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How Google Analytics works and what new introduces to Universal Analytics. I just installed Google Analytics

Hello, dear blog readers Website. The service analysts from Google is considered one of the most functional Runet market, and at the same time it is absolutely free.

In this article, I want to introduce you to the principles of the work of this system and the basic concepts embedded in its foundation, so that with her more dense acquaintance you have understood what users are not confused, sessions (sessions) and interaction (hits), and Also understood the relationship between parameters and indicators.

In the current period, the Google Analytics system is experiencing a renewal stage, for a more accomplished complex called Universal Analytics, whose tracking code is already being offered for installation. Therefore, in this article, I will describe the new opportunities that Google Analytics will receive after its reincarnation in UA (receiving data from any devices connected to the network, more, etc.).

Opportunities and principle of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analytics system far out beyond the possibilities of ordinary, such as, TOP100, and even the Metric of Yandex. This system is as powerful as complicated in the development, especially for unprepared users. With all its impressive functionality, Google's brainchild has a rather high threshold of entry, and many this analyst either do not use or enjoy, but only a very small share of all opportunities provided to it.

With Google Analytics, you can collect and analyze data from various devices and digital tools. Thus, for example, you can understand how customers find your websites or mobile applications and how they interact with them (evaluate user behavior). The analytics system itself consists, one can say from four blocks that perform the following functions:

  1. Data collection
  2. Block that allows you to make settings
  3. Data processing unit
  4. Conclusion of reports in the most visible form

Thanks to this four components, you can collect, configure and analyze data on your site. Let's start in order, namely from the data collection unit. How to extract the necessary information? Correctly, using the meter code installed on the site (or mobile application). In general, as usual.

This tracking code contains a number of instructions for Google Analytics, which are said to which the user interaction with the site should pay attention and which data you want to collect. The data collection method is determined by the digital environment in which the meter works. For example, when installing it javaScript is used on the website. Tracking. And to integrate the counter code in the mobile application, the so-called developer package (SDK) is used.

The user with his actions causes a google analytics tracking code to life (opens the page of your site or goes into a new screen of your application). As a result, information about all the actions produced, including headlines and urms viewed pages, and other things that are then collected in the package (HIT) are collected. This package is sent to the system server to execute the next step - data processing.

All these "raw" data on the Google server passes through the sieve of the settings you make (your configuration), which allows you to cut off excess in accordance with the specified measurement plan and the mortgaged targets (business). What does this mean in practice? Well, for example, you can put a filter in analytics settings to sew data visits to the site or mobile application by your employees. In the future, they will not be processed and influence the results presented in the reports. Moreover, this data really will not be collected, and even after the filter is canceled, you will not be able to see them.

In addition to collecting data using the meter, there is an opportunity import this information from other services "Corporation of Good". For example, you can associate your Google Analytics account with an account in or in. In principle, import data into analysts can be carried out even from sources that do not belong to Google (for example, collected by your own).

What is noteworthy, it is at the stage of processing the system that all these data from different sources (including collected by their counters) combines and they will contribute to the resulting reports. The Google Analytics reporting system includes pretty convenient tools for visual data presentation. However, if you wish, access to reports can be obtained by API if you, for example, want to create your own reporting systems outside the GA interface.

Let's consider in general terms as analytics collects the necessary data About your site. The gathering model itself takes three things - users, sessions (sessions) and interaction.

  1. The user is a visitor to your site or mobile application.
  2. Session (more understandable, in my opinion, is the term session) - this is the time spent on the website or in the application
  3. Interaction is user actions on the site.

This scheme has a hierarchical structure descending from the user to interaction. Users vary on those who visit your site just once, and those who went on him several times a day. In the Google Analysts system, each visit is considered a session (session), which implies the recognition ability in several sessions of the same user (returned).

In turn, the session, perfect on your website, consists of separate interactions. For example, the user can go to the main and immediately leave it, which will lead to the registration of Google only one interaction - view the main page. Within the framework of another session (session), the user could also see the video, as well as make a purchase. We would have three interactions.

These individual interactions within one session (session) are called hitamiIn turn, are divided into groups related to either hits associated with viewing pages or with transactions or events. Once upon a time hierarchy of the data collection scheme adopted in Google Analytics - Each tracked system interaction refers to some session, and each session is associated with the appropriate user.

As you already understood, directly collecting data (user actions information) deals with the tracking code that you installed on your website, a mobile application or another digital environment. He collects the collected information to your analytics account with the purpose of processing and forming reports.

Binding the tracking code collected to your account is carried out using a unique identifier in the code. For example, in the example of Google Analytics code for a website or application.

Registration in Google Analysts and Tracking Code

In fact, now from the beta testing stage came out a new way of tracking, which was called Universal Analytics. (talk to him a little later) and the code of which is now offered to establish when registering on the official website :

Please note that you are free to choose using the buttons located at the top, where exactly you want to collect statistics on the website or in a mobile application. After filling out all fields registration forms in analytics You will be invited to agree with the terms and copy to your site tracking code with a unique identifier, the truth is already universal Analytics:

Let's first consider aspects of the GA's work, and only then let's talk about what the new UA (Universal Analytics) is different from it and that the Google corporation has encouraged on its development and a gradual transition from the classic GA. Those. Now we will continue the conversation for Google Analysts. So...

Tracking code collects information about the interaction of users with the site or web application. This information is collected in packets and sent to Google Servers (for example, in the form of a list of parameters in the url). Also, tracking code can recognize new and returned users. All the collected data is fastened to your Accounts in Google Analytics through the use of a unique identifier attached to tracking code. We just talked about it.

