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Aslan Black Mamba. Blider died from the bite of black mamba live

Russian video cell Arslan Valeyev died from the bite of black mamba on September 25. This is reported in his public bobcat TV.

We express the sincere condolences to the relatives and friends of Arslan in this very hard for us all the time! Approximately at noon, he left, but his love will remain in our hearts forever! - wrote the administrator of the group Andrei Dresankin.

Bite B. live air

In the live channel of his channel, the blogger had a poisonous snake on himself. After the bite, he was immediately hospitalized. Valeeva's subscribers called "ambulance".

All these events occurred on September 23. After a poisonous bite, blogger fell into someone and two days later died, not coming into consciousness.

The recording of this strima has already disappeared from the channel on YouTube. However, the network shocking video is still present. On it, Arslan sits in a seven-minded state, but still talking to the public. He dictates the phone of the ex-wife.

This is the phone Kati. If someone gets calls to her and she will have time to drive up and at least see ... I would be glad, - I barely picks up the words blogger, rolling my eyes. "In fact, I'm already dying ... But I would be glad to see Katya ... how shaking.

It is known that a reckless act was preceded by a loud quarrel with ex-wife Ekaterina Pttykaya.

Back in August, the woman told on his page in Instagram that a blogger, allegedly deserted her in treason, broke into her apartment and beat her. Help from the hospital with a diagnosis of brain shaking girl also published on social networks.

Then, however, Valeev brought sincere apologies, but Ekaterina did not return to him. Then the blogger during the stream and put on a poisonous snake.

It is known that the Arslan lived four lyry at home. As they say his comrades in a public, now animals are under a "sensible supervision."

Chute and risky

Arslan Valeev was not just a popular blogger, but also a major specialist in poisonous snakes in the northern capital. In any case, it was recommended in several major veterinary clinics of the city on the Neva. Previously, he was the zootechnology of the exotarium of the Leningrad Zoo.

His close acquaintance of Polina Maratkanov, with which they once began to work in the Leningrad Zoo in the Exotarium Department, responded about Arslan as an excellent specialist and an expertise of his business.

He is not only in our city, he was one of the best in our country, she said. He is such a very risky guy, not afraid of anything. But he was a very soulful man, hospitable. I corresponded with him literally last week. It is terrible that this happened to him. Reptile was his life. So he was tied to his work. And insanely adored Reptiles, "the blogger told the familiar.

He bred many rare species. And did stunning things, shot good video and photos. He created his private exotarium, "said Maratkahanov.

Unsuccessful manipulation

Andrei Derevyankin, Administrator Public Bobcat TV, told his version of what happened:

On the eve of the Day of Arslan on Stream in Instagram announced a night broadcast on YouTube with one of his most beloved snakes - Mamba. Turning on the camera, as it was regularly happening, he went to get a snake from the terrarium to move it to a plastic container used for broadcasts. In the process of manipulation with the snake, a bite was received, "he said.

Since the man worked for more than 20 years with snakes, I understood perfectly well what happened to him.

Arslan, aware of what happened, left the message to his wife Catherine, and asked the viewers who were witnessed, to contact the phone from Katya, since he began to quickly for a quick limbs, making it possible to cause help independently, after which she soon went out, expecting to come to help, - tells the wooden events of that evening.

Fast and poisonous

Black Mamba among poisonous snakes is inferior only by the royal cobra. The Guinness Records Book claims that it is probably the fastest snake in the world. But, despite his abilities, Mamba at a meeting with a person makes attempts to avoid contact in every way. She freezes in the hope that she won't notice and pass by, or she tries to unnoticate. And only at the inevitable meeting of the snake becomes aggressive.

The length of the mamba can grow up to 3 meters and has a deadly non-poison. In the wild, this African snake feeds on rodents and birds, avoiding people.

If she still bites, then the person suffered from her poison needs an immediate introduction of antidote. Otherwise, he is waiting for death.


Arslan Valeev - 32-year-old Petersburg blogger who owns a bobcat TV / wild cats. On the channel in Youtube, he has 273,633 subscribers and more than 55 thousand people unites public exotarium. He talked about lysy and other wild cats.

This African snake is very poisonous. At the same time, to return to the life of the victim could even without an antidote. How did it manage to tell Ekaterina Ivanova.

