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the main  /  Firmware For information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, with respect to which documents for state registration are presented. Information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state

Information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents are presented for state registration. Information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state

Q: Object registration rules

The essence is as follows, there is a working exchange between ZUP 3.1 and the UPP. The rules for converting objects are not typical (for typova no). In the rules of registration of objects - empty. It took to despare the exchange so that the units are unloaded only relevant. That is, if the unit is disbanded \u003d truth, it is not necessary to register it and unload it. Made in the database of converting the rules for registration of objects, tried to make the selection according to the properties of objects for the directory of subdivisions, i. Nothing gave. I tried there in the event handlers before processing add failure \u003d object. Also did not help. After I download these registration rules to the database, it is still when recording a disbanded unit, it is recorded in the exchange. I do not catch up with something? What else to do something, the condition seems to be the simplest, but does not work

Answer: I did not try to drive my own option, maybe mine worked. I found that in registered objects, my selection / cut-off objects should not appear at all. And tried to find such an option. Perhaps I do not understand the logic of work, as in () and all objects are always shown in the registered, and already under the exchange, reg rules are superimposed. In short, the task is closed, if there is something like that - I will dig deeper

Question: Object registration rules. Help

Good afternoon!
Here is such a task: from one base to unload the nomenclature to another base, but not all, but included in a certain group.
Added a nomenclature to the exchange plan, turned off the autorecistration.
Created a subscription to an event before recording a nomenclature with a handler:

Exchange procedure ExchangePrunningCholeryPrintsPrintsPrintspace (source, refusal) Export of exchanges. MeasuringRegsegistryProductsWextoPresentation ("ExchangeBrojbuchgalliumPr.", source, refusal); Extrudresses
Pointed the exchange rules.

Now you need to correct the registration rules, taking into account that the unloaded group will be set in the exchange plan unit for example by the props of "VargoGroupNews".

Opened registration rules in the CD and ... and stuck ... How to implement such registration?

Answer: () It seems to understand what, thanks, I will pick

Question: Object registration rules when exchanging 3.0 - BP 3.0

There was such a problem, you need to register and send a new object only once. If changes occur - the object does not register to be dispatched.
In regulations for registration in about "before processing" wrote such a code

If not an object. Link. Laptop () then
Failure \u003d truth; Ended; The code works out, the object is registered 1 time, but for some reason they do not reach another base. Although the package number is supplied. What is the reason?

Answer: () At the time of recording the document, the registration algorithm in () is launched, during the exchange process, this algorithm starts again?

Question: Cancel Registrations of Objects for Typical Exchange BP_3 - ZUP_3

Good day!
For the sample exchange of BP_3 - ZUP_3 I want to make some changes to the BP objects are not unloaded into ZUP.
To do this, made the following:
1. Saved a set of rules for conversion and registration to the file (zip archive);
2. Uploaded them to convert data (rules for conversion and registration rules);
3. For registration rules, for the "Divisions" reference book added to the "Before Processing" procedure.
Failure \u003d truth; Report ("Refusal \u003d" + Refusal);
4. Uploaded registration rules back to the BP configuration.
5. I change at the EPR element. Divisions Name. A message appears: "Failure \u003d Truth". But this item appears in the list of registered changes.

Why? After all, the change should not be registered.

Answer: () In the rules of the exchange, it is probably better to call this procedure then? In order to make changes to the standard BP. What do you think?

Question: RIB registration rules

Good day. There is retail Customized shopping. I added a new accumulation register and document to the configuration, which is the recorder of this register. Included these new objects in the store sharing plan. And now I need to include them in the registration rules so that the data is unloaded into the periphery only at the desired store. But I do not quite understand how to do it, because I enter the registration rules on the nodes it is written that the registration file is used only for the test, since then then change the registration rules?


Todd22 said (a):

I looked at my rules. In my handler "Post-Processing" here is the code of the document "Report on Retail Sales":

If plans морная. Headshel ()<> It is uncertain then arrays and a new array; Massivozlov. Addly (PlansOther. Headust ()); Additional trappers (object, arrays); Ended;

--- An association messages 18 Aug 2016. ---

And what is the meaning of the document "sales data on checks"?

Click to reveal ...

he makes the register movement, with which we collect analytics in the report, the standard registers did not fit. There is nothing in it, he downtime is the registrar

Question: Exchange Plan and Registration Rules

Guru Tell me- if in terms of the exchange of the objects, the autoregenia is disabled, and in the subscription to the event, it is determined by the need to register an object in exchange, then whether registration should be written?

