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Statistics of search queries Yandex: service description. How to see the statistics of search queries What Shows Yandex.Upptat

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today I will try to tell you about such a thing as the semantic kernel, in any case I will try, because the topic is quite specific and it is unlikely to be wondering, although ...

And the inner pages of the site, the static weight of which is not very high, can be optimized for low-frequency queries (LC), which, as I have already mentioned, with a successful circumstance, you can move almost without attracting external optimization (buy backlinks to these articles).

But since we touched the question request frequency, without taking into account the semantic kernel, we are unlikely to succeed, then I will allow myself a little remind you of this and how to determine their frequency. So, all requests that users are typed in the Yandex, Google, or any other search engine, can be quite conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. high-frequency (HF)
  2. mid-frequency (s)
  3. low-frequency (HF)

You can relate the key phrase to a particular group by the number of such requests performed by users during the month. But for different subjects, the boundaries can be quite significantly different. The point here is that we are essentially, when selecting keywords, it is not interested in the input frequency by users, but how hard it will come to move According to them (many optimizers are trying to do the same as you).

Therefore, it will be possible to introduce three more gradations, which for the preparation of the semantic kernel will be of great importance:

  1. highly competitive (VC)
  2. middle Angitation (SC)
  3. low-competitive (NK)

But here to determine the competitiveness of a key word or phrase does not always turn out to be simply. Therefore, often for simplification is carried out parallels and identify VC with RF, sch with SC, and NC with NC. In most cases, such a generalization will be justified, but from any rule, as is well known, there are exceptions, and in some Topics, the NF can be rushing apart, and you will immediately see this at how difficult it will be difficult to move to the top according to the keywords.

Such collisions are possible in subjects where ultra-high competition is observed and the struggle for each individual visitor, pulling them out even at all low-frequency requests. Although it can be inherent not only by commercial theme. For example, the information sites on the topic "WordPress" in the preparation of the semantic kernel should take into account that even queries with frequency below 100 (hundred shows per month) can be highly related to the simple reason that sites on this subject matter darkness, for even such "stupid Uncle "How I try to write something on this topic.

But we will not be so deep into the details and we will consider when drawing up the semantic nucleus that competitiveness (how many optimizers are trying to promote their projects on this key) and frequency (as often, users are injected into the search string) are between themselves in direct dependence. Well, and the frequency of certain keywords, we somehow determine the one way, right because?

To do this, you can use several, but I most like the Yandex tool. He used to be intended only that advertisers could properly compile the texts of their contextual ads, given exactly which the words most often ask this search engine.

But then access to online custom Word Selection Service Under the name Yandex Wordstat ( was opened for everyone than these wishes and did not fail to take advantage. Well, and we are the worse?

Yandex Wordstat - what to take into account when collecting seedlings

So let's go to this miracle service from Yandex, which is called "keyword statistics" and is located at . This service was created and positioned as an indispensable tool for working with Yandex Direct, as well as at SEO promoting their site under this search engine. But in essence he became a powerful tool for analyzing keywords in RuNet.

So besides your direct destination VORDSTAT Yandex can be successfully used:

  1. When working with Google Adords
  2. To search for popular hashtegov in social networks
  3. To obtain data on the demand for one product
  4. To build the structure of the site
  5. To search for similar words
  6. To test demand for goods or services in another region when searching for new sales markets
  7. To analyze the success of offline advertising, by analyzing the frequency of brand words

With all this, the Vordstat interface can be said, Spartan, but this is perhaps only for the better. If you want more, you can use various programs for remote work with this service, or install the Yandex Wordstat Assistant type plugin in your browser.

After entering the search results to the region, depending on the region, you have the opportunity to see the incidence of these or other search queries for each region separately (for this it will be necessary choose regionby going to the appropriate tab).

If the regionality does not care if it makes sense to watch statistics on the first tab without geo-dependence. In principle, this is not so important at the stage of studying the principles of the preparation of the semantic core for the site. Equally, as not so long ago, the opportunity to see separately statistics only on mobile users (using tablets and smartphones). It can be relevant in the light of avalanche growth of mobile traffic.

In any case, at first you will need to allocate for yourself a number of major keywords (masks) On the subject of your future project, from which we will begin to dance further and select all other kecheviks with the help of Vordstat Yandex. Where to take them? Well, just think or look at the competitors known to you in your niche (there is such a service Sherpstat, which can help in this).

Yes, and simple logic is often very useful. For example, if your future site is on the topic "Joomla", then it will be quite logical to introduce the semantic kernel to form a keyword. Logic is simple. If the site is on CEO, the source keys may be mass (SEO, website promotion, promotion, optimization, etc.).

Well, we will take another phrase as an example: "Wordstat". Let's see that this online service will tell us about yourself. Here you should immediately make a few comments.