Timur Shopovalov hides a face. Worried for the mental health of his neighbors. They do not even suspect - who lives through the wall. The home-grown herpethologist in the collection is ten snakes. There are cobra and even green mamba. Her bite is deadly dangerous. And so, the owner did not please something.

An exotic amateur assures himself - to blame. Violated security equipment. After the attack was not confused. The first help had himself. I had to cut a piece of skin.

- increased the wound, lowered blood and went to the ambulance station, Timur told

Doctors gathered a whole consultation, because there is no antidote in Russia and how to treat - it is not clear. Stassed literature. Forecast - disappointing. Internal organs denied one by one ... The patient was connected to the device of artificial ventilation of the lungs. Blood was put on filtration. On the verge of life and the death of Shapovalov spent three days in resuscitation.

- considering that the snake is rare and extremely toxic, we decided to introduce a patient to a medical sleep, - told the toxitologist of the city clinical hospital number 7 Aliya Nasibulin.

A unique case will probably bring in textbooks. Experts do not believe that it is generally possible. Vladimir Cherlin at one time also kept poisonous pets at home. For example, Cobru Doctor of Biological Sciences brought from a business trip. But the deadly bite got at work. At that time, the scientist almost sent a rattle snake.

- It was the first case when in St. Petersburg in the zoo bitten the snake. In hospitals, they did not know how to assist - says Dr. Biological Sciences Vladimir Cherlin.

I tried everything you can. For the treatment left for almost a year.

Poisonous snakes at home - this is like a game of Russian roulette. The nature of the reptiles is bad. If you have escaped, they can attack. The instinct of the predator - and then nothing can be done. Hazardous reptiles are afraid to keep even in the zoo. Now there are no poisonous snakes in St. Petersburg. Officially. But in private collections you can find many curious instances. Blogger from St. Petersburg held three hundred potential murderers. And he himself decided to leave his life from the bite of black mamba. Moreover, live. In such a nontrivial way, he decided to take revenge on his wife.

According to experts, you can buy anyone in the black market. Timur Shapovalov refused their channels delivery. But it assured that it will take it with a deadly hobby. On the second bite of health may not be enough. But where to go pets, until he knows. Just so in good hands is unlikely to give away.

Hundreds of poisonous snakes who stayed after the death of Arslan Valeev's blogger were transferred to closed and, apparently, a secret scientific institution. This was stated by the father of the blogger who died from the bite of Black Mamba.

According to Father Arsalan Valeeva, the collection is very expensive. Snakes can cost five thousand euros per piece. But such reptiles do not hold even in zoos, and in homes you can? After all, there were cases when channel snakes were made through the neighbors. And whether there are laws against the revenue creep, our correspondent Maria Marchenko will tell.

Not a noteworthy house on the outskirts of Vsevolozhsk. If it were not for one but. The only staircase leads to the basement, where until recently there were three hundred reptiles, including poisonous snakes.

Blider Arslan Valeev, who died from the bite of black mamba, turned into a private exotarium. Horrible smell. There are no windows. Floor terrariums to ceiling. Here barely enough space for the kitchen and beds. All money biologist spent on his passion - exotic animals.

Arslan and his wife Katya often walked his pets right in the yard. Judging by the video, which serpentologists were shared with the subscribers on the channel in Youtube, the gigantic ancondunce and a rattle snake would get to warm up in the sun.

Maria Marchenko,correspondent:

"The poison of the rattling snake kills in six hours, Taipan is four. After the bite of black mamba, a person can die for half an hour, if not to introduce antidote. In the case of the Arsloman Valeyev Saving Serum in St. Petersburg did not turn out. "

The fact that his son strongly risks, spreading in the house of Snake, the father of Arslan knew. Despite this allocated a plot next to his home - especially for the collection. After the death of the owner, hundreds of reptiles remained unattended. Neighbors were afraid to go out.

Murat Valeev,father Arslan Valeeva:

"They remained alone. The house was opened. Hacked house. The gate is not closed. Could come anyone who wants. I did not sleep at night, I watched nobody penetrates the house. God forbid some snake will bite someone. The fact that they were at my son caused my deepest resistance. I could not do anything with him. "

To do anything with a naturalist who had a mountain lion and lynx, could not or did not want law enforcement agencies. Unlike many collectors of rare species, Arslan did not hide that the living product buys in the black market.

