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Game Mode. What is antivirus "game" mode and how is it dangerous? Antivirus with game mode

  • Behavior screen
  • Game Mode
  • Passive mode
  • New User Interface: The redesigned interface is more intuitive, easier to navigate, and less cumbersome for power users. The use of an understandable "human" language will make it easier to understand the functions of the antivirus for both beginners and experienced users.
  • Improved performance, fewer interruptions: less screen activity. No pre-registration is required to set up the product.
  • Adding AVG security technologies

Behavior screen (New!)

This new feature is based on the AVG IDP Behavioral Analysis System and is designed to accelerate threat detection as soon as it is launched.

  • The Behavior Shield constantly monitors suspicious activity among programs running on your computer.
  • The component automatically protects users and user data from zero-day threats, malware and spyware (even from keyloggers that secretly record entered passwords and financial details).
  • The behavior screen is especially effective against ransomware Trojans.

Game Mode (New!)

Game Mode automatically detects a running game and performs automatic optimization to eliminate any notifications and interruptions.

  • Avast automatically stops all alerts and background processes and stops Windows updates to free up system resources to improve game performance.
  • The function automatically recognizes a running game and activates Game Mode optimizations. In this mode, Avast immediately disables any alerts. On Windows 10 computers, system updates and background checks will also be stopped so that basic system resources are used for the game.

Passive mode (New!)

One of the common complaints from users is the inability to install multiple antiviruses, because they start to conflict with each other. Avast solved this problem with Passive Mode.

  • Passive mode allows advanced users to run two anti-virus programs at the same time, so you can use selected features of each solution together. This mode puts Avast in a state where it cannot conflict with other antiviruses in the system. Thanks to this mode, users can use individual components of Avast, for example, a password manager, in conjunction with other antiviruses.
  • Passive mode allows you to use two antiviruses at the same time, applying separate features of each solution without sacrificing performance and without having to uninstall or reinstall products.

CyberCapture (Improved!)

Avast's proprietary smart scan technology was first introduced in June 2016. The new version of CyberCapture has become faster to identify and isolate threats and conduct cloud analysis in real time.

  • When developing CyberCapture, the main focus was on reducing the time from the moment a suspicious object was detected to the moment a detection verdict was received.
  • CyberCapture uses automated cloud analysis to isolate unknown files into a secure cloud environment for deeper sample exploration. To speed up detection, two-way communication with the Avast antivirus laboratory is used.
  • For the correct analysis of the sample, the researchers eliminate false non-executable code and conduct in-depth analysis of the instructions hidden in the binary code. After CyberCapture has analyzed the file, the user receives an update that allows him to accurately determine whether the file is safe or malicious.
  • In some cases, manual analysis of the file by Avast Threat Labs is required. During the analysis, the file is in a safe environment and cannot harm the system. After the analysis is completed, the user receives a verdict, and as a result, the malicious file can be quarantined, and the safe file can be launched in the real system.
  • CyberCapture collects information about the evolution of viruses and other threats. and uses it for self-study. This means that the effectiveness of the protection will increase over time.

Password Manager (Improved!)

Avast Passwords is faster and smarter. It's easier and safer to manage and store passwords.

  • Free application for Windows and Mac computers.
  • The component stores user passwords in a secure vault protected by a master password. When unlocked, Avast Passwords automatically enters the information required to sign in to your account.
  • The component can be used on one device or on several devices with the ability to synchronize (PC, Mac, Android, iOS).
  • Supports browser integration to protect more passwords. Supported browsers Windows: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, SafeZone; Android: Chrome, Opera; native Mac browsers.
  • Notifies users when passwords are leaked.
  • Allows the user to unlock passwords on the computer from the phone.
  • Improved responsiveness and speed.
  • Avast Passwords informs users in real time about password leaks (Premium version only).

Wi-Fi Check (formerly Home Network Security)

  • Automatically scans user's networks for vulnerable devices to fix security issues with step-by-step troubleshooting instructions.
  • This is an important layer of defense at a time when large botnets such as the Mirai botnet successfully attack IoT devices and routers. As a result, users' home networks are vulnerable, despite the strong protection of Windows and Mac computers.

Function Game mode Improves PC performance while gaming by adjusting system settings and disabling unnecessary applications running in the background. In play mode, each running game will be automatically detected and added to the list of game records. When you start games from this list, the game mode is automatically turned on.

