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How to work with a keyboard without a mouse asus netbook. Work without a mouse on a laptop

Almost every user got into a situation when the mouse completely refuses to work. Not everyone knows that a computer can be controlled without a manipulator, so all work stops and a trip to the store is organized. In this article we will talk about how you can perform some standard actions without using a mouse.

Various manipulators and other input devices have long been included in our everyday life. Today, you can control a computer even by touching the screen or using ordinary gestures, but this was not always the case. Even before the invention of the mouse and trackpad, all commands were executed using the keyboard. Despite the fact that the technology and software development have reached a fairly high level, the possibility of using combinations and single keys to open the menu and launch programs and control functions of the operating system remains. This "relic" will help us to stretch some time before buying a new mouse.

Cursor control

The most obvious option is to replace the mouse with a keyboard to control the cursor on the monitor screen. The numpad - the digital block on the right will help us with this. In order to use it as a control tool, it is necessary to make some settings.

  1. Push shortcut SHIFT + ALT + NUM LOCKand then a beep will sound and a function dialog box will appear on the screen.

  2. Here we need to transfer the selection to the link leading to the settings block. Do it with the key Tabby pressing it several times. After the link is highlighted, click "Space".

  3. In the settings window, all the same key Tab go to the sliders to control the speed of the cursor. The arrows on the keyboard set the maximum values. It is necessary to do this, because by default the pointer moves very slowly.

  4. Next, switch to the button "Apply" and press it with the key ENTER.

  5. Close the window by pressing the combination once ALT + F4.
  6. Call the dialog box again ( SHIFT + ALT + NUM LOCK) and the method described above (moving with the TAB key), press the button "Yes".

Now you can control the cursor from the numpad. All digits, except zero and five, determine the direction of movement, and key 5 replaces the left mouse button. The right button is replaced by the context menu key.

In order to turn off the control, you can click Num lock or stop the function completely by calling the dialog box and pressing the button "No".

Office desktop and taskbar

Since the speed of moving the cursor using the numpad leaves much to be desired, you can use another, faster way to open folders and launch shortcuts on the desktop. This is done with a keyboard shortcut. Win + d, which “clicks” on the desktop, thereby activating it. In this case, a selection will appear on one of the icons. The movement between the elements is carried out by arrows, and the start (opening) - by the key ENTER.

If access to the icons on the desktop is prevented by open windows of folders and applications, then you can clear it using the combination Win + m.

To go to item management Taskbars you need to press the familiar TAB key while on the desktop. The panel, in turn, also consists of several blocks (from left to right) - menu "Start", "Search", "Presentation of tasks" (in Win 10), Notification Area and button Minimize all windows. Custom panels may also be located here. Switch between them by Tab, moving between elements - arrows, launch - ENTER, and expanding drop-down lists or grouped items - "Space".

Window management

Switching between blocks of an already opened window of a folder or program - a list of files, input fields, address bar, navigation area and others - is done with the same key Tab, and the movement inside the block - arrows. Call up menu "File", "Edit" etc. - it is possible with a key ALT. The context is revealed by clicking the arrow. "Down".

The windows are closed in turn by a combination ALT + F4.

Calling the "Task Manager"

"Task Manager" called by a combination CTRL + SHIFT + ESC. Then you can work with it, as with a simple window - switch between blocks, open menu items. If you want to complete a process, you can do this by pressing DELETE followed by confirmation of your intention in the dialog box.

Call the main elements of the OS

The computer is rebooted using the well-known combination CTRL + ALT + DELETE or ALT + F4. You can also go to the menu "Start" and select the desired function.

Keyboard lock screen Win + l. This is the easiest way available. There is one condition that must be met in order for this procedure to make sense - setting an account password.


Do not panic and become discouraged by mouse failure. You can easily control a PC from the keyboard, most importantly, remember the key combinations and the sequence of some actions. The information presented in this article will help not only to temporarily do without a manipulator, but also significantly accelerate the work with Windows in normal operating conditions.

Hello everyone! Electronics has the property of failing, and, which is characteristic, at the most inopportune moment. For example, you see in the evening in front of the computer, watch your favorite series, and here BAM! - sparks, peals of thunder, and, the mouse no longer works.