Set Google Analytics Tracking Code

For tracking and collecting data Websites use a javascript code fragment, which was shown in the previous screenshot. It contains a link to the Analytics.js library, which adjusts the type of data collected on the site. Naturally, to collect all statistics, this code should be present on each page of your site.

To do this, it is usually added to that file of the template of your site (if it works on, for example). So, for example, you can find the file in your topic, in which the "head" of the document (web page) is formed, consisting of a closing and opening tags head.. Just in front of the closing tag and you can insert the function of tracking the Universal Analytics.

How JavaScript Works Tracking Code on the site

If the tracking code is posted on all pages of the site, each call (user opening) will form a hit (interaction element). If this rule is broken, then you will not get a complete picture of all interactions (performed within a specific session session). In addition, adding the tracking code to the most upper part of the source page of the pages ensures that the browser when parsing this code (starting from above and going down) activates the execution of the analytics script.

Therefore, even if the user leaves until the page is downloaded, its interaction with your site will be taken into account. Analytics code is performed asynchronously. It starts on the back background until the browser performs other tasks for downloading the items of the web page. This again allows you to start collecting data before full page download.

After the tracking code on this page was executed, the system creates anonymous unique identifiers intended. There are several ways to create such identifiers. By default, Google Analytics uses its own (read and what they eat them), but you have the ability to create and use your own identifier.

When downloading the JavaScript page, the meter code collects information about the website itself, for example, ull address of the current page. Also, the meter collects information about the browser in which this page is open, for example, its name or language settings. And even about the operating system, which is running this browser. All this information is packaged and sent to the Ground server in the form of a hits of viewing pages. And this process is repeated whenever the page is loaded in the browser.

What is noteworthy, all this will work great and without any preliminary settings. Registered in Google Analytics, received the code and everything will work wonderfully, and you will watch the collected data in the form of final reports. However, there is an additional opportunity to configure the code that allows you to collect more information about users, their sessions (sessions) and interactions with your site.

How does an SDK from Analytics in mobile applications

With the help of Analytics, you can also collect and. In this case, the process is somewhat different from how this is done in the case of a website. Not a javascript code is used, and the so-called SDK (developmental package), which will be different for different operating systems (android, iOS). At the same time, it is collected that it is the user who looks at the application, how often it opens it, etc.

This data is again packaged in hits and go to your account Google analysts, but not immediately, but after accumulating on your mobile device. Why is it done?

  1. First, the mobile device (unlike the site) is not obliged to always be connected to the network, and even at the time of connection there are "dead zones" of the reception, overloading of honeycombs, etc. circumstances.
  2. Secondly, the process of sending data to the Google server in real time (as made by the meters installed on the websites) can significantly reduce the operating time of the mobile device from the battery.

Therefore, collected hits (data packets) accumulate on the device and sent by the SDK service on Google Servers every half an hour in the case of using Android OS and much more often for iOS (every two minutes). What is noteworthy, you are free to change this interval at your discretion to control the battery life of the mobile phone from your application users.

SDK, as well as the javascript counter code, can differentiate (distinguish between) users (more precisely, mobile devices on which the application starts). When the application starts, an anonymous unique identifier is generated, which is then tracked. Those. The mobile device is identified and its user (it is first the first, because the second is more complicated).

When updating the application to the new version, the device identifier does not change. True, when reinstalling (deleting and subsequently installing an application), the old identifier will be deleted and replaced with a new one. Such a user will be counted not as returned, but as a new one. SDK can also be modified to collect additional information about your users, their sessions and interactions with the application.

What is noteworthy, Google Analytics can collect data not only from websites or mobile applications. It supports the other devices that seem to be connected to this system at all in no way possible (terminals for receiving payments, cash registers, etc.). An, no. There is a special protocol with a hard-acting name (Measurement Protocol), which allows you to send data from any device connected to the Internet.

When working with sites and mobile applications, the meter code created hits (packages of collected information) and sent them to your account in Google. Here these chicks you have to form themselves. As this is done just and described in the above-mentioned protocol and the developer page.

Processing in Google Analytics of data collected by meters

So, about collecting data, we talked in general terms, it's time to move to blocks responsible for their processing and configuration. The interaction of these two blocks allows you to structure and convert the data collected into that information that can be seen in analytics reports. How does it work?

The system shares the collected data on users and sessions (sessions), and changing the settings can be affected by this process. In addition, the total mass is mixed with data collected from other sources (not using Google Analytics Tracking Code).

These may be data from Adsense, Adsense, Google Webmaster (by binding accounts for these systems) and other sources that do not belong to the "Corporation of Good" (by loading the prepared file manually or using a specially written program using the Analytics API capabilities). You can also use the import data data tool, which is used to add information about the means spent on third-party advertising (not Googlovsk) so that then the effectiveness of these advertising campaigns can be estimated.

All these summary data will be held through the sieve filters that you specified in the settings. These settings report the system which data is included, and which exclude from future reports. They can also influence ways of formatting the collected data. Well, in the final, all the collected information is structured and is collected in the database table (database). To generate any username of the analytics report on the basis of these databases will not be difficult.

How analysts distinguishes users and sessions (sessions)

On the site of the site, data about users, sessions (sessions) and interactions are packaged in hits, and already in the most analytics system they are processed. BUT how Google Analysts creates users? When your site or mobile application is first loaded on the device (mobile or stationary computer), together with the first hit (packet of the data collected), a unique identifier corresponding to this device is created and in the future it will be attached to each hurt sent to the system servers.

