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Designation of latitude and longitude. Definition of coordinates

Latitude - The angle φ between the local direction of the zenith and the plane of the equator, measured from 0 ° to 90 ° in both directions from the equator. The geographical latitude of points lying in the northern hemisphere (northern latitude) is considered positive, the breadth of points in the southern hemisphere is negative. About latitudes close to poles, it is customary to talk about high, and about close to the equator - how about low.

Due to the differences between the shape of the earth from the ball, the geographical latitude of points is somewhat different from their geocentric latitude, that is, from the corner between the direction at this point from the center of the Earth and the plane of the equator.

The latitude of the place can be determined using such astronomical tools as Sextant or Gnomon (Direct Measurement), you can also use GPS or GLONASS systems (indirect measurement).


Longitude - The dihedral angle λ between the meridian plane passing through this point, and the plane of the initial zero meridian, from which longitude is conducted. The longitude from 0 ° to 180 ° to the east of the zero meridian is called Eastern, to the West - Western. Oriental longitude is considered positive, Western - negative.


To fully determine the position of the point of three-dimensional space, the third coordinate is necessary - height. The distance to the center of the planet is not used in geography: it is convenient only when describing very deep regions of the planet or, on the contrary, when calculating orbits in space.

Within the geographic shell usually applies height above sea level, counted from the level of "smoothed" surface - geoid. Such a system of three coordinates is orthogonal, which simplifies a number of calculations. The height above sea level is also convenient for being associated with atmospheric pressure.

The distance from the earth's surface is often used to describe the place, but does not serve as the coordinate.

Geographic coordinate system

ω e \u003d - v n / r (\\ displaystyle \\ omega _ (e) \u003d - v_ (n) / r) Ω n \u003d V E / R + U Cos \u2061 (φ) (\\ displayStyle \\ Omega _ (n) \u003d V_ (E) / R + U \\ COS (\\ Varphi)) ω u p \u003d ver tg (φ) + u sin \u2061 (φ) (\\ displayStyle \\ Omega _ (Up) \u003d (\\ FRAC (V_ (E)) (R)) TG (\\ Varphi) + u \\ sin (\\ where R is the radius of the Earth, U is the angular speed of rotation of the Earth, V n (\\ displaystyle v_ (n)) - vehicle speed north V E (\\ DisplayStyle v_ (E)) - to the East, φ (\\ displayStyle \\ Varphi) - latitude, λ (\\ displaystyle \\ lambda) - Longitude. The main disadvantage in the practical application of G. S. K. in navigation is the large values \u200b\u200bof the angular velocity of this system in high latitudes, increasing up to infinity on the pole. Therefore, instead of G. S. K. Used half-free in the azimuth of the SC.

Half-free in azimuth coordinate system

Semi-free in Azimuth S. K. differs from G. S. K. Only one equation, which has the form:

ω u p \u003d u sin \u2061 (φ) (\\ displaystyle \\ omega _ (up) \u003d u \\ sin (\\ varphi))

Accordingly, the system also has an initial position, carried out by the formula

N \u003d y w cos \u2061 (ε) + x w sin \u2061 (ε) (\\ displaystyle n \u003d y_ (w) \\ cos (\\ varepsilon) + x_ (w) \\ sin (\\ varepsilon))

E \u003d - y w sin \u2061 (ε) + x w cos \u2061 (ε) (\\ displaystyle e \u003d -y_ (w) \\ sin (\\ varepsilon) + x_ (W) \\ COS (\\ Varepsilon)) In reality, all calculations are underway in this system, and then, for the issuance of the output information, the coordinates are converted to GSK.

The position of each point on the earth's surface determine its coordinates: latter and longitude (Fig. 3).


The angle formed by the sheer line passing through the specified point on the surface of the Earth, and the plane of the equator (in Fig. 3 for the point M Cor Angle). In whatever point on the globe, there was no observer, its strength will always be directed towards the center of the Earth. This direction is called sheer, or vertical.

The latitude is measured by the arc of the meridian from the equator to the parallel of this point ranging from 0 to 90 ° and is indicated by the letter F. Thus, the geographic parallel EABQ is a geometric location of points having the same latitude.

Depending on which hemisphere is the point, the name of Northern (N) or South (S) is applied latitude.


{!LANG-c311b7b66d9749dc80610694608b0059!} The dwarf corner is called between the planes of the initial meridian and the meridian of this point (in fig. 3 for the point M angle of AOS). The longitude is measured by less than the equator arc between the initial meridian and the meridian of this point ranging from 0 to 180 ° and is indicated by the letter l. Thus, the geographical meridian PN MCPS is a geometric location of points having the same longitude.

