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Temporary application files. Do you need to delete temporary Windows files? Windows temporary files

Many Windows users have heard such a term as "temporary files", but not all fully understand the essence of these elements and why they are created by the system and applications. Someone believes that they need to be deleted and they are superfluous, and others try not to touch them and carefully bypass. Let's analyze this question more than more on all sides.

Windows temporary files

What it is?

Temporary files in Windows are created in the system by various applications and the operating system itself in order to store the data that is required for the current task.

Why are temporary files are created?

Temporary files are most often created to transfer large amounts of information that is not profitable to store in RAM, or their volume is larger than the amount of RAM. Because program developers temporarily store this data in a folder with temporary files so that after some time their program or a separate module can use this information.

Also temporary files are created as a backup copy of the data with which you are currently working. For example, programs from the Microsoft Office package create temporary files with backup copies of documents with which you run. This is in case of a failure of an office program or a sudden restart of PC. The next time you start, you can continue to work from the same place without losing the data in the document.

As a rule, after the correct completion of the application, temporary files should be deleted automatically. But in fact it happens not always. As a result, we observe the accumulation of a large number of temporary files that lie dead cargo and occupy a useful disk space on the system disk.

Where are the Windows temporary files?

In the operating system itself there are two places where it is customary to store temporary files. You can go to them from the conductor at the following addresses:

  • % SystemDrive% \\ Windows \\ temp
  • % UserProfile% \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Temp

You can insert one of these rows to the targeted string to go to them.

The Windows temporary folder typically uses the operating system itself. The temporary folder in the user profile typically use programs that you use. If you have multiple user accounts on your computer, there are several folders with temporary files, one for each user profile.

Some programs use their own temporary folder to store such data and often have them inside their folders - in the folder with the name of the program there may be a subfolder TEMP.

There are also cases when individual programs create the TEMP folder in the root of the system disk C.

How to change the location of the temporary files

The operating system provides a method for changing the premium folder in the user profile. For this in environment variables ( Control PanelProperties of the systemAdditionallyEnvironment Variables) You need to change the storage folders of temporary files.

If you have multiple user profiles on your computer, you should not move the folder with temporary files for all users to one folder. First of all, it is not recommended to do for security reasons and maintain stability, as it is not known how this or that application will behave if you seen temporary files from another user in the folder. It is best to leave them where they are.

How to delete temporary files?

To remove unnecessary temporary files, you can use specialized utilities like REG ORGANIZER or.

Also for this, a regular tool for cleaning the operating system disks is suitable, but third-party applications are usually more possibilities for cleaning the system from unnecessary data, which makes them more efficient.

Most users are somehow faced with such a concept as Temporary Files. What it is, in general person imagines any little, competent user. That's just not everyone knows that such files may correspond to different categories and relate to different processes or programs. Even less than those who understand how to remove such objects are painless for the system and in full.

Temporary Files: What is this in general understanding?

In order to understand what it is for objects in Windows-systems, you just need to translate the name of this term. In Russian equivalent, this means "temporary files", that is, those that are in the system are not constantly, but only at certain points.

Sometimes they can be deleted automatically, sometimes cleaning has to be done manually - it all depends on what processes such objects were compared. Usually they have the extension of TMP, but not always.

Types of temporary files

Some users mistakenly believe that temporary files appear only when working with the Internet (Temporary Internet Files), when the browser retains them to the hard disk to speed up the access to the previously visited pages. But it is only a special case.

Conditionally all objects can be classified according to the following main types:

  • temporary system files;
  • created and removed objects when installing applications;
  • temporary objects associated with the operation of application programs;
  • internet files (cache, cookies, miniatures pages, etc.).

Thus, the questions of deleting such objects should be solved solely depending on the type. Some files are deleted automatically (for example, installer files or objects created when working with some programs).

In this sense, another look at the objects of Temporary Files will help. That this is from the point of view of software components, it is best to understand on the example of opening Word documents. Please note that at the time of opening in the same folder where the original file is located, its temporary copy is created with the name starting with the "~" symbol (sometimes such objects can be hidden). After working with the document is completed, and it is closed, the temporary file is removed automatically.