When analyzing the analytics of the data, Analytics, each such considers as a unique user (although in real estimates it is "stupid" gland, not a person). Each hits detected when analyzing the contents of hits, a new identifier will be considered a new user. If the identifier has already been encountered in the next hit, then such a user ("stupid" gland) will be considered returned.

If the user (for example, by setting their cleaning in the browser settings when closing the program), such identifiers are destroyed. The same thing happens in case of deleting and re-installing a mobile application. As a result, this user will be considered new, and not returned, as it really is.

If a person comes to your site from a phone, a tablet, a laptop and a stationary computer, then Google Analytics will default by default for four different users, because Tracking code will assign different identifiers to all these devices. True, in the system settings, you can change the method of creating and assigning an identifier. In essence, it will allow you to combine user interaction within several devices, i.e. Get more reliable data at the exit.

BUT how the system creates sessions (sessions)? In Analytics session (session) is a set of interactions of a particular user (consisting of separate types of hits) during a specified period of time. These interactions can be viewing pages, events or transactions (shopping) in the online store. The same user can make several sessions that can occur throughout the same day or with intervals in several days, weeks or even months.

After the end of one session (session), another may be started. But what about the system? It turns out that by default, the session is considered completed after the half-hour idleness of the user. This period is called a session timeout and is characterized by the fact that in this time interval the system does not receive hits (data packets on the site) from this user.

At the same time, the new session (session) will begin after the system gets a new hit on the actions of this user. The half-hour timeout is taken as the average suitable for most sites. But in the configuration settings of the system you can install that time out, which in your opinion will be optimal. The main thing is that it allows you to more accurately monitor the statistics and understand the processes taking place on your site. For example, if you have many videos longer than 30 minutes, it makes sense to increase the timeout of the session auto-detection.

Configuration settings analytics

The concept of users and sessions is based on the work of the Google Analytics service and understand how this data is made from untreated arrays, it is important to obtain a maximum of information from the created reports. It is also important to understand how the system applies configuration settings to the collected data (made by you) and how it prepares them for reports.

Configuration settings can affect the resulting reports as follows:

  1. Enable data
  2. Exclude data
  3. Change the method of displaying data in reports

In Google Analytics there is a huge number configuration settings options. Perhaps that even too much, because the newcomer is very frightened. However, if among them allocate the most important groups of tools, it turns out not so much:

  1. - With them, you can change the data entering reports (include or excluding something), as well as change their display method in the reports in such a way that they are better approached under your task. For example, you can create a filter that excludes traffic from a specific IP address or a whole range of addresses (for such, for example, that the signs of your employees do not distort the statistics, because they are not your target audience). Filters are applied at the data processing stage (when receiving hits from tracking code - they are either not accepted, as in our example with IP, or modified).
  2. - In the process of setting the goals in Google Analytics, new indicators are created for reports, for example, conversion or conversion coefficients. Objectives allow you to specify which hits (for example, viewing pages or screens) must be used when calculating the conversion. You can go a goal, for example, tracking subscriptions to newsletters, and at each next subscription committed by the user on the site, conversion will be registered in your account. Well, with the help of conversion indicators, it will be possible to determine after a while, whether you reached the goals of the site or mobile application (sales level, registrations, etc.).
  3. - Another way to convert the data tracking code collected by connecting specific data fragments to analyze overall efficiency. In analysts, you can create groups of channels (marketing activities - for example, media advertising, social networks, distribution email, etc.) and content groups (used to create and analyze the totality of content - for example, in the online store you can combine all pages of goods in the online store One group, and all information articles to another to understand what role each groups play).

All Google Analytics configuration settings described above are applied to the data to their aggregation (the last step of data processing phase). But during the aggregation process itself, the system creates and distributes the report parameters on the tables (indicators are reached for each parameter). When you open a report in your account, first of all sends a request to the aggregated tables filled with data. In response, specific parameters and indicators are returned to this. When using API, requests for data from aggregated tables sends the application you created.

All collected data tracking code that has been processed will be available in the form of reports in the analytics web interface, or in your own interface that receives data on the API. Most often, it is the web interface of the system to access reports. It can be considered as a layer located on top of your data, which allows them to structure them, segment and filter using a set of analytical tools. Using the API, you can programmatically add analytical data to user applications (for example, to the admin of your CMS).

The basis of all reports lie combinations of parameters and indicators:

Combining different parameters and indicators The Google Analytics system can form almost any report required to assess marketing actions and user behavior on the website (or in a mobile application).

"Parameter" Designed to describe data characteristics. For example, there may be a source of traffic, where the visitor came to your site:

And an example of a user with your site can be the name of the page being viewed:

"Indicators" - This is a quantitative measurement of data that can be used to calculate the frequency of occurring events, such as the total number of users on the website or in a mobile application.

As indicators, medium values, for example, the average number of users viewed by the user on the site in the framework of a single session can be used (the most notorious viewing depth indicator, which is considered to affect the behavioral assessment of the site by search engines).

Most often, the parameters and indicators are displayed in the Gogl reports of analytics in the form of tables, in the first column of which contains the value of a specific parameter, and in the remaining columns - corresponding indicators. However, when creating reports, because each of them has its own scope (which corresponds to a certain level of the hierarchy of analytical data relating to either users or to sessions or to interactions).

