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Firmware router DD TRG How to increase speed. Ideal router settings: Install alternative DD-WRT firmware

How tired permanent communication breaks! And settings, settings ... Why are they knocked down?! That one does not work, then another ... no, this router is exactly the landfill!

Stop. Do not hurry. The main mass of problems in the operation of routers is associated with the firmware. And if the manufacturer is not in a hurry to correct its flaws, give up its services. Alternative firmware for the DD-WRT router will also turn into a modest and inexpensive device in a full-fledged server with an operating system on the Linux kernel. She will forever eliminate communication problems and will give you what they usually buy for considerable money.

DD-WRT capabilities

Someone probably thought: "Why do I need some server, it's hard, I want something easier, yes to set up quickly." I dare to assure that anxiety is in vain. The DD-WRT firmware supports Russian and is not more difficult than the bulk of the firmware of modern routers, although at first it may seem confusing. What, however, is not surprising, because it is very, very rich in features.

Here is a brief list of its capabilities and advantages (full is available on the official website):

  • Increasing the coating zone with wireless bond (in comparison with the native firmware of most routers).
  • Connecting to the Internet of any devices (computers, mobile gadgets, TV and other things, including morally outdated devices).
  • Support for installing custom application packages to the built-in memory (JFFS2), on MMC / SD cards and USB drives.
  • Support user scripts.
  • Built-in multimedia and file server.
  • AFTERBURNER communication speed increase technology.
  • Optimization of bandwidth.
  • OpenVPN server and client.
  • Server and PPTP client (VPN)
  • UPNP.
  • IPTV - Internet TV.
  • DDNS - Dynamic DNS on various services (Dyndns, No-IP, EasyDNS and others).
  • DMZ - a demilitarized zone.
  • VLAN - Virtual Local Area Networks.
  • NTOP - a visual network traffic analyzer.
  • Wake ON LAN - the technology of remote power on the PC.
  • SAMBA server and client - sharing files and printers from under various operating systems.
  • FTP and HTTP servers.
  • Cron task scheduler.
  • DNS FORWARDER - forwarding requests for the DNS server by selecting a user.
  • Clients Isolation is the insulation mode of client devices connected to the access point, from interaction.
  • Limiting access to selected sites and blocking advertising.
  • Reliable web traffic encryption.
  • Access to Telnet and SSH.
  • Detailed statistics on the use of communication channels (local network and Internet) and router equipment.

Loading and installation

Before downloading and installing a DD-WRT, make sure your router is in the list supported. Pay attention to the recommendations on the choice of the distribution, depending on the volume of the device's flash memory (listed under the list) and other parameters.

In addition to the DD-WRT distribution and the router, you will need a computer based on Windows or Linux, patch cord (cut-off twisted pair) and an agreement with the Internet service provider.

The order of installation of alternative firmware is not much different from the usual, but for some brands and routers models, it has a number of features. A description of the installation steps for individual representatives of ASUS, D-Link, TP-Link and Linksys is given in this section of the official website. For others - in tables from the list of supported devices, as for example below:

General procedure for installing DD-WRT:

  • Download the Computer version of the alternative firmware from the developer site or FTP server.
  • Connect the router to the computer using Patch Cord. Disconnect protective programs on PC (antivirus and firewall).
  • Before the beginning firmware installations as well after it Make a hardware reset of the router. Developers are recommended method 30/30/30: Press the RESET button on the device and hold it half a minute. Next, not releasing the button, turn off the power of the machine and hold the RESET for another 30 seconds. Release the button, turn on the power, wait until the machine is determined by the computer or on its panel will light up any of the indicators. Press RESET again and hold 30 seconds.
  • Go to the usual way to the admin panel of the router, open the firmware update section, select the DD-WRT file on the computer ( factory-to-ddwrt.bin) and press " Refresh».

After repeated reset on the 30/30/30 method, you can switch to the settings of the new operating system of your router.

Pay attention to the interfaces of different assemblies of DD-WRT have some differences, but they are not so significant so that you can confuse something.


