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Plugin to create a WordPress menu. Creating a vertical menu in WordPress

Hello, dear readers. On this day I present you a selection Wordpress plugins using JQuery.. What exactly will be in this post? In particular, the plug-ins with a blog, and not many useful and beautiful things.

Plugins for WordPress

Plugin for Wordpress Mega Menu

The plug-in drop-down menu is currently becoming very popular. This beautiful plugin will allow you to quickly make and configure mega drop-down menu. There are effects of attenuation and slip, it is possible to establish a drop-down submenu.

contact form

This plugin creates a widget that adds a pop-up or leaving contact form for your blog. Beautiful plugin with a huge selection of functions.

Example (in the upper left corner, click Contact US) ι Download Plugin

iPod Menu. Widget for Blog

Deploying menu. It is especially suitable for the sites of large enterprises, business sites and other resources of this type. In general, a very good multifunctional menu for the blog.

JQuery Slick Menu for Blog

JQuery Plugin extended menu for your blog. Will work on WordPress blogs at least 3 versions. You can configure any menu location on the page.

Example ι download plugin

JQuery pop-up menu. Wordpress plugin.

This plugin adds a floating and sticky menu to a blog, which contains your links to the site that you can configure with ease. This WordPress plugin can work with multiple floating menus on each page and has many options to set the position.

The WordPress menu is one of the key elements of the site. This one part of the site with which the user constantly interacts. From quality, ergonomic and design menus, the general impression of visitors about the site depends. Sometimes it was thanks to an interesting, unusual menu that can turn the usual Internet surfer, which passed by, in a permanent user of your site.

To make a high-quality vertical, horizontal, multi-level or any other arbitrary menu, you will also have to independently open and edit CSS classes, or you can still create it with a plug-in without professional skills.

And since there are many of them, in this review will be considered the possibilities of the best paid and free modules that will allow you to quickly display the menu to your site.

JQuery Vertical Mega Menu Widget

At least in the title of the plugin and the word "mega", you will not be able to create something impossible with him. But a simple vertical menu with its own categories of any plan with the module add to the site is quite real. The big plus jQuery Vertical Mega Menu Widget is that the tool applies for free. So, without additional costs, at least today you can create a high-quality menu for your site.

JQuery Vertical Mega Menu Widget allows you to create a widget, a pop-up menu, the output to the screen of which can be configured in every way (changing the animation of the appearance, transition between categories, output, etc.). As a result, it turns out something similar to Accordion. It can be configured to configure it yourself, editing CSS classes. And do not forget in the "Appearance" tab to activate the widget, and place it in a specific part of the site - otherwise the jQuery Vertical Mega Menu Widget plugin will not be able to display the Accordion to the page.

The plugin allows you to make a different, interesting and adaptive menu for the site. The entire module contains three variations of the menu:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical widespread;
  • vertical widget.

All three options with the release of the latest version of the plug-in can be adapted for mobile devices. The module is compatible with WordPress 3.5+ and works on a simple principle - the setting does not take much time. It is integrated into any topic, so you don't have to pick up in CSS and the template code does not have to.

JQuery Mega Menu Widget

Another plugin from the discharge of Mega. The JQuery Mega Menu Widget module works using jQuery libraries - embeds JavaScript to HTML. You can create a widget, when you hover on which there will be a conclusion of drop-down categories.

JQuery Mega Menu Widget contains many settings:

  • Hover / Click - Setting the menu responding script (which will be after clicking on a specific category);
  • Definition of the composition - an arbitrary number of categories;
  • Sheath - setting an external appearance with open CSS code, which can be configured;
  • Animation Effect - Animation of the appearance of categories (you can select a sliding effect, or add "disappearing");
  • Animation Speed \u200b\u200b- change in the intensity of the animation effect;

Also, this MEGA plugin allows you to deactivate the animation completely and create a widescreen menu, automatically adjusted under the proportion of the template. Perhaps this is not exactly MEGA module, but you can download it for free, and after 10-15 minutes you will have a widget on the site.

