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What is the best Yandex or Google. Yandex You're a napkin, but google is better and other search jokes

Two companies ranked strong positions in the Russian-speaking Internet segment. From here and leaks a long-time dispatch about "Google" or "Yandex" what is better. Answer this question is quite difficult, everyone has its undoubted advantages, as well as disadvantages. To a greater degree, the use of each search engine is due to the habit. Today Yandex covers 58% of users, the rest shares google and other little-known search engines (naturally, the latter remained very small fractions of the percentage). In order to somehow compare these companies, conduct a review of search engines and frequently used associated programs and services.

Differences of Google and Yandex

Before proceeding directly to comparing each individual service, we note the main differences in two systems:

  • Yandex is distinguished by a more filled and diverse interface, while Google is inclined to minimalism;
  • from the point of view of web development, Google is considered more stable, so it is given more preferences;
  • Yandex - Russian company, Google - American;
  • Yandex has significantly more useful developments than its opponent;
  • Google offers users excellent search tips;
  • It is believed that the relevance of the search results from Google is higher, nevertheless you should not forget that Yandex was developed precisely for the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet and in it he surpasses a competitor.

Now you can go to a more detailed comparison of competitive companies.

Google or yandex, better: compare search engines

The search string is one of the most important Internet use services. Which one is better, Google or Yandex, argue about it from the moment the competitors clearly manifested themselves in the market.

If you compare preferences in the use of search engines, then in most part everything will depend on the country, so we will compare companies within Russia and the CIS. In this case, the Yandex is clearly leading, since the service was originally created and sharpened under the Russian-language Internet. In this segment, he is better looking for information, I climb into the most hidden parts of the network, which Google did not hear.

If we consider the question regarding the search speed, then the American search engine copes with requests faster than Russian opponent.

The positive characteristics of Google belongs:

  • relatively small amount of advertising;
  • high degree of protection against short-circuit users;
  • relevant issuance consisting of topical data.

It is also worth noting the obvious advantages of its competitor:

  • a large number of additional subsidiary services;
  • full compliance with the issuance of the specified query;
  • further ranking of the Russian-language network.

Thus, it is not possible to determine againGoogle or yandex, better. Unambiguously one if data from the Russian Internet segment is needed, then it is better to refer to Yandex, in the case of data from foreign sites, the best solution will be the use of Google.

additional services

In addition to performing the main purpose of search engines, each of them has many related services intended for helping users in various situations. It is worth noting that Yandex on this issue clearly succeeded, the company has a large number of useful developments. Google though does not have time for a competitor in this matter, but the main developments also has.

Google and Yandex maps

The "Map" application is useful and in demand not only among drivers, but also in pedestrians. Therefore, a comparison of useful programs from competitors will begin with it. The application is similar on the principle of action with the navigator at the same time available for each smartphone.

Most users argue that the google cards are more understandable and comfortable. But it is worth noting. That the development of Yandex is significantly functional. The service is more interactive than the competitor application. In the course of the movement, the user has the ability to make marks that are synchronized and reflected on devices of other owners. Thus, drivers and pedestrians independently make up and maintain the relevance of the situation on the roads on the roads.

In both applications introduced. But the service from Yandex gives more accurate data on the coordinates of settlements of Russia and the CIS countries, while the latter in Google maps are only marked with boundaries.

Cards Google or yandex, better? Both services are convenient and enjoyed in considerable demand. But the Russian service is more functional and, since it provides more opportunities.

Cloud storage

To save information, photos and other important data is wiserfully place them in the cloud storage. This will not allow access to them if the device fails. Competitors offer users two Yandex.Disk and Google Disc. What conditions for each of them and which is preferable from them.

  • free memory capacity - 10 GB;
  • russian-language menu;
  • convenient interface and menu;
  • you can provide access to a specific file by simply passing the link to it;
  • high data exchange rate.

The only disadvantage of the service can be considered the lack of opportunities to work with Microsoft Office files.

  • the ability to work with Google docks (text files, tables and presentations);
  • the ability to work on one document to several users online;
  • 15 GB of free repository;
  • service "Google Photo", optimizing work with images.

Both services are well organized for use and have agents that simplify interaction. They are quite reliable and safe. Many prefer Google Disk, only for the ability to use office programs online.

Program Observer

The last thing remains to be compared before making the final conclusionGoogle or yandex, better These are browsers of both companies. A program intended for Internet access, as it can not accurately characterizes every competitor.

