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Rambler Mail Log in to the mailbox. Log in to the mailbox Rambler ( is an online portal, which includes a variety of diverse services (mail, dating, real estate, video, news, etc.). Officially, the project was launched in August 2000. For all the time of its existence, the site has changed four design options. According to statistics, over 90 million letters passes through the mail of Rambler.

This article will instruct you in detail how to work with e-mail Rambler: how to change the password how to restore access to the profile and log in to the system.

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Method number 1: Standard account creation in mail

1. Open in the browser -

2. To open the login panel, cland the link "Mail" or "Login".

3. On the page that opens, click "Register".

Attention! Email on the mail Rambler is provided free of charge.

4. To create an account, fill out the registration form. Enter the name and surname.

5. Come up with login or select one of the proposed free addresses in the list under the string.

6. Make a password from a Latin lender, special characters (@ # $ & * ^%) and numbers from 6 to 32 characters long (optimally 10-20) and dial it twice in the corresponding field fields.

Tip! Come up with a difficult password, so you will reduce the risk of e-mail hacking on Rambler.

7. Specify personal data: date of birth, floor, place of residence.

8. Enter the mobile number (in the first block of the field, install the country's international code).

9. To verify the phone click "Send Code".

10. Dial the code from the received SMS message.

11. Click "Register".

When you first enter an account, raise its security level - create a security question (through it you can confirm the right to e-mail):

  • in the "Control Question" block, click "specify";
  • choose a suitable question in the list;
  • enter the answer to it (come up with the original, complex phrase, so that it is not possible to choose crackers);
  • dial the current password from the profile;
  • reprint letters from the picture (captcha);
  • candle "Save".

To go to E-mail profile, clap the top panel "Mail".

To control the correspondence, use the menu on the left side of the page and the buttons panel under the service logo.

Method # 2: Integration with social network

1. On the page with the registration form, clat the icon of the social network that you want to connect to the account.

3. Verify the connected account:

  • in the Count "Mailboxes" near the address, "Confirm" Clazz
  • go to the social network profile and the message from Rambler Clazz the Activation link.

4. Fill out the rest of the fields and send the form.

Everything! Now you can send to colleagues and friends a message "Here is my email to Rambler [email protected]."

How to change password from e-mail?

1. Click on your name at the top on the right.

2. In the panel that appears, click the "My Profile" section.

3. In the "Password" column, click "Change".

4. Enter the current password and 2 times the new one.

5. Reprint captcha from the picture.

How to remove e-mail?

Open the settings panel (My profile) and at the bottom of the page, click the "Delete Mailbox" link. Next, follow Rambler prompts.

How to log in?

Click on the main page of the Login button. Enter login and password. Click "Login" again.

Comfortable to you by mail Rambler!

Each PC user must necessarily have a registered email address, if not for chatting, then at least for. Rambler - Mail, once occupied the leading position. Today, the popularity of this service has fallen noticeably, but the service continues to actively develop.

Today we will consider in more detail the process of registration and entry in the mail Rambler, and we will also analyze the main causes of the problem associated with the entrance to the mail Rambler.

Registration in Rambler

In order to proceed to creating a new mail account Rambler, follow the registration page.

In the window that opens, you will need to fill in the standard form by entering your name, the floor, the locality, as well as the phone number and the code that comes to it. If an even earlier, the phone entry could be turned off optionally, now this graph is required to fill.

Once you confirm the registration by entering the code from SMS, the registration will be completed. In order to open your email account, click on your name in the upper right area window.

An additional menu will appear on the screen in which the number of incoming letters will be displayed, pressing the system will open the page with them, as well as the "Exit" button, which allows you to complete the session with the mail account in the browser.

Entrance to Rambler

The entrance in the post of Rambler is carried out from the main page of the service. Going to it, in the upper right corner of the browser, click on the button. "To come in" .

Why not be able to enter the mail Rambler?

1. Incorrect email address and password. The most likely reason why you cannot enter the mail Rambler. After entering one of these parameters is incorrect, when you try to log in, the message "Incorrect mail or password" appears on the screen.

