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How to make AmxmodMenu in Russian. We make your topic for Counter Strike How to create a menu topic for COP 1.6

And hello again, dear friends and hello to those who are the first time on this site! My name is Leonid Permyakov, he is, - the author of the most popular on the Internet of articles and video tutorials on the Counter-Strike 1.6 game.

Many of my clients, after I install and collect the server for CS 1.6 turnkey to order, ask me, allegedly, and why the admin (amxmodMenu) menu in English and how to Russify it into Russian. This is what I have to touch AMXMODX and translate the server language and the menu itself into Russian.

In order to do not explain to the person every time manually how to do it, I decided to write a full-fledged article with step-by-step instructions about how to make AmxmodMenu in Russian. Below I painted all the actions that need to be performed to russify your CS 1.6 server into Russian. So let's get started! Here is what the result will be after the end of this article:

1. The first thing to be done is to enable the ability to switch the language into the admin menu. To do this, open the amxx.cfg file, which is located in the folder of your server. Approximate way: folder of your server / CSTRIKE / AMXMODX / CONFIGS / AMX.CFG.

Open the file using a notepad and find a line aMX_CLIENT_LANGUAGES. And change the value of this team with "0" to "1". It should turn out like this: aMX_CLIENT_LANGUAGES "1". Save the file and go to the second step.

2. Now you need download the files themselves Russian language for server. This is not a plugin, but a text crack. Swing them (when you click the file jumping).
Unzatch the archive and throw the Addons folder from the archive to the folder of your server: Cstrike. IMPORTANT! It should ask to replace the files, click "Yes, replace!". We replace all files.

Who did not understand, there are files in the archive that are located along the way: cSTRIKE / ADDONS / AMXMODX / DATA / LANG. They must be copied to all and throw it into the same folder, only on their server along the way: folder with your server / Cstrike / Addons / Amxmodx / Data / Lang. Asks to replace - answer "yes!".

3. After that, to make AmxmodMenu in Russian, Restart our game server and go to it under the admin. We enter the command in the console: amxmodMenu (that is, open the admin menu), click the number "9" to go to the next page of the menu and select the item under the number "5". You can also be under a different number, let's say under "6". It is called "Language Settings", which means "tongue settings". It looks like this so that way here:

Before you there will be two lines. This is: "Personal Language" (Personal Language) and "Server Language". In order to change AmxmodMenu tongue into Russian, Just press the number "1" until the language to the right of the point is changed to "Russian". After that, we click the number "2" as many times as you need until the phrase "Russian" appears. And do not forget to press the "3" key to save the language settings! Screenshot below.

4. Restart your server and check that the admin menu is in Russian. Everything! Congratulations, now you have a Russian menu! ;)

That's all, dear friends! Leave your comments. To new meetings on my site! ;)

An article on how to create a topic for Counter Strike
Let's start
The most important thing in the menu is picture. With it, we and we

1. We picture
There are 2 ways to create a picture for the menu, but Yanapish is one and very simple.
Download this program [b] (Dropping: 2351) , Point the path to hi.exe and choose another picture. Everything is simple. If anyone interests, it lies with a cstrikeresourcebackground


And so one thing will do. Not tired - we continue
Next, we will edit the menu itself.
It includes
1. Change the name of the menu item
3. By changing the position of the menu
4. Subscribe a font, size

2. By changing the name of the menu item.
We go to CstrikeResource and open the Gamemenu.res file. This file is responsible for the main menu. Open this file needs a notepad or other text editor.

We are looking for the item that we want to change:

"Label" " #Gameui_Gamemenu_FindServers."
"Command" "OpenServerBrowser"

And change #Gameui_Gamemenu_FindServers for Stroller Inet
Must go out:

"Label" "Inet"
"Command" "OpenServerBrowser"

That's what happened

There is a quick congestion - but you have seen probably

Noticed that the text is almost not visible. Now we will fix it

3. changing the font and color of the text

Go to CstrikeResource »Open the Trackerscheme.res file.
Looking for a line

"MENUCOLOR" "200 200 200 255"
Menu color when the cursor does not hover on it. For example, take the color "0 148 225 255"

We are looking for lines:

"Tall" "18"
"WEIGHT" "1000"

Instead of "Verdana" we write the name of our font, instead of "18" the font size that we need. For example, take the Base 02 font and size 32.
"Tall" "32"
"WEIGHT" "1000"

Sorry Paint died so you have to do without a screen

4. Replacing the inscription Counter Strike below the menu.

Counter Strike inscription is a drawing, so we will need a graphic editor (Photoshop)
We go to CstrikeResource »Open the game_menu.tga file.
Everything is erased and we write your own, for example:

But that's not all. The inscription consists of two parts, so we need to edit also the second.
Go to Cstrike \\ Resource »Open the Game_Menu_MouseOver.tga file.
Open the editor.

We remove the old picture and draw a new picture.