Application interface is approximately the same, but at the same time Google adheres to minimalism strategy, trying to add it different utilities. Nevertheless, the expansion of the American browser allows you to configure the browser in accordance with personal preferences.

As for the speed of searching for information and loading pages, Google browser clearly leads. The program from a competitor is supplemented with turbo-acceleration as a result of which the indicators were equal. At the same time, the turbo-acceleration function is built on the compression of traffic, which perfectly affects the operation of the program in mobile devices.

Security is implemented at the highest level in all programs. But the browser from Google will not be able to protect the user when moving to a malicious site, Yandex Browser, according to developers, fully blocks such resources and constantly updates their list.

As a result of the comparison, it is not possible to make a unambiguous conclusion who is better from competitors. Therefore, depending on the purposes, you need to make a choice in favor of one or another search engine, so, by the way, most users come.

Over time, we start to surround more information from entertainment "memories", to quite serious popular science articles. How not to get lost in this sea of \u200b\u200bcontent and get the most relevant answers to your requests? Of course use search engines.

Today we will look at from all sides and wonder "along the screws" the two most popular search engines and will answer the rhetorical question - what is better, Yandex or Google? It is worth notify that the study will be built not only on statistical data, but also a purely personal, subjective opinion, and the final result may differ from your preferences.

But before you start, let's plunge into history a little to understand how the Internet giants developed and the Yandex is the domestic search engine.

Brief history of search engines Yandex and Google

Starting to work with search technologies, Arkady Volozh and Ilya Soegalovich (Founders of the company) Distributed to their brainstorming, a completely "modest" role - search for information on user hard drives. And only after 4 years, the web-version of the search engine was ready to index individual documents on the network.

In 1997, began the struggle for the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet with the leaders of that time - Rambler and Altavista, and in 2001 overtook competitors and became the most popular search tool in the CIS.

The name "Yandex" originated from the English phrase "Yet Another Indexer", which literally means - another indexer.

At the moment, the company has been 20 years old, and it still occupies a leading position in "RU-NET". The legal address is located in the Netherlands - here's the "domestic" search engine.
The company claims that to build output results, the bot uses more than 1,300 algorithms, but the main attention is paid to the contents of the page and text, in particular.

The beginning of the largest search engine in the world was found when writing dissertation, then Stanford Student - Larry Page. Its main theme was to build the results of the index based on the number and quality of external references to the document (PageRank algorithm). Later, a friend of Page joined writing - Sergey Brin, a child of Soviet emigrants.

The first version of Google has become available in 1996, at and only at the end of 1997, the search engine has gained the current address -

Google's name happened from GOOGOL, denoting the number from one hundred zeros. When registering a domain name, an error occurred in writing the address, which attracted the founders and was decided to leave it.

Like 20 years ago, the PageRank algorithm is one of the main issues when building results. Therefore, manipulate them is much easier than in Yandex, despite the constantly updated filters, punishing sites for such actions.

Visual component and "USABILITY"

Ease of use - an integral part of the definition of a better search engine. Availability, additional services and recommendations will distract users from the ultimate goal - to obtain the necessary information.

Turning to the main pages of search engines, we see:

  • Minimalistic Google Design, the basis of which is the "Search line" and "Dudle", and all additional services are available on the button in the upper right corner;
  • Saturated with information, from the level of corks to and the search string in the center - Yandex. I consciously do not take into account the same minimalistic page -, since the main is -

The purpose of any company is profit. The main part of Google's profits, thanks to its widespread worldwide, is formed from promotional blocks in the search results. Yandex, without possessing such extensive traffic, took the course to conquer all sorts of niches on the Internet and displacing the main competitors in them, masking such activities - concern for users. It is worth noting - some services are very worthy and "have the right to be".

Although the search string is in the center of the attention of the user, but all the whole loading of the page and the imposition of our own services, make me give a deserved, final score for USABILITY to Google's piggy bank.

The results of the search for Google and Yandex, what is better?

The main component in evaluating search engines is how the results of issuing were relevant to the user's request. Being more objective in the assessment, search phrases of several types will help:

  • Information;
  • Commercial;
  • Ambiguous requests.

Personalizing the purity of the experiment can "Personal Issuing", based on earlier requests and the history of sitting sites. I hope it's no secret that Yandex and Google are collected, processed and keep information about each visit. Also, the results will not be attended by issuance for mobile devices.