Entrance to the admin, changing login, password and interface language

To access the DD-WRT admin panel, take to the address bar of the browser IP address and press the transition button. If everything is done correctly, the page will open. Router.Management" Use to log in to the login of the built-in administrator account - " root"And password -" admin." Later it is extremely desirable to replace them with more complex.

The second point you will fall on the page " System.Information"Where the main characteristics of the device and some settings are displayed - the use of memory, Wi-Fi access point parameters, main services, and so on.

To change the interface language from English into Russian, go to the section " Administration»On the tab" Management"And from the list of languages" Language Selection»Select" Russian." To save, click " Save.».

By the way, on the same tab - in the section " Router Password."There are settings for changing the login and password to enter the admin panel. Keep in mind if you did not change them immediately.

Internet and Wi-Fi Access Point

Now let's go to the main - configuration of the Internet. Often, this is enough to connect a provider cable to the router, but it happens that it does not work. Then you have to drive manually settings. Do not be scared, it just takes no more than 3 minutes.

The parameters of the connection to the network of your provider must be found in advance and print or save to the file. Before you have them in the router, you will not have access to the global network.

Open in the DD-WRT section " Setup.» – « Basic.setup.» – « WAN.setup."(Basic settings - WAN settings) and fill it with data obtained from the provider. If you do everything according to the rules, you will have access to the Internet.

If your provider uses the connection of the VPN PPTP, L2TP or PPPoE type, you have to make a few more additional settings. When connected via PPTP and L2TP, go to the " Services.»On the tab" VPN."And set the following values \u200b\u200b(shown on the PPTP example):

  • PPTP Client Options - Enable.
  • Server IP OP DNS Client - to register the address received from the provider.
  • MPPE Encryption - Clear Field.
  • User Name - Specify the username from the contract with the provider.
  • Password - specify a password from the contract with the provider.

Leave the rest by default.

When you connect the PPPOE type on the same tab, you need to disable PPTP Client Options, that is, assign it a Disable value. And on the tab " Setup.» – « Basic.setup.» – « Networksetup.»Remove flags near items" UseDNSMASQ.forDHCP."And" UseDNSMASQ.forDNS." The rest - according to the instructions of the provider and default.

After the Internet earned on the router, you can go to setting the Wi-Fi access point. DD WRT makes it possible to create insulated wireless connections for different customers, for example, for hosts and guests, adults and children, computers and devices of the smart home, etc.

Wireless network settings are located in the section " Wireless." By the way, at the time of installation of the firmware, the access point, named, "DD-WRT" has already been created and running. However, it is open to all winds and unborn guests because it does not use password protection and encryption.

The main parameters of the wireless network are set on the " Basic.setup." Here you need to set the following:

  • Wireless Mode - AP (Access Point).
  • Wireless Network Mode is optimally Mixed (all supported IEEE11 standards) so that new, and old devices operating according to IEEE 802.11a / b / g standards can be connected.
  • Channel Width (channel width) - depending on the support of your router. With this setting, you can experiment.
  • Wireless Channel - You can also experiment or immediately choose the most free.
  • Wireless Network Name (SSID) - Access point name. You can anyone.
  • Wireless SSID Broadcast (Broadcast Access Point Name) - If you wish, you can turn off.

Leave the rest by default. Save the changes and go to the "».

  • Security Mode - optimally WPA2, but if old devices are connected to the network, for example, a Windows XP PC, select WEP.
  • WPA Algorithms (encryption algorithm) is optimally AES.
  • WPA Shared Key - password for connecting to access point. Any.

Some additional features

Well, with the main one is finished. To consider all other features of the miracle firmware, unfortunately, will not come out, because their huge amount. If you wish, this information can be found on the official website and DD WRT forums. And we will limit ourselves to several functions that can be useful in the home network. So…

Lock advertising on sites

  • Set the parameters " Transparenter.Mode."And" Privoxy.»Enable value.
  • If you want on some sites advertising displayed, enter them in the field below (White List).

Setup comes into effect immediately after saving.

IPTV and Multicast.

  • Go to section " Security"And set the parameter" SPIFirewall»DISABLE value (disabled).
  • Open the " Administration»Go to the" Commands." Enter or copy the next set of commands in the field. Click " Save Startup.».