All computer stores are closed, so there is no way to immediately change the manipulator.

An equally unpleasant situation is the discharged battery of a wireless device. Typically, few users store spare batteries at home. And if they are lying around somewhere, then, according to the law of meanness, they do not want to be found.

However, this is not a reason to be upset - temporarily you can use a kind of “crutch”, which is built into the basic set of special Windows tools.

Today we will discuss how to use a keyboard without a mouse, whether it is convenient or not, how to do without a touchpad on a laptop, consider the key combinations that are in demand and how to use them as an example.

How to use a PC if there is no mouse

In any version of Windows, the mouse emulation mode is provided, which is activated by the key combination Shift + Alt (left) + Num Lock.

When these keys are pressed, a dialog box appears that prompts you to configure the keyboard shortcuts and cursor options. I recommend immediately to do this by clicking on the appropriate item.

When this mode is activated, an icon appears in the system tray depicting a computer mouse. In this case, the cursor is controlled using the keys of the numeric keypad - those on which the arrows are shown.
Button 5 is used for a click. The minus sign switches to the right mouse button and vice versa. For example, when Num Lock is deactivated, you will control the pointer, and when turned on, still dial numbers.

You can use such a “virtual mouse” as you would a regular one, including on the Internet and even in computer games. In what cases it is convenient to resort to such a decision, I find it difficult to answer - except in the not-so-fast shooters when you play as a sniper, for a more accurate tip, in order to get a guaranteed headshot.

The speed of the cursor in this mode is too low compared to the control of a conventional manipulator. However, you need to act quickly - it is unlikely that you will be able to slowly aim and shoot down the enemy, except for the same camper who is not in a hurry.

The disadvantages, as you already understood, should be attributed to the low cursor speed - out of habit, this is very annoying.

However, for example, in the browser to switch between tabs or clicks on the link, you can use this method instead of the usual mouse, especially if there is no alternative.

Quick commands

Ever since the days of DOS and the Norton Commander, when there were no mice at all, when working at a computer, key combinations are used, with which the user can perform the whole range of actions.
Moreover, advanced users actively use them when working at a computer - to press a certain combination of keys without breaking away from the keyboard is several tenths of a second faster than reaching for a mouse.

Seconds add up to minutes, those to hours. Labor productivity, user skills and salaries are growing (optional, of course, but you can dream about). Moreover, such users, to the question “Is it possible to do without a mouse at all” categorically state that it is.

I repeat, this is about work, not about entertainment. How to learn? A simple matter, it is enough to learn the most popular keyboard shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Alt + Del (or Ctrl + Shift + Escape) - launch the Task Manager;
  • Ctrl + Tab - switch between tabs or windows of one program;
  • Alt + Tab - switch between different windows;
  • Alt + Shift (or Ctrl + Shift) - switch the language between the layouts used in the system;
  • Ctrl + Esc - “Start” menu;
  • Win + D - minimizes / maximizes all windows on the desktop;
  • Win + E - launch the "explorer"
  • Win + R - run the “Run” command;
  • Ctrl + F - search through a document or Explorer;
  • Ctrl + C - copy (characters or object);

  • Ctrl + X - cut;
  • Ctrl + V - paste;
  • Ctrl + X - undo the last action;
  • Ctrl + A – select all;
  • Ctrl + S - save (file);
  • Shift + Del - delete an object without the possibility of recovery (that is, bypassing the Recycle Bin);
  • Ctrl + W - closes the current tab;
  • Ctrl + P - sends the document to print;
  • Atl + F4 - close the window.

A separate item is the hotkeys when using the browser:

  • Ctrl + (1–8) - toggles between tabs, the sequence numbers of which, from left to right, correspond to the dialed digit;
  • Ctrl + 9 - switches to the last tab;
  • Ctrl + F4 - closes the active tab;
  • Ctrl + T - opens a new tab;

  • Ctrl + N - opens another browser window;
  • Ctrl + F5 - update while ignoring the cache, that is, loading the page from scratch;
  • Ctrl + L - selects the text in the address bar;
  • Ctrl + H - opens the browser history;
  • Ctrl + U - view the code of the current page.