A diverse tool that will provide the ability to add a colorful menu with a modern design. The main feature of the addition is that not only categories headlines can be made, but also to upload images to them. Here are the types of menu types invite you to create a plugin:

  • horizontal menu with pictures and submenu;
  • vertical in two variations with different icons;
  • horizontal with icons;
  • with round pictures in categories;
  • menu in the form of a PNG buttons;

To add the selected adaptive menu, you will have a shortcode template structure.

Another jQuery plugin that allows you to create a multi-level functional menu for WordPress. You will receive aesthetically pleasant rounded menu. Buttons will be separated by the CSS module specific. You can configure style classes yourself, and make an arbitrary menu just under the design of your resource. In addition, the jQuery Dropdown Menu is available for setting the color of the rear background, as well as the change in size and type of fonts to describe categories. This is an adaptive menu.

The widget works only with CSS. More suited for those who understand CSS, and want to transform the output of an existing menu. With the DropDown Menu Widget module you can create a drop-down arbitrary menu with a beautiful design. The module uses setting up each individual item. There are also several standard topics CSS. The widget allows you to make a vertical or horizontal display of multi-level categories.


This tool will not be able to add a custom menu to the site, but will make the webmaster menu. OZH 'ADMIN DROP DOWN MENU is designed for those who are tired of constantly entering the WordPress administration panel in search of the desired setting. The plugin will add an invisible visitors to the visitors on the pages that can be configured to quickly access editing posts, adding media, creating pages, etc.

This is a flash menu. The developers are not in vain call it dynamic - the vertical menu works with special animation effects. As a result, you can make an adaptive, stylish and convenient Flash-Menu. The color of the background, text, font and sizes of each element are configured in a special administration section. The convenience of the user's menu is primarily associated with the ability to stop the selection of the category during the scrolling on the pages - that is, the user does not have to constantly open the menu, if you need to scroll through the site.

This is an unusual menu. You can either use it as a standard menu for the entire site, or place it on separate pages. The plugin is calculated on the resources of restaurants, cafes, bars and other institutions where there is a "menu". On projects of another field of activity, it is not recommended - the setting for other purposes will be difficult.

Custom Taxonomies Menu Widget

Extremely simple plugin. Allows you to quickly create a floating widget and output it from the screen side. Ideal for a blogosphere. If you write some kind of thematic blog in which many terms, and want to train beginners in this area, then Custom Taxonomies Menu Widget will help you out. You can make a classified hierarchical side menu with a clear categorization and displaying new sections. The order of taxonomy is configured using different filters. This free widget, and is only suitable for training portals.

JQuery Accordion Menu Widget

If you want you to have an Accordion menu on the resource, then jQuery Accordion Menu Widget is the best tool to implement this idea. JQuery Accordion Menu Widget plugin functions:

  • adding a variety of levels of the menu;
  • an arbitrary number of points in Accordion;
  • setting up the transition to the category "Click" or "with hovering";
  • embed into the template with the help of shortcodes;
  • ability to display one or more levels of the Accordion menu at the same time;
  • the JQuery Accordion Menu Widget plugin can use user cookies to save their open / closed position when switching to pages;
  • automatic closure of the Accordion menu after a second after removing the cursor from the navigation panel;
  • there is a setup of displaying the number of subparagraphs in the parent menu;
  • you can configure and activate CSS classes;
  • animation speed is configured.

With the last point, be careful - the low animation speed can reduce the usability of the tool.

Responsive Select Menu.

Respectable and stylish menu. Satisfy the needs of any site, and quickly will be decorated. And most importantly - Responsive Select Menu can be downloaded for free. The menu output can be organized in any position: vertical, horizontal or as a widget. This is a full-fledged adaptive Menu, in which you can create many levels of different formats. You can add clickable listings with descriptions of subcategories to the menu, and even embed Google Maps with forms to register! CSS style is fully configured. This is not a boring standard menu, but an innovative and unusual addition for your project!