What you need to know and understand for the successful use of the Wordstat

  1. First, in order to start receiving a significant influx of visitors to the key you chose, your site should get to the top 10 (For the first tenth of life, alas, practically no) search results (sickle - see). And imagine what those who want (competitors) hundreds, or even thousands. Therefore, Seidro is only a necessary condition for the success of the site, but not sufficient at all.
  2. Secondly, in addition, now almost for each user is formed its issuance, somewhat different from what he sees even his neighbor on the floor. The preferences and desires of this particular user are taken into account if Yandex managed to reveal them earlier (well, and the region, of course, if the request is geoted-dependent - for example, "Pizza delivery"). Positions in this regard are the "average temperature in the hospital" and will not always lead to the expected influx of visitors. Want to see a true picture? Use
  3. Thirdly, even if you get into the top 10 issuing (displayed most of your target users), the number of transitions to your site will depend highly on two things: positions (first and tenth may differ in tens of times) and the attractiveness of your ( information about the page of your site displayed in the issuance of this specific query).
  4. You have chosen for promotion and formation of the semantic core requests simply may be deserted. Although the pacifiers can be revealed and cut off, but newcomers often come across this fishing rod. How to see and fix it just below.
  5. There is such a thing as cheat Search queries. I personally does not occur to my head to whom and why it is necessary, but such requests are found. Starting on them promotion you will not get that attendance, which could count on the Yandex Vordstat data. Read about the methods of identifying cheats again, read just below.
  6. Specify your region (if you have regional business or regional queries) when viewing statistics, otherwise you can get a completely out of reality picture.
  7. Be sure to consider the seasonality of your requests (if there is) when analyzing the results of promotion. In the vordstite, seasonality is clearly visible on the "Query History" tab. Do not take into account seasonal decals and lifts as a factor of your failures or success in promotion.
  8. Work directly with the service interface is convenient with a small queries, but then it is already becoming "torture." Therefore, the main question of the successful use of WordStat is the automation of routine operations. How and how to automate will be described below.
  9. If you learn how to properly use the operators of the Wordstat, then the return on it can be raised at times. This is the quotes, and the plus sign, and the understanding of what gives this service when you enter not quite ordinary requests. Read about it below and in the "SECRETS YUVE"

Scared? It was even frightened himself, despite the fact that on hundreds of requests (rather frequency) my blog is in the top (and not least due to the fact that I almost immediately began to work relying on the semantic kernel, albeit in a somewhat trimmed version - Selecting the keys to the future article immediately before writing it). But if now I was starting (even with current experience), I would not believe that it would be possible to break through. Truth! I think that for the most part lucky.

VORDSTATE operators in the examples

So, let's deal in more detail with the last two points - dyeing requests and cooked. Ready? Well, then rushed. Let's start by S. requests-dummy. Remember what example we used a little higher? Enter the word Wordstat in the string of this service and click on the "Pick" button.

So, you need to understand that the digit displayed for this word (or any other phrase) is not at all reflecting the real number of requests for this key. Displays (ATTENTION!) The total number of phrases requested for the month, in which the word "Wordstat" was found, and not the number of requests that include this single word (or phrase, in the case of entering the key phrase in the WordStat form). Actually, this is understandable and from the screenshot - "what was looking for with the word ...".

But in Yandex Wordstat there is an appropriate toolkit that allows you to separate the grains from the whores (to identify the pacifiers or get adequate reality information about the frequency) and get the data we need. These are different operatorsYou can add to your request and get a refined result.

Quotes and Exclamation Sign Operators - Paishews at Wordstat

As you can see, the main operators are a bit and most of them, in my opinion, this conclusion key phrase in quotes And the simplicity of an exclamation mark before the word. Although the new WordStat statement in the form of square quotes can be relevant for highly competitive topics. Sometimes it is important to know how most often users arrange words in the request you need (for example, "buy an apartment" or still "buy an apartment"). However, I still do not use it.

So, worker Vordstat "Quotes" It will calculate the number of inputs into the search string of Yandex is precisely this phrase during the month, but at the same time all possible words will be taken into account - another number, case, etc. will be counted. (For example, the "Yandex Wordstat" requests will not be taken, but only "Wordstat" in our example). In fact, this is the same as we have considered in the article about that. The figure of frequency after such a simple operation will significantly decrease:

Those. Such a number of times in a month in the search string of Yandex Users introduced one single word Wordstat in all of its word formations (if they take place at all). Of course, this request is not a dummy at all, but a full-fledged HF, but there are cases when the simple conclusion of the phrase in quotes reduces the frequency from several thousand to several dozen or even units (for example, we will try the phrase "earnings 100" in quotes and without). This is really a dummy.