Information requests

As an informational, for our test, we chose "how to check Ping" - a fairly common question and quite unequivocal. Conditions for searching Yandex - Region Moscow, desktop version of the browser, for Google - Region Russia (more accurately clarify the location - it is not possible), the desktop version of the browser.

The results of the issuance of Yandex, are built as follows:

  1. 9 out of 10 are very informative information articles.
  2. In the top ten, a page from the "Help" of the search engine was fed.

Outcome: Results of issuance, fully respond to the user's request, but there are no video and services for verification.

Results in Google, look different.

  1. In the first place, we are met by the same page from Help.
  2. 5 places from 10 occupy information articles.
  3. 2 places are assigned to video instructions.
  4. At the bottom of the page there is a link to the service for checking.

Outcome: The first ten results by 100% meets the keyword entered by the user and does not force it to make additional clicks in search of information.

Commercial and regional requests

As a commercial request, we chose a "pizza with delivery to the house", without specifying a specific location, but implying Sochi. In the search settings, we will set an automatic location definition based on the IP address.

Results for Yandex:

  1. 10 out of 10 seats are occupied by pizzerias delivering in the specified region.
  2. It is confused by only one thing - in addition to the results of issuing, there are 8 advertisements on the page, agree is a bust.

Results for Google:

  1. Only 3 out of 10 seats correspond to the request and offer delivery in the required city.
  2. 6 out of 10 seats offer delivery in Perm, Buzuluk, Moscow and Tula.
  3. The first and second places are given to the same site, but with a different regional affiliation.
  4. Only 2 advertisements can brighten the sad picture (although they offer delivery to Sochi).

In the Google search engine, the "Lucky" button is the "lucky" button, redirecting immediately to one of the results of issuing. Try, maybe you are lucky to find the right answer from the first attempt?

Outcome: confidently coped with the task, having upset by the number of advertising. Google did not cope with the task, leaving us hungry :). The situation may be aggravated if your location is not correctly determined, this is often found from Rostelecom users.

Ambiguous requests

Technologies have achieved a serious level, but to a full-fledged artificial intelligence capable of a word with the floor correctly understand the need of a person, far away. Therefore, we will try to introduce search engines for a "ambiguous request" - Napoleon, meaning not the commander, but a cake recipe.

It is this search phrase that appears in the description of the "Spectrum" technology used to rank similar requests in Yandex. But is it better to go to Google?

Results in Yandex:

  1. Information prevails information regarding the French commander (biographies) and only one result, allows you to prepare a cake.
  2. The page contains an interactive map, with the address of the confectionery and honest mark, that the establishment does not work more.

Results in Google:

  1. Issuance looks more diverse, although it is more and relates to Bonaparte, but there are links and biographies, and on journalistic articles. P.S. Cake can also be prepared :).
  2. Embolished reference to the English-speaking version of Wikipedia and a map with 3 marks of the same institution, and not working.

Outcome: In a specific experiment, the spectrum technology is sent to the Yandex on refinement, because Highly inferior to the opponent in the results.

Select users. Who is popular Yandex or Google

Many analysts and bloggers argue - based on Google statistics overtook the domestic colleague on attendance in the spring of 2017. But is it all definitely? Or are there pitched stones about which they silent?

Indeed, looking into one of the few available sources - statistics LiveInternet, you will see this confirmation.

These are statistics on transitions from search engines on sites with an installed attendance counter. This information directly indicates the number of users using search engines to search for information, and not access to mail or cards.

But why everyone forget one is not a little important fact - Google has this freaking, thanks to the Android operating system and its own built-in search. The mobile device market is constantly growing, and statistics are growing, but only because of the ignorance of users.

An indirect confirmation of the leading position of Yandex, serves their own statistics - radar.

As we can see from reliable sources, users prefer Yandex and its search algorithms, rather than a foreign colleague. As a result, this situation develops - due to more aggressive marketing or really better extradition, it remains only to guess.

Results and comparative table

It is impossible to say with confidence that better Yandex or Google, because the world consists of a variety of shades, and not just black and white colors. So with search engines, one is better looking for regional queries, other information. The purpose of this article was not the exact definition of the "leader" - it is not as such, I just wanted to show the subtle moments when searching for which you may not pay attention.

And at the end, I reduced all the results in the table to help you decide what is better, and I have already decided on it for a long time and, and Google's search is in the address bar.