I often get a snake in the bag. They come so come. In the photo you did not understand anything. And the seller sends you.

According to experts, this shadow business is inferior only to drug trading and weapons. New fashion Wealthy people - keep houses of wild cats: servals, leopards, mountain lions. On the Internet dozens of ads. Call the seller. Please sell the kitten's pums or lynx. We are offered to buy cheetah.

Million rubles - and you are the owner of the Bengal tiger, three hundred thousand - and you will settle with the Nile crocodile. Any exotic will be brought upon request. There would be money. The law does not prohibit keeping houses of particularly dangerous animals.

Yuri Novolodsky,vice-President of the Baltic Board of Lawyers named after A. A. Sobchak:

"Animals in the Civil Code are equal, you will not believe to things. And the norms to things apply to such animals. And if the neighbors have concerns, they must go to the vehicle and write a complaint there. "

And such cases when the animals flew or crawled from the owners, often. St. Petersburg, when she worked out, discovered in his boot of maize cave. The owner of the reptile was found in the floor above. The three fish of Arslan Valeeva found a new home in the center of the rehabilitation of animals "Sirin", but the fate of dangerous snakes is still shrouded in secret. The father of the deceased blogger assures that the state granted freely.

"MK" became known for details of the terrible death of Arslan Valeev, on which Black Mamba was attacked live

Details of the ridiculous death of a 31-year-old video unit and the owner of the nursery of exotic animals Arsalan Valeev became known "MK". During the direct ether on the Internet portal on September 23, Valeeva bited a poisonous snake - Black Mamba, he fell into someone, and later died. St. Petersburg East Ambulance. I.I. Gianelidze confirmed the death of Valeeva.

As it became known to "MK", \u200b\u200baccording to one of the versions, recently, Valeev was very worried because of parting with Ekaterina's wife (they do not live together for more than a year). Two days before the tragedy, young people filed an application to the registry office. The initiator was Catherine - allegedly Arslan raised her hand on her.

According to friends, on the night of September 23, the video cell was slightly drunk. He went online, dictated the phone Catherine and said that he would be glad to see her if she had time to arrive before his death. The young man stated that he dies and said goodbye to everyone.

Familiar blogger Andrei Darykin explained the situation a little - September 23 at 2.14, he placed a record on the wall of one of the communities that Valeeva bitten Black Mamba, and he was delivered to intensive care, without specifying, of which therapeutic institution. Next, up to the evening on September 24, Doodles left a message about the critical condition of a friend, and at noon on September 25, a record of death appeared. Again without any details.

MK managed to figure out the details of the tragedy.

The first and only call to the ambulance of Vsevolzhsk (it was here that Valeyev lived) was registered on September 23 at 1.18. A certain girl called the number of the blogger. She introduced himself as a friend and requested the "03" physicians to urgently come to her friend's house, which was attacked by a snake. The young man, according to her, was in an inadequate state.

Doctors have already gathered to race, as a girl called back and canceled the challenge without explaining the reasons. Valeyev, consulted with friends, decided to get to the hospital with his move.

Friends took a blogger to the leading hospital of St. Petersburg ambulance. I.I. Janelidze. The patient was placed in the separation of toxic-resuscitation. Doctors fought for the patient's life, but at 11.08 September 25, he died.

Employees of the RF IC in the Leningrad Region are conducted on the fact. They already talked to the Machekh Valeeva Svetlana. Blider lived in a private one-story house in the youth street (the neighboring house was occupied by relatives). In the basement of the house there were terrariums, where various snakes were kept. Black Mamba, by the way, was sitting separately from all.

We have already prepared for sleep, as Suddenly, Ekaterina suddenly called and told that the step was bitten by the snake. - Svetlana told. We ran out into the courtyard, Arslan lay near the wicket. Literally he said: "Take me to Gianelidze, I want to live." We plunged the guy to our "Land Rover", I got behind the wheel. All the road Arslan monstrously rushed, he complained about the cold and repeated several times that she wanted to live terribly and did it not specifically.

After Arslan was hospitalized, Svetlana called Catherine - so that she came and helped find the snake (native people did not know where she was). However, Black Mamba sat in a closed terrarium.

The native mother of Arslan would like to continue the case of the Son. But the father is categorically against that in the neighboring house contained poisonous snakes and wild cats (Arslan, besides snake, there were three lyry). Ekaterina, meanwhile, plans to attach all pets.