The second important operator in Wordstat is exclamation point Before the word, which will oblige this service to count only words in this version of writing, in which you introduced them (excluding word forms). As I assumed, for the word "Joomla", installing an exclamation mark operator no adjustment added, but this is only due to the specifics of this particular keyword.

Well, but for the key phrase "Website Promotion" The difference will be obvious and stripped:

And add "!" Before each word without adding a space:

Where did this difference in numbers come from? Obviously, there is a request (s) with the same keywords, but in another word formation, which is eaten by the remaining cyphic. For our example, it is not difficult to guess that it will be a plural:

Thus, you can, using the conclusion of the phrase in quotes and installing an exclamation mark before each word, get completely different frequency values. Thus, you can not only cut off the pacifiers, but also to obtain ideas about the phrase patterns, which will preferably use more often in the text, and what portray (although they do not forget about synonyms). Although, personally, I will not see a strong difference when adding exclamation marks, so I am pleased with simple quotes.

How to quickly remove the garbage and leave only target queries

There is another operator that allows you to cut off everything too much and see the real frequency of the phrase. it "+" Before the word. It means that this word in the phrase must be present. Why can it be needed? Well, it's all about the work of the Yandex search engine.

By default, the ranking (and therefore in WordStat statistics) unions are not taken into account, prepositions, interjections, etc. the words. This is done to simplify, but often we are interested in the prospect of promotion precisely under the phrase with a pretext or the union. In this case, the operator "Plusik."

By the way, operator "Minus" It will immediately clean the key words from those that are not meful for you. For example, such a request to Vordstat will immediately give the required result:

CMartphones (+ to | + C | + on) - Download -Inger -Internet -MTS -Photo

Here, not to repeat this inquiry three times, the operator is applied "Vertical trait"which allows you to collect phrases at once with three pretexts (before, s, on). Well, the words with a minus (stop-words) are needed to clean the phrases from the garbage.

Here is another example of using operators for the same purpose:

Washing (Machines | Machines) (Samsung | Samsung) -remont-erublish -Bakes -Women -Koda -Videos -Pasters -News

Very convenient and quickly cuts out unnecessary and saving time.

Selection of keywords in Yandex Wordstat

Probably, it becomes clear to you that those basic key phrases (masks) that you are able to formulate yourself, based on the future theme of your project, will need to expand with the help of Vordstat. And here too two directions in obtaining new keywords To compile a full-fledged semantic kernel.

  1. First, you can take advantage of the advanced options that Wordstat issues in the left column His window. There will be requests in which there are words from your mask (for example, "construction", if your project has an appropriate subject). They will be sorted by descending the frequency of their use by users in the search bar of Yandex for the month.

    What is important? It is important to immediately highlight those options extended keys that will be targeted for your project. Target - These are such requests, by the content of which it immediately becomes clear that the user introducing it is looking for exactly what you can offer him on your site that plan to promote.

    For example, the "kernel" request is ultrahigh-frequency, but I do not need at all, because it is absolutely not a target key key for this publication. You never know what users entering it in the search line of Yandex, well, certainly not "semantic", which, by the way, will be a vivid example of a target request in relation to this article.

    But you need to choose the target keys in relation to the whole future site, although sometimes it is useful to promote and on general requests, but it is rather an exception to the rules.

    Target phrases will be lower frequency and users who come on them from issuing will be able to find at least something similar to what they wanted to find, which means that your project will not leave immediately, thereby worsening. Yes, and you such visitors are very important, for they can make the required action (make a purchase or order a service).

    I think that about the selection of such keywords from the statistics of Yandex does not need to talk further - everything is clear to you. The only "but". All phrases from the right column of Vordstat you again need to check on pacifiers, namely, to conclude them in quotes (statistics with exclamation signs can also be viewed and analyzed). If the frequency does not seek zero, then add it to the honeycomb.

    You probably noticed that in many phrases the list in the left column is not limited to one page (there is no "Next" button below). Maximum, which gives Vordstat - this is in my opinion 2000 requests. And all of them will need to check on pacifiers. CANCE? But this is just one of the many "masks" (initial keys) of your semantic kernel. There, it is possible and "Konya move."

    But do not be discouraged, because there is a way. According to the link you will find a detailed article, and if after that something else should not be clear, then throw a stone into me.

  2. The second nuance in the selection of phrases for the semantic core is the possibility of using the so-called associations From the statistics of Yandex Wordstat. These same associative requests are given in the right column its main window.

    Here, probably, it is important to represent, and how these most associative requests in the statistics of Yandex are formed and where they come from. The fact is that the search engine analyzes the behavior of the user seeking something from him.

    For example, if the user after (or before) how to dial our key phrase "semantic kernel" entered into the search string another request (this is called for one search session), then Yandex can assume that these requests somehow related to each other.