* All estimates are subjective and exhibited for clarity.

Yandex has long supplanted his once strong competitor of Rambler and almost completely swallowed the service "Mill". A similar situation occurs in the global market, where "Google" left far overboard the undervalued Bing from "Microsoft" and original DuckduckGo.

Search engines "Google" and "Yandex" are almost the only sought-after services in the Russian-speaking Internet. The domestic service registered for some reason in the distant Holland is still holding a leader of leadership in Russia, but the global American worldwide web leader breathes him in his back. If we consider both search engines superficially, answering the question of what is better: "Yandex" or "Google", then inexorable statistics accept the side of the latter. Domestic service is an unconditional leader for stationary computers in RuNet, while American is not only system blocks and laptops, but also a huge audience with mobile gadgets.

Of course, the question of what is better: "Yandex" or "Google" for ordinary users "Android" -Esways is not so acute, because all the services of the American "are already pre-installed. Even the federal antimonopoly service recognized the fact of discrimination against other market participants and punished Google for violating the law on competition. So, the two largest services in RuNet. We find out what is better: "Google" or "Yandex"? Denote the main differences, notable features, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both search engines.


We will meet by clothes and will figure it out that it is better: "Yandex" or "Google" in the usability of the interface. The American search engine attracts with its classic simplicity and ascetic. On the main page of "Google" you can only see the line for searching and a pair of buttons to go to other sublevels.

Opening the domestic search engine, we see a whole puny from news, obsessive additions and a lot of links to Yandex services. Moreover, all this motley vinaigrette is abundantly commerced by advertising references and blocks. Literally, without exception, Russian companies, including Rambler with Mailra, differ in the same interface. Apparently, it is just some kind of feature of the Runet. Some users consider such a starting page of the starting page is quite appropriate, where you can immediately find out the latest news, get information on traffic jams and weather forecast. Such a minority, so here everyone himself decides for himself that he is closer and what is better - "Yandex" or "Google". If you like minimalism and in priority it is the search, then the American service is your option. Well, those who love to stay on the page and to extract an interesting (and sometimes not very) information, looking for a domestic search engine quite suitable for advertising blocks.


Consider what the "Yandex" differs from "Google" in terms of functionality. Opportunities for both search engines are approximately the same. And there, and there you can find a similar set of tools: news, roads, maps, video, music and other accompanying entourage.

As for the convenience of use, here "Google" is worse than the "Yandex", albeit slightly. The last advanced search, as well as other functionality, looks more clear and beautiful. The pleasant visual component of the extended search "Yandex" allows you to quickly navigate in all columns dropping out lists and markers. While with "Google" will have to lie to find the desired tool. But here again, in many ways this is a matter of habit, and everyone itself decides that it is better - "Yandex" or "Google". It is also worth noting that the American search engine has a competent voice search for stationary systems, and not just for mobile. Yandex, though he launched his similar service - "Alice", but it is still too damp to make a normal competition of the Google lady.


We'll figure it out that it is better: "Yandex" or "Google" in terms of the abundance of advertising and its aggressiveness. If you did not take care of hiding advertisements using third-party browser add-ons like Adblock or Privacy Badger, then the following picture is evaporated.

In Google, the Piara is all much more. Even without taking into account the clearly commercial requests of the user, in the very extradition there will be at least three advertising lines, and the entire right side will be literally lit by banners and text ads.

In Yandex with this case a little better. Directly in the extradition of you, three clearly designated advertising lines are waiting for you, and a pretty media contextual banner will be brought on the right half without superfluous "noise." But, as already mentioned above, if you install additional plugins for the browser on Yandex and Google, then all sorts of PR will become noticeably less, and then it will disappear. Such additions can be found on the official resources of browser developers, and in large quantities, therefore there should be no special problems here.

Search mechanism

This is one of the main parameters that determine who is cooler - "Google" or "Yandex". The search mechanism each service is honing daily. It is rather complicated and confusing, but nevertheless allows in a matter of seconds to give the user the most relevant response to a given question.

The power of the American search engine servers is quite enough to handle the real-time request. Appendices of issuing occur every day, therefore, if we compare as such an Internet from Yandex and "Google", the latter has the most relevant information.

For example, on the hot demand of Syria, the American search engine issues the current news on the Syrian conflict. While Yandex proposes to familiarize themselves with Wikipedia, some geographical features, and even then, somewhere in the middle of the page, displays a news feed.