In most cases, it makes sense to combine in reports only those parameters and indicators that belong to the same area of \u200b\u200baction. For example, the "number of visits" is an indicator of a session (session), so it can only be used with the session level parameters (for example, with the "traffic source" or "geographical position" parameter).

It would not be logical to combine the "number of visits" with the parameters of the level of hits (interactions), for example, with the "page title" parameter. Or, for example, the indicator "Visit Duration" (measures the time that the user spent on the pages of your site) refers to the level of hits and cannot be used together with the parameters of the session levels (all with the "source of traffic" or "geographical position") .

If you are in the essence of parameters and indicators, it will help you as a result of obtaining more significant data necessary to analyze the effectiveness of your site or mobile application.

Universal Analytics.

Universal Analytics is a new Google Analytics Standard. Soon for all accounts will necessarily use Universal Analytics. Not so long ago, he came out of the beta testing stage and now on the pages of your account on the Administrator tab hangs the offer to go to it.

Tracking code (if notes) already includes a UA identifier, which means one of the advantages of Universal Analytics will be implemented automatically - the ability to collect data from any electronic devices connected to the Internet (using Java code script, or with SDK, or With Measurement Protocol). We have already spoken about it slightly higher.

The UA has become accessible to the ability to create its own user identifiers, which will not be tied to the device. Remember, I brought an example about the occasion from the mobile phone, tablet, laptop and computer of the same person? In the classic GA, these cameras would be taken into account as four different users, but thanks to the Universal Analytics settings, you can manually set user identification for your site, and one user will be taken into account in our example.

Go to Universal Analytics or stay while sitting on GA - to solve you.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Greetings to you dear blog readers! Today I want to tell you how to install Google Analytics to your site. This system is one of the most accurate on the market for collecting and analyzing data on site visitors. However, today Analytics is not so popular as the Yandex Metric Systems or LiveInternet. This can be explained as complexity in working with the system and orientation to the West Market. I am sure that soon the situation will be corrected, and Analytics will get widespread among data collection systems on the site.

Main page Google Analytics

Before installing Google Analytics to the site, we will deal with what advantages give us the system. The most important advantage of the metrics on the site is the ability to get objective information about the popularity of your Internet resource. Thanks to the statistics system, you can judge the transition channels to the site. Analyzing the data obtained using metrics can be a plan for the development of the site and significantly increase its indicators. Analytics for business is particularly important. I will tell about it in my next article.

Here you can familiarize yourself with the overall information about the system and log in to the Analytics account, or pass the process of registering a new account. In order to create an account in Google Analytics, click on the "Registration" button.

Create an account in Google Analytics

An information page appears with a step-by-step description of the process. On the right there is a button that starts the registration process in Google Analitycs. Click on the button and start the process. When registering, you can get tracking code into two types of Internet resources:

  • Web site
  • Mobile app

Next, you must fill out the registration form. To do this, you must specify the account and resource settings. Title Account Allows you to create an account within a specific project. One project is better to create 1 site. In total, the Google Analytics account is available to create 100 packs. In the title I recommend specifying the site site name, such as IT blog.

Registration of a new account in Google Analytics

Resource settings include filling 4 fields: site title (for example, IT blog), site url, industry and time zone (I recommend specifying your time zone). After filling them, you go to the Privacy Policy Page. By accepting policies, we turn out to be on the Google Analytics page. All that we have left is to insert it into the Head section on our website.

Google Analytycs code for site

How to set Google Analytics code

Some or difficulties with the question how to install Google Analytics to the site should not occur. Go to the editing mode of the HTML site code and find the header editing section (section ). The code must be inserted to the closing sign "/". If you insert the code into another section of the site, the counter will work incorrectly. I draw your attention that you can associate your Google Analytics account with other Google accounts, such as Adword or AdSense.

Analytics panel after installation

This is how the home panel of Google Analytics looks immediately after installation on the site. The first data on the attendance of the site will begin to do about half an hour. During this time, we can deal with nuances display data in the system. Now you know how to install Google Analytics to the site and start using data analysis system. I wish your highest attendance and interesting content!

Video on how to install Google Analytics to the site

Here is the official instruction on setting up the Google Analytics tracking.

Marketing stepped far ahead.

Now you can track almost everything: where the client came to you, as he behaved on your site and what goods were interested.

Web marketing opportunities would not be so developed if there were no web analytics services - powerful tools for tracking behavior of site visitors and collecting and processing statistical data.

What is web analytics systems?

Analytics systems are special services that allow you to track many of the indicators of your site.

The main advantages of installing the meter on the site:

  • Acceleration of indexation and increasing confidence in the search engine site.
  • Track traffic to the site from different sources. It can be both direct and search or advertising transitions. Also skillfully recognize the transitions on the links from other sites and social networks.
  • Recognition of new and repetitive visitors. You can block statistics in the settings in the settings, for example, the IP of your company (in order for the traffic of employees does not distort the data).
  • Counting conversion. About conversion for AdWords and how to configure them, I wrote earlier.
  • Formation of statistical reports: This tool can easily output data, analyze them and filter, while performing everything in one interface without additional manipulations.
  • Collection of visitors audience for further types of advertising. For example: You can customize advertising based on remarketing (usual or dynamic). About types of advertising can read.

Counters for sites exist from different services.

We will not talk about those that make no sense to speak, but focus on mandatory.

Google Analytics.

Regarding Google Analytics it is difficult not to find information on the network.

This monster among the counters of sites - provides tremendous opportunities and allows you to track a lot of indicators.

But it is the abundance of information and functions that makes it a little difficult for a beginner.