The same applies to the cases when the completion of the editor's work was incorrect. From the temporary object, the program and proposes to restore the document, which was emergency closed (of course, if the auto storage function is enabled with an indication of a period of time through which it should be done).

Sometimes when installing games or some repars, it may occur like a "internal error Extract Temporary File" with reference to the ISDone.dll library, islogo.dll, isgsg.dll or messages about the return code of the UNARC.DLL service. For the most part, such messages are generated due to the fact that some processes are blocked by antivirus (most often it is manifested in Comodo Antivirus). But it is possible to eliminate such failures by making programs in the points of trusted. The report states that it is necessary to check the rapid memory, but most often it does not have any relation to RAM.

Windows Temporary Internet Files: How to Delete?

Now a few words about the removal of temporary objects. In any browser, this can be very simple. It is enough just to call the menu of the visits history and click the cleaning button.

It is advisable to specify the cleaning over the entire period, as well as note the browser cache removal items, cookies and other sites, cached images and download history.

In the case of system objects, you can do somewhat differently. Since they are usually saved in the TEMP directories that can be hidden (in the root directory of the system and in user folders) to simplify the work, you need to use the "Run" console and prescribe a combination of% temp% in it. In the found directories, you just need to highlight all objects and press the DEL key to delete. If you want to delete, bypassing the "basket", we use the combination of SHIFT + DEL.

In some cases, you can use the disk cleaning device, where in the list of objects to be deleted, check box next to the time file string.

However, the simplest method from temporary files can be called the use of special optimizer programs in which the corresponding modules must be noted for quickly maintenance (cleaning of garbage, confidentiality, removal of Internet history, etc.).

Instead of pre-school

That's all that concerns such a thing as Temporary Files. What kind of objects it is thought, many have already become clear. It is clear that solely on the Internet the appearance of file files is not connected (look at the above list). As for cleaning the system from such objects, the applied removal methods depend only on which such objects include such objects and whether they are removed automatically.

Disk of small size, and the system reports the absence of free space.

In order to delete temporary files accumulated during the Internet page viewing, you should contact the browser used:
1. US Internet Explorer Users The "Service" section should be pressed at the top of the menu, select the Observer Properties menu item and in the window that opens, on the General tab, click the Delete button in the "View History" section. Options for deleting temporary files will be proposed, and noting you need, you can delete temporary files.

2. The users of Google Chrome must be pressed in the upper right corner of the browser on the wrench icon, and in the menu that appears, select the "Parameters" section. Turning to the "Advanced" tab, click the "Delete Page Data Data" button. By selecting the temporary file cleaning options you want, you can delete them.
If you use any other browser for Internet surfing, the actions will be similar to the above, with a small difference in names.

In order to delete temporary Windows files, you will need to click on the "My Computer" icon, go to the disk to the Windows folder and open the TEMP folder. All temporary system files are stored in this folder. You should select all the files and delete them. Temporary files will be deleted, and free disk space will be cleaned.

Temporary folders are created by most applications to save the changing files needed to work correctly. It is assumed that when closing the program, temporary files will be deleted. Unfortunately, this is not always happening. Therefore, to increase the free disk space, you must clean the temporary files.


Click the Start button and select "Run (Start -\u003e Run) for Windows XP or" All Programs "for Windows Vista / 7. In the second case, open "Standard" and go to "Run".

Enter the value of% temp% in the "Open" string in the "Run" window.

Print the Ctrl and A function keys simultaneously on the keyboard to highlight all files contained in the temporary folder.

Confirm your choice by pressing the Yes button. The greatest number of temporary files is created when operating an Internet browser, so it must be cleaned necessarily.

Open the Internet browser.

Select "SERVICE" in the menu of the program window and open the "Remove Browser Live".

Select Removal Settings. The proposed options include "Delete All", "Delete Files", "Delete Cookies", "Delete Passwords" and "Delete". The selection of cleaning parameters depends on the wishes of the user.

Confirm your choice in the file deletion confirmation window that opens.

Wait for cleaning. It should be taken into account that the time to clean time file depends on their quantity. Closing the removal window will be automatically produced.

Restart the browser and log in to the "Service" menu in the Application window menu to configure the automatic deletion of temporary files.

Go to the Observer Properties and select the "Additional" tab.

Find the Security section and raise the checkbox on the "Dele all files from the Internet temporary file folder when the browser is closed."