In addition, "Google" is an international product, so it is perfect for finding foreign languages. But it is in this case that there is a reverse side. Why is Yandex better "Google"? Because the latter is trying to cover everything, but it does not always succeed, and the domestic search engine binds itself to the districts and gives a really high-quality and relevant result on a regional request.

If "Google" copes with the relevant issuance at the expense of its numerous servers, then the power of Yandex is missing for such efficiency. The domestic search engine is simply cached a good part of the requests, and the user receives a pre-prepared response. This solution allows you to instantly get the necessary information, but the latter will not always be relevant. So if your requests can be called standard (weather, movies, music, Wikipedia sections, etc.), then you will not notice the difference between Google or Yandex. If you need more specific and precisely current information for some professional needs, it is better to give preference to the American search engine.


For many, the defining criterion that will allow you to choose between Google or Yandex, are search engines and some additional applications. Among the last most often made branded browsers. Also, as in the case of the web versions of the search engines, I will start acquaintance from the interfaces.


Here we have a similar situation described above. "Google Chrome" is characterized by minimalism and lack of "extra" buttons. Moreover, if you are not satisfied with the classic view of the browser, then in the settings you can always add a couple of other panels and other "chips".

In addition, the browser is not at all against integration with its competitors, so you can always make the "Yandex" startpage in the "Google Chrome". About the Zasil "American" on all mobile gadgets managed by the Android platform, we also mentioned, so many users are simply "forcefully accustomed to" Chrome ".

The "Yandex browser" interface is very similar to the American competitor. But unlike the latter, he is more understandable and any newcomer will be able to deal with him, who first discovered the Internet. Here for sure the specificity of the domestic audience was also played by a considerable role: it's easier for us to understand "our" than to study "them."


As for speed, the difference between the browsers "Google" or "Yandex" is almost no. They work on the same code, so the differences in the bench checks showed the minimum. The only one should clarify on the presence of some features of the browsers. So, Yandex has a special "turbo mode", which allows to compress streaming traffic on the search engine servers, thereby saving its consumption.

For owners of USB modems, such a functionality came as it is impossible by the way. "Google" has no similar "chips", but it concerns the opening of serious and "heavy" web pages, then he has succeeded with his caching. But such a solution is strongly reflected in RAM. Many users have repeatedly called Chrome the most voracious browser. Therefore, if you have less than 4 GB of RAM, it is better to establish a domestic browser.


If you are a professional web developer or a specialist specialist, the choice between browsers from Yandex and Google is quite obvious. The latter has a lot of plug-ins and supplements, which greatly facilitate work with specific content and codes. Yandex is such a variety, alas, it cannot boast. The domestic search engine is largely good, but only if you are an ordinary user: it is a beautiful, comfortable, understandable and kind of like native, but for some serious business enterprises is not suitable.

Cloud services

Consider cloud services from the domestic and American search engine - Yandex Disc and Google Disk. Both options are an excellent alternative to flash drives and memory cards, so we'll figure it out than they are good or bad.

Service from Yandex provides its users with 10 GB of free repository for any information. The "Disc" web interface distinguished himself by understandable and convenient menu branches, as well as its attractiveness. In addition, the download speed in the "cloud" is slightly higher than that of a competitor from "Google".

The only critical drawback on which users often complain are the lack of at least some embedded tools for working with the office environment from Microsoft. "Google-disk" offers 15 GB of places for storage of files against 10 yandex. The repository interface may not be so clear as in the first case, but you can still figure it out. One of the main advantages of the "clouds" from "Google" is the built-in editors of everything you can: documents, tables, photos, etc. It should also be seen and excellent synergies with office products from Microsoft. If you need cloud services only to store files, you can choose, in principle, any "disk". For more versatile work, the product from Google is still more attractive. As for the security of your data, there are no differences here: and there, and there it is strictly there, so no one steals anything.


Another rather demanded service cards. Let's start, as usual, from the interface. The Guglovsky version of the design was like a good half of users: everything is in their places, at hand and with understandable prompts.

But on this advantage of the service from "Google", you can say ends. The capabilities of "Yandex-Cards" are much wider and richer. Some call the domestic service of the real ecosystem of Runet, because there is almost everything here.

Especially useful "Yandex-cards" for drivers:

excellent and understandable navigation;

traffic information;

work on sites and detours; cameras;

online functionality "Disguments";

important markers and markers.