    If the same associative communication will be observed in some other users, then this query specified with the basic query will be shown in the WordStat right column. Well, you can only take advantage of these data to expand the semantic kernel of your site.

    All associations will have an indication of the frequency of their request during the month. But it, naturally, will be common, i.e. We still have to identify dusts. Again, checking all these phrases taken in quotes (Slovoeb or Key Collector to help you - read them according to the slightly above link).

    Some of the associative queries probably came to your mind, but always there are those that you missed from the view. Well, the more target keywords will include your semantic kernel, the more correct visitors you can attract to your site with proper internal and external optimization.

So, we will assume that based on basic masks (keywords that clearly identify the subject of your future project) and the possibilities of Yandex Wordstat, you were able to gain enough phrases for the semantic kernel. Now it will be necessary to clearly divide them by frequency of use.

Secret work with VORDSTAT

Of course, this title is somewhat short, but still, exactly the "secrets" described below can help use this tool for all 200%. Just if this is not considered, you can spend time, money and effort wasted.

How to see the cheat of the search query in Wordstat

However, it is obvious that on some keywords Wordstat issues incorrect information. Is it connected with any other options and how to identify such paves I will try to clarify. Of course, checking all phrases in this way can be tedious and, probably, you just need an experience (chuka), but it works well.

Personally, I observed from the premise that they wind, as a rule, without the years, long, which means the deviation from the average frequency value can be traced on the chart "Query History" (The switch is hiding under the Yandex Wordstat service query line line. For example, recently pierced requests associated with the "affiliate program" and just ran into the cheating (almost all the topics related to the key).

Just with these requests, I have been working for a long time and know about the "alignment". There's HF once or two and turned around, and then that is not the key, then HF. But it is enough to look at the status of the frequency of this request in Wordstat (quotes just do not forget to pre-remove) and everything becomes clear (we started to twist since the beginning of summer):

Moreover, the request frequency increased almost two orders of magnitude over a few months, and a couple of years before it was stable and even seasonal oscillations did not underplect. Explicit cheating - why do not know, but all the accompanying keys are twisted.

How to automate the collection of keywords in the Yandex service

In principle, you can work through a vengery terribass, but it is very important. There are programs (paid and free) suitable for this purpose. There are even a browser extensions that allow a bit to defeat the routine. Let's simply list them:

Why is such a high frequency of queries with repeating words?

If you have already more or less plunged into the issues of filming up SemiDer and many sparkle requests in a vordentate, then we certainly met strange requests with repeating words that for some reason high frequency even when they are imprisoned in quotes and exhibit exclamation marks before words.

Even if you add "to watch" several times, then the frequency will still remain almost as high. So what, believe Yandex and optimize articles under such nonsense? Not on your nelly. This is another kind of "dummy". In fact, Wordstat perceives only one of the duplicate words, but the rest of the "mentally" replaces other possible words with the same number of signs. In general, despite the big numbers to pay attention to requests with repeating words should not be. This is a phantom.

Complete the compilation of the semantic kernel

As I told a little higher, we will consider HF by default and VC, which means to move on them you need to choose such pages of your site that will have the greatest static weight. This most recruits at the expense of incoming links to this page.

It is important to understand that when it calculates it does not take into account the contents of the reference anchor and it is not important, the external one or internal one. Read more about reading the link.

So for advancement according to the highest frequency Requests (from the composed semantic kernel) most suitable main page, for it, as a rule, will be referenced from all other pages of your resource (with normal structure), as well as most external references, especially obtained naturally. So the static weight is the highest for most resources will be the highest (earlier it could be understood by the reading of the Google PageRank to the toolbarny value, which will be more common for it, rather than for internal, but now Google decided to stop sharing this information with us).

In search engines, with other things being equal (the same quality of the inner and external optimization), the page is higher than the page, whose static weight is greater. Therefore, if you choose to advance the inner page (with knowingly lower staving), then competitors will have an advantage in front of you, in case of promoting them according to the same keywords, but already the main page of your site. Although, the best way will be the analysis of the Top 10 for the key to you need for the number of mains that participate in ranking (this, by the way, is indirectly talking about the competitiveness of the request).

If the structure of the internal transfer of your future project will also provide other pages with a large static weight (sections, categories, etc.), then in the semantic kernel will need to mention them as potential optimization candidates for more or less high and mid-frequency queries. From the selected.

Thus, you can use with the benefit of a static weight distribution on your site and choose in accordance with this most suitable queries for each of the pages, i.e. Make a fully semantic kernel: choose a couple request - page.

However, when optimizing the page for Promotion on a HF or MC key phrase, you can add a more low-frequency keyword that will be obtained by diluting the main key. But again, not all keys can be made by neighbors on one boarding page. To understand which you can use together, and what it is impossible, you will help you analyze your direct competitors in the top 10 on the main key phrase. If they are in the top, then it means to search for their semilar version of the soul.

