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How to clean the disk so that he read. How to clean DVD.

Hello everyone. In addition to cleaning CDs with water with soap, there are plenty of other effective ways. This article will tell you about how and what to clean CDs (CD and DVD).

Often, many people have a situation when they put a computer or player drive, and he freezes and "does not want" to play, or plays, but "urabs". What is it caused? First of all, the incorrect disk handling or the fact that the disk is already used long time. If scratches were formed on the surface of the disk, then the likelihood is that it will be incorrectly reproduced. In such cases, cleaning can help, although the success of this case will largely depend on the degree of damage to the disk cover. There are many "folk" ways to clean up CDs and DVDs, some of them are capable of surprising with their fiction even experienced and experienced users.

How to Clean CD or DVD?

Use water and soft tissue.
First of all, well rinse the CD. This is done in order to remove dust from the surface, adhered particles and fat stains. Immerse CD or DVD in warm water, hold them there for some time, then take a soft fabric without a pile and wipe the surface of the CD. Do not trite surface too carefully and rigidly. In order not to damage the data on the disk, there is a specific "pattern" of cleaning actions. When cleaning, you need to start from the center of the disk and move to the edge. Never use towels, toilet paper, paper towels or any other materials and things that can cause the appearance of small scratches on the surface of the disk. Give the disk to completely dry, and then check whether the data is correctly read from it, whether it works without failures and pause.

Cleaning the disk surface .... Banana.
Most users do not even realize that it can be used to clean the scratched disk ... Banana. Take the fresh banana and cut it into two parts. Wipe it with circular movements CD surface DVD Discbut. The next step is to clean the surface of the disk with a soft cotton fabric. Before starting the disk playback, it will be better if you use the cleansing sprays and after the disperse disk with a dry and soft cloth.

Application of toothpaste or vaseline.
The disc surface can also be cleaned using some household items, such as toothpaste or vaseline. However, this method can be used if scratches are not too deep. Put the appropriate number of any of these products on the surface of the disk and wipe it carefully with a soft cloth. After, for final cleaning, use the cleaner spray, wipe the disk dry and try to play it.

Use a polyrolol or special cleaner for disks.
If the above funds were powerless, it is possible to use a metal polyrolol or a set of cleaning agents for disks. Prothe wheels with a cloth with a polyrolol applied to it, after wrench the disk with a soft clean cloth, let him dry, and then try to reproduce it. If he and then does not work properly, try the latest possibility, use specialized disk cleaning fluids.

These are just a few funds that make it possible to effectively clean the surface CD / DVD discs. There are other ways, for example, the use of alcohol, soda as a cleansing agent, soda, etc.

Many users prefer to buy rewritable discs to be able to record information on it several times. But before cleaning the DVD RW disc from the information, it is worth choosing the most suitable way. You can make it possible using some disk recording programs or you can use the tools installed on the computer operating system.

If not installed programs To record disks, you need to go to the "My Computer" section, and in the window that opens, find the CD / DVD drive icon.

We carry the mouse cursor on the drive icon in which the disc is in need of cleaning.

Press it right key mouse.

In the drop-down menu, we find a string where it is written "erase this DVD-RW", after which we press the left mouse button on it.

The CD Wizard window will open, in which you need to click "Next".

All files located on this disk are deleted. This process can take from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the number of recorded files and the speed of the rewritable disk.

After the disk cleansing is completed, the "CD recording wizard" window will be information that the operation is successful and the media is now suitable for recording new files. Here you press the "Finish" button.

If, after executing the above operations, it has not been cleaned, it may mean a malfunction CD / DVD drive, or the disk can be more unsuitable for subsequent recording.

Clear DVD-RW drive can be very quickly and just with ultraiso programs or nerbourningrom.

To use Ultraiso to clean the disc, you need to open window Programs Select the "Tools" menu, and select the "Write the CD" line in the drop-down menu of the left key.

The "Record Image" window opens, in which we click "erase".

