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In which year a phone appeared. Who came up with the phone? Cell communication market development

My phone rang. Who says? Elephant! Telephone - invention that has changed the world. Once, all our modern activities are so tied on this thing, we decided to trace the history of its development, and at the same time and understand how it works.

Do you know a person who has no phone? Perhaps it is that very old grandmothers and grandparents. Well, or guys from the tribe of the Tumba-Yumba. Although they probably already have. The phone appeared a century ago, and here's the result: each person calls about 1500 times a year!

Telephony development

The first phones had a range of only 500 meters, they had no call, and the challenge had to carry out a whistle. After deploying a coal microphone and an induction coil, the range of the device has increased significantly.

The first telephone stations could not connect the subscribers directly. In order to "call", it was necessary to remove the tube and start twist the lever. After connecting to the telephone line, she told her the number of the subscriber, she stuck the plug into the nest, and only after that the conversation began.

The call was directly possible since the 20s of the last century, although the automatic switch capable of replacing the work of telephonist, in 1887 offered Russian scientist K.A. Mostitsky.

It is now we are accustomed to 7 digit rooms and international telephone codes. And the first telephone numbers consisted of only 2-3 digits.

In 1927, it was already possible to call from New York to London. Telephone networks began to actively cover the globe.

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The principle of the phone "on the fingers"

Why on the fingers? Because before dealing with something complicated (for example, the principle of the modern mobile phone), you should always understand the simplest things that everything went.

The signals in the telephone are electrical. Human speech is a beep. The phone converts sound signals into electrical and vice versa.

We speak the microphone, the membrane fluctuates, its oscillations in the magnetic field create a current in the coil, which is passed on the wire to the interlocutor. At that end, the reverse process takes place: the current flows in the moving coil of the dynamics, because of this membrane hesitates and "pegs" air. As a result, we hear the sound.

Now the phones can be divided into:

  • ordinary stationary phones;
  • radiotelephones;
  • cell Phones;
  • satellite phones;
  • phones operating in IP telephony.

The appearance of modern phones, mobile communication

The value of the invention of the mobile phone was also revolutionary. And the first mobiles appeared in 1976. They were huge, and their cost was also huge. In the 1980s, in America, you could already buy a mobile phone for 3,500 dollars. For comparison: the new Ford Mustang cost 6500.

It is believed that it was invented in the USA, but there is a version that the first prototype of the mobile was developed in the USSR in 1973. Like many interesting developments, the Soviet mobile phone remained unknown to the world.

In the CIS countries, mobile phones spread widely in the 90s of the 20th century.

Prospects for the development of phones

Scientists, futurologists and social researchers believe that in the future, smartphones are likely to push individual devices such as a computer, a laptop and a camera. The capabilities and power of phones will simply connect a monitor and keyboard to them, turning the smartphone into a full-fledged personal PC.

Already, the modern telephone is a real research station that collects a huge amount of data. In the future, the amount and quality of data will grow. The collected information can be used for a wide variety of studies: from the behavior of groups of people before the prediction of earthquakes and weather forecast. Bank cards will also go to the past. Already now there is a technology that allows you to pay with a smartphone using it instead of a card.

But it's all in the future. So far, no matter how smart the smartphone is, he will not be able to write a course or control for you. It can help this special student service that provides services for all areas of professionals: from agronomy and accounting to electronics and nuclear physics.

The opportunity to contact close and friends at any moment today seems to us natural as breathing, but it was not always.

Even mobile phones got widespread no more than 15-20 years ago, and wired telephones appeared a little over a hundred years ago. Do you know who invented the phone, and in what year did it happen?

Almost in all modern textbooks and encyclopedias, American Alexander Bell is named inventor of the phone. However, this is not quite like this: Bell was just that man who was able to first patent the phone, and this happened in 1876.

The present inventor is born in the Italian Florence Antonio Meucci, who subsequently moved over the ocean and donkey in the United States. He founded the world's first factory producing paraffin candles, but afterwards the idea of \u200b\u200btransferring sounds to long distances. His work moved successfully, and already in 1860 the inventor showed the audience a device that he called Telektrophon. It used the principle of transforming sound oscillations to electromagnetic and back, which was subsequently the basis of all telephone sets.

