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Explorer 10 32 bit. Internet Explorer Update

New - fast, flexible, supporting all modern standards and, in a sense, ahead of its time browser. However, the novelty has some disadvantages that do not allow the product to get maximum ratings.

Consider a review of Internet Explorer 10 from CNET.


If you are using a computer running Windows 8, a separate installation of IE10 is not required. The browser is built directly into the system and fully supports the new Metro interface.

If you use Windows 7 you need to go through the standard application installation procedure. You can download IE10 from the Windows Update support resource or from our website, and after installing the browser you should restart the computer. This presents a certain inconvenience to users who interrupt their workflow, especially considering the fact that competitive products do not require a system reboot after installation. Be that as it may, the list of significant improvements in IE10 over IE9 is impressive.

IE10 has another drawback regarding system requirements. The browser can only be installed on Windows 7 and Windows 8. IE10 will not install on OC Vista and XP because Microsoft has refused their support. However, IE10's direct competitors - Chrome, Firefox, and Opera work great on both XP and Windows Vista.

This strategy was also used in the development of the IE9 browser, which also did not support XP, but worked in Windows Vista. Thus, the latest working version of the browser on Windows XP is Internet Explorer 8. Microsoft is trying in every possible way to accelerate the obsolescence of previous generations of the OS using a strategy similar to Apple. Indeed, after the release of Windows 7, about 50% of Windows XP users switched to the new system. However, CNET considers it wrong to refuse users to install a new, faster and more secure browser, only because of the use of an outdated system. If competitors successfully cope with support for older Windows systems, Microsoft certainly could.

Microsoft representatives told the CNET team that although the new browser will not have constant updates like Chrome and Firefox, improvements will appear more often than in recent years. This is a very important fact, because web standards are constantly being improved.


Internet Explorer 10 has two different interfaces in Windows 8: a mode of working with touch devices that has the Metro style and a stationary (window) mode similar to the interface of Internet Explorer 9. On Windows 7, only the browser window mode will work.

Metro Interface Styleused in Internet Explorer 10 makes it very convenient to interact with other Windows 8 applications. Separate browser controls are hidden by default, so the user can enjoy full-screen browsing of web pages.

When you scroll down the page or right-click in a free area of \u200b\u200bthe site, the controls automatically appear. The tab bar contains large images of already open sites, the address bar is now at the bottom of the window. Most browser settings are available by clicking on the "Service" menu icon.

In the process of getting to know the browser, the ultra-minimal interface may seem uncomfortable. For example, to close all open tabs or open the private browsing tab (called InPrivate), you need to click on the “three dots” icon in the tab bar.

To install the Windows 8 application from the site, go to the site and then select the wrench icon at the bottom of the interface. The interface has the concept of a clear separation of functions. Tools related to working with tabs are located at the top of the window, and functions for working directly from the site are located at the bottom next to the address bar. You need to get used to this state of things, because most users are accustomed to seeing all the functionality in one long list.

Another icon on the address bar allows you to send a link to a site on the Start screen in Windows 8. This is a kind of analogy to a regular site link on the Windows 7 desktop, it works in a slightly different way. When you attach a site to the Start screen, it will always open in Internet Explorer 10, even after changing the default browser. Microsoft, therefore, deliberately creates barriers to alternative browsers for integration into Windows 8.

If you want to see a list of installed plugins, you won’t be able to do this in the Metro interface. Full-fledged work with plug-ins is available only in window view mode.

The set of settings available via the menu in IE10 in the Metro interface is limited. The user will be able to delete the browsing history, configure the geolocation function on websites and the “Flip Ahead” option, which allows you to switch to another page or another image of the gallery with a simple gesture.

To access the full range of browser settings, you need to switch to windowed viewing mode. This forked approach reflects the general concept of the latest Microsoft products, including Windows, where only some of the settings are available through the Metro interface.

Window view mode inIE10 practically no different from the IE9 interface. Only the most dedicated Internet Explorer fans will notice a few differences. Advanced browser settings, including “Tracking Protection” are available by clicking on the gear icon.

