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Which operators have canceled intranet roaming. Russia canceled national and intranet roaming - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

Cancellation of roaming in Russia will take place at the peak of the holiday season - from June 1, 2020. Subscribers will no longer need to spend additional funds on communications while traveling across Russia.

The law on the abolition of roaming in Russia was adopted by the State Duma on January 19, 2018. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin signed an Order on amendments to Articles 46 and 54 of the Federal Law "On Communication" on December 21, 2018.

If all mobile operators unconditionally begin to implement the Presidential Decree, the location of the subscriber in the Russian Federation will not affect the cost of calls. That is, in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the same tariffs will apply as in the home region. The concept of a home region for calls / SMS / mobile Internet will lose its relevance, it will mean the whole country.

Cancellation reasons

The Antimonopoly Service has been raising the issue of canceling internal roaming for cellular communication for a long time, but not all large operators wanted to accept the new rules of the game. It was necessary to approve this at the highest legislative level. Therefore, a corresponding draft law was developed, which the President had to sign in order to amend the current law "On Communications".

Reasons for changing the rules for mobile operators:

  • For users, changing prices outside the region is unprofitable and inconvenient: if a subscriber goes on a business trip or goes to his parents in another region, he had to overpay for communication or buy another SIM card.
  • Many countries have already given up internal roaming: the USA, the EU (in 2017, the tariffs are the same for all member states of the union).
  • The operators have no longer any reason to inflate prices - previously a federal intermediary was used to connect outside the region, but now this is not.
  • By abolishing domestic roaming, mobile providers will not lose much, since this type of income is about 1.5% of revenue. And according to Sberbank CIB estimates, the average income per subscriber in 2020 will grow by 2.6%, taking into account the loss of 2% from internal roaming, that is, the loss will be compensated by new prices.

Nuances for intranet, national and international

On the mobile market, the concepts of the following types of roaming are used:

  1. Intranet - when moving around the country, the network does not change, but the tariffs change, for the same services the operator takes more money.
  2. National - if there is no coverage of the subscriber's network in the territory of the subscriber, then the phone is registered in another network and the tariffs increase.
  3. International - the subscriber is located outside of Russia and uses the network of a foreign operator. Works on the GSM standard. Experts predict a reduction in operators' income from this type of communication - the majority of users increasingly prefer messengers and social networks when they are abroad.
  4. Interstandard - using networks of different standards.
  5. Data roaming - allows the user to transfer data using various technologies.

Cancellation of national roaming means the end of the long-distance tariff for mobile phones, the application of a single all-Russian pricing for each package offer.

When the cancellation law comes into effect

The State Duma canceled roaming in December 2018, but made it possible for market participants to change technologies, documents and marketing policy - they allocated six months for preparation. From January 1, the companies are developing new tariff proposals, excluding regional roaming, since the law will come into force from the second half of 2020, and the FAS will be able to fine for violations in the amount of all illegally received income.

The Antimonopoly Service will closely monitor mobile operators and will respond with penalties if the prices for services are unlawfully overstated.

From what date to actually cancel roaming

It is not the first year in our country that the issue of the same tariffication for mobile calls throughout the Russian Federation has been discussed, the law has already been signed, but for many the question is still not closed: from what date will roaming in Russia be canceled? The latest news indicates that the main market players have come to terms with the new rules and are actively working in this direction. From June 1, 2020, users will be able to use the services without territorial restrictions.

Will Megafon, MTS, Tele2 and Beeline cancel roaming?

Major mobile service providers are likely to cancel domestic roaming from 06/01/19, they have several reasons for this:

  • so that potential customers do not go to competitors, it is necessary to create favorable conditions;
  • large players have been moving in this direction for a long time, creating tariffs with the same prices for all regions;
  • the antimonopoly service has put the issue under serious control;
  • additional profit from this service is negligible for many operators;
  • it is possible to compensate for the lost profit if the payment for other services increases.

Today the market situation is as follows:

  1. Almost all players have canceled payments for incoming calls on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  2. In the assortment portfolio of many, there are offers without reference to the home region.

