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Types of printers and their functions. Distinguish the types of inkjet printers for their intended purpose

Working with information involves the use of various types of carriers. In the modern world, most of the operations with text and graphical data are made in the computer, but this approach does not cancel the possibility of transforming digital materials in the form suitable for physical circulation. In other words, any information from the computer can be transferred to a solid carrier. The most common tool for performing this operation is the printer. This is a high-tech device, which can be considered as one of the components of the outer periphery of the PC. The main purpose of the printer is to transfer digital information on paper or a special polymer film. But these functions are not limited.

Appointment and main printer tasks

There are rarely models on the modern market that perform the printer's function as a printing agent. As a rule, these are multifunctional devices, also implementing the operations of the copier, scanner and telefax. Another thing is that the main and additional functionality is optimized by computer equipment and is less reminded by traditional machinery execution technology. So what does the printer do? Even the user of the budget apparatus will be able to qualitatively print textual information, as well as transfer the image from a paper carrier into a digital view. Actually, this is the basic tasks for which this technique is focused.

Auxiliary option can be reduced to the possibilities of applying protective layers on paper (lamination), brochure (creating a binding), etc. At this stage of development, the printer with a scanner is improved rather not by increasing the functionality, but in the characteristics of the print qualities. However, the developers give models and new features, from the point of view of the management of the management process. Thus, wireless technology is being implemented between the printer and the computer, automatic control modules and other innovative developments.

Printer device

In the standard version, the printer is a small plastic block, inside which contains a snap-in for printing. Physically, the process of work is provided by the ink pump, the drive mechanism and fixing elements. It has its own features a device in which the LED tape is also provided. Such models operate on the principle of photocopier printing. A special place in the design of laser apparatuses occupies a photored. This is an aluminum cylinder whose surface is characterized by increased photosensitivity. Depending on the lighting, this unit can change the electrical resistance - on this and the ability to transfer the image in one form or another due to the laser exposure.

A separate place also takes the transfer tape and the manifestation unit. In the first case, the ribbon element serves to apply intermediate images from different drums associated with paint cartridges. Bypassing this technological stage, the toner transmission mechanisms will qualitatively tolerate information and on paper. In addition, the laser printer device is characterized by a more technological implementation of the printhead provided by hundreds of active nozzles. These are no longer linear elements for supplying paint, but high-precision tools for dispersion of ink droplets.

Varieties of printer

There is more than a dozen varieties of printers, characterized in both the design, and on the principle of operation. However, inkjet, matrix and the aforementioned laser models were the greatest spread. These types of printers and their purpose are largely connected and similar. Developers of different devices pursue the same goals - obtaining high print quality at minimal costs and with optimal speed. The basic classification can be called a matrix printer. At home, it is almost not used, but it was the platform for such models gave impetus for the further development of the segment. The result of technological promotion was the appearance of an inkjet printer. This unit is characterized by a high speed of work, the possibility of ink and affordable price. But, with large volumes, such a device is coping with the best way - in any case, its operation for such needs will be expensive in terms of costs for consumables.

The laser printer can be an optimal solution in different aspects of application. The advantages of such an apparatus include high speed, economy in consumption consumption and stable maintenance of print quality. However, which is caused by the impact effect of needle elements, is even more economical. By the way, it is 24 needle matrix, and non-laser printers are more often involved in working with official documents. But, again, for home use it is more expedient to choose laser models.

Principle of operation of equipment

Now it is worth reading the principles of work of printers. Most modern devices work at the expense of image transfer technologies by photosensitive elements. It can be directly laser models, and LED. They have a lot in common, but the working part is formed in one case with a laser, and in the other - LEDs. In both devices, different approaches to the transfer of toner can be applied. For example, a printer with a scanner is distributed, which implements a two-component manifestation system. In this case, the ink particles intended for moving into the photo are not held on a magnetic shaft of the developing block alone, and adheres to the magnetic powder of the carrier developer. Another principle of work implies the initial mixing of the developer and paint particles. In non-magnetic models, applying is carried out and at all without the use of active additives - these are toners operating on the principles of electrostatics.

Gradually go to history, but, as already noted, in some areas there are still models working with needles sets. These are classic matrix apparatuses in operation due to electromagnets. The mechanical principle of operation of the matrix printer is based on the head function, which moves on a special carriage and controls the operation of the needles. The latter through the coloring ribbon by strikes form the image on the working surface.

Features 3D printers

Just a few years ago, the printer segment was supplemented with a fundamentally new development - a 3D device. His task is to create full-fledged bulk products, whose parameters are also set in the computer. Accordingly, the purpose of the printer of this type is significantly different. If traditional models and laser devices are focused on the transfer of textual and graphics information, as a rule, on a paper medium, then in this case you can talk about transferring a computer model to a real look.

In size, such models most often correspond to conventional printers, but their design is much more complicated. The main working component also performs a special head, which produces the layering of material. This is an extruder, which, unlike the same matrix with needles for printing, does not work with ink, but with plastics. Usually, the polymers applied to the nozzle work area form the target object. By the way, the industrial purpose of the printer is gradually mastered in the construction industry, which can erect small houses. A mortar is loaded into the feeding tooling, after which the device causes it in a special sequence to the building site.

What paper is used for printer?

One of the main characteristics of the paper consumable material for the printer is the size. The most common format represents Series A. In the International Standard, this lineup of sizes is recommended as a carrier for ordinary documentation. If paper for the printer used in printing production is required, then it is desirable to apply the B material material. For envelopes, C formats are more often used. The most common for home and office applications are A4 sheets.