Of course, in fact, there are much more combinations - I just brought only those that are useful in everyday use. It may also be useful for you to publish on how to clean or, and also what to do, if the input device.

I will be grateful to everyone who shares this publication on social networks. Till tomorrow!

Operating systems that involve command-line control — once the ubiquitous MS DOS, as well as modern Linux — allow you to not only get by with keyboard commands, but even work with much greater speed and comfort than Windows-based windows allows, visual controls and interactions primarily with the mouse.

Meanwhile, even in the familiar Windows all work without can, and often it is much more convenient. The fact is that almost all elements controlled by the mouse can also accept commands with. Of course, these commands (the so-called "") must be remembered. But after that, the work is significantly accelerated - after all, an experienced user’s fingers themselves instantly find the desired key, and the mouse on the control element still needs to get there. In addition, for this you need a hand from the usual place on the keyboard, and then return it there again.

Try to remember the hotkey combinations, the need for which arises most often, and you will find that the speed at the computer has increased markedly, and fatigue has become significantly less.

First of all, switching between open windows: Alt + Tab and Alt + Shift + Tab in the opposite direction. It turns out much faster and more convenient than groping with the mouse the necessary window in the taskbar. In the latest versions, combinations of Win + Tab and Win + Shift + Tab appeared - the same function in 3D performance. It looks quite impressive, and the contents of the windows are easier to see. If special effects do not appeal, try Alt + Esc and Alt + Shift + Esc: the result is the same, only the task list does not obscure the application windows themselves.

To close the active window, press Alt + F4. If there are no active windows, Windows will exit.

Here are a few lesser-known, but no less useful keyboard shortcuts:

Win + E will open a new explorer window showing "My"

Win + M minimizes all windows, making the desktop available

Win + Shift + M, on the contrary, will expand all windows

But hotkeys are most useful, of course, when working with text when the user's fingers are on the keyboard.

The most common action required when editing text is to select its fragments. Try the keyboard shortcuts Shift and Ctrl + Shift with the left and right arrows. To master these combinations is very easy, and selecting text in this way is much more convenient than using the mouse. Combinations of the same keys with up and down arrows will allow you to select text in whole lines.

The most common actions with selected blocks are cutting and pasting. Cut the marked block will help Ctrl + X, copy - Ctrl + C, paste - Ctrl + V. You can simply remove the selection with the Del key. These combinations work in any text editor, in many graphic ones, in Windows Explorer, etc.

You can undo an unsuccessful action using Ctrl + Z or Esc.

Even this small number of hot keys is already enough to perform simple operations in an emergency - if the mouse suddenly crashes, or it does not exist at all. In fact, there are much more of them, and a good knowledge of this simple science allows you to increase the efficiency of working at a computer at times.

If you think that working with a laptop without a mouse is uncomfortable, try switching to keyboard shortcuts. This will allow you to perform routine tasks much faster!

A case from real life prompted me to write today's article. On Monday evening, a friend phoned and said that the children had slammed something on her laptop, and now his screen turned upside down. Rebooting, of course, did not help ...

I immediately realized that the problem lies in the monitor settings, which are usually provided by the video card driver, but I couldn’t explain anything remotely, so I had to go ... In place I found something like the following:

There was a Radeon video card on my laptop (just like mine), so in order to flip the screen image to the right position, I immediately called the standard AMD Catalyst Control Center driver setup utility and in the "Desktop Management" section specified the value "Landscape" in the list in its properties "Turn".

Turning the screen over, as it turned out, could also be done using the regular monitor settings dialog (Control Panel - Screen - Screen Resolution):

However, I was interested in the question, what needed to be pressed so that the screen turned over? In search of an answer, I reopened the AMD Catalyst Control Center and decided to check the "Parameters" of the program itself. There, the desired "Keyboard Shortcut" was found. It turned out that to turn it was enough to press ALT + CTRL + up arrow (or down / left / right to select alternative rotation options).