  • Restart the router.

USB, NAS Server, Samba

To enable USB support, open the " Services.» – « USBSupport" Set Enable to the following parameters:

  • Core USB Support.
  • USB Printer Support (if you use a USB printer).
  • USB Storage Support.
  • Automatic Drive Mount (Connect USB devices automatically).

You can leave the rest by default.

To access USB drives connected to the router, from computers, TV, mobile gadgets, etc. Open in the same section of the tab " NAS."And activate the parameter" Samba." In field " ServerString»Enter" NAS.»Or another name of the router, which will be displayed in the network environment, and in" Workgroup", Respectively, the name of the working group.

After that, the USB drive will be displayed on your devices as a network drive.

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DD WRT is a firmware for routers created on the basis of UNIX. It is used for models operating on the Broadcom, ATHEROS, XSCALE and PowerPC processors, and expands their standard functionality. An experienced user who needs to create and configure the local network is almost always lacking the usual router settings for implementing all tasks, because this firmware is perfectly suitable for those who need the necessary fine configuration of the functions and the parameters of the home network.

Installing the firmware allows you to expand the capabilities of the router

In addition to the usual settings offered by the official software of the router, DD WRT provides the following functionality:

  • access on Telnet and SSH;
  • configure CRON task scheduler;
  • remote launch (wake-on-lan);
  • sAMBA setting;
  • virtual points Wi-Fi;
  • PPTP, VPN - server and client;
  • other options for flexible adjusting router.

The order setting the router with DD-WRT

To open the router settings page, stitched by DD WRT, you need to configure the automatic assignment of IP and other values \u200b\u200bon the PC network adapter from which you will configure. Then you need to go to the adjustment of the IP router, initially specified in the instruction. Here the system will prompt you to change the admin login and password to more reliable. Come up with new data for login, enter and remember them - they will mostly use them again when working with other functions of the router.

If you wish, you can change the user interface language. We give further instructions on the example of Russian. On the "Administration" page - "Management" you need to find the item "Enable Info Site" and put a Disabled label. Here in the Language Selection item to select Russian. Press Save.

After that, the configuration begins directly.

Static IP.

  1. On the Installation tab, the "Basic Settings" tab select "Connection Type" - Static IP.
  2. Make IP and other data provided by the service provider.
  3. Remove the items in the "Using DNSMASQ for DHCP" and "... for DNS". Save parameters.
  4. Go to the "Services" tab, disable "DNSMASQ". Save parameters.


  1. Go to the Installation page - "Routes".
  2. Assign the name and number of the route (yours for each of the created subnets).
  3. "Destination Network" - (or your subsnet range).
  4. "Subnet mask" -
  5. Gateway - IP gateway issued by the provider.
  6. "Interface" - WAN.
  7. Save entered values, repeat the steps to create the next route.

Connection via VPN (PPTP)

  1. Open the "Services" tab - "PPTP".
  2. Enable "PPTP Client Options".
  3. "IP or DNS server name" is to enter a digital or alphabetic address.
  4. "MPPE encryption" is empty.
  5. User name and password from the contract.
  6. Save.

PPPOE connection

In DD WRT there are some difficulties with the implementation of the PPPoE protocol, so you need to register some parameters manually:

  1. On the "Services" tab - "PPTP" disable "PPTP client options".
  2. On the Installation tab - "Main Settings" Select the type of PPPOE connection.
  3. Login password to take from the contract.
  4. "Service Name" -
  5. "Static DNS1" -
  6. Remove the marks opposite "DNSMASQ for DHCP" and "DNSMASQ for DNS".
  7. Save.

To the external and local router network under DD WRT work correctly simultaneously, you must configure PPPOE Dual Access. This is done in the form of text commands:

  1. Go to the page "Tech. Service »-" Teams ".
  2. In the Enter text box (VLAN2 - the name of the interface allocated for LAN):

rOUTE ADD -NET NETMASK GW [gateway address]

Repeat for and

  1. In the Text field "Team" enter:



  1. After rebooting, the device is connected via PPPoE.

Wi-Fi network

Latest Barcode - Setting up Wi-Fi-Network:

  1. Tab "Wi-Fi" - "Basic Settings".
  2. Wireless Type - Access Point.

Wireless network mode is mixed.