Answer: All ATP

Question: Registration of changes for exchange

It would be necessary to remove the document from the exchange. Uploaded the rules for registering objects and deleted this document from registration rules. Saved and uploaded back to logging for this exchange node. But it did not affect registration. All the same registration occurs. Is it possible to cancel registration without climbing into the code?

Answer: Either from the subscription to remove or in about putting the failure \u003d truth

Question: Rules for converting objects, what is changing when adding a plan of exchange?

Colleagues, good afternoon!

There is an exchange of ZUP -\u003e UPP, in which the directory of office is unloaded, if the reference to it met in some personnel document, i.e. PVD own no, and PKO is defined. This PKO is set to search for an object by name without searching for an internal object identifier. 3 details are unloaded: code, name, pairing. Everything worked well until they made your own exchange plan to register changed personnel documents. The PKO posts are triggered with it (I call it to report in the event before the front), however, in the message message _... instead of details, the code, name, tagging are unloaded completely different details: (keyword-to-reading book), (NameTigabystock), (NameTyPavibarInik), name. The search is carried out by reference, and not as in the PKO for the name, respectively, in the IB receiver, the elements are stored plus loaded without code and marked for deletion.

Tell me, please, missed?

Answer: () Yes Own exchange rules, upload them to the Basic tab in the data exchange settings.

Question: Immortal registration of objects 2. Dead anarchist.

For those who have not watched, that is, I did not read the first part () - you did not miss anything.
As in the famous song Kish, after cure common problem, I got out one trouble.
So: 1 Central (server) base. 9 peripheral (file). Exchanges through files. Healthy exchange files occupy approximately 14 kb. Periodically, the Center sends a message to one database 169 KB. Inside a couple of thousands of records of the registers of St. ("TablesGroupPripports", "Group Supreme Suitable" Standard for BSP). If you manually delete the registration, the file decreases to 14 kb, but after some time again 169 KB. Without interference, the exchange file periodically arbitrarily becomes normal. It is not easy to track, but there is a suspicion that manually exchanges without problems, and the regulatory exchange is 50/50. Such a problem is only for one peripheral database.
Tii did both on the central and peripheral bases (without creating new elements).

