, I just dealt with my sites for my beloved, but most likely this is even for the best. I learned everything myself and only once even bought a consultation from an experienced person in this matter to clarify some points. Therefore, catch the instruction from self-taught;)

It's important to know

Be sure to read this paragraph! It's not for nothing that I paint everything in long introductions. You will understand this when you read the entire article. Previously, in order to promote a site in the TOP 3 search results, it was enough just to buy links, stuff the site with keywords and enjoy life. But now IT'S NOT SO! Everything has changed dramatically. Search engines change algorithms, sites change, competition grows and links have become not the main one, but one of dozens and hundreds of factors that affect the position of the site. Their weight is, but not the same as before. This must be understood.

Now, in order to promote a site, you need to take into account many more factors, and we will talk about this below. And the last thing you should know: website promotion is a long process that lasts for months. So get ready for a long, painstaking but interesting job!

Defining the goals of the site

90% of companies do not understand at all why they need a website. They heard that everyone needs a website now and ran to the studio to develop it. As a result, look at any 100 business card sites or information sites and more than half of them will be useless, either with a disgusting design, or with clumsy code, etc. So such sites are generally not inclined to promotion. If you have already taken up the site, then you must understand that this is a great responsibility. It won't just work because it exists!

Before starting a website, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why do you need it?
  2. What tasks will he perform for you?
  3. What benefit will it bring to people?

If a site is useless for people, then it is useless for search engines as well. You will understand what I am talking about by reading the article to the end. I can only say that this is the fault of behavioral factors (PF). The details are below.

Once you have identified the purpose of the site for you: it should sell something, present or just give people information. And usefulness for people: useful information from experts of your company, useful information from you personally, answers to user questions or just a place to have a pleasant pastime (an entertainment site), etc. After that, go to the site itself!

Site quality

If you thought that promotion was just manipulation with search engines, then you are mistaken, it was so before. Now, before showing the site to search engines at all, you need to prepare it. After all, one of the criteria for ranking sites in the SERP is to assess the quality of the site itself. So what needs to be done!

Clean and lightweight code

Have you ever visited several different sites, but one of them loads quickly, and the second is slow? So, how Yandex or Google perceives you also depends on this. Site speed depends not only on the code, but also on the hosting in particular. With hosting, everything is simple, use it and you will be happy. I am completely satisfied, but I do not impose, you can choose your own.

But with the code, things are more complicated.

  1. When developing a site, I would advise you to talk to the developers so that they do not burden the site with various plugins, scripts, etc. Let them not be lazy and implement the simplest functions in the code, and not when connecting additions. All plugins access the database and load the site.
  2. Try not to stuff your site with all sorts of third-party widgets. For example, I only have a Vkontakte widget in the sidebar on the side, although if you check the speed of the site in this service, then you can see that it also loads the site a little.
  3. Ask for any changes on the site to remove the old code. It happens that lazy developers after changes do not clean the code from old records. If you change the site often, then it is better to have your own permanent layout designer.
  4. Use caching. If the page is static and does not change, then be sure to use site caching. The page is saved in the cache and when you visit it again, there is no access to the database, but a copy is quickly loaded.
  5. Lighten images. Large images will load the site, but resizing and compressing it without losing quality will shorten the loading time. There are many compression services!

User friendliness

Your site should be easy to use. Any information should be available. If you have large directories or a large number of articles, then a site search will help. A user who visits the site should easily navigate through it in search of the necessary information. To do this, simply test on humans. On social media, ask users to go to the site and browse it. You will be surprised what kind of feedback there will be and how many shortcomings they will find. If the user is comfortable on your site, then the search robot is more likely to be comfortable too.

Nice and unique design

Website design should be unique, pleasing to the eye and themed. When I get to black sites with red text that is rippling, I immediately close them. It is impossible to search for something on such a site. This item can also be attributed to convenience for users, so we will not dwell on this for a long time.

Mobile version of the site

Now more and more users visit sites from mobile devices and your site should be ready for this. Just recently, even Google warned everyone that sites that are not adapted to mobile viewing will be lowered in search results. This is just the beginning, it will be even stricter further. Therefore, strain your developers to make you a mobile version or switch to a responsive design. Personally, on my sites, about 30-40% of visits are made from mobile devices.

Internal optimization and content

The previous points could also be partially added to the internal optimization of the site, but there will be other recommendations here. Here we will just prepare the site for further promotion, or rather, this is where the promotion begins.

