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DWA 131 chipset. Miniature adapter

Very often to the home network you need to attach the usual desktop (home not A laptop computer), which has no (in 99% of cases) Wi-Fi adapter. In stores are now sold quite a lot of inexpensive USB adapters. One of these -Wi-FI adapter D-Link DWA-131 I want to consider within this article.


Low price, small sizes, a fairly well-known manufacturer, support for almost all Wi-Fi standards (802.11 b / g / n) - here are the basics of user interest in a wireless USB adapter from a D-Link, a fairly successful adapter in its "niche".

The new version of this adapter (the so-called DWA-131 / E) is corrected almost all the shortcomings of the previous version, which cannot but rejoice the user (see the review of the previous version of the adapter DWA-131 Rev.a view / 459).

Sizes and appearance

DWA-131 / E in size is a very compact device, only one and a half or two times the standard adapter of the wireless mouse.

Device size: 30 x 16 x 8.5 mm

Weight: 27.22 g

In the new version, the device has a corporate "cap" (for the absence of DWA-131 scolded some "aesthetics" of network Internet magazines)

The branded adapter cap is painted in the tone of the adapter case.

In addition, now the LED located on the device housing and signaling about network activity is now green, which does not irritate the human eye.


Wi-Fi adapter is packaged in a large enough (comparing with it) in size box.

In addition to DWA-131 / E, also a pair of instructions documents.


In the new modification of D-Link DWA-131, the Wi-Fi maskximum speed is supported up to 300 Mbps, which is twice as early than the previous one.

The D-Link DWA-131 / E adapter uses the PIFA antenna. The features of this type of antennas, in addition to quite small sizes, are: a fairly wide band of the frequencies used (up to 10% of the resonant carrier frequency), the high efficiency of the antenna (the ratio of the radiated power to the power supply, sometimes reaching ~ 65%) and support for multidia variations (though Unfortunately, not within this adapter).

All this allows you to count on:

Good signal reception, despite the miniature of the device

Twa-131 / E in half the speed of DWA-131 / E than the predecessor.

Drivers and Software

Included with the USB adapter there is a Windows driver CD (Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows8 / Windows8.1 / Windows10) and a D-Link Portable Wi-Fi Application utility.

There are also drivers for this device under Linux and Mac. 02/02/

After loading the drivers from the FTP server of the manufacturer's official site, unpack the archive, open the resulting folder and activate the setup.exe.

Do not connect the USB adapter to the computer before the program proposes to do it. .

When you install the driver, it is possible to cancel the installation of the D-Link Portable Wi-Fi Application software utility (on the first screen when you start the driver installation). This is also one of the amenities of the new version of the DWA-131 / E1 device.

Testing adapter

I tested the Wi-Fi adapter DWA-131 / E1 and the adapter of another manufacturer (also with support for the 802.11n standard), so that the speed measurement should not have caused difficulties. On the one hand, a personal computer with an OC Windows 7 installed, on the other, a laptop with OC Windows 8 was used. Both computers (C Wi-Fi adapters) were joined to the DIR-825 router.

Testing has shown that the maximum data transfer rate between computers was about 90-95 Mbps, which was still a lot of 300 MBPs promised to me.

The whole thing was the features of Wi-Fi work, more precisely in the features of the speed of W-Fi (300 Mbps), which is written on the device box. This speed is rather marketing - maximally achieving at absolutely ideal conditions, so to obtain the real speed of Wi-Fi, the numbers on the box should be divided by about 2 and deduct about 5-10% (on service data).

In any case, the adapter operation rate obtained in the test should be taken more than enough for most conventional daily tasks.

Wi-Fi adapter D-Link works with any networks of Wi-Fi 802.11n standards. There were no problems with tests.

There was also a shortage of sensitivity on the "old" standards Wi-Fi B / G, in which the previous modification of DWA-131 (A1) was reproached

As a router with support for old standards, the "old man" DIR-300 A1 was used.

As a result, no drop in the signal was detected.

DWA-131 / E The adapter demonstrated the same "excellent signal" as the built-in Wi-Fi adapter in the laptop.


pros DWA-131:Low price, small physical dimensions, support for all Wi-Fi standards of the 2.4 GHz range (802.11b / g / n)

Minuses DWA-131:Not.

USB Wi-Fi adapter D-Link DWA-131 / E left me only positive sensations.