The paper is also characterized by such qualities as density and brightness. As for the density, it is determined by a mass of one piece of sheet area. For example, an indicator of 80 g / m2 can be called optimal. Paper with less density The device may simply burn, and the sheets with a greater mass may not pass. If the print printer is used in working with important official documents, then consider the brightness of the paper. It is determined by the percentages - the highest quality is the snow-white paper with a brightness coefficient of 100%. But it is more expensive, so ordinary users more often turn to sheets with 80-90% in the brightness parameter.

Operation of printer

It is possible to work with the printer only under the condition of its reliable installation. The device should be located on a flat surface, while maintaining stability. It should be borne in mind that in the process of work, some models can vibrate strongly, so the stability of the base is very important. Directly controlling the device features is carried out using the panel on which the buttons are located. These can be traditional mechanical, and touch keys. As a rule, manufacturers indicate each button with a symbol corresponding to a particular operation. Equipment can also be used in the independent device mode, and in the format of the network component. In the second case, you need to know the address of the network printer, which is entered into the system. To do this, via the configuration parameters of the equipment to deliver the task of printing the characteristics. The paper sheet will also reflect the network address, and other important information about a specific device.

Equipment service

Checking the printer's working state is of great importance from the point of view of maintaining the optimal quality of its functions. Regardless of how the main purpose of the printer is, it is desirable not to leave it for a long time without work. At least once a week, the usual jet apparatus must print 1-2 pages. Otherwise, there is a risk of drying ink, which will lead to serious mechanical stuff problems. In addition, it is important to prevent all sorts of risks of corps pollution - especially dust, which can penetrate the responsible functional parts of the printer.

Most modern models are provided with automatic control systems and diagnostics of working equipment. Through the settings, the user can estimate the state of the nozzles, their cleanliness and readiness to work. If the quality and suitable paper for the printer is used, the operation will also be extended. A common error of the owners of the same inkjet models is the use of paper designed for laser vehicles. In such cases, the risk of clogging the working heads is also arising, which inevitably entails the need to repair.

Popular models of printers

In the inkjet segment, one of the best solutions today is a modification of PIXMA G1400 from Canon. The apparatus by the standards of the budget class is not the cheapest, but this nuance is compensated by the quality of the device. For 9 thousand rubles. You can count on a balanced paint supply system in continuous mode, as well as on decent characteristics of photo printing. Among the inexpensive laser models, the SP 150W device from Ricoh is allocated. The device is distinguished by compactness, optimized design and ergonomic supplements - for example, shelves for storing sheets. If you need a printout on the printer in the conditions of professional streaming, you can consider the Kyocera line. The company offers high-tech models specifically for productive work in the office. In particular, the FS-9530DN apparatus provides high-quality printing, allowing to significantly save on ink. True, this model is about 100 thousand.


Simplification of physical operations with printers is one of the main directions for the development of printing equipment. So, the means of interaction with the device and the user, and the computer are improved. In terms of technical filling, there is also an improvement in performance indicators - this also applies to the working resource, and to its effectiveness, but a fundamentally modern printer for printing does not change. It can be said that the introduction of laser and LED printing components has become the last and most successful stage in the development of similar techniques in recent years. Manufacturers are developing other ways to implement functional equipment, but the output is obtained, rather, experimental or highly specialized products that cannot compete with the same laser equipment in a wide market.

Printers have long become the main devices for printing documents, photographs, advertising posters and in general, which is associated with the application of the image on a flat surface. From the moment of the appearance of the first printer, more than 60s passed, during which time the world saw many models with various printing technologies and applications. And today we will tell about the main types of printers, let us touch the principles of their work, as well as a bit of a little light on the key advantages and disadvantages of each. Go.

Matrix printers

Let's start with matrix printers. The printing technology in them is quite simple - electromagnets lead to move the printhead, which is based on a matrix consisting of a needle. The head walks on the rows, and the needles beat on paper through a special painting ribbon. As a result, an imprint remains on the surface. The greater the needles in the matrix - the better the final picture. The first created and accessible to the mass consumer printers were exactly matrix.

Matrix printers have many shortcomings that relate these units rather with writing machines than with modern printing devices. This is not the most impressive print speed, and its poor quality, and quite noisy work. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that this kind of printers is quickly outdated and was almost completely ousted by more than perfect models. However, in some way, the matrix printers are still applied. For example, when printing cash checks.

These printers have other non-obvious advantages. They are undemanding to the conditions and are equally well coped with different paper formats. In addition, documents printed on the matrix printer are much more difficult to fake.

Inkjet printers

One of the most common modern types of printer is inkjet. Their principle of operation is similar to the matrix: the picture is also built from the points, only instead of the needles beating on paper - head with liquid paint. Design options suggest that the print head can be located both in the device itself and be built into the cartridge with paints.

There are many models of inkjet printers that differ in the application area. Thus, advertising billboards are printed on widescreen jet printers, with the help of interior make stands and posters, and photopriberers are better printing photos on special paper. But most often there are office "junctions" for everyday printing on paper standard formats.

Inkjet printers printed only a little faster than matrix, but here's the image quality and color renditions are much higher than that of their obsolete fellow. This is especially noticeable if you use a paper with a special coating.

The results of the work of the inkjet printer are poorly worried about the mechanical impact and the influence of moisture. Due to its design and liquid ink, inkjet printers are quite capricious. We have to use them regularly so that the paint does not dry on the head. Despite not the greatest cost of the most inkjet printers, you can't call them economically, because the paint is spent quickly, and the cartridges come into disrepair over time.

Although the problem with the replacement of cartridges solve devices with a continuous ink supply system or simply SRSH. With it, paint is fed through special tubes in automatic mode. You just buy paint and topping it in the container. This not only saves money, but also affects the quality of the print for the better.