How will operators' tariffs change

The news that roaming is canceled throughout the Russian Federation undoubtedly pleased many subscribers, as this means:

  1. Free incoming calls.
  2. Free or very cheap calls within the operator's network to users throughout Russia.
  3. Low rates for a minute of conversation with subscribers of other Russian operators.
  4. Cheap outgoing sms / mms from anywhere in Russia, free incoming messages.
  5. Accessible Internet regardless of where you are within the country (subject to coverage).

Will this innovation be beneficial for all mobile subscribers or not? Let's try to figure it out:

  • This is definitely beneficial for those who often travel outside the home region. But analysts have counted only 10-20% of those who use a mobile number outside their home region. Another plus is a small percentage of those who buy a new SIM card for calls in another area.
  • Almost all market players have tariff offers that include profitable calls throughout the country, but cheap tariffs are designed only for the home region. In most cases, users could choose the best tariff for themselves.

To summarize: the cancellation of roaming allows you to move around the country and not think about the cost of mobile communications, more often call relatives in other regions. This is beneficial in the long run for most users. No more than half of the subscribers will feel the quick direct benefit from changing tariffs. In general, the price of mobile services in 2020 will increase by approximately 2.6%, or 9 rubles per month. The price increase in 2020 would have taken place anyway, it will happen due to:

  1. Recalculating prices for the inflation index.
  2. Willingness to compensate for the decrease in revenues from the loss of domestic roaming and the decrease in revenues from calls abroad.
  3. Some providers will include in the tariff a planned increase in the VAT rate.

How are things in Crimea

The new law obliges to abolish roaming from 01.06.2020 in all regions of the Russian Federation, without exception, taking into account Crimea.

In remote regions, it is not easy to equalize the cost of communication, as this will entail tangible financial losses for operators:

  • there are no large Russian providers in Crimea due to international sanctions, local players provide communication services;
  • chukotka and Sakhalin also remain problematic with satellite communications.

At the moment, large operators charge more for calls to Crimea than to any other region of Russia, and it is likely that this will continue to be so. There is an option that the state will subsidize operators or push the FAS and the cost of communication in Crimea will be identical to the rest of the regions.

MOSCOW, June 1 - RIA Novosti. In Russia, on June 1, amendments to the Law "On Communications" entered into force, according to which roaming within the country should be canceled. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on May 27.

According to the document, the cost of communication services will not depend on the region in which the subscriber is located. Cellular operators will be able to charge subscribers for incoming calls only if they are outside the country; from now on, free incoming calls are legally enshrined throughout Russia. By the same document, the Cabinet of Ministers established free incoming calls throughout Russia and in Crimea.

In fact, operators of the Big Four (MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2) have not charged additional fees for communication services while traveling within Russia since the middle of last year, following a resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS). Now this is fixed by a government decree.

Thus, a subscriber leaving his home region to anywhere in Russia is not required to purchase additional options in the arrival region: minutes of calls and gigabytes of Internet traffic are spent at the connected tariff. According to analysts, now cellular operators have already transferred more than two-thirds of their customers to package offers.

The problem of long distance charges can be solved by choosing a tariff plan with a package of minutes throughout Russia: all calls, including those outgoing from outside the home region, will be paid within the package.

The way to cancel roaming

There were several types of roaming in Russia earlier: national, intranet and separately across Crimea. Intranet roaming worked within a specific network throughout the country and differed by region. National acted when the network of a certain operator was absent in any region.

The elimination of roaming was preceded by many years of discussions.

In 2017, the FAS issued a warning to the "Big Four" and demanded that the problem of unreasonably high prices for intranet roaming be solved, which actually meant its cancellation. This dispute ended last August when all market players complied with the requirements of the regulator.

The process of canceling national roaming proceeded in parallel and completed faster. In August 2017, the FAS initiated proceedings against the largest operators, in March the violations were eliminated, and the cases were closed.

Cancellation of roaming within the EAEU

Russia has intensified work on the phased abolition of roaming within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov said earlier at a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

Russians, who often move around the country, are interested in one question - have they canceled roaming in Russia or not. In fact, he disappeared at the end of last year. The state, represented by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, managed to achieve its goal - intranet roaming disappeared. But on the other hand, he partially remained.