0105 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in the Republic of Adygea 0280 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 39 in the Republic of Bashkortostan 0300 - UFNS of Russia in the Republic of Buryatia 0327 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 9 in the Republic of Buryatia 0400 - Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Republic of Altai 0506 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 12 for RD 0507 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 7 for RD 0521 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 9 for RD 0523 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 1 for RD 0529 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 2 for RD 0533 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 10 for RD 0542 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 3 for RD 0544 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 17 for RD 0546 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 8 for RD 0547 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 15 for RD 0548 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 6 for RD 0550 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 4 For RD 0571 - Russia's IFNS in Leninsky district G.Makhachkala 0600 - UFNS of Russia in the Republic of Ingushetia 0608 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 1 in the Republic of Ingushetia 0716 - MR INTNS of Russia No. 4 for CBD 0718 - MINA FTS of Russia No. 2 for CBD 0720 - MRE FTS Russia No. 5 for CBD 0724 - MR INTNS of Russia No. 6 for CBD 0725 - IFNS of Russia No. 1 in Nalchik KBR 0726 - IFTS Russia No. 2 in Nalchik CBD 0800 - UFNS of Russia in the Republic of Kalmykia 0816 - IFTS Russia in Elist 0900 - UFNS for KCD 0917 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 3 for KChr 1001 - IFTS Russia in Petrozavodsk 1121 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 5 in the Republic of Komi 1215 - IFTS Russia for the city of Yoshkar-Ola 1326 - Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Leninsky district G . Saransk 1447 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 5 in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 1513 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia in Vladikavkazu 1690 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 18 in the Republic of Tatarstan 1700 - UFNS of Russia in the Republic of Tyva 1719 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 1 in the republic Tyva 1832 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 11 at the Udmurt Republic 1900 - UFNS of Russia in the Republic of Khakassia 1901 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in the Republic of Khakassia 1902 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 2 in the Republic of Khakassia 1903 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 3 in the Republic of Khakassia 2036 - Interdistrict IFTS Ross II No. 6 in the Chechen Republic 2130 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Cheboksary 2225 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 in the Altai Territory 2375 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 16 in the Krasnodar Territory 2468 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 23 for the Krasnoyarsk Territory 2500 - UFNS of Russia in Primorsky The edge of 2501 - Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 4 in the Primorsky Territory 2502 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 in the Primorsky Territory 2503 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in the Primorsky Territory 2505 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 6 for the Primorsky Territory 2506 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 2 for Primorsky Edge 2507 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 7 in the Primorsky Territory 2508 - IFNS of Russia in Nakhodka of the Primorsky Territory 2509 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 8 in the Primorsky Territory 2510 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 3 in the Primorsky Territory 2511 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 9 in the Primorsky Territory 2515 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 5 for the Primorsky Territory 2533 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 11 on the Primorsky Territory 2536 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Leninsky district of Vladivostok 2625 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Georgievsk Stavropol Territory 2628 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Kislovodsk of the Stavropol Territory 2632 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Pyatigorsk Stavropol Territory 2641 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 1 In the Stavropol Territory 2643 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 3 in the Stavropol Territory 2644 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 4 in the Stavropol Territory 2646 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 6 in the Stavropol Territory 2648 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 8 in the Stavropol Territory 2649 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 9 In the Stavropol Territory 2650 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 in the Stavropol Territory 2651 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 11 in the Stavropol Territory 2700 - SFNS of Russia in the Khabarovsk Territory 2724 - Federal Tax Service of Russia for Railway District G. Khabarovsk 2801 - MINS of Russia No. 1 in Amur region 2901 - IFTS Russia in Arkhangelsk 3025 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 6 for Astrakhan Region 3100 - UFNS Russia Belgorod region 3123 - Russia's IFTS in Belgorod 3241 - Interdistrict IFSN of Russia No. 1 in the Bryansk Region 3252 - Interdistrict IFTSs of Russia No. 7 in the Bryansk Region 3253 - Interdistrict IFTSs of Russia No. 8 for the Bryansk Region 3256 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 10 in the Bryansk region 3328 - The Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Oktyabrsky district of Vladimir 3400 - UFNS of Russia Volgograd region 3435 - IFNS of Russia in Volga Volgograd region 3443 - IFTS Russia in Dzerzhinsky district Volgograd 3453 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 3 in Volgograd region 3454 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 4 in Volgograd Region 3455 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 5 in Volgograd Region 3456 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 6 in Volgograd Region 3457 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 7 in Volgograd Region 3458 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 8 in Volgograd Region 3500 - UFNS of Russia in the Vologda Region 3525 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 11 in the Vologda Region 3528 - Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 12 in the Vologda Region 3529 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in the Vologda Region 3532 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 4 in the Vologda Region 3533 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 5 in the Vologda Region 3535 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 7 in the Vologda Region 3536 - Interdistrict IFNS of Russia No. 8 in the Vologda Region 3537 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 9 in the Vologda Region 3538 - Interdistrict and FTS of Russia No. 10 in the Vologda Region 3600 - UFNS of Russia in Voronezh Region 3668 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 12 in the Voronezh Region 3700 - UFNS of Russia in Ivanovo Region 3702 - IFTS Russia in Ivanovo 3800 - UFNS of Russia in Irkutsk Region 3850 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 17 in Irkutsk Region 3926 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 in the Kaliningrad region 4027 - IFTS Russia in Leninsky district Kaluga 4101 - IFTS Russia in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky 4200 - UFNS of Russia in Kemerovo Region 4202 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 3 In the Kemerovo region 4205 - IFTS of Russia in Kemerovo 4212 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 2 in Kemerovo Region 4213 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in Kemerovo Region 4214 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 8 in Kemerovo Region 4217 - Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Central District Novokuznetsk Kemerovo Region 4222 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 5 for the Kemerovo Region 4223 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 11 in the Kemerovo Region 4230 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 7 in Kemerovo Region 4246 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 9 in Kemerovo Region 4250 - Interdistrict IFTSs of Russia No. 12 for Kemerovo Region 4252 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 13 for Kemerovo Region 4253 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 4 in Kemerovo Region 4350 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 14 in the Kirov region 4400 - UFNS of Russia in the Kostroma region 4401 - IFTS in Kostroma 4501 - Federal Tax Service of Russia in Kurgan 4600 - UFNS of Russia in Kursk Region 4632 - IFTS Russia for Kursk 4700 - UFNS of Russia in the Leningrad Region 4704 - IFNS of Russia in Vyborg district of Leningrad region 4827 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 6 on the Lipetsk region 4900 - UFNS of Russia in Magadan region 4910 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in Magadan region 4911 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 4911 2 in the Magadan region 4912 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 3 in the Magadan region 5000 - UFNS of Russia in the Moscow region 5001 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the city of Balayshe Moscow region 5003 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 14 in the Moscow Region 5004 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 19 in Moscow Areas of 5005 - IFNS of Russia in Voskreshensk Moscow Region 5007 - IFNS of Russia