Laser printers

Another very popular variety of printers is laser. The principle of operation of the laser printer comes down to the phototrabane capable of delaying the electrical charge on its surface for each individual point, and the laser beam, which moves through this drum. Meeting with points on the surface, the beam removes the charge with them. Coloring occurs through powder paint - toner - which falls on the drum and attracts only to charged points. From the toner dots, the final image is obtained, which subsequently falls on paper, where literally fit into it under the influence of high temperatures and pressure.

Laser printers are characterized by high print speed - this is one of their main advantages. Even the simplest models can easily issue about 20 printed pages per minute. The quality of the print itself is high, the toner fits well on paper, is not lubricated by friction and is quite resistant to moisture. Laser printers are well printed on paper of any quality.

Unfortunately, these devices have one serious drawback - they are expensive. Although the laser printer maintenance will most likely cost you cheaper inkjet. In laser printers there are small problems with color reproduction, but this is not a critical drawback, if we are not talking about printing large, bright and photorealistic images.

LED printers

LED printers have become a kind of branch of the laser line. The same technology is based on the same technology, and all differences are reduced to various light sources. One single beam of laser printers in LED replaces a whole battery of LEDs. Move them, unlike the laser beam, do not need completely - for each point on one line, its LED responds.

And now about the advantages and disadvantages. It is obvious that the smaller the mechanics in the device, the lower the probability of its breakdown and the less its dimensions. The print speed of the LED printer is also higher - the minimum indicators make up about forty printed pages per minute. Due to the lack of edge distortion, peculiar to some laser printers, the quality of the printing of LEDs is also on average above.It is easy to guess that it will cost the purchase of a LED printer is quite expensive, in which their key deficiency is expressed.

Other types of printers

We listed the most common types of printers, but others exist. They use other printing technologies that were either not widespread and over time came out of use, or used in separate, very narrow areas of activity. Tell brief about some of them.

What types are there still? Surely you heard that printers are also divided into office and home. This is an exceptionally nominal difference. After all, it is not about the difference in printing technology, but only in its volumes. Home printers imply that they will not use them too often when office is designed for regular operation. In other words, printers belonging to the category of office are withstanding heavy loads and, as a rule, differ in high speed. But it does not mean at all that in offices never use printers from the home category. Just for organizing large print volumes, the use of such printers is not very profitable. Like expensive and fast models in the house where a dozen leaves are printed a couple of times a week.

On this, a small excursion to the world of printing devices is completed. As a result, it is possible to once again note that the most popular types of printers are laser and inkjet. Among them, there are models of different price categories for solving various tasks: black and white and colored, fast and not too, printing devices for photos or huge billboards. And it's not difficult to choose the desired model for your own needs among inkjet and laser.

The market offers a wide range of printing devices. Knowing what kind of printer types exist and what they differ, you can make the right choice. The device of each species has its advantages and disadvantages. After detail, having familiarized with the varieties of printers, you can choose the type that you are most suitable for home use or to solve the tasks in the office.

Manufacturers of equipment produce various models of peripheral printing devices, which may differ in technical characteristics, appearance, sizes, features of work. Depending on the technology used, it is based on the main types of printers:

  • matrix;
  • inkjet;
  • laser;
  • lED.

The varieties of printers can also be attributed to the MFP - a multifunctional device that performs several options. Each view has its own characteristics and characteristics, and also copes with various tasks. Before you go to the store for a new device, familiarize yourself more details with the types of printers and their characteristics.

These are the first printing devices, whose popularity peak was over 10 years ago. Now their place has been taken by more modern models, so the production of matrix devices is almost discontinued.

Principle of operation

The principle of action of matrix printers is largely similar to the printing machine. At the heart of the device, the matrix, which consists of a needle (usually 9, 18 or 24). Now only devices with a 24-needle matrix are available, which allows you to get the highest print quality. Between paper, which moves on the shaft, and the printing unit (matrix) is the coloring tape. When the needles hit it, the points from them are transferred to paper. In memory of the device stored print codes, letters and numbers.

Pros and cons

Such printers have the following advantages:

  • low price of the device;
  • simultaneous printing up to 3 copies (between the paper it is necessary to lay a copying tracker);
  • print on rolled paper;
  • low print cost of one sheet.

Matrix printers cannot provide high quality printing, besides, they are quite noisy. Printers of this type are an excellent option for enterprises, on which there are no conditions for more modern models or copies of documents are made in large volumes, but there are no high quality requirements. For home use, they are not suitable due to low print quality and noise.

Over the past decade, inkjet printers succeeded in great development progress. They allow you to get high quality color printing. Black and white models of such devices are no longer produced.

Principle of operation

Printing in jet printers occurs by spraying paint through very small nozzles. The image is made of small points. For printing, quick-drying paints of four colors are used:

  • Black (black);
  • Cyan (blue);
  • Magenta (purple);
  • Yellow (yellow).

In modern inkjet photoprinters, 6 colors are used, which allows you to increase the brightness and saturation of the colors. Features of printing technology from different manufacturers may have small differences.

Pros and cons

This type of printers is popular among users, because it has such advantages:

  • available device cost;
  • high quality color printing;
  • ability to print photos when using special photographic paper;
  • practically silent work;
  • efficiency in terms of energy consumption;
  • possibility of printing on paper, film and other materials.

The pluses also include the multifunctionality of some models, for example, typing photos from the camera without connecting to a computer.

The disadvantages include:

  • high prime cost;
  • slow print speed (if compared with laser models);
  • high maintenance cost (acquisition of cartridges with paint and special paper).

Inkjet devices are suitable for those who want to print photos and color of high quality. The low cost of models of this type is captivated by many users, but note that the cost of consumables will be large. If the device is rarely used for printing, then the paint can dry and the cartridge changes will be changed.

Nowadays, the printers in which the laser technology is used are most common, as they provide high print quality and differ in productivity. In most cases, printers of this type provide monochrome printing, but there are color models.

