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Win Project Error when sending the application command. Error when sending a command Word application (WORD)

Word: Error when sending a command to the application. It is possible that at one of the launches of the Microsoft Word program, the user can jump out the "Error Direction Direction Direction Direction". The most obvious way is the opening of the document anew, but not all users can help.

Word problem solving (also works in Excel)

This method is suitable for Microsoft Word from version 2003. First of all, you need to find the program files. This can be done if you go to the disk C and after opening the disc, go to the Program Files or Program Files X86 folder. After that, you need to open the Microsoft Ofiice directive, and open the Office15 folder (the digit depends on the Word version). Next, you need to find the WINWORD.EXE file and click on it right-click by selecting the "Properties" item.

You will then see the new window in which you need to select the Compatibility tab and see whether the checkmark is not worth a compatibility and the level of rights. If the tick is worth it, you need to remove it. After the checkboxes were removed, click the "Apply" button. Then the changes will come into force and the problem will be solved.

Also, if there is a Tune Up Utilities program, this means that it can also be the cause of the Word error.

The problem is solved with the following actions:

1. To start open Tune Up.
2. Go to the Optimize tab.
3. Press the "DISABLE PROGRAMS" button.

After that, a new window will appear in which you want to find a string where Microsoft Office is mentioned. Next, disable the interaction by switching the "Enabled" item to the "disabled" item by simply pressing the corresponding switch.

Insecure way - Deleting directories in the registry

This method is used if the methods above did not help. Before trying to delete folders in the registry, you need to create a recovery point to avoid loss of important data.

First you need to enter the Start menu and enter the REGEDIT into the search string, after that the search will give the register program, it is necessary to open it.

Many have come across the refusal of the system to open a book.xls. At the same time, the opening from the menu is functioning. Also helps dragging the file icon from the folder to the active area. But a double click on the book gives the message "Error when sending an Excel application command". Consider different actions to correct the situation.

Microsoft Excel: Error when sending a command application - Causes

Let us list what the case may be:

  1. Failure or conflict in superstructures. Modules can conflict or have errors in the code.
  2. Clicking on the file when the Excel program is in the process of executing the task (more often, unnoticed). When loading, he tries to solve problems, and then the requirement appears to open the table. An error is generated.
  3. Problems in Microsoft Office package.

Error when sending a command to the Excel application can occur in versions 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Consider various ways to eliminate.

Turn off dynamic data exchange

This is the most popular method of treatment. Come in the "File" menu.

And click on the parameters.

In the "Advanced" section, look for an item that will allow you to ignore DDE.

Put the tick and press OK. Try to open any Excel Book. Did not help? Moving on.

We restore the user experience virtualization (UE-V)

Especially to correct this error, the command direction has been released a package of corrections. If you have disabled updates, you will have to install it manually. You can download it.

Follow the link above and accept the Custom Agreement.

Click the checkbox and specify the email address.

Link to download will be sent to the specified address.

Highlight it and insert it into the address bar of the browser. Downloading will start automatically.

Click on the label and the installation will start. Pass it step by step and restart the computer. Try twice twice on the document to open it. Have you seen the message "Error when sending an Excel application"? So we try to correct the superstructures.

Disabling unnecessary libraries

Go along the path file - parameters and click on add-in.

Below is the element of the drop-down menu. Here you need "Complete COM". Click and go to them.

Remove all checkboxes and run Excel.

If it helped get rid of the error when the application command is directed, then put a tick one. Thus, you will find a superstructure that is a source of message appearance.
If it does not help to eliminate the error when sending a command to the application, then you need to turn off compatibility.

Change the launch modes

Open the Excel folder. To do this, click on Start and locate the program shortcut. Click on the right mouse button on it (PCM) and select "Advanced" - "Go to the location of the file".

In the opened folder, press the PCM on the program icon and select "Properties".

In the Compatibility section, remove the checkboxes in the "Run from the administrator" and "Starting in Compatibility mode".

Another reason for the problem of the direction of the application command can be in violation of file mappings with an executable program.

Installing comparisons

Through the search locate the control panel.

Go to the program.

And select Default Programs.

Go to comparison.

Find the section S.XLS files.

Set this type executable file. To do this, click "Change Program" and select the appropriate application.

If the system does not detect the file, click the "Other Applications" link and find it in the system.
Similarly, install the program for other extensions.
If the error when sending the command, the Excel application continues to appear, you need to optimize the loading of the drawings.

Turning off the hardware acceleration

Go to "File" - "Parameters" - "Advanced" and in the "Screen" section, put a tick on shutdown hardware acceleration.

If none of the above actions helped cope with an error when sending an Excel application command, then install Windows updates. This is done by the system parameters (the "Start" and gear button), in the Windows Management Center section.

Click the active update check button.

Do not forget to restart the computer after installing updates.

If the cause of failures is in Office, it can be restored. To do this, press the PCM on the Main menu button and select "Applications and Features".

Find the Office package that you have installed and click on it.

If you choose a change, you will be offered a selection of recovery methods.