Small dimensions, a small price (compared to competitors), almost all corrected disadvantages (unstable work on old Wi-Fi standards, unobtrusive LED, corporate cap).

It can be seen that the company listens to user requests and eliminates disadvantages.

10 years ago Wi-Fi adapters worked only as the "Internet receiver". Now they can not only distribute the Internet directly from the laptop, but also to expand the coverage of the surrounding routers. No exception and model D-Link DWA-131.

Review Wi-Fi adapter D-Link DWA-131

Unlike their fellow - D-Link DWA-125/140, comparable in dimensions with a 3G-modem Huawei E1550 - the DWA-131 adapter takes at least three times less space.

Wi-Fi module several times less than 3G modem

The cap is missing - this is not a flash drive or a modem, and "micro-devices" he has nothing to do. The device is asking for a permanent place of work in one of the USB ports. And the big packaging here is nothing.

It would be possible to do without a CD and box

However, the developers applied to DWA-131 and a driver with a driver. At the moment, it is not needed - Microsoft developers have released a stable version of the universal driver for the DWA-13X line adapters.

The price of the DWA-131 adapter ranges from 300 to 800 p. - Depending on the store or trading network and the delivery region (on an online order with delivery by mail). Cheaper to buy in China - with free delivery to Russia.

Table: Wi-Fi module characteristics

The Wi-Fi speed of 300 Mbps covers almost all the needs of the modern user. However, routers that support gigabit Wi-Fi technologies, including 5 GHz band, will be useless for DWA-131A.

In practice, DWA-131 showed the maximum speed of WLAN no more than 45 Mbps - it is too small, with such antennas, the loss of signal increases sharply. To gain a speed adapter of 300 Mbps, the DWA-131 is required and the dispense of antennas.

Install Driver for DWA-131

Officially, drivers are available on the D-Link website.

ATTENTION: If you have a DWA-131 device, then the driver from other DWA "130th" line will not fit. D-Link has sharply limited the use of "not those" drivers. Use the "native" driver from your device.

Installing the driver through the D-Link DWA installation package

Download the installation package with the driver specifically for your model. The sequence of actions with different DWA modules, despite the incompatibility of the drivers from different models, the same and simple. For the convenience of users, all commands are translated into Russian.

  1. Run the installation program from the archive driver file.
  2. Go to configuring the D-Link setup program.

    Press the DWA-131 installation button

  3. Wait for the D-Link DWA installation wizard readiness and insert your adapter into a USB free port.

    Insert the Wi-Fi adapter to continue the installation

  4. If the adapter is not inserted, damaged or failure occurred by the USB port fault (for example, "Celling" by power) - the D-Link DWA installation wizard will ask you whether the connection between the PC and the Wi-Fi adapter is working. If everything is in order, continue the installation.

    Check if a USB connection with the adapter

  5. If everything is in order, the DWA Installation Wizard Installation Program will offer to install the driver to the default folder (for example, C: \\ Program Files \\).

    It is advisable to copy the driver files to the Windows software directory

  6. Select the program interface language.

    Choose Russian D-Link Installation Wizard

  7. Confirm the program setting by clicking the Install button.

    Confirmation of the D-Link Connection Manager

The D-Link DWA installation wizard will start installing the driver of your Wi-Fi adapter.

Wait until the files are copied and DWA-131 will be installed

Do not remove the adapter (or USB extension driven - from the PC port or from the adapter itself) until the driver is installed. If the D-Link DWA installation program detects that the PC connection with the adapter is broken - the driver will not be charged or the "rollback" of the entire installation process will occur.

Installing the DWA-131 adapter via Windows Device Manager

If you do not want to undergo the installation of the Wi-Fi adapter through the D-Link installer - use the device manager.

  1. In Windows 10, give the command: right-click on the "Start" button - "Device Manager".
  2. Find your Wi-Fi adapter in the list of unknown devices and give the command: right-click on the device icon - "Update Driver".

    Give the 802.11n driver to upgrade

  3. Select the manual installation of the driver and specify the folder where the (unpacked) driver archive lies.

    Find the driver manually if you know the location of his folder

  4. Confirm the driver installation by clicking on the continuation button.

    Make sure the path to the DWA-131 files is correct

  5. Wait until the installation of the DWA-131 device is completed.

    Driver for the adapter DWA-131 updated

The Wi-Fi adapter will be installed.