Actually, this case with the rotation of the screen made me think, and what other "pitfalls" is fraught with laptop control. We’ll figure it out now :)

Fn button

The laptop keyboard is practically no different from a PC keyboard. However, on it (usually in the lower row on the left) there is a small Fn button, which can pretty much spoil the nerves of those who do not know what it is for:

Pressing this button in combination with one of the function keys allows you to perform a particular task without having to open the system settings. Among the most common features are:

  • display brightness adjustment (sun icon);
  • volume level setting (speaker symbol);
  • switching between connected monitors or a projector and a monitor (display symbol);
  • windows player control (rewind, play, and pause characters);
  • enable / disable Wi-Fi (antenna symbol);
  • enable / disable Bluetooth (Bluetooth symbol);
  • enable / disable touchpad (finger symbol);
  • enable / disable webcam (camera symbol);
  • the inclusion of sleep mode (characters in the form of two or more letters "Z");
  • enable / disable NumLock and ScrollLock modes (corresponding labels);
  • emulation of the operation of missing keys on shortened keyboards, for example, the right block of buttons with numbers (corresponding labels).

Now carefully look at the keyboard of your laptop and look for the icons on the keys highlighted in a different color (usually blue) or size. These will be the function keys that are available to you.

It is worth noting, however, that the Fn button may work for you only partially or not at all! It depends on whether you installed the keyboard driver for your laptop (you can download it on the manufacturer’s website). If the driver is installed, but some of the function keys do not work, most likely the driver needs to be updated or reinstalled.

I think, having sorted out the set of functions of your keyboard, you will understand how to turn on the sound that disappeared after the cat ran through the laptop, or why the display went blank :) Just hold down the Fn key with the corresponding function button and you will be happy!


The touchpad (or rather the "touchpad" from the English. "Touch pad" - "touch panel") is an alternative device for controlling the cursor in laptops.

The standard touchpad is a small rectangle that can recognize finger touches, and two buttons (analogues of the left and right mouse buttons). However, there are more sophisticated models with additional functions:

Many users who are used to the mouse find working with the touchpad uncomfortable. And there are a number of objective reasons:

  1. The small area of \u200b\u200bthe touchpad does not always allow you to move the cursor from one point to another without lifting your finger.
  2. Inconvenient operation of dragging objects with the need to hold the left button pressed.
  3. Not always high accuracy of recognition of touch coordinates or false alarms with too high sensitivity.

Indeed, to work with the touchpad has become convenient, you need to get used to it. However, there are several "tricks" that make it easier to interact with Windows:

  1. To use the scroll bar in the current window, it is not necessary to grab the carriage with the left button of the touchpad. On most laptops, this can be done by moving up and down on the right edge of the touch area. On some laptop models, a similar effect can be achieved by moving up and down with two fingers at the same time (for example, middle and index).
  2. You can also select text without pressing keys. To do this, quickly touch the touchpad, positioning the cursor in the right place, and then hold it down and hold your finger, swipe to the end of the desired fragment. Double-tap without holding will highlight the current word, and triple the entire paragraph.
  3. Moving and spreading two fingers at the same time, you can scale the open image or text in the working window of most programs.
  4. In the standard image viewer, you can “flip” pictures with a gesture of sliding left and right (as on Android), and also rotate them with two fingers (for example, rotating the index finger around the thumb, which at this time is at one point).

However, this is not all! The fact is that for the touchpad (as well as for the Fn button) you can, and even need to, install a driver that will allow you to access the many settings and new functions of the touch panel. You can find this driver, again, on the official website of the manufacturer of your laptop.

My HP laptop uses a touchpad from Synaptics, so let's look at the setup principles using this particular driver as an example. Although, the essence and set of features are now similar for everyone, so I think you can easily figure out the parameters of drivers from other manufacturers.

To get into the settings, you need to open all the elements of the Control Panel and call up the item corresponding to the name of the driver of your touchpad (I have this Synaptics TouchPad). The following window will appear:

Here you have the opportunity to specify settings for multi-finger gestures, scrolling, sensitivity to touch and many other properties. Each item is equipped with a checkmark to enable / disable the function and a help button (in the form of a question mark), and some also contain additional settings available by double-clicking or the button in the form of gears.