First select a quick option, and if it does not help, then restore the network. In any case, click the "Restore" button.

If even after this, the error of the direction of the command application continues to be alarmed, you should reinstall Microsoft Office. This is an extreme measure, and we hope that you will not reach this.

Excellent day!

Despite the fact that, in general, the Microsoft Excel program is characterized by a rather high level of stability, with this application, also sometimes problems occur. One such problem is the appearance of the message "Error when sending a command application". It occurs when you try to save or open a file, as well as spend some other actions with it. Let's deal with what caused this problem, and how can it be eliminated.

What major reasons cause this error? You can select the following:

  • Damage to the superstructure;
  • Attempt to access the active application data;
  • Mistakes in the system registry;
  • Damage to the Excel program.

Solution to the problem

Ways to eliminate this error depends on its cause. But, since in most cases, it is more difficult to establish a reason for eliminating it, then a more rational solution is a sample method to try to find a true way of actions from those options that are presented below.

Method 1: Disable DDE ignore

Most often, eliminating the error when the command direction can be deleted by disabling the ignore DDE.

After that, in a significant number of cases, the problem is eliminated.

Method 2: Disable Compatibility Mode

Another probable reason described above the problem may be included compatibility mode. In order to disable it, you need to consistently do the steps below.

If the checkboxes are not installed at the respective items, then continue to look for the source of the problem elsewhere.

Method 3: Registry Cleaning

One of the reasons that may cause an error when sending a command to an Excel application, are problems in the registry. Therefore, we will need to be cleaned. Before proceeding to further actions, in order to progress yourself from the possible undesirable consequences of this procedure, we strongly recommend creating a system recovery point.

Method 4: Turning off the hardware acceleration

A temporary solution to the problem can be disabling hardware acceleration in Excel.

  1. Go to the already familiar to us on the first way to solve the problem section "Parameters" In the tab "File". Again click on item "Additionally".
  2. In the additional Excel options window that opens, we are looking for a settings block. "Screen". Install a tick near the parameter "Disable the hardware acceleration of image processing". Click on the button Ok.

Method 5: Turning off add-ons

As mentioned above, one of the reasons for this problem may be a malfunction of some superstructure. Therefore, as a temporary measure, you can use the Excel add-on.

If, after turning off all the add-ons, the problem remains, then this means that the superstructures can be turned on, and the error should be eliminated by another method.

Method 6: Reset File Mapping

To solve the problem, you can also try to reset file matching.

Not least of the fault of this error in Excel may be lack of important Windows updates. You need to check whether all updates are downloaded, and if necessary, download missing.

If none of the listed methods helped solve the problem, then it may make sense to think about reinstalling the Microsoft Office software package, and even about reinstalling the Windows operating system as a whole.

As you can see, quite a lot of possible options for eliminating the error when sending a command in Excel. But, as a rule, in each case there is only one right solution. Therefore, in order to eliminate this problem, it will have to use various ways to solve the error, until the only correct option is found.

It is no secret that office packages manufactured by Microsoft, despite all the advantages in the processing of documents of any type, have a number of shortcomings. In particular, it concerns the appearance of an error when the application command is directed. Excel 2007 or the more recent version is subject to such a failure. However, the Word text editor is not insured against the appearance of a failure of this kind. But, since in this case, we are interested in the table editor, we will consider the elimination of problems precisely on its example. Options can be offered several, and they all differ among themselves.

Excel: Error when the application command is directed. What is the reason for the occurrence of failure?

For a start, a few words about the root causes. Why in Excel 2010 an error when sending a command to the application appears, as well as in all other modifications of this software product? Is it really the developers of the "office" did not think about the correction of such a bug? But when working with Access databases, such a situation is not observed almost never, not to mention the other major software products that are included in standard office sets. But let's consider all possible solutions, moving from the simple and most applicable methods to the fundamental ways to troubleshoot problems if nothing helps.

The main problem is that an error when sending a command to the application in Excel 2013 or versions of other package modifications appeared only after changing the standard format of the default files with XLS XLSX, as for Word (DOC / DOCX). The program simply incorrectly perceives the open file. And it also applies to those cases when the file created in a newer version of the editor opens even if the converter is installed (for example, to open files in Office 2003). The main reason for which an error appears when sending a command to Excel 2013, is not even in the programs themselves, but in operating systems, which, as it turns out, does not support the full work of office applets of the newest modifications (although must). Thus, the output is obvious: it is necessary to use the launch of the latest versions of programs in compatibility mode with old systems. In Windows, this applies the simplest solution.

Error Excel When sending a command to the application: How to fix the simplest way?

To begin, go to the Program Files directory using any file manager for this, to find the office folder in the Directory tree and go to the directory in which Excel components are located. Here you need to select the executable EXE file of the program and through the PCM menu to go to the object properties.

After that, on the Compatibility tab, select the operating system to which this application can be matched, and mark the startup from the administrator, after which you save the changes and try to open the desired file again. If for some reason, the change in these parameters is impossible, it is necessary to log in under the administrator.