On May 27, 2019, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree abolishing roaming throughout the country. Starting from June 1, Russia will have uniform prices for calls in all regions, including outside the home region.

Incoming calls for subscribers in Crimea and Sevastopol will become completely free. Outgoing calls will be charged according to the operator's tariffs.

The home region is now more correctly called the connection region. The local tariffication of calls is applied here, and calls to other regions are long-distance. As soon as the subscriber leaves for another region, it becomes his home region - calls to the connection region and other regions of Russia become intercity calls, and local calls at the location.

A typical example is a Moscow subscriber travels to the Krasnodar Territory. He uses a tariff with a package of local calls - within Moscow and the Moscow region. When you are in Krasnodar, everything changes places - the package of minutes will be valid for calls within the Krasnodar Territory, and calls to Moscow will be charged as long-distance calls.

Most of all, people were lucky with tariff plans that include minute packages within Russia. They can move freely throughout the country and call in any direction - including at their location and home. As for the mobile Internet, its cost remains on all existing tariff plans of Russian operators.

Incoming in all parts of Russia remains free under any conditions - the era of paid incoming is over.

Tele 2

Tele2 tariff plans do not contain roaming tariffs. Take "My Online" as an example. It includes 15 GB of mobile Internet and 500 minutes within Russia. Travel billing:

  • Internet - according to the current tariff;
  • Voice communication - from the package;
  • Calls in excess of the package - 1.5 rubles / min in the region of location, 2 rubles / min to other Russian numbers.

There is one strange drawback on the "Classic" tariff - intercity in the connection region costs 9 rubles / min, while traveling - 5 rubles / min. Probably, the FAS is more than completely satisfied with the reduction in roaming prices.

Special conditions in Crimea:

  • Incoming - 1 rub / min;
  • Outgoing calls within the RF - 3 rubles / min;
  • SMS and MMS within the Russian Federation - 3 rubles / unit.

Mobile Internet in Crimea costs 3 rubles / Mb.


The tariff plans of this operator were divided into two categories.

  1. The first includes tariffs that keep tariffs on trips - these are Tariffische, Smart Zabugorishche, Our Smart and some others.
  2. The second category includes tariffs that require activation of the options “Russia at home everywhere”, “Home package Russia” and “Home package Russia +”. They reduce the cost of intercity and make outgoing calls home free of charge. The calculator on the operator's website will help you figure out all this.

Trips to Crimea with an MTS SIM card will turn into a benefit for subscribers - many tariff plans work here without any additional payments, at home prices.


On tariffs "Turn on!" subscribers will be charged with regular home billing. For all others, the options "All Russia" and "Vacation without worries" are offered. The first one reduces the cost of outgoing calls within the RF to 3 rubles / min. The second option opens up favorable conditions in Crimea - free incoming calls for 33 rubles / day and 60 MB of Internet for 99 rubles / day. ...


The Beeline operator uses a common scheme for all - the location region becomes home. There are differences only when you are in Crimea - incoming and outgoing within the Russian Federation cost 2.03 rubles / min, SMS - 2.03 rubles / unit, mobile Internet - the first 3 MB per day at 2.03 rubles, the next 110 MB - 203, 99 rubles / day, then 2.03 rubles / MB.

On some tariff plans, the cost of services while in the Crimea and Sevastopol may differ.


Officially, this operator has never had roaming rates. But if a subscriber spends more than 30 days outside his region, he begins to be served at the "Regional" tariff - it is slightly more expensive than home. From May 25, 2019, "Regional" will go to the archive, the operator has no roaming rates.

Cancellation of roaming with other operators

Operators Danycom and Tinkoff Mobile fell into this category. They have never had and do not have roaming in Russia. They provide minute and traffic packages valid throughout the country. This ensures their popularity - their services are used by people who do not want to overpay for communications while traveling.

Roaming was canceled almost completely. When we forget about regional differences remains unclear. The FAS has no requirements on this issue.