Compilation of the semantic core

In order to start promoting, you need to know what key phrases you will be promoting. Therefore, the first thing. You should collect the most key, hot and close to your activity queries and group them into sections. If you operate in a separate city, then add to each key phrase "... in Moscow" for example. You must choose key phrases for every page, every section or article of the site.

Drafting of texts

This is one of the MOST important stages, but many people miss it. People come to the site for information and this is the main factor for search engines. If your information is useful to people, well-written, well-written texts, everything is on the case, then you are more likely to rise to the TOP. Approach the texts thoroughly!

I find it funny when some clients provide text for sites taken from a competitor. This immediately suggests that the client does not need a fuck site and it will never grow in the search results.

Content should be:

  • 100% unique;
  • Structured (divided into sections, lists, headings);
  • Interesting and easy to read;
  • Fully revealing the topic, which is in the title.

In general, I advise everyone to write texts for the site together with the CEO or founder of the company. The business owner knows his business the best, loves the most and understands the subject the most. Maybe he will not be able to compose a good text, but based on his words, the copywriter will do his job better than he will write "out of the blue."

We make linking

After all the services and goods are described, the texts for the pages are drawn up, we proceed to linking. Each of your pages should have a link to another page or several pages of the site. You only need to refer to thematic pages, which can also be useful to the reader. Thus, the reader and the search robot, having entered the site, will navigate it longer, following the links. But, as I said, the link should be "in the topic", because otherwise the person will not want to follow it.

Remove external links

When publishing materials, try to close external links from indexing, i.e. links to other sites. If you do not use links to third-party sites, then this is good, and if you do, then hide them. There should be more links TO your site than links from your site. But more on that below. You can hide links from indexing using the tag and the rel = "nofollow" attribute.

site `s map

Be sure to create a sitemap for search engines and for users. It will reflect the structure of your entire site, all sections, articles and pages of the site.

Introduction to search engines + statistics

Once your site is filled with cool content, combed and ready to float, you can show it to search engines. To do this, add the site to Yandex Webmaster and Google Webmaster. How to do this, I wrote in. After that, your site will start to be indexed by search engines. It can, of course, start indexing without it, but it will speed up the process.

Also, to track site statistics, you need to install counters. I advise you to use Yandex.Metrica, and for a link in the ratings, you can put a counter from mail and liveinternet.

Website promotion tools

And finally we got to the sweet spot;) After all the pages of your site are indexed, you can start promoting or promoting your site. Let me clarify that ONLY after the above is done, you can start promoting the site! But here I want to push you to one RIGHT thought and answer several questions with you, relying on logic.

- Why do you need to promote your site?

- Most likely in order to move up in the search results!

- Why do you need to rise in the search results?

- Most likely for the site to have traffic!

Is it logical? Right?

Then answer me 1 simple question: Why is it that almost everyone, after creating a site, immediately breaks down to buy links if you need traffic? What does the link have to do with it? You don't go for milk if you wanted to buy cucumbers! The logic is the same here. Accordingly, if you need attendance, then buy or get attendance!

I'll tell you from my own experience, but if you don't want to, don't believe it! Even more site visits grow from site visits alone! But not from links. We will need links, but not now and not in the form in which everyone is used to receiving them.

Search engines also rate a site based on site users. If there is no attendance, how will they rate it?

A very important factor is site traffic, which can be used to track behavioral factors. Namely, how people use your site, how they move, how they get in and how they leave, how long they are there, what actions they take, and much more. This is the most important factor, because logically any site should be FOR PEOPLE first of all!

Therefore, below I will cite the working methods I have tested to promote and promote the site.

Social networks

Now social activity is of great importance for search engines. If your site is shared on social networks, then people like your site content. Is it all logical? I pressed "Like", it means I liked it. Therefore, social signals have a positive effect on your site in search results.

To do this, I buy posts in active groups on social networks: VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Twitter (in accounts). As a result, these are the pluses I put above this method of promotion.

  1. This does not contradict the rules of search engines because this is not manipulation of search results, like buying links;
  2. This gives traffic (sometimes a lot of traffic);
  3. It improves behavioral factors;
  4. This is also a link (search engines take into account links from social networks);
  5. This is the best feedback from your potential and real customers and readers;
  6. This is a direct source of leads that can be generated in sales.

I have my own publics and groups, but I also buy posts in other groups. Their number depends on your wallet. You can redeem at least for every day.

Articles on other sites

This method is more expensive than social media, but it is very important. Traffic should come not only from one place, you need to show search engines that you are "loved" everywhere;) Not only in VK, but also on other sites. But you probably will now go to the exchanges for the sale of articles from sites and will buy there. But this will have little effect, because these sites have turned into garbage dumps of articles and links.