Channel width - 20 MHz.

SSID is transmitted to the air - enable.

Network configuration - in the bridge.

  1. To assign a password to a Wi-Fi network, you need to go to the Security tab, select Security Mode - WPA Personal and enter a new key to the WPA Total Wrench.
  2. Save parameters and restart the router.


An experienced user who does not satisfy the standard functions of the router for convenient work of the home network, we suggest trying to work with routers that are stitched DD WRT. Wide functionality and correct configuration of this firmware will allow you to use the router functions much wider than with standard software. Try our step by step guide to configuring the DD WRT and share your result in the comments. There you can ask us questions on the topic of the article.

The choice of home router is usually coming down to the fact that you go to the store and buy what you recommend and preferably for a small price. Further go variations on the topic need WiFi or not, support for the printer, and perhaps everything. And here in my hands DLink DIR-320. Honestly, DIR-320 I needed to reflash to it in a completely different device. But before starting his experiments with him, I decided to test him so to speak in direct appointment.

The technical characteristics of DLink DIR-320 makes no sense to make it necessary to find them without difficulty.
I would like to stay on his interesting features and on the varieties of firmware for him with subsequent testing.
As you think you yourself understand, there are as official and not official.

Part One - Official

At the time of writing from the official site, the last firmware per room is downloaded: 1.21
Supported Protocols for Work with Providers: Static IP, DHCP, PPPOE, L2TP, PPTP.
This means that you can connect the DIR-320 almost any provider. And the most interesting is the support of the MPPE128 encryption protocol, but only for PPTP, to persuade the router to connect via L2TP using encryption with standard tools is not possible.
WiFi wireless standard WiFi - 802.11g with its 54 MBIT / C.
USB port for connecting the printer. For the sake of interest, I tried it with my MFP CANNON MP600 - printing occurs immediately and without any problems. Scanner did not check.
Now the subject is the subject of the issue.
What kind of real speed can DIR-320 provide? And that's what I did.

I think the organization of the table will be understandable to everyone. Now let's talk about the values.
LAT - LAN - 95 Mbps says that there is no internal restrictions in the 4-port switch.
LAN - WiFi - 27 Mbps at a distance of half a meter. Many will ask where the promised 54? There was no, no will not.
Understand there is a big difference between the theoretical peak and the fact that there is in fact, it concerns all devices with WiFi, and the DIR-320 in this regard is no exception.
Going around the apartment with a laptop, the speed did not fall below 20 Mbps, which is a very good result.
Connecting to a provider on the usual IP (without add-ons like PPTP or L2TP), gives excellent results and connecting even the fastest Internet tariffs with this scheme makes sense.
But PPTP, according to which the regional scale providers like to connect, the speed does not indulge at all - only 12 Mbps.
This suggests that if your tariff plan gives you the right to speed more than 10 Mbps, then you simply do not get access to the worldwide network at full speed. In fact, the router will not pass through itself more than 10 Mbps.
Speed \u200b\u200bdrops even more if you enable MPPE encryption, but usually the providers are not supported, and by the way it is very in vain!
L2TP looks somewhat better, so if your provider supports PPTP and L2TP connections, then you should give preference to the second protocol.
Now I will try to sum up the standard firmware and the device as a whole.
The functionality is truly rich, the organization of settings is quite simple, the wireless connection also works properly. Excellent device for your very little money.
If your provider only supports PPTP or L2TP connections,
And you want to push the spaces of the network at speeds more than 10Mbps, then you need a more serious router. In other cases, this is an excellent choice.

Part Two - Official But for some reason, forgotten Yota\u003e

Some time ago under the DIR-320 on the office. The site was the firmware version for the router with Yota. I was very surprised when I did not find her site ...
Guys from Dlink, from comments about Yota really refused, they say yes before it was, now there is no and will not. And in vain, very much you need a cheap router with the support of USB modem Yota. I do not know who and with whom I did not share there, but in general the company's policy is now such ...
True and not quite truth, I managed to get the latest version of the firmware which was on the DLink site "A (links at the end of the review).
So: Generic-2.0.130 with Support Yota.
Unfortunately, the USB modem Yota has not found, so I will limit the testing without it.

