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MTS introduces a new principle for charging mobile Internet. MTS roaming - profitable schemes, tariffication examples What tariffs are mts

MTS offers us a lot of really favorable rates. Some of them are focused on access to the Internet, others - on calls, and still others are designed for a certain category of subscribers. There are a lot of tariff plans, so we decided to talk about which MTS tariff is the most favorable. As part of this review, we will consider several categories of tariff plans:

  • For the internet;
  • For calls;
  • For retirees.

Some of these rates overlap, as individual offers combine low-cost calls and low-cost network access. Let's talk about this in order.

The most profitable MTS tariff with Internet

Per-megabyte tariffication of Internet access is almost completely a thing of the past, today tariffs with package offers are relevant. The most profitable MTS tariff with the Internet is one of the tariffs of the Smart line:

  • Smart Mini
  • Smart
  • Smart Unlimited;
  • Smart Outback;
  • Smart Top.

All these tariffs include certain Internet traffic packages. And everywhere there is a monthly fee, which includes traffic, voice calls and SMS.

  • The tariff “Smart Mini” will provide us with 1 GB of Internet for 400 rubles / month, this is the youngest and cheapest offer.
  • For 500 rubles / month, we will be able to connect our Smart tariff, which includes 5 GB of traffic.
  • The tariff plan "Smart Unlimited" will give you 10 GB of Internet traffic for 550 rubles / month.
  • The next tariff is Smart Zabugorishte, which provides us with a package of 7 GB per week (available in international roaming) with a weekly fee of 250 rubles / week. The most expensive tariff is Smart Top, which offers us 20 GB of Internet traffic for 1950 rubles per month.

As already mentioned, the structure of the presented line includes not only traffic, but also a variety of minutes packages. If the subscriber needs only the Internet, he should use the MTS Connect-4 tariff, to which the following options are connected:

  • Internet Mini - 7 GB of traffic for 500 rubles per month;
  • Internet Maxi - 15 GB during the day and belimit at night for 800 rubles per month;
  • Internet VIP - 30 GB and night unlimited for 1200 rubles / month;
  • Internet 4 Mbps - unlimited traffic with a speed limit of 770 rubles / month;

As you can see, in this situation, the traffic is cheaper and more profitable.

The most profitable MTS tariff for calls

Many subscribers are interested in - which MTS tariff is the most favorable for calls? It is difficult to answer this question, since each tariff is beneficial in its own way. If we consider the above tariff plans from the Smart line, then they can offer highly profitable call packages:

  • Smart-mini - the tariff includes unlimited calls to local MTS numbers and 350 minutes of calls to all-Russian MTS numbers and other local calls. Subscription fee - 400 rubles / month;
  • Smart - these are unlimited calls to all-Russian and local MTS numbers, 550 minutes to any Russian numbers and 550 local SMS for 500 rubles / month (these conditions also apply when roaming in Russia);
  • Smart Unlimited - these are unlimited calls to all-Russian and local numbers of MTS, 350 minutes to any Russian numbers and 350 local SMS for 550 rubles per month (these conditions also apply when roaming in Russia);
  • Smart Zabugorishte includes unlimited calls to all-Russian and local MTS numbers, 350 minutes per week to home region numbers and 350 SMS within Russia per week for 250 rubles per week (these conditions also apply when roaming in Russia);
  • Smart Top is the most expensive offer, including unlimited calls to all-Russian and local MTS numbers, 3,000 minutes to all Russian numbers (mobile and landline), and 3,000 local SMS for 1950 rubles / month (these conditions also apply when roaming in Russia).

In addition, Internet traffic is provided at these rates.

What is the most profitable MTS tariff without the Internet?  We will classify two tariffs in this category - these are tariffs “Per Second” and “Super MTS”. The one-second tariff plan will offer economical subscribers low-cost local calls at only 5 kopecks / sec. If your conversations are not very long, then this tariff is for you.

As for the Super MTS tariff, this is no less advantageous offer. The first 20 minutes per day to local MTS numbers is free of charge. Then the tariffing is as follows - 1 minute within the network is 1.5 rubles, from the 2nd to the 20th - free of charge, from the 21st minute - 1.5 rubles / min. Calls to other local numbers - 2.5 rubles / min. In addition, this tariff can be supplemented with unique options that make communication cheaper and more profitable.

