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Html in apple style. LESS CSS: Apple Style Menus

Many clients, describing their wishes regarding the future site, express themselves succinctly: “We want something in the style of Apple!”. In their opinion, such an answer should give the performer comprehensive information, immediately dot the "i" and eliminate any ambiguity. But in reality, of course, everything is more complicated. After all, anything can impress a person in the style of Apple - the presentation of a new tablet, a simple white iPhone box, or the Apple website itself. And the most offensive thing is, quite possibly, saying “do it in Apple style”, the client himself simply does not know what it really means. What about an unhappy performer who, perhaps, simply does not know what is expected of him in the end?

Let's try to figure it out!

Apple principle

Apple's approach is based on a very simple principle - you cannot make a truly high-quality product without taking on all the areas of work on it. Everything must be done at the highest level. When a new phone is released, one cannot hope for the phenomenal quality of its screen and a low price if cracks flicker in its lurid body, and the advertising slogan on a huge billboard is written with errors.

“Well, we saved on copywriting - we don’t sell texts, but a phone,” the majority will think.

But that's the whole thing! From Apple's point of view, the experience of owning their products appears even before you laid out your hard-earned money for any iPod, and therefore there are no insignificant elements in this chain. This is not only technology, not only packaging, but also advertising, and a showcase, and a website, and texts on the site. There are no minor elements here. And "the packaging itself can tell a whole story." Accordingly, the first thing to understand about the "Apple style" is scrupulous attention to all areas of work.

The second important feature of Apple products is elegant simplicity. She plays a very important role in Apple.

“Why do we think simplicity is good? Because when we are dealing with objects, it is important for us to feel that we are managing them. "

The third critical feature is details. All those little things that you don't notice, but that create that everyday comfort from using Apple products - transition animations, sounds, the click that you hear when adjusting the volume, the feeling of smoothness with which you scroll through the page and much, much more.

But everything that I have described so far has been related to products. In our original example, we were talking about creating a website. How do you apply these approaches to web design? To answer this question, let's take a look at the Apple website and try to understand what stylistic tricks it uses.


Photos and illustrations

The first thing that catches your eye when you visit Apple's website is the high-quality product photos. In truth, I believe these photos do half the job of calling out the drawn-out "Wow!" at the visitor. All of them are large, bright, made in the same style and allow you to see all the details.

The very magic of photos. Some say it is “a regular block with rounded corners,” but in such photographs it is admirable.

Airiness and purity

The next item will be lightness - all elements on the page are very comfortable and free, the white background of the content area gives a feeling of lightness. And so that there is no impression that the entire page is crumbling - it is collected by a light gray background with a light frame.


Apple uses just two Adobe Myriad typefaces for headings and the standard macOS X font, Lucida Grande. Both typefaces are austere and modern serif typefaces that only maintain an overall minimalist style. Tellingly, the desire for high quality is present here too - because of the desire to ensure that large headlines on the site look beautiful in all conditions, Apple uses images for captions, not text.

Steve Jobs also owes its reverent attitude to fonts at Apple - after he left college, he attended various courses, including a course of lectures on calligraphy.

Rounded corners

Also on the site there are the famous (how much without them!) Rounded corners. They are literally everywhere! To be honest - sometimes it seems that the iPhone was invented only to continue the tradition of using rounded corners.

Rounded corners are everywhere - in the phone case, application icons, and even on the Home button.


The next item is also the famous Aqua lens flare and gradient effects. Recently, their number on the site has noticeably decreased. They are often used to emphasize a particular element.

The main menu on the Apple website. A tribute to the famous Aqua style - after the resignation of Scott Forstall, minimalism increasingly dominates skeomorphism and caramel effects.


Apple paid no less attention to the content of the site, the text and its presentation. An interesting feature can be considered the absence of the section "About the Company" so beloved by many, because the main products on this site are.

Modern effects

More and more often, the site is starting to use animation or other similar effects - they add dynamics, show advantages in a new light, or help to understand how some part works.