The Windows Wizard can work the driver for DWA-131A from another adapter, for example, from DWA-140B3A ... B3G, but it does not always happen. This technique is prohibited in the D-Link installation program - so the manufacturer will customize users from improper operation of their equipment. Your unauthorized actions in this case are for your own responsibility.

Video: Test auto install adapter DWA-131

Working with the DWA-131 adapter

You can configure the DWA-131 module as using a regular Windows Wireless Connect Masters and with the support of the D-Link DWA software interface.

Connecting to the Wi-Fi router using the D-Link wizard

Setting Using the D-Link wizard for all DWA models of adapters is the same.

  1. Run the D-Link Connection Wizard program and select the WPA-2 password connection.

    Select Enter WPA-2 key when creating a connection

  2. Enter the SSID of your router (gadget or other adapter, working as a Wi-Fi access point) to which you are connected.

    Enter exactly the name of your Wi-Fi network specified in the router

  3. Enter the password from the Wi-Fi network installed in your router settings.

    WPA-2 key must match the key in the router settings

  4. Follow further to connect to the router.

    Master D-Link Connection Manager completes the setup DWA-131

  5. The D-LINK wizard will automatically connect the DWA-131 device to the router and will complete the work.

    D-Link Connection Manager Saved data on connecting to the router

Wi-Fi Connection Wizard will launch the D-Link Connection Manager program and displays the list of networks and information about the router to which you are connected.

DWA-131 is in the coverage area of \u200b\u200bseveral neighboring routers

You connected to the network. To change the router, select another network and enter the WPA-2 password from it. If the router is open to everyone - you can connect to the Internet without entering the password from this router.

Switching between Wi-Fi networks using the Windows Wizard

Working with the Wi-Fi D-Link DWA-131 adapter is no different from the work of the regular laptop network card: the same list of wireless networks, the same connection via the WPA-2 password entered. By clicking on the wireless network icon, you will find a list of routers working nearby.

It is easier to use the list of networks in Windows 7 to configure DWA-131

Select the router known to you and enter the password from its network.

Connect, entering a faithful password from your Wi-Fi network

The lack of network monitoring using Windows is an approximate display of the signal level "by stick": compared with the built-in wizard of new connections, the D-Link Connection Manager program shows the exact value of the signal in percent.

Using the DWA-131 module as a hotspot Wi-Fi

Any Wi-Fi adapter, manufactured today, will be guaranteed to work as a Wi-Fi access point. It reduces waste to a new router or hotspot several times.

Cheaper to buy Wi-Fi module for 300-700 r., How to spend on a new router - even if you are cheapest for 2000 p. Type Xiaomi Router Mini, or on any of the budget TP-LINK models.

For DWA-131, you need a version of Windows not older than Vista / 7. The fact is that in Windows XP there is no support for Wi-Fi Direct technology. Thanks to the latter and implemented "decaying" adapters of Wi-Fi, initially not possessing the possibilities of work as a repeater already existing on the PC access to the Internet.

The operation of the DWA-131 module as an access point using the D-Link wizard

To organize the distribution of the Internet from your PC or transfer files to Wi-Fi to the gadget, it is possible to "stripping" the adapter as an ADHOC point.

Distribution of the Internet from your PC is ready, you can connect from the gadget to the DWA-131 adapter network.

Distribution of the Internet on DWA adapters using Connectify Hotspot

Connectigy Hotspot is the most omnivorous: work with it will not cause any difficulties with setting traffic distribution with DWA-131, and indeed from any Wi-Fi adapter, whether it is at least a regular network card in a laptop.

At the end of the work, click "Stop Hotspot".

The Connectify Hotspot version released in 2018 (Hotspot MAX) will turn your DWA-131 module to the repeater. Thus, it disappears the need to buy a professional router of the "Internet Center" category for 10 or more than thousand rubles.

Distribution of the Internet on DWA adapters using the command line

This method is bloody - but also troubleless.

Now you have several ways to turn your Wi-Fi module into a full-fledged point or even a router.

If the laptop has a built-in 3G / 4G network card - it also performs the functions of a fully wireless router 4G / Wi-Fi.

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Wireless USB adapters allow you to access the Internet by connecting to Wi-Fi. For such devices, you need to install special drivers that will maximize the speed of receiving and transferring data. In addition, it will relieve you from various errors and possible coupling. In this article, we will tell you about how to download and install the software for Wi-Fi adapter D-Link DWA-131.