Other tariffs may turn out to be beneficial for someone, therefore, before choosing a suitable tariff plan, each subscriber should carefully read all the offers on the MTS official website or at the nearest service office.

The best rate for retirees

As for pensioners, they usually need economical tariffs. For instance, perfect for them are the above-described tariff plans Per Second and Super MTS.

Tariff from MTS " Super MTS»Was offered to users and subscribers to connect from 05/20/2013. The tariff is aimed at subscribers who want to communicate a lot and economically within the network of the operator’s home zone, where the cost of the call is not paid.

When accessing the numbers of other telecom operators, or to city numbers within the limits of the home zone, the cost of voice communication is paid at the rate of 2.50 rubles per minute.

Calls in the network, in the non-home zone, to the numbers of MTS operators in other regions, double in cost, and amount to 5.00 rubles / min.

The highest paid connection will be with subscribers of other Russian operators, outside the home area of \u200b\u200bthe MTS operator - 14.0 rubles / min.

For owners of this tariff, a very advantageous Super service is provided, thanks to which you can save on calls that go outside the home region.

A subscriber can, with a one-time monthly top-up of the account for 300 rubles, communicate daily on the network for zero minutes for 60 minutes, making inside network calls to numbers of operators from other regions of Russia.

Having exceeded the daily norm of communication - over 60 minutes, the cost of the 61st minute of communication and subsequent changes for calls to the MTS network in the home region and will be calculated at the rate of 1.50 rubles per minute.

And for all other calls to city numbers and numbers of other operators in the home region, outside the home region of the network and other Russian operators, the cost of voice communication will be calculated in the tariff mode without the Seper service.

Services of the Super MTS tariff plan

Upon activation of the “Super MTS” tariff package, the “ SMS Start».

This service provides a favorable condition for the daily use of SMS messages in the amount of 10 pieces with a daily subscription fee of 15 rubles.

The service operates within the territory of the home zone in the network or any other telecom operator. Subscription for the use of SMS services will be charged in total every 15 days.

The subscriber has the right to disable the service by calling the appropriate number *111*9009# .

The cost of SMS messages without connecting a service within the home region will be paid at the rate of 2.00 rubles / unit, outside the region in Russia - 3.80 rubles. a piece.

The tariff plan enables its owner to use mobile Internet at a rate of 9.90 rubles. for 1 MB GPRS.

Conditions for switching or connecting to a tariff plan

All MTS subscribers can take advantage of the transition to a tariff plan with payment of the transfer cost of 150 rubles. For subscribers of other operators, it is possible to purchase a package of the Super MTS tariff plan at a price of 100 rubles.

  Cost of basic services in Super MTS tariff
Basic servicesCost
Calls in the home region (Moscow and Moscow region)
Cost of calls to MTS numbers 100 minutes per day 0 rub
Calls to other operators and landlines 100 minutes a day 0 rub
Cost of calls to MTS numbers in excess of 100 minutes per day 1,50 rub
Calls to Moscow landline numbers in excess of 100 minutes per day 2,50 rub
Calls to other operators 5 rub
Standard tariff without connection of service 100 minutes
Calls to MTS numbers 20 minutes a day 0 rub
Calls to other operators and to MTS numbers in excess of 20 minutes per day 1,5 rub
To Russian mobile phones 5 rub
Calls to Moscow landline numbers in excess of 20 minutes per day 2,5 rub
Cost of calls outside the home region
Calls to mobiles of other Moscow operators 2,5 rub
Calls to other regions of Russia 14 rub
The cost of sending SMS and MMS
Sending SMS to mobile home region 2 rub
Sending SMS to other regions of Russia 3,8 rub
Sending SMS abroad 5.25 rub
MMS sending 6.5 rub
Mobile Internet
Cost of 1 Mb of mobile internet 9.9 rub
Calls to other countries
CIS 29 rub
Europe 49 rub

Each subscriber can get a free consultation on the work of services and their charging according to the MTS operator number. All calls to this number will be free, and the support service is working.

Mobile Internet in the tariff

Using mobile internet has become the norm. Therefore, operators are increasingly offering various services in packages.

It is worth noting that the base price for network access services in this package is several times higher than using one of the options that the mobile operator offers for this tariff plan.

The cost of 1 Mb of information, considered both accepted and transmitted traffic, is 9.9 rubles per 1 Mb. The user has the opportunity to connect one of the options:

  1. Bit Smart
  2. Super Bit Smart

In the first case, the provision of services is carried out regionally and the user will be able to use the option only in the home region.