And it's all?

Obviously, this approach cannot be used for all sites indiscriminately. He is the place in presentation or promotional sites. And most importantly, you cannot repeat the style, guided only by visual guidelines. A website is a complete, complete product, each stage of the creation of which must be carried out at a high level, with love and ideas.

Failure to develop just one of the steps will instantly destroy the fragile magic of the "Apple style".

Using the techniques described above will help you make a beautiful, neat and modern design, but will not free you from the rest of the creation steps - writing competent texts and using them in the right quantities, creating video presentations and high-quality photos.

The Apple cult leaves no one indifferent, and face it, one of the key factors behind Apple's popularity is its unique design. Designed by Apple in California clearly illustrates that designers treat their products like art.

Cupertino, California - On November 16, Apple announced the release of a new hardcover book entitled "Designed by Apple in California." From the iMac (1998) to the Apple Pencil (2015), two decades of design innovation are captured in 450 photos of past and current products. The book was created for 8 years and dedicated to the memory of Steve Jobs.

“The idea of ​​creating something important for humanity has motivated Steve from the very beginning, this thought is our ideal and the goal with which Apple moves into the future,” says Jony Ive.

"Designed by Apple in California" is the result of close collaboration between many design teams and professionals from completely different fields. They all share the hope that the book will give people an understanding of how and why Apple products are created and exist. All photographs were taken by Andrew Zuckerman in a technique he described as "deliberately modest style." The pictures illustrate the details of the design process as well as the finished products themselves.

This is a book about design, but it's not about the designers themselves, the creative process, or product development. It objectively reflects the style, image and ideology of Apple's design. Many products look so clear, simple, and logical that they have no reasonable alternative. For each device, even the design of the instrument with which it is made is thought out.

"As designers, we live in the future, we love what we have already done, and are obsessed with what we have not done yet."

"One of the most important things that we have learned over 20 years of working together is the need to listen to each other, because the brightest ideas are often given by those who speak very, very quietly."

Designed by Apple in California is a limited edition book in two formats: small (25.9 x 32.4 cm) for $ 199 and large (33 x 40.6 cm) for $ 299. It is printed on specially made paper in a special color with matte silver-plated edges. Sold exclusively on in the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Germany, Hong Kong, Korea, France, Japan and Taiwan, and select Apple Stores.

You are the happy owner of a small but cool company. It's still a long way to triumph, but you have no doubt that over time, your business will become a source of pride and an example to follow. By the way, you don't have to wait for this moment: you can position yourself as a high-class professional right now, making yourself convincing, like a large and serious company.

Not sure how such a site should be? Don't worry, now we'll explain everything and tell you how to proceed. If you follow our advice, you will no longer have to sigh at Apple, Nike or L'Oreal because your own will be just as good. So here are some guidelines for building a solid, professional website.

Follow web design trends

Big brands are constantly updating and refining their sites. Teams of experienced designers and developers are working to create an unusual and modern resource that arouses people's curiosity and a desire to take a good look at everything.

Yes, it's very expensive, but there are free options, like Wix. Our editor was created specifically so that you can create a nice site for any type of activity and add some fashionable effect to it, for example, parallax scrolling or video as a background. You can make an actual “long” page and supplement it with elements of “flat” design *.

We think at this stage it will not hurt you to walk around the sites for designers and get some good inspiration. Our recommendations: magazine Web Inspiration, blog Lopart and design magazine Duty room; if English is not a hindrance for you, read Vandelay Design , Smashing Magazine and Webdesign Depot .

* Do not understand what all these words mean? So you need to read ours.

Get started with branding

Large companies have a recognizable corporate identity and very clear positioning. They use well-defined fonts, colors and slogans. You will unmistakably recognize the red Coca-Cola logo, be it on the website, bottles or billboards along the street.