There is no longer any national or intranet roaming in Russia. This means that when traveling around the country, including the Crimea, we will no longer pay for incoming calls by mobile phone. The price for outgoing calls and short messages, as well as for mobile Internet, is saved within the package of services that you use with your operator.

Intranet roaming is a service that is provided to a subscriber when he leaves his home region where his SIM card is registered. For example, when a resident of Novosibirsk arrives in Moscow on a business trip or arrives in Sochi from Nizhny Novgorod on vacation. Previously, communication services in such a situation were provided for an additional fee. To save on incoming calls, you had to connect a special option. Subscribers with tariff packages were relatively free to use mobile services, where free calls are provided in the guest regions.

Prices for outgoing calls, SMS and mobile Internet remain the same as they were before the cancellation of roaming

National roaming is activated when the operator does not have its own network in the region where the subscriber is currently located. In this case, his phone automatically connects to the network of another cellular company with which his operator has an agreement.

For example, a resident of the capital, traveling to remote areas in the Urals, could get into national roaming, since not all major operators had time to bring their infrastructure there. A separate story was with the Crimea, where federal operators do not work, using the networks of local operators - K-Telecom (Win-mobile brand), KTK-Telecom (Volna mobile), Krymtelecom and Sevtelecom.

National and intranet roaming charges were charged in Russia from the very beginning of the development of cellular networks. Operators' tariffs differed, but on average, communication services in roaming cost from 5 to 11 rubles per minute without additional options and discounts. Now incoming calls are free throughout Russia, including Crimea.

This option works on all tariff plans without exception at no additional charge and does not require the connection of any additional services. Otherwise, nothing changes.

National and intranet roaming was actually eliminated in most of Russia in the fall of 2018. It took a long time. The cancellation was preceded by lengthy proceedings between the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the cellular companies. In August 2017, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) initiated proceedings against the Big Four operators (MTS, MegaFon, Beeline, Tele2), incriminating them in maintaining monopoly high prices for communication services in national roaming and concluding national inter-operator roaming agreements in the country. All four operators were ordered to eliminate violations. In the fall, national roaming virtually ceased to exist. At the same time, under pressure from the Federal Antimonopoly Service, cellular operators canceled intranet roaming.

In December 2018, President Vladimir Putin signed amendments to the Law "On Communications" fixing the abolition of national roaming. The changes took effect on June 1. On May 27, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev approved a decree on the elimination of intranet roaming, which put an end to this process. "This is the final solution to the issue of roaming at the level of a bylaw," Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stressed at the meeting. The decree also entered into force on June 1.

Now say what you want. But don't forget that only incoming calls are free. Photo: Evgenia Guseva / Komsomolskaya Pravda

Incoming calls while traveling in Russia became free, including those on the Black Sea coast. On vacation, you can save on them

A new clause has been added to the rules for the provision of telephone services, which states that on the territory of Russia a cellular operator in its network establishes the same conditions for the provision of services to each subscriber, regardless of which region the number belongs to. This also applies to the Crimea. Russian cellular operators, including virtual ones, should include the peninsula in a single tariff space. And so that the federal players do not suffer losses, Crimean companies are obliged to reduce tariffs for them.

"There are a lot of citizens in Russia - about 25 percent of all subscribers who use only push-button phones without Internet access. They do not communicate in instant messengers, but they often make calls," Denis Kuskov, director of the TelecomDaily news agency, told RG. - a way to significantly reduce costs. An additional plus for all mobile users: when traveling in Russia, you no longer need to spend time studying the terms of the tariff and activate additional options to save money. "

Experts have previously warned that the cancellation of national roaming would result in losses for Crimean cellular operators. The head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemyev replied that the operators had no reason for concern. According to him, a high level of profit without national roaming will ensure a successful holiday season in Crimea, which also began on June 1.

The holiday mood in the southern directions is already felt at the check-in counters of Domodedovo airport, which will now bear the name of Mikhail Lomonosov.

Flight Moscow - Simferopol is full and there are no empty seats. Spouses Nasonovs from Surgut fly to Crimea not for the first time. They know firsthand that the peninsula has its own mobile roaming, they have learned from bitter experience.