The address bar and tabs are located at the top of the window, directly next to links to the home page and to selected sites. You can drive a search query directly into the address bar, in which case the default search engine will be used. Initially, the Bing search engine developed by Microsoft will be used.

The company has been intensively engaged in the development of Bing in the past few years, so the introduction of this search engine in the browser by default is a very logical action.

Features and Support

Internet Explorer has taken a huge step forward in supporting modern web standards. Support for HTML5 and CSS3 is simply impeccable, support for touch devices is implemented much better than that of competitors. In addition, for the entire time of development, IE10 for the first time received a high level of security. Most browser improvements primarily affected performance and speed.

When working with OC Windows 8, the user can simply and conveniently synchronize their bookmarks, settings and passwords. Unfortunately, the browser does not have synchronization of tabs and plugins, however, version 10 is a huge leap for Internet Explorer. As befits the built-in tool of Windows 8, IE10 has amazing integration into the new OS.

The user can share links with Windows 8 applications, attach sites to the Start screen to gradually blur the line between applications and websites. Metro version of the browser supports resizing to work with the split screen Windows 8.

The browser perfectly supports multi-finger touch input (multi-touch). All standard gestures of touch devices, such as flipping, gestures of scaling and rotation, work very well in Internet Explorer 10. Microsoft's developers have worked gloriously in debugging the Touch API and now websites in the browser window behave like normal applications.

Firefox is the undisputed leader in working with the possible number of open tabs - more than 100. However, Microsoft leads in the size of tabs. Tabs in IE10 are huge images of sites that are easy to select with your finger or view.

However, the use of the Metro interface affected browser functionality. In Metro mode, there is not even the possibility of including plug-ins, which significantly reduces the functionality of the browser. Microsoft is unable to find a balance between the full functionality of the browser and the convenience of using modern interfaces.

Another disadvantage is the lack of a boot manager in Metro mode. To access a list of favorite or frequently visited sites, you must click on the address bar. Your sites are displayed as images on the start screen, available for horizontal scrolling. This is quite convenient when you have a couple of dozen sites in your bookmarks, but it becomes unmanageable if you have several hundred resources.

Without a doubt, IE10 is one of the best Metro-application for Windows 8. Nevertheless, just the Metro interface does not meet the requirements of the functionality of a modern browser and represents the biggest drawback of IE10.

Tracking Protection List is a list of sites that are not allowed to collect information about users. Microsoft, by default, has activated the technology of "protection against surveillance" - Tracking Protection, which will prevent the transfer of sensitive user data. IE10 now does not ask the user with a dialogue about possible data transfer, but directly blocks the Cookies files from all sites. This technology was originally introduced in IE 9, but in Internet Explorer 10 it was further developed, allowing Microsoft to become a leader in terms of user protection.

Other IE10 security features include malware blocking and SmartScreen protection. This Microsoft technology identifies the potential danger of a downloaded file immediately before downloading. This is the core application authentication technology built into the browser.

Internet Explorer can be called a progressive browser, because he "keeps up" in the modern dynamic emerging market. But if the minimalistic Metro interface is pretty curious, then the minimalism in the browser configuration seems like a flawed fact. However, when using Metro and the window interface together, IE10 is a very competitive, fast and safe product.


Internet Explorer 10 represents a large number of innovations and improvements worthy of the market leader, including high performance and excellent stability.

Site loading in IE10 takes about the same time as in competitors - Chrome and Firefox, which seems unbelievable for the browser, whose speed of work recently served as an occasion for ridicule and criticism.

CNET Labs is going to retest all major browsers, including IE10, using new modern techniques. If we analyze the tests of Microsoft, it can be noted that IE10 is on par with competitors.

Browser performance is almost identical on both Windows and Windows 8. IE10 on Windows 7 is faster than Internet Explorer 9 and website loading takes the same time as on Windows 8. The increase in speed on Windows 7 is an impressive achievement for Microsoft .


We were saddened by the fact that the new browser does not support older Microsoft systems. Of course, it is very important to introduce users to the new OS, regardless of the reasons for their conservatism. Safety, speed and support for modern standards are very important goals. But if Chrome and Mozilla were able to enable support for legacy systems, then Microsoft could not or did not want to.