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  • Photo: Arslan Valeev, photo from VKontakte pages

    Arslan from Vsevolozhsk had two seconds to cut off her finger. But the serpenologist was rested by Black Mambay, he decided to leave like a scientist and blogger - live. Locals say that the sister of the Chef of the Foreign Intelligence Service lives nearby, and the snake evacuated counterintelligence.

    The famous serpentologist from Vsevolozhsk Arslan Valeyev died on September 25 at the Ambulance Institute named after Gianelidze. According to the official information of the SC on the Leningrad region, the cause of death is poisoning of the poison of unknown origin. But it is known that two days earlier, he, 31-year-old, was from the Black Mambay - snakes common in Central and East Africa.

    Valeev was Languated by Mambay literally live. About his condition he told online on youTube Channel. On the frames you can observe it with a disheveled. He addresses "dudes" with the words "die, so die." A serpentologist says that his "shakes", and also recognizes that it cannot believe that what happened to him.

    There are two versions of the death bite of Snakeman. According to one, he was Whaling Mambay before starting a direct broadcast, in which he had to talk about dangerous reptile. The fact is that the serpentologist was the co-host community about the wild cats "Bob Cat TV", as well as the video blocking in the public "Private Exotarium".

    "When I enabled the camera, as before regularly happened, he went to get a snake from Terrarium to move it to a plastic container used for broadcasts. In the process of manipulation with a snake, a bite was received," the tragedy of Valeev's colleagues happened on September 23 Bob Cat TV. "

    There is a second opinion. Arslan could endorse the life of suicide and deliberately brought the reptile due to the conflict with his wife Catherine. The video has already received a bite zoologist, indeed, asks to convey some Kate that he loves her. Perhaps he says it, because it is aware of the fatality.

    Valeev is perfectly known in the community of serpenologists not only in our regions, but also in Russia. Behind his shoulders experience in the Leningrad Zoo and at the Branch of the Gerpetology of the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Specialist in the snakes from the Leningrad region attracted to participate in his program "in the world of animals" a zoologist Nikolay Drozdov.

    Experience with reptiles - almost 20 years. Valeyev repeatedly commented on tragic cases associated with snakes. So, for example, when a 39-year-old St. Petersburg, Tatyana Onosova, was died from the bite of three-meter Python Rimma in June 2015, Valeev called the "greatest rarity". He as he could have popularized the reptiles, including poisonous. Its house contained about 300 sons, as well as a lyry, chihua, not to mention dogs and cats. By the way, one of them, redhead, looked at the bed next to the owner when he talked about his approaching death.

    Journalists 47News looked at the house from which the Arslan was led by his deadly broadcast. It is located in the eastern part of Vsevolozhsk in the microdistrict of the Melnicular Creek. Modern private sector with a variety of architectural styles and directions. The fungal of two-three-story tests with extensions for high fences to which the disgusting roads are leading. Near the refined firefighter pond with clarops.

    Two-storey, red brick, Valeyeva's house, registered on his father, Haji Murat, is not highlighted by beauty, but the structure is solid. The plot is large, through youth street to Otradninskaya. Land Rover and Mercedes-Benz Gla are parked in the courtyard. Near the trailer there is an impressive boat with the sticker of the Maritime College Information Center under the Government of the Russian Federation. The presence of floating is quite explained. The head of the Khadzhi Murat Valeyev family works by the head of the department of state scientific and technical programs of JSC Concern "Oceanpribor". Before the co-owner of LLC "Center for scientific research and innovation systems of electrical engineering systems" and LLC "Exoil", which was engaged in the production of petroleum products.

    Photo: Valentin Ilyushin, 47News

    The plot is clearly divided into two parts. The first was given to the residential house, and the exotarium himself was located on the second, separated by a brown metal fence. Here are accustomers and cells with lysy. The fence has a battery of aquariums. Near the booths and booths for dogs. Next to the neighboring Skarb of pet owner - a fence for feeding and rodent toys. An attempt to instill ivy. Apparently, the owner really had plans with time to organize something similar to a private zoo.

    The house burned the light. But on calls, knocks on mailbox And the owners did not react. Not only journalists shuddered in the building in the building, but also beasts in cells - two lynx and one wild spotted cat. Perhaps they just wanted to eat.