I buy or post on some other terms articles on sites that are higher than me in the search results for my own key queries. It is more expensive, but many times more effective. The main thing is that this site is visited and with an active audience, because I need not only a link or an article, but TRAFFIC. Let us turn again to Mother Logic. If you are being linked to by a site above you in the SERPs, then you are probably the coolest! From article exchanges, you can also recruit several normal sites, but all of them will soon become trash heaps, because this is their earnings. From the stock exchanges I chose for myself Webartex.

Also I post articles on blogs! For example, I sell an SMM (social media marketing) service and post on the blog of a person who writes about SMM. Surely, through this article, potential clients and other specialists from this field will pay attention to me. If the author of the blog recommended me in the article, then I am worth something.

Here are the advantages of this method:

  1. You get a link from a thematic site that is higher than you in the search results;
  2. You get traffic to the site;
  3. If the site is very thematic, then clients are possible;
  4. You increase your awareness.

Writing expert articles

This item is for those who promote the company's website, and not an informational website, like me. On the website of your company, you definitely need a section "Blog" or "Articles", or something else to call it. To post expert articles useful to users. For example, if you sell building materials, you can write articles on how to use them correctly, how to build something, etc.

In addition to products, your potential customers will also receive useful recommendations, which will bring them closer to buying from you.

The pros of all this:

  1. You drive more traffic to your site. Because you are writing articles correctly, as I recommended. This means that you use the key phrases for which you are moving. Therefore, you have another page that can get into the TOP and bring traffic.
  2. You get closer to your real and potential clients;
  3. New content helps to increase interest in your site from search engines;
  4. You can also post announcements of new articles on social networks and in subscription services to increase traffic. I wrote about this in an article about.

Websites with reviews and ratings

You can register your site on sites with reviews (for example, "Otzovik" and others), make a description of your site and leave the first review. As a result, you get a link to your site and an additional page in the search results about your site, which can go to the top on the request “ your website reviews ". Plus, you can get feedback. Suddenly people will want to leave a review about you. I mentioned this in the article about.

Link promotion

I am skeptical about it, but I definitely use it. Links are not the main factor, but one IS. If others link to your site, that's good. In fact, we have already placed a number of links: in articles on other sites, in reviews, in social networks and subscription services. But now we will focus on link promotion.

I use it mainly not to grow positions, but to increase the status of a site in the eyes of search engines. No more. I did not notice a large increase in positions from links. There is growth, but not significant in comparison with what all of the above can give.

But even in links, I do not advise you to go to link exchanges. Now, not purchased, but natural links are held in high esteem! For this, it is better to use forums using the service Forumok and negotiate a link with the sites yourself. On exchanges, as a rule, spammed sites, and you are bored to search for thematic sites in the search results and agree to place a link in already written articles, or offer to put a link to a page of your site for a fee in new TOPIC articles.

Remember that there must be transitions on the link. If the site is not active and there are no conversions, then such a link will be useless. Try to leave a link to your site wherever possible, but not through spam. Fewer links are better, but they will be of high quality.

Pros of such links:

  1. Natural link mass, which means there is no suspicion on the part of search engines;
  2. Traffic to the site, because the sites are active and thematic.

As you can see, the link promotion of the site is personally in my last place, but it should be.

Full time job!

The growth of your site, like the growth of a person, requires constant replenishment, constant work to improve it. Nothing is perfect. You have to constantly improve the site, constantly generate traffic, post articles, links, posts on social networks, etc. This is an ongoing process. Only then will your site always grow in the eyes of people and search engines. Therefore, everything that I described in this article you must do constantly!

You may have noticed that I always put people first, not search engines. And this is logical. After all, you make a website for them. And search engines will do their job based on the reaction of your users. So, what kind of work needs to be done constantly, besides what I described above.

Working with users

Every day you should try to attract your visitors more and more and create convenience for them in the form of high-quality content, some kind of services, polls, contests, etc. If people are attached to you, then this affects the promotion, do not forget. Make contact with your visitors constantly.

Work on the usability of the site

Behavioral factors are better not only from the content, but also from the convenience of using it. Keep track of the site statistics, look in Yandex.Metrica for a click map, a scrolling map, a webviewer, etc. in order to change the site for the better. Maybe your site has elements that interfere with users that they don't click on. They can be safely removed or moved to another place. You need to keep people on the site as long as possible so that they visit as many pages as possible, and for this there must be all the conditions.