And this is not a complete list of all the features of the service. So here the choice is quite obvious in favor of the domestic search engine.


Compare Yandex with "Google" seems to be simple, but at the same time and difficult. Each search engine and related service are good for your category of users. Yes, they are both leaders and are universal in almost everything. The analogies of the services are traced there, and there. Select and highlight someone separately difficult, and it is impossible. If your activity is related to web developments, codes, processing of the mass of information, with diverse, then it is better to adhere to an American search engine. It issues more relevant and flexible data on user requests. In addition, "Google Chrome" has a massive of tools in the face of plugins and additions, which will become indispensable for specific and professional needs. If you consider yourself the usual user user and you feel comfort and pleasant paints of the domestic search engine, then Yandex will be your excellent assistant in all endeavors. He will quickly tell about the latest news, will show the workload of the roads, will explain the decision of incomprehensible school tasks and tell me what is going on in cinemas. Domestic services from Yandex are distinguished by an intuitive and user-friendly interface, as well as a pleasant appearance.

In general, to say something unequivocally good or bad about our foreign search engine. Both possess both advantages and disadvantages approximately equally.

What search engine is better? - Such a question asks itself a lot of Internet users and the answer to it is not so obvious, as it seems at first glance. People argue, call their own options, but they cannot bring any convincing arguments, but confirm the said only by the phrase "because it is better and all" and similar to the meaning of statements. Well, let's put all the points over "I", holding a comparison of the two best search engines Yandex and Google. Why exactly they? - Take a look at the rating of using such services in the Russian-speaking Internet. For Yandex more than 50% of the total number of users, for Google - almost 35%. The rest of the services occupy a little more than 10% of the total turnover and, as you guessed, do not use much popularity.

So what kind of search engine is better - Yandex or Google

Consider from the usual user, all the main features of these search engines are: interface, the availability of additional services, advertising and, of course, the most important is the search quality.


  1. Google with it is simple - on the main search page we will not see almost nothing, only the search string and links for the rapid transition to the post office and other Google services.
  2. With Yandex, everything is a little different: the main page partially displays information from other projects. For example, me, as a person who has been without a TV for more than one year, is very pleased with the news service. I went to find information on the Internet, I noticed an interesting news, read. Very comfortably. On the other hand, for many, all these additions will seem excesses, because the main task of search engines is to search and nothing else.


Most Internet users negatively relate to the abundance of advertising materials on sites, forums and other resources. Search systems this is not an exception.

  1. If we talk about Yandex, then an unpleasant moment pops up here - its creators in addition to contextual ads began to place the banners (of course, not on each page, but still). It is very annoying.
  2. Google is not so greedy and the number of blocks of contextual advertising is much less than yandex, plus there is no banners. Experiment with various search queries and you yourself make sure that. In some cases, Google does not even displays the context, while Yandex demonstrates users a consistently high amount of advertising.

Search quality

As I said earlier, it is the most important criterion when choosing a search engine. It is estimated on the basis of how the output results correspond to user needs. And for the search engine as often as possible, "in the apple", it must display on the page as many different options as possible, but at the same time avoid a double. For example, on request "Schoolboy", you can withdraw options for schoolchildren as school students, information about a person with the last name Schoolboy, photos and video with schoolchildren, thereby paying the user from the need to more specify your request.

Yandex has long supplanted his once strong competitor of Rambler and almost completely swallowed the service "Mill". A similar situation occurs in the global market, where "Google" left far overboard the undervalued Bing from "Microsoft" and original DuckduckGo.

Search engines "Google" and "Yandex" are almost the only sought-after services in the Russian-speaking Internet. The domestic service registered for some reason in the distant Holland is still holding a leader of leadership in Russia, but the global American worldwide web leader breathes him in his back.

If we consider both search engines superficially, responding to the question of what is better: "Yandex" or "Google", then inexorable statistics takes the direction of the latter. Domestic service is an unconditional leader for stationary computers in RuNet, while American is not only system blocks and laptops, but also a huge audience with mobile gadgets.

Of course, the question of what is better: "Yandex" or "Google" for ordinary users "Android" -Esways is not so acute, because all the services of the American "are already pre-installed. Even the federal antimonopoly service recognized the fact of discrimination against other market participants and punished Google for violating the law on competition.

So, the two largest services in RuNet. We find out what is better: "Google" or "Yandex"? Denote the main differences, notable features, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of both search engines.