in Dmitrov Moscow Region 5009 - IFTS Russia in Domodedovo Moscow Region 5010 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 12 for Moscow Region 5011 - Federal Tax Service of Russia in Moscow Moscow Oblast 5012 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 20 in the Moscow Region 5017 - The Federal Tax Service of Russia according to the city of Moscow region 5018 - Interdistrict IFTS Rossi and No. 2 in Moscow Region 5019 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 18 in the Moscow Region 5020 - The Federal Tax Service of Russia in Clin in the Moscow region 5022 - Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 7 in the Moscow Region 5024 - IFTS Russia in Krasnogorsk Moscow Region 5027 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia №17 in Moscow Region 5029 - IFTS Russia in the Moscow region 5030 - IFTS Russia in Naro-Fominsk Moscow Region 5031 - IFTS Russia in Nogynsk Moscow Region 5032 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 22 in the Moscow Region 5034 Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 in the Moscow region 5035 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Pavlovsky Posada of the Moscow Region 5038 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 3 in the Moscow Region 5040 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in Moscow Region 5042 - IFTS Russia in Sergiev Posad of the Moscow Region 5043 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 11 in Moscow Region 5044 - Federal Tax Service of Russia in Solnogorsk Moscow Region 5045 - Federal Tax Service of Russia in Typino Moscow Region 5047 - Interdistrict IFTS RO SSIA №13 in Moscow region 5048 - IFTS Russia in Chekhov Moscow Region 5049 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow Region 5050 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 16 in Moscow Region 5053 - IFTS Russia in Elektrostal Moscow Region 5072 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 8 in the Moscow Region 5074 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 5 in Moscow Region 5075 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 21 in the Moscow Region 5081 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 23 for Moscow Region 5102 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 1 in the Murmansk region 5105 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 7 in the Murmansk region 5108 - Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 5 on the Murmansk region. 5110 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 2 in the Murmansk Region 5118 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 8 in Murmansk Region 5190 - IFTS Russia in Murmansk 5275 - MINA FTS of Russia No. 15 in Nizhny Novgorod Region 5300 - UFNS of Russia in Novgorod Region 5321 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 9 in Novgorod Region 5331 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 in Novgorod Region 5332 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 2 in Novgorod Region 5336 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 6 in Novgorod Region 5400 - UFNS of Russia in Novosibirsk Region 5476 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 16 Novosibirsk region 5543 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 12 in the Omsk Region 5658 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 in the Orenburg Region 5749 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 9 in the Oryol Region 5835 - The Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Oktyabrsky district of Penza 5958 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 17 Perm region 6000 - UFNS of Russia in the Pskov region 6027 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 1 in the Pskov region 6196 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 26 in Rostovsko І region 6200 - UFNS of Russia in the Ryazan Region 6214 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 7 for Ryazan Region 6219 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 5 in the Ryazan Region 6225 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 in the Ryazan Region 6226 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 9 for Ryazan Region 6232 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 4 in the Ryazan Region 6234 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 2 for Ryazan Region 6313 - The Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Krasnoglinsky district of Samara 6451 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 19 in Saratov Region 6500 - UFNS of Russia in Sakhalin Region 6501 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 1 in Sakhalin Region 6504 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 5 in Sakhalin Region 6507 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 3 for Sakhalin Region 6509 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 2 in Sakhalin Region 6517 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 4 for Sakhalin Region 6658 - IFTS Russia Up-Izetsky District of Ekaterinburg 6700 - UFNS of Russia in the Smolensk region 6733 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 5 for Smolensk Region 6820 - Interdraden Yofns of Russia No. 4 in Tambov Region 6906 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 2 in Tver Region 6908 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 3 in the Tver Region 6910 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 4 in the Tver Region 6912 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 5 in Tver Region 6913 - Interdistrict Inspectoons of Russia No. 6 in the Tver Region 6914 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 7 in the Tver Region 6915 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 8 in the Tver Region 6952 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 12 in the Tver Region 7031 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 7 for the Tomsk Region 7100 - UFNS of Russia in the Tula region 7154 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 10 in the Tula region 7232 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 14 in the Tyumen region 7325 - the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Leninsky district G. Ulyanovsk 7400 - UFNS of Russia in Chelyabinsk Region 7456 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 17 in the Chelyabinsk Region 7500 - UFNS of Russia in the Trans-Baikal Territory 7505 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 5 for the Trans-Baikal Territory 7513 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 6 in the Trans-Baikal Territory 7527 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 7 in the Trans-Baikal Territory 7530 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 4 in the Trans-Baikal Territory 7536 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 2 in Chita 7538 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 8 in the Trans-Baikal Territory 7580 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 1 in the Trans-Baikal Territory 7627 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 7 in the Yaroslavl region 7700 - UFNS of Russia in Moscow 7746 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 46 in Moscow, 7800 - UFNS of Russia in St. Petersburg 7801 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 16 in St. Petersburg 7802 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 17 in St. Petersburg 7804 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 18 in St. Petersburg 7805 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 19 in St. Petersburg 7806 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 21 in St. Petersburg 7807 - Interdistrict IFTS of Russia №22 in St. Petersburg 7810 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia №23 in St. Petersburg 7811 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 24 in St. Petersburg 7813 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia №25 in St. Petersburg 7814 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 26 in St. Petersburg 7816 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia №27 in St. Petersburg 7817 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 20 in St. Petersburg 7819 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 3 in St. Petersburg 7820 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 2 in St. Petersburg 7838 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 7 in St. Petersburg 7839 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 8 in St. Petersburg 7840 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 9 in St. Petersburg 7841 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 10 in St. Petersburg 7842 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia №11 In St. Petersburg 7843 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 12 in St. Petersburg 7847 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 15 in St. Petersburg 7848 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 28 in St. Petersburg 7901 - Federal Tax Service of Russia in Burobijanu Jewish Autonomous Region 8600 - UFNS of Russia in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra 8617 - The Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Surgut District of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra 8700 - UFNS of Russia in the Chukchi AO 8709 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 1 in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 8901 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 1 According to Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District 9103 - Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 8 in the Republic of Crimea 9105 - Interdistrict IFSS of Russia No. 1 in the Republic of Crimea 9108 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of Russia No. 4 in the Republic of Crimea 9110 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 6 in the Republic of Crimea 9111 - Interdistrict IFTS Russia No. 7 in the Republic of Crimea 9112 - Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 9 in the Republic of Crimea 9204 - Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Leninsky district G. Sevastopol 9901 - IFTS Russia in the city and cosmodrome Baikonur