However, it is easy to say, but it is difficult to do. Try to break the issuance on hundreds (thousands) of requests from your pre-semantic kernel for compatibility or incompatibility. There are certainly "horses can be moved." However, I and then come to your aid, giving a link to a detailed publication about. Really, everything simplifies a small program.

With external optimization (purchase and prosthanit of references with the necessary animals), it is necessary to take into account the created semantic kernel and put backlinks, taking into account those keywords, which was optimized by this page of your site. Do not forget that in the era of Minusinsk and the penguin backelink with a direct entry, it is better to put one, but from a very fatty and thematic site, and the "dilution" by the Besancars, the names of the article, etc. It is worth more.

In practice, your semantic kernel will be represented, probably, a rather branched page scheme with keywords selected for them, which they will be optimized and promoted. There will also be drawn the diagram of the inner transfine to pump the necessary pages of static weight.

In general, it will be included and considered all that can only be, it will remain just starting to build (or redo) the site for this project (semantic kernel). Personally, I have recently followed the rule of its preliminary compilation, because it can not work blindly, I will not be interested in the strength, and those who will be interested in and useful, so it will not find him in Yandex, nor in Google ...

If we talk about this blog, before writing the article, I definitely climb the Wordstat and see how users formulate his questions on the topic about which I plan to write. Thus, I am more likely to find my reader, who can become constant with successful publication. This is not bad for anyone, except that only a little time to spend.

Well, in the case of a project on a new topic for you, and especially if you are a beginner optimizer, the compilation of a similar nucleus and the selection of suitable keywords will be able to help you significantly and will avoid unnecessary errors. Nevertheless, not everyone has time and effort to hold such a job, but to do it anyway needless need. However, if there is a demand, there will be a sentence. There will always be people who are ready to do it for you, another thing that they may not always be honest and executive.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

You may be interested

Statistics of search queries Yandex, Google and Rambler, as well as work with VORDSTAT
Accounting Language morphology and other problems solved by search engines, as well as the difference between HF, Sch and LF requests
CEO Terminology, cuts and jargon
Internal optimization - selection of keywords, test nausea, optimal title, duplication of content and transfine under the NC
Promotion, promotion and optimization of the site yourself
Keywords in text and headlines
Yandex updates - which are how to track up TIC, changes in search issuance and all other updates

One of the most popular modules in Rush Analytics is the Parser Yandex Wordstat, and it is not by chance. When collecting the semantic kernel, it is necessary to know exactly the frequency of the collected queries, in order to properly arrange priorities for promotion and get rid of "garbage" and zero requests. Often it is worth the task to break through several tens of thousands of frequency requests in Yandex, but this is not a simple task for the self-writer parser workers and desktop programs, and that is why:

  1. Yandex Wordstat has good parsing protection, such as BB IP addresses from which the PARSING is carried out and throwing off caps in response to requests from bots. To effectively collect data from WordStat, you need an effective algorithm for connecting IP addresses and other tricks
  2. To parse a large amount of data using desktop programs, you will need a lot of IP addresses (proxy), which Yandex with ease of banits with a non-optimal connection algorithm, and proxies - the pleasure of the cheap
  3. Also, the parseing will require the automatic introduction of a large number of capping (for example, the ANTIGATE connection for this task). This factor, in the non-optimal parceration algorithm, can make the Parsi itself unprofitable, since the cost of caps will be excessively high
  4. Most desktop programs do not have protection against data loss when collecting. So, for example, by collecting half of the data and spending money on it, with a failure in a parser, you risk not only not to get the remaining data, but also to lose already collected

PARSING Yandex Wordstat in
Rush Analytics

Given all the difficulties that may arise when Parsing Wordstat, we made our Wordstat parser as fast as possible, convenient and resistant to the maximum number of patient problems:

If you need a speed filming of Yandex Wordstat - Rush Analytics the best solution, especially if you need to collect large amounts of data. For users with the need for a collection of more than 100,000 requests per month, individual conditions are provided, just write to our support on

All you need is a mail account on Yandex. Registration takes just a couple of minutes.

Selection of key phrases

By default, Wordstat searches for words. Enter keyword search and click "Pick up." You will see different requests with this word and its wordforms.

To the right of each - frequency. Its value is based on data for the last 30 days and takes into account the search in Yandex.

Important moments in the frequency:

  • It shows how many times the search row is introduced, and how many times Yandex.Direct on this request is released;
  • Summarize shows for all variants - an error, as they are included in the total amount in the first line;
  • Indicators are sometimes screwed and do not always reflect adequate demand. Cause - Owners regularly monitor their sites. This is also the work of service checks, cheating behavioral factors, grouping of search queries.