Click "Apply".

Confirm your choice by pressing OK.

Complete the work of the browser and reboot the system.


Temporary Internet files and cookies can serve as malicious attempts to track the surfing history and in some cases access confidential user information.

Helpful advice

In Internet Explorer, the "Remove Passwords" option has been made by a separate item. Do not use this team if you do not intend to get rid of all your saved personal data.

Temporary Internet Files is a folder with temporary files created while watching web pages in Internet Explorer. These files, if they are periodically not deleted, can occupy a significant place on the hard disk. The procedure for deleting internet temporary files depends on which browser you are installed.

You will need

  • - a computer;
  • - Browser.


Delete the internet temporary files in Internet Explorer, to do this, start the browser, open the "Service" menu, select the Observer Properties command. Go to the General tab, in the View History section, click the Delete button, then confirm the deletion by pressing the "OK" button. So you make cleaning temporary files. If you need to delete cookies, then check the box in the designed field. But in this case saved passwords, as well as settings for various sites will be removed.

Run the Firefox browser to delete temporary files of this browser. Go to the Tools menu (Tools), there, select "Settings" (Options). In the settings window, select "Advanced". Next, go to the "Network" tab (Network). Select the Offline Storage section (Offline Storage) section, click the Clear Now button. Confirm the deletion of temporary files by pressing the "OK" button. In order for temporary files to be removed automatically with the browser closing, select "Privacy" in the settings. In the "History" section from the list, select "Will Use Your Storage Settings", then select the "Clean Story Closing When Closing the Program" checkbox, then select the "Casse" checkbox. Click OK.

Run Google Chrome browser to clean the cache. Press the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the browser window, in the drop-down menu, select the "Clear View Data" command. A dialog box opens, you need to select those data items that will be deleted (select Cash and). Also select the period for which you want to delete temporary files, for example, for the last month. Click "Clear".

Video on the topic

Most programs during the work creates temporary files. After completing his work, each program should delete them. However, in some cases (incorrect stopping program, errors in the application) temporary files are not automatically deleted.


Click the Start button to call the main system menu and go to "Run" (for Windows XP) or "All Programs" (for Windows Vista and Windows 7).

Enter the value of% temp% in the "Open" field to search for a temporary folder.

Click OK to confirm the execution of the command.

Press CTRL + A simultaneously to highlight all files in the folder that opens.

Press the DEL key to perform the deletion of selected files and confirm the command by pressing the Yes button.

Return to the Start Main Menu and go to the "Control Panel" item to create a single folder for storing temporary system files.

Specify the "System" item and go to "Advanced System Parameters".

Enter the value C: \\ Windows \\ temp in the "variable value" field and press the OK button to apply the selected changes.

Open the Notepad program and copy the following code:
pushd% Temp% && Rd / S / Q. \u003e NUL 2\u003e & 1

pushd% WINDIR% \\ TEMP && RD / S / Q. \u003e NUL 2\u003e & 1.

Save the created file with any name, but with extension.cmd.

Return to the main menu "Start" and go to "Run" to run the group policy editor.

Enter the GPedit.msc value in the Open field and click OK.

Go to "Scripts (Run / Complete) and expand the" Shutdown "link on the right side of the application window.

Click the Add button in the "Add script" dialog box and specify the path to the created file with the extension.cmd.

Click OK, then "Apply" and OK again to apply the selected changes.

Repeat the procedure described above in the "User Configuration" section.

Helpful advice

The execution of some of the above operations implies the presence of administrative access to computer resources.


To delete temporary files in the Windows 7 operating system, you can use the standard disk cleaning utility. With it, you can not only clean the temporary files, but also the elements that are not used by the system. In addition, this tool will allow performing an operation without consequences for the system.

You will need

  • Software "Cleaning the disk".


The utility for cleaning unnecessary files is nothing but the Cleanmgr.exe executable file located in the system folder on the "C:" disk. The program involves several types of cleaning, in most cases it will be enough to use the standard mode. To do this, open the "Windows Explorer", right-click the disk icon you want to clean, and select "Properties".

In the window that opens, go to the "General" tab and click the "Disk Cleaning" button, which is next to the image of the disk capacitance.