In principle, you can see all the settings, but I especially recommend looking into the sensitivity settings to set thresholds for activating the touch panel, as well as in the section "Touching with a swipe of a finger." The latter allows you to configure the ability to conveniently drag and drop objects, as well as deactivate the upper left corner, double-tapping it disables the touchpad:

After you fully configure your touchpad properly, I recommend that you make one more simple setup - enable the auto-off function of the touch panel when you connect the mouse. To do this, re-enter the Control Panel, select the "Mouse" section, in the window that opens, go to the "Device Settings" tab and activate the option:

Now, when you connect the mouse, the touchpad will automatically turn off and will not interfere with normal work with the keyboard.


We have already written about that more than once. Here I would like to draw attention to those keyboard combinations that will allow you to work more efficiently on a laptop (although they all work just as well on a PC).

The main reason it makes sense to use keyboard shortcuts on a laptop is the slower movement of the cursor on the touchpad compared to a mouse. Accordingly, trying to get into a button with the touchpad, you will inevitably spend more time. What would not be if you used hotkeys.

So, to control the system it is convenient to use the following key combinations:

Combination Function
Navigation and Explorer
Arrow cursor Selecting a file, setting the cursor position in the text or switching between navigation items on a web page (the latter is more convenient to use SHIFT + TAB)
ALT Usually switching between the workspace and the program menu bar (ALT + underlined letter - activation of the corresponding item on the menu bar)
ALT + TAB Quickly switch between open windows
ALT + Enter Calling the Properties window of the current file or folder
WIN Open the Start menu or switch to the tiled interface in Windows 8
WIN + E Launch Explorer
WIN + R Run line openings
WIN + D Minimize / maximize all windows
WIN + Pause / Break Calling the My Computer Properties Window
WIN + UP ARROW Maximize the current window in full screen.
WIN + DOWN ARROW Exit full screen or minimize the current window
WIN + side arrow Dock / unpin the current window to the left or right edge of the screen
WIN + L Turn on the lock screen with a password (convenient if you need to go somewhere)
Escape Exit Menu / Close Dialog
Delete delete selected file to Trash
SHIFT + Delete Delete file permanently without placing it in the Trash
Functional row of keys (upper row without Fn)
F1 reference
F2 Rename selected object
F3 Open search bar
F5 Refresh file list in Explorer or page in browser
F6 Switch between window functional elements
F11 Turn on / off window display in full screen without frame
ALT + F4 Close active window
SHIFT + F10 Calling the item context menu under the cursor (if there is no special button)
CTRL + T Open new tab
CTRL + N Open new window
CTRL + S Save current page
CTRL + D Bookmark this page
CTRL + D Bookmark this page
CTRL + R Reload the page (analogue of the F5 command)
CTRL + H Open Browsing History
CTRL + D Bookmark this page
CTRL + TAB Iterate over open tabs in order
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB Iterate over open tabs in reverse order
CTRL + W Close tab
CTRL + SHIFT + T Open closed tab
CTRL + F Search by page
ALT + left / right arrow Forward / Reverse Activation
Work with text
SHIFT + ARROWS Select text from current cursor position
CTRL + A Select all
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + V Embed
CTRL + X To cut
CTRL + Z Cancel
CTRL + Y Repeat
CTRL + S Save document
CTRL + O Open Dialog
CTRL + P Print
CTRL + UP / DOWN ARROW Document Scrolling

There are other combinations, but all of them, firstly, are unrealistic to remember, and, secondly, it is not necessary, since they are mainly used only in specific cases.

Some programs allow you to configure and change the standard keyboard shortcuts, but in addition to this, Windows provides the ability to assign combinations to run any files! To do this, create a shortcut to the desired file and in its Properties assign buttons for the Shortcut:

The purpose of such keyboard combinations will allow you to remove unnecessary icons from the desktop and open the necessary programs, files and folders with one click!


As you can see, the inconvenience of controlling a laptop can be quite easily compensated for by correctly setting the touchpad and using hot keys. At first, however, it can be difficult to remember everything, but in the process of everyday work you will quickly get used to it.