Wordstat offers filters on devices:

The service automatically takes into account all the case and numbers and breaks the phrases for words. So, on request "Butterfly" comes out and "how to tie a butterfly tie", and "buy a butterfly tie + in Moscow."

Wordstat also selects the words that users entered along with the current request:

If you have a mono product, which differs in size, color, as in the example above, the right column issues various variations. If the request is more extensive, as a rule, this refers to the service sector, you will see unrelated direct options. For example, issuance on the phrase "Repair of apartments":

This is a chance to find out:

  • As potential customers seek to solve the problem or satisfy the need, and how they appeal to the search engine. It is useful to consider when the key key does not provide wide coverage;
  • Additional interests of the audience (which goods are still buying than you are interested) to create user characters;
  • For how phrases look for a copey traffic to advertise in R.

If you click on any phrase, it appears in the search bar - and the service issues the predicted number of shots per month on it.

Under the results - the transition to the following issuance pages. Unfortunately, it is impossible to get to the end one by one click. You need to turn each page by the "Next" button.

For superpopular requests, the service does not show the data located on the 40th page. For example, by phrase "download torrent" over 32 million requests.

Exit - third-party solutions for parsing. The most popular: Key Collector, YandexKeyParser, the extensions of Yandex Wordstat Helper and Yandex Wordstat Assistant (about them at the end of the article).

How to clarify the request

Operators help to search for phrases in different types of conformity. Compare the number of hits:

  • Wide - repair of bicycles - 10,519 shows per month;
  • Phrasal - "repair of bicycles" - 631 shows per month;
  • Accurate (fixation of the end) - "! Repair! Bicycle" - 456 views per month.

For greater sense detailing results, there is auxiliary syntax:

  • Minus excludes phrases where there is this word. For example, on request "Butterfly Butterfly" Wordstat will not show the phrase like a "baby butterfly tie", "Children's tie butterfly sizes."
  • Plus, it means that it is necessary for issuing. Especially relevant for short prepositions and unions, which Yandex sometimes ignores. With the introduction of "famous scientists from Russia", in the list we see and "the most famous scientists of Russia", and "famous scientists of modern Russia", and "well-known women scientists of Russia". And for "famous scientists + from Russia" we only receive what we are looking for.
  • The exclamation mark provides accurate entry (saving the number and case, as in the query).

  • The operator (|) adds synonyms. "Buy (blanket | Plaid)" - these are two requests in one: "Buy blanket" and "Buy Plaid".

  • The operator fixes the order of words in the query. Compare statistics and understand which option is more often used:

  • Fixed number of words. This is useful for popular topics when collecting the first 40 pages does not allow all search phrases. Option two:

When the main request is two-bed and need 4-lyrics, we write like this:

Popularity of requests by region

Wordstat sorts the results by geography. Click "All regions" and mark the desired:

For four frequently used options, there is a "quick choice" option.

Tick \u200b\u200b"By Regions" helps to assess the popularity of the request in a particular region or city. More than 100% is an increased interest:

If necessary, you can see the frequency of use of words on the world map:

Definition of seasonality request

The "Query History" feature shows the dynamics based on data over the past two years.

Issuance on most topics depends on the season. If there is no desired semantics in the vordstat, it may appear in extradition when the appropriate season comes.

At the requests of "News" or "Where to go" you constantly get different lists.

By default, the schedule and the table over the months, but can be switched on weeks. They are absolute (number of appeals on request) and relative values \u200b\u200b(its relation to the total number of shows in Yandex).

Another chip. By sharp jumps in a short period, you can reveal the cheating by webmasters. A characteristic feature - for a separate short period, the phrase is gaining thousands, for the rest - 0.

So, now you know how to receive semantics from Vordstat, with clarification by value, geography and seasonality. Next, consider what to do with them and as an example. Namely, I will select Xia from real service data.

Sender semantic kernel

According to experts, manual Parsing in Wordstat gives 30-40% of all phrases. But taking into account that the service is free, it is very good. You can additionally generate keywords for search tip and using other tools.

Example: Demand on wooden windows.


1) Determine how users formulate a request. Open and drive the phrase:

Results too much. Manually work them through a bunch of time. At the same time, among them there are irrelevant - "windows in a wooden house", "Wooden platbands", "wooden windows with their own hands" and the like.

It is necessary to clarify the wording. First of all, you will get rid of "garbage" with the help of minus words: house, platbands, with their own hands, old, blinds, how, insulate, sweat.

2) Customize the region - the city of Perm - and the type of devices from which potential customers come. Suppose we are interested in all users, since we are going to run campaigns in Mobile and on the desktop:

3) Determine the target demand. To do this, select relevant options from the issuance and enter the Excel table in different segments.