Depending on which hemisphere is located, the longitude is called Eastern (O ST) or Western (W).

The difference of latitudes and the difference of longitude

During swimming, the ship continuously changes its place on the surface of the Earth, therefore, its coordinates are changed. The magnitude of the AF latitude changes, obtained when moving the vessel from the MI waste point to the arrival point C1, is called the difference is short (RS). The RSH is measured by an arc of a meridian between parallels of waste and arrival points M1C1 (Fig. 4).

Fig. four

The name of the RSH depends on the location of the parallel points of the parish relative to the parallel of the waste point. If the parallel of the arrival point is located north of the parallel of the waste point, the RSH is considered to be made to N, and if south - then to S.

The magnitude of the change in the longitude of AL, which is obtained when the ship is moving from the M1 deduction point to the C2 arrival point, is called the difference of longitude (RD). The RD is measured by a smaller arc of the equator between the meridians of the waste point and the MSN arrival point (see Fig. 4). If, in the transition of the ship, the Eastern longitude increases or Western decreases, then the RD is considered to be made to O ST, and if the Eastern longitude decreases or Western increases, then to W. To determine the RS and PD, use the formulas:

RS \u003d φ1 - φ2; (one)

RD \u003d λ1 - λ2 (2)

Where φ1 is the latitude of the waste point;

φ2 - the latitude of the parish point;

λ1 - the longitude of the departure point;

λ2 - longitude of the parish point.

At the same time, the northern latitudes and oriental longitudes are considered positive and the sign plus is attributed to them, and the southern latitudes and western longitudes are negative and they are attributed to the minus sign. When solving problems according to formulas (1) and (2), in the case of positive results, it will be made to N, and the RD - to O ST (see Example 1), and in the case of the negative results of the RSH it will be to S, and the RD - to W (see example 2). Upon receipt of the result of the RD, more than 180 ° with a negative sign must be added 360 ° (see example 3), and if the result of the RD is greater than 180 ° with a positive sign, it is necessary to subtract 360 ° (see Example 4).

Example 1. Known: φ1 \u003d 62 ° 49 "n; λ1 \u003d 34 ° 49" o ST; φ2 \u003d 72 ° 50 "n; λ2 \u003d 80 ° 56" o ST.

Find RSH and RD.


Example 2. Known: φ1 \u003d 72 ° 50 "n; λ1 \u003d: 80 ° 56" o ST: φ2 \u003d 62 o ST 49 "N;

Find RSH and RD.

We offer to use similar services from Google - + The location of interesting places in the world in the Google MAPS scheme

Calculation of distances between two points by coordinates:

Calculator online - calculating the distance between two cities, points. Their exact location in the world can be found on the link above

Alphabet Countries:

Map Abkhazia Austria Australia Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Brazil United Kingdom Hungary Germany Greece Georgia Egypt Israel Spain Italy India Kazakhstan Canada Cyprus China Crimea South Korea Kyrgyzstan Latvia Litvia Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macedonia Moldova Monaco Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia Syria Slovenian United States Tajikistan Tuland Turkmenistan Turkey Tunisia Ukraine Uzbekistan Finland France Montenegro Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Japan Neighbors Russia? Areas of Russia of the Republic of Russia Region of Russia Feder.Obrug of Russia Auton. Russian Country of Russia Federman
Satellite Abkhazia Austria Australia Azerbaijan Armenia Belarus Belgium Bulgaria Brazil United Kingdom Hungary Germany Greece Georgia Egypt Israel Spain Italy Kazakhstan Canada Cyprus China South Korea Latvia Lithuania Liechtenstein Luxembourg Macedonia Moldova Monachet Netherlands Poland Russia Russia + Stadiums Syria Slovenia United States Tajikistan Tunisia Turkmenistan Ukraine Finland France + Stadiums Montenegro Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Japan
Panorama Australia Belgium Bulgaria Brazil + Stadiums Belarus United Kingdom Hungary Germany Greece Israel Spain Italy Canada Crimea Kyrgyzstan South Korea Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Monaco Netherlands Poland Portugal Russia + Stadows United States of America Thailand Turkey Ukraine Finland France Czech Republic Switzerland Estonia Japan

Definition of latitude and longitude on the map?

On the Quick Definition of Coordinates on the map - we know the breadth and longitude of the city. Online search for streets and houses at the address, GPS, to determine the coordinates on the Yandex map, how to find a location - more described below.

Determination of the geographic coordinates of any city in the world (find out latitude and longitude) on an online map from the Yandex service is actually a very simple process. You have two convenient options, let's stop more on each of them.