Google Analytics features

Google Analytics Counter is a unique utility. Why?

Easy way to install the code and track the conversion.

Analytics counter can be installed:

  • To the website. Traditional method of using counter.
  • On a mobile application. Today is likely the only way to get high-quality data on your mobile application.
  • On the youtube account - Yes, you can track the entire analyst of YouTube directly in Google Analytics.

Among the possibilities of Google Analytics, I would like to highlight the following.

Viewing a real-time site.

A unique utility that allows you to look at the activity right now.

Indispensable for programmers to check the conversion tracking codes.

Total value.

Located in the audience section.

With configured conversion, you can watch how much money is brings traffic (and what channel separately).

Path use.

Excellent indicator for detecting pages with a high failure.

An ideal tool for checking the funnel at the online store - we often managed to catch poor-quality pages precisely thanks to this report.

For example, in a screenshot, it can be seen that a huge share of visitors is lost at stage 2 order design through the basket.

Integration with Search Console - Allows you to track search queries directly in Google Analytics.

A powerful tool makes it possible to immediately evaluate the shows, your place in the search and click, without leaving the analyst.

Tracking site download time.

Since Google refers to site speed as the most important ranking factor, this report has been submitted separately.

  • Track the total site download speed over time.
  • You can check which pages are loaded longer, and try to optimize them.
  • Check the operation and download speed of the AMP pages on your site. How to configure Amp - read.
  • You can check the results for each browser separately.
  • Review the recommendations for improving page download.

Setting up e-commerce will allow, without leaving Google Analytics, track profits from the sale of goods, evaluate the ROI (return of investments) to advertising.

Your programmer can easily configure e-trading on the site using this instruction.

Installing Google Analytics Counter

We will look at the traditional application of the meter - install it on the site.

To create a meter, follow the link.

Pass register if you do not have counters.

In the case when they are and you want to create one more, follow these steps:

  • select Administrator (gear in the lower left menu);
  • go to the settings;
  • in the Account field, select Create an account.

Remember that at one Google account may be no more than 100 metric counters.

Then specify the following data:

  • Title Account - You can add multiple counter codes for 1 account (or how Google tracking indicators calls them).
  • Name of the site - Specify the site name. For convenience, I recommend inserting a domain.
  • URL Site. - Specify the link to the main page.
  • Industry - Select the most suitable industry from the list for your site.

Then go to the tracking code settings and copy your code.

There are two ways to install code:

  1. Through analytics - just copy the code and place on each page of your site before the tag .
  2. Through Tag Dispatcher.

We will tell you how to do it for different CMS.

  • For WordPress - There is a plugin. Similarly, in the settings of the topic you can edit header.php. and register the code in the header.
  • For OpenCart. - Go to the section Extensions -\u003e Analytics, Select EditingInsert the code received, select Switched on Enabled).
  • For Joomla - Go to Extensions ->TEMPLATE MANAGER. (Extensions\u003e Template Management). Select your template and click Details of the topic. Click Edit Main Page Template (Edit Main Page). Then insert the code before the tag.
  • For 1C Bitrix - Choose Desktop, go to Settings, then Zhmem. Product SettingsFind Sites. After that, open Web-sites' templates. Choose our site, click to change. Find tag And insert tracking code in front of it.
  • For Prestashop. - Similarly, as for Yandex.Metrics, before inserting the code in the header, wrap it first and at the end of the tags (Literal) (/ Literal) (In between them, insert the code).

IMPORTANT! If you do not have experience in working with the site code, we recommend contacting the installation specialists.

Do not forget to link google Analytics and Google Webmaster.

Make sure that access to Google analytics and webmaster has the same (your) account.

Go to section Traffic Sources\u003e Search Console, then select your site from the list in the webmaster.

I already wrote about this earlier, here is a step-by-step instruction.

How to access Google Analytics meter

Open access to the meter in several clicks.

4 types of access: Which one is better?

To provide access to the meter, go to the section Administration.

Access can be given both to all account resources and to a separate resource or representation.

Simply specify your employee's Gmail mail or provided by the E-Mail from the studio to provide access in the window and select the level of permissions.

There are 4 types of access to the account.

  1. View and analysis - The user will be able to watch all reports and statistics in the framework of the provided access. Presentation settings remain personal and not visible to anyone.
  2. Sharing - Creation of joint notes and annotations, preserved views, as well as all the possibilities of the previous level of access.
  3. The change - In addition to the capabilities of the two previous levels, change in setting goals, reports, deleting, adding and changing resources, accounts and filters.
  4. user management - binding and disconnecting ADWORDS, ADSENCE, MERCHANT accounts, adding and deleting users from views, account and resource (depending on the level of access provided) and the capabilities of the above access levels.

Check mark Send the user an electronic notice is made at will.

Customize goals in Google Analytics

Simple guide on settings Google Analytics goals.

Optimal tips for beginners.

Setting goals in Google Analytics is a fairly difficult section for the article, because depending on the type of site and type of business, the department of targeted visits from the non-target is a time consuming task.

Here, most likely, we will only go through the main mechanism for setting goals on your site.

Tell how to do it quickly in the first stages, as well as the possibilities of Google analysts as a mechanism for creating goals.

  • Go to section Administrator\u003e Presentation\u003e Objectives.
  • Select button + Goal.

For goals in Google analyst, there are several work mechanisms.

Target page.

You can configure a visit to a specific page or the link fragment (for example, if a piece of the link with the text of a successful registration is added during registration to the URL).