In general, the indicators are worse, and it is sad.
Only L2TP significantly added throughput. But MPPE encryption is not in general.
Yes, and a few words about the interface. Unlike the official firmware 1.21, where the interface looks very clear and focused on the user, this Web interface can scare with its inadanecy and confusing even experienced sysadmins.
Total if you do not need Support Yota, then you will remain advice on the official firmware 1.21.

Part Three - not official or DD-WRT

It does not work out for this abbreviation going to get a clear answer, I can't tell me in my own words.
DD-WRT is an alternative firmware Expanding functionality of a number of devices including DIR-320.
There are various types of its species that are slightly different in functional in them. For example, there are firmware allowing you to turn your DIR-320 into a VPN server, or make file storage from it. Those who wish can always experiment.
Returning to Yota, initially its support in DD-WRT is not!
You cannot easily flash the DD-WRT from the built-in Web interface, you need to act somewhat differently.
The network exists instructions on its firmware. I offer you my version, which in the lowest time will provide you with the result.

The first thing is swing the firmware file with entering the DIR-320 model name in the search string.
The choice will be offered several options for the jump. I chose the standard DD-WRT.V24_STD_GENERIC.BIN
We put it on for example in C: \\ DIR-320
In the same directory, create a Flash.bat file of the following content:

@Echo off
: Begin.
Ping -N 1 -W 10
IF Errorlevel 1 Goto Begin
If Errorlevel 0 Goto Flash
Goto End.

: Flash.
Echo *** Start Flashing ****

You will not delve into details, just it is necessary, and everything :) Oh yes, if you do not have TFTP in Windows components, install it, the instructions on the network is full.
In order for everything to go successfully, we do exactly as I wrote.
Network card We assign 2 addresses and MASK We connect our network card with a cable directly to LAN 1 DIR-320 port, everything else from the router for the firmware time must be disabled.

Further on points:

2. Run Flash.Bat file on behalf of the administrator
3. Click RESET on the router
4. Turn on the power, while on the router all the bulbs should light up
5. We are waiting for them to go out and will remain burning only LAN1, we still wait even exactly 4 seconds and only then let go of the RESET.

The LAN1 indicator should be intensely freeze for 2-3 seconds that it will indicate that the fill went.
Somewhere in 2-3 minutes you can knock at a new address where you will be asked to set the username and password of the administrator. Oh yeah I almost forgot to say, you just lost guarantees :)

Thus, it will not tell about the functionality in detail, who may be interested to see for themselves, I will only say that he became richer, but what is the price?

Surprised? I honestly say too. Not only that the router began to work slower in all indicators, so in addition, he refused to connect to PPTP!
After, so to speak, on the personal experience, I tried DD-WRT, I personally do not understand all the laudatory reviews about flashing DIR-320 in DD-WRT. Personally, I just don't need this whole functionality in such a drop in the bandwidth in all indicators.

Part of the fourth - back or return everything as it was

It did not work with a similar firmware in the same way. Here it is necessary to act somewhat differently.
Further on points.

1. The router must be turned off.
2. Perform the ARP -D command
3. Run Ping -t
4. Click RESET on the router
5. Turn on the power, while all the light bulbs should light up on the router
6. We are waiting for them to go out and will only burn LAN1, wait even exactly 4 seconds and only then let go of the reset.
7. Go through the browser to a simplified Web interface where you select a file with the official firmware.

After a couple of minutes, the firmware will be completed.
In the same way, you can resurrect to live many other DLink products. It is important to start ping -t. For not understandable reasons, if this is not done, the initial bootloader simply flies, and the device will either reset its settings or continue the usual load depending on how much patience you will keep RESET.