If the NeroburningRom program is installed on the computer, select the "recorder" in the open DVD-RW disk, and press the "erase rewritable disk" in the drop-down menu.

In the window that will appear after that (erase a rewritable disk), select the drive, the method of cleaning the disc and the rate of erasure.

After pressing the "Erase" button, the process of cleaning the rewritable disc will begin.

When cleaning the DVD-RW discs, it is necessary to fulfill the complete erase of all files. This will help exclude the reading of old data in parallel with the reading of new recorded information.

In the case when the disk was cleared not immediately or not from the first attempt, it should not use it, as this may lead to loss of information that will be recorded later.

Recording files to disk is a proven way to save. important information In a reliable place. True, there is one "but": it's not always, and everyone has a suitable for writing "Double". And if you have encountered such a problem now, do not hurry to upset ahead of time! After all, you can use to record the data absolutely any old worker that you have in stock.

"Disk Studio" is a multifunctional, which will help to lock on any media you need folders from a computer and separate files Or erase unnecessary information from already filled disks. Read the article and you learn how to clean the disk in this application.

Step number 1. Download the program from the site

To start, visit special Page Our site where you need. After the download is complete, run installation file And follow the instructions. Select the location in which the program should be placed and wait for the end of the archive unpacking. After proceed to work with the application, double-clicking the software icon.

Step number 2. Run the program and specify the desired option

You will find the main menu of the "Disk Studios", where you need to select and specify the operations that the program must execute. The application allows you to work with both CD and DVD discs. You can quickly figure out how to clear the DVD disk from old files, and after write songs, video or any other data on the selected medium. To delete information from the disk, click on the "Copy and Clearing" tab and select "Erase Disk".

Step number 3. Clean the disk from unnecessary files.

A mini-menu will appear on the screen in which the program will propose to determine the working drive. There should be no problems with this, because, as a rule, in most cases, it is not necessary to choose and not: in computers and laptops it is one if any external device is connected to the technique. Click the "Open Drive" button and insert the disk, then click "Erase Disk" and wait for the completion of cleaning.

Step number 4. Overwrite the old disk

Unfortunately, there are discs that cannot be cleaned. But they can be overwriting them! In any option, specify the files for the program you want to fix to the disk. Knowing about both movies, you will free yourself from extra cash spending.

To overwrite a terrible disk extra options: Speed, the name you want to assign a disk, if necessary, request to verify it and disconnect the PC after the record is completed. Do not forget to insert a drive into the drive. When the program requests confirmation of rewriting and deleting files, click "Yes."

Now you know how to cleanse the disc from unnecessary files. As you have already managed to understand from the article, the "Studio disks" is a convenient software for working with disks. You will quickly record absolutely any information on external media or overwrite old disks by filling out them with new and useful data.

It may happen that we bought a movie, looked at him and gave to watch their friends or acquaintances. Then after returning the disc, he suddenly stopped reading.

What happened? We open the drive, carefully look at the disk and disappointment we see that there were scratches on it, which was not there before, but what is even more strange: he is some kind of all overlap, something smeared, all in some dried spots. How does he read the poor? Just the child of friends was inaccurately entered with him: let's say, threw the disk on a dirty face on the front side down, and even God forbid, at the top I put some item on it and tried on the table.

In no case do not wipe the CD Some napkins or rags - you can scratch even more (damage) the work surface of the disk ...

Well, with scratches, nothing will be done. If they are insignificant, the disc will read. But remove dirt from the disk by car wash in warm water with soap. Yes, as an ordinary plate, only with your hands, not a cloth or sponge.

We wat the usual water and neatly soap solution distribute over the surface with a soap hand. Simply put, good my hands before complete removal Dirty spots.