JQuery Slick Menu Widget

A widget, which is located in any part of the site. You will receive a stylish and neat menu, the output of which is conveniently configured using various animation types. The jQuery Slick Menu Widget module is convenient because you can make an adaptive menu that will follow the user, and it can be arbitrary (from the list of the main portal headings to the list of links to the social networking groups). The tool involves setting up different CSS styles - in the arsenal there are 12 ready-made design options and the ability to change them yourself. The output of the menu is also configured, as is its position (vertical, dynamic, static, etc.).

Fading Menu Plugin.

Most of the plug-ins listed in the review are free. But Fading Menu Plugin is a paid tool, and it deserves that for its use paid. You can add an arbitrary menu to the site that will be fixed on top of the page. At first glance it seems that this is a small function. But in fact it turns out that fixing the menu in the top position can significantly reduce the number of "failures" (one of the parameters of user behavior), and this is positively affecting your position in the search engine.

Setting up Fading Menu Plugin is not particularly difficult - the output and content of the menu can be configured in the standard WordPress panel. In the process of configuration you will have a choice: add widgets in the top panel or below. It is recommended to add on top - in this part of the site users usually show greater activity. Do not forget to also configure style parameters. It is important not to make the plugin bright and oversaturated, but to successfully combine it with the current template of the WordPress of your site. If there is time and ability, you can add your own icons for the menu. And be sure to enter the category module sections in which new entries will occur periodically - Fading Menu Plugin allows you to display new notifications in the menu cap.


Supports the vertical and menu in a horizontal position. Suitable for creating a menu from scratch and to adjust the already existing. The plugin contains many different settings that are easily adjusted in the WordPress panel. The output of the menu is available in one of 20 styles. The vertical menu can be placed on any side of the page, and horizontal - from below or from above. Ubermenu Adaptive and works on all popular browsers equally well.


Whatever an arbitrary addition from the proposed list you have chosen, remember that whether it is a vertical, horizontal or pop-up menu, it must be successfully combined with the other elements of the site!

JQuery Vertical Mega Menu Widget - Free plugin designed to create a vertical drop-down menu in the sidebar. The plugin is intended for WordPress in general, but is clearly sharpened for e-commerce and can be used not only with WooCommerce, and with other plagne for Internet commerce.

I have met several different plugins to create a different kind of structured, drop-down menus in the sidbar, but this plugin is allocated. Most of them automatically create a menu based on blog entries and categories based on the date and month. Conveniently, if you just have a blog.
The same plugin allows you to create absolutely any menus on the basis of pages, goods, categories, labels - anything! This is exactly what it is necessary for the catalog of goods, although it will have to tinker a little - items are added manually.
After downloading, installing and activating the plugin, the first thing to do is to create the necessary menu that will be displayed by plugin. In the site settings, we go to the "Appearance" tab -\u003e "Menu" and create a new one - well, let's say "MENU2". Further fill it as we want, make nested items. You can experiment and then, first of all, the main thing is to create at least something. Each item is done manually reference. That is, if you insert the directory page in the menu, the link to the directory will work, but the positions from the directory in the menu are not automatically touched. For the greatest effect, it is recommended to make three-level menu items, then the plugin will show most of themselves.

When the menu is created, you need to make sure that the plugin starts to display it. We go to the "appearance" -\u003e "Widgets", find there a new widget "Jquery Vertical Mega Menu" and put it in the right place on the sidbar. Here you can rummage a bit in the settings, although the main thing is now to choose our previously created menu2 menu and click "Save". The menu is created, you can view it on the site!

To fully disclose the potential of the menu on WordPress, try a few available plugins. The choice is quite wide, because the plugins allow you to expand the capabilities of the menu in the most different way, for example, and the mega-menu, and the adaptive menu, and the menu buttons, etc. Below is a list of 8 best, in my opinion, plug-ins for the WordPress menu.