If you need just a good home router boldly stay on the official firmware and do not invent. If you need Support Yota, it makes sense or try the office. Firmware with Yota, or generally select another device, since DLink has stopped all support for the combination of DIR-320 and YOTA, which is extremely sad.
Masoi ... In the sense of enthusiasts, you can try third-party firmware like DD-WRT, I also, after testing, the use of DD-WR for ordinary goals is much more harmful than useful.


Preparation for configuring a router.

Turn on the router to the power supply. Connect the cable from the entrance to the WAN connector (Internet).
Connect the router with a computer short cable that comes with a router.
Set one connector to the computer's network card, the other to one of the LAN ports of the router.

For Windows XP:

Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e (Network and Internet Connection) -\u003e Network
connections-\u003e Local Main Connection -\u003e Properties -\u003e TCP / IP Internet Protocol.
Set the point "Get an IP address automatically" -\u003e

Some people mistakenly believe that since you do not have the authority on incoming traffic queues in the routers on the Internet, you cannot do it to improve your behavior.

  • You really need to fill it before the start of the firewall.
  • The first rule that corresponds is set by the class.

The following recommendations suggest that you have some traffic that is critical and cannot tolerate the backlog, for example, online games, and at the same time some other traffic that saturates your outgoing channel and adversely affects critical traffic. For example, every time one user loads the file, another user experiences an unacceptable backlog in the online game.

For Windows 7:

Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e (Network and Internet) -\u003e Network Management Center and Common Access
-\u003e Change Adapter Settings -\u003e Local Network Connection -\u003e Properties
-\u003e Internet protocol TCP / IPv4.
Install the point "Get an IP address automatically" -\u003e OK, in the previous window just as OK.

Activate "Reset class when changing settings", as this will help you check the impact of changes in your settings. It does not affect if you do not change any settings, therefore it can usually be enabled. "The default class" is the one in which all connections that do not fall into any of your rules. Use the parameter requiring the minimum number of rules. If you do not know, try "medium".

Thus, all that specifically is not specified by the rule by bypasses the rules and ends with the default class. If the setting is too large, you will see too much unacceptably long turning periods. You may have to set it by 33% by achievable maximum data transfer rate to achieve evenly low ping time. The left figure determines the guaranteed bandwidth, which is distributed fairly to all connections in the class. If 10 digits in the left column make up more than 100%, the router is still working well, but it is difficult to predict the bandwidth distribution, so this is not recommended. On the other hand, you can get numbers less than 100% without any problems if you want to guarantee only low bandwidth. Do not worry, the router will still allocate the rest of the bandwidth. The router determines the bandwidth for each class as follows. The router determines which part of the selected bandwidth is used on each channel, and the remaining retained bandwidth is determined from it. The router again determines how many bandwidth is actually used in the "Higher" class and how much is not used. All lower classes for which there was no additional bandwidth, save only their guaranteed bandwidth. The router regularly, after a short period of time, repeats this procedure and redesses the bandwidth in accordance with the changing requirements. If you do not know what guaranteed bandwidth must be installed, simply distribute the 100% equal to 100%. Often using all classes, you can provide more about what is happening through circular charts and details. Under no circumstances, connections in this class do not provide more data bandwidth. If you have no reason to absolutely regulate certain classes, leave this setting to 100% for all classes.

  • Each channel highlights a guaranteed bandwidth.
  • The correct digit is an absolute bandwidth limit.
The value of maximum bandwidth was not a common limit.

To enter the router settings in the Internet Explorer address bar (Internet Explorer,
Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Google Chrome), Enter the address And press ENTER.

(Other options are possible, so it will not be superfluous to see the local network connection settings, or in the command prompt, enter IPCONFIG / ALL)

It was just a digit used to calculate the percentage fractions of the class. There were separate restrictions on separate classes. You must carefully use them to prevent an incoming link overload. Keep in mind that, since the general limit is absent, the sum of individual limits of the class may exceed 100%, which causes overload.

Therefore, it is often necessary to install incoming limits to a lower value than I would like, making a compromise in bandwidth for low latency and better stability. The initial "reserved" bandwidth bandwidth and the maximum class bandwidth are complied. Individual class restrictions are now applied correctly. This firmware also has the ability to use your own names for individual classes.