“To be honest, in 2015, when we first flew to Crimea on vacation, it was an unpleasant surprise for us,” recalls the Siberian. “Then, in a week, four thousand flew from the account. somehow unpleasant. And what to do?

The spouses heard about the cancellation of roaming from June 1, although they did not delve into the details. "I was not specifically interested in Crimea in this regard. They booked a vacation back in March, and then they did not think about it," Nikolai admitted. "I know that roaming will be canceled in the regions of Russia."

The largest mobile operator on the peninsula, K-Telecom (mobile operator WIN-mobile), declares that it is ready to provide communication to the guests of the peninsula. "Technically, it is possible to provide communication with all operators of the Big Four and even with smaller companies," said Vladimir Zaitsev, General Director of K-Telecom. "We have cooperation agreements with all companies."

FAS controls the situation

For its part, the Federal Antimonopoly Service confirms that it controls the entire process. “Large operators have announced that they are ready to amend the tariffication in accordance with the law. No fee will be charged for incoming calls,” explained Vugar Mehdiyev, head of the antimonopoly control department of the FAS in Crimea and Sevastopol. “The FAS believes that measures have been taken to implement the legislation, monitor the situation. We believe that operators compensate for the cancellation of national roaming by more active consumption of services. "

That is, an incoming call in Crimea will be as free as in the "home" region where your SIM card is registered. Regional authorities advise guests and residents of the peninsula to immediately report interruptions in the work of mobile communications or abuse of operators.

You can report communication problems by calling the "hot line" of the Head of the Republic of Crimea: 0-800-506-0001 (from landline phones) - multichannel phone, free .

And by number 8-800-506-0001 (from mobile phones) - the multichannel phone is free .

Quality: 2 G - to 4G

In turn, they promise to improve the quality of communication in Crimea. For example, in the new building of the airport "Simferopol" until recently there were "blind zones" where communication was lost. The complex is serviced by one base station, experts say, by the beginning of this season its capacity was increased. They promise to completely solve the problem by mid-June, when a massive influx of tourists will begin in Crimea.

“Installation of miniature base stations is underway in the terminal building,” said the manager of K-Telecom. “This will provide high-speed mobile communications, including in the LTE standard. And it will also make it possible to expand the Wi-Fi network, but the owner will be in charge of this. building".

By mid-July, the quality of communication on the Crimean bridge will also change. By this time, the installation of the base station should be completed on the Tuzla spit. The process would move faster, but interagency agreements take too much time, operators complain. To mount one tower, signalmen need about one and a half to two months, and the routine of interdepartmental approvals preceding this may take six months or more. Nevertheless, in the coming months, communication on the bridge itself and on the Tavrida highway will become more stable.

"Crimeans may not feel this, because the network is working smoothly there now, and we will feel when it will be necessary to provide communication for a much larger number of people during the summer peak," says the Minister of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the Crimea Sergey Zyryanov.

The Tavrida highway under construction is so far fully covered only by 2 G. The construction of 3G base stations is still to come. New base stations will appear on the route from Simferopol to Yalta. According to the data of mobile operators of the republic, with the exception of new buildings, the coverage of the peninsula with 3G communications has approached 100 percent. It is absent unless on the tops of the Crimean mountains and in reserves, where there are very few visitors, which means that the installation of base stations will not be profitable.

But in Simferopol, Sevastopol, Yalta, Evpatoria and Kerch, as well as in the most popular seaside villages among tourists, there is already a 4G connection.

Check connection

Tatarstan. The press service of Tattelecom denied information that appeared in some media and social networks that their subsidiary TMT did not have time to prepare for the new changes. Your Mobile Technologies owns the Letai brand, which provides cellular services in the Republic of Tatarstan. From June 1, the company's subscribers can receive incoming calls absolutely free.

Sevastopol. Sevastopol operator "Sevmobile" officially canceled national roaming from June 1. "In accordance with the requirements of the law, when traveling across Russia for Sevmobile subscribers, all incoming calls will be free," a company employee told the RG correspondent.