However, Internet Explorer 10 is a great browser that meets all the basic requirements of a default system browser. Apart from platform compatibility, the user has more options with less conflict when using Chrome or Firefox. Differences such as cross-platform compatibility or compatibility with different versions of Windows, synchronization of tabs are small, but at the same time, but they stand out against the background of increased competition in the market.

If you use Windows 8, all of the above problems do not concern you. I must admit that Internet Explorer 10 is a powerful browser that is able to get good ratings and recognition from users.

Description from Microsoft

High speed

Designed to take full advantage of the new Windows 8 and Windows RT operating systems, it loads sites almost instantly. Everything you want to do on the Internet is realized with a single swipe of your finger or with a mouse click.

Perfect for touch devices

True full-screen viewing: navigation buttons appear only when you need, and go away when they are not needed. Internet Explorer 10 lets you switch between web pages with a simple swipe of your finger. The tiles on the start screen and convenient tabs for frequently visited sites are large in size for the most convenient navigation.

Ease of use

Intuitive controls work just as you expected. Only one line is used both as an address bar and as a window for entering search queries. Attach your favorite sites to your Start screen and get quick access to them like regular applications.

Secure browser for personal data security

Enhance the security of your computer and your sensitive data on the Internet with innovative SmartScreen technology that helps protect against malware from social networks. Tools for working with personal data, such as the Do Not Track function, are already built into browsers and are included in one click.

The standard Windows 10 browser does not suit everyone. Although Microsoft claims to have completely redesigned the Explorer that we saw on Windows 7 and Windows 8, not everyone likes the updated browser. There are no restrictions to download Explorer 10 for Windows 10 and install it simultaneously with a standard browser.


Having decided to install Explorer on a computer, laptop or tablet, the user actually takes a step back, because the pre-installed Edge browser is much more modern. But this solution also has strengths:
  • The familiar interface;
  • A large number of plugins;

Explorer 10 or Edge

We recommend that you do not remove the native Edge browser. Of course, Explorer for Windows 10 also has a right to exist, but it is better to use it as a second, auxiliary browser, where you are familiar and familiar. Gradually moving to a new version. There is a logical explanation for this, Microsoft will keep Internet Explorer afloat less time than the new Edge, and sooner or later it will be necessary to abandon the aging browser.

Please note that the installation file must match the bit depth of your system. That is, to be either for 32-bit or for 64-bit (x32 / x64) - it is advisable to clarify even before you decide to download the browser to you. Choosing the right version, you will immediately receive a file ready for installation, and then a fully working IE 10 browser. The browser is completely in Russian and distributed free of charge.

Do not forget that in addition you need to download fresh

Internet Explorer 10 is the penultimate browser from Microsoft in this line. It was released closer to the middle of 2011 exclusively for Windows 7, and after that - for Vin 8. Further versions worked exclusively on the G8.

As a result, Microsoft developed IE 10 exclusively for Win 8. Therefore, integration with this operating system in the browser is the closest. There are two editions: the built-in Metro version, which lacks plug-in support, and the standard desktop version, with full features.

Browser Features

Traditionally, Microsoft has been working on speed, usability and security of its software. All these parameters have been improved in the new Internet Explorer. But now support for touch input has been added to the list of features.


Significantly increased the speed of launching Internet Explorer, as well as downloading sites. The performance gain is noticed with the naked eye. The browser uses all the power of the computer and rationally consumes network resources.

At the same time, it consumes a small amount of RAM, when compared with most analogues. There is support for playing video in HD (good quality standard), including in streaming format. Now images and interactive content are displayed with increased clarity, without spending much Internet traffic.

The convenience of use

Microsoft has improved the program interface, greatly simplified in the ninth version. There used to be a separation of the address input line and search queries. Now they are combined into one, located on top in the center. This greatly enhanced the convenience of navigating pages.

For Win 8, it is possible to display selected pages on the initial screen. This allows you to get quick access to any sites.