5. Create a window in the option

To create the window, we need:
1.Text editor
2. Graphic editor
3.Mimal knowledge of mathematics (coordinates)

Change the name of the tab on the MakeServer.
We go into Valveresource »Open the gameui_english.txt file search search" Gameui_advanced "" Lock "Change the word Lock on MakeServer should exit so -" Gameui_Advanced "" MakeServer ".
It should work out

We were freed for my inscriptions. Now a little theory:
CS 1.6 Plays only pictures in Format.tga, so we need to make a logo A-Gaming in this format.
I took the banner MakeServer
Next, we rename our drawing, for example in make.tga and kine in CstrikegFxvGui
Further open in ValvereSource optionssubadvanced.res, "and at the end you add:

"ControlName" "imagepanel"
"FieldName" "logoimage"
"XPOS" "0"
"YPOS" "0"
"WIDE" "499"
"Tall" "80"
"Pincorner" "0"
"Visible" "1"
"Enabled" "1"
"Textalignment" "West"
"Image" "GFX / VGUI / MAKE"
"scaleimage" "1"
"ZPOS" "1"

To change the position of the picture, we change the "XPOS" and "YPOS", do not forget that the origin of the coordinate is not in the lower left corner, but in the upper left. To resize the image, change "WIDE" and "TALL".

To begin with, we write the text, for this open Cstrike_english.txt which is located in CstrikeResource. In any convenient place we write
"MakeServer" "Official Website XD Server"
Next, go to the valveresourceoptionssubadvanced.res "and in the end we write

"ControlName" "Label"
"FieldName" "aglabel"
"Xpos" "35"
"YPOS" "95"
"WIDE" "200"
"Tall" "24"
"Pincorner" "0"
"Visible" "1"
"Enabled" "1"
"Tabposition" "0"
"LabelText" "MakeServer"
"Textalignment" "West"
"Wrap" "1"

"ControlName" "URLLABEL"
"FieldName" "urllabel1"
"XPOS" "230"
"YPOS" "95"
"WIDE" "200"
"Tall" "24"
"Pincorner" "0"
"Visible" "1"
"Enabled" "1"
"Tabposition" "0"
"Labeltext" "site"
"Textalignment" "Center"
"Wrap" "0"
"URLTEXT" site "

I'm already tired
Well, I wrote a lot of things today.
Here is your own part

Friends thought for a very long time and all the same decided to write a very detailed and understandable article about how to create your assembly ks 1.6. On the Internet there is very little information about this or if it is, then nothing is clear and nothing is happening. In this article, you will find out in detail and understand how to create your own assembly of KS 1.6. In our manual, you will learn to very quickly create your assemblies of the COP 1.6, and the most important thing is that we have described everything in detail and understandable for you with all images and explanations.

Before you start, I want to tell you that such an assembly of KS 1.6 is in principle. Assembly COP 1.6. - This is all the same legendary Counter Strike 1.6, in which the authors add new various weapons skins, players, new design and other chips and in the end it turns out that or another assembly. For example, we recently did an assembly, which represented all chips from CS: Go to CS 1.6, in particular this model and design from CS: GO. Well, now let's start.

Step 1. Required components, programs and resources

To create your own assembly of KS 1.6, we will need the following components and programs (without them anywhere):
  • Basis for assemblies KS 1.6

    In order to create your assembly of KS 1.6, we will need the basis. We have already done all the work for you and prepared for you crystal clear COP 1.6 to create your own assembly. There is no uniform advertising in this assembly, a completely clean config, Russian, bots and original files are installed. In advance, only a working server search for servers and customer protection was installed, since many have a lot of problems with this. Actually, KACE 1.6 to create an assembly, on the basis of which we will already do your assembly.

    There is already an assembly all the most needed: Russian, working bots, server search, breaking from hacking, the last patch of 43 versions, performance on all Windows OS, fully original files without unified advertising.

  • Smart Install Maker

    The Smart Install Maker is needed to us so that we can make the installer for our future assembly. That is, we will pack all the V.EXE files installer and then your assembly will be installed through the program, like all assemblies on the Internet. We will also make a personal design installer. Read more about it.
  • CS-Site site or other sources of KS 1.6

    Next, what we need is the site site or other sources. You ask, why? It is necessary for you to download and installed new chips to your assembly: new weapons skins, player skins, new background image, new design of windows and tables and so on. You will not make an assembly and leave it completely classic, right? Clean assemblies on the Internet and already enough. By the way, this item is not as important for those who independently make their skins or a new design for assemblies.

Step 2. Getting to create your assembly of KS 1.6

So, after you downloaded all the necessary programs and components, now proceed to creating your own assembly of KS 1.6. Creating an assembly of KS 1.6 is an installation in it of its own unique design, your set of skins, new sounds, sprites, logos and more. There is nothing difficult here and this is the main point in creating the assembly of KS 1.6. Download the skins and additions from sites or make them themselves and install them in your assembly. The better, better and more interesting you create an assembly, the more it will be popular. Here there will be the one who has a wider fantasy and there is an email. Create and do!

Creating your assembly of KS 1.6 is like art. © Site.

Useful links to create your COP 1.6

  1. Background Images in the menu - .
  2. Full - We have or .
  3. - Find us or .
  4. - You will find with us or links: , , , .
  5. - Find us or .
  6. - Find us or .
  7. - Find us or .
  8. - You will find with us.
  9. Headshot icons - .
  10. Hud interface - .
  11. Team Selection Menu - .
  12. Menu shopping weapons - .
  13. Other from the interface section - .
  14. - Find us or .
  15. Blood sprites - .
  16. Sprit holes from shots - .
  17. Sprilding bombs - .
  18. Sprites of explosions - .
  19. Sprildings shot - .
  20. Pain icons - .
  21. Radio icons above head - .
  22. Voice chat icons over head - .
  23. New form of smoke - .
  24. - Find us or .
  25. - Find us or .
  26. The rest of the sprites - .
  27. Textures sky - .

Installation instructions

How to create a shortcut ks 1.6

If during the creation of your assembly of the COP 1.6, you lost the label of the launch of the COP 1.6 and do not know how to start the COP 1.6 now to check the installed add-ons, then follow the instructions:

Step 3. Invent the name for the assembly

After we have created an assembly, invent its name. The name plays an important role, because successfully calling the assembly you can get great popularity or just your assembly with your name will be remembered well. We think and remember the name for our future assembly.

Step 4. Create an installer

Well, we came to the end of the creation of your assembly of KS 1.6. The assembly is fully collected, you installed all the necessary additions and brand design and now, everything that remains - create.exe installer. You have already downloaded the Smart Install Maker program from the first item, so you run it and follow the instructions just below. Tabs that are not shown in the instructions skip.
  1. Tab "Information".

    Program name: We enter here the name of our assembly KS 1.6.
    Version: Indicate the assembly version.
    Name of the company: Here you indicate the name of the author or the same your site.
    Window title: Leave as it is.
    Inscription from below: We change the year of release, leave the rest.
    Save as: Where to save the installer after creating (also prescribe a name for .exe file).
  2. Files tab.

    Click on the folder icon and specify the folder with our assembly. After that, all files from the assembly must appear in this window.
  3. Tab "Dialogues / General".

    In this section, you can play with checkmarks, specify which installation pages to display, and which is not.

    % ProgramFiles% \\% ProductName%

  4. Tab "Dialogs / Complete".

    If you want at the end of the installation to "start the installed application" check mark and then your KS 1.6 started, you activate the "Run Set Application" field and register the following command to:

    % InstallPath% \\ HL.EXE -Game Cstrike
    Also in the "Visit Site" field you can specify a link to your website or a group of VKontakte.

  5. Tab "Interface / Background".

    In this tab you can make a background for your installer. That is, on top of the installer itself will be your background full screen. We do not recommend adding it, since many do not like it very much and the installation does not pass to the end.

    An example of the background.

  6. Tab "Interface / Title".

    In this window, we will customize the top banner. You can choose the color of the title or or add your icon. There is a standard icon set by clicking on the folder icon.

    However, you can download your banner. Your banner must have a format. * PNG. and be size 495x58. pixels. How to upload your banner, do not forget to remove the inscriptions from the banner itself by dragging them outside. Also remove the checkbox "Show transparent background" so that black colors are not transparent.

  7. Tab "Interface / Logo".

    In this field, we can add a second banner assembly. There is also a standard set of banners. If you do your banner, then it should be format * PNG. and size 164x314. pixels.
  8. Tab "Interface / Icon".

    As you understood, here we specify the icons for the labels of the installer and the uninstaller. You can choose as standard icons and add your own. Your icon must be format * ICO. and no more 48x48. pixels.
  9. Tab "Labels".

    Here we will add a shortcut, through which our COP 1.6 will be launched. Click on the green plus game and add our label.

    Label name: Counter Strike 1.6 (or how do you want to call your assembly label)
    File name: % InstallPath% \\ HL.EXE
    Parameters: -Game Cstrike
    Work folder: % InstallPath%
    File icons: % InstallPath% \\ Cstrike \\ Cstrike.ico

  10. Tab "Settings".

    So we came to an end. In the "Settings" tab, we produce last settings for the uninstaller, for example, open the site after completing the removal or the same edit other inscriptions. After all this, click on the compilation icon. It is shown in the image slightly higher.

Step 5. Completion

That's it! Congratulations! Now you have your own assembly of KS 1.6 with your installer. As you can see create your assembly KS 1.6 Very and very simple. Now you have to spread your assembly on the Internet. You can throw off the assembly to us, you can upload it to your website or to make a review on YouTube. How will you promote your assembly - to solve only you.

If you have any questions or problems have arisen in the process of creating the assembly, then write in the comment, we will help you. Have a good game!