In this article, we will consider filling the P14001 to make changes to the EGRUL, including to correct errors to the register in the previously submitted statement on the example of a limited liability company, namely:

Before filling out the form p14001, you need to know several important points:

1. You can combine several changes in one form P14001 by filling out the appropriate sheet sheets (for example, the participant's yield and the distribution of its share + change of the general director + adding OKVED codes).

2. It is impossible to produce a correction of errors in one action and make changes to the incorporation, in this case two forms p14001 are supplied.

3. The entry of a new participant in LLC by increasing the authorized capital is carried out by the form of P13001.

4. To make any changes to the constituent documents apply to the form of P13001.

5. The entry of a new participant in LLC without increasing the authorized capital is carried out by, as well as through or belonging to the participant in the Company.

6. Before submitting to the State Registration in the appropriate line of the sheet p application p14001, the applicant puts its signature, the authenticity of which should be witnessed in a notarial manner. The application in the form of P14001 stitches notary.

7. Now, from May 05, 2014, in the event of an application with a trustee, a notarial power of attorney is necessary (Federal Law No. 129-FZ, chapter III, Article 9, PT.1, second paragraph).

8. If a cEO Or the participant was changed to the name, registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, then not to report this to the tax inspectorate in the form of P14001 is not mandatory. The federal migration services authorities themselves will report changes to the tax authority, which will make the necessary data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities ().

9. In the case of filling in the application form manually - the filling is carried out by handle with black ink with capital printing letters. Filling using software Must be carried out by capital letters of the Courier New height of 18 points.