1. Adaptive menu

If there is no adaptive menu on your site, then the RESPONSIVE MENU plug-in is a good choice for each self-respecting site owner. The extension provides the ability to use many settings and has a paid and free versions. The free option Responsive Menu allows you to change a lot: color, font, kettle, background images, implemented the ability to deactivate menu items or change their order, change the location of the menu on the page (left, right, top or bottom), etc.

2. Max Mega Menu

Convenience of navigation and use on sites where the menu consists of dozens or hundreds of categories and elements can be improved using a mega-menu. The mega-menu allows you to place all the necessary items and do not complicate the user interface. One of the best plug-ins to create a mega-menu - Max Mega Menu. Adaptive menu created using it can be used on touch and Retina devices.

The Max Mega Menu extension uses Drag-and-Drop. You can simultaneously open multiple instances of the plug-in and set up a lot of visual effects in the menu, for example, which appear when you hover. It can be done so that when you hover or press the mouse, the submenu appeared so that the image smoothly appeared and disappear, so that when navigating the submenu above or on the side, add icons. All this is available in the free version, and in the paid - even more.

Hello friends! Happy to see you on the pages of my blog. This article entirely and completely dedicate the WordPress menu. I will try to highlight this topic from all sides: I will consider the most interesting plugins for the WordPress menu, I will devote several lines to create an upper menu, I will talk about the standard features of WP. In order for the material described in this article, it is obliged to read the post about it before reading it.

Standard ways to create and output menu in WordPress:

  1. If the topic supports WordPress 3 Menu System, then the upper Menu can be created via the "Appearance" section - "Menu", otherwise it is formed automatically from published pages.
  2. Create a menu containing active blog rubrics, you can use the "Categories" widget.
  3. The menu with links to the blog pages is output with the "Page" widget. Personally, I never used this widget, because the WP page is used to display technical information (about yourself, site map, feedback, and so on). The best place for them is in a blog header in a horizontal form. So accepted.
  4. The arbitrary menu is created in the "Appearance" section - "Menu", a widget is used for the blog output.
  5. Use optional WordPress plugins.

If 2 and 3 points are obvious, and just add the appropriate widgets enough, the rest may seem confusing, so I will consider them more.

Standard WordPress features

Go to the "Appearance" section - "Menu", click on the "+" button and enter the title.

Now it is necessary to add it points:

Pages - Select the desired pages and click "Add to Menu".

It is possible to create a hierarchy, just dragging them to each other. As this hierarchy will be displayed on the blog - depends on the topic used.

Do not forget to maintain changes made.

In the topics that the WordPress 3 Menu System is supported by the same option "Theme Area" - this is a place in which is specifically assigned to the menu. Most often it is intended to display the upper horizontal blog menu, which is often called the "main". In this case, it is enough to set the "topic of the topic", and it will automatically appear on the site.

Otherwise, the "Arbitrary Menu" widget is used. Go to the section "Appearance" - "Widgets", find this widget in the overall list and drag it to the TestaBar (side column). After that, the settings will appear in which you need to select the previously created menu.

Save the settings and admire your creation.

Top menu WordPress - how to edit and remove

In many topics, the upper Menu is formed automatically from published pages, which are mainly used for general information - "On the blog", "Useful information", "Sitemap" and so on. To do this, the following code is used in the header.php file:

> >

In my topic, it is duplicated at the bottom of the page, so the same code was in the Footer.php template.

What is it uncomfortable:

  • It is formed dynamically from all created and published pages, you want or not. Sometimes some pages need to be left unnoticed.
  • In some topics under the top menu, very little space is allocated, so only the first 3-4 points are displayed in it, and the rest are hidden under the adjacent layer (whether it is a content area or logo). It looks very ugly, and search engines may consider this intentional concealment of links from visitors.

Fix these shortcomings are easy enough - you just need to remove the code that I led to above and write the following design:

For people who know HTML, it will not be difficult for those who know that I will explain. The lines will differ only in two parameters.