    Patience at the inhabitants of the house in the millstone passed when television drivers arrived at the place. It became clear that at least some explanations, but it will be necessary to give.

    Guys, well, it is not necessary to sit here, people are really hard, enough, - a man of Asian appearance in a green journalists came to journalists.

    Valentin Ilyushin, 47News

    He presented himself as not a local, but relative of the family.

    And what about snakes? How many are there, 200-300 pieces? Now, all Vsevolozhsk on the ears will rise, can people calm people? - asked the relative journalist 47News.

    All snakes were taken back in the morning. Special service came.

    - And where to?

    In the urban zoo.

    - And what about lysy?

    Rysy evening will take away late. Everything's under control. Guys, do not stand here, spare people.

    Valeeva neighbors, as it turned out, was not aware of what the animal function was functioning under her side. "On this death, I learned about this death yesterday. They are quiet here. No fighting, growls. But in general, everyone lives here, they are interested in the life of neighbors," 47News Irina, who leaves the pug in Otradnenskaya Street.

    In the words of the relative of Valeev that all the snakes of the blogger had already given to the Leningradkom Zoo, it hardly believed. The fact is that earlier the director of the Zoo of Irina Skiba told 47news that they would not be able to accept Vsevolozhsk reptiles. "First, everyone needs documents and references, secondly, poisonous snakes do not hold, we simply do not have specialists and antidotes," said Skiby, adding that the Moscow Zoo was engaged in these types of serpent.

    It should be noted that according to 47News, Mamba, who sent the serpentologist to the light, was found, and the FSB attracted to the reptile procedure. Apparently the serpent remaining without the owner will somehow dispose of. 47News tried to estimate the cost of these hassle.

    In one of the St. Petersburg veterinary ritual centers, they reported that a brigade of 2-3 people is now ready to leave for final disassembly with reptiles. Sleeping or cremation with the subsequent export of one snake costs 1 thousand rubles. But once there is an account for hundreds of tailings, they can give a discount of 200 rubles. Total king of 300 snakes will cost 240 thousand rubles. In another vetcenter, they said that, in fact, specialize in cremation of dogs and cats, but they can take it for snakes. "What is the difference of whom there are 700 degrees and everything," the interlocutor 47News noticed. Only here reptiles were ready to take weight. Cremation of 10 kilograms of biomass costs 1,800 rubles, and if more, then all the same discount mechanism is launched.

    A candidate of biological sciences Vladimir Cherlin, who worked with Valeyev in the exotarium of the Leningrad Zoo in a conversation with 47News, noted that Arslan was a real professional, a specialist in his case. His private collection is the largest in St. Petersburg. However, what to do with Vsevolozhni Snakes, it is incomprehensible. Theoretically, non-union can be solded among the St. Petersburg fans of Reptile. But with poisonous problem. In essence, Arslan was the only one who in the city and the area was engaged in poisonous reptiles. There are no more such fans. The question is how such a brood appeared in Vsevolozhsk, also remains open. The situation is such that today in a private zoo you can get any animal. There would be only money. For permitting documentation should look, but no one looks.

    As for the chances of Arslan survive after the bite of Mamba, they were practically not. The antidote from the bite of this snake can be reached, but only in Africa. Theoretically, amputation was possible, but it should be literally instantaneous.

    "In the event that this is a random bite in the finger, it must be cut off for two seconds. Everything. And so it is possible to die from the bite of simple violence. There is such a concept" anaphylactic shock "- an allergic response of the body on a foreign protein," said 47News Cullin.

    Interestingly, in the millstone there are giving relatives of federal officials. In any case, Taxiper Lena, who since 1960 lives in the village, poked into one of the buildings, located in a hundred meters from the house of the serpentologist, and stated that this is the cottage of the sister of the Director of the Russian External Intelligence Service Sergey Naryshkin. He found out when the roads overlap in Vsevolozhsk once again.

    Well, what happened to this bitum in the end, - Lönya asked, drove 47News journalists to the editor.

    - Died.

    Taxi driver took a pause and concluded:

    You probably saw we have a reservoir with clarops there. We are there a dog nearby walking. I'll call, I will tell my so that they go to another place.

    Petersburg is preparing for isolation. Show the construction plan 105 PPC
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