For example, you chose the "C:" disk. You will appear in front of the "Clearing C: Clearing C:". Put the marks in front of the selected items in the "Delete the following files" block and click OK.

Delete temporary files in Windows

How to delete temporary files in windows safely and without consequences for the system?

We have chosen all cleaning processes on the example of different versions of the Windows operating system.

What are temporary files

Temporary files in Windows are peculiar information in which the intermediate results of a certain process occurring in both a separate program and the entire operating system as a whole are displayed.

Most of such temporary files falls under automatic cleaning, however, there are also those in the removal of which you will have to participate yourself.

Cleaning the system from the accumulated "garbage" by two options.

First implies manual removal of temporary files that interfer the normal performance of the entire computer as a whole

Second It makes it possible to qualitatively remove WINDOVS temporary files using third-party specialized programs.

The time occurred when each of you first came across such a problem during which the system began to issue messages about the absence of free space on any one, or several disks at once.

When opening the tab " My computer"Immediately got into the eyes of the fact that the full of the local disk bar reached the very end and had red.

It followed that it was time to produce high-quality cleaning of this disk.

Manual cleaning

First of all, consider cleaning the system manually - with the help of standard means.

In order to remove the accumulated "trash" from the local disk with, on which, most often, the operating system is installed - you must select its icon on the " A computer».

By clicking on it with the right mouse button, select the lowest item from the pop-up menu - " Properties"- And go to it.

In the selected local disk properties window that opens, go to the " General"And in front of the icon in the form of a circle click on the button" Cleaning a disc».

After these actions, the disk cleaning window will open, where it will initially be an assessment of a disk space that is possible to release.

During the estimate, the cleaning program determines the files in which the system absolutely does not need and which can be removed without any consequences.

It is worth noting that with a large cluster of temporary files, the local disk cleaning with standard tools may take a fairly long time.

Upon completion of the evaluation process, a disk cleaning window will appear with information about the released space.

In the same window you will be asked to delete certain, the list of which you will see in its middle part.

Browse the entire list using the scroll slider for these purposes and select those of them that you absolutely not needed with a check mark.

After you press the button " OK"- The system will ask you about whether you really wish to delete all these files forever.

If you are firmly confident in your solution - press the file deletion key.

After that, a window will open with the display of the cleaning process, which takes up a rather small amount of time.

When the cleaning of the files you specify is complete, the value of free volume will change in the properties window of the local disk properties.

Additional cleaning

However, on this, your work does not end, as it is further to be done manually deleting some files.

To do this, you will need to open the tab. "A computer", Select the local disc on which the operating system is installed and open its contents.


During manual deletion of temporary files, carefully follow what you delete.

Remember that getting rid of an unfamiliar file. You risk apply an irreparable damage to the operating system.

To free up the system from temporary files, you should open the Windows folder on the list and find the folder in its contents. Temp.which is a kind of storage of temporary files.

Opening it, you will see a sufficient amount of unnecessary files that should be permanently removed.

If during such a removal you will see a system message about what an error has occurred and some file cannot be deleted - it means that you are trying to delete a file created by a working program.

To delete it, it is necessary to first complete the work of this, and even easier - to leave this file alone.

After that, you can easily leave the Windows folder and visit the folder having the name " Users».

From its contents, you will need to select a folder with the user name, under which you are currently in the system, and go to it.

In the list of contents, the required folder will not be displayed, so you should enter its name in the search string.

The line with the title will look like this:

C: \\ Users \\ Folder name with username \\ APPDATA

After such a request, the content of the AppData folder will be available, among which - you need to choose Localand in it - Temp.which is a kind of temporary Internet temporary file storage.

By pressing a keyboard key Ctrl + A. - We allocate all the files present and permanently delete.

Having finished the removal process - close the tab " A computer».

Delete in Windows 7

At the next stage there will be a review how to remove temporary files Windows7.

One of the reasons is why it is most often reduced by a location on a local disk with the installed operating system - this is a Windows update.

In order to clear the system from unnecessary files - several specific actions should be performed.

First of all, you must open the menu " Start"And choose in it tab" A computer».

In the window that opens, from all displayed disks, you need to select the one on which the operating system is installed.

Cleaning a disc

It is also possible to proceed with the first cleaning option in two ways.