Principle of operation

The basis of the laser printer is based on a mobile drum, as in the copy. Print consists of several stages. First, the laser beam causes an image on a sheet of paper, which moves on the drum. After toner - powder from electrically charged particles, falls on the applied image and is fixed by sintering when passing through a preheated roller. The technology provides high-quality printing, which is not terrible water and sun rays.

Pros and cons

Many users stop their choice on laser printers for their advantages:

  • high performance;
  • low Print Cost;
  • high print speed;
  • high-quality printing, resistant to water and ultraviolet;
  • low noise.

The level of irradiation is minimal, therefore the device does not carry harm to human health. It can be used to print documents in large volumes.

The main disadvantage of such devices is a high price, compared with models on inkjet technology.

LED printers

A new generation of printers running on LED technology is still very high cost, so it may not be allowed to afford such a model.

Principle of operation

LED printing technology is largely similar to laser. The source of light in such devices is not a laser beam, but the LED tape. The use of this modern technology allows you to get high-quality printing.

Pros and cons

LED devices, like other types of printers, have their advantages and disadvantages. The main advantages are:

  • high print quality;
  • high speed;
  • silent work;
  • performance.

Due to the high cost, this technique is still inferior to other types of printers.

The multifunctional device (MFP) is used to print documents and photos, scanning and copying, receiving or sending faxes, as it combines the options of several peripheral devices at once.

Great for small offices with limited space, as well as home use. The combination of several peripheral devices in one saves useful space.

Principle of operation

An inkjet or laser technology can be used at the work of MFP, and models operating on LEDs appear on the market. Features of the device depends on the technology used.

Pros and cons

If you are interested in what kind of printer types are, with basic varieties you have read. According to many consumers, MFP is an excellent option for home use and small offices. It has such advantages:

  • combines several peripheral devices;
  • it is much cheaper compared to the acquisition of each device separately;
  • allows saving space;
  • it has a low cost of printing;
  • can print from two sides;
  • has high performance.

Depending on the model, some MFPs can be used to print documents and photos, at the same time such devices have their drawbacks:

  • at the failure of the MFP, the work of the entire office will stop;
  • when the toner ends, the scanner may not work;
  • lower copy speed and higher copy cost.

Knowing all major types of printers, you can make a rational choice. Reply definitely to the question of how the type of device should be selected, it is impossible because it is necessary to take into account the tasks set (as often and many you are planning to print), the required quality, operating conditions, financial capabilities and other factors. Do not forget to take into account the features, cons and benefits of each type.

Printers have long become the main devices for printing documents, photographs, advertising posters and in general, which is associated with the application of the image on a flat surface. From the moment of the appearance of the first printer, more than 60s passed, during which time the world saw many models with various printing technologies and applications. And today we will tell about the main types of printers, let us touch the principles of their work, as well as a bit of a little light on the key advantages and disadvantages of each. Go.

Matrix printers

Let's start with matrix printers. The printing technology in them is quite simple - electromagnets lead to move the printhead, which is based on a matrix consisting of a needle. The head walks on the rows, and the needles beat on paper through a special painting ribbon. As a result, an imprint remains on the surface. The greater the needles in the matrix - the better the final picture. The first created and accessible to the mass consumer printers were exactly matrix.

Matrix printers have many shortcomings that relate these units rather with writing machines than with modern printing devices. This is not the most impressive print speed, and its poor quality, and quite noisy work. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that this kind of printers is quickly outdated and was almost completely ousted by more than perfect models. However, in some way, the matrix printers are still applied. For example, when printing cash checks.

These printers have other non-obvious advantages. They are undemanding to the conditions and are equally well coped with different paper formats. In addition, documents printed on the matrix printer are much more difficult to fake.

Inkjet printers

One of the most common modern types of printer is inkjet. Their principle of operation is similar to the matrix: the picture is also built from the points, only instead of the needles beating on paper - head with liquid paint. Design options suggest that the print head can be located both in the device itself and be built into the cartridge with paints.

There are many models of inkjet printers that differ in the application area. Thus, advertising billboards are printed on widescreen jet printers, with the help of interior make stands and posters, and photopriberers are better printing photos on special paper. But most often there are office "junctions" for everyday printing on paper standard formats.

Inkjet printers printed only a little faster than matrix, but here's the image quality and color renditions are much higher than that of their obsolete fellow. This is especially noticeable if you use a paper with a special coating.

The results of the work of the inkjet printer are poorly worried about the mechanical impact and the influence of moisture. Due to its design and liquid ink, inkjet printers are quite capricious. We have to use them regularly so that the paint does not dry on the head. Despite not the greatest cost of the most inkjet printers, you can't call them economically, because the paint is spent quickly, and the cartridges come into disrepair over time.

Although the problem with the replacement of cartridges solve devices with a continuous ink supply system or simply SRSH. With it, paint is fed through special tubes in automatic mode. You just buy paint and topping it in the container. This not only saves money, but also affects the quality of the print for the better.

Laser printers

Another very popular variety of printers is laser. The principle of operation of the laser printer comes down to the phototrabane capable of delaying the electrical charge on its surface for each individual point, and the laser beam, which moves through this drum. Meeting with points on the surface, the beam removes the charge with them. Coloring occurs through powder paint - toner - which falls on the drum and attracts only to charged points. From the toner dots, the final image is obtained, which subsequently falls on paper, where literally fit into it under the influence of high temperatures and pressure.

Laser printers are characterized by high print speed - this is one of their main advantages. Even the simplest models can easily issue about 20 printed pages per minute. The quality of the print itself is high, the toner fits well on paper, is not lubricated by friction and is quite resistant to moisture. Laser printers are well printed on paper of any quality.

Unfortunately, these devices have one serious drawback - they are expensive. Although the laser printer maintenance will most likely cost you cheaper inkjet. In laser printers there are small problems with color reproduction, but this is not a critical drawback, if we are not talking about printing large, bright and photorealistic images.

LED printers

LED printers have become a kind of branch of the laser line. The same technology is based on the same technology, and all differences are reduced to various light sources. One single beam of laser printers in LED replaces a whole battery of LEDs. Move them, unlike the laser beam, do not need completely - for each point on one line, its LED responds.

And now about the advantages and disadvantages. It is obvious that the smaller the mechanics in the device, the lower the probability of its breakdown and the less its dimensions. The print speed of the LED printer is also higher - the minimum indicators make up about forty printed pages per minute. Due to the lack of edge distortion, peculiar to some laser printers, the quality of the printing of LEDs is also on average above.It is easy to guess that it will cost the purchase of a LED printer is quite expensive, in which their key deficiency is expressed.

Other types of printers

We listed the most common types of printers, but others exist. They use other printing technologies that were either not widespread and over time came out of use, or used in separate, very narrow areas of activity. Tell brief about some of them.

What types are there still? Surely you heard that printers are also divided into office and home. This is an exceptionally nominal difference. After all, it is not about the difference in printing technology, but only in its volumes. Home printers imply that they will not use them too often when office is designed for regular operation. In other words, printers belonging to the category of office are withstanding heavy loads and, as a rule, differ in high speed. But it does not mean at all that in offices never use printers from the home category. Just for organizing large print volumes, the use of such printers is not very profitable. Like expensive and fast models in the house where a dozen leaves are printed a couple of times a week.

On this, a small excursion to the world of printing devices is completed. As a result, it is possible to once again note that the most popular types of printers are laser and inkjet. Among them, there are models of different price categories for solving various tasks: black and white and colored, fast and not too, printing devices for photos or huge billboards. And it's not difficult to choose the desired model for your own needs among inkjet and laser.

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Print devices. Principles of their work


5 Course Ozo

specialty "Didow"

Introduction 3.

1. Printers 4.

1.1. Concept of printer and types 4

1.2. The history of the development of printers 6

2. Printed Printer Principles 8

2.1. The principle of operation of the matrix printer 8

2.2. Principle of operation of the laser printer 10

2.3. The principle of operation of the inkjet printer 12

3. Graft-building 16.

4. Fax apparatus 18

Conclusion 19.

References 20.


Personal computer (PC) is not one electronic device, but a small complex of interconnected devices, each of which performs certain functions. A frequently used term "PC configuration" means that a specific computer can work with a different set of external (or peripheral) devices, for example, with a printer, a modem, scanner, etc. The effectiveness of PC use is more determined by the number and types of external devices, which can be applied in its composition. External devices provide user interaction with PC. A wide range of external devices, a variety of their technical and operational and economic characteristics enable the user to choose such configurations of the PC, which most comply with its needs and ensure a rational solution to its task.

For quite a long time, there were talk about "paperless" technology, since the normal work with the computer is still difficult to submit without using the printing device. Often, you need a copy on paper of a document, drawing available in the computer in the file.

As part of this paper, consider such printing devices as printers, plotters and fax apparatus.

1. Printers

1.1 Concept of the printer and classification of printers

Computer printer (English Printer - Printer) - a device for printing digital information on a solid carrier, usually on paper. Refers to the terminal devices of the computer.

The printing process is called printing, and the resulting document is a printout or a solid copy.

Printers are pretty an extensive class of devices. In order to more complete this class of devices, they need to be classified. You can classify printers by different signs, for example, by the output speed of text information (this parameter is measured in the number of characters declined per unit of time, in modern printers this parameter can reach several thousand characters per second), by resolution (this parameter reflects the printer ability to output Small lines and points and is measured by the maximum amount of lines, the length of which is equal to their width, one square centimeter or inch. In modern printers, this parameter can reach several thousand points per inch). However, it is best (and easier) - classify printers on the principle of the withdrawal of graphic and text information, i.e., on the principle of their device.

According to the principle of teaching text and graphic information, printers are divided into:

1. Matrix

2. Inkjet

3. Laser

And in color printing - black and white (monochrome) and colored. Sometimes the LED printers are distinguished from laser printers.

Monochrome printers have several gradations, usually 2-5, for example: black - white, monochrome (or red, or blue, or green) - white, multicolor (black, red, blue, green) - white.

Monochrome printers have their own niches and is unlikely (in the foreseeable future) will be completely outstanding with color.

Matrix printers, despite the fact that many consider them outdated, are still actively used for printing, (mainly using continuous paper feed, in rolls) in laboratories, banks, accounts, in libraries for printing on cards, for printing on multi-layer Blancas (for example, in airline tickets), as well as in cases where it is necessary to obtain a second copy of the document through a copy of the copier (both copies are signed through a copy of a single signature to prevent unauthorized changes to the financial document).

There are many models of printers that differ in quality of printing, performance and other characteristics.

The main characteristics of printers are:

1. Number of needles or nozzles (with the exception of laser), defining print quality;

2. Print speed determining printer performance;

3. Number of built-in fonts;

4. Paper format and sheet feed (automatic or semi-automatic).

Multifunctional devices (MFPs) were distributed, in which the printer, scanner, copier and fax are combined in one device. Such an association is rationally technically and convenient to work. Widescreen (A3, A2) Printers are sometimes incorrectly called plotters.

1.2 History of creation and development of printers

The printer, or the typographer, according to the word-forming dictionary of the Russian language, is a row-graded typesetting machine with reciprocating motion matrices.

The appearance of the concept of "printer" is inextricably linked with the computer. The first serial computer was created in 1951 in the United States by Remington Rand. He was called Univac I (Universal Automatic Computer I) and was released by 46 copies with a circulation. Each of the computers could produce from 400 to 2,000 computational operations per second, which at that time was considered an incredible speed. Of course, the computer immediately uploaded various tasks, the results of which it was necessary to document. For this, the staff of the tutorial was attracted; But immediately a number of problems arose. First, the computer displayed data on the screen or on the indicator system. In any case, the information was necessary to read, realize and reprint, and not all professional typists were ready for this. The "human factor" made a certain number of errors, which, especially at intermediate stages of computing, were too expensive. Secondly, the calculated information was a commercial or military secrecy, or both at the same time. Therefore, the typists decided to cut, and already in 1953, Remington Rand was able to join the printed machine directly to Univac 1. The device was called uniprinter; Part of this name (Printer in English means "Printeer") soon became nominal.

UniPrinter was a drum printer. He acted like this: behind the paper sheet was a series of hammers managed by an electromagnet. The leaf was the coloring tape, and the drum was rotated the drum width over the entire page (120 characters), which was respectively 120 rings with alphabet. The drum rotated continuously, and when the desired letter in the desired column turned out to be over the paper, one of 120 hammers hit her. Thus, for one revolution of the drum, it was possible to print the entire string, after which the paper moved to the top. Due to the rotation of the drum and the inaccuracy of the shocks of the hammers, the letters often turned out to be slightly higher or below the line center. In our country, drum printers got the name ADPU ("Alphanumeric-digital printing device") and used up to the middle of the 80s.

Almost simultaneously with the drum printers in America, their relatives appeared, even more similar to the printed machines: petal.

Reynold V. Johnson meanwhile engaged in creating a printer for a printer from IBM. And in 1954, and then in 1955, the blue giant alternately presents two models of printers, printing 1000 lines per minute (100 characters per line). But both models were unreliable and did not get distribution. A little later, in October 1959, the IBM 1403 printer was introduced to the world. This device was part of the Data Processing System complex.

IBM 1403 was the most high-speed printer at that time, as IBM itself stated, their device was quoted four times faster than competitors and had unsurpassed print quality. The printing mechanism was somewhat different from the other models of printers, although there was also a set of characters applied on paper through the tape. In IBM 1403, all characters were located in one row, and each had its shock mechanism.

The printer could print up to 1400 lines per minute of 132 characters per line (this is approximately 23 pages per minute! 3 seconds per page !!!). As engineers who worked with this technique tell us when they started printing the results of the next computing, the entire floor in a few minutes was covered with a dense layer of paper, literally departing from the printer at a huge speed.

A fun feature of the device was that when printing different characters, the printer published the sounds of different tonality. Engineers have fun in that, picking up and printing certain combinations of letters, forced the printer to play "music" if it can be called that. Engineers managed to achieve relative reliability and speed of their devices, but they had the main disadvantages: the petal printers could not print graphics, published strong noise when working, and reliability still left much to be desired. By the way, and in the Soviet Union, instead of the word "printer", the name ADPU was used (alphanumeric-digital printing device). Currently, such printers are not used anywhere.

2. Printer principles

2.1 The principle of operation of the matrix printer

Matrix printers have become the first devices that provide graphic output of a hard copy.

They refer to the class of shock printing devices (Impact Dot Matrix). The image is formed by the print head, which consists of a needle kit (needle matrix), driven by electromagnets. The head moves line along the sheet, while the needles hit the paper through the painting ribbon, forming a point image. This type of printers is called sidm (eng. Serial Impact Dot Matrix - serial shock matrix printers). Printers from 9, 12, 14, 18 and 24 needles in the head were produced. The main distribution received 9 and 24 needle printers. The print quality and graphic printing speed depends on the number of needles: more needles - more points. Printers with 24 needles called LQ (English. Letter Quality is the quality of the typewriter). There are monochrome 5 color matrix printers that use 4 color CMYK tape. Color change is made by offsetting tape up-down relative to the print head. The print speed of matrix printers is measured in CPS (English Characters Per Second - Symbols per second).

The fastest seal is a rough printing (DRAFT). In this mode of operation in one passing head, a whole line is formed. In print mode with high quality, several passage of the head is required to form one line, usually four.

The main disadvantages of matrix printers are: monochrome, low speed and high noise, which reaches 25DB. To eliminate this shortage in separate models, a quiet mode is provided, but the print speed in a quiet mode falls 2 times, since in this case each line is printed in two passages using the half-number needle. Special soundproof housings are still used to combat noise. Some models of 24-needled matrix printers have the possibility of color printing due to the use of multicolor coloring tape. However, the quality of color printing achieved is significantly inferior to the quality of printing printers. Matrix printers are widely used and currently due to the fact that the cost of the obtained printout is extremely low, since cheaper folded or rolled paper is used. The latter can be cut off with pieces of the desired length (not format). Some financial documents should be printed only through copy paper, to eliminate the possibility of their fake.

Available and high-speed linear matrix printers are produced, in which a large number of needles are evenly located on the shuttle mechanism (FREET) across the entire width of the sheet. The speed of such printers is measured in LPS (eng. Lines PER Second - lines per second).

Matrix printers as themselves are inexpensive and consumables for them - a cartridge with coloring ribbon. If necessary (when the ribbon resource is consumed), it is possible that it is possible to change the cartridge and change only the ribbon itself. The coloring ribbon usually grabs about pages. The cost of printing is obtained the lowest among all other types of printers. But on this advantage and end. Matrix printers are the slowest, the most noisy and have the smallest resolution.

2.2 Principle of operation of the laser printer

Laser printers form an image by creating a point of points on paper. Initially, the page is formed in the printer's memory and only, then transmitted to the printing mechanism. This image formation is made under the controller of the printer. Each image is formed by the corresponding location of the points in the grid cells or the matrix, like on a chessboard. This type of image formation is called raster.

Technology - the progenitor of modern laser print appeared in 1938 - Chester Carlson invented the method of printing, called electricity, and then renamed xerography. The principle of technology was as follows. On the surface of the phototraban, the charge of the charge, or the charge shaft is evenly distributed uniformly distributed, after that the LED laser (or the LED line) is removed on the phototrabane, thereby placed a hidden image on the surface of the drum. Next, the toner is applied to the photo. The toner is attracted to the discharged surface sections of the photobraban, which saved the hidden image. After that, the photo is rolled through paper, and the toner is transferred to the paper of the transfer, or the transfer shaft. After that, the paper passes through the block of heat supply to fix toner, and the photo is cleaned from toner residues and discharged in the cleaning node.

The most important structural element of the laser printer is the rotating freabar, with which the image is transferred to paper. The manufacturer is a metal cylinder covered with a thin film from a photoconductor semiconductor. On the surface of the drum, an electric charge is evenly distributed. Using a thin wire or grid, called the coronary wire. A high voltage is supplied to this wire, causing the occurrence of a glowing ionized region around it, called the crown.

The laser controlled by a microcontroller generates a thin light beam, reflected from the rotating mirror. This beam, getting to the photo, is shutting down on it, and as a result, the electric charge changes at these points. Thus, a copy of the image in the form of a potential relief occurs on the photardeabans.

At the next working step with the help of another drum called by a developer (Developer), toner is applied to the photo-drum - the smallest coloring dust. Under the action of a static charge, small toner particles are easily attracted to the surface of the drum dots, exposure, and form an image on it

A sheet of paper from the feed tray using the rollers system moves to the drum. Then the sheet is reported to a static charge opposite to the sign of the charge of illuminated points on the drum. When contacting paper with drum, toner particles from the drum is transferred (attract) on paper.

To fix toner on paper, the sheet says the charge and it is passed between two rollers, heating it to a temperature of about 180 ° -200 ° C. After the print process itself, the drum is completely discharged, cleaned from the adhesive particles of toner and is ready for a new print cycle. The described sequence of actions occurs very quickly and provides high print quality.

The main advantages of laser printers:

High speed;

Large prints;

Low noise when working;

Resistance of printed copies to the effect of water and light;

Low cost of one copy - about five kopecks per sheet.

The disadvantages of laser printers are:

High price

Slight radiation.

2.3 The principle of the inkjet printer

Inkjet printers work on the principle of "syringe", and ink are ink for them. Forming an image, the printer's print head moves along a sheet of paper and splashes small drops of ink different colors.

Modern models of inkjet printers in their work can use the following methods:

1. Piezoelectric method

2. Gas bubble method


Piezoelectric method.

To implement this method, a flat piezocrystall associated with a diaphragm is installed in each nozzle. As is known, under the influence of the electric field, the deformation of the piezoelectric element. When printing, which is in the tube, a piezoelement, compressing and sprinkling the tube, fills the capillary ink system. Ink, which are pressed back, flow back to the tank, and ink, which "squeezed out" out, leave the point on paper. Such devices produce Epson, Brother, etc.

Gas bubbles method.

This method is thermal and more famous called the injected bubbles. When using this method, each nozzle is equipped with a heating element, which, when passing through it, the current for several microseconds is heated to a temperature of about 500 °. The gas bubbles that occur with a sharp heating are trying to pour through the nozzle outlet the necessary drop of liquid ink, which is transferred to the paper. When the current is turned off, the heating element cools, the steam bubble decreases and a new portion of ink is received via the inlet. Similar technology uses Canon.

Drop-on-Demand method.

The method developed by HP is called the DROP-On-Demand method. Also, as in the gas bubble method, the heating element is used here for the supply of ink from the reservoir on paper. However, in the DROP-On-Demand method, a special mechanism is additionally used to supply ink, while in the gas bubbles method, this function is assigned exclusively to the heating element.

Due to the fact that in the printing mechanisms implemented using the method of gas bubbles, fewer structural elements, such printers are more reliable in operation and the life of their operation is longer. In addition, the use of this technology allows you to achieve the highest resolution of printers. Possessing high quality when drawing lines, this method has a drawback when printing areas of continuous fill: they are somewhat vague. The use of the gas bubbles method is advisable if you need to print graphics, histograms, etc., while the seal of halftone graphic images is obtained better when using the Drop-on-Demand method.

According to DROP-on-Demand technology, the fastest injecting ink is ensured, which makes it possible to significantly improve the quality and speed of printing. The color representation of the image in this case is more contrasting.

Color inkjet printer.

Usually, the color image is formed when printing three main colors overlay: cyan (sun), magenta (Magenta) and yellow (Yellow). Although theoretically, the imposition of these three colors should eventually give a black color, in practice, in most cases, it turns gray or brown, and therefore black (BLASK) is added as the fourth primary color. Based on this, such a color model is called SMUV (SuoN-Magenta-Yellow - Blosk). Color printing with matrix printers does not give the desired quality. Use the length of this goal of laser printers to many users do not afford. The use of ink in various colors is inexpensive and still a fairly qualitative alternative, which has led to the widespread inkjet printers.

Under the reasonable reason, the new models of inkjet printers use not three color cartridges to create a color, and four, including additional black cartridge.