Default game mode activated... To turn off game mode, click the slider ON OFF.

Note... Game mode supported by OS Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

Manually adding game entries

If the game is in game mode not automatically detected, you can add a game record manually.

Manually adding a game recording

  1. Click Add game.
  2. Select a game from the list or click an item Choose the path to play and enter the path to the game file.
  3. In the window that appears, check the name of the game and its location and turn on parameter ... This will ensure that Game Mode is automatically enabled when the game starts.
  4. Click Save.

Your game is displayed as a tile on the game mode screen.

Modifying game entries

To change a game entry, follow these steps.

  1. Click the tile for the game record you want to edit.
  2. Set the following parameters.
    • Name of the game: Click the text box to change the title of the game entry.
    • Location of the game: Click the text box to change the path to the game file.
    • Activate game mode at startup: click the slider ON so that its position changes to OFF, if not it is required to enable the game mode when starting the game.
  3. Click on Save to confirm your changes.

To delete a game entry, click Delete, and then - Yes to confirm the action.

Managing Game Mode Settings

Game mode settings allow you to specify the order in which system performance is optimized while gaming applications are running. Click gear icon to open the settings. To enable the setting, click the slider OFF so that its position changes to ON... To turn off the setting, click the slider ON so that its position changes to OFF.

  • Automatically add new games: Automatically add new running games to the list of game entries. This setting will enable Game Mode to be automatically turned on the next time you start this game.
  • Pause Windows updates: Temporarily suspend Windows updates.
  • Entering High Performance Mode(for laptop users): Switch the power plan to the highest performance mode.
  • High priority for games: Increase the priority of the game process to keep the game stable even while running in the background.
  • Without Avast intervention: Temporarily disable Avast pop-ups, notifications, and scheduled scans.
  • Disable Windows notifications: Temporarily disable Windows notifications.

To return to the main game mode screen, click Back at the top of the screen.

Probably my curiosity and thirst for experimentation will not lead me to anything good, but another product has sharpened my attention. Walking through the Internet, I came across an interesting heading in a section of one of the sites. Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus for PC Gamers, the first thing that came to mind "This is the trick of Aiden Pearce", it turned out to be an antivirus specifically for the gamer. As the developer of this product positions Webroot Software, this is the first product of its kind with a low load on the system and quite fast work to identify threats.

As it turned out, the developers did not lie, it really does not load the system much, but what killed me even more was the size of the installation file, only 750 KB. It was thought that it would download the engine when connected to the Internet, but I was mistaken, this product is completely "cloudy" and it takes all the threat bases from the cloud.

Started testing the product while playing, turned on S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha and Mortal Kombat, however, did not find any big changes in the gameplay. Before him there was G Data InternetSecurity 2015 and this product did not differ from the work of the previous one, the only thing that annoyed was if the browser was turned on or minimized, the antivirus constantly monitored the site for phishing, and if something he didn’t like, he would display a message and the game would be minimized. the same thing happened even in the case of only one browser running on the system.

However, when testing continued on a weaker computer, the FPS increase was significantly different and the game ran smoother and without freezes, this happened with NFS: Rivals running. As it turned out, this antivirus is paid, the country of the developer is the United States. In addition to this product, there are several more lines of antivirus, thank God, now there is a free distribution of keys, and upon receipt and activation of the key, it turned out that the product had lost the prefix for PC Gamers and began to be called Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus 2014. The main difference was the absence of a system optimizer in Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus 2014 , which was present in Webroot SecureAnywhere AntiVirus for PC Gamers, which is why it became an antivirus for gamers. Although nothing has changed after switching to another version of the product.

At the same time, the product has not lost its ability to load a little processor. Games in cooperation with this product showed themselves quite well and in this regard there are no complaints about it.

However, these complaints remained with the product interface, there are many overlays of the translation text, the words are superimposed on each other, and sometimes it is difficult to understand what the antivirus is writing or what messages it produces. The operation of the anti-virus program itself leaves much to be desired, although it is quite favorable for normal day-to-day work.

For those who are interested in this product, here is a link to the promotion. Although, as a simple user, I had a question. Why not try a different PC security solution. Most antiviruses already have a "Game Mode" in which all active components go to sleep. The product is good and is ahead of some "giants" in PC protection, but for home use it is enough to use another antivirus equipped with "Game Mode", but if you are paranoid about the load on your PC, then there is simply no better antivirus in this regard.