If everything is done correctly, the router settings will open.

Select Setup, and now you will need a username and password from the router. Standard Data: Username - rootand password - admin.

Network connections configuration

Failure to comply with this requirement often leads to unstable behavior and instability. If you save the bandwidth history, do not forget to backup data from the data elsewhere! The firmware of the original equipment is so soft and functional that it cannot fully use the equipment of the router.

Convenient alternative to flashing its own router

Before you start, pay attention to two things. Secondly, simply because you want to configure the firmware, it does not mean that you need to install it personally; The process can be made for you as we will discuss further.

Alternatively, familiarize yourself with our software recommendations. You may think that buying a flashing router is useless because you still need to configure the router for your home environment.

Small Description:

Connect On Demand: Max IDle TimeYou can configure the router so that it disabling the Internet connection after a certain period of inactivity (Max ID Time). If your Internet connection was interrupted as a result of downtime in work, Connect on Demand. Allows the router to automatically restore your connection as soon as you try to go online again. To use this option, select Connect on Demand.. In field Max IDle Time. Enter the desired number of minutes after which your Internet connection will be interrupted. Default time period - 5 minutes.

Prerequisites for the update process

In addition, the service will pre-configure wireless routers, which will make them ready for use directly from the box.

  • The intermediate router is worth more.
  • Takes time for a router.
  • Additional costs and services can be applied.
Naturally, as in the case of any other project, people who want to run their router will have to collect the necessary resources before work.

Activation of the Boot Wait parameter to protect the device damage

However, these are common steps and may differ slightly from different models of routers. If you look at the rear panel of the router, a small reset button will appear.

This reset button is tiny to prevent it randomly pressing, so you will need a clip or pencil to remove it.

KEEP ALIVE (recommended): Redial Period,if you select this option, the router will periodically check your internet connection. If the connection has stopped, the router will automatically restore your connection. To use this option, select Keep Alive. In the Redial Period field, specify how often the router must check the Internet connection. Default time interval - 30 seconds.

Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Then by pressing the reset button, turn off the router power and wait another 30 seconds. Finally, holding the reset button, turn on the router power again and wait another 30 seconds. You must save the reset button pressed for the entire time or execute the reset procedure.

Login to the web interface

If the administration page is not loaded properly, try another browser.

It is extremely important that the setup procedure does not interrupt the process when the router is blinking. This can lead to a "brick" router, which makes it useless. The interruption of the installation process can lead to the impossibility of downloading a new firmware or reset to factory default settings!

After that, if desired, you can clone the MAC address.

and enable UPNP.

Go to Wi Fi settings. Wireless - Basic Setting.

Wireless Network Name - Specify the name convenient for you.

Disconnect the router power. Keep in mind that each router has a different setup interface. Nevertheless, the configuration parameters for flashing the router are almost always contained in the "Administration" section. If the firmware update option is hard to find, refer to the router manual to which you can access the Internet.

Setting up Wi-Fi connection in Linksys WRT54GL with DD-WRT firmware

During the installation process on the router, indicators are usually blinking. Remember that one should not accidentally disconnect the router or interrupt its installation procedure, otherwise it can just bite dust. Upon completion, a pop-up window should appear indicating success. Before continuing, wait about 5 minutes.

The remaining data is like in the picture. Wireless - Wireless Security.

Security Mode -choose a type of encryption, WPA2 Personal is recommended.

WPASHAREDKEY -network key (password) from your Wi-Fi network

Configuring the router is complete.

So, how to increase the range of your network? Of course, with the help of DD-WRT and WDS 🙂

Firmware update in the Linksys WRT54GL router

Waiting is a precautionary measure that helps prevent the wrong situations of the user intervention. The most important thing is that you need to keep in mind - do not interrupt the update process. However, the blinking of your router is just the beginning. After upgrading, you can disable the full potential of the router and it is better to use its equipment with additional features and functionality.

Configure the second router as an access point

Subscribe to our newsletter to learn about new issues and many other things. Could you fix it, or did you give up and drove your router? Therefore, if your main router is 1, you will make this access point.

Monitoring and registration of your network activity

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