In the first case, click on the magnifier icon located on the taskbar, and in the search box, files and settings window that opens, enter the search phrase " cleaning a disc».

In the search results, all the values \u200b\u200bfound are shown, among which the disc cleaning should be selected, which represents a classic application.

After clicking on the specified line, the disk space estimate window will open, which is possible to release on the system disk.

After that, the main window of the cleaning program will appear, where you must select the files to be deleted.

In the second case, the Conductor, the folder of which is also present in the taskbar, is also available in the temporary file cleaner.

In the conductor folder that opens, find a local disc with the operating system installed on it (in most cases it is a C drive).

By clicking on his name right mouse button and in the window that opens, select the bottom item " Properties».

In the local disk properties window that appears, only click on the disk cleaning button.

Storage tab

In the window that opens, select the disk with, in most cases the operating system is installed, and we go down to the down tab. Temporary files».

On this tab, delete temporary files, as well as all sorts of download items.

It is worth noting that when comparing the first and second variant of cleaning the system - in the first one is the detection of a smaller number of temporary files than in the second.

Therefore, if you are the owner of the Windows operating system 10, deleting temporary files efficiently exercise the last method implemented only in the tenth version.

Alternative option

In addition to the standard features of deleting temporary files implemented in various versions of the Windows operating system, you can use third-party programs that meet all the necessary requirements.

One of the most common programs is.

Its feature is not only a safe cleansing of the operating system from the accumulated "garbage", but also complete cleaning with the correction of the errors encountered in the registry.

With this program, you can without much difficulty wire quality optimization not only in manual, but automatic mode.

Deleting temporary files standard Windows tools

Temporary files in Windows: how to safely remove unnecessary

Today I will tell you how to delete temporary files from a computer. Sometimes it happens that the computer begins to work slower than before without visible reasons. It can manifest in different ways: the folders are slowly open, the programs are not loaded, the browser is closed, the computer hangs - all this may be the result of the computer you want to delete temporary files.

I will say a few words about what temporary files and where they appear from. When you visit Internet pages, install or delete the program, you work with files, the computer collects and accumulates information about all your actions, in addition, when you delete programs and files, it is not completely deleted: some files and folders remain in the system, The removal of which will not lead to negative consequences. When a lot accumulates them, they can affect the computer not the best way.

Removal by Windows

The easiest way to get rid of temporary files is the "Disk Cleaning" program, which is already built into Windows.

To start it, you need to click on the left mouse button in the "My Computer" section, select the item "Properties" and in the General tab, click on the "Disk Cleaning" button.

The most important thing is to delete temporary files on the disk on which your operating system is worth it. In the window that appears, you will see a lot of items. By default, everything you need will be selected, but also check the "Temporary Files" checkbox. Now click "OK" and expect cleaning completion.

Clearing Temp folders

It is also useful to delete temporary files from the TEMP folders. This can be done using programs, as well as in manual. Now I will tell a manual way to delete temporary files and folders. If the system is installed on the C: \\ then the first TEMP folder is located at C: \\ Windows \\ temp, regardless of what your operating system you have. Just copy this address to the top string in the "Explorer" and click "ENTER".

Now allocate all the files in it and delete.

The following task is to find the second TEMP folder. To do this, display hidden files and folders. We find in the control panel menu and select "folder parameters". In the "View" tab in the "Advanced Parameters" window, select "Show hidden files, folders and discs" and click "OK". Now, if you have Windows XP, you can find the second Temp folder at: C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ user_name \\ Local Settings \\ Temp \\

If Windows 7. C: \\ Users \\Nameuser\\ APPDATA \\ LOCAL \\ TEMP

Where the username needs to be replaced with yours.

You can also go to "Start" - "Run" and enter % Temp%, then clickENTER. Allocate files in this folder ( Ctrl+ A.) And also delete. Moreover, it may happen that the message will pop up that some files cannot be deleted. This is normal because some of them can be used by the system at the moment.

Just click "OK" and wait for the rest of the rest. Now you know how to clear temporary files, and most importantly, improve your computer. Also, to delete the TEMP folder, you can use software, such as the Square Privacy Cleaner program.

With this program, you can make your computer cleaning automatically + remove unnecessary branches in the registry: