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How to write an application for the search parcel. Russian Post launched a channel for filing official appeals in electronic form

Computers, confidently entering our lives, greatly influenced the Manera of people's communication. Letters by email, talk on mobile phones, calls to Skype or other programs on the Internet allowed you to quickly receive answers. But even such an abundance of possible options for communication could not be supposed from our life ordinary mail. The correspondence stream, which passes through the post office of Russia is very large. Sophisticated working conditions and a small salary are not very attracted by people. Those who want to work in the mail is becoming less. This affects the work of the entire postal service. The dates for the processing of correspondence, letters and parcels accumulate in departments, where a large lack of workers. Delivery time is broken, parcels are lost.

All this is primarily reflected on the inhabitants of the city. If you sent the parcel, and it did not reach the addressee, you must take some action. First of all, I should declare the search. To do this, come to the nearest post office and ask the application form to search for internal mailing. If you are friends with a computer, you can find and download shape via the Internet. In order for your application to take, it is necessary to have a passport and the original check of sending.

When filling out the application, indicate information about yourself: the name, name and patronymic, passport data and contact information. It can be a phone, email or simply address you live. It is all necessary to start the search parcel. You must also specify information about the problem. In the column "Cause of the application" indicate: "Departure did not arrive."

All parcels sent by Russian Post are necessarily registered. Regardless of whether the estimated cost was declared or not, the barcode is glued to the form. This is a special label that contains 14 characters. The number thus obtained is registered, and the parcel goes on. It is due to the presence of a barcode and you can trace what point she passed and where it was stuck. It is by him that Russian Post will be wanted to parcel.

Fill the application further. Indicate the name of the postal point and the amount of the assessment. We celebrate all additional items, if something is suitable for you. Russian Post is a search for parcels can begin with applying in electronic form. On the official site there is a possibility to send such a statement on the Internet.

Fill out the date of sending the parcel, its and weight - all this is on the check, which you received when sending. Just rewrite data from there. Indicate the OPS sending. He also has a check. Then fill in the graphs where the names and complete address of the sender and the addressee are specified. Describe in detail and investment in the package. We subscribe a statement, put the date and give the operator who checks your data, then signs your application and gives you a disruptive coupon.

You return home, and the search for the parcel of Russian Post is beginning with the first branch where it was registered. Your application is sent to the center, there are requests to the office that took the parcel to the center of sorting and the shipments that were on its path. All operations are confirmed by overhead. What number was accepted for which invoice shipped further - the entire chain can be traced until there is a point where the parcel is stuck. Usually the search for the parcel goes about a month, sometimes two. As a result of all actions, you comes a letter in which it is said what happened with the parcel. But more often during this time it already comes.

Hello, friends. As you read this blog, then you are likely to order goods from Aliexpress and other Chinese (or European, or maybe even Russian) online stores and sites. And, it happens, such a trouble happens when the goods do not reach you. I had this many times, usually on some cheap garbage, even without a tracker. It is possible that the seller did not even send me anything, deciding that I interbor's delivery deadline and he would have a money. I always opened the dispute in this case and always won them. But here I recently happened sad. I ordered a familiar smartphone for almost 25k rubles. He strained the last time in Moscow. It was written that he was sent from Domodedovo (usually, in this case, I get a parcel for 3-4 days) and disappeared. Send the goods from Domodedovo was June 11th and in August I still did not receive the parcel. Already after the month (in July) I drew all the attention to this and filed an application for the search. I did this for the first time, since for the first time the amount of the parcel was a nonclicat. How it all happened and what happened in the end, read under the cut.

So, initially nothing foreshadowed trouble. As I have already written, the parcel stranded into Domodedovo and I, and, especially, a familiar, to whom the smartphone was intended (he took him to his birthday) already rubbed his hands, anticipating her quick receipt. However, time went, and all the information on the tracking was not updated. After a month after watching the tracking on the Mail site of Russia, the inscription "Information has not been updated for a long time? Learn how to apply for a search. " I switched and learned that in order to apply for the search of the parcel, you need to come in anyone Post office with the statement itself, a check on sending parcels and a passport.

Well, OK, the application filled, printed. That's how it looks like (already filled, I only smeared personal data). It is him that you have to accept, fill in the lower part, tear off and give you.

Regarding the check he was brought off with the seller. A check he, however, did not send me, but threw off the scan, it seems, "invoice." In general, the paper that passes on each parcel. There is still a barcode, the track number and declared value are written. Also printed, took the passport and went to my post office.

Where ... the statement was refused. Apparently, it simply not want to communicate and carry some responsibility. They say the screws are to the main office. Well, or, as an option, you can send your application to the letter. Thinking that in the case of a letter of the disruptable coupon I will not have and then prove to prove that I have served anything, I am drunk in the main office.

The main office is a huge three-story building in the city center with a bunch of halls and a bunch of windows. I went and lost. Where to? To whom? Here pensions are issued, here letters send, there are received there. Tin Well, it approached one of the winds and asked where you can send an application for the search. And the operator sent me on the third floor to the director itself (!).

Raise. Sits a guard. Everyone takes a passport and writes to the book. In short, everything is serious. But, missed :).

The director was very pleasant aunt, very friendly. She is directly respectful. Accepted a statement (invoice rolled), filled out the tear-off coupon, I planned :). Said, we will deal with. She, by the way, had some more similar statements on the table.

And there is a hopping day of waiting. As written on the site, Russian Post is obliged to notify the results of the search by the letter no later than three months (for international shipments) after submitting an application. Funny, but somewhere in a month they called me from Moscow and said "We are looking for!". I'm so, well, look good :). What was the meaning of this call, I did not understand :).

In general, the parcel naturally did not find. And some asshole now walks with the top Meizu Pro 6 Plus. I opened the dispute, the money was returned, although the seller did not agree until the latter (hoped that it would reach). The smartphone I renounced him and the second attempt came out successful - I received a friend. The truth is far from your birthday. All this cost me piles of nerves and spent time.

Oh yes. The letter came. After two and a half months. The content, as I assumed, in the spirit "Yes, we lost, we apologize." Curtain.

What I want to say in conclusion. Do I need to apply for a search if the parcel is lost? Definitely. It is said that employees of mail for such well give them on the header and they (I would hope to hope for it) begin to work better.

P.S. As the director said, in my post office, they were obliged to accept an application and send me to the main office did not have the right. But I no longer complain about them. In principle, there are adequate people and after the parcels, I never stood in line for longer than half an hour.

P.P.S. Now, it seems, you can already not run with printed forms, but fill out the application on the site itself. Most likely, I will soon have to check this opportunity in the near future, since another lost parcel is brewing.

About a month ago, I am with the order of the customer from the United States. Usually after the passage of American customs, the buyer receives an order for one, maximum of two weeks. But this time for two and a half weeks on the USPS website there was not a single new status. As a result, I wrote the buyer and clarified, where is her parcel. To somehow "speed up" the delivery process, I decided to send a request to find departure from USPS. That's how it was.

Step 1 - Registration on USPS

First of all, you need to register on the US post office. All fields need to be filled in English.

Specify the main language of the site (English) and your username (here you can specify the email address). If the login is busy, the system will report this red warning.

Then specify the password. It should be no less than 8 characters long and contain at least 1 capital letter, 1 line and 1 digit. And there should be no two identical symbol with each other.

Below you will be asked to write answers to 2 secret questions. They will be needed if you forget the password from the account. I chose the "the city in which was born" and "the maiden name of the mother."

Below you need to enter contact information. Here I specified fictional data, with the exception of the email address.

And at the last stage, asked to introduce a home address. Here you can specify the data of any country, but I decided to write an address in the USA. Chose some kind of administrative building from Google Maps 🙂

After that, press the "Verify Address" button - apparently the system checks if there is such an address.

A green tick appeared - it means everything is entered correctly. You can press "CREATE ACCOUNT".

This is completed on this. And the site immediately authorizes you. You can start searching.

Step 2 - Submit an application for wanted

Select the last menu item "HELP", and in the drop-down submenu, click "Find Missing Mail".

In the middle of the page there is a "Start Your Missing Mail Search" button. Press it.

On the page that opens, first enter the track number in the "Track Number" field.

Below we enter the date of the send (Unknown / Other) and specify that the departure found must be sent to the addressee (AddressEe).

After that, additional fields will appear on the page where you want to enter your client's address.

After that, in the "WHOM CAN WE CONTACT ABOUT THIS SEARCH?" Specify your name and email address. USPS employees will contact you if they have questions.

After that, a bunch of additional fields will appear, in which you can describe in more detail your product (for example, specify material, color, etc.). Be sure to fill out only fields with stars. If you wish, you can still add a photo of the product.

After all this, we set at the bottom of the page 2 checkboxes at I "I Have Read, Understand, and Agree to The Missing Mail Search Disclaimer Below" and "I Have Read, Understand, and Agree to the Terms and Conditions" and press the "Continue" button.

If you press "Save Progress", then the data of your application will be saved as a draft and it will be back to it later.

After that, the site will redirect you to a new page, where the recipient's address will specify and prompt its version (if it considers that an error could be in the address).

Choose the desired option (I chose the one that pointed out the customer in the order) and press the "Use Selected Address" button.

After that, the USPS site will ask to double-check all the data entered. If you did not allow errors, click the Submit Search button.

Everything, the application is sent. After that, it remains only to wait and hope that postal workers are engaged in our parcel.

You can inform the customer about your handle in the US post and send a screenshot of the letter that will come to you on the EMEIL from USPS. It says that your search request is accepted. And its number and date of application are indicated.

I can not say for sure that my appeal has worked. But days after 10 parcel, finally, began to touch again on the USPS website (May 12). A few months after the customs of the United States (April 14).

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Delivery of letters and small parcels is organized through Russian Post. People are more active than valuable things over the Internet, paying for the purchase in advance. The larger the load on the mail, the more conflicts arise about the disorders of the delivery time. Many citizens do not know what to do if a valuable parcel was lost. The algorithm of action is specified in detail in regulatory acts.

A citizen who decided to explore the procedure for providing postal services must be familiar with several legal documents:

  • Main document - Law No. 126-FZ dated July 7, 2003 "On Communication". The act regulates any relationship between telecom operators and persons who receive services.
  • In Law No. 176-FZ dated July 17, 1999. "On postal service" recorded the main rights and obligations of senders, recipients and mail. For example, article 34 establishes responsibility measures for the loss of parcels and the delay in the delivery of shipments.

In everyday work, mail employees are guided by order of the Ministry of Communications No. 234 dated July 31, 2014. In this document, the procedure for providing correspondence and parcel services was registered in detail.

The provisions of the World Postal Convention indicate what to do if Russian Post lost the international parcel. The regulatory document was adopted in Doha in 2012. The Russian PPOs sent from another state occurs on the basis of the specified documents.

First actions

The recipient should find out where the parcel is. Receiving information is possible by the track number. The code is entered on the Mail site of the Russian Federation -, a citizen receives information about the location of the departure. The identifier is provided with addressed.

If the package lost mail, the information on the track is not updated for several days. Departure is in one place without anyway without certain reasons. For example, the parcel is in the sorting center a few weeks.

On the hotline of Russian Post 8-800-2005-888, you can get information about how much the parcel can lie in a specific connection point. For domestic and international shipments, the timelines in the Russian Federation coincide.

Next, you should contact the sender of things. He can withdraw the parcel, contacting the office of Russian Post at the place of dispatch. In other cases, the recipient can independently contact the telecom operator with the requirement of the search for the departure.

Parcel Search Application

On the official website of the Russian Post, there is an electronic form to submit an application for the search for parcels -\u003dclaim_internal. A citizen needs to make the following information:

  • FULL NAME. applicant;
  • address of accommodation and contact phone author of the statement;
  • passport data: series, number, which institution and when issued;
  • the reason for the preparation of the appeal (the departure has not received the addressee);
  • document submission date;
  • view of mailing and number for tracking it;
  • date of sending and index of separation;
  • list of premise content, packaging type, special marks (for example, delivery with cash on delivery);
  • FULL NAME. and the addresses of the recipient and the sender.

A check or receipt (invoice) is attached to the document confirming sending the parcel. Copy can be obtained from the sender. Without invoice, a citizen will not be able to confirm that the contract for shipment was concluded.

Application is not allowed to apply for the search. Information is entered into a special file in PDF format. His applicant prints on paper and signs. Claim and the accompanying documents are provided

A citizen has the right to apply to the electronic box of the Department of Claimed Work of the Organization. In this case, there will be no official confirmation that his statement was made to consideration.

Claims are accepted in any branch. You can write a statement no later than half a year from the date of departure.

Search for parcel

In Russia, the search for mailings by identifier is wanted. This is a special number assigned to international departure for tracking. If it is not, the telecom operator will not answer anything on the merits of the citizen. In court it will be impossible to prove the guilt of the post in the loss of the subject.

If the parcel was lost, the operator has 60 days in search (Article 55 of Law No. 126-ФЗ).

If a person wants to quickly find a parcel, lost in the Russian Post, a week after submitting an application, it is necessary to contact an employee of the organization to be submitted for consideration. A specialist should ask what actions are being taken to search.

The search for departures is to physical inspection of the last point of stay.

Payment delay compensation

When the departure comes to the mail, the citizen is sent notice. After receiving the parcel, the citizen has the right to submit a claim on the delay in delivery.

Mail considers such statements within 60 days. The applicant can pay 3% of the cost of delivering services for each day of delay, but no more than the established tariff (Article 34 of Law No. 176-FZ).

If the parcel-parcel did not come, the citizen has the right to demand reimbursement. To do this, it is necessary to submit an invoice where the cost of a thing in the mail is indicated. Citizens can submit an extract from a bank account, where there will be information about the actual amount listed.

Reimbursement of losses, missed benefits, moral damage compensation occurs only by court decision. Mail can independently compensate the applicant's costs, but this happens in exceptional cases.

The search period is violated

In some cases, the applicant does not receive an answer to the search for wanted and track international shipments.

The recipient remains 1 option to protect their interests - appeal to court. A claim is drawn up, a receipt or a check is attached, on which you can track the parcel, the response of the Russian Post on the fact of writing activities (if any).

Alternative option - write a statement to the upstream guide. However, most appeals are transmitted directly to the Communication Department, where the parcel must be. The applicant receives disciplocation.

Often citizens turn to Roskomnadzor. This department is not engaged in resolving property disputes of citizens and postal operators.

Until the delivery of the parcel, the thing is the property of the sender. If the subject was purchased, the recipient may require return value from the seller. The money will be listed, and the sender will be engaged in complication work with the Russian Post.

Citizens are often saved at postal service. The parcel with Aliexpress can be delivered without a track number, but in case the recipient will not be able to find his thing. Russian Post will not refund damages, since there will be no evidence that the loss occurred after receiving the administration by the operator.

Unfortunately, Russia is increasingly happening in such a way that the parcel, which is expected, does not come on time, and it is delayed for a long time or the more loss. Where should I contact our citizens and what should be done in such a situation? In this article, we will look at what is the search for postal items.

Check as a useful assistant in case of loss of parcel

One of the extremely important things to know is that it is always necessary to maintain checks. When your parcel is lost, you should apply for the Russian Post to the search for postal shipments, and for this you must have a check or at least a copy of it. Otherwise, your application that you will be in case of loss can simply not accept.

Like any other documents, such as a passport, checks are also desirable, if you don't wear with you, then at least save for some time until your purchase comes to you, and you will not be sure that she is What you need.

On the check, as a rule, information about the sending number is displayed. It can help if your order is registered. Usually this number is reported immediately after sending. How does Russia make the post office of mail?

Package Tracking

Tracking any departures can be tracked directly on the Russian Post website either using certain applications or programs. Previously, citizens tracked their parcels on the site "Somiphotel", but after introducing additional protection against this kind of programs, this service stopped functioning.

As a way out, you can download a special program to the phone with the name "Sending" - this is a fairly convenient application that is very prompt and quickly displays any changes associated with moving your mailing.

Example Losses Parcel

Why do I need a search for postal shipments by Russian Post? About this next.

So, consider the simplest situation associated with the loss of departure. In the service of your district center or city, the statuses "left the sorting clause" or "arrived at the place of receipt." But after the display of this information has already passed several days, and there is no notice yet.

"Leave the sorting point" means that the parcel was loaded into the mailing machine, and it was taken directly to your post office. Of course, the car could not get to certain circumstances, but in practice something like this happens quite rarely. As a rule, already in the same or as a last resort the next day, the parcel arrives in the post office, and can immediately be sent for its receipt, not even waiting for the notice.

The exception is the situation when the sorting item is not located in your city, then it makes sense to wait a couple of days. So, if you see in the status column, the mark "left the sorting point" or "arrived at the place of receipt," you can grasp the passport and boldly go to the mail.

And how much can the search for postal items can be delayed? At the post office of citizens can send home and ask to wait for notice, but it is better not to agree to this, as the staff of the post office is likely to lie too lazy to look for your parcel. In such a situation, it makes sense to demand the boss. The fact is that Russian Postal Employees are obliged to issue shipments even without notifications. This is especially true when the parcel was noted in the department a few days ago, and notice to get it still not.

When your package cannot find your package, you need to write an application for the search for international postal postage.

Search for lost mailing

In order to start searching, you need to check the status of your letter or the parcel for the so-called track number. If there is no information regarding the status of your departure, or it is not updated enough for a long time, it means that your parcel or letter has not yet been delivered.

To proceed with the search for postal entry by identifier, you need to write an application on the Internet portal page of Russia. It can be provided to any branch of service. In order for your statement to accept, the following documents will be needed from you:

  • Statement drawn up to search for departure through the territory of the Russian Federation or international shipment.
  • The check, which was issued along with the departure, or a copy of this. The check itself is issued directly at the time of sending.
  • Any identity card, such as a passport or rights.

An application for the search for international or internal mailing is taken for six months from the date of dispatch. And such a paper for finding international shipments, EMS is accepted within four months from the date of departure, according to the regulation of the use of standard EMS agreements.

This application for the Russian Post to the search for postal postage can be filed as a recipient and the sender or an entrusted person of one of them, the main thing in such a situation is to present a power of attorney.

The priority and the basic right to receive compensation has the sender of the parcel, in addition, it has the opportunity to refuse to receive compensation in favor of the recipient. Where to send a letter to the search for postage? This is a frequent question.

Warning method

All the results of the search for the Russian Post Service, as a rule, reports through the registered letter to the actual address or as a message by email, which was indicated in the application.

Informing should occur no later than thirty calendar days from the moment of submission of an application regarding domestic postal shipments, and at the latest - after two or three months, if we are talking about international parcels. In cases where the departure still fails to find, compensation is made. The sender can transfer its right to receive such in favor of the customer of the parcel or other trusted person.

The search for international mail may be required to everyone.

Nuances in the preparation of applications for the search

To go and write a statement in the postal service office is not at all, just enough to download a statement from the official website. It is important to pay attention to the type of document, since, depending on the type of wanted parcels, there are samples for internal or international shipments.

Next, paper should be printed and fill out of the hand. It is advisable to carefully consider this statement and make full information on your problem. In the header according to the standard diagram, the name is specified in the address of which the document is drawn up and fixed from which this query is based on the search for the identifier. Thus, information about the address, passport and contact data of the sender is prescribed.

Data from check

Fill out the application will not be much difficult, especially since most of the data is available in the check, namely:

  • type of departure;
  • value of lost parcel;
  • date of cargo acceptance.

Such a section, as a type of packaging, is desirable to remember or clarify directly from the sender. For example, when you inform that the parcel is lost in bright red packaging, it will definitely help find it much faster, although this field is not mandatory for filling.

The tearless part of the coupon is usually filled with postal service staff and is issued to the customer with the original check. The reverse side of the application is not required for printing, as there is only information about how to fill it correctly. As soon as the paper is ready, it should be attributed to the post office, after which it will only be waiting.

Results of submission of an application for the search

Most often, two to three days after submitting an application for the search for postal shipments by the name of the recipient, the parcel is declared at any sorting point or can be detected in the issuance separation. In the case when it comes to international cargo, it can go a lot more time until it is detected. Nevertheless, despite all the doubts of our citizens, the meaning of filing the application is definitely there. As a rule, in the overwhelming majority of cases it helps to find a lost parcel.

For the same persons whose parcels were not found, monetary compensation was laid.


In conclusion, it is important to note that in case of loss, the parcel should not do two things:

  • get upset;
  • to complain.

As practice shows, the official website of Russia's post is absolutely useless to complaints, so it does not have any forms of feedback at all and even more so does not have forums. The only thing that is required from a citizen in such a situation is, first of all, gain patience and download a form to fill an application for the search for postage, which is likely to be found over time. Good luck!