Unfortunately, soon after the demonstration of the new invention, there was a misfortune, and the designer was for a long time in bed. During this time, his factory was ruined, and in order to somehow live, the spouse had to sell some devices made by Meumchati, including a telectorphone. Later, he was able to restore his invention and in 1871 he tried to get a patent on him. However, because of the extreme poverty, Meucci could not pay for the services of the Patent Bureau, and soon he died in poverty and obscurity. Only in 2002, justice was restored, and the US Congress recognized the inventor of the telephone of the Italian emigrant Antonio Meucci.

Few people know that the first mobile phone was created in the USSR in 1957. It consisted of the telephone and base station, which was connected to the usual city GTS. The telephone apparatus weighed about 3 kg, and Leonid Kompyanovich became his inventor. The designer and in the future worked on its development, and by 1961 the weight of the handset was able to reduce only 70 grams. The distance between the tube and the base station reached 80 kilometers on an equal terrain. In 1957, the inventor received a patent for the number 115494.

The disadvantage of Kupriyanovich's device was a small number of phones that could be connected with one base station. Their number was limited to the number of frequency channels selected for the station. According to the inventor, in order to overlap the entire area of \u200b\u200bMoscow, it would be necessary to establish no more than a dozen base stations. Subsequently, on the basis of the development of Kupriyanovich since 1965, the Bulgarian enterprise "Radioelectronics" produced mobile mini-PBX for 15 subscribers. They were used mainly on large construction sites as a departmental relationship.

The inventor of the world's first cell phone is Motorola Martin Cooper. It made the first copy of the mobile telephone apparatus operating on the cellular principle in 1973. The device weighed more kilograms and was subsequently named Motorola Dynatac. On the tube there were only 12 buttons, of which 10 were digital, and the other two were used to call and to terminate the conversation.

The display at the first cell phone was not, and the battery provided no more than a conversation hour, but it was charged as much as 10 hours in a row. Total until 1983, Motorola has released five different prototypes of the DYNATAC phone. The first cell phones appeared on a wide sale in 1983 called DynataC 8000x. They were sold at $ 3995, which for that time was a very large amount, but the queues for their acquisition reached several thousand people.

The first phone equipped with a touch screen was manufactured in 1993 by the staff of the famous IBM computer corporation. It was called IBM Simon, and his black and white screen was controlled by the stylus, although some operations could be performed with fingers. The phone weighed about 0.5 kg.

The battery charge was enough for only an hour of conversation or 8-10 hours of waiting. Although the novelty aroused the interest of buyers, but too high the price and frequent gadget breakdowns quickly reduced it to no. Soon the production of IBM Simon was discontinued.

As you know, iPhones produces an American Apple corporation, gaining popularity due to its non-standard and high-tech solutions. The main generator of ideas in Apple from its very reason was the legendary computer and entrepreneur Steve Jobs, the creator. In 1999, Jobs came to mind the idea that the company, in addition to computers, should produce both the world's best mobile phones. He came up with the concept of iPhone, but to realize the idea was only in 2005 together with Motorola specialists.

The first Apple phone called Purple-1 was the symbiosis of the phone and audio player. He did not get expected popularity, but the Apple team continued to work, and in 2007, the IPhone was first introduced to the public in San Francisco to the public, which later became a religious telephone. To date, the happy owners of the iPhones are millions of people in all countries of the world.

We do not imagine modern life without using cellular, it became its integral part. But some years ago, not everyone could afford to buy a cellular, mainly he was considered the subject of luxury.

Currently, the mobile technology industry is developing dynamically, every year all new and new models are created. However, the real revolution in this steel, which won wide popularity among users and practically displaced ordinary "push-button" from sales.

Creator of the first touch phone

Few people know, but in reality the first was invented in 1993 by IBM corporation, most of its activities dedicated to the creation of computer equipment.

This company was established in the distance 1896 by the Engineer Hermann Hollow. It was originally named Tabulating Machine Company and was engaged in the production of countable analytical. In 1911, the merger of TMS with Charles Flita is International Time Recording Company and Computing Scale Corporation. As a result of this process, COMPUTING TABULATING RECORDING (CTR) was formed. In 1917, CTR entered the Canadian markets under the International Business Machines (IBM) brand, and in 1924, the US division changed the name.

IBM Simon.