So what if your company is not as big as Coca-Cola? This doesn't mean you don't need to do branding. A well-thought-out corporate identity is important. Thanks to it, people will be able to quickly identify your product, and there it is already a stone's throw to purchase. Therefore, draw a nice logo, come up with a slogan, choose branded fonts, colors, and arrange social media pages accordingly. For more tips, see our article on.

Better less

We understand that you want to tell in detail about your product and business, but we do not advise you to overload the site and tire your visitors. The site loads very poorly, is difficult to read and repels visitors. The best is the enemy of the good, so you need to learn how to stop in time.

Let's think about what can be removed from your site. If the texts are full of technical and professional terms, get rid of them. Do you think your visitors really need to know the detailed bio of all your employees? Unlikely. Some things, of course, cannot be shortened, for example, a detailed description of goods or services, but this is normal, this information is useful. It is even worth moving it where it will definitely not go unnoticed. Anything that slows down the buying process can be removed without the slightest regret.

Now let's look at the design. Reduce the number of colors to three or four, remove any unnecessary images, and pay attention to the typography. Remember to leave plenty of free space, also known as "air". When there is a lot of "air" on the site, people notice all the critical elements, for example, necessary in order to nudge visitors to buy, sign up, register, and so on.

Show the product on the homepage

Do you want to increase the number of orders? So, make sure people see your product right away. Look at the websites of famous brands. You see, they place products not only on the shopping page, but also on the home page so that people will surely notice them. If you have, and you are thinking about how to increase sales - feel free to copy this technique.

Of course, product photos must be large and of very high quality. Do not forget that this is an online store where nothing can be touched or measured, so people make a purchase decision by looking at the picture. If you don't have the money for a professional photographer, read our article on. A little practice and you will succeed! And do not forget about the capabilities of our editor, you can add an application to the site so that the client can enlarge the image of the thing of interest and take a good look at it.

Make good navigation

We think you happened to find yourself on a poorly thought out site and rush around in confusion in search of the desired page. As a rule, we leave such places empty-handed and with a desire to never return. And all the fault is ill-conceived navigation. Do not repeat this mistake and make sure that the visitor is clear from the very first seconds.

If you are asked the same question all the time, make a page with answers to frequently asked questions. You can use the application Wix FAQ... Its plus is that people get the information they need, and at the same time you are not distracted from other things.

Want to show that your company is responsive and friendly? Add the application " Tidio Live Chat»To answer questions in real time. You can install it on your smartphone and not sit at the computer all day, but go about business and be in touch at the same time.

Show that people trust you

It's good that you try to be in touch and answer questions on time, but this is not enough to build trust with your customers. To do this, you need to work on the site again. Create a separate section with the history of the company, tell us about who you are, what you believe in and what you consider important. Too much information is useless: the text should be short, sincere and understandable. It is quite difficult to show what kind of person you are on the Internet, but we think that such a page will do the job perfectly.

We also recommend adding customer reviews to the site - on the home page or in a separate section. After reading them, people will know that your product is trustworthy. By the way, Yandex and Google also pay attention to reviews, which means that they influence.

Make a mobile version of the site

More than half of Internet users go online from tablets and smartphones. This means that the mobile version of the site is not a whim, but a necessity. Fortunately, you don't have to puzzle over how to do it. In the Wix Editor mobile version is generated automatically, you just need to test and tweak it. Do not forget that the mobile version is not an exact copy of the desktop, so remove all unnecessary elements and make the buttons and contacts visible.

Don't forget about social media

Pay attention to how older and more experienced colleagues manage their social media pages. Yes, for a more complete coverage of the audience you need both a website and pages on Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram, etc. Social media is ideal for posting news, writing about a product, and answering questions. It is important not just to talk about work, but to form an image and build normal, trusting relationships. If you are not really sure what to do, read the article on and follow all our recommendations.

After you start a page on a particular site, tell your site visitors about it. Add social media buttons to your header, footer, or contacts section. We also recommend adding the application - it's free, and large companies use it willingly. With its help, you can manage up to ten accounts from your site: publish news, respond to comments on time and surprise customers with speed, impeccability and professionalism.