Fill in the form: Rostov-on-Don Pushkinskaya 10 (with the help of the room at home, the search will pass more accurate). On the right in the upper corner there is a form of definition of coordinates, which contains 3 accurate parameters - the coordinates of the label, the map center and the approximation scale.

After activating the search for "Find" in each field there will be the necessary data - longitude and latitude. We look at the center of the Card Center.

The second option: in this case it is even easier. Interactive world map with coordinates contains a label. By default, it stands in the city center of Moscow. It is necessary to drag the label and put on the desired city, for example, we determine the coordinates on. Latitude and longitude will automatically match the search object. We look at the field "Tags" coordinates.

When searching for the desired city or country, use navigation and scaling tools. Approaching and reducing the scale +/-, also moving the interactive map itself, it is easy to find any country, search the region on the world map. Thus, you can find the geographical center of Ukraine or Russia. In the country, Ukraine is a volunteering village, which is located on the River of the Good Kirovograd region.

Copy the geographical coordinates of the center of Ukraine PGT. Volunteering - Ctrl + C

48.3848,31.1769 48.3848 northern latitude and 31.1769 Eastern longitude

Longitude + 37 ° 17 '6.97 "V.D. (37.1769)

Latitude + 48 ° 38 '4.89 "S.Sh. (48.3848)

At the entrance to the village of Urban type, a sign that informs about this interesting fact is established. Consider its territory, most likely it will be uninteresting. There are much more entertaining places in the world.

How to find a place on the map by coordinates?

Consider the reverse process for example. Why do you need to define latitude and longitude on the map? Suppose you will need to determine the exact location of the car in the GPS navigator coordinates in the scheme. Or a close friend will call on the day off and inform the coordinates of its location, inviting you to join the hunt or fishing.

Knowing accurate geographical coordinates, you will be useful for a card with latitude and longitude. It is enough to enter your data in the search form from the Yandex service so that the definition of location by coordinates has been successfully achieved. An example, we introduce the latitude and longitude of the Moscow street 66 in the city of Saratov - 51.5339,46.0368. The service will quickly determine and show the location of this house in the city.

In addition to the above, you can easily determine the coordinates on the map of any metro station in the city. After the city name we write the station name. And we see where the label is located and its coordinates with latitude and longitude. To determine the length of the route, you must apply the "LINE" tool (measurement of the distance on the map). We put the label at the beginning of the route and then at the end point. The service will automatically determine the distance in meters and will show the track itself on the map.

More precisely, the place on the map seems possible due to the satellite scheme (the top corner right). Look, as it looks like. You can do all of the above operations with it.

World map with longitude and breadth

Imagine you are in an unfamiliar area, and there are no objects or landmarks nearby. And ask not anyone! How could you explain your exact location, what would you quickly found?

Thanks to such concepts, like latitude and longitude, you will be able to find and find. The latitude shows the location of the object relative to the South and North Poles. For zero latitude, the equator is considered. The South Pole is located 90 degrees. South latitude, and northern 90 degrees of northern latitude.

This data is not enough. It is also necessary to know the situation is also relative to the East and the West. Here the coordinate of longitude is useful.

Thank you for the data provided by Yandex. Cards

Map Data cities of Russia, Ukraine and the world

Surface from 0 ° to 90 ° in both directions from the equator. The geographical latitude of points lying in the northern hemisphere (northern latitude) is considered positive, the breadth of points in the southern hemisphere is negative. About latitudes close to poles, it is customary to talk about high, and about close to the equator - how about low.

Due to the differences between the shape of the Earth from the ball, the geographical latitude of points is somewhat different from their geocentric latitude, i.e. from the corner between the direction on this point from the center of the Earth and the plane of the equator.


Longitude - The angle λ between the plane of the meridian passing through this point, and the plane of the initial zero meridian, from which longitude is conducted. Long distance from 0 ° to 180 ° to the east of the zero meridian is called the eastern, to the west - Western. Oriental longitude is considered positive, Western - negative.


To fully determine the position of the point of three-dimensional space, the third coordinate is necessary - height. The distance to the center of the planet is not used in geography: it is convenient only when describing very deep regions of the planet or, on the contrary, when calculating orbits in space.

Using the geographical envelope is usually used "height above sea level", counted from the level of "smoothed" surface - geoid. Such a system of three coordinates is orthogonal, which simplifies a number of calculations. The height above sea level is also convenient for being associated with atmospheric pressure.

The distance from the earth's surface (up or deep into) is often used to describe the place, however not Serves coordinate

Geographic coordinate system

The main disadvantage in the practical application of GSK in navigation is the large values \u200b\u200bof the angular velocity of this system in high latitudes, increasing up to infinity on the pole. Therefore, instead of GSK, it is used semi-free in azimuth SC.