We will meet by clothes and will figure it out that it is better: "Yandex" or "Google" in the usability of the interface. The American search engine attracts with its classic simplicity and ascetic. On the main page of "Google" you can only see the line for searching and a pair of buttons to go to other sublevels.

Opening the domestic search engine, we see a whole puny from news, obsessive additions and a lot of links to Yandex services. Moreover, all this motley vinaigrette is abundantly commerced by advertising references and blocks. Literally, without exception, Russian companies, including Rambler with Mailra, differ in the same interface. Apparently, it is just some kind of feature of the Runet.

Some users consider such a starting page of the starting page is quite appropriate, where you can immediately find out the latest news, get information on traffic jams and weather forecast. Such a minority, so here everyone himself decides for himself that he is closer and what is better - "Yandex" or "Google".

If you like minimalism and in priority it is the search, then the American service is your option. Well, those who love to stay on the page and to extract an interesting (and sometimes not very) information, looking for a domestic search engine quite suitable for advertising blocks.


Consider what the "Yandex" differs from "Google" in terms of functionality. Opportunities for both search engines are approximately the same. And there, and there you can find a similar set of tools: news, roads, maps, video, music and other accompanying entourage.

As for the convenience of use, here "Google" is worse than the "Yandex", albeit slightly. The last advanced search, as well as other functionality, looks more clear and beautiful. The pleasant visual component of the extended search "Yandex" allows you to quickly navigate in all columns dropping out lists and markers. While with "Google" will have to lie to find the desired tool. But here again, in many ways this is a matter of habit, and everyone itself decides that it is better - "Yandex" or "Google".

It is also worth noting that the American search engine has a competent voice search for stationary systems, and not just for mobile. Yandex, though he launched his similar service - "Alice", but it is still too damp to make a normal competition of the Google lady.


We'll figure it out that it is better: "Yandex" or "Google" in terms of the abundance of advertising and its aggressiveness. If you did not take care of hiding advertisements using third-party browser add-ons like Adblock or Privacy Badger, then the following picture is evaporated.

In Google, the Piara is all much more. Even without taking into account the clearly commercial requests of the user, in the very extradition there will be at least three advertising lines, and the entire right side will be literally lit by banners and text ads.

In Yandex with this case a little better. Directly in the extradition of you, three clearly designated advertising lines are waiting for you, and a pretty media contextual banner will be brought on the right half without superfluous "noise." But, as already mentioned above, if you install additional plugins for the browser on Yandex and Google, then all sorts of PR will become noticeably less, and then it will disappear. Such additions can be found on the official resources of browser developers, and in large quantities, therefore there should be no special problems here.

Search mechanism

This is one of the main parameters that determine who is cooler - "Google" or "Yandex". The search mechanism each service is honing daily. It is rather complicated and confusing, but nevertheless allows in a matter of seconds to give the user the most relevant response to a given question.

The power of the American search engine servers is quite enough to handle the real-time request. Appendices of issuing occur every day, therefore, if we compare as such an Internet from Yandex and "Google", the latter has the most relevant information.

For example, on the hot demand of Syria, the American search engine issues the current news on the Syrian conflict. While Yandex proposes to familiarize themselves with Wikipedia, some geographical features, and even then, somewhere in the middle of the page, displays a news feed.

In addition, "Google" is an international product, so it is perfect for finding foreign languages. But it is in this case that there is a reverse side. Why is Yandex better "Google"? Because the latter is trying to cover everything, but it does not always succeed, and the domestic search engine binds itself to the districts and gives a really high-quality and relevant result on a regional request.

If "Google" copes with the relevant issuance at the expense of its numerous servers, then the power of Yandex is missing for such efficiency. The domestic search engine is simply cached a good part of the requests, and the user receives a pre-prepared response. This solution allows you to instantly get the necessary information, but the latter will not always be relevant.

So if your requests can be called standard (weather, movies, music, Wikipedia sections, etc.), then you will not notice the difference between Google or Yandex. If you need more specific and precisely current information for some professional needs, it is better to give preference to the American search engine.


For many, the defining criterion that will allow you to choose between Google or Yandex, are search engines and some additional applications. Among the last most often made branded browsers. Also, as in the case of the web versions of the search engines, I will start acquaintance from the interfaces.


Here we have a similar situation described above. "Google Chrome" is characterized by minimalism and lack of "extra" buttons. Moreover, if you are not satisfied with the classic view of the browser, then in the settings you can always add a couple of other panels and other "chips".

