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Creating comprehensive documents in MS Word. Creating integrated text documents

Setting up fields in Word text editor It is one of the basic skills to master a person to achieve at least an average skill in possession of this program. Usually, problem with fields It falls into full growth when you finish direct work with the text and go to the stage of editing or editing. If you are, for example, working in the office or are a student, then you most likely need to adhere to certain norms relating to the visual design of documents you entered or student work.

Of course, after opening the Word text editor, you may find that all the sizes of the fields are already configured by default, however setting up the program By default, it usually does not satisfy most of the users that work with the utility, so it will not know how to install the size of the fields in Word.

Process setting

If you have not started typing text

To make the size of the fields you need or remove unnecessary, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. As soon as you do, all the Word parameters will open at once, with which you can set the printed sheet settings you need. If you are interested in a set of settings that are pre-prescribed in the program, and you do not want to make fields using a manual method, then find a button called "Fields", and install the mouse cursor on a triangle sign that means that the drop-down list is hidden under this button.
  2. In the list that opens, select the set of settings, the parameters of which are best suited for the implementation of your goals. Apply the set of settings by simply clicking on it using your mouse left button. Make sure that the text you are set to the text you are displayed. Otherwise, use another set of preset settings.

In many cases, the default settings sets in the Word editor will be quite enough. therefore do not hurry to search and apply other waysAnd first take advantage of this.

Of course, there are special cases when you need to make your text for any unique requirements that are simply not written in pre-installed settings of the Word sheet parameters, so in such circumstances have to resort to a manual method. To do this, pass the next sequence of steps:

  1. In the top menu Word, find the item called "Page Markup", and click on it.
  2. In this list, namely, in its lower part, you can detect the item called "custom fields". Click on it.
  3. In the manual settings window that opens, you will need to move the sliders near the items you are interested in to change, for example, the size of the left or lower boundary, etc. If the presence of boundaries on the sheet you do not need at all, then you with ease you can remove them. As soon as you finish editing, do not be lazy and pay your attention to the lower part of the manual settings window. There you can look at the graphic view of how the sheet looks like after the approval of your field sizes.
  4. To finally install the parameters you are interested in, press using the left button of your mouse to "OK".

If you need to change the size of the fields already scored

In this case, you do not need to delete all the characters you entered, set new borders and then print the text you need to re-print in the utility. Simply take advantage of adviceshown in the section above, and new field sizes will be installed in your document.

And what if you need to apply new boundaries to any separate fragment or paragraph of text? Follow these steps:

Non-standard settings

If you write an article you plan to print in a journal, or are going to publish a brochure, then you probably know that in this case you need a special field setting, called mirror. In other words, the parameters of the fields in it are exhibited so that on 1 sheet left field completely coincides in the field size on the right side of the next sheet. To set this field setting, you need to perform the following items below:

  1. In the top menu Word, find the item called "Page Markup", and click on it.
  2. As soon as you do, all the Word parameters will open at once, with which you can set the printed sheet settings you need. Find a button called "Fields", and set the mouse cursor on a triangle sign, meaning that the drop-down list is hidden under this button.
  3. Find the item called "Mirror", and click on it. Now you need parameters They are specified in relation to the entire document.

Purpose of work: Formation of practical skills to work with images and creating hyperlinks in MS Word 2007.


  • Training:generalization and consolidation of knowledge and practical skills for working with illustrations, creating signatures for drawings, creating footnotes, cross-references, table contents.
  • Developing: Development of attention, independence when working with a software product.

Equipment: Computer class, Software - MS Word 2007.


Text documents created by the help of a personal computer can be divided into two groups - simple and complex. Simple documents are formatted text. Comprehensive documents other than text contain various objects (figures, formulas, tables and other).

Exercise 1.

1.1. Open the MS Word 2007 program and create a new document.
1.2. Print text according to sample ( Attachment 1 )
1.3. Set the document parameters

  • fields from above - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, on the left - 3 cm, right - 2 cm;
  • indent in the first string - 1.5 cm;
  • font type - Arial, 14;
  • the base interval is one-time;
  • alignment - in width;
  • in the field of the bottom footer, print your surname and group.