However, the SIM card holders who were interested in the cancellation of roaming were told at the Sevmobile call center on June 1 that nothing would change for them: when traveling to other regions of the country, incoming calls remain paid, their cost depends on the tariff plan. Subscribers were offered to connect an additional service, in which incoming calls when traveling around the country will be free, its cost is six rubles per day.

RG checked this situation too. As we were told, this is a mistake, the call center workers did not have complete information. The network of this operator operates only in one region - Sevastopol. Residents of the city say that they use Sevmobile mainly for mobile Internet while in their region. When leaving Crimea, Sevmobayl's SIM cards often end up outside the network, so you have to switch to the services of other operators.

Chechnya. Vainakh Telecom said that, like other mobile operators, now the company's subscriber, being in another region, will be able to receive calls free of charge. Thus, the company has disabled intranet and national roaming.

"We do not have our own cellular network in other constituent entities of Russia, only in Chechnya. Leaving for another region, our subscribers connect to the Megafon or Beeline network and use their base. But incoming calls are now free," the operator's company told RG.

But the reason why the subscribers were not informed about the changes was not named in Vainakh Telecom, referring to the internal work of the company.

Signed the long-awaited law abolishing roaming in Russia. At the end of May this year, the corresponding decree was signed by the country's Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, and starting from June 1, roaming has finally become a thing of the past.

The abolition of intranet roaming means that the subscriber will pay the same amount for calls in any region of the country, even if he left his home region where his SIM card is registered.

Minutes, Internet traffic and SMS messages will be consumed from the package purchased by the subscriber. Most of the "Big Four" clients use package tariffs.

The situation with national roaming was a little more complicated, when the operator does not have its own network in the region, and the subscriber connects to the partner operator. The fact is that in Crimea and Sevastopol, the "big four" mobile operators - Beeline - provide services indirectly with the help of local cellular companies. Nevertheless, the Quartet had to deal with this too: according to the law, the operator can charge subscribers for incoming calls only if they are outside the country.

From June 1, the "Big Four" will cancel the payment for incoming calls in the territory of Crimea.

The fact that such calls became completely free was confirmed to Gazeta.Ru by the press services of all four operators. At the same time, the fee for outgoing calls from Crimea and to Crimea will vary depending on the tariff chosen by the subscriber.

“In June 2017, roaming between member states was canceled. And of course, this had a positive effect on deepening integration. Two days later, on May 29, we will celebrate the fifth anniversary of the signing of the agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union. And on your [Medvedev's] instructions, we have intensified work on the phased abolition of roaming between the countries of the union - Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Russia - within the "five". This is, of course, a lengthy process. First of all, we care about the quality of the service and, of course, that the interests of Russian mobile operators do not suffer, ”Akimov said.

According to him, the first step on this path will be the adoption of an agreement on the creation of a single tariff space for call completion services. It is expected that the signing of this document will take place this year.

“This will be an important milestone in economic integration. This will certainly contribute to the mobility of our citizens and our neighbors. What has now been implemented on the territory of the Russian Federation will become the standard of work in the Eurasian Union, ”the Deputy Prime Minister said.

The process of cancellation of roaming in the country was rather difficult - mobile operators were in a long confrontation with, which without stopping wrote out more and more fines to the “big four”.

In June 2017, the head of the FAS Igor Artemyev announced for the first time the preparation of documents to remove the concept of roaming within the country from the legislation.

Mobile operators received the first warning from the Federal Antimonopoly Service in July 2017. Then the FAS, in the course of its investigation, discovered unfairly high prices for communication in roaming and demanded that the difference in tariffs be eliminated within two weeks.

The Antimonopoly Service decided that mobile operators' pricing proposals and terms of service were "neither economically nor technologically justified," and issued a directive to equalize tariffs in the home region and other regions of the country.

At the end of 2017, the ex-Minister of Communications and Mass Media expressed confidence that intranet roaming would be completely canceled in 2018, noting that mobile operators were already taking the necessary measures.

On July 10, 2018, in the first reading, it adopted a bill to abolish national and intranet roaming in the country.