The following methods will allow you to easily install the software for the adapter. It is important to understand that each of them requires an active connection to the Internet. And if you don't have another source of connection to the Internet, you do not have any other connection to the Internet, then you will have to use the solutions on another laptop or computer from which you can download software. Now proceed directly to the description of the methods mentioned.

Method 1: D-Link site

Actual software always appears first on the official resource of the device manufacturer. It is on such sites that you need to search for drivers first. This we will do in this case. Your actions should look like this:

  1. Turn off the third-party wireless adapters for the time of installation (for example, built into the Wi-Fi laptop adapter).
  2. Do not connect the DWA-131 adapter yet.
  3. Now go to the provided link and get on.
  4. On the main page you need to find a section "Downloads". As soon as you find it, go to this section, simply by clicking on the name.
  5. On the next page in the center you will see the only drop-down menu. It will require you to specify the D-LINK products prefix for which the driver is required. In this menu, select item "DWA".
  6. After that, a list of products will appear with the previously selected prefix. We are looking for in the list the DWA-131 adapter model and click on the string with the corresponding name.
  7. As a result, you will be taken to the Technical Support page of the D-Link DWA-131 adapter. The site is made very convenient, since you will immediately find yourself in the section "Downloads". You just need to scroll down the page down until you see a list of drivers available for download.
  8. We recommend downloading the latest software version. Please note that you do not have to choose the version of the operating system, since software 5.02 supports all OS, starting from Windows XP and ending with Windows 10. To continue, click on the string with the name and version of the driver.
  9. The actions described above will allow you to upload to a laptop or computer archive with software installation files. You need to extract all the contents of the archive, then run the installation program. For it you need to press twice on the file with the name "SETUP".
  10. Now you need to wait a bit until the preparation for installation is completed. A window will appear with the corresponding string. We expect that the similar window will simply disappear.
  11. Next, the main window of the D-Link installation program will appear. It will contain the text of the greeting. If necessary, you can check the box in front of the string "INSTALL THE SOFTAP". This feature will allow you to set the utility with which you can distribute the Internet by means of an adapter, turning it into the similarity of the router. To continue installing the press button "SETUP" In the same window.
  12. The installation process itself will begin. You will learn about this from the next window that opened. Just waiting for the completion of the installation.
  13. At the end, you will see the window presented in the screenshot below. To complete the installation, simply press the button "COMPLETE".
  14. All the necessary software is installed and now you can connect your DWA-131 adapter to a laptop or computer via USB port.
  15. If everything goes without errors, you will see the corresponding wireless communication icon in the tray.
  16. It remains only to connect to the desired Wi-Fi network and you can start using the Internet.

This described method is completed. We hope you will be able to avoid various errors while installing software.

Method 2: Global Software for Installation

Drivers for the DWA-131 wireless adapter can also be installed using special programs. They are presented by many today on the Internet. All of them have the same principle of operation - scan your system, detect missing drivers, download the installation files for them and installed by software. ONLY programs are distinguished by the database and additional functionality. If the second item is not particularly important, the base of supported devices is very important. Therefore, it is better to use the software that has positively proven itself in this regard.

For these purposes, such representatives will be suitable as Driver Booster. and DriverPack Solution . If you decide to use the second option, then you should familiarize yourself with our special lesson, which is fully dedicated to this program.

We are for example, consider the search process using Driver Booster. All actions will have the following order:

Method 3: Search driver for identifier

We have a separate lesson in this method, in which all actions are painted very detail. In short, you first need to know the ID of the wireless adapter. In order to facilitate this process to you, we immediately publish the value of the identifier, which relates to DWA-131.

USB \\ Vid_3312 & PID_2001

Next you need to copy this value and insert it on a specialized online service. Such services are searching for drivers by the device itself. It is very convenient, since each equipment has its own unique identifier. You will also find a list of similar online services in the lesson, the link to which we will leave below. When the desired software is found, you will only stay download it on a laptop or computer and install. The installation process in this case will be identical to the one that is described in the first method. More information can be found in the lesson previously mentioned.

Method 4: Standard Windows

Sometimes the system cannot immediately identify the connected device. In this case, you can push it to this. To do this, it is enough to use the described method. Of course, he has its drawbacks, but it is also not worth underestimating him. That's what you need to do:

We described you all the ways with which you can install the drivers for a Wireless USB adapter D-Link DWA-131. Remember that to use any of them you will need the Internet. Therefore, we recommend always to store the necessary drivers on external drives in order not to be in an unpleasant situation.