In some cases, it will help to reduce the level of control records of the UAC, where in the settings of the fader level must be moved to the lowest position. To do not start these options for a long time, simply enter the desired search box in the start menu of the Start.

Installation of Ignoring DDE requests

Another point associated with an error when sending a command to Excel 2016, for example, may be related to the fact that the main program when opening the desired object can access third-party editors, performing the so-called DDE requests. They need to be disabled (put in ignoring).

Because it is about the error when the command is sent to Excel, consider the setting of this particular application. To troubleshoot, you need to use the "Office" button or the main settings, and then proceed to the parameters and in the Advanced Settings section, disable the corresponding requests.

Note: A similar section in the 2003 version of the program is located on the General tab, which, in fact, the problem of the problem does not change.

Editing system registry

If this approach does not work, and the error in the direction of the command application to Excel will appear again, some additional steps can be taken, which, however, will have to do at your own risk.

To start, call the system registry editor using the regedit combination to be entered in the "Run" console, followed by the CurrentVersion section through the HKCU branch and delete absolutely all directories that are there, and then completely overload the system.

Is the Tuneup application in everything?

But it also happens that the error in the direction of the command application in Excel directly does not have a direct relationship. If the user has the TuneUp program, it can create its own blocking.

In this case, you must use the settings and go to the Optimization section (Optimize), click the Disable Programs (Disable Programs) button and exclude all MS Office components from the list (sometimes it may be necessary to disconnect the hardware acceleration).

The most radical method

If it does not help, download the latest "Office" installer from the Microsoft website, then install the entire packet manually, previously deleting the previous modification.

If there are problems with registration, use the KMSauto Net portable utility, which, by the way, is able to make and activate Windows-systems any version. But in most cases, it does not reach the use of such methods. In addition, it is unlikely that the ordinary user will use the Microsoft account to register office products, install updates for them, which are disabled by default, or to enter into groups like Microsoft Community, where the software developers are mostly included only His testing in practice.

Instead of pre-school

In general, the problems associated with "Excel" are eliminated precisely above the proposed methods. In principle, they can also be used to correct errors in the "Word", but disabling DDE requests here does not work. However, installing a specific compatibility mode, deleting a system registry folder or even re-installation can give its results.

Please note that now the full package is not needed now, but you can only be limited to the selective installation of the same "exhel" or "Word". That's right. Why reinstall the program in which such failures are not originally observed? But here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the existing version of the office package may be incompatible with the installed, and after installation, some programs can stop working. Be careful when loading a distribution and consider not only the version of the "office", but also the bit (architecture) installed on the computer or laptop of the operating system.

Users of different versions of the MS WORD office editor sometimes face a certain problem in his work. This is an error having the following content: "Error when the application command is directed". The cause of its occurrence, in most cases, is provided by software designed to improve the operating system.

Eliminate the error when the command of the MS Word program is not difficult, and below we will tell about how to do it.

The first thing to be done when such an error occurs - change the compatibility parameters of the executable file "WINWORD". About how to do it, read below.

1. Open Windows Explorer and go to the next way:

C: \\ Program Files(In 32-bit OS, this folder Program Files (x86)) \\ Microsoft Office \\ Office16

Note: The name of the last folder (Office16) conforms to Microsoft Office 2016, for Word 2010 This folder will be called Office14, Word 2007 - Office12, in MS Word 2003 - Office11.

2. In the directory that opens, right-click on the file WINWORD.EXE. and select "Properties".

3. In the tab "Compatibility" Opening window "Properties" Remove the checkbox in front of the parameter "Run a program in compatibility mode" In chapter "Compatibility Mode". It is also necessary to remove the checkbox in front of the parameter "Perform this program on behalf of the administrator" (section "Level of rights").

4. Click "OK" To close the window.

Creating a recovery point

At the next stage, we will need to make changes to the system registry, but before it should be proceeding, for security purposes, you need to create a recovery point (backup) OS. This will help prevent the effects of possible failures.

1. Launch "Control Panel".

    Tip:Depending on the version of Windows that you use, open the control panel through the start menu. "Start" (Windows 7 and older versions of OS) or using keys "Win + X"where in the menu that opens should be selected "Control Panel".

2. In the window that appears in the section "System and safety" Select "Archiving and Restoration".

3. If you have not previously created backups of the system, select Section "Configure backup"After that, just follow the instructions of the step by step wizard of the installation.

If you have previously created a backup, select item. "Create a backup". Next, follow the instructions.

Having created a backup of the system, we can safely switch to the next step to eliminate the error in the work of the Word.

Cleaning system registry

Now we have to start the registry editor and perform a number of simple manipulations.

1. Press the keys "Win + R" and enter in the search bar "REGEDIT" without quotes. To start the editor, click "OK" or "ENTER".

2. Go to next section:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion

Delete all the folders contained in the catalog "CurrentVersion".

3. After you restart the PC, the error when the program is directed, you will no longer disturb you.

Now you know how to eliminate one of the possible errors in MS Word. We wish you no longer deal with similar troubles in the work of this text editor.