The first phone was called IBM Simon. In those years, he seemed to be the highest invention among the phones and produced a real extension, although weighed more than 0.5 kg and reminded the "brick", having nothing to do with modern light gadgets. With all that its touch screen was created to work with the stylus, most of the operations it was possible to carry out his fingers.

Simon was equipped with a black and white screen 160 * 293 and a built-in modem. The battery was calculated for one hour of continuous conversation or 8-12 hours of stay in standby mode. In addition, a special slot for additional memory has been provided in the design of the phone.

The operational system was one of the versions of the DOS, which was developed by DataLight. The phone had 1 MB of RAM and 1 MB for various data and applications. The IBM Simon system provides for receiving faxes, e-mail, it could function as a pager, and launched embedded applications.

The cost of such a phone was exormably high - about 900 American dollars, subject to the conclusion of an agreement with the operator for up to two years or 1100 without this condition. Despite all its uniqueness, the gadget often faced and extensive distribution among users did not receive. As a result, IBM refused to venture mobile production.

Many know that the phone invented Alexander Graya Bell, but if you figure it out, the idea was developed, even when it was completely small. It turns out that he simply assigned this development. So who came up with the first phone? It was Antonio Meucci. How did the long phone story develop? Who came up with a mobile phone? Let's try to figure out.

History of phone creation

The development of the phone would have become impossible if people had not learned to transform sound vibrations into electrical impulses. In 1833, this was carried out by K. F. Gauss and V. E. Weber in Göttingen. In 1837, they found a phenomenon that later called "galvanic music". The electrical circuit consists of a horseshoe magnet, aklona and during the oscillations of the chamberton, which are blocked and closed the chain, the electromagnet began to make a melodious sound.

The first words that were told on the phone in 1861 were in history as the winged: "The horse is not eating a salad of cucumbers." Therefore, in which year came up with the phone, it is easy to calculate.

Poor genius

On April 13, 1808, in Florence, the brilliant scientist Antonio Meucci was born in Florence. For his life, he founded the factory of the beer plant, in 1860 he opened the plant that was the first in the world.

1854 forced Antonio to think about developing a way to transfer sound signals at a distance. It was pushed by his wife's illness, which rheumatism was strongly tormented. Sometimes she could not even leave her room.

Not enough money

In 1866, an accident occurred at his factory: the boiler exploded. Because of this Meuchchi, for three months he fell into the hospital. Subsequently, he was fired from work, and his wife had to sell some of his development to keep out at least some money. Among them were, Meuchchi's samples continued to engage in developments, and in 1871 he filed an application to the Patent Bureau of the United States. The lack of finance influenced the loss of a patent in 1873.

11. 06. 2002 In the United States adopted a resolution on who invented the phone. Congress recognized the inventor Antonio Meucci. The reason for the non-recognition of the Italian the author of the development during his lifetime marked lack of knowledge of English to understand the subtleties of the legal moments. He could not hire a lawyer and defend his rights in court. Even after the detailed presentation of all the development nuances, which a priori proved his absolute rightness, he did not have enough of only $ 10 to pay the tax. If he found the right amount, the whole world in 1874 would recognize the championship of Antonio Meuchchi, and not Bella.

Lending Development Owner

So, in 1876, two applicants A. Bell and I. Gray appeared in the Patent Bureau. After a few days, Bell was given the author's certificate to "a telegraphic device that could transmit human speech." The improved model consisted of a wooden stand, an acid tank (it served as a battery), a hearing tube and copper wires. The creator called his model "Hanging" for its unusual form. Gray refused in the patent.

For a long time, the primitive model of the phone remained in the shade. And only in June 1876, he still decided to show her at the exhibition in Philadelphia. Guests remained indifferent to the presented apparatus until the end of the exhibition. Already during the closure itself, a high man was stopped near the phone, which was the emperor Brazil. He was very interested in the novelty exhibited and led the earphone to the ear. What was his surprise when he heard a human voice there! From this point on, the novelty has become world sensation and very quickly gained popularity.

Thus, we found out who invented the phone, but the modern communication device is very different from the first. Technologies have been so developed that there has been almost nothing to do with the usual models with us, except for the principle of work. And who invented a mobile phone, we will learn further.

Cellular development

Cell or mobile phone is designed to work in cellular. For its implementation, by telephone uses regular telephone communications and a radio band transceiver.

Among all types of mobile communication cells are the most common. Mobile phone is often called cellular, although it is not quite so. Mobile communications and radio telephones, and satellite telephones are mobile.