For Internet Explorer 10, a special security filter based on technology is used Smartscreen. It sorts Internet content by filtering out data that may contain malicious code or constitute a threat to the computer. Even downloadable files are examined.

At the same time, a tracking protection system is involved. Many sites collect user information: location, network address, popular queries and other data. But this system allows you to protect information from use by third parties.

These two innovations can be called especially important, because they give the user a greater degree of security on the Web, and prevent the receipt of viruses.

Touch input support

Users can view content in full screen mode. If you activate it, then all the navigation elements will disappear until the moment when their use is not required. Both PC users and mobile device owners have such an opportunity. The second one swipe finger is enough to scroll the site forward or backward. The size of the tabs has been increased so that it is more convenient to work with them in touch mode. This also applies to tiles. Metro.

Do not trust sites offering programs to install Internet Explorer 10 for Windows XP. The browser is not officially supported for older operating systems. And no third-party tools can fix this situation.

The tenth version of the Internet browser is installed with Windows 8. It is possible to update IE on the "seven". It is not compatible with other OSs. For them, it is better to use third-party browsers or the eighth version.

Program interface: Russian

Platform: 7/8

Manufacturer: Microsoft


Internet Explorer 10 - a program that is part of the stationary and mobile operating systems of the Windows family, which in itself implies using it as an application for Internet surfing. Version 10 is practically no different from previous releases, however, it was adapted to work with the new Metro interface, which implies the Windows 8 operating system itself.

Key features of Internet Explorer 10

The capabilities of the program are practically no different from many releases or programs of this type that have been released before. There is also work with tabs, and a built-in bootloader. Unfortunately, the bootloader only works with direct links and is absolutely not adapted to the use of file-sharing networks, which involve downloading a single file with the subsequent extension. Most often this applies to peer-to-peer networks, namely torrent trackers or sites such as Letitbit, where the download speed in essence cannot exceed 50 KB per second. But then we have a new interface that allows you to use some functions that are not available to laptop computers in general.

Nevertheless, it is believed that the new browser has borrowed a lot from some well-known applications of this type. Take at least the principles of Mozilla Firefox or Opera.

As the developers themselves assure, in the program Internet Explorer 10 they tried to implement a completely new approach to viewing web pages. This version of Internet Manager even supports HTML5. This, of course, is not something essentially new, since many browsers using unofficial updates have already received such support a long time ago.

Among some users, there is an opinion that the most acceptable travel companion on the World Wide Web is precisely the “native” browser. From the point of view of users who are accustomed to using alternative means, this tool for traveling on the network seems to be something like “baby talk”.

Indeed, until now, Internet Explorer 10 has lost compared to many of its counterparts. But this version gives hope that it is this program that will revive, like the mystical bird Phoenix from the ashes.

In the end, I want to note that, although this program has most of the necessary elements in the installation distribution, it is completely devoid of support for some formats that can be found on websites. This is primarily due to the playback of videos and animations. Say, the same Opera initially during installation offers to supplement the browser with an additional module in the form of Adobe Flash Player. In our case, there is nothing similar. Most likely, this is due to all kinds of licensing agreements and rules for using software, which until now cannot be shared by several corporations. Although, in general, the browser works "perfectly."

A browser built into the most popular operating system. It is present in any Windows and so is valuable. Provides basic functionality that can satisfy only an undemanding user.

Current stable release: 11
Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and higher.
Engine: Trident.
Plugins: there are accelerators, plug-ins as such.
Skins: Windows system themes.
License: EULA.

The Microsoft browser is supplied as part of the Windows operating system family, and therefore is familiar to almost every user of a personal computer. Anyone who worked on Windows XP remembers how bad and uncomfortable Internet Explorer 6 was: it didn't even have tabs. Meanwhile, Microsoft, having achieved victory over its main competitor, Netscape Navigator, for many years stopped working on the development of the browser.

Naturally, such a situation did not suit users. Manufacturers of alternative browsers (Opera and) understood this situation and began to force the development of their products. Moreover, a number of companies began releasing add-ons for Internet Explorer ( Maxthon , Avant and others) that added missing features to the Microsoft browser. This situation has led to a significant drop in market share occupied by Internet Explorer. More and more users refused to use the browser installed in the system and looked for alternatives.