10. Bilateral printing of documents submitted to the registering authority is prohibited.

11. For state registration of changes to the EGRULA in the form of P14001, state duty is not charged.

12. You can track the status of the readiness of documents using the service "Information on legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in respect of which documents for state registration are presented."

Attention! To view the samples of filling the form p14001 you will need free program for reading PDF. files, last version Which can be downloaded from the official site Adobe Reader.

Necessary when filling out the form p14001 Information:

According to the final registration of changes in the form of P14001, you will receive:

Sheet of recording EGRUL.

The form of P14001 is used when the participant exit from the LLC and the distribution of its share, which passed society, among the remaining participants in proportion to their shares in the authorized capital. When exiting the distribution is filled out p.1 of the statements corresponding to the sheets in, G, D, E - participants, LLC, sheet 3 - share of LLC, sheet R - applicant. The applicant in this case is the head of the Company. When submitting changes to the State Registration of the tax with the form of P14001 certified by a notary, a statement is applied on the exit of the participant from the Company, certified by the notary and decision (protocol) on the distribution of the share, which passed to society.

Attention! The participant of the Company is entitled to get out of society by alienating the share of society, regardless of the consent of the other participants or society, if this is provided for by the Company's Charter (Federal Law No. 14-FZ, Chapter III, Article 26, Pt.1). Otherwise, the way out of society can be carried out only with the consent of other participants.

The form of P14001 is used in the notarial purchase and sale of a share in LLC. This is filled in p. 1 statements corresponding to the sheets in, g, d, e - participants of the LLC and the list of P - the applicant. The applicant in this case is the seller of the share of the participant in LLC. With a notarial purchase and sale of a share of the notary draws out the appropriate agreement, assures the statement of P14001 and submits documents for the State Registration of Changes to the Tax.

Attention! The participant of the Company is entitled to sell or implement an alienation in otherwise its share or part of the share in the authorized capital of the Company to one or several participants in this company. The consent of other participants in the Company or society to commit such a transaction is not required, unless otherwise provided by the Company's Charter.

The participant of the Company, intended to sell his share or part of the share capital of the Company to the third party, is obliged to inform the rest of the Company's other participants in writing and the society itself by sending through society at its own expense of the offer addressed to these persons and contains the specification of prices and other terms of sale. . The participants of the Company have the preferential right to buy a share of LLC or part of the share of the participant LLC at the price of the offer to a third party or from the price of a third party in advance by the Charter of the Company.

The form of P14001 is used when buying a share of the society by a third party, as well as when buying a share of a participant in society. For this, it is filled in p.1 of the statements corresponding to the sheets in, g, d, e - participants of the LLC, sheet 3 - share of LLC, sheet R - applicant. The applicant in this case is the head of the Company. When submitting changes to the state registration, the following documents are submitted to the tax:

Form p14001, certified by notary;
- a statement about the release of the participant from the Company, certified by a notary (if the exploitation of the participant and the sale of a share of LLC occurs in one stage);
- decision (protocol) on the sale of a share owned by society;
- a contract for the sale of a share owned by a third party or a participant (the form of the contract is simple written);
- receipt or other document confirming the payment of the share under the contract.

Attention! The predominant right of buying a share of LLC in this case does not apply.

The form of P14001 is used when inheriting the share of LLC. At the same time, ps.1 of the statements, sheets d by the testator and the heir, the list of P is the applicant. The applicant for this type of registration is the heir himself. When inheriting the share of notary, the P14001 declarations, signed by the heir, documents are submitted to the State Registration of Changes to Tax, together with a notarial copy of the certificate of inheritance and decision (protocol) of LLC confirming the transfer of the share or part of the share to the heirs of citizens who are members of society.

The inheritance of the share can be made within six months from the date of the opening of the inheritance, that is, from the date of the death of the participant LLC. If during this time the heirs are not either not want to enter into the rights of inheritance, then the share of the deceased participant goes to the balance of society.

Attention! To occur to the right to participate in the management of the Company's business, the heir must obtain a certificate of the right to the inheritance of the share of the notary, leading the hereditary case, after which, if the died was not the only participant, refer to the participants of the Ltd. for receiving consent to the transition of the Company's share.

Changing Address Ltd. to the EGRULA without making changes to the charter is carried out in form P14001, the new legal address is indicated on a sheet of claims. When submitting changes to the State Registration of the tax with the form of P14001 certified by the notary, documents are submitted to the new legal address (a copy of the certificate of ownership, a copy of the lease agreement).