Ideally, all pages need to work out to take into account all the nuances and make a more complete picture of the needs of the target audience. For simplicity, consider on the example of the first:

In the screenshot, the phrases that we exclude are indicated, as they are not suitable.

4) We look through similar phrases. Some of them fall into target demand, for example:

You can also see the second column for suitable words that have been identified in paragraph 3 and add the table.

As a result, we get a certain number of keywords. Parsing in Vordstat is not enough. The semantic kernel can be expanded with more complex paid and free tools. In addition, they automate further work with the WordStat service.


  • KeyCollector allows you to collect Xia, determine the competitiveness, cost and efficiency of keywords;
  • Parser keywords "Magadan" (1 500 rubles, also offers a free version). Advantage - Comfortable automatic collection, analysis and processing of statistics;
  • AllSubmitter (keyword selection module).

Extensions to work with Yandex Wordstat

Enter individual queries for each phrase are huge time spending. But it will not go anywhere. But there are solutions that will be much simplified and accelerated work with the service.

Yandex Wordstat Helper.

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox is supported. It helps to select keyboards without endless switching between windows and other inconveniences, as in Excel or Google-docks.

Analysis of search queries uses each competent optimizer. Statistics show that most often people are looking for people on the Internet using search engines.

Its main purpose is the compilation of the semantic kernel. If you do not have any (most often we are talking about blogs), the statistics of search queries are treated when writing articles, "dragging" it under a certain keyword.

The main tool for selecting keywords most webmasters consider statistics of Yandex requests. (Vordstat) - Yandex Query Statistics

Yandex Wordstat ( Unites all sorts of wordworks, while most often not given the prepositions and questionnaires. If you just write a keyword in Yandex to Yandex, then the service will show you the total number of impressions of this word, word forms and phrases in which it was found.
For example, write:

query statistics
(Views: 31535. Words include: yandex Query Statistics, Search Query Statistics etc.).

In order to achieve concretization on a specific word form form in Yandex Wordstat, you need to use special operators.

The most common is the conclusion of the desired search query in quotes (""). In this case, a specific keyword will be taken into account in any word form.

"Query Statistics"
(Shows already 4764. Included: query statistics, query statistics etc.).

Operator exclamation mark! Allows you to consider only accurate values \u200b\u200bof keywords.

"! statistics! Requests"
(Shows already 4707. Now we have learned the exact number of requests of interest to us. Please note the operator! It is before each word).

With the help of the operator - (minus) there is an opportunity to exclude specific words from the show.

Using the plus + operator, you can force Yandex statistics to take into account alliances and prepositions. You will receive data on wordforms with these parts of speech.

Bracket operators () - grouping and | - or. These operators are used to compile under one request as a group of keys.

It is worth noting that operators can be combined with various ways to significantly reduce the time collection time of statistical analysis.

Statistics of Yandex search queries leads not only derivatives from the words entered, but also associative requests that users used with your requests. Such an opportunity contributes to the essential expansion of the semantic nucleus (the tab on the right - "what else was looking for people looking for ...").

The first tab "According to" contains the total number of options for specific search queries. Using the Region tab, you will be able to determine the particular keyword in one or another search region.

The "On Map" tab reflects the frequency of use of requests on the world map. To track the frequency of this query for a certain period, you can use the "For months" tabs, "on weeks". This is especially true for seasonal requests.

  • First, Yandex statistics do not provide data on the number of people who made the search for specific requests, it only issues the number of deposit results of the search results containing this request.
  • Secondly, Yandex Wordstat default shows data for the last month. It should be borne in mind that some requests can wear a seasonal nature, as well as there are requests, the so-called "takeoffs of interests".
  • Thirdly, the figure that stands on top of the request includes all the keywords containing the request itself and its word form. Special operators should be used.

When taking into account all the features that provides, and the competent use of all tools, this service becomes the most important component that most webmasters use when promoting modern resources.

Google request statistics

Google has as many two services that can be applied as key request statistics. Google statistics for selection of keywords is often used as an additional tool for expanding the semantic kernel. This service usually determines the language and region to search, the task of the optimizer - the preparation of the starting set of words. As a result, the system will offer you similar requests, indicating the frequency of their impressions and competitiveness.

Google search statistics are more designed to compare the popularity of several search queries. In addition, a visual representation of changes in the dynamics of the popularity of the query in the form of graphs is proposed.

Rambler request statistics

Rambler request statistics is not as popular as the search engine Rambler is not so active "uses" Internet users. The main difference from Yandex statistics is that there is no combination of results for different words. In other words, you can get accurate statistics in the query frequency in the desired number and the case without the use of additional operators.

Rambler search query statistics would be a convenient addition to Yandex if this search engine was more authoritative in RuNet. It is worth noting that the rambler statistics allows you to determine the number of views, both the first and any other pages relative to a specific set of words.