The principle of the operation of inkjet printers is similar to the matrix printers by the fact that the image on the carrier is formed from the points. But instead of heads with needles in jet printers, a matrix printing with liquid dyes is used. Cartridges with dyes are with a built-in print head - mostly this approach is used by Hewlett-Packard, Lexmark. The firms in which the print matrix is \u200b\u200ba detail of the printer, and the replaceable cartridges contain only the dye. With a long-term printer (week and more), drying the dye residues on the nozzles of the print head occurs. The printer can automatically brush the print head itself. But it is also possible to conduct forced cleaning the nozzles from the corresponding section of the printer driver setting. When cleaning the nozzle of the print head occurs intensive dye consumption. Especially critical clogging of epson printer print matrix, canon. If the printer's full-time means managed to clean the nozzles of the print head, then further cleaning and / or replacing the print head is carried out in repair shops. Replacing the cartridge containing the printing matrix does not cause a new problem.

To reduce the cost of printing and improving other characteristics of the printer, an ink continuous supply system is used.

From the foregoing: printing heads of inkjet printers are created using the following types of dye feed:

1. Continuous feed (Continuous Ink Jet) - The dye supply during printing occurs continuously, the fact of the dye to the sealing surface is determined by the dye flow modulator. It is argued that the patent for this method is issued (eng.) William Thompson (William Thomson) in 1867.

2. Feed upon request (DROP-on-Demand (English)) - The dye supply from the print head nozzle occurs only when the dye acts should be applied to the appropriate nozzle area of \u200b\u200bthe sealed surface. It is this method of filing a dye and received

The disadvantages of inkjet printers include:

1. High cost of consumables (cartridges and special paper);

2. Vulnerability of copies printed on non-phon paper, to the effects of light and water;

3. The high cost of one copy is about 25-30 kopecks without taking into account the cost of paper.

3. Grafopostroiters

Claimer (from Greek. Γράφω - I write, draw), plotter - a device for automatic drawing with great accuracy of drawings, schemes, complex drawings, cards and other graphic information on paper up to A0 or tank.

Grafopostroiters draw images with a pen (writing block).

Communication with the computer, the grapheatteners are usually carried out through a serial, parallel or SCSI interface. Some models of the graffust builders are equipped with a built-in buffer (1 MB or more).

The first plotters (for example, Calcomp 565 of 1959) worked on the principle of paper movement using a roller, thereby ensuring the x coordinate, and y was provided by the movement of the pen. Another approach (embodied in ComputerVision "S Interact I, the first CAD system) was an upgraded pantograph, controlled by a computing machine and having a ball pen as a drawing element. The disadvantage of this method was that the space corresponding to the flared region was required. But the advantage of this The method arising from its disadvantage is the easily promotion accuracy of the positioning of the pen and, accordingly, the accuracy of the drawing itself applied to paper. Later this device was supplemented with a special cassette holder, which could combine the feathers of different thickness and colors.

Hewlett Packard and Tektronix at the end of the 1970s presented tablet plotters with a standard size of the desktop. In 1980, the smaller and easier HP 7470 model that uses the innovative "grainy wheel" technology to move the paper has been released in 1980. These small household plotters have become popular in business applications. But because of their low performance, they were practically useless for general purpose printing. With the wide distribution of inkjet and laser printers with high resolution, cheapering of computer memory and the rate of processing of raster color images, the pen with the pen has practically disappeared from everybody.

Types of graffust builders:

· Rolled and tablet;

· Feather, inkjet and electrostatic;

· Vector and raster.

Purpose of graffust builders - high-quality documentation of intensive graphic information.

Grafoplastors can be classified as follows:

· According to the method of forming a drawing - with arbitrary scanning and raster;

· According to the method of moving the carrier - tablet, drum and mixed (friction, with an abrasive head);

· According to the tool used (the type of the draw head) - feathers, photo content, with a scrapping head, with a milling head.

4. Fax apparatus

To date, the faxes have received very widespread. Despite the modern Internet capabilities, and email, many prefer to transfer important documents by fax.

The principle of fax action is quite simple. The document sent by fax is scanned and stored in electronic form in the device's memory. Next, it is transmitted using a telephone line to another fax. There is again converted to the usual view by printing on paper. It turns out something like a copier with a modem function.

There are several varieties of faxes that differ in the methods of printing documents:

· Faxes working on a thermal paper. This is perhaps the most common type of faxes. Faxes with seal on the thermobumage make up more than half of today's faxes. The principle of action of faxes working on a thermobumage is the burning of images using a thermaline on a special heat sensitive paper. The advantage of this type of fax is their low price and sufficiently high reliability. The shortcomings can be attributed to the low quality of the resulting image and high cost;

· Inkjet faxes when printing similar to functions with conventional jet printers. The main disadvantage is low reliability and quite expensive color printing;

· Laser fax typing on ordinary paper is the best solution. It is a combined laser printer and fax. Accordingly, the principle of operation and even consumables are similar to laser printers.


We reviewed the main types of printing devices. Each of the species is in its own way in operation, and also is suitable for certain generics.

So let's say the inkjet printer is most suitable for home use and small firms, if the main task is to print texts, as it does not require high print quality.

Laser printers are a better solution of the same tasks that solve the inkjet printer (except for working with color, where the quality of inkjet printers above).

The matrix printer is used where quality is not required, and reliability is needed and the smallest use costs.

Fax is convenient for sending information over long distances.

Plotter for drawing with great accuracy of drawings, schemes, complex drawings, cards and other graphic information on paper or tracing.

In the general sense, all printing devices pursue solving such tasks as:

· To maximize the quality of printing output;

· Increase print speed;

· Reducing the costs required for printing.


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Electronic resources

1. http: // www. ***** / USER / VNESH / 8.SHTML

2. http: // RU. Wikipedia. ORG / WIKI / Plotter

3. http: // RU. Wikipedia. ORG / WIKI / Printer

4. http: // Slovari. ***** / DICT / BSE / article / 00059 / 12000.htm

5. http: // ***** / Articles / Detail. php? Id \u003d 12456.

6. http: // www. ***** / Operating_Systems / NW_PRINT / CH9.SHTML