There are, of course, specific tasks when using the mouse is, if not required, then at least very desirable (for example, working in graphic editors). However, to perform standard actions or web surfing, you can well do without a manipulator.

By the way, if you know all the necessary keyboard combinations, then you can work on any computer, even if it is! Therefore, we teach - it will come in handy;)

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and cite this article provided that an open, active link to the source is provided and Ruslan Tertyshny’s authorship is preserved.

At the initial stage, computer control was carried out only using the keyboard. A computer mouse appeared a little later. The remarkable functionality of the mouse contributed to its massive "consumption". Therefore, when the mouse fails (and this is possible) and there is no way to quickly find a replacement for it, then for many users this situation seems hopeless.

However, it is not. Many operations on your computer can be performed without a mouse. Knowing these possibilities will help you survive the temporary absence of a familiar device. Replacement of the mouse are the so-called “hot keys”, that is, keyboard shortcuts that allow you to activate computer operations without the mouse.

  1. First steps:
  • after turning on the computer and loading Windows, press the keys with the " Windows and "M"(or « D« ) A selection of one of the icons will appear on the desktop, which indicates the possibility of its activation;
  • after pressing « Enter"(" Enter ") the program will go into run mode (for example, urgently needed "Word");
  1. How to run several programs:
  • we click « Windows+ M« . All windows will close, but an active icon will be visible on the desktop. Using keys "Arrows" select the desired program and run it;
  • if instead "M" to click « D« , then the windows will also close, and when you click " Windows+ D« windows will open. Key "M" does not give such an opportunity;
  • if you click " Alt+ Tab« , then a window with the icons of all active, currently running programs will appear;
  • while holding Alt+ Tab« , you can select the desired program and open it on the computer screen.
  1. How to choose teams in the program:
  • key " Alt« helps to get to the main, top menu;
  • key " Esc« - cancels the action of the previous one, and also cancels the dialog boxes that offer a choice between " Ok» or " Cancel »;
  • to choose between " Yes, No, Cancel ” should use "Arrows" or " Tab« .
  1. How to close the program:
  • click " Alt+ F4" - closes the current program. Pressing this key combination again will close all programs.
  1. How to copy and paste text:
  • « Shift"+" Left, right arrow " - selection along the lines;
  • « Shift"+" Up, down arrow " - vertical selection;
  • « Ctrl» + « C« - the selected text is copied to the clipboard;
  • « Ctrl» + « V» - The text from the clipboard will be pasted into the place indicated by the cursor.
  1. How to enable mouse emulation mode:

In this case, emulation refers to the use of a program built into the operating system that allows you to simulate mouse actions.

  1. How to work on the Internet:
  • « Tab« - we get into the address window;
  • « F5" - the current page is updated;
  • « Backspace» - return to the previous page;
  • « Alt« - enter the menu, "Arrows" choose Favorites, Down Arrow - choosing the right site »
  • key " Tab« - makes it possible to navigate through hyperlinks.
  1. Additional, useful hotkeys:
  • « Win+ E« - a useful desktop window will open "A computer";
  • « Ctrl+ Slt+ Del« or « Ctrl+ Esc+ Shift« - activated "Task Manager";
  • « Win + F1« - “Help” will open;
  • « Win+ F« - “Search for files and folders” is activated;
  • « Win+ Break« - the "System" window opens;
  • « F10" or « Alt« - the explorer menu opens. Inside the menu, movement is carried out using "Shooter";
  • « Alt"+" Up arrow (or down) " - drop-down lists will open;
  • "Left or right arrow" - the ability to move between tabs;
  • « Alt + F« - the menu is activated "File".

Thus, we can safely say that if you have problems with a computer mouse, then this situation is not at all hopeless. You can continue to work using the keyboard shortcuts. Moreover, many experienced users often prefer hot keys, referring to the fact that this significantly increases the speed of work, as it saves time on transitions and discoveries of various options. For those who work in graphic editors, the choice of hot keys is preferable in that the cursor is positioned much more accurately than the mouse.