During the game while the antivirus is running, the computer may freeze due to lack of system resources.

To reduce the load on your computer and disable interfering notifications, configure the program according to the instructions below.

Disable notifications during gameplay and adjust performance options

  1. article.
  1. Go to section Performance and follow the recommendations:
    • Check the box Do not run scheduled scan tasks when running on battery power.
    • Check the box Automatically disable some Kaspersky Internet Security functions, for example, notifications, when applications are running in full screen mode.
    • Check the box Concede resources to the operating system when the computer starts.
    • Check the box Postpone the execution of computer scan tasks under high load on the central processor and disk systems.
    • Uncheck the box Analyze installed programs.
    • Uncheck the box Search for programs designed to hide traces of a malicious program in the system (rootkits)... The Kaspersky Lab application will not scan for rootkits in the background.

  1. Pause the operation of File Anti-Virus. How to do this is described below.

Pause File Anti-Virus while playing

  1. If you do not know how to open the program, see the instructions in the article.
  1. Go to section Performance and press Pause File Anti-Virus.

  1. In the window, check the box Suspend and set the time using the arrow buttons.

  1. If you want to work File Anti-Virus paused when starting any program, press Add.

  1. In the window Opening find the EXE file of the program and click Open.

  1. In the window Pause File Anti-Virus make sure the program is added and click Save.

Set up an update schedule

By default, the program is updated automatically several times a day. If updating the anti-virus databases slows down the game, adjust the schedule for a time when you are not playing. For this:

  1. If you do not know how to open the program, see the instructions in the article.
  1. In the window Customization go to section Additionally and select Update.

  1. In the window Update options click Set the launch mode for database updates.

  1. In the window Update options select startup mode:
    • Automatically... The product checks the update source for the update package at specified intervals. The frequency of scanning can increase during virus outbreaks and decrease in their absence. Having found fresh updates, the program downloads them and installs them on the computer.
    • Manually.Self-launch update.
    • Daily... Specify the time when the update will start.
    • Weekly.Set the day of the week and start time.
    • After starting the program. The update will start immediately after the program starts working.
  2. Check the box Run missed update tasks.
  3. Click on Save.

Remove programs you are not using

The more programs are running on a computer, the less its performance becomes. Programs, applications, games take up RAM and other system resources. Close all programs that you are not currently using before starting the game. And also run a search for unnecessary and hidden programs and remove them. How to do this using Kaspersky Internet Security, read the article.

Game Mode is a feature for users who want to avoid any interruptions in their software or distracting pop-ups, and want to minimize CPU consumption. It can also be used during presentations that cannot be interrupted by antivirus engine activity. When this feature is enabled, all pop-ups are disabled and the scheduler stops completely. System protection still runs in the background, but does not require any user intervention.

To enable or disable Game Mode, in the main application window, select Settings> Computer, and then in the Game Mode section, select the Enable value. Game mode can also be enabled using the advanced settings tree (F5). To do this, expand the Computer item, select Game Mode and check the box Enable game mode... By enabling Game Mode, you are putting your system at risk, so the protection status icon in the system tray will turn orange to alert you. This warning will also be displayed in the main program window: it will display an orange caption Game mode enabled.

If you check the box Automatically turn on game mode when running applications in full screen mode, game mode will turn on when you start any application in full screen mode, and turn off automatically after exiting that application. This is especially useful for enabling Game Mode when launching a game, full-screen application, or presentation.

You can also check the box Automatically turn off game mode after X min. and specify the time after which the game mode is automatically turned off (the default value is 1 minute).

NOTE. If your personal firewall is online and game mode is on, you may have problems connecting to the Internet. This can be difficult if you are running a game that uses an internet connection. Usually, the user is prompted to confirm the desired action (if no rules or exceptions for connection are set), but in game mode, interaction with the user is impossible. As a solution, you can define a connection rule for each application that may conflict with this behavior, or use a different filtering mode in the personal firewall. Please also be aware that when Gaming Mode is enabled, you may be blocked from navigating to a web page or using an application that could pose a security risk, but no explanation or warning will be displayed on the screen because user interaction is disabled.