Insert and format illustrations

The text editor allows you to insert and format graphic images (illustrations) of various types - drawings from files, clips (images from the MS Office collection), schematic images consisting of individual shapes, diagrams and charts. MS Word contains all the necessary set of tools and tools that add, correction and formatting these images. To work with images, select the image, the format tab opens on the screen (Fig. 1). Using the format tab, you can change the following image parameters:

  • brightness and contrast;
  • borders;
  • position flowing text;
  • apply various styles and effects;
  • run the image.

Fig. 1 tab format to work with images

When inserting drawings (especially if the size of the drawings is large), the file size increases greatly. To reduce the file size, it is advisable to compress the drawings by setting the following parameters (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Pictures Compression Parameters

Task 2.

2.1. Find on the Internet and insert the sights of the attractions of the city of Suzdal in accordance with the text.
2.2. You can independently format images.
2.3. Perform compression patterns.

Creating signatures for drawings

Drawing in the document must be signed. Do not follow the drawings manually. To do this, MS Word has the function of automatic adding signatures. This gives a professional look and provides a number of features to your document, such as creating a list of these drawings.

Task 3.

3.1. Install the cursor under the first drawing.
3.2. In the Links menu, select the name command group - insert the name (Fig. 3)
3.3. In the Name window, select or create signature options. Click OK.
3.4. Enter the text of the name of the drawing - the Suzdal Kremlin.

Fig. 3 Command Settings Title

3.5. Similarly, create signatures to the rest of the drawings.

Insert cross references to drawings

Cross reference indicates an item that is in another place of the document. For example, you can refer to the document "Fig. 1" object and send the user to this figure from another location of the same document. By default, in MS Word, the cross reference is inserted in the form of a hyperlink by clicking which, you can go directly to the item to which it indicates. The cross link can be created for any existing in the document of the numbering element, header, bookmarks, footnotes, formulas, pattern or table.
If, when you add or delete the contents of the item to which the cross reference indicates, it was moved, it can be updated.

Task 4.

Adding footnings

To add an explanation document, notes and links to text. Footnotes can be located at the bottom of the page (footnotes) or on a separate page at the end of the document (terminal footnotes). Both footnotes and the end footnote consists of two parts - a sign of footnote and the corresponding text of the note.
To remove a footnote or end footnote, you must remove the footnote sign in the document window, and not the text of the note.
When removing the sign of the footnote, to which the automatic numbering is applied, the remaining footnotes are numbered again.

Task 5.

5.1. Create a footnote to phrase Pokrovsky Monastery

  • Install the cursor where there will be a footnote
  • Select the Links tab - a group of footnote commands;
  • Specify the position of the footnote, the format parameters and click Paste (Fig. 6).

5.2. Type footnotes - located on the right bank of the river Kamenka in the northern part of Suzdal

Fig. 6 Footphanage Team Parameters

Creating a table of contents

Automatically updated table of contents (content) avoids manual printing of page numbers and adjust them in the table of contents after editing text in the document.
To create a table of contents, it is necessary to apply the styles of headers to those fragments of the text that will be reflected in the table of contents. Apply usually styles heading 1, heading 2, etc.

Task 6.

6.1. Apply for text highlighted in red Style title1, and for text, highlighted in blue - Title style2.
6.2. Install the cursor where the table of contents will be (usually at the beginning or end of the document).
6.3. In the Links menu, select Team Group Table of contents.
6.4. Choose table contents format (Fig. 7)

Fig. 7 Command Parameters Table of Contents

Creating a list of illustrations

In the document, except for the table of contents, you can also create a list of illustrations that will contain a list of illustrations (drawings) with drawings numbers and page numbers where they are located.

Task 7.

7.1. Install the cursor where there will be a list of illustrations.
7.2. In the Links menu, select the name command group - list of illustrations.
7.3. The list parameters (Fig. 8)

Fig. 8. Team window List of illustrations

Used literature and Internet sources:

  1. Workshop on informational technologies in professional activities: studies for studies. media institutions. prof. Education / E.V. Mikheeva. - 10th ed., Kira.- M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011.- 256 p.
  2. - Office support
  3. - City of Suzdal - Information and informative site

Modern computers are an excellent tool for creating and storing research results in the form of articles, abstracts, coursework and thesis, dissertations. Most of these materials besides text may have formulas, tables, diagrams and drawings. Microsoft Word text processor is used to create such documents)