Finish, washed:

Then it is easy to simply shake and give dry, but if the water is rigid, but after drying there may be traces of stiffery salts. We simply wash the well absorbent moisture to matter, for example, a terry towel:

It is advisable to absorb, wipe the CD / DVD disk, do not. Any friction on the working surface of the disk is fraught with its scratch, suddenly the sands remained in matter? So miss safer:

And hands do not need to touch the work surface if possible:

Give a few dozen seconds to dry the disk and that's it. Disk ready to use. Try it, it can happen that those discs that have not read earlier will be successfully read in your drive.

By the way, if most of the disks from your collection are not read in the CD / DVD drive, then check on another drive, let's say from familiar or friends. It may happen that it is time to change the drive due to the mechanical shift of the reading head relative to the surface (they say that "the eye has rushed").

As I already wrote earlier in other articles, the biggest problem for the computer is dust. It is clogged where only you can in such quantities that sometimes you just have a diva. DVD-drive optical disks - not an exception.

Dust, if the device does not clean, affects the operation of the drive tray, reduces the accuracy of the laser mechanism and affects the quality of the clamping mechanics. In general, the DVD drive must be cleaned at least once a year. Optimally - once every six months.

For cleaning and maintenance of the DVD drive, you will need lubricant, cotton wands and alcohol. After removing a DVD drive from system Block, you need to remove his front panel. First of all, it is necessary to push the drive tray. It is done with any long and thin subject (needles, clips, a piece of wire long 3 cm.).

On the front panel of any DVD drive, there is a small hole (p.2 on the bottom photo). Behind him (from the inside of the panel) there is a manual tray opening mechanism. It is necessary to press up with a slight force to this mechanism through the hole and the tray will be pulled out by 1-2 centimeters, after which it can be pulled out to the end manually.

Next from the tray you need to remove the dust cover. To do this, turn the drive and, moving the cover with your fingers, pull it down. On the lid, as a rule, there are two latches (p.1 on the bottom photo) and two guides on which the cover is kept. She is removed without much effort.

Next you need to drown the latches of the front panel. They are usually four (two below, two on the sides), or five (two on the sides, three below). After removing the front panel, the bolts (4 or 5 pieces) are unscrewed on the bottom lid of the DVD drive and the cover is removed.

Then you need to take a DVD drive behind the top cover and shake slightly. The plastic drive mechanism will fall out of the top cover (see the photo below). After removing the covers, the tray itself is removed optical disk. It is put forward until it stops, then the clamps located on the back of the tray in the corners (see the photo below) and the tray is removed.

All unnecessary parts with DVD drives are removed, you can proceed to cleaning. The main part of the DVD-drive body has a lot of recesses, grooves and recesses. They must be thoroughly purged to remove dust clusters. Even a small amount of its back wall or in the stroke of the tray can lead to the fact that the tray will stop opening (close).

The tray is driven by means of a motor who communicates with the mechanic rubber strap (passion). You need to remove your passion carefully not to stretch it. The mechanical work of the drive tray depends on the passage status. By the way, there are problems with a tray often arise after a long (more than two years) operation without maintenance. First, dust and the tray will not fall into the guides, it does not fall into the extreme position, and then the passion is stretched due to the fact that the drive mechanism cannot open the tray due to the wrong position of the tray.

Following the passion, we remove the mechanics control fee (1 or 2 latches). Care should also be exercised so as not to damage the engine control loop, which comes from the main board. In low-cost models, the loops may well be fragile or badly soldered. We remove dust from the mechanics with a soft brush or air on both sides (top and bottom). Ideally, it is advisable to walk throughout the DVD-drive first with a brush, and then blow with air (for example, with a rubber pear, which is sold on any pharmacy).

After all the dust from the drive housing is removed, rubber parts are deguted with alcohol and the old lubricant is removed from the guides (usually by the time there is a mixture of fine dust and dirt with a small amount of the remaining lubricant).

In conclusion, movable rubbing mechanical parts are lubricated with a small (meager) amount of lubricant to only form a film (no longer desirable). Visible accumulation of lubricant should not be.

The final touch is blowing (only rubber pear) the lenses of the laser mechanism (it is impossible to wipe it in any case) and the drive is collected back.