And the tariffing is as follows, the subscription fee for using the service is 8 rubles per day, for which 75 Mb of Internet traffic is provided.

The second option is to connect the second option.

It provides access to the network throughout Russia. And the conditions for the provision are as follows, the subscription fee is 12 rubles per day, for which 3 GB of traffic per month is provided.

You can always check the rest of the traffic using a USSD request *217#   and call button.

The first 15 days, both options are provided in test mode and anyone can use them for free.

How to check the balance of free minutes in the tariff

Given the attractiveness of this tariff plan, it provides free minutes for conversations within the network.

But, the amount of allocated package minutes per day is extremely limited, so users should regularly monitor the remaining minutes.

You can always verify a package with a simple combination of a USSD request.

To do this, dial the following combination on a mobile phone *101*1#   and press the call button.

As a result of this combination, the phone’s screen will display information not only on the remaining minutes, but also on the remainder of the SMS and MMS messages that are also provided to the user.

MTS operator offers a number of favorable rates to its subscribers. One of these is Super MTS. It provides a number of useful communication services at a low price. There is no subscription fee.

Tariff Features

Super MTS does not provide for a mandatory monthly fee. This means that you only pay for the features that you use. It is beneficial for users who rarely call within the home region.

Package Includes:

  • 20 minutes to talk on your home network. They are not charged.
  • Using options for free calls outside the region.
  • The ability to order a package of free SMS.
  • Work on the Internet using SuperBIT Smart.


The package includes the following prices:

SMS packages

The package does not provide free messages, but when the tariff is activated, the SMS Smart Package function is automatically activated.

Within its framework, sending SMS messages within the region is not charged. The first 15 days after connecting the function or activation are not paid. Next, 5 rubles per day is removed until the function is turned off. To deactivate, use the combination * 111 * 9009 #.

Calls on Super MTS tariff

If you often communicate with subscribers both within the region and outside it, then free minutes will come in handy. The option provides for the provision of 200 free minutes. Of these, 100 are for talking within the region, the rest are for calls throughout Russia.

The daily cost of the service is 3.50. It is activated automatically at the same time as the tariff. The test period is 15 days.

To disconnect, use the command * 868 # or send a digital message 868 to the short number 111.

the Internet

Another useful feature is SuperBIT Smart. Within its framework, 3 GB of Internet are charged monthly. The first 15 days of use occur on a free basis, then 12 rubles are charged daily. The cost of each used 500 MB in excess of 3 GB is 75.

International negotiations

Special attention should be paid to international communications. The cost of one minute of conversation is:

  • To the CIS countries - 35.
  • To Europe - 49
  • Other countries - 70.

The rates are quite high, so if you are communicating with foreign citizens, it will be correct to connect “Profitable international calls”. Its convenience lies in the fact that the payment will be 50 rubles per month. Within its framework, rates for international calls will be as follows:

  1. Europe - 10 rubles.
  2. CIS - 15, but note that conversations with subscribers of Azerbaijan and Belarus will be charged differently - 20 per minute.
  3. China - 1.50.
  4. USA and Canada - 5.
  5. The remaining calls are 25.

There are two ways to connect a function:

  • With a short request * 111 * 902 #.
  • Using the message to number 111 with the text 902.

To deactivate the same number, send the 9020 command.

Disadvantages of Super MTS tariff

One of the main disadvantages of the tariff plan is the availability of a mass of additional services. They are connected automatically and are not charged for the first 15 days. After the end of the test period, funds for use are deducted from the balance.

Often, subscribers cannot understand where the funds go from their balance. In fact, the operator cunningly imposes a number of services that begin to eat almost all the money. Without disconnecting them, the subscriber can spend 600 - 700 rubles per month on communication services.

In order not to lose money, you must immediately disable all unnecessary services immediately after activation.

The list of imposed services includes:

  1. “100 minutes a day in Russia”, the price is 3.5 per day. Disconnected using the code * 111 * 868 #.
  2. SuperBit Smart - 12 per day. In addition, adding traffic removes 75 rubles for 500 MB. Disable * 111 * 8650 #.
  3. “Smart SMS package” gives 10 free SMS per day at home. The cost of the option is 5 rubles per day. Disable - * 111 * 9009 #.
  4. “GOODOK” - replaces the usual beeps with a popular melody. The cost of the function is 75 rubles. Disabling - * 111 * 8650 #.