The form of P14001 is applied when changing the director of LLC. When appointed to the position of the new Director, Ltd. is filled out ps.1 of statements, a list to the termination of the powers of the old director and the sheet to the imposition of powers on the new General Director of the Company, the list of P is the applicant. The applicant in this case is a new director of LLC. When submitting changes to the state register to the tax with the form of P14001 certified by a notary, a decision (protocol) is applied on the appointment of a new general director of LLC.

The form of P14001 is used when changing the passport data of the General Director LLC. At the same time, ps 1 statements, a sheet to about changing information about the face, sheet P is the applicant. The applicant in this case is the General Director of LLC. When submitting changes to the state register to the tax with the form of P14001 certified by a notary, a decision (Protocol) is submitted about amending the EGRULA in connection with the change of passport data of the General Director LLC.

Attention! If the head of the Company changed the surname, registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, then not to report this to the tax inspectorate in the form of P14001 is not mandatory. The federal migration service authorities themselves will report changes to the tax authority, which will make the necessary data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Federal Law No. 129-FZ, Chapter II, Art. 5, PT.4, Fifth paragraph).

The form of P14001 is used when changing the passport data of the participant LLC. At the same time, a statement is filled out, a list of changes in the participant's information, the list of P is the applicant. The applicant in this case is the General Director of LLC. When submitting changes to the State Registration of the tax with the form of P14001 certified by a notary, a decision (protocol) is submitted about amending the EGRULA in connection with the change in passport data of the participant LLC.

Attention! If the participant of the Company changed the name, registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, then not necessarily report this to the tax inspectorate in the form of P14001. The federal migration service authorities themselves will report changes to the tax authority, which will make the necessary data into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Federal Law No. 129-FZ, Chapter II, Art. 5, PT.4, Fifth paragraph).

The form of P14001 is used when making changes to information on codes on the All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities (OKVED). At the same time, the statements are filled in p. 1 of the statements - the activities to be submitted, the list of the statement is the activities to be excluded, the list of P is the applicant. The applicant in this case is the General Director of LLC.

If you need to add additional activities:
1. Select the necessary activities on OKVED (at least 4 digital signs);
2. Enter them into the list of P14001 statements in the "Codes of additional activities" in accordance with the sample presented below.

If you need to exclude additional activities:
1. We choose the activities to be exceeded (current activities can be viewed in an extract from the Incorporation, in case of its absence, it is possible to order an current electronic statement from an incorporation);
2. We enter them into the P14001 statements in the "Codes of additional activities" in accordance with the sample presented below.

If you need to change the main activity:
1. Enter new code in P14001 statements in "Code of the main activity";
2. Enter the old code in the list of the P14001 statements in the "Code of the main activity";
3. If it is necessary to leave the old code of the main type of activity, enter it as an additional on the P14001 statements in the "Codes of additional activities" in accordance with the sample presented below.

Attention! The code of the main activity can be only one. Codes are filled in line to leave right. Indicates at least 4 digital signs of activity. If necessary, several sheets are filled. The empty sheets of the statement of numbers do not need to be printed, i.e. If you are only adding activities, it is not required to print an empty "list n page 2" statements.

When submitting changes to the tax with the form of P14001, a certified by a non-notary form (protocol) is submitted to make changes to information on OKVED codes.

The form of P14001 is applied in situations when an error contains an error, and in the constituent documents all data is correct. At the same time, the statements are filled out, where the number 2 is set - in connection with the correction of errors made in the previously submitted statement, the UAH filed by the previously applied statement containing the error and the necessary corrections are made to the appropriate sheets; Sheet R - applicant. The applicant in this case is the General Director of LLC. When submitting changes to the state registration to a tax with the form of P14001 certified by a notary, a solution is filed (protocol) on making changes to the correction of errors made in the previously submitted statement.

Prepare a set of documents for making changes in the form of P14001 online

Want to make changes to the EGRUL, but there is no desire to understand the subtleties of filling out the form P14001 and are afraid to get a refusal? Take advantage of the online document design that will help you prepare documents for registration without errors! Our lawyers will check the prepared documents and will give the necessary advice and answers to any question.

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Why can a warning window "Register changes" with the text "registered 0 changes from 1 on the" node name "node"?

My experience.