Please note if you do not remember the password below click the "Forgot Password?" Button below to go to the recovery page. If you do not remember the exact email address, then the task is complicated, because Embedded rambler remember email will not work. Here you will be able to help other accounts to which Email is tied, as well as familiar and colleagues who have previously sent emails.

2. Your post account has been blocked. Such a situation occurs when you do not go for a long time in your post account, as a result of which it is blocked by the system. As a rule, after entering the entry, the account is defined, but if this does not happen, please contact Rambler support for help.

3. The mail account was removed. If you encounter a message "Box does not exist" when entering into the mail, check the correct email address. If you are completely confident in his correctness, then probably your postcount has been removed. Unfortunately, remote mail accounts are not subject to recovery.

4. Outdated browser version or conflicting settings. If you fail to enter the mail, then the fault of your browser can be. First of all, run any other web browser on your computer and try logging into account through it.

If the logger in Rambler has been successful, you should update the problem browser, and then check the settings that can cause problems in the input, for example, some browser add-ons can change network settings, because of which the mail cannot work correctly.

5. Problems on the side of Rambler. Recently, more and more users began to mark problems in the work of Rambler. Unfortunately, in this situation you can only wait for troubleshooting problems. To know the exact timing of the establishment of the service, as well as the causes of the inoperability of mail, contact

Rambler is a famous email client that continues to hold high positions by the number of active users. The client has excellent recycled design, improved security settings and free registration. About how to start an electronic box and eliminate the input problems in this article.

It's hard to believe, but Rambler appeared in 1996. Then it was a simple search engine, which, as it became developed to turn to new services, including mail. Today, Rambler is one of the most popular services that received a completely new design.

Registration for Rambler.

To register the Rambler is very simple. To begin with, running, you need to go to the Rambler main page and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" .

The service will propose to enter existing login and password, but because We do not have them, choose the button "Register" .

Now you need to come up and enter the password twice. Password is reliable if it consists of at least eight characters, and will also contain the Latin letters of the upper and small register, numbers and symbols.

You have left to specify such personal data as the date of birth, the floor, the mobile phone number and the confirmation code that will come as an SMS message. The entered number will ensure the reliable security of the computer, because will notify about major changes in your profile.

If you do not want to enter the phone number, select "I do not have a mobile phone number" And then you need to specify the control question and answer to it.

After completing all the graphs, complete the account creation by pressing the button. "Register" .

Log in Rambler Mail.

Go to the Mount Rambler and select the button in the upper right corner "To come in" . Enter the login and password. As a rule, your browser will suggest to save this data to the next time not to spend time on entering the same data.

In addition, to quickly go to mail, we recommend the site to add to the browser bookmarks.

Mail interface is pretty simple. In the left part there are folders with letters: "Incoming", "sent", "Chernoviki", etc. Slightly relevant letters of the selected folder are displayed, and on the right - an open letter.

Pay attention to the latest item on the left side of the page called "Add other boxes" . Selecting this item, you can connect additional email addresses from other mail services: Mail.Ru, Yandex, etc. Thus, from one site you can send and accept emails from all available emails.

The problem at the entrance to Rambler-Mail.

In some cases, users to check emails. Most often, such a problem occurs for the following reasons:

1. Incorrect username and password. When entering an email and password addresses, make sure that the keyboard layout is enabled, and the CAPS LOCK key is turned off. In addition, enter the username and password manually, without inserting data from the clipboard.

2. You do not remember the password. A frequent situation of users when a difficult password is created and is safely forgotten by the next attempt to enter the mail. To create a new password, use the Access Recovery Service for this link.

3. The mail account was blocked. If you did not enter Rambler-Mail for a long period of time, the system could block it. To resume mail to mail, contact your support service, where you need to explain the essence of the problem. As a rule, the support service works quickly, so soon your mailbox will turn out again.