Who invented a cell phone and when, not many know. Today without him we have no idea. And the story began, it turns out, not so long ago.

The first idea of \u200b\u200bcommunication by phone appeared in 1946 at AT & T Bell Labs. The company developed the world's first radio telephone service. He was a telephone hybrid and radio transmitter. In the car installed the radio station, and only so it was possible to make a call. It was impossible to talk at the same time, because in order to say, it was necessary to press the button, as in the radio, then released, it was possible to hear the message in response. The device weighed 12 kg, was placed in the trunk of the machine, and the remote and the tube were taken into the interior of the car. The sake of the antenna drilled holes in the car!

Who came up with a cell phone?

Already in 1957, the Russian scientist L. Kupriyanov experimentally created a sample of a mobile phone. His weight was 3 kg. Later the weight of the apparatus was reduced to 0.5 kg, then up to 70 grams. In 1973, the world's first portable phone started, the first call to which was made on April 3. Motorola Dynatac, that is the so-called this device, had 12 keys, there was no display and features. You could only talk for 35 minutes and charging required 10 hours of waiting.

The year 1984 was marked by the appearance on the sale of the final model of the DYNATAC 8000X mobile phone. Its price was $ 3995! In 1989 released Motorola Microtac.

Recent telephone development

Who came up with the phone, we found out, but how did the touch phones appear? In 1998, the light saw, though developed him in 1993 in IBM, which were engaged in computer technology. Reacts to the touch of the finger for entering any information.

Who invented the touch phone, to say unequivocally difficult, most likely, they were Samuel Heurs. In 1971, he developed an alogograph - a graphic tablet. In 1972, the Americans presented the first touchscreen phone. After 10 years, the first touch TV was set at the fair.

In 2007, the LG KE850 Prada touch telephone appeared, which had excellent design and had great opportunities. The phone could be controlled simply with the help of the finger, and not the stylus.

So, gradually the phones began to improve, many manufacturers appeared, the gadget became an indispensable thing for us, and someone who invented the phone, many forgot.

21 Mar 2015.

Who invented a mobile phone?

Mobile phone - A portable communication means, without which modern society no longer represents his life. Nowadays, each wishes can purchase a mobile phone or smartphone for every taste for an acceptable price.

First mobile phone.

How did it all start? In the middle of the twentieth century, the option of communication was considered at a distance using a portable communications. Soviet engineer Leonid Ivanovich Kupriyanovich showed the world the first experimental model of the current mobile phone. Cell phone weight presented in 1963.was 3 kg, he also could not work without a special base. Scientists and inventors agreed that the invention should be finalized.

The means for communication in the cabin of the car was presented by the laboratory Bell Laboratories.. Synchronically with Bell Laboratories, Company Motorola. Developed a new variant of the portable tool for communication at a distance. Motorola in those days was engaged in selling and releasing radio stations.

Who invented the first mobile phone?

Whatever it was, but the first person who invented the mobile phone became Martin Cooper. He worked for Motorola and was the head of the communications department. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe mobile phone scientists and specialists were perceived skeptical. Martin Cooper did not retreat from his idea. In April 1973 Martin called the director of the company Bell Laboratories by Manhattan with its invention. From this call, the era of mobile technologies began. Cooper, naturally, did not accidentally call the director of the competing company. He wanted to show that his team first coped with his task.

When did the first mobile phone appear?

The first prototype of the modern mobile phone was presented world in 1983.Rivne ten years after the fateful call. The model was named DyNataC 8000X and rated at $ 4,000. Such a price did not scare away people who even recorded in long queues to buy a novelty.

What was the first portable mobile phone?

The first portable mobile phone was very different from mobile phones that we used to use today. What were these differences? Below are their complete list:

  • the length of the tube of the device was 10 cm, a long antenna was attached to it;
  • instead of the display, which we used to use, the phone was equipped with only buttons to call one or another subscriber;
  • the weight of the DYNATAC 8000X model was equal to one kilogram. The dimensions of such a phone were impressive: 22,5х12,5х3.75 cm;
  • the first portable mobile phone did not accept calls, but only committed them;
  • batteries only enough for 45 minutes of conversation, if the phone did not touch it could work up to 6 hours;
  • charged the first phone from 7 to 9 hours.