In addition, the browser is not at all against integration with its competitors, so you can always make the "Yandex" startpage in the "Google Chrome". About the Zasil "American" on all mobile gadgets managed by the Android platform, we also mentioned, so many users are simply "forcefully accustomed to" Chrome ".

The "Yandex browser" interface is very similar to the American competitor. But unlike the latter, he is more understandable and any newcomer will be able to deal with him, who first discovered the Internet. Here for sure the specificity of the domestic audience was also played by a considerable role: it's easier for us to understand "our" than to study "them."


As for speed, the difference between the browsers "Google" or "Yandex" is almost no. They work on the same code, so the differences in the bench checks showed the minimum. The only one should clarify on the presence of some features of the browsers.

So, Yandex has a special "turbo mode", which allows to compress streaming traffic on the search engine servers, thereby saving its consumption. For owners of USB modems, such a functionality came as it is impossible by the way.

"Google" has no similar "chips", but it concerns the opening of serious and "heavy" web pages, then he has succeeded with his caching. But such a solution is strongly reflected in RAM. Many users have repeatedly called Chrome the most voracious browser. Therefore, if you have less than 4 GB of RAM, it is better to establish a domestic browser.


If you are a professional web developer or a specialist specialist, the choice between browsers from Yandex and Google is quite obvious. The latter has a lot of plug-ins and supplements, which greatly facilitate work with specific content and codes. Yandex is such a variety, alas, it cannot boast.

The domestic search engine is largely good, but only if you are an ordinary user: it is a beautiful, comfortable, understandable and kind of like native, but for some serious business enterprises is not suitable.

Cloud services

Consider cloud services from the domestic and American search engine - Yandex Disc and Google Disk. Both options are an excellent alternative to flash drives and memory cards, so we'll figure it out than they are good or bad.

Service from Yandex provides its users with 10 GB of free repository for any information. The "Disc" web interface distinguished himself by understandable and convenient menu branches, as well as its attractiveness. In addition, the download speed in the "cloud" is slightly higher than that of a competitor from "Google". The only critical drawback on which users often complain are the lack of at least some embedded tools for working with the office environment from Microsoft.

"Google-disk" offers 15 GB of places for storage of files against 10 yandex. The repository interface may not be so clear as in the first case, but you can still figure it out. One of the main advantages of the "clouds" from "Google" is the built-in editors of everything you can: documents, tables, photos, etc. It should also be seen and excellent synergies with office products from Microsoft.

If you need cloud services only to store files, you can choose, in principle, any "disk". For more versatile work, the product from Google is still more attractive. As for the security of your data, there are no differences here: and there, and there it is strictly there, so no one steals anything.


Another rather demanded service cards. Let's start, as usual, from the interface. The Guglovsky version of the design was like a good half of users: everything is in their places, at hand and with understandable prompts.

But on this advantage of the service from "Google", you can say ends. The capabilities of "Yandex-Cards" are much wider and richer. Some call the domestic service of the real ecosystem of Runet, because there is almost everything here.

Especially useful "Yandex-cards" for drivers:

  • excellent and understandable navigation;
  • traffic information;
  • work on sites and detours;
  • cameras;
  • online functionality "Disguments";
  • important markers and markers.

And this is not a complete list of all the features of the service. So here the choice is quite obvious in favor of the domestic search engine.


Compare Yandex with "Google" seems to be simple, but at the same time and difficult. Each search engine and related service are good for your category of users. Yes, they are both leaders and are universal in almost everything. The analogies of the services are traced there, and there. Select and highlight someone separately difficult, and it is impossible.

If your activity is related to web developments, codes, processing of the mass of information, with diverse, then it is better to adhere to an American search engine. It issues more relevant and flexible data on user requests. In addition, "Google Chrome" has a massive of tools in the face of plugins and additions, which will become indispensable for specific and professional needs.

If you consider yourself the usual user user and you feel comfort and pleasant paints of the domestic search engine, then Yandex will be your excellent assistant in all endeavors. He will quickly tell about the latest news, will show the workload of the roads, will explain the decision of incomprehensible school tasks and tell me what is going on in cinemas. Domestic services from Yandex are distinguished by an intuitive and user-friendly interface, as well as a pleasant appearance.

In general, to say something unequivocally good or bad about our foreign search engine. Both possess both advantages and disadvantages approximately equally.