Ready to join the ranks of the big brands? yourself on Wix - it's easy and free!

Apple-style web design has evolved and evolved over the years, starting in 1996. As the name implies, the design idea belongs to Apple corporation: this is the style of the website and product interfaces. Apple-style website design has gained wide popularity due to its minimalism and focusing on the user's attention on a specific product.

Typical features of Apple-style website design

  1. Strict hierarchy in the composition of elements. The main priority is the product image. A high quality photo, clear, large, placed in the center of the page and surrounded by white space. In the best traditions of minimalism.
  2. The color palette usually consists of three shades: black, white, gray. At the same time, in contrast to the flat style, gradients, shadows, and methods of conveying volume are widely used.
  3. Characteristic fonts. Headings are styled by Adobe Myriad, plain text by Lucida Grande.
  4. Content. The main page of the site contains a minimum of information. A detailed description is given on separate pages. There is no oversaturation effect. The user himself chooses the information that interests him.
  5. Technical features. Apple design is focused on HTML 5 format, using modern design standards. The official Apple website does not use Flash in principle.

For which sites is it suitable?

Apple style is the perfect way to present a product or service. This style is often used in the design of online stores, promotional sites dedicated to any type of product: from training courses to selling real estate. This is what Apple-style design looks like for software websites:
    • Jumsoft
    • Versionsapp
For the design of these sites, the characteristic colors of the style are used - gray, black, white. This makes the navigation menu almost invisible. The user's attention is riveted to the product presented with a bright, colorful image. The buttons for downloading and buying are highlighted with the help of contrasts. The content is presented in a concise, structured manner, accompanied by icons and images. The design is voluminous, there are mirror effects, shadow. Apple-style is not suitable for information portals, blogs, portfolios, and sites dedicated to creativity.

Hello dear readers a! Web design and web development are developing very quickly. Every day we see more and more new products, be it applications or new services that make our online life more productive and convenient. And web design is just a limitless space, limited only by the talent and skills of the "artist" (designer). So, let's talk today about LESS Is a dynamic style markup language that will simplify writing CSS styles.

What is LESS?

LESS is a CSS add-on. This means that any CSS code is valid LESS, but additional LESS elements will not work in simple CSS code. This is great because the existing CSS is already workable LESS code, which lowers the threshold for getting into new technology.

LESS adds many useful dynamic properties to the. It introduces variables, operations, elements and mixins. The ability to write stylesheets modularly saves you a lot of hassle.

LESS makes writing styles a lot easier. For example, using mixins, we create something like functions that can take arguments. Mixins- allow you to include all properties of a class in another class by simply including the class name as the value of one of the properties.


Rounded-corners (@radius: 5px) (
border-radius: @radius;
-webkit-border-radius: @radius;
-moz-border-radius: @radius;
#header (
#footer (
.rounded-corners (10px);

And the compiled CSS will look like this:


#header (
border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
#footer (
border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;

Download the prefix-free.js library and link it to index.html:

< script src= "prefix-free.js" type= "text/javascript" >

This completes the preparation and proceeds directly to creating a menu in the style of

HTML markup

The menu markup is pretty straightforward. The menu is made on the basis of an unordered list. Open the HTML editor and paste in the following code:


LESS styles

In this section, we will start writing the menu code in LESS language. For those who are new to programming, both in the writing and in the syntax of LESS, don't worry, I will try to put everything on the shelves to make it clear. Perhaps even someone will like this way of writing styles for the site, because it is really more productive.

Let's look at what constituent parts the menu will consist of:

As we can see in the screenshot above, navigation has the following 6 main parts:

  • A shadow is used;
  • The border;
  • Separator between menu items;
  • Gradient for the background;
  • Dimming effect on mouseover;
  • Menu text.

There are two ways to use the written styles:

  • Crunch

Important: when using the first method, so that styles.less are connected before the less.js library is connected! It also remains to remember to connect prefix-free.
Thus, the connection of styles looks like this: