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Saving data in Excel Table. Save everything

Recording tables Excel to the computer is called saving. This is the process in which we make a file from the table and make it on the local disk. Then the file with the table can be opened on the computer, transfer to the USB flash drive, send the Internet.

How to save an Excel table

one . Click on the "File" inscription in the upper left corner of the program.

If there is no such inscription, click on the Round Button with Color Squares. It is also in the upper left corner of Excel.

2. From the list, select "Save As".

3. A small window will open. Through it, you need to choose a place on the computer where you should write a table. You can do it through the left part.

Then I open the "Reports" folder.

If there is no needed folder, you can create it directly in the window. To do this, click on the "New Folder" button at the top.

Checking whether the place is chosen correctly for saving. It will be written in the top of the window.

four . Print the name for your file or leave the computer as offers. The name can be changed at the bottom, in the "File Name" line.

The window will disappear - this will mean that the file with the table was written to the specified place.

You can now close the Excel program and try to find the recorded file in the computer. To do this, open the place that you have chosen while saving. There must be a file with the specified name or standard name "Book 1".

Important! When drawing up a table, it is better to save it from time to time. To do this, use this button in the upper left corner of the program:

By clicking on it, the table will be restarted. That is, the previously recorded option will be replaced by a new one. It is necessary to accidentally not lose the data. After all, if the computer fails (hang, turning off electricity), then the likelihood of the table loss is large.

In most cases, you will probably save your books in the current file format (XLSX). But sometimes it may be necessary to save a book in another format, for example, for an earlier version of Excel, in a text file or to a PDF or XPS file. Just remember that whenever you save a book in another file format, part of its formatting, data and functions cannot be saved.

List of formats (also called file types) You can (and cannot open or save in Excel 2013 file, which is displayed at the end of this article.

Convert Excel Book 97-2003 in the current file format

If you have opened the Excel 97-2003 book, but you do not need to store it in this file format, simply convert the book to the current file format (XLSX).

    On the menu File Select Team Intelligence.

    Press the button Transform.

Supported Excel File Formats

In Excel 2013, you can open and save project files in the following formats.

Excel file formats




Excel book

Standard File Format 2007-2013, based on XML language. In this format, Microsoft Visual Basic macro code cannot be saved for applications (VBA) and Microsoft Office Excel 4.0 macros (XLM) macros.


ISO STRICT version of the Excel Book file format (XLSX).

Excel sheet (code)

Excel 2007-2013 format based on XML with macros support. In this format, you can save VBA macros code and Excel 4.0 macros (XLM) sheets.

Excel binary book

Binary File Format (BIFF12) for Excel 2007-2013.

Standard File Format Excel 2007-2013 for Excel templates. Does not save VBA macros code, as well as Microsoft Excel 4.0 macros (XLM) macros.

Pattern (code)

File format with macros support for Excel templates in Excel 2007-2013 applications. In this format, you can save VBA macros code and Excel 4.0 macros (XLM) sheets.

Excel Book 97-2003

Excel 97 Binary File Format - Excel 2003 (BIFF8).

Excel 97- Excel 2003 Template

Excel 97 binary file format - Excel 2003 (BIFF8) for storing Excel templates.

Microsoft Excel 5.0 / 95 Book

Format of binary files Excel 5.0 / 95 (BIFF5).

Table XML 2003.

Format of XML tables 2003 (XMLSS).

XML Data data

XML data format.

Microsoft Excel add-in

Figure format Excel 2007-2013 files based on XML with macros support. An add-in is a program that provides the ability to perform an additional code. Allows you to use VBA projects and Excel 4.0 macros sheets (XLM).

Excel add-in 97-2003

Excel 97-2003 add-in, Additional program designed to perform an additional code. Supports the use of VBA projects.

Excel 4.0 book

File format Excel 4.0, in which only ordinary sheets, sheets of diagrams and macros are preserved. In Excel 2013, you can open a book in this format, but the Excel file cannot be saved in it.

Text file formats




Format for Lotus, with dividers - spaces. Saves only an active leaf

Saves a book as a text file, separated by tabs - for use in another Microsoft Windows operating system - and ensures that tabs, string breaks, and other characters will be interpreted correctly. Saves only an active leaf.

Text (Macintosh)

Saves the book in the form of a text file, separated tabs - for use in the Machine operating system - and ensures that tabs, string breaks and other characters will be interpreted correctly. Saves only an active leaf.

Text (MS-DOS)

Saves a book in the form of a text file, separated by tabs - for use in the MS-DOS operating system - and ensures that tabs, strings breaks and other characters will be interpreted correctly. Saves only an active leaf.

Text in unicode encoding

Saves a book in the form of text in Unicode encoding, standard symbol encoding developed by Unicode Consortium.

CSV (separators - commas)

Saves a book as a text file, separated by the semicolon, - for use in another Windows operating system - and ensures that tabs, string breaks and other characters will be interpreted correctly. Saves only an active leaf.

CSV (Macintosh)

Saves a book in the form of a text file, separated by the semicircle, - for use in the Machine operating system - and ensures that tabs, string breaks and other characters will be interpreted correctly. Saves only an active leaf.

Saves a book as a text file, separated by the semicolon, - for use in the MS-DOS operating system - and ensures that tabs, string breaks and other characters will be interpreted correctly. Saves only an active leaf.

Data exchange format. Saves only an active leaf.

SYMBOLIC LINK format. Only an active sheet is preserved.

Note: If you save the book in any text format, all formatting items will be lost.

Other file formats




dBASE III and IV. This format files can be opened in Microsoft Excel, but you cannot save Microsoft Excel files in DBASE format.

Table OpenDocument

OpenDocument table. The Excel 2010 application files can be saved in a format that allows them to open them in electronic table editors that support OpenDocument table format, such as Google Docs or Calc. Tables in ODS format can also be opened in the Excel 2010 application. When saving and opening ODS files, formatting can be lost.

PDF. This file format saves document formatting and allows you to share files. The PDF format ensures that when viewing a file on a computer and when it prints it, the original format will be saved and the file data cannot be easily changed. The PDF format is also convenient to apply for printing documents in the printing house.

Document xps.

This file format saves document formatting and allows you to share files. The XPS format ensures that when viewing a file on a computer and, when printing it, the original formatting and file data will not be easily changed.

File formats using clipboard

If you copied data to the clipboard in one of the following file formats, you can insert them in Excel using the command. Insert or Special insert (the main > Clipboard > Insert).



Identifiers type clipboard

Figures in the format of Windows MetaFile (WMF) or Windows Enhanced MetaFile (EMF).

Note: If you copy the Windows metafile (WMF) from another program, Microsoft Excel will insert the drawing in the form of an extended metafile (EMF).

Spot drawing

Pictures stored in a raster format (BMP).

Microsoft Excel File Formats

Binary file formats for Excel versions 5.0 / 95 (BIFF5), Excel 97-2003 (BIFF8) and Excel 2013 applications (BIFF12).


Data exchange format.

Text (dividers - tabs)

Text format with tabs as dividers.

CSV (separators - commas)

Format with commas separators

Formatted text (dividers - gaps)

RTF. Only from Excel.

Implanted object


Microsoft Excel objects, objects of correctly registered programs that support OLE 2.0 (Ownerlink), as well as Picture or other presentation format.

Related object


Ownerlink, ObjectLink, Link, Picture or other format.

Object-drawing Office

Format of hand drawn object Office or Picture (EMF)

Displayed text, OEM text

Web page in one file

Web page in one file (MHT or MHTML). This file format combines built-in drawings, applications, related documents and other auxiliary elements to which there are links in the document.


HTML format.

Note: If you copy the text from another program, Microsoft Excel will insert this text in HTML format regardless of the source format.

File formats not supported in Excel 2013

The following file formats are no longer supported, so you will not be able to open the files of these formats or save the files in these formats.

To work with the books in a program that is no longer supported, try the following steps.

    Find on the Internet a company that produces file converters for formats not supported by Excel.

    Save the book in another file format that can be opened in another program. For example, save the book in an XML spreadsheet or a text file format that can be supported in another program.

The Excel 2007 book and later versions can be saved in the format of previous Excel versions, in a text format file, as well as in other formats, such as PDF and XPS files. Usually, saving occurs in XLSX format, but the default file format can be changed. If you often use the team Save asYou can add it to the quick access panel.

Saving Excel Book in another format file

Important: When saving a book in the Excel file format of another version, formatting and features, unique for Excel 2007 and later, will be lost. For more information, see Using Excel with earlier Excel versions.

    Open the book in Excel you want to save in a format suitable for use in another program.

    On the tab File Select Team Save as.

    Take the name proposed in the field File name, Or enter the new name of the book.

    In the drop-down list File type Select the format suitable for use in another program.

To scroll through the list and display a larger number of formats, use the arrows.

Note: Depending on the type of active sheet (sheet of book, the chart leaf or other types of sheets), different file formats will be available for saving.

Saving a file of another format in Excel 2007 format and later

Any file that opens in Excel 2007 and later versions can be saved in the current Excel book format (XSLX). Thus, you can use new features that are not supported in other formats files.

Note: When saving a book created in an earlier version of Excel, in Excel 2007 book format and later, some features and part of formatting may be lost. Information about unsupported Excel functions 97-2003 See in the article

XLSX and XLS formats
  • main toolbar Save in other formats ... File>Save document as>Workbook Microsoft Excel 97-2003.

Council. Save>XLSX Dialogue Settings (menu Service>Settings ...).

Registration of document

The selection of the design mode depends on how you use the created document hereinafter ::

  1. Formatted text

The resulting document will store the inscription and font size, partitioning to paragraphs, but the location of the objects on the page and the range intervals will not be saved. Thus, a solid text with alignment to the left edge will be obtained. For text, in which the reading order on the right left, the alignment will be on the right edge.

Comment. Any text with vertical orientation in this mode will be displayed horizontally.

  1. Simple text

In this mode, text formatting will not be saved.


  • Save numeric data in "Figures" format

Indicates that when the recognized text is saved in XLS format, the numbers will be saved in the "Figures" format. This format in Excel is used to perform arithmetic operations on cells containing numbers.

  • Save footers

Check this option if you want the text of the footer to be saved. If this option is disabled, the text of the footer will not be saved.

  • Create a separate table for each page (XLSX only)

Quality of pictures

When saving in XLSX format, you can also save illustrations. If the recognized text contains a large number of illustrations, the size of the destination file can be very large. The quality of the pictures and the size of the received file depends on the selected value in the drop-down list Quality of pictures.


  • In order to set pictures save settings, select item. Custom .... In the opened dialog box Custom settings Select the required values \u200b\u200band click OK.
  • If you do not want to save illustrations in recognized text, make sure the option Save pictures (XLSX only) Not marked.

CSV format

  • Click on the arrow near the Resist button on the main toolbar and select Save Format from the list. If the desired format is not in the list, select Save in other formats ..., and in the saving dialog that opens, select the desired format. You can also save documents using the menu command. File>Save document as>Document CSV..

Council. If necessary, you can configure additional save options on the tab. Save>CSV. Dialogue Settings (menu Service>Settings ...).

This tab contains the following groups of settings:

Text saving options

  • Ignore text outside table

Indicates that only tables will be saved to the file.

  • Share Pages Symbol End Page (# 12)

Indicates that when saving recognized text in CSV format, the division on the pages will be the same as in the source document.

  • Delimiter

Specifies a character that will divide the data columns in the CSV format file.


The ABBYY FineReader program automatically selects the code page. If you want to change the code page, select the desired value in the drop-down list in the section Encoding.