Semi-free in Azimuth S. K. differs from G. S. K. Only one equation, which has the form:

Semi-free in Azimuth SC differs from GSC Only by one equation, which has the form:

Accordingly, the system also has the initial position that HSC and their orientation also coincides with the difference alone that its axes and rejected from the respective GSC axes to the angle for which the equation is true

The transformation between the GSK and semi-free in azimuth is carried out by the formula

The position of each point on the earth's surface determine its coordinates: latter and longitude (Fig. 3).

Formats of recording geographic coordinates

The WGS84 system is used to record geographic coordinates.

Coordinates (latitude from -90 ° to + 90 °, longitude from -180 ° to + 180 °) can be recorded:

  • in ° degrees in the form of a decimal fraction (modern version)
  • in degrees and "minutes with a decimal fraction
  • in degrees, "minutes and" seconds with a decimal fraction (the historically established form of recording)

The separator of the decimal fraction always serves as a point. The positive signs of the coordinates are presented (in most cases, lowered) "+" sign, or letters: "N" - Northern latitude and "E" - Eastern longitude. Negative signs of coordinates are either familiar "-", or letters: "S" - South latitude and "W" - Western longitude. Letters can stand both in front and rear.

Unified Rules for recording coordinates does not exist.

The default search engines are shown in degrees with a decimal fraction with signs "-" for negative longitude. On Google and Yandex maps at the beginning of the latitude, then the longitude (until October 2012, on Yandex maps, reverse order was taken: first the longitude, then latitude). These coordinates are visible, for example, when laying routes from arbitrary points. When searching, other formats are recognized.

In default navigators, degrees and minutes with a decimal fraction with alphabetic designation are more often displayed, for example, in Navitel, in IGO. You can enter coordinates and in accordance with other formats. The format of degrees and minutes is also recommended for radio exchange in the marines.

At the same time, the original method of recording with degrees, minutes and seconds is often used. Currently, the coordinates can be recorded in one of the many methods or duplicate two main (with degrees and degrees, minutes and seconds). As an example, options for recording the coordinates of the sign "Zero kilometer of the road of the Russian Federation" - 55.755831 , 37.617673 55 ° 45'20.99 "p. sh. 37 ° 37'03.62 "in. d. /  55.755831 , 37.617673 (G) (O) (I):

  • 55.755831 °, 37.617673 ° - degrees
  • N55.755831 °, E37.617673 ° - degrees (+ additional letters)
  • 55 ° 45.35 "N, 37 ° 37.06" E - degrees and minutes (+ additional letters)
  • 55 ° 45 "20.9916" N, 37 ° 37 "3.6228" E - degrees, minutes and seconds (+ additional letters)


  • Geographic coordinates of all cities on Earth (English)
  • Geographical coordinates of settlements of land (1) (English)
  • Geographical coordinates of settlements of land (2) (English)
  • Recalculation of coordinates from degrees to degrees / minutes, degrees / minutes / seconds and back
  • Recalculation of coordinates from degrees to degrees / minutes / seconds and back

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "geographic coordinates" in other dictionaries:

    See coordinates. Mountain Encyclopedia. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Edited by E. A. Kozlovsky. 1984 1991 ... Geological Encyclopedia

    - (latitude and longitude), determine the position of the point on the earth's surface. The geographical latitude j The angle between the sheer line at this point and the plane of the equator, measured from 0 to 90sh in both directions from the equator. Geographic longitude L corner ... ... Modern encyclopedia

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    geographical coordinates - the values \u200b\u200bdetermining the position of the point on the earth's surface (geographical latitude and geographical longitude). → Fig. 124 ... Dictionary on geography

    Geographical coordinates - (latitude and longitude), determine the position of the point on the earth's surface. The geographical latitude j The angle between the sheer line at a given point and the plane of the equator, measured from 0 to 90 ° in both directions from the equator. Geographic longitude L corner ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Latitude and longitude, angular values \u200b\u200bthat determine the position of the point on the globe relative to the equator and the initial meridian. The point of the point is called the angle between the plane of the equator and the sheer line at this point; Longitude - angle compiled ... ... Geographic Encyclopedia

    The values \u200b\u200bdetermining the position of the point on the earth's surface: the latitude φ, measured by the angle between the sheer line at a given point and the plane of the earth's equator, and the longitude λ, measured by a dugrangle between the plane of the meridian of this point ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

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Find the point coordinates on the map. Determine location

How to find a place by coordinates: Enter your coordinates on the "Latitude" and "Longitude" field and click on the "Find Place" button. If you know the location on the map and the set you want to determine and find the coordinates just click on the map and in the field "Coordinates of the Tag you will see the appropriate coordinates of your click"