1. Where does the window be taken?

You should go to the configuration in the configurator mode - Processing - "Registration of IndependentChanged" - "Form" code in the client procedure of the module of the form:

Report indicators (command, results) If the typcoon (command) \u003d type ("boolevo") then if the command is then heading under test \u003d ND ("RU \u003d" Registration of changes: ""); Text Consumption \u003d NSTR ("RU \u003d" Registered% 1 changes from% 2 | On the "% 0" node "");

Also, pay attention, in each configuration there is a built-in processing of "registration of indemnifying", but there are also three external treatments:

"RecordsMennagedlyAbnimna82 (normal application)",

"RegistrationMennagedlyAdnamment82 (managed application)",

"Registration EnchangeliesDlyAdnamn83 (Managed Appendix)"

in the "TMPLTS" template catalog "Data Conversion" configuration.

2.1. Possible reasons The appearance of the window "Registered 0 changes from 1 on the node" is that the data has not been updated.

2.2. For example, to test the exchange plans, I take two copies of the databases: a source is a more recent copy, in which there are already new data for exchange, and the receiver is earlier, i.e. It has not yet appeared new data.

And on these copies of the bases I test exchange.

2.3. Also in copies of the source database, I copy document or reference item. Then, in order to register it for exchange, I go into exchange plans, finding the exchange plan between the configurations of the source and receiver, then select and open the exchange element, then in the managed form of the menu "All Actions" - "Download Object Registry Rules".

In the "Object Registration Rules" window that opens, click on the upper command panel "Save registration rules to a file" and unloaded to a disk with extension .xml.

Also, elements of the exchange plans can be opened in the new configuration edits on managed formas On the way:

section Administration - Data Synchronization Settings At the same time, to collaborate with the specified configurations, check that the checkbox is checked. Data synchronization .

3.1. How to decide: change key fields or register an unloading object is definitely. For this, see clause 4.

3.2. How to find out what could be key fields?

You can use the "Data Conversion" configuration. If it is not installed, it should be pre-downloaded from the ITS site or, copy from the ITS disk, and install it.

On the site "" you can find a configuration for downloading on the next way:

Home - Development and Administration - Methodical Support for Developers and Administrators 1C: Enterprises 8 - Content - Developers - Data Exchange, Application Technologies - Universal Technology Exchange - Configuration "Data Conversion 2.1".

The path to the configuration "Data Conversion" on the disk:

\\ 1cits \\ EXE \\ CONVERSION \\ \\ SETUP \\.

Then you should unload the "Source" and "Receiver" metadata into files with extension .xml external processing "MD82Exp.epf" for conventional forms or "md83exp.epf" for controlled forms.

Next, download these metadata structure files to the "Data Conversion" configuration using the built-in processing "Loading the configuration metadata structure". MD82Exp.epf processing, "md83exp.epf" are in the configuration directory "Data Configuration" configuration after installing this configuration from the setup.exe file.

After the metadata is loaded should be downloaded to "converting data" the rules for registering objects. These rules can be unloaded from the exchange plan.

Then, you should open the "Registration Rules Settings" workplace and see what criteria objects are recorded for unloading according to the rules for registering objects.

The rules register changes in data elements in the source database for subsequent sending to the recipient's assembly in the database. Data items will be registered only if they correspond to the filters for registering objects installed in the properties of the recipient's node, so in the "Data Conversion" configuration, you should download object registration rules from both the source node and from the recipient node! And to look at what key fields is checking: you should register an unloading object or not.

4.1. If n. 3 does not help you, for example, accounting 3.0, Trade Management 11 or Salary and Personnel Management 3, it is possible if you can remove the "Use when registering changes in migration limit objects" in the settings, you will cost the problem and can register Object for migration.

This check box is here: Processing "Registration of ChangesTracted" - "Register" - "Request Results",

after that, the question window "Settings" with a question "appears in the settings not specified processing to execute requests. Set up now?" In which click "Yes",

the "Settings" processing window will then appear, in this window and you can read the "Use when registering changes in migration limit objects".

After removing the object will be registered for unloading unconditionally.

4.2. What does the check box affect?

If you uncheck the checkbox (set "false"), then additional checking for compliance general settings The exchange node When registering objects to unload in the source configuration, it will not be performed. And you can register an object for unloading.

But at the same time, pay attention, it is better to register new documentwhich is not in the database of the receiver!