Please note that you should not wait for the end of the trial period, as you can forget about the need to deactivate.

Switching to Super MTS tariff

If you are interested in the tariff, you can switch to it in several ways.

  1. With the request * 888 # and the call key.
  2. Go to the "My Account". There you need to open the section with tariffs, select the one you need and click on the "Go" button.
  3. Open the “My MTS” application, which works on mobile, running Android and iOS. The transition is carried out similarly to the transition through the "My Account".
  4. Call the operator by dialing 0890. There you can not only switch to the tariff plan, but also ask the operator to immediately turn off all unnecessary services.
  5. Visit a communication salon, and purchase a package. If you do not want to change the number, you can ask the center's consultant to change the plan. Remember to bring your passport with you.

If the last tariff change was more than a month ago, the transition is free. Otherwise, 150 rubles will be withdrawn from your account.

Note that the change of the tariff model occurs within 24 hours after sending the request.


A separate command for deactivation is not provided. If you don’t like the model, you can choose a tariff and activate it using the main methods - inquiries, “My Account”, visiting the salon.

Questions from subscribers

What changes in 2017 were in the Super MTS tariff?

At the beginning of February, MTS did not announce new prices in the tariff plan.

How to connect 100 minutes per day on the tariff?

Dial USSD-request * 868 # or send an SMS with the text 868 to the number 111.

Super MTS is one of the simplest. It is convenient for those subscribers who occasionally make calls, do not send SMS messages and do not use the Internet. Otherwise, the tariff can be a very expensive pleasure, as it involves connecting a number of functions for full communication. To save money, do not forget to timely reject unnecessary functions.

MTS has developed the Super MTS tariff plan, which allows subscribers to communicate within the network for free. The plug-in package does not require a monthly subscription. In addition to voice communications, customers can use the Internet and SMS.

For comfortable communication, additional traffic, SMS or calls can be connected by subscribers. Parents of schoolchildren got the opportunity to connect the option "Children's package". For the activation of additional services you need to make a monthly payment.

The Super MTS tariff offers subscribers free calls within the network. Compared to other TPs, there is no monthly fee for using services. To make free calls within the network, subscribers should activate the option “Call for free on MTS Russia 100”. For the use of the service a daily fee of 3.5 rubles is charged.

For sending SMS you will have to pay 2 p. If you do not want to pay extra money, it is recommended to additionally connect the “SMS” option, which may include:

SMS are connected for a fixed monthly fee. The tariff plan “Super MTS” allows you to activate the “Children's package”. The option provides:

  • Secure communication (prohibitions on unnecessary calls are set);
  • Convenient communication (receiving notifications about the balance of the student);
  • Determination of the child’s location (SMS is sent upon request with a link to a map with coordinates).

As for the Internet, the cost of 1 MB is 9.9 rubles. It is recommended that subscribers actively using mobile Internet services to connect:

  • Bit - 75 Mb;
  • SuperBit - 3 Gb;
  • Mini - 7 Gb;
  • Maxi - 15 Gb;
  • VIP - 30 Gb + unlimited nightly.

VIP subscribers get a discount on satellite TV.


Payment for services 0 p.
Payment after switching to TP 90 p.
Cost of calls with the option “Call for free”
Calls to local MTS subscribers 100 min./day
Communication with MTS subscribers (local region) after 100 minutes 1.5 p.
Connection to landline numbers 1.6 p.
Connection with MTS subscribers (Russia) 100 min./day
Voice communication within the network in the Russian Federation after 100 minutes 5 p.
Calls to area numbers 2.5 p.
Cost of services without the “Call for free” option
Connection with any numbers in the region 20 min./day
Calls in the region to internal numbers after the 20th minute 1.5 p.
Calls after the 20th minute to city and other operators 2.5 p.
Connection with MTS (Russia) 5 p.
Calls in the Russian Federation (any operator) 14 p.
Calls abroad
Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, etc. 35 p.
Austria, UK, etc. 49 p.
Dominica, Cuba, etc. 70 p.

How to connect the tariff and options

Subscribers interested in the Super MTS tariff plan can use 5 ways to activate the service:

  • Dial on the smartphone or tablet the command “* 888 #”;
  • Use the functionality of the My MTS program;
  • Call those. support by dialing "0890." The operator will help with connecting the TP;
  • Log in to your account on the MTS web resource. In the settings, change the tariff plan;
  • Go to a communication salon or company office. MTS representatives will make the transition to a new TP.