Search queries - frequency and competitiveness

What else should the beginner optimizer about target queries know? It is usually accepted to divide all search queries for high-frequency (RF), mid-frequency (s) and low-frequency (LF). As well as highly competitive (VC), mid-ritberry (SC) and low-competitive (NK).

Of course, the best option will be high-frequency and at the same time low or the midconditioner request. But such rarely meet. It happens that low-frequency request is highly competitive. Usually high-frequency - these are highly competitive requests, mid-frequency - these are mid anconditional, etc.

It should be borne in mind that these terms do not bear any specific quantitative values \u200b\u200bunder them, since for each topic, these figures will be varied. It is worth understanding that the promotion of a particular site will determine not only its subjects, but also a specific situation in the market.

It must be borne in mind that the competent use of statistics of search engine requests is one of the components of the optimization process. Visitors who will follow certain search queries should receive the information on which they calculated only in this case they will want to return to your resource.

Before doing something on the Internet: Create a site, customize an advertising company, write an article or a book, you need to see what people are generally looking for, what are interested in what is introduced in the search bar.

Search queries (key phrases and words) are most often assembled in two cases:

  • Before creating the site. In this case, you need to assemble the maximum keywords to cover your entire sphere. After collecting, search queries are analyzed and on the basis of this decide on the structure of the site.
  • To configure contextual advertising. For advertising, not all choose, but only words for which you can determine interest in the product or service, it is desirable to be an active interest in the words "buy", "price", "order", etc.

If you are going to set up contextual advertising, then.

And below, we will look at how to assemble the statistics of search queries in popular search engines, as well as small secrets how to do it better.

Immediately add that I myself use paid services, because you can collect the amount of data for a very long time that I usually need to promote and configure advertising. But when you need to quickly look, then these methods are also suitable.

How to see Yandex requests statistics

The Yandex search engine has a special service "selection of words", located at It is very easy to use: Introduce any words and usually, except for statistics for these words, we also see what they were looking for together with these words.

It is very important to understand that statistics on shorter queries includes statistics of all detailed requests with these words. For example, in the screenshot request "Request Statistics" includes Request "Yandex Query Statistics" and all other requests below.

The right column displays the requests that people searched for people who have searched the request you entered. Where does this information come from? These requests that were entered before your request or immediately after it.

To see the exact number of requests on the phrase, you need to enter it in the "phrase" quotes. So, specifically the request for "query statistics" was looking for 5047 times.

How to view Google search query statistics

Recently, the Google trend tool has been available for Russia, it is located at . It displays the popular search queries recently. You can enter any of your request to assess its popularity.

In addition to the frequency of requests, Google will show popularity by region and similar requests.

Second way Watch the frequency of google search queries is to use the service for advertisers. To do this, you need to register as an advertiser. In the "Tools" menu, you need to select a "keyword scheduler" and further "get query statistics".

In the scheduler, except for statistics, you will learn the level of competition of advertisers on this request and even the approximate cost of clicking if you decide also to advertise. By the way, the cost is usually overestimated.

Statistics of search queries Mail.Ru updated the tool showing the statistics of search queries The main feature of the service is the distribution of requests by sex and age.

It can be assumed that the Yandex word selection service also takes into account requests from Mail, because At the moment, the search engine Mail.Ru shows the advertisement of Yandex, and the service is mostly designed for advertisers. And before, by the way, Google advertising was shown in Mail.Ru.

In addition, you can use such a cunning. The approximate distribution of the audience between the search engines is: Yandex - 60%, Google - 30%, Mail - 10%. Of course, depending on the audience, the ratio may change. (For example, programmers can give Google preference.)

Then you can see the statistics in Yandex and divide on 6. We get an approximate number of search queries in Mail.Ru

By the way, the exact distribution of the audience between the search engines for February 2014 can be seen on the screenshot below:

Rambler query statistics

From the graph, it is already possible to see that the search engine Rambler covers only 1% of the Internet audience. But nevertheless, they have their own keyword statistics service. It is located at:

The principle is the same as in other services.

Bing's search engine enjoys even less than our compatriots. And to see the statistics of keywords, you will have to register as an advertiser and understand the instructions in English.

You can do this at, and the request statistics can be viewed at the stage of creating an advertising company:

Yahoo query statistics

In this system, as in the previous one, you need to register as an advertiser. View search query statistics It is necessary here

How to see Search queries YouTube

YouTube also has its statistics of search queries, which is called the "keyword prompt tool". It is mainly designed for advertisers, but it can be used to prescribe suitable keywords from your video.

And it looks like this:


We reviewed all popular search queries selection systems. I hope this review will be useful to you to write articles, creating websites or advertising settings. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.