4. The box is deleted. If you try to enter mail in the mail, you see a message. "Box does not exist" , it may have been removed. Restoring remote mailboxes are not produced, so it will have to go through the registration procedure again.

5. An old version of the browser is installed on the computer. Older versions of web browsers may not comply with Rambler-Mail requirements, so update your browser to the latest version.

Rambler is one of the oldest services in the Russian Internet. Initially, it was an ordinary search engine, which in the future turned into a large portal. Rambler is one of the competitors of Yandex and One of the functions of Rambler is an email, register in which each can easily be able to easily.

Create an account

In order to register for mail Rambler, you must go to the official website at A form of authorization will appear in the window that opens. If you go down just below, the registration button will appear.

Registration in the service is very simple and does not take much time. To create a new account will require:

  1. Enter the name and surname.
  2. Come up with a login and password.
  3. Specify the date of birth, the floor and the region of living.
  4. Come up with a control question and answer to it.

The password must be longer than eight characters and contain at least one digit and a capital letter. The final step will be verification, which is carried out by pressing the appropriate window. Sometimes it will be prompted to solve a simple puzzle, for example, specify pictures with a car and the like.

The control question, as well as the answer to it, is best to specify the real one. If a password suddenly be forgotten, you will need to answer the test question. If the answer to it is not given, then restore access to the account will be very problematic.

Choosing a domain name

An interesting feature of the Rambler service is a relatively wide choice of a domain name, that is, parts of the postal address address running after the @ symbol. You can choose,,, and Perhaps, so the creators of the service prepared it to a large flow of new users, so that the latter did not have to invent a login for a long time.

Access recovery

If the password has been forgotten or cannot be included in the account for other reasons, you can use the access tolerance form. To begin with, you will need to enter a login, i.e. email address and verify verification.

After that, you will need to answer the test question specified during registration. After that, you can immediately come up with a new password, which will continue to be used for authorization.

Main menu

  1. Personal data.
  2. Profile Management.
  3. Email addresses.
  4. Phone numbers.
  5. And social networks.

In the first item, you can change your personal data, namely the name and name, date of birth and place of residence. You can change the password and the secret question in the Profile Management, and also additionally specify the phone number to restore access. Specifying additional mail addresses is necessary for timely informing about various acts with the account. Binding additional numbers of phone and social networks is optional and manufactured for general information.


Rambler is a fairly convenient service with good features. In order to register on the Rambler in the mail, much time and special knowledge will not need. In order to create an account, you must specify the name, date of birth, come up with a login, password and secret question. Very convenient and the fact that all this data, with the exception of the login, can be easily changed in the main menu.

Mail Rambler - It is from many postal services that provide free mailboxes on servers. In this article, I will tell you how to create email on Rambler. You should open the main Rambler page, for this, to the main line of your browser, type And there, without any problems, you click on the hyperlink " Turn mail". And then you should choose a few items that are listed below:

Email creation Rambler

You will see a page "Introduce youreself"

There you must enter your personal data, surname name and patronymic, date of birth.

2) Next whether e-mail address rambler. Enter the address of the site and Rambler will check whether there is such an address or not. If you are, you will see a green tick. Next, come up with a password. The password should consist of Latin letters and numbers. You will use it to enter the mailbox.

3) If suddenly you forget the password.

In order to safely restore the password. You must choose security Question From the list of you alleged and enter the answer. Write a truthful answer, because in a month a year, two you use it and you should know the answer, otherwise you will lose your mail on Rambler

4. As the protection of its postal service, the site administrator introduced protection against automatic registrations. Fill out the capping you provide and click <Зарегистрироваться> .

4. After you filled out all the lines and click register, you will receive a window: <Регистрация успешно завершена> . Next you can easily go to your Rambler-mail.

5. What to visit your mail for the first time, you must go to the main page and fill in the fields: email address and password, then click on the button "Log in in the post office".

After the not too complex stages you got our own free emailwhich is the same good as mail mail and Yandex. By work in the mail I think the problems you will not have, write and send a letter all in a prominent place. If you arise the problems ask.