  • Equally - It means only a specific reference will be tracked.
  • Begin with - Only the initial part of the selection reference is taken into account.
  • Regular expression - The goal is triggered if its fragment is found in the link.

Operators that can be used in regular expressions.

  • Point. Means any one character. For example, iphone.-32gb. - can work / iPhone5-32GB /, / iPhone6-32GB /
  • Asterisk * Means any number of characters from 0 to infinity. In our case iPhone * 32GB. May be successful for iPhone32GB, / iPhone-6S-32GB /, / iPhone-6-32GB /
  • Vertical line | This is the operator or. For instance, iPhone | iPad. - It means that the URL will work, which contain both iPhone and iPad in the link.
  • Degree Sign ^. - Search at the beginning of the field. For example, ^ Order can display links / order / and / Order-Success / but not / preordered /
  • Dollar symbol $ Makes the opposite of the degree sign - search by the end of the field. For example, for references order $. It will work for / Order / and / Preorder /, but for / order-success / purpose will not be taken into account.
  • Brackets () Allow the operator or for several options (more than 1). For example, / iPhone7- (32GB | 64GB | 128GB) / will take into account / iPhone7-32GB /, / iPhone7-64GB / and / iPhone7-128GB /
  • If you use the operator in the brackets and an asterisk, (.*) You can take into account all the subds in a particular section without taking into account the top-level page. for example /Delivery/(-*) Will lead to tracking all subdomains - / Delivery / Moscow, / Delivery / Speterburg, / Delivery / Novosibirsk.
  • Operator Reverse Slash \\ Allows you to take into account anyone above as a symbol, and not as a regular expression. For example, \\ .xml. It will work for expression.xml, not for HXML, TXML or other things.


There are no special settings here.

Just set the time of the optimal time of the user for the page.

Preferably specify the time exceeding the average time on the selling pages of your site.

Pages / Screens for Session.

A simple trick for the landing pages, where after successful sending an application (registration) the following page opens.


Allows you to track down a lot - from successful clicking on the application button, on the call of the online chat before sending payment.

Without a programmer, this goal is independently difficult to configure.

Label is a label to track our goals.

For example, we are for Ledding want to put tracking code on the lid form.

Then you follow all the necessary buttons that will track this conversion, set the JavaScript code with the following code (following an example from the screenshot):

gA ('Send', 'Event', 'Button', 'Success', 'LeadForm');

For convenience, Google Analytics offers target settings directly by templates.

If you have a chat consultant on your site Jivosite.just browse the report Behavior\u003e Hanging (Works for a paid online consultant version).

Then remember the action of the event and create the appropriate targets in the settings.

See also step-by-step instructions for setting up Google Analytics


At the end, such results can be summed up:

  1. Google Analytics capabilities are reduced not only to simple tracked visits - these are powerful traction tracking tools that allow you to customize contextual advertising for visitors to your site.
  2. Set the Google Analytics counter to your site. It has been proven to quickly indexing the resource after they are installed.
  3. It is necessary to provide access to the ideas of Google analysts responsible for promoting the site to persons.
  4. Counter Google Analytics is a contextual advertising setup tool: it is possible to track all the performance performance indicators from achieving conversion to electronic commerce.
  5. Google Analytics - a tool that must be associated with Google AdWords, Adsense and other google services for integrated traffic efficiency tracking, and in addition - without a counter no contextologist can configure remarking.

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This article will discuss the statistical analysis program for websites. Google Analytics ("Google Analytics", "Google Analysts") . I will tell (and show) how to register in Google analytics, how to install and configure the program and how to work with it.

For consumer objectivity, it is still necessary to mention that in addition to Google analysts, I also use LiveInternet statistics, which is also very pleased. And even more satisfied with their combination. But today, we still talk about Google Analytics (GA).

What is good Google Analytics, besides other of its advantages, so this is the fact that it is connected by default with all Google services you use: for example, if you want to run an advertising campaign in AdWords, its results can also be tracking with Google Analytics.

And if you have Gmail Mail, you do not need additional registration in GA, you can log in using the login and password of your post account. To this step, we now go.

1. Google Analytics - Registration in Google Analytics

Getting started for those who have no account. If you already have access to the statistics of "Google Analyst", go directly to the second item.

Then you will need to enter information regarding your site, contact details and agree with the terms of use of the service.

At the output you get the tracking code for the Universal Analytics, which you want to insert into the site code on all web pages of your resource.

If there are problems with the location of the code, check out for these recommendations:

The next window you will see will look something like this:

Yellow icon opposite the name of the domain means that the system has not yet recognized the code you installed on the site. You can wait until this happens by itself, and you can speed up the process by clicking on the "Edit" button ("Edit") and close to the "Check Status" on the same yellow icon. If the code is inserted correctly, the status will be changed to "Tracking Installed" and opposite the domain you will see an icon with a clock. This is:

/ Little retreat: despite the fact that at the very beginning of the work I installed Russian, Google Analytics for some reason all the time "communicated" with me in English. And only at this stage I could go to the "settings" and set the Russian language again. Perhaps it depends on the browser settings (I have in English). I hope you have overcome these stages without any problems regardless of the language. /

Over time, the icon will change on this green "tick"

This will mean that now Google analyst collects and analyzes the statistics of your site. By clicking on "View Report" ("View Report"), you will be taken to the toolbar.

2. How to work with Google Analytics

Before starting work, it is worth referring to the definitions of the main terms used in the system, for example, here:
Definition of indicators \u003e\u003e
Glossary \u003e\u003e


Toolbar is our main page to work with Google Analytics, with one look at which you can get quite a lot of information. Sometimes, if time presses, it is possible to limit it, since such data as the number of visits, page views, the average time of stay on the site and the failure rate can be seen right here.

The top schedule is built by default by the "Visit" parameter, and the days are taken as a unit of time. But all this can be rebuilt as you are more convenient and more correct. As a parameter, you can select the views of the pages, the failure rate, etc. (selected in the upper left rectangle - see picture), and you can choose a day, a week or month as a unit (selected on the right - too, see the picture).

Also, by default, as a period of time, the system takes one month (from today), but with the help of a calendar, which is on the right above, you can choose some kind of dates range. I also often use the comparison option, for this you need to check the box in the "Compared to Past" field and select the time period with which you want to compare certain parameters.

Main reports (sections)

The following sections are contained in the upper highway:

  • Alerts
  • Visitors
  • Sources of traffic
  • Content

In the article, which is called "Google Analytics for Doodles", we will only talk about visitors, traffic sources and content are the basic data on the site. The content of these sections was made by default in the toolbar under the top schedule and data use of the site.

By the way, all these blocks can also be managed at your discretion: if, for example, you do not want to contemplate visitors card every day, click on x in the upper right corner of this block, and it will disappear. Instead, another module can be installed on the page you need - in each report at the top there is a rectangular button "Add to the toolbar".


The first section of Google analysts who will tell you everything, well, or almost everything, about your audience: how much time they spend on average on the site, in what languages \u200b\u200bthey say, what browsers use how many new visitors with respect to the site and a lot more.

It is always interesting for me to look from where visitors come from (this, as a rule, is also always interested in advertisers), the geography of visits can be seen in the report "Waste data on the card".

It is very clearly shown that most of the visitors blogs live in Russia. There are also visitors from Ukraine, Belarus, Israel and other countries - on a little bit (even from Brazil someone came).

The following parameters are also important: absolutely unique visitors, views of pages, the average stay on the site and the failure rate. Please note that the indicator of "visits" will be higher than the meaning of "absolutely unique visitors", since the same unique visitor can return to the site several times a day, thereby generating several visits.

Sources of traffic

For me, this is the most interesting section in any statistics system: here you can find out which sites came visitors, what the percentage of transitions from the search, for some keywords, etc.

In the Site Sources Report, you will receive a list of resources referring to you. When you click on any of them, you will receive a list of pages from which transitions were performed. What can I pay attention to?

From the site, many visitors could go to you (for example, 100), and from the site used only 15. But it does not necessarily mean that you need to negotiate long-term cooperation with the owner of the site A. Maybe all visitors to the site A We were inappropriate and left immediately, looking at the content of just one page. And people from the site B spent a lot of time on the site, read a few more articles and it can be assumed that in the future they will return back. Such conclusions can be made by analyzing the data of this report - the number of viewed pages, the time of stay on the site,% of new visits and the failure rate.

By the way, in this and some other internal reports, instead of a table with numbers you can watch a colorful graph in a percentage (circular diagram) or a histogram (columns).

In the search engine report, we see a list of search engines, from which visitors came to the site. When you click on Yandex, for example, we will get a list of keywords for which they came to the site from Yandex. If you look at what words come from Google, we will see a completely different list of words. You can begin to analyze what is the difference between the site for these two search engines, and how to optimize the site for each of them.

The "Direct Traffic" tab is visitors who inserted the address of your site to the address bar of the browser, that is, they did not send any referring site, they sent themselves. Consider that among these "direct" visitors, there are both your own visits if you did not impose a filter on them.

The ADWORDS tab is relevant for those who use AdWords advertising service and tied it with an analytics account. (We have already talked about it at the beginning of the post).

This, of course, is also a very important component of statistics of any quality site (intended for people). It is here that you can find out which pages of the site are the most visited, and which readers do not receive attention at all.

"The most popular page pages" - this report is drawn up on the URL, according to the links. If you have no CNC on your blog - personary urms, then in my case, in my report, they may look about so "/2010/06/blog-post_5738.html" (this blog is on). You should not repeat my mistake, to suffer and relate them to the site. It is better to immediately see the report "CONTENTS by headlines". 🙂

"The most popular output pages" - this report of Google Analytics demonstrates, from what pages users leave the site.

An interesting new "chip" called "Page Statistics" - while in the beta version. By clicking on it, we get the site page reversal with the number of clicks as a percentage for each link located on this page. This allows you to find out which headers / modules / blocks and simply links in the text click your visitors, and which remains without attention - a very important tool for analysis. Just as long as, apparently, they still work on it.

Example of the report "Contents by title"

With the last two indicators, confusion often happens. This is well stated on the site. Web-Metrics. (ICONTEXT agencies):

Bounce Rate (Bounce Rate) shows what percentage of visitors who came from somewhere outside (not from another page of the same site!) On this page, it also left it - that is, or clicked on the link to the external site, or closed the browser, or scored in the address Row another site. For each page, this indicator is calculated separately, and then the average value for the entire site is considered.

% outputsIn turn, shows for which number of visitors this page has become the latter in the visit. At the same time, to this page, the visitor could see at least a hundred of other pages.

This notorious failure rate

What should he be? This question is very worried about everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of his blog or site. After all, many, seeing the "terrible" figure of 60 more percent, is concerned that too many visitors leave the resource, having visited only one page.

I give the answer Timofey Puttseva (Specialist of the Agency ICONTEXT):

3. Conclusion

In this article, we reviewed only the most highlights of the installation and work with Google Analysts. We did not install the system into several subdomains, did not change the code that received from Google analytics, did not set up additional modules, did not impose filters, did not install the statistics for searching on the site, did not work with goals and conversion and did not yet do anything. Opportunities Google Analytics are very wide, and if you want to master them at a more professional level, for this network there is everything you need.

Additional sources of information on Google Analytics

Google Analytics Help Center - Very many auxiliary materials for working with the system "from the manufacturer": from the beginning of working with Google Analytics before drawing up detailed reports and possible solutions to technical problems.

How to install Google Analytics correctly, and customize it under the runet - Installing and using GA for advanced users.

How to tie Google Analytics and Google AdWords - For those who are engaged in advertising in Google AdWords.

Manual: AdSense reports in Analytics

In this article you will learn how Google Analytics can help deal with goals in online sales and find out your audience "from A to Z." Inside - 8 types of reports with examples.

Fishka number 1. Reports on traffic sources.

Creating a Strategy - Collecting Information - Setup - Processing - Creating Reports.

It all starts with the strategy - from the idea of \u200b\u200ba business before creating a group on a social network. Working with Google Analytics should also begin with a strategy: what information do you expect to get what information will help increase sales?

The first stage - collecting information. Cool Google Analytics - "Reports on traffic sources."

You do not need to do extra movements, just tell Google Analytics, what traffic and from where it comes to you. You can do this as manually by adding UTM label to the URL, and you can use the Special URL Layer feature so that the parameters are automatically added to the address.

Now Google Analytics himself will classify user lands on your lading. The users who came from search engines will become organic traffic, "platforms" (who came by paid clicks) - paid traffic.

Google Analytics will also show who came on the links from social networks. How else may look like:

This is how the incoming traffic and the success of advertising campaigns can be analyzed.

Fishka number 2. Tracking behavior.

Google Analytics studies visitors: When they come where they click how the scrolls are downloaded, which files are loaded and what forms are filled. No additional devices do not need to do for this. You just need to go to the section "Behavior" and plunge into the study of those for whom you are actually working.

With Google Analytics, you can also carry out experiments with your page - the so-called A / B / N testing, which takes part up to 10 full versions of one page.

Using the report "Conduct Card" you can analyze how users move through the site's pages, and the "tracking of events" will show what is happening after loading the page. To do this, you will need to install the GA code to the site, or use the Google Tag Manager tag manager.

What events worth tracking? Loading files, filling out forms with contact details, click on phone numbers or email segment forms, clicks on outgoing links.

The more information we ship, the more accurate and the most costs are the reports that form a tool.

Chip number 3. Electronic commerce.

For E-Commerce Google Analytics - just a storehouse of valuable information.

In the screenshot below, you can see the "wrong" of the sales funnels: from above the number of sessions, the number of sessions with viewing of goods, the number of sessions with "add to the basket", the number of sessions with "Go to payment" and with transactions in payment.

Bottom: the number of inactive sessions, the number of sessions without a basket, the number of sessions with abandoned baskets, the number of outputs without order.

To help the section "Conversion - Electronic Trade - Enhanced Ecommerce (Extended Trade)".

Fishka number 4. Customer Information Tracking.

List of extensions and Google Analytics metrics amazes. Recall, extensions are sessions and users, and metrics are tools to explore them. So, create and add new metrics will help Universal Analytics.

For example, you can track the response to publishing the blog posts of a specific author. The same report will help to "learn" users who filled out the form on the site and indicating the activity of the activity specified by them. That is, you can build reports and see the groups of professions of their Central Asia.

Chip number 5. Site search.

This section is good in that it does not require any special technical skills or special access to the setting. For example, you can see what users are looking for on your site, what words are used and what they want, coming to you.

Site search tracking is in the "Behavior" section.

Configure tracking is very easy, it is enough to specify the S or Q parameter in the "Site Search Settings" section.

Chip number 6. Goal

Tell Google Analytics, what goals you put and how you want to measure the result. These can be sales and tracking electronic commerce, and any other tasks can be.

The "Target" subsection is in the section "Conversions" and this is perhaps one of the most important parameters. Goals can be attributed to a certain page, the fact of a specific event, the duration of the session or view a certain number of pages.

Objectives can be completely different:

In the following example, others: direction; duration (5 minutes and more), number of pages per session; Event (for example, viewing video, downloading a document, using a calculator on the site or filling out some special form on the site) and smart targets (the most popular pages are being studied to work later on the data obtained to work on strategies in the contextual advertising of Google AdWords).

Chip number 7. All traffic.

"All traffic" is another type of report on Google Analytics, from which you can extract much more than it seems at first glance.

In order for you, an array of information is not collapsed, use filters: the type of traffic, the display of information on specific countries, by a specific language and the like.

This sample can be made in the left menu:

On this friend, Google Analytics do not end. The tool is automatically tied to other useful tools:

See what excellent reports are waiting for you in this section:

Fishka number 8. Delivery of reports.

It is absolutely not necessary to monitor Google Analytics every day. Set up daily or weekly email reports and relax. Launching a new campaign, accommodating traffic, problems on the site - Google Analytics will let you know.

For impatient Google Analytics provides for the possibility of obtaining reports in real time:

A little code on the site, and the statistics report is displayed in real time on a huge screen:

We hope that our short guide will help you deal with Google Aalytics. Ask questions in the comments on setting up and applying reports.

High conversions!