Finally, Microsoft came to its senses and decided to catch up with Mozilla Firefox. The Trident engine, which is the basis for IE, has been significantly redesigned, many features already present in other browsers have been introduced, and work has been done to support the browser with generally accepted standards. Today Internet Explorer is powerful and functional with excellent integration into the operating system and a number of unique features.

We will consider the most modern browser from the line - Internet Explorer 1.


The style of the browser in general does not deviate from the style of modern operating systems from Microsoft. It looks organic both in Windows Vista and in Windows 7 or 8.

In a new empty tab, the user is offered several possible actions:

  • reopening tabs closed at the end of the last work session;
  • inPrivate browsing mode (private browsing mode is available in all common browsers);
  • work with text on the clipboard. The text can be sent to a search engine, a blog, or translated using a service. When installing additional extensions (in Microsoft terminology - accelerators), you can perform other actions with the text.

The domain name (first and second level) in the address bar of the browser is highlighted in black, while the rest of the navigation information is displayed in gray. It is suggested that this may provide additional protection against phishing. However, it seems to me that few today pay much attention to the address bar.

The functionality of the address bar of Internet Explorer 11 is practically not inferior to analogues:

  • when typing a domain name, the browser offers sites from the magazine and several generated options that may be suitable for this domain name;
  • when typing a phrase, the browser redirects it to the default search engine and loads the page with the search results.
  • Internet Explorer 11 can search for words in page titles, as Mozilla Firefox and, for example, do.
Meanwhile, the browser has interesting interface finds that are not found in similar solutions. I really liked the color highlighting of pages connected to each other by parent-child relationships. Moreover, if you opened the page by the link from the first page, and then from the second page clicked on new links, all pages will be painted in the same color. Thus, it is very convenient to trace your path to a particular information.


The functional component of the browser is fairly standard. The set of basic functions is similar to most common alternative browsers: Opera, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox.

Users are available:

  • tabs
  • pop-up blocker;
  • phishing protection;
  • rss aggregator;
  • auto update;
  • anonymous work mode;
  • accelerators (extensions);
  • web slices.

The latter would be noted separately. Web Slices are a bit of advanced RSS. A special link with information appears in the Favorites panel. The browser periodically reviews the contents of the link and, when new information appears, signals the user about it: the font of the link becomes bold.

This function has one unpleasant feature: it requires support from the site to work. Until the webmaster adds the necessary functionality, you cannot use this function. Therefore, here's how lucky.

In addition, the web slices that can be added to the Favorites panel are limited by the size of the panel itself.


I would also like to note the so-called accelerators. Unfortunately, the developers of the browser did not want to create full support for add-ons in the browser, similar to how it is implemented in Firefox. Accelerators are just the easiest way to access a web service. The list of accelerators can be found on a special site. However, I repeat: the browser functionality cannot be expanded with their help.


A huge minus of the browser is the lack of an ad blocker. It is not in the standard delivery. Of course, you can use third-party software as a “cutter” of banners and text messages. But for this, you need, firstly, to know about such software, and secondly, to have the skills to configure it.

In principle, it is possible to block ads using IE. But this setting looks very nontrivial. Read more about ad blocking in the article “ Remove ads from pages in Internet Explorer 11 ».


Intetnet Explorer 11 - a strong middling. If you used previous versions and browsers, then it makes sense to switch to a new one. But if you are used to the functionality of alternative browsers, then there is no point in switching to IE: it will not be able to provide fully adequate functionality.

There is no way to synchronize data between browsers on different machines. Here you can also use additional functionality, but the lack of such solutions in the browser itself causes certain inconveniences.

And yet, with proper configuration from IE, you can make a good "second" browser. You can read about its configuration in our article “ Configure Internet Explorer 11 ».

So, who is Internet Explorer suitable for?

  • wants to use a browser built into the OS;
  • uses only Windows;
  • does not need additional functions;
  • calmly refers to advertising.