The tariff connection fee is 0 rubles, provided that the TP has not been changed in the last 30 days. If the package was changed within a month, a commission will be debited from the client - 150 rubles.

To connect additional traffic you need to dial the appropriate combination:

  • VIP - “* 111 * 166 * 1 #”;
  • Maxi - “* 111 * 161 * 1 #”;
  • Mini - “* 111 * 160 * 1 #”;
  • SuperBIT - “* 111 * 628 * 2 #”;
  • BIT - "* 111 * 252 * 2 #".

For subscribers who decide to use the “children's package”, just dial “* 111 * 1112 #” and go to section “1”. After activating the service, you need to add parent numbers (only 2 numbers are available). To do this, an SMS with the text “Parent phone” is sent to “1112” (instead of “phone”, indicate the current number of the parent).

How to disable

If the Super MTS tariff plan does not meet the needs, it can be disabled. First, it is recommended to choose a service that is suitable for the characteristics. To disable TP you need:

  • Call the call center;
  • Visit a communication salon;
  • Use the functionality of the website;
  • Enter the combination corresponding to the new TP.

As for disabling additional packages, it is easier to deactivate them through your personal account. If it is not possible to go to the site, it is recommended to use the My MTS program.

Who is targeted at

The Super MTS tariff plan is suitable for subscribers who prefer to call internal numbers. Due to the lack of a monthly fee and the ability to connect the "Children's Package", parents of schoolchildren may be interested in the service. Customers who need a bundle with all services are advised to pay attention to "".

On this page you can find detailed information about the current tariff plans of the mobile operator MTS.

MTS unlimited tariffs

It is very difficult for a modern person to imagine his life without the Internet and cellular communications. Communication at a distance is an important point in the existence of the population. Save on phone calls and mobile Internet will help cheap mTS tariffswhen ordering, you no longer have to worry about the balance and constantly check the status of the account.

To activate the service, it is enough to replenish the account once a month for a certain amount, which depends on the tariff used. To make life easier for its customers, the MTS team has developed many unique service packages:

  • Smart Unlimited;
  • Smart Zabugorishte;
  • "SMART TOP";
  • "Unlimited Moscow -PLUS";
  • "Unlimited Russia."

Everyone can find a convenient tariff for themselves, in which there will be the right amount of minutes for calls, free SMS, Internet traffic and many additional gifts.

MTS - tariffs for business

The company offers corporate customers to pay attention to very competitive rates, which can be with or without a monthly fee. These tariffs are oriented for use for commercial purposes. As a rule, legal entities need direct Moscow numbers, which can be obtained by connecting the best rates for business from MTS:

  • "Unlimited Russia";
  • "Unlimited Moscow - PLUS".

Depending on the package you ordered, you will receive up to 100 hours of conversation in Moscow, the Moscow region, the home region or on-net roaming. Since the scope of commercial activity involves making a huge number of calls throughout the country, you need to take care of a favorable tariff plan. In order to get a federal or direct number and packages of absolutely free outgoing minutes, you need to connect the tariffs “Business without borders” or “Smart business”.

MTS Internet tariffs

Today it is very difficult to meet young people without the Internet on a laptop or phone. To save on access to the World Wide Web will help MTS, which provides its users with high-speed connection at minimal cost. The desired tariff plan will be able to find the owners of any devices. For example, for users of stationary computers and laptops MTS Internet tariffs will be very convenient:

  • “Business Connect + 3G-modem”;
  • “Connect-4 + 4G (LTE) modem”;
  • "Connect-4 4G LTE Wi-Fi Router."

In this case, the router and modem are included in the set of paid tariffs. And specifically for the owners of tablets and phones, the “Connect-4” tariff plan has been developed. Everyone will be able to find a suitable tariff plan from MTS and adequately evaluate all the offers of the operator. You can familiarize yourself with tariff plans in more detail on the operator’s website  or its mobile version

Mini Bit MTS tariff description

Subscribers, relying on previously published news, were looking forward to launching a new Mini BIT option. The novelty assumed unlimited Internet at favorable rates to those who extremely rarely go online and do not want to pay a monthly fee for unnecessary traffic.